Crimson Hawk and Falconette.
Guardians of Justice.
Vultura's Vengeance. Part 1
Five years earlier...
Vultura, Mistress of Industrial espionage and burglary, interrupted at her work:
The present..
A lone figure carrying an old suitcase approached a dilapidated, mobile home in a seedy trailer park, on the seamier outskirts of the great city.
At the door, the woman, who was Vultura was met by a teenager of no more than eighteen, whose obvious resemblance indicated a close relationship.
"Ma! You're home! Didja bust out?" The girl cried eagerly.
"Nah! It's legal! Course, I had t'go down on every guy on the parole board... and two of the dames, besides! How a'you been Honey?"
"Oh, I'm fine, even if livin' here with Gran is a drag! She won't let me have any fun!"
"Tell me about it! I couldn't wait to get away from the old lady, myself! Sorry I had to leave you in this dump, with HER, but it was either Gran and this, or foster care! All thanks to that bitch, Crimson Hawk! Someday..."
"Yeah they ought'a burn every one of those superheroine bitches at the stake, like witches! Anyway, Gran's bad enough, by herself, but then that snooty Mrs. Tisdale from up on the hill, and her stuck up daughter, Beverly are always dropping by, to see how I'm doing! As if it's any of their damned business! Before she graduated a couple of years ago, that Beverly bitch even used to keep tabs on me at school and report back to Gran! The dirty little snitch! Then she'd tell me she wanted us to be 'chums'! She and her big horse of a mother always take me to church with them on Sunday! O'course, Gran makes me go! Says its good for me, the sanctimonious old fraud! If it's so good, how come she don't come too?"
"Mrs. Tisdale, huh? That's funny! I'm gonna' be paying a visit to a relative o'hers! Her Uncle Oscar, that scientist guy, who they always say is gonna get the Nobel Prize, some day! I just gotta be careful, I don't run into that goddam bitch Crimson Hawk again! In the joint, they say now, there's two o'them, that the bitch has got herself a new partner, some younger bitch named, Falconette!"
"Yeah, they call her the Girl Wonder on teevee! I guess that's because everybody wonders how she keeps that little top on, without it falling off her boobs! Some people says she's Crimson Hawk's daughter! That hand's me a laugh! What guy'd want that big, muscle bound ox in the sack long enough, to knock her up?
"Ah well, Sweety, you never know! There's a lotta weird creeps out there, that like that type o' broad!"
"So what's the deal with this Oscar Tisdale guy, Ma?"
"Oh, they say he's developed this drug t'make women horny, an aphrodisiac they call it! It's supposed t'be ten times better'n Spanish Fly, the perfect 'date rape' drug! But the old buzzard won't sell it! Says it's unethical and would only be used for sinful purposes! O'course, he's as big a religious nut, as that niece o'his! Anyway, a big foreign pharmaceutical company tried to buy it, and he wouldn't sell! They want it bad! They hired me to get it for 'em, no questions asked! They'll pay big bucks for the formula and a sample! We can both get out of this dump and be on easy street! According to the info they gave me, he's gonn'a be out of town this weekend, some big scientific conference, where he's getting an award! I'll make a try for it tomorrow night!"
The young teenager's eyes lit up. "Hey Ma, can I come, too?"
For a moment, Vultura was about to deride the request, but then her eyes narrowed in thought. "Hey, what the hell! I guess, you're old enough! It's time ya learned the family business! Tell ya the truth, I always wanted a partner I could trust! For chissake, don't tell your grandmother, though! If the old bat ever finds out I took you on a job, she'll skin me, alive, and probably you too!
"Ya can count on that! I never tell Gran nothing, unless she smacks it out o'me!"
"Yeah! She was always good at that!"
The next evening, Vultura and her daughter prepared to burglarize the laboratory of Professor Tisdale. At the same time, in the palatial Tisdale mansion, another mother, and her twenty year old daughter, were also preparing for a night of adventure, but their venture would be in the cause of justice.
"Yes Dear! Never forget your chain!" Her mother, Laura Tisdale, reminded Beverly, as they donned the uniforms of their alter egos, Crimson Hawk and Falconette. "These Golden Chains are ancient Amazon artifacts! Amazon warriors wore them as symbols of valor! No Amazon ever removed it, unless she was defeated in battle!"
"That's such a wonderful story! It gives me a thrill whenever you tell it!" Falconette replied, eyes gleaming, with excitement! "What's up tonight? Do you have anything planned?"
"I do!" Crimson Hawk replied. "I received a tip, that Eddy Braddock and his brother are in Town! I think it would be a good idea to check out all the big, downtown banks! Now! To the Hawkmobile!"
In the secret garage, where the powerful, crimefighting vehicle was kept, Crimson Hawk asked. "Would you like to drive tonight, Dear?"
With a grin, Falconette deferentially stepped aside, and let her mother slide behind the wheel of the super powerful automobile. "You drive Hawk! You're so skillful behind the wheel!" The younger crimefighter said, admiringly.
Cruising through the near deserted business district of the of the great city, it wasn't long before the crimefighters spotted suspicious activity in a side alley of the First National. As they sprang from the Hawkmobile, Crimson Hawk confidently allowed her young partner to take the lead, remembering what a thrill it was for her to fight crime when she was new to the task.
