WARNING: This story contains graphic violence and nudity, F\F N\C and anal  rape. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults above the age of twenty-one.

NOTE: No horses were injured, in the making of this production.

Silver Valkyrie, Norse Champion of Justice


Duel of Dominion
Part 1

The sun was low in the west, tinting the evening sky a pale pink.  District Attorney Ulrica Wodden turned off the engine of her sports car, and coasted the last quarter mile to her goal.   She climbed silently from the car and peered cautiously at the ramshackle shack, set in a stand of woods.  She had received information that it was the entrance to the lair of Morganna, the criminal genius behind so much crime in D. A. Wodden's jurisdiction.  Morganna was said to possess dark powers of witchcraft.  Although, Ulrica well knew such powers existed, she had rarely encountered them in the modern world, and took the rumor with a grain of salt.

Of course, the tall, blond District Attorney knew very well, that it wasn't her job to personally investigate crime.  There were detectives assigned to her office for that purpose, but she just couldn't resist the temptation.  She had been in court or sitting behind a desk all day, and she craved a little action. She came of a venturous family.

Ulrica cautiously walked around the building, looking for signs of life, but it seemed deserted.  Then, she spotted a green clad, female figure, a short distance away, half hidden by a copse of trees. The woman, seemingly oblivious to all else, was intently fiddling with some sort of apparatus, that Ulrica guessed was of a military nature.

"Morganna!" Ulrica hissed, silently.  "That creature is up to something!"

"Well I could call the detectives..." Ulrica thought. "I could! But I think this is a job for Silver Valkyrie!"  Swiftly the tall blond sped back to her car.

At the car, Ulrica concealed herself behind some bushes, and speedily donned a pair of sturdy, black boots.  A moment later, she peeled off her business attire to reveal the world famous garb of Silver Valkyrie.

Before she removed her unneeded glasses, and tied her hair in those well known Valkyrie braids, Ulrica paused to send a mental message to her faithful steed, Stormbringer.  In moments, the great horse would fly from Asgard, faster than the North Wind bringing with him, Silver Valkyrie's hallowed weapons of Aesir Justice, the Shield of Thor and her great war sword, Trollsbane.  Her Father, the God Odin, himself, had so named her sword, when Ulrica, as befitted the War Chiefteness of the Valkyries, avenged the disgrace of her aunt, the unfortunate Beletiva. At Odin's bidding, Ulrica had slain the evil Troll King, Morgullus, who had enslaved and disgraced the goddess, and debauched her virtue with perverted troll blasphemies. (See: Beletiva And The Troll King's Daughter, by GW)

In fact, it had only been Odin's gratitude for that service, that persuaded the Chief of the Aesir to reluctantly grant permission to his favorite daughter, to journey to this mortal plane, of Twenty-first Century North America, to use her gifts and skills in the Crusade for Justice.

A moment later, in full Valkyrie battle attire, the world's best known  Champion of Justice, the beloved Maid of the North Wind, as the media dubbed her, continued to observe Morganna from the shelter of the trees, as she awaited Stormbringer's arrival.

As Silver Valkyrie watched, the green clad figure still seemed oblivious to all around her.  However, from the corner of her keen eye, the wily criminal, Morganna, had spied the tall, silvery figure in the trees.

"Ah, our sanctimonious, blond crimefighter swallowed my bait!  My scheme is working.  That damned horse should be here any second, now!  I was sort of hoping she'd be on the horse, though!  That would have been simpler! Oh well, no plan is without some minor glitch!  Maybe, this way will be more interesting, anyway!"

Silver Valkyrie crept closer to her prey.  Morganna was still seemingly preoccupied by her task, paying no heed to her surroundings.  Then,
Silver Valkyrie heard the familiar beat of otherworldly hoofs from the North. As the great stallion, Stormbringer, approached from the Northern Sky, Morganna, too, heard the sound, like the roar of evening thunder.  She looked up.

"Yes!  Just as I planned!"  As Morganna saw the horse flying toward her, she pressed a stud on the apparatus.  There was loud explosive sound, a flash of light, and a medium sized, war rocket flew into the air.

Silver Valkyrie looked on, aghast.  "Stormbringer! NO!"  She shouted in command, but it was too late.  The heat seeking missile exploded only scant feet from the great airborne animal.  The silvery horse plummeted to the earth, some distance away.

As Silver Valkyrie ran from her place of concealment, Morganna turned to face her, her evil features agloat with triumph.

"What have you done, you vile creature?"  Silver Valkyrie cried, furiously.  "How could you injure an innocent animal, like that?"

