(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a direct sequel to Morganna's Clinic. Previous stories in this series are: Supermom's Rose Garden, SuperGwendoline's Distress, Super Halloween, Silver Valkyrie, Justice Scorned and Super Mother's Day, all posted at the GW Page of  Diana's Library. GW Page  )

WARNING: This story contains nudity, graphic violence, rape,  and other adult themes. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.

Super Retribution.
Part 3.
Supermom's gorgeous figure trembled and quivered with a weakness she'd never known.  She found herself too sick and weak to rise from her knees.  With a whimper of despair, she admitted to herself, she was beaten.  Wendy, the victorious Teen Witch, looked down at her beaten superheroine opponent, her eyes glinting maliciously.  Supermom could expect no gallantry or mercy from the victor of this battle.  Added to her normally nasty temperament, Wendy was furious that Supermom dared spank and arrest her mother.  Desire for vengeance was Wendy's guiding motivation during the entire titanic battle.

Now it was pay back time!

Eager to punish the defeated superheroine for the affront to family honor, Wendy, socked Supermom's sore jaw, without warning. The unexpected, cowardly punch knocked Supermom over on her back.  Already woozy, the valiant crimefighter blacked out, again.

Supermom came to a few moments, later.  She awoke to anguishing, new horror.  Teen Witch, vengefully eager to humiliate the Magnificent Matronly Defender of Virtue, was tearing at her red briefs.  Supermom kicked and wriggled desperately, but her frantic struggles were useless.

Once she tore Supermom's proud, red briefs from her shapely body, Wendy dangled them in front of the defeated superheroine. Supermom on her knees, head bowed low in defeat, modestly tried to shield her mortifying nudity from the grinning teenager's maliciously gleaming eyes.

Wendy extended her booted leg, and ordered the beaten, older woman to kiss her foot.  Supermom was still stunned and humiliated by shocking, unforeseen defeat, but she certainly wasn't going to kiss the nasty teen's foot. America's Idol would never sink that low!

Wendy's reaction to Supermom's stubborn, if tearful, refusal was harsh and instantaneous, as if she was just waiting for the excuse it presented.

Wendy grabbed Supermom's arm and dragged her to that same stone bench that once adorned Supermom's prize rose garden, now a sad, neglected weed patch.  Supermom tried to resist, but she had no strength left to withstand the ruthless teenager.  Wendy sat down, and pulled the helpless superheroine, face down, over her lap.

How could this be happening?  Not to Supermom!  This morning, the victorious heroine received the warm congratulations of the President.  This morning, Supermom's exploits were the featured story of every media outlet in the world.  This morning, Supermom was the heroic toast of the World's Capitals.

This afternoon, in her own backyard, Supermom was beaten senseless by the teenage brat from next door.  This afternoon, stripped half naked, Supermom was dragged across the nasty girl's lap, to be ignominiously spanked on her bared bottom.  Even before Wendy began whacking her broad white bottom, Supermom began sniffling in despondent misery, at this terrible, shameful reversal of fortune.

Irresistible force prevailed over the immovable object, as Wendy's flattened, Super powered hand proved harder than Supermom's mouthwateringly curved, nether cheeks. The carnation hued flesh soon burned painful scarlet.  Already sniffling, Supermom was soon balling and howling at the scalding pain.

Demoralized by defeat, and overwhelmed by a scorching misery she'd rarely known, Supermom soon wailed her surrender to Wendy's demeaning demand.

As the defeated, demeaned superheroine kissed and licked the wicked teenager's boot, her stomach churned with violent nausea.

Violently sick to her stomach, Supermom's head swam dizzily.  Repeated blows to the head and belly, multiple knockouts by super powered punches had reduced Supermom's near indestructible physique to quivering jelly, and the dreadful mortification of a spanking on her bare behind had nearly broken her proud spirit. The whimpering superheroine's distress grew unbearable.  With a forlorn moan, Supermom passed out.

