Ultarina to the Rescue By GW Superheroine tracks down and fights archfoe. After weeks of searching, Ultarina tracked the elusive and mysterious, white-slaver to a criminal lair in the worst part of the city. The slim, athletic shadow ran into a deserted tenement. Ultarina swooped to the ground, to follow on foot. Ultarina entered the building, and spied her quarry rising up the stair well on a powered cable. She instantly gave chase up the stairs, at a run. The Ultron Jewel on the irremovable Golden Torque about her neck gave Ultarina the tireless strength of her Patroness, the Goddess Astarte. Ultarina's enormous bosom and jutting buttocks, moved in vigorous, enticing unison, as she effortlessly bounded up six flights of stairs. Her austerely erect posture up-tilted the enormous globes of her swelling, fluttering bosom in arrogant defiance of gravity. Spartan, unending exercise balanced Ultarina's heroic 46dd bosom and 44 inch hips, with a taut 22 inch waist, and tightened her big, powerfully rounded legs to mouth watering shapeliness. Her shrouded quarry slipped through a door, to what appeared a top floor attic studio. Ultarina didn't pause. Her superb, Ultron powered, hundred and ninety pound body smashed the steel-shod door to scrap in an instant. Ultarina bounded confidently through the gaping portal, but her foe was waiting in ambush on the other side. The shadowy, mystery woman smashed Ultarina across the back of the head with a lead weighted baseball bat. Her own momentum, and the force of the blow carried the tall brunette a few steps into the room. Turning to meet her foe, the bat smashed her right across the ear. Even mighty Ultarina couldn't absorb so much punishment unscathed. She sank to her knees, her head awhirl. Her unseen assailant hammered the bat straight down on the crown of her skull. Ultarina dazedly twisted toward safety, but the bat struck her forehead. Nearly paralyzed by stunning pain, the stalwart heroine retained her serene self-assurance. Evil foes sometimes gained a temporary advantage, but Ultarina always triumphed in the end. Even now, the Ultron Jewel pumped healing energy into her injured body. Ultarina silently thanked her Patron Goddess for the precious Jewel; she'd be fully recovered in moments. Nothing but lead could block the Jewel's healing powers. The vicious attacker was not intimidated by Ultarina's renowned invincibility, though. Taking a tiny lead casket from her pocket, she darted closer and leaned over the groggy, super heroine. Before Ultarina could fend her off, the woman slid the Ultron Jewel inside the casket and locked it. The world's favorite heroine gasped in dismay. "Merciful Goddess, what has she done? How can this be?" The big, sable haired, crime fighter had fallen into a devilish trap; critically injured, Ultron Powers stolen, the Jewel's healing rays lost, and sickening, Ultron withdrawal symptoms on top of it. She was weaker than if she never had Ultron Powers. Was Ultarina at the mercy of her unknown attacker? The other woman removed her veil. Ultarina heard a raucous, mocking, all too familiar laugh. "Spidra!" Ultarina gasped in disbelief. "But it can't be, I saw you die last year, when you tried to rob the Mint." "Oh yes! It's Spidra! Your worst nightmare, alive and well." Ultarina's long time arch- foe snickered. "How did you escape?" Ultarina asked, playing for time. "Maybe Ultron Vision isn't all its cracked up to be, Darling." Spidra sneered. "Or, maybe this isn't the first time I outsmarted the great Ultarina. Hard to believe, huh? Of course, it really doesn't matter now, your Ultron powers aren't working anymore; not since I turned them off on you." "I don't need Ultron Powers to deal with you, Spidra. Do you really think you can get away with attacking me like this? Where are those girls you kidnapped? If you release them voluntarily, things will go easier for you." Ultarina snapped. "You know I'll free them anyway, after I capture you." "You stupid, arrogant Bitch." Spidra crowed nastily. "I've planned this for months. While you chased me, I baited this trap for you. Those girls will bring me thousands, but you'll bring millions. You have many enemies, and a few admirers too, who'll pay any price to diddle your famous, water melon tits, or maybe even paddle that double barreled beach ball butt of yours. In fact, before I market you, I may have some fun myself." "That will be the