Supergirl Ambushed By GW Supergirl seeks help in avoiding the dread effects of Kryptonite from the wrong scientist. Supergirl's chronic susceptibility to the effects of Kryptonite, meteoric remnants of her native planet, was a continuing worry to the Maid of Might. Evil enemies had sometimes exploited that weakness to hamper her crusade against crime. On occasion a few sick perverts even used Kryptonite to capture and abuse Supergirl in disgusting and humiliating ways. Knowledge of Supergirl's weakness to Kryptonite was now widespread through out the underworld. A new development made this knowledge especially hazardous. Until now, the relative scarcity of Kryptonite had made the threat more theoretical than real. Recently though, a meteor shower had deposited an abundant supply of Kryptonite across North America. Criminals were scrambling to obtain samples, some as insurance, and some, more ominously, to settle old grudges against her. Supergirl sought some means to overcome or neutralize her weakness. Her friend Batgirl suggested she seek help from Doctor Olga Petroff, the world's foremost authority on exotic, radiation related illnesses and their treatment. Dr. Petroff was noted as a recluse who shunned contact with strangers, but she immediately responded to Supergirl's request. She sent a personal note offering her full cooperation and expressing her admiration for the intrepid crimefighter. She requested that Supergirl arrange for her to be furnished with an adequate supply of Kryptonite to pursue her experiments, and that she and Supergirl meet in one week's time to discuss her progress. At noon on Friday of the next week, Supergirl dropped from the sky to the lawn of Dr. Petroff's country home and laboratory. From a leaded glass window in the basement, impervious to Supergirl's X-ray vision, a slim figure furtively watched that formidable figure light down and stride to the front door. The watcher swallowed a lump in her throat, and turned sadly away from the window. Supergirl rang the loud chimes. Moments later, a dowdily dressed woman opened the door and introduced herself as Dr. Petroff. Despite an unruly mop of unkempt graying hair, in her slimness, quick nervous energy and beautiful complexion, she seemed no older than the blond crimefighter. Though the woman made every effort to be warm and friendly, there was something about her glittering, oddly tinted, green eyes, behind thick ugly glasses, that raised the hackles on the back of Supergirl's neck. "I'm just being foolish and unkind." Supergirl told herself. Mustn't prejudge someone just because they're different. Anyway, I'm no one to worry about different!" "I must start with an examination of your physiology, Supergirl." Dr. Petroff requested "Will you follow me to my laboratory. In the lab, Dr. Petroff turned to Supergirl and said. "Will you disrobe in the dressing room there, before we continue. "Of course." Supergirl replied, a smile hiding her reluctance to undress in front of this strange woman. She entered the anteroom, and moments later returned with a sheet draped about her statuesque body. "Please remove the sheet and lie down on that examination table, My Dear!" Dr Petroff said. Supergirl unwrapped the sheet, almost bashfully, and laid it on a chair. Dr. Petroff's eyes narrowed as she examined the splendidly proportioned perfection of Supergirl's tall, strongly molded physique. It was hardly noticeable, but Supergirl shivered when she felt those strange eyes examining her as though she was a specimen under a microscope. She blushed faintly. She lay down on the table on her back. Instinctively she placed one hand over her enormous bosom, the other at the juncture of her strong, shapely thighs. Lying on her back, naked before the strange woman, made the normally imperturbable superheroine curiously nervous. She jumped as Dr. Petroff placed a stethoscope on her upper chest. "Please put your hands at your sides, if you would?" Dr Petroff requested in an impersonal tone. Supergirl did as she was asked, but started again when the woman slid the stethoscope down between her enormous, exquisitely pointed breasts. "Relax My Dear!" Dr. Petroff said, patting the Maid of Steel on the shoulder. "Of course Doctor." Supergirl replied but she grew more and more tense as the scientist's hands prodded and poked her body all over. As Dr Petroff's long bony fingers parted the powerful alabaster columns of Supergirl's thighs, she blurted out. "You really are the most stunningly beautiful woman I have ever seen. Supergirl gulped in confusion. She tried to reply even as Dr. Petroff exposed her dainty, genitalia, fringed with blond curls to her cold, unblinking, feline stare. Supergirl's beautiful face colored in embarrassment. "Th-thank you! I'm sure." She finally gasped, furious with herself for sounding like such a ninny. She shivered as Dr. Petroff's fingers lingered on her pussy. It almost seemed that he woman was fondling her. "Is that really necessary?" Supergirl blurted out. "Does it make you uncomfortable, My Dear?" Dr. Petroff replied, answering Supergirl's question with another question. Meanwhile, her fingers continued to stroke Supergirl's pussy lips. "Yes it does, kind of! In fact it bothers me a lot!"Supergirl replied. "I'm sorry!" She didn't want to offend the strange woman. Instead of letting go, though, Dr. Petroff leaned over and kissed the gorgeous superheroine on her ripe, bee-stung, pink lips. At the same time, she manipulated Supergirl's blond fringed pussy even more boldly. Her tongue darted inside Supergirl's mouth and brazenly explored it. Supergirl was so startled and aghast, that it was several moments before she reacted. Finally gathering her wits, she firmly gripped Dr. Petroff's arms and forced them down to her sides. She rose from the table, and thrust the woman away, freeing her mouth. "Please Doctor, I'm not that sort! I respect your right to follow your own inclinations, but leave me out of it!" Pushing the scientist further away from her, Supergirl lectured her. "I'm really shocked and disappointed at your breach of professional ethics, Dr. Petroff. How can you betray your reputation by such a flagrant disrespect for the rights of others?" Dr Petroff stared at the tall, beautifully irate champion of justice. In her indignation, Supergirl forgot her nudity, and stood proudly unveiled in all her stately grandeur. The scientist's cold, green eyes were inscrutable, but her wide mouth grimaced in a sneer, as she surveyed the regally beautiful, blond superheroine, in the full flush of righteous wrath. "Nature gave you the gifts and form of a goddess, but behind that facade, you're nothing but a narrow minded little prude." Dr. Petroff sneered coldly. "Bah! I'm wasting my time trying to help you!" "I guess we're both wasting our time Dr. Petroff." Supergirl answered severely. Still oblivious to her nudity, she swept loftily from the room, with the exalted carriage of a conquering queen. Several minutes later, after retrieving and donning her costume, Supergirl emerged from the dressing room in familiar skintight, red, hot pants, beneath the sleeveless blue tunic that clung to her immense, upswept bust like gloves. In her thigh length, red boots with skyscraper heels, she was well over six feet tall, a breathtaking figure. She'd thrown her red cape cavalierly over her broad shoulders. She strode purposely to the door, then paused. She turned and said: "Its best I don't see you again. I'll seek help from some more ethical scientist." Dr Petroff moved toward her. "Please forgive me, Supergirl. I was overcome by your beauty. I don't know what came over me. I've never done anything like that before. Please let me do whatever I can to be of assistance to you." Supergirl gave a disdainful toss of long golden hair. She was about to stalk out, but then her normal good nature and sense of humor overcame her anger. "I forgive you Dr Petroff, but I must seek help elsewhere We can't work together comfortably after what's happened." She smiled warmly and held out her hand "Lets part friends. Please?" The doctor seized Supergirl's hand with both of hers "I implore you Supergirl, let me help you. Please, you must let me help you! I would die for you!" Supergirl's uneasiness returned "Please let go of my hand?" I have to go now. She tried to pull loose, without exerting her super strength, fearing she'd injure the woman. More than anything, she wanted to get out of this place and this intolerable situation.. Instead of letting go, Dr Petroff fell on her