AFRIKA ARRIVES IN NORSELAND AT LAST TO BEGIN HER MISSION by Hamlet Afrika the Black Scorpion sat on the huge armchair on the Lufteflote flight from Los Angles to Stefansholm a journey across the Pacific Ocean that would take just under 2 hours. She had wanted to go for such a long time to Norseland and had just joined the NAS (Norselandic Admiration Society), especially as being a tough dominant Woman Herself She wanted to go to a Nation which was a Matriarchy and where Women were the dominant sex.She was now ready for Her Mission to go from Norseland to Somalia where She would with the help of Her Colleaugue Manita restore order and become the new Queen of Somalia. She sat with Her magnificent and muscular leather clad body on the luxurious armchair on the Lufteflote flight from Los Angeles to Stefansholm .At Last the dream of Her life had come true and She was about to land in the Nation of Her dreams the dream that every person who was a member of the NAS had all their lives! She looked around Her at Her palatial surroundings. She could not believe that any airline could ever be as luxurious as this! Compared to this American planes were just slums! This was a true flying palace, this was Her reward for being a Black Scorpion an organization of Black Women totally dedicated to the elimination of crime the world over. It was an organization aligned to the Justice League and every Black Scorpion would admire Norseland and the Leader of the Black Scorpions Ramona was now an honorary Norselandic Citizen Herself. She looked sound at the amazing en suite facilities wondering if She was not dreaming and She was really on an airplane at all. As well as the huge sofa there was a shower, a TV, a DVD video player and a king size bed . She was also taken care of by SAO (Senior Airline Officer) Laura Laasvanger who looked so impressive in Her uniform of skin tight leather jacket, skirt, gloves and fish met tights and high heeled leather boots. Afrika was also pleased to have a Papian slaveant whose name was Toki who had to serve Her at a second's notice and cater for Her every whim. She had been brought up in a very poor area of Los Angeles near Watts and had never been used to having anyone serving Her before though of course as the Leader of a gang called the All Saints She had the physical power to make anyone do exactly as She wanted or else. She really rejoiced in Her new found power realizing that the Papians the native population of Pacifica as the whole island was called including Papia itself ,were effectively just slaves made to serve their Norse Mistresses and Masters or else face very severe punishments. She realized that She dud not have to lift a finger to serve Herself and had already called Toki into the room 4 times, twice to bring Her drinks once for food when She had eaten an enormous meal cooked to perfection by the Papian cook Mandia and the other time to fill the washbasin for Her. Needless to say he was totally terrified of Her seeing that she had a crop in her hand ready to strike him at ant time she wished and knew that if he made the slightest mistake She would crop his arse mercilessly and them report him to his Mistress Laura who would them crop his arse even harder. Naturally he was petrified of Afrika's sheer muscular strength and power just as he was petrified of all Norse Women and Men too having had his arse severely tanned on numerous occasions! She gazed at Her magnificent black body with Her huge muscles that She had developed through years of body building, weight training, aerobics and Her favourite activity something that She natural excelled in fighting and beating Her opponents to a complete pulp. She excelled in almost every martial art never having lost a fight in Her entire life before . She also looked at the BS outfit She was dressed in that really made Her look ready for action with Her black leather bra that revealed Her gigantic mammaries, Her leather studded collar, Her skin tight leather shorts and Her high heeled calf length boots all of which was an outfit to strike terror in any opponent or enemy at all.God She was desperate for some action as action and fighting were really like drugs to Her ! She also felt so thrilled with the Mission that lay ahead of Her that really would involve plenty of action. Her Mission to be called Operationlawtosomalia involved no less than bringing law and order to Somalia a country in East Africa that had been wrecked by civil war terorism and chaos for 15 years ever since than last President Siad Barre had been forcibly throw out of the country in 1991. She was so pleased to be working hand in hand with a member of the JL Justice Manita Murderhaard whom She was going to meet shortly at the Airport. She had never met Manita but knew from reading Her biography that She was a world renowned and feared crime fighter who had plenty of experience if fighting terrorism. As soon as Afrika would arrive at the airport She would be taken to the JLJHQ (Justice Leaugue and Judges Headquarters) known to be the tallest building in the world to meet Her Supervisor SJ Abby Eyring who would brief Her and Manita on Their Mission. She felt especially thrilled as Afrika was half Somali Herself Her father working as a doctor there. He had lost his life in the 1969 coup when She had left the country when She was only 4 years old. He had given Her a Somali name Afrika Omaar a name She would always be proud of .She had settled in Los Angeles in relative poverty with Her mother where She had learned all about fighting having become a gang leader of the All Saints totally overpowering all the other gangs in the neighbourhood. Yet She had emerged as a qualified doctor gaining an excellent degree from UCLA proving that She was not only physically very powerful but mentally brilliant too! Her Mission was no less than to destroy the power of the warlords in Somalia and to kick out the Ethiopian troops who now controlled the country. Somalia would become part of the Matriarchal Empire of Norseland and order, law and righteousness would be restored with all Somalis subjects of The Queen Goddess. The result of Her mission would be that She would become the new Queen of Somalia while Manita would be even more powerful as the new Regent, both of Them ruling with total dictatorial power in which every Somali had to obey Their Will or face immediate execution. The plane was about to land in Stefansholm. It was an enormous city that spread over an area even lager than Los Angeles. It was now the second biggest city in terms of population in the world with 25 million Citizens only exceeded by Tokyo and far bigger than Los Angeles with its population of 18 million. It seemed to be a City that never seemed to end with miles of huge buildings and freeways stretching right into the distance as befitted the capital of the Matriarchal Empire of Norseland. Soon the plane landed and was now tearing along the runway. The Airport itself seemed massive like everything else in this city. Soon it came to a halt outside the terminal building. As it landed there was a call on Her mobile. 'Hello Afrika its Maintain am standing just outside the plane. I will come into Your cabin and collect You to take you to the JLJHQ .' WELCOME TO NORSELAND!! Any comments please to