day, Spidra!" Ultarina laughed disdainfully. "Surrender now! If you make me use force, you may get hurt." "Gee Honey, I'll just take that chance." Spidra chortled eagerly. "We're on equal terms now. You outweigh me by fifty pounds, but its fifty pounds of jiggling boobs and over- upholstered behind. Come get me, if you dare, you top heavy, overgrown cow." Spidra raised the bat again. Ultarina dove sideways. Her jump was lightning fast; even so Spidra smashed the bat across the small of her back before she reached safety. The bat nailed Ultarina's sturdy body face down on the floor. Her skimpy, skin-tight costume barely covered her enormous breasts. The magnificent gourds made a loud, meaty splat on impact. When Ultarina tried to get up, Spidra flattened her again, with a vicious blow to her shoulders. Ultarina rolled on her back, and raised her arms to ward off more blows, but Spidra used the bat like a spear. She harpooned the big crimefighter's lower belly, and Ultarina's marvelously contoured body convulsed, snapping her bolt upright. The breath whooshed from her paralyzed lungs; then it came in short, agonized shudders that violently jiggled her enormous, half naked breasts. Ultarina partially blocked a swipe at her temple, but it knocked her on her side. Things looked fuzzy and far away. In horror, she saw Spidra right above her, bat raised overhead and swinging down at her. Ultarina flung her hands up defensively, and the bat hit her left arm near the elbow. The blow numbed her arm from wrist to shoulder, and it dropped lifelessly to her side. Gallantly, the injured crimefighter caught the bat with her right hand. She rolled over on her stomach, and used her full weight to tear it loose from Spidra's grasp. "That's O.K. Ultron Slut, I don't need that thing anymore. You're no match for me without your Ultron powers. Even that bat won't help you now." Spidra bragged, grabbing Ultarina's long, dark brown curls with both hands. She nearly ripped the gorgeous locks out by the roots. Ultarina squealed in spite of herself. She lost her grip on the bat. The courageous brunette rolled on her back, pulling Spidra off balance. Ultarina planted her foot in Spidra's belly, and flipped the dastardly villainess head over heels. Unfortunately, Spidra jumped right up again. Ultarina did too, but not so fast. "Come get me, Ultron Slut! Careful though, don't trip over those overgrown, cow udders." Spidra taunted. Ultarina's big, green eyes blazed furiously, and she heedlessly flung herself at the criminal. Spidra hardly yielded an inch when the bigger woman crashed into her. She stabbed her Karate- stiff fingers straight into the awesome perfection of Ultarina's ridged belly. Ultarina's momentum intensified the deadly strike. Ultarina squawked in misery, and grabbed for Spidra's wrists. Spidra thrust the crimefighter's clutching hands apart, and drove her dagger- like index fingers into Ultarina's throat. The curvaceous brunette gagged and nearly choked. Spidra stabbed Ultarina's enormous, scantily clad bosom, impaling the big, solid globes of flesh on her fingers like two shish kebabs. Ultarina stumbled backward, her stomach churning. The harried heroine shook her reeling head groggily. Her heavy mass of dark brown curls tumbled about her shoulders in charming disarray. Spidra took a step back too, and very deliberately buried her toe in Ultarina's belly, paralysing her midsection. The statuesque brunette grabbed her belly with both hands. Her strong legs buckled, and Spidra whipped a pointed toe into her defenseless right breast. Ultarina's ripe, sensuous mouth contorted, but the valiant darling's dedication to duty stiffened her spine, and tightened her luscious gut. Like a magnificent wild creature caught at bay, she counter-attacked. Ultarina punched the smaller woman in the face with two left jabs, rammed her right fist into Spidra's belly, and grabbed her shoulders to hurl her to the ground. But Spidra shook off the legendary crimefighter's blows. "You're not so tough without your Ultron Powers, Dearie!" She sneered, and broke Ultarina's grip on her shoulders. Spidra sprang at the startled superheroine, fists flying with deadly precision. Ultarina's courage and stamina couldn't counteract Spidra's unsuspected pugilistic skill, and Spidra easily pummelled her arms aside. She joyfully drilled her fists wrist deep into her prey's gorgeous belly. When the dynamic heroine