knees and clasped Supergirl around the legs clinging to her and weeping "No please! I beg you! I implore you! Don't go, let me help you?" Supergirl didn't know what to do; this was so terribly embarrassing. She patted the woman's head still trying to pull gently loose. "Dr. Petroff, this has gone far enough! You're making this impossible for both of us. Now please. Let me leave! Don't do this to yourself!" When the woman still didn't let go of her legs, Supergirl finally adopted a sterner tone, hoping to awaken the scientist's pride. "Now get up and let me go! Stop this charade! You're making a fool of yourself. Now stop it immediately!" She said in her most severe icy tones, with the hauteur that only an indomitable, superheroine can command. Dr Petroff suddenly gave a harsh guttural sob, or was it a hash laugh? She stood up, and the abject look of servility had disappeared. Instead, her face was a venomous mask of malice. You sanctimonious cow! How dare you speak to me in that tone? No one walks out on me, like that. You'll pay for it, you pewling, whey faced bitch. We'll have to do this the hard way." Supergirl looked at her sadly "Please doctor, don't be like that. You need help. Please let me arrange it for you?" "Here's help!" Dr Petroff snarled, and like a furious cat, spat in Supergirl's face. Supergirl controlled the quick rush of anger. With an angry shrug she turned to leave the room. Dr Petroff pulled a small case from the pocket of her lab smock, and hurried after the blond, crimefighter's tall, striding figure. As Supergirl started to turn the knob, Dr Petroff opened the small casket. Supergirl stumbled and gasped. She tried to turn the knob, but the door was locked. She grasped it with both hands and rattled it. She tried to exert her super strength but it flowed away like water from a broken vessel. Dr Petroff grasped the taller woman by her shoulder and twisted her around. Supergirl's face was deathly pale "Kryptonite!'She gasped. "Yes! Kryptonite, my dear! The one thing that renders you weak and powerless, and you yourself provided me with this huge supply. Isn't that deliciously ironic?" Supergirl staggered to one side, her long powerful legs trembling at the mere effort of standing. She clutched her throat. "Pl-please, cover it! Cover it!" She pleaded. The woman only laughed cruelly. "Why should I do that? You wanted me to study the effects of this element on your body, and I shall. "Please Doctor!" Supergirl wailed, panting painfully for breath. "What's the matter? Does the great Supergirl feel a little queasy?" Dr Petroff laughed. Supergirl tried to take a step away from the woman, to distance herself form the deadly Kryptonite, but she stumbled when Dr, Petroff thrust the glowing, green metal close to her face. Her cape fell to the floor and she came close to falling herself. Dr. Petroff grabbed the front of Supergirl's blue tunic, mashing the big, red 'S" in her fist. She jerked the taller woman up close. In spite of the sickening waves of weakness, the Kryptonite caused her, Supergirl struggled to pull loose, but her feeble fingers couldn't dislodge Dr Petroff's bony grip on the her tunic. "The mighty Supergirl isn't so high and mighty now, is she?" Dr. Petroff sneered. She pressed the Kryptonite against Supergirl's cheek. The tall, blond crimefighter choked in pain. "Oh no, don't please! That burns so. Take it away! Take it away, please? Awwwoooaa, it hurts!" The pain made Supergirl so desperate, she let go of Dr. Petroff's wrist and swung at her smirking face. The woman dodged Supergirl's clumsy swing easily. Seeming no more aware of Supergirl's swing then of an annoying mosquito, Dr. Petroff murmured absently: "Hmm, proximity causes weakness and loss of powers, but contact caused intense pain. Most gratifying. Just as suspected." Dr. Petroff suddenly let go of Supergirl's tunic and grasped the waistband of her red shorts. She stuck the stick of Kryptonite down inside the tight elasticized fabric. Supergirl screamed first in indignation, then in pain as the terrible element burned her sensitive skin. Forgetting everything else, the desperate blond went into a frenzy to escape the horrible burning metal. She danced around, tearing at her shorts until finally, she desperately rolled them down around her thighs. The Kryptonite fell to the floor, and rolled a short distance. Suddenly feeling stronger, Supergirl turned to the door again, intending to rip it off its hinges if necessary, to escape. In her frenzy, she didn't even pause to pull her shorts back up. Dr Petroff licked her lips as Supergirl's move exposed the big white hemispheres of her solidly out thrust derriere. Somehow they were even more alluring this way, than they had been totally naked a few moments before. In her confusion, Supergirl tried to pull her shorts up with one hand, while she tore at the door with the other. Her strength was returning slowly, but it still wasn't enough to tear open the massive door. Before Supergirl's strength returned completely, Dr. Petroff struck again. She grabbed Supergirl's shorts with one hand, and a fistful of her blond mane with the other and pulled her backward, until she dragged the frantic struggling crimefighter to the center of the room. Supergirl lunged forward and Dr. Petroff lost her grip on the blond hair but kept hold of Supergirl's hot pants. Her grip made them slide further down around Supergirl's knees, tripping her. As Supergirl fell forward, Dr. Petroff kneed the tall blond in the behind. Supergirl fell on her face. When she tried to get up, the shorts tangled around her long, muscular legs hampered her so, that she clumsily fell over again. All of her alluring grace seemed to have deserted her, along with her other super capabilities. She tugged the shorts back up in place, just as the vicious Dr. Petroff kicked her over on her back.. The cruel woman knee dropped onto Supergirl's defenseless stomach, driving the breath out of her mouth with a whoosh. As she gasped for breath, Supergirl tried to throw the vicious woman off. At last a sudden heave dislodged the doctor. Petroff rolled over to where the Kryptonite had dropped, and tucked it safely inside her own bra. Just as Supergirl stumbled to her feet, Dr. Petroff leaped at her and caught her around the waist in a classic bearhug. She eagerly crushed the tall blond against her own chest. The sudden renewed proximity to the evil metal, triggered a new wave of sickening weakness coursing through Supergirl's voluptuous body, robbing her of any possibility of retaliating, or even freeing herself. Supergirl's arms waved helplessly as Dr. Petroff clasped her hands in the small of her back and squeezed tighter. Squeezing remorselessly, she worked her body against Supergirl, so that the harsh material of her tweed skirt rubbed offensively against Supergirl's thin-lycra clad crotch. The aggressive intimacy horrified the fastidious superheroine. Dr. Petroff felt Supergirl's out thrust buttocks clench as she struggled with dwindling strength. The evil scientist eagerly thrust her own less well endowed bust against Supergirl's magnificent bosom. Supergirl felt the Kryptonite throbbing against her bosom, through thin cloth, draining her super powers and transmitting bolts of pain through her boobs and chest. "Ooh it burns!" Supergirl gasped with her last breath, as Dr. Petroff's strong, thin arms crushed her painfully working lungs. Gradually, her splendid body went limp, until at last, the beautiful blond hung hopelessly still. With a sneer of satisfaction, the cruel scientist let Supergirl drop to the floor. Supergirl crumpled in a beautiful gorgeous heap of tangled, blue and red clad limbs. She shuddered in pain, gasping for breath. Eyes dimmed by pain, Supergirl barely noticed that Dr. Petroff left for a moment, carrying the Kryptonite with her, still tucked in her bra. In its absence, some of Supergirl's strength returned, but the evil woman soon came back, and once again, she felt the all too familiar weakness steal over her. She looked up in dismay. The woman who called herself Dr. Petroff now wore a skintight, black leotard. Tight lycra outlined a spectacular figure, though one that paled in comparison to Supergirl's athletic, busty curves. The woman removed the gray fright wig, for such it was. Underneath, a pure white streak ran through jet black hair. She took off the thick ugly glasses, and donned a mask in the form of a cat's head.. "Catwoman!" Supergirl gasped. With a terrible sense of dread, she realized now, this assault was no