"I just thought it fair to even up the odds a little bit, Silver Valkyrie!  I'm sure your Aesir horse will recover, soon enough, but meanwhile...Surely the great Silver Valkyrie isn't afraid to face me, without those fancy weapons...are you?"

"I certainly don't need any weapons to deal with a craven witch like you!" Silver Valkyrie snapped, her wintery, blue eyes blazing, angrily.

"Good!  Then you shouldn't object to facing me in your Valkyrie Duel of Dominance?"

The Valkyrie Duel of Dominance was a formal, but deadly, battle for supremacy among Valkyrie Maidens, until one yielded and swore submission to the victor.  Among the proud, strong willed Shield Maidens of Valhalla, it had proved the only practical means to settle disputes and precedence.   The Valkyrie, Ulrica, herself, had engaged in many such duels with her sister Valkyries.  Always victorious, it was those duels that established Ulrica's right to lead the Heavenly Band.  In her anguish and dismay at the injury to her beloved Stormbringer, Silver Valkyrie hardly gave a thought to Morganna's knowledge of this esoteric Valkyrie lore.

SIlver Valkyrie cried out, vehemently.  "No objection at all, Witch! Let us begin!"

Morganna extended her hands in challenge, and Silver Valkyrie locked hands with the evil creature, in the test of strength.  The superheroine smiled with quiet confidence; no mortal could withstand the awesome strength of the Asgard born!

To the heroine's surprise, the plump villainess displayed amazing power in her pudgy hands. Catching her stronger foe by surprise, Morganna bent Silver Valkyrie's fingers painfully backward.

Before Silver Valkyrie could exert her full strength to regain the initiative, Morganna rammed her knee into her foe's crotch.

Taking advantage of the opportunity her vicious, low blow provided, Morganna had the audacity to grab the Valkyrie heroine in a painful grip between her magnificent thighs.  This was an affront no Valkyrie could, or would, countenance.  Like all of the Valkyrie sisterhood, Silver Valerie was sworn, by the eternal flame, to maintain the purity of her maidenhood from any threat, or temptation.  For so beautiful a woman, the temptations of the modern world had been great, as had the threats from those perverted and evil villains, Silver Valkyrie had fought and vanquished.  Yet, the proud Valkyrie, secure in her stern code of chastity, and her unchallenged warrior prowess, had never wavered in her devotion to virtue.

Now, Silver Valkyrie was angrier than ever.  Almost as much as she detested those who inflicted cruelty on animals, she despised those who used dirty tactic in combat.  On the fields of battle, the Valkyrie Shield Maidens chose, to feast in Valhalla, only those who fought fairly and honorably.  Holding back none of her Aesir strength, now, the furious superheroine struck Morganna on the jaw with her mighty left fist, and followed immediately, with an equally deadly right.

As Morganna reeled backward, Silver Valkyrie continued her barrage of punches, still enraged by the cowardly air attack on Stormbringer.

A final punch, square on the jaw, knocked Morganna sprawling.  Glancing down at the battered villainess, Silver Valkyrie fleetingly wondered why criminals always seemed so willing to risk the wrath of an invincible Valkyrie warrior.  "Why don't they just surrender, quietly, and save themselves a beating?  Well anyway, this nasty witch deserved everything she got!  Now to put her away for a long, long time!"

Then, perhaps still simmering with anger at Morganna for injuring Stormbringer, for one moment, Silver Valkyrie grew careless.  Confident she'd knocked the green clad witch unconscious, she heedlessly leaned over to take the evil woman into custody.  The cunning Morganna, though hurt, was still keenly vigilant.  As Silver Valkyrie leaned over, Morganna planted her foot in the heroine's belly, and with a forceful thrust of her deceptively strong leg, sent the gorgeous crimefighter hurtling head over heels.

Caught by surprise, the unexpected maneuver stunned Silver Valkyrie for just a moment, just long enough for Morganna to wheel around and smash her forearm down across the heroine's throat with deadly force.  Morganna pressed down with all her might for a moment, her weight nearly crushing Silver Valkyrie's windpipe.

Even when Morganna eased the pressure on her graceful throat, Silver Valkyrie continued gagging and choking.  Before she could get her breath, Morganna's sharp nailed claws tore at the crimefighter's magnificent bosom.  The villainess seemed to delight in taking liberties with the inviolate person of her virtuous foe.

As the Norse superheroine concentrated on protecting her delectable bust, Morganna wrapped her plump legs around her foe's neck. The strength of those legs belied their soft, doughy look, and swiftly cut off the heroine's air passages.  Silver Valkyrie struggled vigorously, but for a second, couldn't escape the fleshy prison that engulfed half her face.

