AUTHOR'S NOTE: Previous stories in this series are: Supermom's Rose Garden, SuperGwendoline's Distress, Super Halloween, Silver Valkyrie, Justice Scorned, Super Mother's Day, Morganna's Clinic, Super Retribution, It Runs In The Family, Like Mother Like Daughter, and Early Retirement, all posted at the GW Page of Diana's Library. (GW Page)  The immediate prequel to this episode is Billy's Birthday Bash(Billy's Birthday Bash)  A complete chronology of the adventures and travails of the heroines of this temporal continuum was prepared by an enthusiastic reader, Adam ben Yisroel, and appended to the conclusion of Early Retirement. Part 3. (Early Retirement 3)

WARNING: This story contains nudity, graphic violence, rape, and other adult themes. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.

Teacher's Pet. Part 2.

Strangling a superheroine might be fun, but the vicious Wendy especially enjoyed pounding her fists into Power Angel's spiritually beautiful face. When her foe almost passed out, Wendy stood up and pulled her erect.

Before Power Angel fully recovered her senses, Wendy kicked her in the belly again, happy to show off her considerable Karate skills.

Wendy continued to attack the reeling Power Angel with wickedly effective Karate jabs.

When Power Angel stumbled and nearly fell, Wendy grabbed the tall blonde superheroine around the neck and twisted her around to blast a stony fist into her kidneys.

Wendy followed up with a devastating kick between the thighs.

The beastly crotch kick paralyzed Power Angel's lower body, making her easy prey for a judo toss over Wendy's shoulder.

Power Angel landing with a painful screetch, directly on her amply endowed bosom.

Flung to the floor, again, by the tiny, but fiendish young teen, the mature superheroine could hardly muster the strength to rise. At prayers, Sister Monica often acknowledged that she was guilty of the sin of pride in her superheroine abilities. Though she'd done her best to conquer that false pride, and be humbly thankful for God's gifts to her, there was no way even the most religious superheroine was going to admit defeat to her most obnoxious and troublesome pupil. Saintly humility has its limits!

As Power Angel strove to rise, Wendy laughingly kicked her erect.

Despite her fierce determination, Power Angel still couldn't land a punch. Wendy was just too skillful at dodging and weaving and flicking counter punches. Wendy gleefully toyed with her groaning math teacher. She knew she could easily end the fight right now with  knockout, but she was bent on pay back for the hated teacher who'd made her life miserable for over three years.

The vicious vindictive Wendy taunted Power Angel, for her lack of aggressive skill, as she methodically brutalized the older woman.

Wendy's taunts were regrettably true, as Power Angel was learning all too well. She had yet to land a telling punch in this deadly encounter, and began to doubt her own formidable powers. With the advantage of her super powers neutralized by Wendy's possession of similar powers, Power Angel proved an easy target for the quick, highly skilled and dreadfully vicious teenager.

Wendy's forceful punches sometimes lifted Power Angel right off the ground.

The pain inflicted by Wendy's tiny fists and deadly feet sapped Power Angel's super strength and kept her constantly on the defensive, and not a very effective defense, at that.

Unable to equal the vicious teen's fighting skills, or block those deadly little fists, the woozy superheroine stumbled backward, involuntarily covering her face, seemingly the only defense left.

Wendy stalked the wobbly superheroine, as Power Angel backed apprehensively away. There was no room in the small cloak room to retreat far and Wendy trapped her prey in a corner.

Too weak and dizzy to escape, Power Angel cried out fearfully, as her problem pupil seized her around the waist.

Wendy easily hoisted Power Angel into the air, as the much larger, full grown woman squealed fearfully. Power Angel's fears were well founded; Wendy's arms were coiled steel springs that crushed her slim middle with excruciating force.

As she brutally squeezed, Wendy taunted her helplessly wriggling foe, with reminders of the horrible fate of Super Woman, crippled this same way by the evil Fraulein Power, a distant cousin of the Morgul family, in the Old Country. Morganna and Leticia often amused themselves of an evening by forcing the unfortunate Supergran, Super Woman's daughter, to tearfully recount her traumatic, first hand memory of the tragedy.

No matter how desperately Power Angel wriggled and struggled, there was no escape from those steely, young arms, crushing her middle like a terrible vise, and bending her backbone like a supple but fragile sapling. As Wendy continued to threaten her, in dawning terror the desperate heroine realized this vicious teenager truly had the ability to cripple her, and would do so with no qualm or regret.

Unbearable pain and consuming terror may dissolve the stoutest courage and fortitude. The terror overwhelmed Power Angel, and she gurgled her forsaken pleas in broken whimpers.

Wendy would have cheerfully broken her whimpering, pleading foe's back, but she knew Aunt Morganna had no use for a crippled superheroine captive. Reluctantly she released her foe. There were other equally painful but less damaging means of subduing the gallant superheroine. Hardly able to stand, much less fight, Power Angel tottered backward away from the fearsome teen. She realized her teeth were chattering in fear. Coldly stalking Power Angel, the merciless Wendy continued taunting the panicky superheroine.


End of Part 2.

 Go on to Part 3.