perverse whim of an eccentric scientist, but a clever, feline scheme to ensnare her in a terrible trap. In her present, helpless state the knowledge did her little good. "Batgirl reported you were killed." Supergirl whispered in confusion. Catwoman laughed. "That little red-haired bimbo says what I tell her to say. Wasn't it Batgirl who convinced you to go to 'Dr. Petroff' for assistance? When she informed me you planned to seek aid against Kryptonite, I got here first. The good Doctor is locked safely in the cellar. She is an attractive woman herself, and I enjoyed her conquest and domestication. Then I ordered Batgirl to lure you here to her. Luckily for the little fool, she succeeded. I had some doubts of her skills at prevarication, but she is coming along nicely. She hates so to disappoint me." "Batgirl would never betray our friendship, and certainly she'd never be an accomplice in your evil, criminal conspiracies, Catwoman! She's dedicated to truth and justice, with her whole heart and soul!" Supergirl retorted haughtily. Catwoman laughed . "Your battty little friend, (Forgive my pun!) got in my way one time too many. She was a nuisance, always underclaw, so to speak. When I had some spare time, I captured her and taught her who's boss. She has benefitted from some intense training sessions, and now the little slut obeys my every command. Sometimes, her ardor is cloying though. All that doggish devotion offends my austere, feline sensibilities. Perhaps teaching you to worship and obey me, will be more of a challenge." "More of a challenge than you're up to! I guarantee you that!" Supergirl snorted with an angry toss of her blond curls. "I've been captured with Kryptonite before, and nobody ever made me obey them, and certainly not adore them. It takes a heck of a lot more than a crazy woman in a K-Mart cat costume to scare me!" Catwoman purred in delight."Oooh so feisty. I like that. You will be amusing, and it's time for your first lesson too, my fluffy, little blond crimefighter. Umm those canary yellow curls really bring out the cat in me, too!" Catwoman smirked at the big blond heroine as she leaned over and grabbed her by the ears. She hauled Supergirl up on her feet. Supergirl squirmed in pain. Being lifted by her ears was bad enough, but Catwoman's gloves were impregnated with Kryptonite. When she tugged on Supergirl's delicate ears, intense pain knifed straight into her brain. The unbearable pain in Supergirl's head and ears was just the start. Catwoman let go of her ears and then began a frightful humiliating beating of the normally invulnerable superheroine. She slammed her left fist low into Supergirl's superbly formed belly, and then smashed a right upper cut into Supergirl's rounded chin. Supergirl felt everything spinning around . Another punch plowed into her huge up tilted right boob. Supergirl stumbled backward. Catwoman's boot flashed head high. The toe sunk into Supergirl's belly barely above the crotch, doubling her over in agony. Supergirl ruefully discovered the toes of Catwoman's boots were tipped in Kryptonite, too. "Why did I send the Bitch so much of that damned stuff? I must have been out of my mind." She berated herself silently. Catwoman closed on the Maid of Might, beating her head back and forth. The tall, blond superheroine shivered at the pain; she wasn't accustomed to being hurt physically. Her knees buckled as another flurry of fists smashed her big, delicious bosom. She tottered backward. Catwoman followed closely, fiercely driving punch after punch into Supergirl's belly. Though stunned and hurt, Supergirl pluckily did her best to fend Catwoman off, but the vicious feline cudgeled her arms aside and Kryptonite armored fists slammed repeatedly into her body. First, Catwoman blasted rights and lefts into Supergirl's trembling abdomen. Supergirl's washboard belly muscles were no match for Kryptonite. Catwoman's fists sank deep into her body. "Is your belly made of Jell-O, Superslut?" Catwoman sneered, as she knocked the big blond one way, then another. "Stop it! Stop it!" Supergirl groaned. She saw Catwoman though a scarlet haze of pain. She tired to stumble away, but the relentless crime queen never let up on her. Her fists hammered away steadily at Supergirl's totally vulnerable body, until Supergirl lost her footing and went down on one knee. She looked up in alarm to see a fist shooting toward her face. She tried to duck, but it landed with a sickening crunch against her jaw. Then Catwoman snapped her head to one side with a left jab. Catwoman noted with delight that her Kryptonite armed fists were bruising Supergirl's creamy flesh, no longer invulnerable to any injury. She smashed her right fist into Supergirl's straight classical nose. Moments later drops of blood trickled from her nostrils. Catwoman clouted her across the ear and then kicked her aching belly again. When Supergirl started to topple over, Catwoman caught her on the point of the chin with her Kryptonite tipped boot, catapulting her over on her back. Supergirl looked up to see Catwoman dropping knees first into her chest. Her big, resilient boobs absorbed the full force of Catwoman's 130 pounds. She gagged in sick shock at the pain that engulfed her broad chest. Before she could move, two clenched fists smashed into her jaw in quick succession. Catwoman rose from the prone blond. Supergirl desperately kicked her long, muscular legs at her, but Catwoman easily avoided the thrashing ill- coordinated kicks.. She stooped down an grasped Supergirl under the arms. Supergirl struggled madly but couldn't avoid being dragged, kicking and clawing, to her feet once again. As soon as Catwoman had her groggy foe up, she hit her twice more in the belly. Each time her hard fists penetrated the firm girdle of muscle and buried themselves to the wrist. Supergirl's long legs trembled and shook like a newborn fawn. Her mouth dropped open, as though to scream, but no sound came from her paralyzed lungs. Catwoman grabbed two handfuls of curly blond hair and snapped Supergirl's head down into a knee lift that landed precisely on Supergirl's jaw. In the midst of her pain, Supergirl still managed to muse bitterly to herself. " The bitch even has Kryptonite on her knee pads." At this point her overtaxed legs gave out and she slumped limply to her knees. Catwoman contemptuously smacked Supergirl across the face knocking her over on her side. The Maid of Steel lay there almost ready to pass out, trying to gather together enough strength to get up again. Catwoman wasn't done with her yet, though. She drove her deadly boot into Supergirl's belly curling her up in a ball. Supergirl rolled desperately away as Catwoman drew back her leg for a follow up. That kick landed in the small of Supergirl's broad back. She felt the stabbing pain in her kidneys as another kick landed in the same spot. A third kick landed on her big, boldly rounded behind. Supergirl rolled on her aching belly, blindly seeking to escape. Catwoman stamped the heel of her boot down into the small of Supergirl's back. Supergirl gagged in pain. and not knowing where she got the strength, she flung herself over on her back again. Seeing a foot coming at her yet again, Supergirl tried to grab it, but Catwoman stamped on her upper arm, then pressed her foot down on Supergirl's long, swanlike neck, almost crushing her windpipe. Supergirl was already breathless, and when Catwoman's foot crushed her vulnerable white throat cutting off her air supply, she was really scared. "You're strangling me!" Supergirl croaked, thrashing about like an ensnared wild animal.. "Not quite strangling, Darling!" Catwoman smirked. "You'll know it when I do!" Supergirl wriggled weakly, vainly trying to escape. It was no use; she shuddered helplessly. Catwoman glanced down at her victim, in time to see large, blue eyes fill with tears. Catwoman cruelly spat in Supergirl's face again. Demeaning that unbelievable, blond beauty thrilled her with pleasure Wishing to humiliate her blond victim even more, Catwoman knelt down beside her. Supergirl gratefully snatched a fresh breath as Catwoman removed the foot from her throat, but when Catwoman unsnapped the shoulder snap on her blue tunic, she gurgled, breathlessly. "What are you doing? Stop it! Ooh you nasty bitch!" Catwoman slid the tight sheath up Supergirl's body to the neck, baring her huge breasts. Even flat on her back, Supergirl's enormous boobs thrust provocatively high above her broad muscular chest. Small pink aureoles and long thick nipple spikes