WARNING: This story contains graphic violence and anal F\F rape. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults over the age of twenty-one.

Violation Of Vendetta



Vendetta smiled appreciatively at the police Sergeant, as he loaded the cat burglar into the Prowl Car.

"Why thanks Sergeant! I'm just doing my job!" Vendetta had just caught the thief in the act of breaking and entering.

"Yes Ma'am, but if it wasn't for you, the streets around here wouldn't be safe after dark.  And we all appreciated the way you broke up that Yakusa gang, that was trying to take over the neighborhood!"

"Well, we don't need anymore organized crime, in the City, do we?"  Vendetta replied with another warm, and modest smile, behind her black mask.

As the police Car drove off, Vendetta looked toward the eastern sky.  "The sun will be up soon!"  The Mistress of the Night thought.  "Better be heading home!  The power of my Dark Bracelets will be fading anytime, as the sun rises!  It's a pity they only work at night!  There's so much crime during the day!  Well, I guess, even a superheroine has to rest sometime!"

Leaping skyward, the Dark Avenger rose into the night, with a whoosh of power.  A few moments later, she landed on the lawn of Ace Crime Reporter, Gwen Spencer.

There was definitely a rosy glow in the east, now.  Vendetta was about to enter the house, when a voice from the shadows addressed her.

"Hello, Vendetta! I've been waiting for you! I heard you sometimes come here. You and that Spencer dame seem pretty tight! Gotta thing for her?

"How dare you speak to me like that?"  Vendetta snapped, outraged by the preposterous suggestion, though a little amused behind her mask at the impossibility.  "Ms. Spencer and I are good friends!  Now, who the heck are you, and why are waiting for me?"

A slim, young woman stepped from the shadows.  She wore a scarlet costume and mask.   As the girl moved forward, she set down a satchel, that was in her hand; then stood challengingly, hands on hips.

"You can call me Red Ninja, Honey.  I'm the Yakusa enforcer!  My bosses sent me, to warn you, to lay off their operations, if you know what's good for you!"

"Ha! That'll be the day, that I 'lay off' any crime organization!"  Vendetta retorted, miffed by the threat.  "And if you know what's "good for you" you'll get out of my sight!  RIGHT NOW!"

"Okay, Honey!  It's you're funeral!"  The Red Ninja smiled.  Then, without further warning, the red clad enforcer attacked the stately superheroine.  Even if Vendetta wasn't a superheroine,  with super powers, the attack appeared incredibly foolhardy,  for the tall crimefighter towered over the diminutive criminal, and outweighed her by a solid thirty pounds.

Before the bold criminal could get near her, Vendetta's fist drove into her belly. The powerful punch lifted the girl off her feet, and doubled her over in distress.

Surprisingly, the girl, though obviously hurt, stayed on her feet after the mighty punch.  Vendetta glanced eastward, and saw the sun peeping over the horizon.  Her powers were definitely waning.

"Better finish her off, quickly!"  the Dark Avenger thought.

But, before the voluptuous crimefighter could throw another punch, the girl retaliated.  Assuming a karate stance, she drove her fist into the Vendetta's chest, striking her between her huge breasts, right in the heart.  For a moment, the terrific punch paralyzed Vendetta.  She gasped in shock.

"Boy!  The little vixen can really hit!"  Vendetta thought.  "Or else, I'm losing my powers, quicker than I thought!"  Before Vendetta could react, a left fist smashed into her chin.

Vendetta's legs wobbled, and she stumbled back a step.  The girl followed, and nailed her again, with a right fist to the jaw.

As the Dark Avenger's legs buckled, the girl plowed a left fist into her midsection.

"Ooh that felt good!  Nice and squishy!"  Red Ninja laughed, as her fist sank into Vendetta's belly.  Pleased with the first punch, she hit the wobbly crimefighter in the belly a second time,  with an equally devastating right.

After the second belly punch, Vendetta doubled over in agony, scarcely able to breathe.  Her arms drooped, uselessly, at her sides.  Red Ninja laughingly lifted Vendetta's face, with a hand under her chin, positioning her for the coup de grâce.

Vendetta saw the punch coming, but couldn't dodge or block it.  Red Ninja's fist cracked against her chin. The wicked right uppercut knocked the big superheroine right off her feet.  She fell in a broken heap.