Snorting in disgust, Wendy kicked the unconscious crimefighter, but could elicit no more than another pitiful moan from her victim.

"Damn I was really getting into that!"  Wendy snorted.  "Well, might as well take her back to Aunt Morg's!  That's what I came for, anyway!"

Gathering up Supermom's cape and shorts, Teen Witch grasped the unconscious, nearly naked superheroine by the scruff of the neck and lifted her off the ground.  Then, with a quick leap, she flew into the sky and headed toward Morganna's Clinic, carrying her defeated captive dangling ignominiously from her fist, like a sack of laundry.  Supermom moaned a little, as Wendy carried her, but even the cool evening air, rushing over her nude body didn't revive her.

It wasn't until the grinning Teen Witch triumphantly deposited her trophy before her anxious Aunt Morganna, that Supermom opened her eyes in shock.  Still too weak to move, she could do no more than kneel before Morganna, sobbing softly.

"Oh My Dear!  You're wonderful!"  Morganna crowed in pride at her niece's feat, while Wendy preened herself, like a smug feline.

"What are we gonna do with her now, Aunt Morg?  Y'want me to stay with her all the time, and beat the crap out o'her every little while, so she don't get away?"  Wendy didn't seem displeased with that plan of action.

"No Dear!  Luckily, while you were gone, I finally got in touch with Catwoman! She was most accommodating!  Not at all like that little Bitch, Catgirl! It's none of my business, but I don't think you can really ever trust anyone who started out as a goody-goody crimefighter!  Shyst excepted, of course!  Anyway, Catwoman sent me a Kryptonite Collar, for this bitch!  The collar is just like the one Catty uses on this slut's cousin, Supergirl!  It was amazing; Catty sent it by one of those invisible amazon planes, and it was here fifteen minutes after I talked to her!  Hell of a lot better than the Post Office!"

"What about Mom, should I go bust her out o'jail, Aunt Morg?"

"No, no, Dear! Let's not do anything rash to call attention to ourselves!  Shysty has gone down to the Courthouse to try and bail your Mom out, the poor Dear!"

"Oh Gosh, Aunty Morg! I hope Aunt Shysty can get Mom out!  I'm really worried about her!"

"Why don't you take this pitiful slut to the vacant cell!  Put her new collar on, and chain her up for now!  That'll take your mind off your Mom's troubles, until we hear from Shyst!"

"Sure thing, Aunt Morg!"

In a very short time, Wendy added the hideously painful proximity of Kryptonite, and stringent bondage to Supermom's now hopeless misery.

While Teen Witch chained the sniffling Supermom, a triumphant Shyster Dame, in her guise of Attorney Gerri Phillips returned home, leading a somewhat sheepish and subdued Leticia.

"Oh thank Beelzebub" Morganna cried on seeing her sister free.  "You got her out!"

"Yeah no problem Morg!  Didn't even have to post bail That Bitch, Supermom had no evidence and no warrant to arrest Leticia!  I pointed out we could sue the City for millions!  The Judge even agreed to issue a statement condemning Supermom for vigilantism! Course, he is a kinda' a friend of mine!"

Morganna smiled.  "What's it they say, Shyst?  Some lawyers know the law, and some know the Judge. You're one o'the few who I expect knows the judge in the (pardon the expression!) biblical  sense!"

"That's not funny, Morganna!"  Shyster Dame  retorted indignantly, affronted by the aspersion on her legal proficiency.  "I'm a damn good lawyer!  Why just ask our distinguished Appellate Court Judge Mainwaring there!  She'll tell ya'!"  Shyster Dame smirked, pointing to the naked, cowering Justice Lady crouching abjectly at her feet. The abused superheroine fearfully agreed.

"Course I'll admit Judge Mainwaring's opinion may not be worth much these days, considering she's gonna be declared legally insane next week!"  Shyster Dame added with a mocking sneer.

"Just kidding you, Shyst!  Don't get all insulted now!  You did a wonderful job, getting Leticia out and I really appreciate it!  And I know Leticia does too!"