excitingly highlighted their bounteous magnificence. With a quick snap of her wrists, Catwoman whipped the tunic over Supergirl's head, denuding her to the waist. Then she slid her thumbs into the waistband of Supergirl's red shorts. Her Kryptonite covered fingers burned Supergirl's delicate, white belly like hot coals, and the helpless blond heroine cried out at the pain. Even dazed by the pain though, Supergirl modestly tried to grab her red shorts, but Catwoman was too quick for her. She slid the shorts down around Supergirl's superbly muscled thighs, past her big bold butt cheeks, baring her convexly ridged abdomen, except for a pair of skimpy silk-lace bikini panties. Spying the lacy panties, Catwoman cooed. "Ooh what a shameless little slut we are!" With a quick pantherish swipe, Catwoman snatched the shorts down Supergirl's curved thighs and tore them off her booted calves, leaving the regally beautiful crimefighter clad only in her high heeled red boots and those delightfully frilly underpants. The sight of her prey nearly naked again, but now hurt and beaten filled Catwoman with ecstacy. She took a deep breath of sheer pleasure. Supergirl rubbed her sore chin and tried to lift her head, but moaned at the pain it cost her. Realizing her terrible vulnerability, Supergirl murmured to herself. "Oh God! I've got to stop her somehow!" Ignoring the hot knot of pain in her gut, she painfully sat up. The effort left her breathless and exhausted. As she sat there gagging, she was afraid she'd throw up. She rubbed her tummy trying to ease the cramps that convulsed her body. Looking down she saw that her big legs splayed helplessly apart, exposing her precious, near naked womanhood. She vainly tried to close her legs. "Oh God!" Supergirl silently agonized. "I've got to get away from this bitch somehow." She rolled over on her hands and knees, awkwardly exposing her big bottom to Catwoman's amused gaze. Supergirl struggled bravely, finally dragging herself to her feet. Feeling her legs under her was a moral victory that raised her spirits a little. Catwoman snickered at Supergirl's valiant efforts. "Come and get me Superheroine!" She sneered as she rose from her knees and jumped just out of Supergirl's reach. Supergirl lunged clumsily, as Catwoman taunted her. "Silly Bitch! Why don't you hit me with those super powered fists? Aren't you the great Supergirl?" Supergirl lunged at the laughing sadist again, but Catwoman easily avoided the enfeebled superheroine. Supergirl almost fell as she missed her quarry; her naked boobs jiggled with wild abandon. Catwoman laughed at her foe's jiggling, white boobs. "Don't trip over those big, fat tits, Sweetie. They sure do weigh you down. Why don't you try to hit me with one of those big bazzooms? Well, don't worry; even if they're not much use in a fight, I bet they'll be a lot of fun after its over!" Catwoman stayed just out of range taunting Supergirl, and easily dodging the valiant blond's mad rushes. At least, her cat and mouse game allowed Supergirl to recover a little of her strength though, as it moved the terrible green Kryptonite further away from to her body. When she almost caught Catwoman with one desperate lunge, Catwoman decided to end the game. She stepped in close and smashed a roundhouse slap across Supergirl's face. The stinging slap almost knocked the Maid of Steel off her feet. She just saved herself at the last second. She was still off balance when Catwoman grabbed her blond hair with her left hand and pulled her face up close. She jerked Supergirl into a right handed punch that drilled wrist deep into her, oh so tender belly. In close proximity to the Kryptonite again, Supergirl felt the full effects of the punch. Nausea returned with a rush, as a second punch landed with equal power in the same spot. Her head spinning sickeningly, Supergirl tried to retaliate. She put everything she had left into a punch to Catwoman's face. It landed perfectly, right on the button. Catwoman shook the punch off, with sardonic laugh. "You're pathetic!" She chortled. She let go of Supergirl's hair and grabbed Supergirl's trembling breasts, one in each hand. Tearing at the super sensitive boobs with Kryptonite treated claws, she shoved backward. Dizzy and sick, Supergirl lost her footing and fell over. When she saw Catwoman preparing for another knee drop, she rolled on her belly to avoid it. Too late!. The black-haired witch landed squarely on the firm padded flesh covering Supergirl's kidneys Her knee pinned Supergirl face down to the floor, like some huge exotically beautiful, gold and cream butterfly. Catwoman slid off and kneeling beside her, rolled the tormented superheroine over on her back. The feline criminal licked her red lips hungrily, as she glimpsed the sick agony on the blond woman's appealingly beautiful face. Nevertheless, Supergirl's huge blue eyes blazed defiantly. Her magnificent creamy bosom rose and fell in quick painful pants. But to her surprise she didn't feel quite so weak. "Maybe after awhile some of the effects of that horrible stuff wears off a little. Well I've sure got nothing to lose, now, finding out." She mused hopefully. As Catwoman knelt over her, laughing at her agony, Supergirl reared up and wrapped her powerfully rounded arms around Catwoman's waist. She clutched convulsively in a tightening bearhug. The big blond girl's arms felt like steel bands. Catwoman was crushed against her foe's big, near nude body. "So does some of the effect wear off after a little while?" Catwoman asked. Her voice was tight as she was experiencing real pain from Supergirl's hold. "You'll find out soon enough, Bitch!" Supergirl hissed. Yet Catwoman noticed the pressure of Supergirl's arms was no greater than that exerted by a strong, normal woman. Supergirl felt the close proximity of the Kryptonite again; she knew she only had moments to finish Catwoman. She took a deep breath and squeezed with all her waning strength. She arched her powerful back muscles. Even though her splendid legs trembled, and her knotted stomach felt like it would explode in agony, she rose to her feet lifting Catwoman along with her, until she was standing on shaky legs with Catwoman dangling from her arms. The cruel, hate filled, raven haired criminal saw stars, as Supergirl's arms almost cut her in two. Who could hold out the longest? Catwoman wasn't about to find out. With the cunning of a threatened feline, she concentrated all her will and energy in sliding her arm in between their locked bodies. Inch by inch she wiggled her hand down until finally she reached her target. Cruel claws dug at Supergirl's pussy, sadly unprotected by her lace panties. "Ooh you nasty bitch!" The gallant blond shrieked at this cruel new assault. Somehow she held on. Gritting her teeth she squeezed harder. Though doing her utmost, Supergirl prayed silently "Oh make her stop! It hurts so! Oooh my poor pussy; she's ruining it!" By now sharp Kryptonite claws were almost inside her body. She knew she couldn't hold out much longer The Kryptonite was making her dizzy and she was swaying like a young tree in a strong wind. Catwoman felt Supergirl's grip loosen just a bit. Now, she could exert even more leverage, tearing at the other girls genitalia. Supergirl's arms quivered and shook. With a feeling of helpless frustration, she felt her grip weaken. "No, no! Can't let her get away!" She almost wept in frustration, as Catwoman wiggled around and got her feet back on the floor. It was hopeless! Her brief spurt of strength had ebbed, leaving Supergirl weaker than before. Catwoman tore her other arm loose and grabbed Supergirl by the throat. Supergirl's arms dropped lifelessly. Catwoman pushed her backward by the throat, until she pinned her against the wall. The whole time she never stopped tearing at Supergirl's crotch with savage, feline cruelty. As Catwoman propelled her helplessly backward, Supergirl used both hands vainly trying to pry Catwoman's claws away from her crotch. Even both hands weren't enough, though. She tried another tack. Now, pinned helplessly to the wall, Supergirl used the last of her waning strength to scratch Catwoman's face. She tore four deep furrows in the pale ivory cheek. Catwoman shrieked in shock. Supergirl almost grinned through her torment. It was a little victory anyway, even if Catwoman paid it back tenfold, as she undoubtedly would. Indeed, Catwoman went ballistic. "My face! You little bitch! What have you done to my face?" In a frenzy, she gave the trembling Supergirl a hard shove away