tensed her beautiful abdomen protectively, her corded muscles collapsed limply. Ultarina experienced a ghastly feeling of powerless inadequacy. After pulverizing Ultarina's belly, Spidra battered her immense, high riding breasts. Ultarina stumbled away from Spidra's attack. Her lavishly buoyant boobs proved vulnerable as punching bags, and Ultarina mewled in frantic misery for a moment, before she could swallow her agonized cries. Ultarina nerved herself against the pain, and stood her ground. Spidra paused, then ducked low and charged. Ultarina anxiously raised weary arms and braced herself. Spidra struck the anguished angel with a paralyzing jolt, battering her arms aside, and burying a shoulder in her aching belly. Bending low, Spidra locked her arms around Ultarina's thighs. The gorgeous, green-eyed brunette battled for leverage a few harrowing moments before Spidra upended her, and tossed her buns over boobs. Ultarina's head bounced off the floor, and she fell face down with a loud thump. Once again Ultarina's gloriously abundant bosom dampened the shock of one hundred and ninety pounds of ravishing superheroine crashing against the floor. Nature never intended the sumptuous melons for such excruciating treatment. "Ooooh, my poor boobies! That despicable witch is destroying them." Ultarina wailed soundlessly. The dauntless darling of decency unhesitatingly rose to meet her foe, but Spidra viciously grabbed her long hair. Ultarina fought furiously, but Spidra flung her down on her belly again. Ultarina turned over in a fury, vowing she'd tear the witch to pieces when she got her. Spidra kicked her in the chin, and knocked her flat on her back first. Ultarina shook off Spidra's kick. With fantastic agility, she sprang directly to her feet. Doing that hurt, but Ultarina hardly noticed. She charged, clawing and snarling in eagerness to get at the nasty blond. Spidra dodged Ultarina's fierce attack, and retaliated with a stinging blow to the cheekbone. The punch snapped the champion's head to one side. Ultarina felt the cold hardness of metal. Spidra had craftily slipped a set of brass knuckles on her fist. The punch spun Ultarina sideways, and Spidra hit her twice more. The punches over-balanced Ultarina, and Spidra caught her around the waist, and flung her against the wall. The back of Ultarina's head struck jarringly, and she saw stars. Spidra slammed into her full length, pinning her to the wall. Spidra pressed her left forearm against Ultarina's throat, trapping the stunned crimefighter with a devilish strangle hold. Then with cruel delight, she pressed her brass knuckles against Ultarina's enormous left breast. Rotating her wrist, Spidra mercilessly buried her entire fist in the sumptuous flesh. The fragile silk of Ultarina's costume couldn't shield the sensitive tip of her luscious boob from the cold brass. Ultarina bravely gulped down her torment, and blinked away scalding tears. At first the pain revived her flagging senses, but then its relentless intensity made her woozy all over again. She desperately broke free, but Spidra nonchalantly stepped in close and kneed her in the crotch. The crime fighter doggedly shoved Spidra away. Spidra kicked her in the kneecap. Ultarina stumbled, and Spidra punched her face, a left to the cheek followed by a brass-knuckled right fist that felt like a boulder striking her jaw. Ultarina went down hard on her big, round bottom. Spidra's knee exploded against her aching jaw again, and Ultarina crumpled in a tangled heap. Spidra kicked her over on her back, and climbed on her chest. Spidra bounced up and down on Ultarina's bountiful bosom. Twice more, she socked the prone, brown haired beauty's bruised jaw, snapping her head first one way, then the other. Ultarina flexed her long, powerful legs frantically to bridge out from beneath Spidra, but the smaller Spidra rode down Ultarina's struggles, and pinned her arms securely beneath her own knees while she did it. Spidra slapped Ultarina contemptuously across the face. She twisted her ears, and tweaked her elegant, classical nose. Ultarina seethed in helpless fury. "Oh when I get my hands on you, I'll tear you apart!" She hissed fiercely. A scornful toss of Spidra's blond curls, was the only response to Ultarina's furious threat. Still gloating, Spidra reached in back of her and brazenly fondled Ultarina's huge, left breast; then lightly pinched the nipple through the