As they climbed back into the Hawkmobile, Crimson Hawk said with a warm, proud grin. "Great Job, Dear! Why, pretty soon, you won't even need me along!"
"Oh Hawk! Don't say that! We're a team! Why, you've taught me everything!" Then Falconette added, a little sheepishly at expressing such emotion. "You know, when I was little girl, Crimson Hawk was my heroine, even before I found out you were my own mother! I've always wanted to be just like you!"
As she drove on, Crimson Hawk stealthily wiped a proud tear away.
Even while Crimson Hawk and Falconette were rounding up the Braddock brothers, Vultura and her equally lawless daughter succeeded in gaining entry to Professor Tisdale's private laboratory.
"According to this intelligence report, they gave me, the old geezer keeps the formula we want in the inner office. I'll go work on that! You look around the lab and see if there's anything else worth taking!" Vultura instructed her daughter.
It wasn't long before the skilled Vultura completed her evil work. As she rejoined her daughter, the girl was jumping up and down with excitement.
"What's the matter with you?" Vultura asked, with an impatient laugh.
"Ma you ain't gonna believe this, but I was going through that dusty old file cabinet in the corner, and like I said, you ain't gonna believe this, but I went through some old notebooks in there, and they say it was this Tisdale guy that discovered the formula that gives Crimson Hawk her super strength! It's all in here!" The girl crowed, waving the notebooks. "That ain't all! Get this! There's a big jug o'the formula all made up here, too, an' the notebooks tell how to use it!"
Vultura's eyes lit up with malicious eagerness. "Wow, Hon! If that's true, this could be big! Boy! I'd like to go a couple of rounds with that big, overgrown cow, Crimson Hawk, if I was as strong as her! We can't waste any more time here, though! Bring all that stuff you found, and let's get out of here! We'll go over it tomorrow, in our new hideout!"
The following day...
In the secluded mountain cabin, Vultura had acquired with her new ill-gotten gains, the hardened criminal was methodically counting a huge suitcase of cash.
"Yeah it's all here!" She finally said, with a satisfied grin. "Hell, they only took a small sample of the big supply of the sex drug stuff, I brought 'em! Well! We can keep the rest! Might come in handy for something, one of these days!"
"Yeah, now how about the stuff I found?" Her daughter cried impatiently.
Vultura's eyes gleamed. "Yeah okay! Lets have a look see at it, now, Hon! Had to count the dough first, though! That's what this game is all about!"
For the next half hour, the two criminals poured over the notebooks, the younger one had discovered.
"Hmm it says here, the more of this stuff you take, the stronger it makes you, but it's dangerous to take too much of it, all the time! I figure, Crimson Hawk and Falconette take the recommended dose. They're the kind o'saps that always follow the rules!" Vultura said, reflectively. "I'm thinking, though, I don't need to take it all the time! Once'd be enough! If I was t'take a double dose, just once, I'd be a lot stronger than that muscle bound cow, Crimson Hawk! Oh, if this works, it'll be so sweet to see the look on that bitch's holier-than-thou face when I use those oversized tits, o'hers, for punching bags!"
"Hey! What about me? I found the stuff!" Her daughter interrupted Vultura's devious scheming.
"Yeah, sure, of course you, Hon! Ain't we partners, now? Anyway, I need someone to keep that Falconette bitch busy, while I have a go at big Mommy!"
"Oh! Wow! We're gonna be supervillainesses!" Vultura's daughter crowed, jubilantly. "We need costumes! I got some black chain metal junk jewelry! We can make like matching bikini's from it!"
"Sure! Why not?" Vultura agreed complacently. "Why should those goody-goody superheroines have all the fun dressing up like sluts!"
"I need a name, too! Something like yours! How about, I be Raven? Vultura and Raven!"
"Sounds good to me!" Vultura replied with a chuckle.
"What about masks?" The newly self-christened Raven went on.
"Nah! No masks!" Vultura replied, vehemently. "I want that big, cocky bitch to see who's cleaning her clock!"
The same morning, Laura Tisdale was telling her daughter, Beverly. The Police just called. Someone broke into Uncle Oscar's laboratory last night. He's still away at the conference, so they called me! It looks like the burglars took all his work on that evil, aphrodisiac drug. I begged him to destroy that formula! It's so dangerous; it's sure to be used for immoral purposes!"
"Did they take anything else?" Beverly asked.
"The Police don't believe anything else was taken! Right now, Crimson Hawk and Falconette's top priority must be to recover that formula, though! Nothing else is as important as that!"
"Right you are, Hawk, as usual!"
Two evenings later, Laura Tisdale burst excitedly into her daughter's room.
"Get into your uniform, Bev! I just had word from one of my snitches, that the burglars who broke into Uncle Oscar's, are set to hit the Riffendale Warehouse tonight! Let's hurry, and this time, Crimson Hawk and Falconette will give them a little surprise!"
"That's great news, Mom!" Beverly replied as she headed toward the secret uniform closet at top speed.
A short time later, Crimson Hawk and Falconette hopped from the Hawkmobile, and stealthily investigated the huge, deserted warehouse. Moments later, the senior crimefighter discovered a rear door, ajar.
Inside the warehouse...
Crimson Hawk speedily caught up with Vultura, but the wily thief circled and dodged, keeping out of reach of the tall, powerfully built superheroine.
End of Part 1.