from her. She began batting Supergirl's huge vulnerable boobs, kicked her in the shins, and slapped her across the face. She tried to knee her in the crotch, anything to get back at Supergirl for marring her icy beauty. Finally Catwoman calmed down enough to realize she wasn't doing as much damage as she might. She reasserted her icy composure, and cooly set out to savagely pound the beautiful Maid of Steel into submission. The injured heroine was weak as a child from the devastating rays of Kryptonite, but she resolved to go down fighting. She did her best to return punch for punch, but her breathing was ragged and labored, and her punches wild and ineffectual. Catwoman smiled coldly as she traded punches with the courageous blond, because now it was so easy to out punch her. Catwoman stepped in close and hit Supergirl on the chin with three quick lefts that snapped her head a different way each time, tossing her tangled mane of blond curls this way and that. Shortly before Supergirl's hair had been a shimmering golden crown; now it hung down to her naked shoulders in sweaty disarray, and half covered her face. Two straight lefts to the belly button, followed by a right upper cut to the point of her chin, sent Supergirl reeling. With cool precision, Catwoman stepped up her attack, keeping the stumbling blond off balance. With a satisfied grin, Catwoman attacked Supergirl's proud, vulnerable bosom, enviably, so much larger and shapelier than her own. Catwoman pounded her fists into Supergirl's enormous breasts, flattening the firm flesh against her straining chest. Supergirl's high set, globular boobies skipped madly, as Catwoman bounced them around like a pro boxer batting a pair of punching bags. Each punch stretched and twisted the firm elastic flesh fantastically. Supergirl almost toppled over trying to balance the wild, swinging gyrations of her fabulous, colossal sized boobs. In addition to the frightful pain in her bruised titties, the bouncing punishment was making Supergirl literally seasick. When Supergirl tried to cover her boobs, Catwoman attacked her marvelous washboard belly. Her fists plowed into Supergirl's already badly mauled gut, driving deep enough to cause internal injuries. When Supergirl vainly tried to fight back, her strongly molded arms and long elegant hands fluttered uselessly. Catwoman effortlessly smashed the quivering white limbs aside, as if they were fragile flowers in the wind. Supergirl strove to hold the marvelous muscles of her splendid torso rigid, but Catwoman's relentless fists were like two jack hammers, plowing deep into her lower belly and groin. The big blond doubled over, long legs trembling, knees knocking together. That sickening combination of physical punishment and Kryptonite pain turned Supergirl's face sickly green. It looked like the only thing keeping the Maid of Might on her feet, was those devastating blows battering her erect each time she began to topple. She desperately hugged her aching belly, perhaps in vain hope of protecting it, but more likely to ease the terrible cramps. Unable to protect herself, but too proud to submit, Supergirl stumbled away from Catwoman, flight the only defense left. Catwoman was not one to let a victim escape that easy. She leapt after her quarry, grabbed a handful of tangled, blond curls and yanked the big superheroine back to her. She balled her fist, and pounded it into Supergirl's kidneys. At first Supergirl's ridged, back muscles resisted the cruel attack, but then, like her cruelly punished, abdominal sheath, her sleek back muscles too went limp, smashed to jelly. Ragged, sobbing gasps of pain punctuated each punch. Supergirl's powerfully rounded legs buckled. The sight of the voluptuous superheroine, so vital and strong, of goddess like beauty, cringing and whimpering helplessly in agony, drove Catwoman nearly mad with ecstacy. She couldn't stop herself now; she must break this proud magnificent woman. Yet she didn't want the big blond unconscious, she wanted her wide awake for every calamitous second of what was coming She stopped pounding her back, and twisted Supergirl around facing her, then let go of her hair. It took every thing the gallant superheroine had just to keep herself on her feet. As she swayed back and forth, her face was unprotected. With a sneer, as though to show her contempt for the world's mightiest woman, Catwoman smacked the Maid of Might's head back and forth with fierce, blistering, openhanded slaps. By now, even this humiliating assault was too much for Supergirl to handle, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. Catwoman viciously slapped her face until the distraught crimefighter, wailing in pain, twisted her body away from her feline tormentor. It did our heroine little good, for when she turned her back, Catwoman grabbed her by the hair again, before she took two steps. Supergirl's heart sank. She knew she couldn't take much more from those hammering Kryptonite armed hands and survive. Catwoman's passions were aroused to fever pitch; she had a consuming desire to smash this idolized Darling of the Nation to jelly. Yet hammering the proudly beautiful superheroine to death with her fists, fun though it might be, ran counter to her long range schemes. "Oh well," Catwoman thought with cool feline logic, "I have better ways to humiliate and destroy our little Media pet!" Still holding Supergirl's hair in an unbreakable grip, Catwoman rubbed her other hand down the blond's jutting, muscular bottom cheeks, and inside the tattered wisp of silk panty. She slyly slipped her middle finger between the solidly jammed buttocks. With a quick cruel jab, she goosed Supergirl with her Kryptonite tipped finger. Her sharp finger tip almost penetrated Supergirl's tightly clenched sphincter. The majestic blond superheroine shrieked in indignant anguish. Her tormented body leaped into the air as though touched by a live wire. Catwoman's secure hold on Supergirl's golden tresses never loosened though, and when the shock passed, Supergirl's shivering body still stood hopelessly trapped and vulnerable. Highly pleased at Supergirl's violent reaction to being goosed, Catwoman laughingly slapped the heroine's broad bottom, next. Her gloved palm, naturally also treated with Kryptonite, stung Supergirl like the very blazes. Outraged by this painful new indignity, Supergirl sniffed back tears of frustration. Pleased at her captive's reaction, Catwoman bent Supergirl forward, exposing the crimefighter's big fruited bottom to greater vulnerability. She slapped those outrageously gorgeous butt cheeks again and again, in an ever quickening tempo. Supergirl shrieked in resentment at the agonizing humiliation That Kryptonite glove slapping her beautiful backside was more calamitously painful for Supergirl, than a leather strop would be to a normal woman. In fact it was more like being burned by live steam. Smarting pain became fiery agony. Supergirl's screams grew hysterically louder. The silken tatters of her panties provided no protection whatsoever, and Supergirl's gorgeous white behind soon glowed brightly. She was soon hopping and dancing in undignified distress from the burning pain. Her first shrieking yelps died away to a steady hopeless mewling. As she bent over her half couching victim, Catwoman licked her lips in ecstatic glee. Spanking the haughty Supergirl as though she were an unruly little, school girl exalted the feline sadist to cat heaven. It wasn't every day she got to wallop a superheroine's bottom. Of course, she often wailed Batgirl's cute, little heinie, but Batgirl wasn't really a superheroine, just a costumed little busybody. Almost better than the pain inflicted, was listening to the big, proud crimefighter's pitiful whimpering as Catwoman violated her dignity and self respect with so insultingly farcical a punishment. "You've been a bad girl and must be punished, Supergirl!" Catwoman chortled, derisively. "Don't worry, though, I'll soon teach you to be my meek obedient servant." Much as she enjoyed tormenting and humiliating Supergirl, Catwoman's arm finally grew too tired to keep on. She released Supergirl's tangled gold curls and turned her loose with a final stinging slap on her fast-blistering backside. The mortified superheroine stumbled away, ludicrously holding her excruciatingly burning nether cheeks with both hands. Her aching muscles were so stiff, she couldn't straighten up. Supergirl turned and looked up at Catwoman. Nearly naked, her golden curls tangled and snarled in girlish