thin fabric of her bodice. Spidra's outrageous effrontery sent Ultarina into a frenzy. She thrashed like a wild woman, but Spidra skillfully rode down her frenzied struggles again. Spidra thrust her crotch against Ultarina's gorgeously beautiful face. She rubbed herself against the heroine's wide, red mouth and strong determined chin. The alarming physical insult appalled the chaste, fastidious champion. In her arrogance, Spidra over-balanced, and the vigilant Ultarina upended the cruel villainess. Spidra rolled over on her side, and Ultarina eagerly sprang at her. As the big crimefighter pounced, Spidra's deadly brass knuckles cracked audibly against her jaw. Ultarina fell on her side, nearly swooning, while her evil opponent jumped to her feet, unhurt. Spidra reached down, and grabbed a fistful of Ultarina's costume. She hauled the disoriented crime fighter to her feet, and joyously judo flipped her. Spidra grabbed Ultarina, and dragged the stricken heroine to her feet again. Ultarina broke free. At bay, she paused indecisively for a split second, betraying a hint of intimidation. It was all the incentive the vicious bully Spidra needed. She leaped at Ultarina and grabbed her arm. Startled, Ultarina jerked her arm to loosen it. Twisting sideways, Spidra rammed Ultarina's arm behind her back in a hammerlock, and then kneed her in the behind. Ultarina squawked in shock. Spidra was enormously pleased by Ultarina's agitation. She held the sable haired girl's arm in place with one hand, and reached down and goosed her. Her sharp finger savagely penetrated the tight crevice between the jutting, firmly packed buttocks. Ultarina screeched and leaped a foot in the air. Spidra hissed in Ultarina's ear. "How did that grab you, Ms. Ultron Tightass? Next time, maybe I'll ram my whole fist up there." Ultarina's frenzy didn't break Spidra's hold. No matter what she did she couldn't get her arm loose. It was her poor left arm too, the one Spidra had nearly broken with that fiendish bat. Spidra twisted and wrenched her injured arm, until Ultarina cried hoarsely, "Oh you nasty wretch! When I get my hands on you, you'll be sorry!" Spidra laughed blithely, and clouted Ultarina across the head. "Mind your mouth Slut, or I'll break your arm." Infuriated, Ultarina reached behind her with her free hand, rashly eager to grab Spidra. Instead the dastardly criminal caught Ultarina's wrist, and whipped both arms straight out behind the struggling champion. Ultarina strained to break free. Spidra planted her foot in Ultarina's backside. She yanked Ultarina's arms so hard it felt like she'd rip them out of their sockets. Ultarina shrieked! With an explosive thrust of her leg, Spidra unexpectedly catapulted the brave champion at the nearby wall. Hurt and off balance, gorgeous Ultarina hurtled face first into the wall. It happened so fast, she couldn't raise her numbed arms to protect herself. The jolting, full length collision nearly finished our heroine. Ultarina stumbled numbly from the wall. Spidra lowered her head, and rammed her hard skull into the center of the unfortunate heroine's aching belly. She nailed Ultarina squarely to the wall. The globes of Ultarina's mighty bust jiggled and trembled as her delectable midriff collapsed against her spine. Ultarina gurgled helplessly. Before she could blink her glazed, green eyes, Spidra caught her arm, and flung her head over heels with another judo toss. Spidra chortled in glee. It was incredible fun tossing the invincible Ultarina around like a rag doll. Ultarina landed face down, flat on her belly and boobs again. Her fantastic body twitched convulsively. She couldn't get up! Her long, elegant hands clawed pathetically at the floor. Her long, curvy muscled legs splayed defenselessly apart. Spidra stepped between Ultarina's flawless legs. Laughing maniacally, she drove her pointed toe into the scantily clad crotch of the injured superheroine. Ultarina howled breathlessly at the inhuman attack. Her magnificent legs kicked feebly, pitiable in their weakness. Spidra stepped in front of Ultarina, grasped the stricken champion under the arms, and pulled her up on her knees. "Now its time to unwrap the fresh meat." Spidra snickered. Hurt and groggy, Ultarina gazed up at Spidra in baffled apprehension. Pleased by the helpless confusion in her foe's lovely face, Spidra pinched Ultarina's cheek, with painful contempt. "Don't worry Ultron Dodo, you