"Oh yes, Gerri!  Thank you! Thank you!  I was never so glad to see anyone in my life!  It was awful being in that cell!  I was afraid those awful women in there might rape me!"

Shyster Dame and Morganna glanced at each other, both thinking. "The other inmates would have to be pretty hard up to pick on Leticia to molest!"

Just then, Wendy returned from chaining the hapless Supermom, in time for a joyful reunion with her mother, and the joy of recounting her victory over Supermom.

"Mom! You got sprung!' Wendy cried, happily. "Don't worry!  We got that bitch Supermom chained up in the cellar!  She won't be botherin' you again!"

"Oh, you do?  That's wonderful Dear!  I'd like to have a little talk with that Bitch, after dinner!"   Leticia always believed revenge is a dish best enjoyed on a full stomach.

"Well, I have something that will make you feel better!"  Morganna told her sister. "My Friend, Catty sent along several other delightful little toys, along with that Kryptonite collar!"   She whispered some details in her sister's ear.

"Oh I can't wait!"  Leticia cried happily.  "But first, let's eat!  I'm starved!  I was afraid I'd have to eat that god-awful prison food!"

A little later, as Leticia was finishing her second helping of desert, Shyster Dame grinned.  "Oh Tish, before you have your little talk with our new 'guest',  I got some legal matters to go over with her!  I think I told you about them?"

"Oh yes, Gerri, you go right ahead!" Leticia agreed, complacently. "I might just have another helping of desert!  I must say that old bag, Supergran, can really cook!"

While Leticia gorged herself on Supergran's excellently prepared cuisine, the shady lawyer, carrying some legal papers, entered the bare cell, to find Supermom hanging painfully from the ceiling.

"Geez!  How'd the kid get the big cow into that position?"  Shyster Dame wondered, admiringly. "Oh yeah, she's got super powers herself now!  They do come in handy!"

"I know y'r a little tied up right now, but let me introduce myself!  I'm Gerri Phillips, an Attorney, representing y'r husband!"

"M-my husband?  Where is he? What have you done with him?"  Supermom cried in alarm, even in her terrible distress, thinking first of her family.

"Oh, don't worry about him!  He's fine!"  Shyster Dame replied with the oiliest of legal unctuousness.

"Anyway, as I was saying, while you're conveniently here, I'm officially serving you with these legal papers!"  Shyster Dame grinned, dropping the papers at Supermom's feet.

"Guess you're a little tied up, and can't read them right now, so I'll explain them to you!  The first is a Divorce Decree!  Seems your husband got sick of you flitting all over the world, never home where you're supposed to be!  Leticia thoughtfully suggested he retain me as Counsel!  Since you couldn't be reached, I got him a Divorce on the grounds of Desertion, and got him awarded all your property and custody of the two younger kids!  Course, Morganna sort o'has custody of your older slut, the former Superlass, not to mention that old bat mother of yours!   Anyway, as for your husband; he's moved out of state!  He said he'd be happy if he never saw you again!  I must say, he was awfully grateful to ME for MY services!  He showed his appreciation the night before he left, ALL NIGHT!  Geez Hon, that guy's a real stallion!  You shoulda stayed home more!  Oh! You know what else he said next morning?  He told me you were a real dud in bed, not like screwing with a real sexy woman like me! He's so right!"

"No, no!  You're lying!  It's not true!  Dave loves me!  He'd never cheat on me!"  Supermom wailed, sobbing even more loudly than before.

"Well now that we got the legal matters out of the way, Leticia asked me t' take those chains off ya'!  Guess she feels sorry for you, you being such a pitiful loser like all you superheroines, and her your next door neighbor!  Morganna said it'd be okay!  That Kryptonite DOG collar will keep you in line, just fine!  Now that I'm done, I think Leticia's waiting!  She has something she wants to talk over with you, too!  Heh, heh!"

End of  Part 3.

 Go on to Part 4. Conclusion.