disarray, tearfully rubbing her beaten bottom like a punished child, the big, blond Crimefighter was totally vulnerable. The half- scared, half-pouting, grimace of pained Indignation on her tear stained, classically dazzling features was like catnip to the sadistic criminal dominatrix. Smiling cruelly, Catwoman approached the naked, cringing blond "No more! Please!" Supergirl whimpered with a sob. "Please, no more!" Supergirl's proud, refined voice broke plaintively. "Ready to submit and serve me now, to be my obedient pupil and pet?" Catwoman purred. The bewildered, sick torment on Supergirl's beautiful face induced no feelings of mercy in the pitiless feline criminal. In spite of her humiliation and pain, Supergirl's pride still smouldered in the courageous beauty's lioness heart. It flamed anew now, in her flashing, blue eyes."Go to hell, you bitch!' she gasped with another half sob "Go to Hell. I'll never submit to you!" "Suit yourself you stupid blond bimbo!" Catwoman cackled "I'll break you sooner or later. The more you struggle, the sweeter my victory will be when you break. If you'd been a good girl, I was going to let you even things up, with your little friend Batgirl for tattling on you. Wouldn't that have been fun?" . She stepped closer to the trembling blond crimefighter and patted heron the cheek. Supergirl jerked her head away in disgust at Catwoman's touch, even before she felt the Kryptonite burn her cheek. ."Leave me alone!" she demanded tearfully with a delightful toss of her golden curls. A yellow curl fell over her left eye, and she wearily brushed it aside. Catwoman seized the tormented beauty around the neck, and pulled Supergirl's suffering face up close, and kissed the trapped crimefighter full on the mouth. She rubbed aggressively against Supergirl's naked flesh. Her mind dulled by pain, the sudden sexual assault caught Supergirl off guard. Before she knew it, against her own strong will, she half returned the kiss. As her reeling mind grasped what was happening, Supergirl tore her face free from the masterful lips of the vicious criminal. "How dare you?" Supergirl cried. Her voice choked by pain still echoed her indignation "I'm Supergirl! I'm not anyone's sexual toy! Especially not yours, you vicious bitch!" Thinking her blond victim was already under her control and domination, Supergirl's imperious indignation infuriated Catwoman. "So you think you're not my sexual toy do you? You stupid blond airheaded bimbo! Well its time I showed you my power over you, then. You pewling, little, whey faced slut." To herself though, Catwoman admitted: "She's tougher than that little wimp Batgirl! The little red- haired bimbo was sucking by boot heels after three punches." Aloud she snarled. "All right lets see whose sex toy you are." Catwoman grabbed Supergirl's arm and effortlessly twisted it behind the blond beauty's broad tapering back. Brutalized beyond real resistance, the big superheroine could only whimper in helpless pain, while the small evil criminal forcibly frogmarched her back to the examination table, where her troubles began. Catwoman shoved Supergirl 's upper body face down across the table. Supergirl clung desperately s to the table for support. She felt Catwoman roughly slide her tattered bikini briefs down her legs, and cried out apprehensively. Catwoman licked her lips as she fully bared the big, bold hemispheres of Supergirl's shapely derriere. It was still a shock to the imperious Supergirl to be treated like a piece of meat and she yelped in indignation. Catwoman threw both arms around the helpless crimefighter's thighs, and lifted her lower body onto the table. She twisted Supergirl over on her back. Supergirl was to spent to resist. She just lay there, gasping painfully for air. Catwoman removed Supergirl's red boots. "You won't be needing these anymore Sweetie, fetching though they are!" Catwoman chortled. Then she pushed Supergirl's long white legs apart until they dangled over each side of the table, vulnerably exposing her golden sheathed, pink pussy Next, Catwoman fastened a leather strap so tightly around Supergirl's neck that it almost cut off her air supply. Another tight strap around her belly fastened the defeated superheroine to the table. Contemptuously, Catwoman left her victim's arms and legs free. Supergirl strained against the leather restraints, but couldn't budge them. Once, she would have snapped such flimsy bonds, with one twitch of her mighty torso. "What do you think you're doing? Stop it, this instant!" Supergirl choked in a quivery voice, husky from the cruel strap binding her throat. "I'm doing what ever I please to you. You belong to me; you're my little slave slut, now!" Catwoman sneered, breathing heavily in anticipatory lust. "You'll never make Supergirl a slave!" The helpless blond answered with proud though hopeless defiance. "We'll see!" Catwoman promised confidently. Supergirl's huge, sharp- pointed boobs, still buoyantly erect even in defeat, jiggled enticingly, as her body trembled with indignation. Catwoman pinched an impudent nipple spike between her thumb and forefinger until Supergirl shrieked. "Anymore questions my overgrown cretin? You see these big overinflated balloons on your chest belong to me already. I can do as I like with them." Catwoman sneered and released Supergirl's nipple. Supergirl still glared at her tormentor in hatred, but her only reply was an involuntary sob. From a work table Catwoman picked up two long, thick rods of glowing green metal. Each rod had a thick knob on one end. "Can you guess what these are, you insipid little prude?" Catwoman laughed as she waved them in Supergirl's face. The fierce look of resistance on Supergirl's beautiful, tormented face drained away, and her huge blue eyes darkened in fearful realization of what Catwoman intended to do with those ugly, frightening monstrosities. "Good Girl! You do recognize them, don't you? Yes, they're Kryptonite dildos, made 'specially just for you. I'd have bet, you didn't have a clue to what they're for. Are you still a virgin, Supergirl? Well don't worry, even if you're not, you've never had a jump in your life like this one's gonna be." "Oh! Dear God, no!" Supergirl gasped. She licked her lips fearfully. She seemed mesmerized as she stared at the obscene objects of terror. "Oh! Dear god, yes!" Catwoman mocked. She tipped the table so Supergirl's hips and thighs were raised, and her head lowered. Supergirl's tangled mane of blond curls cascaded over the edge of the table. Catwoman laid one rod down, and touched the glowing knob of the other one against Supergirl's beautiful, deep-set naval. Supergirl recoiled as the fiery Kryptonite singed her flesh. Catwoman trailed the knob down the ridged muscles of the helpless heroine's alabaster torso. Supergirl moaned loudly as the Kryptonite burned its way down her creamy belly. Supergirl trembled so, that the heavy table vibrated. Catwoman put one knee up on the table to hold it steady as she rubbed the thick knob insinuatingly against Supergirl's golden, pubic thatch. Supergirl desperately tried to hit or kick Catwoman, but the once unsurpassed strength her mighty arms and legs was drained away. Her elegantly sculpted thighs, dangling helplessly over the sides of the table, twitched a little, the only pathetic response to her desperate need. For a while, Catwoman toyed with Supergirl's unprotected, oh so vulnerable pussy. Then, prying her captive's pussy lips apart, she pressed the thick knob at Supergirl's trembling virginal body. Supergirl went rigid in terror; she screamed hysterically "No! No! Pleeeeeease! Its too big! Its too big! Awwooow! It burns! It burns!" Catwoman had to wriggle the knob around to get it inside Supergirl's tight little pussy, but she was ruthlessly determined. With a cackle of evil laughter, she finally drove it home. Supergirl shrieked uncontrollably, as the terrible inhuman torment burned its way into her most intimate treasure. Her entire body was aflame with an all consuming agony. She had never imagined pain like this could exist. A red haze of agony clouded her sight. Her body jerked spasmodically as though high voltage electricity coursed through it. Her legs, helplessly inert, moments before, convulsed and jack knifed in spasms of torment. Her huge breasts gyrated in wild agitation. Still, the throbbing waves of pain went on and on, without ever letting up. Supergirl's shrieks filled the laboratory and echoed through the immense old mausoleum of a house. In the basement a lonely, miserable