just kneel there at my feet, right where you belong, and I'll do the rest." Spidra unsnapped the thin shoulder straps supporting Ultarina's abbreviated bodice. "Stop that! Don't you dare!" The distraught crimefighter wailed. Her thin, silken bodice fluttered loose, baring her, to her slim waist. "O-oh you br-brazen strumpet, how dare you?" It was unthinkable for Ultarina to be victimized by such demeaning insolence. Ultarina's plundered bosom was insolently resilient as a sixteen year old virgin. Even unsupported, the impudent tilt of her breasts belied their prodigious weight and bountiful fullness. Distress and alarm stiffened inch-long, nipple spikes, and crinkled small, pink aureoles, making them even more deliciously appetizing. Spidra brazenly captured Ultarina's erect, pulsating, left nipple between the nails of her thumb and forefinger, and viciously pinched the heroine's captured nipple. Fabled Ultarina was powerless to stop her despicable foe, and Spidra's abusive grip was excruciating. Ultarina's enormous, green eyes grew wet and dewy. Her long, elegant hands tugged vainly at Spidra's wrist for long, torturous moments, before she broke the vise like grip at last. Spidra furiously slapped her across the cheek. The smack of Spidra's hard palm echoed like a shot. Ultarina's head snapped sideways, and her huge, denuded breasts jiggled bewitchingly at the shock. Ultarina struck back wildly at her tormentor. Ultarina was hurt and on her knees, nevertheless her feeble, awkward blows infuriated Spidra. Spidra grabbed Ultarina under her ineffectually thrashing arms, and stretched her trembling body forward at a terribly vulnerable angle. She buried her toe in the yielding flesh just above the juncture of Ultarina's thighs. Ultarina choked soundlessly. The first kick robbed the celebrated champion of the last hint of mastery over her powerful, ridged, belly muscles. Still stretching Ultarina helplessly forward, Spidra kicked her three more times in the same spot. Each kick drove deeper into Ultarina's vitals. Ultarina gagged, nearly retching at each jolt. After the fourth kick, Spidra pushed Ultarina erect. Ultarina's splendidly rounded buttocks slumped down on her heels. When Spidra released her arms, they dropped lifelessly to her sides. If Spidra didn't grab her chin, she would have fallen. Spidra raised her stricken foe's winsome, tormented face. Sneering triumphantly into tragically troubled, emerald eyes, she asked sweetly, "What's the matter Ultron Sweetie, got a little tummy ache?" Spidra callously clipped the kneeling, half-nude beauty across the back of the neck. Ultarina sprawled on her face. Belly down on the floor, Ultarina's generous, wispily covered behind thrust audaciously into the air, solid and meaty, yet neatly contoured as sculpted marble. The shreds of her wispy, silk costume could scarcely contain Ultarina's ample nether cheeks. They clenched agonizingly, and their fleshy tremors excited Spidra's gloating sneer. She chortled, "That oversized behind of yours just cries out for the paddle, Ultron Honeybutt, but we'll save that for later." Spidra knelt to pat her fallen foe's bottom cheeks. The gorgeous, mahogany haired champion recoiled in alarm. Spidra delighted in demeaning her hated rival. She'd long dreamed of physically misusing the disdainful crimefighter. She savagely jerked Ultarina's silk costume briefs up into her crotch, in a humiliating and hideously painful "wedgie". Ultarina blinked tears from her big, green eyes. Spidra casually flipped the once invincible champion over. Even flat on her back, Ultarina's mighty bosom thrust proudly erect above her powerfully muscled chest, but her delicious breasts heaved tremulously. Spidra tore the last tangled wisp of costume from Ultarina's tautly muscled torso, and off her powerful, white thighs. She eagerly exposed Ultarina's luxuriant, sable fleece, and horror of horrors, bared the tiny, pink neatness of Ultarina's rosebud vulva. "Ooo you monstrous pervert!" Ultarina squealed breathlessly, maidenly modesty outraged by her disgraceful denudement. "What's the matter Ultarina Darling? You're not afraid of me, are you?" Spidra laughed, scornful of her defeated foe's mortification. "N-no, never!" Ultarina faltered. The nervous flutter of her bee stung, lower lip emphasized her winsome vulnerability. In mocking disbelief, Spidra stroked Ultarina's rigidly delineated belly muscles, from