WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, nudity, incest, and violent f/f rape.  It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.

Crimson Hawk and Falconette.
Guardians of Justice.

Vultura's Vengeance. Part 8.

When her mother's captive tongue and lips brought her to a fierce orgasm, the terrible madness that afflicted Falconette slowly departed, to be replaced by the realization of the horrifying enormity, of her vicious, wanton act. The virtuous young woman near sank under the frightful burden of shame and remorse for her terrible sin. She who'd dedicated her life to protecting decency and goodness had inflicted the grossest evil on the very  person who meant the most to her.

Falconette sorrowfully cradled her mother's head in her lap, and sobbingly begged her mother for forgiveness.

In her shame and shock, Crimson Hawk hardly knew where she was. All she knew, was a terrible newborn fear of her daughter.

As her mind cleared, Crimson Hawk heard her daughter's broken hearted pleas for forgiveness, felt the girl's hot tears falling on her face and bosom. Her maternal heart melted and she sobbingly forgave her daughter and reassured her.

"Remember! Those devils can't defeat us, if we don't let them, Dear! So long as we resist their evil, we will triumph, at last!"

"Oh Mom! You're so brave, and so wise!" Falconette wept, inspired by her mother's words and courage.  "I'll do my best to resist them, with you to inspire me!"

Having gleefully enjoyed the horrible degradation of her enemies, and recorded the scene for future pleasure, Vultura became quickly bored with the tender aftermath.  She turned to leave, but then on second thought, told Raven.

"See if you can get that big-titted 'superheroine' on her feet, if she can still walk after what her butch daughter did to her!  Bring her to my office!  It's time I had a little talk with the bitch!"

"Sure, Ma!" Raven responded, eagerly.

When Falconette tried to protect her mother, Raven viciously kicked her in the jaw, then callously dragged Crimson Hawk erect.

Crimson Hawk had sincerely forgiven her daughter, and done her best to keep her daughter's spirit alive, but inwardly, that horrifying, incestuous lesbian ravishment, had irreparably wounded her own spirit, branded her with an unforgettable burden of shame, stretched her courage to the breaking point. The tall superheroine hardly offered more than token resistance, as Raven ignominiously dragged her from the cell.

After she delivered Crimson Hawk to her mother, Raven's first thought was of tormenting Falconette some more.

When Raven barged into the cell, Falconette had almost recovered from the kick in the face, and stumbled to her feet. She looked up in wild alarm, half expecting another beating. Then, remembering her mother's heartening words to resist, she proudly stiffened her back, and bravely faced her tormentor. The assault when it came, though, was not physical, but more deadly.

Raven hissed with a leer. "Well, well!  If it isn't our little, lesbian rapist!"

The words cut Falconette like a knife. She hung her head in shame, as the younger girl went on.

"Your OWN Mother, and YOU raped her!  How could you do that? You filthy slut!"

Falconette cringed, and fell back a step, as if she'd been struck.

"Answer me!  How could you do such a thing?"

Unable to listen to the horrible accusation, Falconette weepingly tried to defend herself.

"Y-you and your awful mother forced me to drink that horrible drug!  I couldn't help myself!"  Falconette whimpered. "It made me insane! Mommy understands!  I'd never do anything so vile as that, in my right mind!"

"Hmmff! I read your Uncle Oscar's notes on that stuff. Your own uncle says that no one would do anything under the influence of that drug, that they haven't repressed in their whatchumacallit, their subconscious mind!  They act out the things they always dreamed o'doin'!"  Raven responded with  triumphant smirk.

"No! It's not true!" Falconette wept desperately, but Raven went on relentlessly.

"Oh, you vile, filthy, little slut!  You've been secretly dreaming about raping your mother!  HAVEN'T YOU?"  Raven demanded, with the cruel arrogance of a prosecuting attorney.

"NO!  NO! It's not true!  It's not true!"  Falconette cried with a sob, yet somehow, she couldn't be sure. Even now, in the guilt ridden aftermath of her remorseful contrition, she couldn't forget the thrill of mounting and riding her mother's grief-stricken face, grinding her hot, young pussy against that ripe submissive mouth.  The images filled her mind, hard as she tried to forget, stealing back on her, arousing guilty little tingles in her pussy.

"Yeah!  And I bet your mother loved it too! Ya could tell!  She sure didn't put up much of a fight, did she?  She laid right down for you, moaning like a bitch in heat!  Ever hear the joke? Question: 'oh, oh I've been raped ! What should I do? Answer: 'First thing is wipe the sappy grin off your face!'  Yep that was your slutty, sappy faced Mom, for sure!"

"Shut up!  Shut up!" Falconette cried. "Don't say those vile things!"

Raven ignored her victim's hysterical outburst, and went on.

"Yeah, what a laugh! You two hypocrites dragging me to church with you, and all the time you had the hots for each other. I bet when you dropped me off after church, you couldn't wait to run back to your big mansion and 'sixty-nine' each other!"

"Stop it!  Stop it!  How can you say such hateful things?" Falconette wept. "Mom and I only tried to help you, because your mother was in prison!"

"Yeah and it was your busy-body, do-gooder Mom, who put her there!  Remember?  You two bitches never told me and Gran that, didja?"

"Vultura was a criminal!  It was Mom's duty to see that she was punished!" Falconette wept defensively.

"Well I'm a criminal, too!  So I guess that makes it my duty to punish 'holier-than-thou' superheroines like you!  I think, I should punish you for raping your mother!  Yeah!  C'mon down to my room! I got something there, that's just right to punish you for what y'did!"

The fierce, little Raven pushed the older girl toward her room.  Falconette overcome by her shame and guilt, had little heart to resist.  She let Raven shove her along ahead of her.

In the room, Raven locked the door behind them, and from a bureau drawer, removed a huge obscene contrivance.

"Hah! Found this in Gran's closet!  The old bitch is as big a hypocrite as you and your bimbo mother!"

Staring at the frightening object in Raven's hand, Falconette's eyes grew big with fear and loathing. She knew about such things, but never saw one, up close.  It's hugely exaggerated size caused her loins to tense in fear.  Terror blotted out guilt and resignation!  All she could think of was escape, but when Raven caught her around the waist, Falconette couldn't equal the younger girl's strength, no matter how desperately she struggled. Then, a punch to her jaw ended her struggles. A moment later, Raven laughing vengefully, plunged the huge dildo into Falconette's frightened pussy.

At first, Falconette's terrible agony blotted everything from her mind, but, as Raven plunged the dildo in and out of her tight, maidenly sheath, the residual aphrodisiac still in her blood stream rekindled illicit desire.  After the first forceful thrusts, the helpless Falconette responded lustily to the terrible violation. Soon, she was desperately bucking like a wild mare to match Raven's brutal lunges.

At last, with a horrifying shriek, Falconette collapsed against Raven's chest and clung there moaning, until the callous younger girl let her fall to the floor.


End of Part 8.

 Go on to Part 9. Conclusion. .