The Adventures of
Crusader for Truth, Justice
and Democracy.
Fraulein Power's Trophies. Part
After Fraulein Power spitefully dunked her head in the toilet bowl, Cynthia sorrowfully dried her long brown hair, then cleaned up the spilled shampoo. She cleaned the toilet twice more, with special diligence, before she went on to finish the rest of her chores. By then, Gerda was comfortably ensconced in her easy chair guffawing at the television comedy. "Ach! Zat Lucy ist zo ztupdt, like all zeze Yankee zlutz!" Disciplining her underlings always put the Nazi Dominatrix in good mood!
Watching the tiny picture tube in semi darkness, as she relaxed, Gerda became drowsy and began to doze off in the chair.
"Ach time vor bedt!" She muttered to the unfortunate Power Miss who had finally finished her cleaning chores.
"Gerda is tiredt Zlut, I haff a big day tomorrow!" The Nazi bully drowzily told her slave. "I muzdt attend ze servizez vor your liddle vriend!"
Cynthia gasped at the reminder, almost sobbing, in remorse.
"Ja, ja! Neffer mindt her! Zhe gott vat vas kommink to her! You only haff to vorry about Gerda! Ach! Vere vas I? Ja, I know! Ven I vaz a child, zometimez, I vould zneak mein liddle doggy into my room adt night! Brunhilde vas her name, budt I calledt her Brunie, und she vould lick my toes vile I vent to zleep. Id vas zo zoosink! Tonight, you vill be mein liddle Brunie!"
Cynthia at a gesture, apathetically followed her Mistress into the bedroom. She knew she could hardly sink any lower. Gerda ordered her to remove her boots.
"Now, Mein liddle Brunie, lick mein toes!" Gerda commanded. Already on her knees, Cynthia dolefully carried out her Mistress's newest degrading command.
Cynthia's fears of where this degrading service would lead, proved groundless, for a change. Gerda drifted off to sleep, without forcing her unfortunate superheroine slave between her plump thighs.
Cynthia continued with her hardly
less odious task until Gerda was snoring loudly, then rose quietly
to her feet. As she turned to tiptoe out, she spied Gerda's SS Dagger on
the dresser.
Without thinking Cynthia reached
for the dagger. One quick stab and she'd be free of this unending horror!
Cynthia's hand trembled, then with a soft sob, head bent low in shame at
her cowardice, she crept silently from her Mistress's bedroom. At least
she'd be free for the following week, she consoled herself.
Next morning, Gerda rose early and attired herself in what she considered stylish apparel for the mournful occasion. At the funeral home, a bribe to an ill paid attendant gained her admittance to the private funeral chapel. Gerda strode to the casket, and not at all repentant, looked down in satisfaction at the sad remains of her beautiful young victim.
As Gerda turned away from the casket, still snickering, she came face to face with another early mourner. For a moment the other woman, weeping softly, head bowed in sorrow, did not see Gerda until she heard the harsh all too familiar voice.
"Ach! Vat are yo doink here, Bitch? I sought you vere still in ze hospital!"
The tall figure, a black arm band of mourning over the proud uniform that had only once known defeat, stiffened in fear. That one defeat had marred her life. The strength that was once the Wonder of the World was now only good to drag her crippled legs along as she hobbled painfully on her crutches. Fear of the woman who had done this terrible thing to her never left the crippled superheroine. She sometimes woke screaming in the night, in a cold sweat, seeing that evil leering face standing above her as she wailed in the agony of a broken back.
Gerda paused to taunt another of her hapless victims.
As the tall woman in blue still wept silently for her fallen comrade, Gerda turned to go, but as she did, she kicked the woman's crutches from under her. The crippled heroine sprawled full length on the carpet. Before she sauntered off, Gerda kicked the crutches out of reach, leaving the weeping woman to crawl painfully to retrieve them.
As Gerda left the Funeral home, still chuckling at her sadism, she half turned to view the place with triumphant satisfaction. As she did, she caught sight of a shrouded figure slipping furtively out the side entrance. "Ach! Black coat und hat, und sun glazzes, but I know zose red und gold boots! Vat is zat bitch doink here? She dares disobey Gerda's orders?"
Gerda hurried after the swiftly walking woman. It took her nearly half a block but she caught up with her swiftly moving quarry. She seized the dark coated woman by the arm; the woman screamed shrilly in fear. Before her encounter with Fraulein Power she had not known the meaning of fear.
Gerda rapidly and silently marched the trembling woman to her own apartment and up in the elevator.
Inside the apartment Gerda snorted. "Take off zat ridiculouz hat und coat, you ztupidt Bitch Did you sink Gerda vouldn't recognize you?"
As Gerda tossed her hat on a chair, the woman, with a little sob of fear, removed her outer garments, to reveal a costume, until recently, revered everywhere in the world.
As the cowed superheroine stammered in fear, Fraulein Power struck.
The beautiful Amazon princess,
bravest of the brave, until that first fateful, horrible encounter with
Fraulein Power, was too terrified of the Nazi now to even try to defend
herself, though she knew death was the likely penalty for disobedience
to this evil tyrant. She could only plead brokenly for her life.
Blubbering in fear, the unfortunate superheroine flung herself to the floor, and hugged Gerda's boots in supplication.
End of Part 2.