heroically jutting jugs to the juncture of sweetly succulent thighs. She boldly cupped Ultarina's pubic mound, and obscenely fondled her with the confident threat of ownership. All of Ultarina's growing dread of the heartless villainess echoed in her wail of protest. Laughing at her archenemy's distress, Spidra rose, and stripped off her own scant clothing. Naked, she was trim and hard, but attractive in a harsh, arrogant way. Obscenely intimidating in her nakedness, she preened and postured menacingly above her fallen foe. "You know what, Ultron Booby? I never much liked sex with girls, and I certainly detest you more than any woman I've ever met, but making you do it with me seems like a fun idea right now. How about it Ultrie? Have you been hiding a secret yen for me all these years?" Poor Ultarina gagged and choked, unbelievably horrified by Spidra's hideous threat. She must act! Alarm gave her the frenzied strength to clamber awkwardly to her feet. Her desperate defiance proved too much for her; crippling weakness overpowered her. If she couldn't fight anymore, she must run! Stumbling blindly, Ultarina fled from the heartless tormentress. She only ran a few frantic steps before Spidra caught her around the waist. "Where are you going Ultrie? Don't you want to stay and play with me anymore?" Spidra chortled gleefully. She contemptuously flung Ultarina on the floor, then booted her over on her back again. Ultarina struggled to control her body. Her stricken gyrations exposed every inch of her incredibly lush body, but the heroic crimefighter wouldn't yield. She grabbed Spidra's ankles and with a desperate tug, toppled the naked blond to the floor beside her. Spidra rose to her knees. "Oh Ultrie, you do still want to play. Goodie!" Spidra snickered in delight. She swung her leg over Ultarina's face, facing her feet. Powerless to stop her, the hapless crimefighter gagged in revulsion. Spidra carefully scissored Ultarina's muscular, white arms between her thighs and calves. The Maid of Might was trussed up helplessly! Ultarina's agonized undulations unconsciously exposed her splendid torso and long, gloriously muscled legs. Spidra gleefully mashed her crotch against the beaten amazon's beautiful face, half smothering and totally humiliating her. The disabled superheroine couldn't even protect her own body from Spidra's ruthless, physical abuse. Spidra drove a flurry of punches into Ultarina's heaving defenseless breasts. "This can't be happening. Not to me, I'm Ultarina!" The valiant champion grieved despairingly. Spidra was consumed by feverish, sadistic rapture; her darkest phantasies come true...Ultarina's severely beautiful face mashed beneath her ample behind...her fists smacking against the squishy resistance of Ultarina's lavishly arrogant jugs...Ultarina's great, creamy legs twisting in agony, displaying every rounded curve... Ultarina's muffled mews of pain whispering against her thighs...and best of all...Ultarina's bruised mouth unwillingly nuzzling her naked vulva. Spidra's body exploded in passion! She grabbed Ultarina's bountiful boobs and twisted and pinched the tortured melons unmercifully to release her tension. Nearly satiated, Spidra went on grinding her buttocks rhythmically against Ultarina's face for long minutes, just for the joy of it. When Spidra finally let her sit up, the despairing Ultarina hid her face in her hands. She rubbed her face desperately to scrub away Spidra's demeaning treatment. Spidra brushed her hands away, and grasped Ultarina's jaw to steady her trembling body. Ultarina winced nervously at Spidra's touch. Spidra held Ultarina's head steady with her left hand, and menacingly cocked her right fist. Ultarina spied the glint of those terrifying brass knuckles. She couldn't block Spidra's metal-shod fist. It would shatter her gorgeous face. Frightful, permanent injury was a certainty; the pain would be atrocious; but her total inability to fight back anymore was worse than any physical threat. What could she do? With torturous slowness, Spidra drew back her fist for the final devastating punch. Ultarina courageously steeled herself for the devastating blow. Spidra swung her fist; and deliberately missed Ultarina's jaw by a hair. Involuntarily, Ultarina sagged in relief. Spidra touched her cocked fist against Ultarina's bruised lips. "Kiss My Fist!" She commanded. "Show me what a spineless, gutless coward you