Hardly aware of what was happening, Vendetta rolled on her back, valiantly trying to rise. Before she got any further, Red Ninja leaped upon the fallen heroine's prone body, pinning her to the ground. The Dark Avenger struggled wildly, but by now the sun was fully up, and her powers were gone. The girl's merciless attack left her sick and woozy; hard as she fought, she couldn't throw her smaller foe off her.

Her beautiful, masked face trapped between the evil girl's slim thighs, Vendetta looked up fearfully, as Red Ninja cocked her fist. She pawed pathetically at the grinning girl's strong arm.

Red Ninja's punch struck Vendetta's jaw with the overpowering force of a ten ton truck!  The stricken crimefighter saw stars, and her vain struggles stilled.

Red Ninja stood up, and kicked the groggy superheroine over on her hands and knees.

As the Dark Avenger crouched helplessly on hands and knees, Red Ninja tore the superheroine's cape from her shoulders.

"This will just get in the way!"  The evil girl chortled.

After she pulled Vendetta's cape off, Red Ninja hauled the groggy superheroine to her feet. Vendetta could hardly stand, and slumped against the wall of the Spencer residence.

As Vendetta tried to get her bearings, Red Ninja pulled a giant strap-on, from the bag she'd dropped earlier.  Grinning maliciously, she buckled the obscene phallus around her slim waist.  Barely conscious, Vendetta's eyes bugged out in fear, as she saw the frightening dildo poised at the girl's loins.

Bereft of her powers in the morning sun, and hardly able to stand, the Dark Avenger turned to flee the terrifying threat.  Before she could stumble more than two steps, Red Ninja caught her waist, and shoved her against the wall, again.  As Vendetta tottered, feebly, against the wall for support, Red Ninja pushed the heroine's short skirt up around her waist, and began tugging at her white panties.

When she'd pulled the white panties down around Vendetta's lower thighs, Red Ninja pushed the groggy crimefighter flat against the wall.  Overcome with fear, Vendetta struggled to escape,  but the villainess rammed her fist into her back, and held her in firmly place.  The huge dildo strapped to Red Ninja's loins bobbed against Vendetta's bounteous, denuded buttocks.

As she felt that horrifying thing probing her firm, shapely rounded backside, Vendetta's big body stiffened in terror, making what was to come, all the worse.  Red Ninja lunged forward with all  the strength of her deceptively slim body.  The enormous, bulbous knob penetrated Vendetta's tightly clenched sphincter, with the first brutal thrust.  Red Ninja paused for a fraction of a second, and then rammed the entire length of the monstrosity between Vendetta's fully ripened bottom cheeks.  As the gigantic horror ripped into her stiff, frightened body, with bestial force, the valiant crimefighter shrieked in agonized violation.

Once she'd buried the oversized dildo in Vendetta's rectum, Red Ninja didn't pause, again.  She rammed in and out of the screaming superheroine's victimized anus, with hurricane force and velocity.  The laughing villainess worked the giant ram in and out of Vendetta's ravaged backside, until the abused heroine's magnificent body went limp in shock.   When she did finally stop, instead of removing the dildo from her victim's body, Red Ninja unbuckled it from her waist, leaving the monstrosity to dangle from Vendetta's delectable rear end, as the violated crimefighter collapsed on the ground.

Before she left, Red Ninja pulled Vendetta up half erect, on her knees, and tore her mask off, while the awful dildo still dangled from her grossly abused backside.


Even as Red Ninja pulled her mask off, the woefully violated superheroine tried to preserve her secret identity, as she vainly pleaded.  "Oh no, please don't!"

Red Ninja laughed at Vendetta's tearful whimpers.  "So, Vendetta is really that nosy reporter, Gwen Spencer!  I should have guessed!  Well, Honey!  Now I can find you anytime, day or night!  So you remember to layoff the Yakusa, from now on, or that's just the first installment of what you'll get!"

Then, as if by magic, the slim, scarlet clad criminal was gone.  Vendetta dragged herself painfully into the house.  Once inside, still sobbing softly in shame, Gwen Spencer removed the bedraggled remnants of her proud costume, and then very gingerly eased out, the terrible monstrosity lodged in her rectum.

As Vendetta took the Bracelets of Dark Power from her wrists, she wondered, despairingly, if she'd ever have the courage to don them, again.