Well, Morganna had caught her by surprise!  BUT now, it was time to teach the evil witch a real lesson!  With a grim, determined smile on her lips, Silver Valkyrie tensed her Aesir muscles with remorseless power, and immediately felt Morganna's thighs yielding to that irresistible force.

The wily witch, Morganna, knew her endurance was already exhausted by her efforts.  She'd known, all along, there was no hope of keeping the ultra powerful, warrior maiden from Asgard in check for more than a few fleeting seconds.  Well, those few precious moments were all she'd need to carry out the plan she'd hatched, long ago!   Luring Silver Valkyrie to her crime lair, attacking the horse, and goading the silvery crusader to fight, were all just parts of an elaborate scheme, leading up to this fleeting opportunity, the opportunity Morganna had long prepared for.

Nestling in Morganna's bodice was a tiny charm. It was an artifact of Dark Power that she had obtained after long search, at great cost in money and lives.  Though minute in size, the fell object possessed enormous occult force for evil mischief.  Made long eons ago, by the giants of Jotunheim, eternal enemies of the Aesir, the charm possessed the power to drain and enfeeble even one of the Divine Aesir.  Applied directly to a Valkyrie's body, its touch would plunder her strength, weaken her will, and cloud her judgment.  Morganna raked her sharp nails across the blond champion's eyes to distract her, even as she withdrew the charm from her commodious bosom with her other hand.

As she glanced at the small, shapeless lump of blue stone, Morganna felt a hideous doubt. What had she gotten herself into? Did she really believe this misshapen trinket could truly defeat the superbly muscled superheroine who was about to burst from between her thighs, and furiously punish her, for her foolish presumption?

Yet what choice did she have?  It was far too late, to turn back, now! If she didn't act swiftly, it wouldn't matter anyway. Silver Valkyrie would be loose, and she'd be history. This moment was the culmination of a lifetime of training and preparation! She MUST do it!  "Here goes NOTHING!" Swallowing her fear, Morganna acted, with fatalistic pessimism.

Without a moment to spare, Morganna grabbed Silver Valkyrie's forehead in a clutching claw, and rubbed the charm against her foe's smooth, creamy cheek. Distracted by her determination to break the disturbing force of Morganna's thighs, her eyes still blurry from those sharp witch's nails, Silver Valkyrie, at first, noticed no more of the talisman's touch, brushing against her fair features, than a cold chill on her beautiful face.

A moment later, though unaware of Morganna's crafty action, Silver Valkyrie  felt a stabbing pain in her chest, as though a cold, brutal hand had taken her beating heart in its grip, and crushed it.  For a brief moment, the heroine's stalwart limbs turned to water.

Morganna felt Silver Valkyrie's shudder of pain, and with a glimmer of newfound hope, braced her aching thighs, to hold on just a little longer.

"Nonsense!"  The stern willed Maid of the North Wind thought, ignoring the pain and unfamiliar lassitude in her limbs, "It's time to end this witch's power for good!"  but as Silver Valkyrie tensed her muscles again, they failed to respond with their accustomed, irresistible force.  Rather, as Silver Valkyrie strained against those fat, crushing thighs, instead of loosening, they tightened.  Her confidence growing, Morganna strained to exert even more pressure. That fearsome, fleshy vise grew relentlessly tighter, even as the valiant Aesir maiden strained with every fiber of her being to loosen it.

How could those plump thighs be so strong? Silver Valkyrie squirmed and strained frantically, growing desperate now, but there was no escape.  She couldn't breathe!  The pressure on her head grew unbearable, cutting off the blood to her brain.  Her lungs, cut off from air, felt as though they'd burst.  The Valkyrie's keen sight grew dim.  Her frantic struggles weakened with each passing second.  Then, with all she had left of her own fast waning strength, Morganna tensed her body for one final effort, and clutched her legs even tighter.

No!  It couldn't be!  No mortal could do this to a Valkyrie...BUT...Silver Valkyrie's magnificent body could take no more, and with a violent shudder, went limp.  It was none too soon for Morganna, who totally exhausted by her colossal exertion was ready to pass out, herself.

Morganna sighed deeply, in relief, and released the crushing grip of her thighs from Silver Valkyrie's head and neck.  With a crafty, evil smirk, she replaced the charm safely in her bosom.  Despite her panicky, last minute doubts, it seemed to have done its wicked, fell work, after all.  Yet, already, she noted Silver Valkyrie's eyelids fluttering, her muscles straining to rise.

End of Part 1.

 Go on to Part 2