are!" Ultarina looked up at her triumphant foe, hungrily craving the strength to wipe the contemptuous smirk off those hateful features. Instead the pitiless cruelty in Spidra's reptilian eyes transfixed her dauntingly. "Y-you Bitch!" Ultarina wept, and kissed Spidra's cruel fist in homage. Ultarina gulped convulsively, as though to swallow unforgivable disgrace. "Oh Dear Goddess, what have I done? I've betrayed your trust by cowardice! Forgive me, I implore You?" She whimpered soundlessly. With a triumphant gesture of her long finger, Spidra wordlessly commanded the vanquished heroine down on her belly. Ultarina rolled over on all fours, a bewitching hostage enslaved by pain and cruelty. At another wordless command of Spidra's imperious finger, Ultarina meekly crawled on her belly. Ultarina couldn't hold back her tears any more. They flowed in a torrent down her pale cheeks. Her magnificent body shuddered with each heartrending sob. Spidra prodded the weeping sable haired beauty over on her back. She squatted down beside her. "I really got off sitting on your wimpy face, Ultrie. Lets have some more fun, shall we?" "Please, no?" Ultarina wept servilely, but Spidra stretched herself atop Ultarina's marvelously constructed body with assertive dominance. "Oh, g-get off me. Please get off me? Leave me alone!" Ultarina sobbed. Laughing heartlessly, Spidra drew her victim's pale, beautiful face and opulent curves against her own hard, skinny body, locking them together crotch to crotch, and breast to breast. Spidra sought Ultarina's wide, passionate mouth. She mashed the swollen, battered pink lips savagely. She arrogantly pushed her tongue inside Ultarina's mouth, filling it, and half her throat too. She shoved Ultarina's own tongue aside, and aggressively manipulated it. Lying between her defeated foe's sweet thighs, Spidra insinuatingly mashed her crotch against Ultarina's pudendum. Her hard little breasts attacked the glorious immensity of Ultarina's bosom with harsh, aggressive thrusts, overwhelming and dominating it. Spidra's insolent, licentious hands roamed over Ultarina's gorgeous, defenseless body, tweaking her nipples, fingering her vulva, and most horrid of all toying with the tiny button of her anus. The humbled champion of virtue and purity gagged in atrocious revulsion to Spidra's disgusting, warped assault. Yet the disabled heroine proved terrifyingly vulnerable. The cruel villainess had mercilessly thrashed the aloof, self-reliant amazon, stripped her naked, physically abused her; even made her crawl on her belly. The mortifying shock inflicted a dreadful, spiritual wound, paralysing Ultarina's will and determination. Ultarina grew horrifyingly moist and open to Spidra's domination. Spidra's large, sopping vulva overwhelmed her own virginal rosebud. Spidra's hard, little dugs, subjugated her heroic bosom to humiliating tyranny, and Spidra's rapacious tongue enslaved her sweet, innocent mouth. Once Spidra was certain she'd kindled an unquenchable fire in her victim's gorgeous body, she suddenly withdrew. Ultarina moaned and thrashed about in horrible distress. Kneeling beside her helplessly inflamed victim, Spidra gripped Ultarina's dark chestnut curls and sat her up. Spidra gripped Ultarina's wrist with a strength the vanquished heroine couldn't resist. She thrust Ultarina's slim, elegant hand against the beautiful brunette's own warm, moist pudendum, and forced the long, index finger against her hotly pulsing clitoris. "Go on, Ultron Tart! Diddle yourself! Playing with yourself is all you're good for anyway." Helplessly tyrannized by Spidra's physical dominance, Ultarina yielded to the cruel demand. The gorgeous crimefighter fingered herself with desperate urgency. Spidra knelt triumphantly by Ultarina's side, avidly exulting in her foe's demeaning obedience. It wasn't long before the anguished beauty reached a shattering climax. Ultarina fell backward and hid her face in her hands, but she couldn't hide the shaming truth from her own heart; she'd totally surrendered to Spidra's dominance. She submitted despondently, when Spidra arrogantly remounted her. Spidra squirmed about until her crotch imprisoned the compliant brunette's delectable face, once more. Spidra's hot, dominating pudendum assailed Ultarina's enslaved mouth. "Eat me, you worthless, stupid slut!" Spidra commanded, and Ultarina submissively paid timorous duty to her triumphant conqueror.