figure heard the horrifying shrieks and sobbed in broken-hearted remorse. "Nothing could be worse than this!" Supergirl thought in despair but she was wrong; Catwoman was only half done with her. Still cackling gleefully at Supergirl's terrible suffering, Catwoman parted the tight crevice dividing Supergirl's big butt, and exposed her tightly clenched sphincter muscle. Fearful pain had tightened Supergirl's puckered anus into a knot of suffering. Catwoman thrust the huge knob of the second Kryptonite dildo against that tiny barred gate, without success. Catwoman grasped the horrible tool in both hands and rammed it with all her strength. She still couldn't penetrate that unassailable portal. She twisted it back and forth. No matter how she tried she couldn't push it inside Supergirl's agonized body. Finally, Catwoman picked up a heavy, rubber, surgical mallet and began to hammer the other end of the horribly huge dildo. At last with a loud plop the relentless battering ram penetrated the convulsively cramped sphincter, Supergirl's last pathetic defense. Unbelievably, Supergirl's frightful agonies did not just double, they increased ten fold. As Catwoman slid the fearful weapon deeper and deeper into her body, Supergirl's mighty legs curled up against her torso in a fearful convulsion. Her body was dripping with perspiration as wet as though she had just emerged from a pool of water. Her heartrending shrieks intensified, if that was possible. The excruciating, mind destroying agony seared her brain, turned her will to water and darkened her very soul. She prayed for death as infinitely better than this hellish torment. Catwoman calmly surveyed her victim's agony, pulling up a chair to enjoy it in comfort. She carefully placed an expensive Egyptian cigarette in a long jade holder and carefully lit it. She sat there, smoking in sadistic delight, while Supergirl's shrieks gradually died to agonized whimpers, not because her torment lessened any, but because her overtaxed body could no longer spare the strength, unendurable agony consuming her whole being. When Catwoman had leisurely finished smoking her cigaret down to the filter, she carefully snubbed it out, and painstakingly put the holder away. She stood up, stretched lazily like a great, silken, black cat. She carefully studied Supergirl's body for some moments and then with exquisite slowness she withdrew the dildo from Supergirl's pussy. Then just as slowly, she removed the one in her rectum. .Supergirl continued to twitch and shake as though in convulsions. She sobbed jerkily. The absence of the horrible pain was now as great a shock to her system as the pain itself. Just learning such pain was possible had done something terrible to the courageous superheroine. It humbled her, weakened her will and determination to the breaking point. She shivered and gulped fearfully when Catwoman touched her to loosen the leather throng from her neck "Have you learned to obey your mistress my little slave slut?" Supergirl's cruel captor purred. Supergirl heedlessly blurted out her response without conscious thought. "Y- yes, yes ... m-mistress!" She whimpered. She didn't recognize her own slavish whining voice, nor will her abject surrender. "Good! Good girl! I knew you'd see things my way eventually. Just to make sure though, I've got this nice, little collar for you. I had it made just for you. It will insure your obedience at all times." As she spoke, Catwoman locked a gold collar around Supergirl's long elegant neck. Catwoman explained that it emanated just enough Kryptonite rays to leave Supergirl somewhat stronger than a normal woman of her size and build, but deprived of all her super powers and strength. Catwoman placed a matching bracelet on her own wrist. "My bracelet controls your dog collar. Now remember your collar is set fairly low right now, but anytime I want, I can turn it up. At high, it can burn out your brain and turn you into a vegetable, although I'm not sure anyone would notice. Maybe I should demonstrate it to you, so you have no doubts." Catwoman began to fiddle with the bracelet on her wrist. Supergirl screamed "No! Don't, please!" Intuitively she knew Catwoman's threat was real. She was hopelessly trapped in this nightmare! She shivered apprehensively. "N-no more pl-please! Don't hurt me anymore!'" She whimpered. "I swear I'll do what you tell me." Catwoman had totally destroyed Supergirl's will to resist. The evil criminal laughed with smug, sadistic satisfaction. She undid the strap around Supergirl's middle, and tipped the table forward. Supergirl slid to the floor. She clutched her violated crotch, still throbbing with the aftermath of violent rape. She crouched at Catwoman's feet, tears streaming down her pale, beautiful face. Catwoman looked down smugly surveying the huge magnificent body of the fabled crimefighter, now naked and helpless, a cringing, beaten slave. "Now its time to begin your training my delightful super slave slut." Catwoman smirked. "Get your fat behind up off the floor! C'mon! Move it!. Chop- chop!" Too terrified to disobey, the hapless superheroine struggled painfully to her feet. Her enormous, arrogantly erect boobs quivered visibly in agitation. "Follow me!"Catwoman snapped to her humiliated captive, then contemptuously turned on her heel and walked away, certain the broken spirited heroine would obey. A usual Catwoman guessed right, for Supergirl meekly followed the small evil criminal. Although otherwise unfettered, the fearsome collar around her neck, together with her servile, hesitant demeanor, clearly conveyed that the tall, commanding, blond beauty was abjectly subservient to the arrogant woman leading her. Supergirl's austere, classically beautiful features and the magnificent Junoesque strength of her voluptuous body contrasted starkly with her humiliating nudity and the tormented terror dimming her expressive blue eyes. Supergirl's long legs trembled coltishly as she walked. She lifted her feet gingerly and put them down as though she were walking on eggs. The residual Kryptonite in her vagina and anus still scorched her privates with every movement, making every step a purgatory. Catwoman directed her into an elaborate, sybaritic bathroom, worthy of a luxury loving feline. Unable to stand a moment longer, Supergirl sank down on her knees. Catwoman tugged a pull rope on the wall. In her basement cell, Batgirl heard the dreaded tinkling that summoned her to that terrifying presence. Today she must face an even worse ordeal then satisfying her terrifying, perverse Mistress. Nevertheless, despite her dread, she dared not hesitate a second to answer that call. She ran all the way, and was breathing hard when she reached the bathroom. Supergirl looked up when Batgirl entered the room, and then looked away in disgust. The erstwhile crimefighter still wore her familiar, black leather cowl, cape and boots. Her Utility Belt, with the compartments emptied, was cinched much too tightly around her naturally slim waist. The rest of her famous costume was missing. The black leather remnants, like the burnished, bronze bush at her thighs, highlighted the pale translucent complexion of a natural redhead, and emphasized the stark nakedness of the rest of Batgirl's exquisite body. "Your friend has decided to join us." Catwoman said cheerily to Batgirl. "Why don't you get her cleaned up and fix her hair. It's a fright. "I want her dainty and pretty for me!" When Batgirl looked at Supergirl, she almost got sick to her stomach. It was such a short time ago she'd watched the awe-inspiring superheroine shoot down from the sky, as strong and beautiful as an angel from heaven. Though a famous, heroic crimefighter, herself, and Supergirl's friend, Batgirl was always a little in awe of the older girl. Though she'd never admit it, she kind of hero-worshiped Supergirl. Now, Batgirl's gorgeous blond role model crouched on the floor, naked and defeated, like a broken doll. Purpling bruises mottled the creamy skin all over her superb body. Her big, imprudently out thrust behind was red and blistered. Her hands were clasped over her sore swollen pussy. Worst of all, though, was the horrible look of sick, hurt shock in those sky-blue eyes that Batgirl remembered were always fearless as a young eagle. "Oh Dear god! Look what the Cat bitch did to her!" Batgirl grieved silently. "And its my fault!" Batgirl was so ashamed of the treacherous part she had played in luring Supergirl into this horrible predicament, that her eyes fell to the floor; she just couldn't bear to look at her friend, like this. Eyes averted in shame, she silently helped Supergirl stand up and helped her into a large hot tub. When Supergirl settled down in the soothing water, Batgirl washed her aching body. The hot soapy water eased some of Supergirl's hurts and washed away some of the residual Kryptonite in her body cavities, so that she began to feel a little better, physically at least. While Batgirl was washing Supergirl, Catwoman got up and left the room. Until then she had been watching the onetime friends' reactions avidly. She sped around to a small alcove where she could see and overhear them without their knowing it. As soon as Catwoman left, Supergirl looked up at Batgirl, and whispered throatily. "How could you help her do this to me?" Batgirl almost broke down in tears. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she answered plaintively. "Oh Supergirl, I had to do it. You're just finding out what she's like. She's not just a criminal, she's a devil. If you cross her, she pays you back a thousand times. Honest to God! She scares the shit out of me. I don't dare disobey her. I'm sorry! I am! I really, truly am! I hate myself for helping her do this to you, but I can't help myself anymore. Once you give in to her, its like a disease you can't stop. It just gets worse and worse! Forgive me? Please, Supergirl forgive me?" The heartrending sorrow in the girl's trembling voice touched Supergirl "Maybe you're right. She is a devil!" In a sudden rush of emotion, she patted Batgirl's hand. "It's all right, Honey! I understand. The truth is, she scares the shit out of me too!" Batgirl leaned down and kissed her friend's hand. She rinsed the beautiful blond off and helped her out of the tub into a giant fluffy towel. Batgirl was still weeping as she dried the trembling Maid of Steel. As Supergirl sat at a dressing table, Batgirl dried her hair with a blow-dryer and combed it out. She was just finishing when Catwoman came back carrying a stack of garments. Batgirl nervously stood to attention when her Mistress reentered the room. "I see you've finished her hair. Good! You can get her dressed now!" Catwoman snickered and produced a white silk bow for the beautiful heroine's golden curls. Batgirl carefully arranged it in Supergirl's golden mane. Then she handed Batgirl a white corselet. When Batgirl put it on Supergirl, it reached from just beneath the superheroine's magnificent bosom to just partially cover her boldly rounded hips. The garment had laces in back. Batgirl started to tie them, but Catwoman screamed angrily. "Tighten those laces up, you lazy slut! I want your blond friend to know she's wearing it. I paid a fortune for that." Batgirl obediently pulled the laces tighter, and then tighter, until at last, Catwoman nodded her approval. By then, Supergirl was gasping for breath and her pale face had turned pink. The pressure pushed her naked bosom to incredible heights, and spectacularly emphasized its super generous size. "Wow! The Bitch does have tits like a pair of torpedoes!" Catwoman muttered enviously. White stockings and garters that attached to the corselet were next. A frilly, little, white, lace apron around her extra trim, corseted waist almost completed Supergirl's costume. The apron reached just to the juncture of her big, lush, creamy hued thighs, leaving her fleecy golden thatch peeking shyly from underneath. Gold pumps were the final touch. Supergirl's frightened, anxious air complemented the costume's parody of maidenly innocense, and made of the captive heroine, a breathtakingly appealing picture. On the white silk of the corselet, just beneath and between Supergirl's up tilted, heroically proportioned breasts, was a small scarlet "S." overlaid by the outline of a cat's-paw. Catwoman laughed and poked her sharp finger into the emblem. Supergirl shuddered as a sharp pain from the Kryptonite on Catwoman's finger lanced though her chest. "That 'S' is just a little reminder of who you used to be; only now it stands for Slaveslut to remind you what you are Now! The cat's-paw of course is to remind you that you're MY Slaveslut!" Batgirl sobbed and threw her arms around her friend. They hugged in sisterly commiseration, united in despair and terror of the demonic Catwoman. "What an adorable tableaux." Catwoman snickered. "I'm touched. I thought you two would be at each other's throats. I know what: Supergirl why don't you lick Batgirl's pussy just to prove to her you don't have any hard feelings." Supergirl looked up in shocked horror. She loved Batgirl like a sister, but she didn't want to, SHE COULDN'T do something like that to another girl. She gulped nervously. "Wouldn't you like that Batgirl?" Catwoman added. "If that's what you want mistress." Batgirl choked. Beneath her mask, Batgirl's face was hot with shame. "Go ahead, SlaveSlut! Get to it!" Catwoman ordered. Supergirl couldn't help herself. Against her will she glanced down at Batgirl's pussy. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I can't! I can't! I just can't do this!" Supergirl agonized silently, until a twinge of scorching pain in her vagina reminded her of the consequences of disobedience to the remorseless Catwoman. "Oh God! I can't go through that again! I'd die this time." She told herself, reliving the horrifying, soul searing Kryptonite rape. The consequences of disobeying the evil criminal mastermind were too terrifying to risk. In sick resignation, she slowly sank to her knees in front of her friend. "Go ahead!" Catwoman's stern voice rang out. Supergirl bent her head until her ripe lips were touching Batgirl's gorgeous, red thatched pussy. When her friend's lips touched her so intimately, Batgirl shivered with a sense of shock and dread. Yet there was a thrill of excitement too. Inevitably, Catwoman had introduced the luscious redhead captive to Sapphic love practices, but sex like everything else with the sadistic feline, was a horrifying ordeal. With Supergirl it was different. Before Catwoman enslaved her, when she was free, Batgirl often dreamed of making love with some handsome man, but sometimes, just sometimes, alone in bed at night, she'd wondered what it would be like with another woman, and Supergirl was the partner she'd always fantasized. Knowing there was no real choice, Supergirl began to kiss her friend's sweet pussy lips and lick the erect little clit. Best to just keep her mind blank and get it over with as soon as possible. It wasn't as bad as she'd always feared. Knowing it was her friend Batgirl, made it a little more endurable. In contrast, the unbidden thought of being made to service Catwoman like this, flashed through Supergirl's mind and she shuddered with apprehensive horror. It was just too horrible to think about, and she put it out of her mind, at least for now. Catwoman watched avidly, as Supergirl buried her beautiful face, flaming in shame, between Batgirl's trembling white thighs. She watched Supergirl's golden head bobbing up and down, elegant hands resting shyly on Batgirl's thighs, as she did her catty bidding. The feline sadist grinned in satisfaction, knowing it was another step in Supergirl's complete submission. "Pretty soon, she'll beg to suck my hot pussy. Let her practice a while on the red-haired bimbo, though; I hate amateurs!" When Batgirl shuddered to an exiting but mortifying climax, Catwoman chortled "Well, now that you two are friends again, I have an assignment for you, SlaveSlut. If I turn your Kryptonite collar way, way down, you'll regain about 60% of your old super powers. Of course, never forget, I can turn it up again, too, anytime you misbehave, no matter where you are. My wrist transmitter has unlimited range. But, I digress. Anyway with 60% of your power, you should just about be a match for your old chum Wonder Woman. l want you to beat her up and capture that overbearing Amazon. You'll have BatSlut to help you, and just thinking of my bitter disappointment if you fail, will inspire you both to success. Won't that be fun? Three good friends all united to serve me." "No, no! I can't betray Wonder Woman." Supergirl cried. "She's everything I admire and revere." But somehow, deep in her heart, a broken-spirited Supergirl knew she'd do whatever her evil, new mistress demanded. She looked up guiltily at Batgirl's face wondering if Batgirl knew it too. Batgirl looked down, and sadly read the secret surrender in her friend's eyes. She recognized the signs of that horrible subservience all too well. She'd already been there herself!