Warning: This story contains graphic M/F and F/F violence, and N/C sexual acts. It is intended for, and should only be read, by mature adults, over twenty-one years of age!

Super Halloween. Part 2.
Super Rescue.

When Supermom entered the pumpkin patch, she saw a mysterious, masked villain standing menacingly over SuperGwendoline, who was draped helplessly over a pumpkin.  The Matron of Might furiously demanded to know, what was going on.  Instead of answering, the masked villain grabbed her shoulders, with a strength that amazed the Woman of Steel.

On the opposite side of the pumpkin patch, Leticia Luther whispered to her devilish offspring. "Oh Boy! This should be good, Kids!"

Amazed or not, the world's mightiest mom was hardly one to be easily intimidated. She grabbed the masked youth by the throat, raised him into the air, and shook him like a rat.

Unfortunately for Supermom, her youthful foe had not been raised to fight like a gentleman, and he instinctively rammed his knee up into the delicate spot between her shapely thighs, an especially vulnerable spot, even for a superheroine.

Watching from the sidelines, even Leticia winced, at the low blow, but then chortled to herself. "Well, it couldn't have happened to a nicer superheroine! Hit her again, Kid!"

Unaware of the spectators, Jack, unconsciously complied with Leticia's injunction. Staggered by the foul blow of Jack's knee, Supermom failed to protect herself from a hard punch to her delectable midsection, and as she tried to get her breath from that blow, Jack staggered her with another punch to the chin. Supermom's head was spinning.

Seeing his mighty foe's distress, Jack stepped up his attack, relentlessly hammering the Matron of Might with his hard fists.

When he'd battered the winsomely mature heroine halfway across the pumpkin patch, Jack switched tactics. He grabbed the blue and red clad, Champion of Justice around her shapely hips, and lifted her formidable form above his head.  Supermom squealed in dismay. In the absence of Kryptonite, nothing like this had ever happened to her before, in all of her distinguished crimefighting career.

Jack flung Supermom down to the pumpkin strewn ground, with all his dark might.

Supermom landed jarringly on her back.  Everything spun around, crazily.  For a second, she was too stunned to move.  As she glanced up in confusion, she saw her attacker about to jump on her defenseless midsection.  There was nothing the adorable Matron of Might could do, to protect herself.  Jack's  feet crashed into her flat, trim midriff, with all his Dark D'Arcy Power.

Supermom could hardly breathe or think, after the deadly, gut wrenching blast to her midsection. Jack hauled the groggy heroine up on her knees, and twisted her muscular arm into a hammer lock, as Supermom wailed in pain.

Still draped painfully over the pumpkin, SuperGwendoline heard  the loud cries of distress, and saw Supermom's predicament.  Despite the sick feeling in her tummy, she gallantly stumbled to her feet, and flung herself at Jack, knocking him away from  her sister champion of justice.

Unhurt, Jack swiftly resumed his attack, now taking on both superheroines at once. As Supermom rose to her feet, he drove his foot into the small of her back.  At the same time, the dastardly youth smashed his fist into SuperGwendoline's jaw.

Though doubled over by pain, Supermom resolutely turned to get at  her attacker, but Jack calmly rabbit punched her, just as he kicked SuperGwen in the breadbasket.

While SuperGwendoline was off balance, Jack grabbed Supermom's arm, and twisted it so painfully, that she screamed in shock.  As he held the Matron of Might helpless, he gave SuperGwendoline another kick, right in the behind, this time.

Though the kick damaged Gwen's dignity more than her person, she was already groggy and tottering unsteadily, and she nearly fell, giving Jack time to twist Supermom's arm around, and judo flip her.

As Supermom crashed painfully to the ground again, SuperGwendoline stumbled around to face Jack, but the evil villain kicked her in the chin. He was a little off balance himself, and the kick didn't land as hard as Jack hoped, but it was enough to knock SuperGwen down.

As SuperGwendoline collapsed with a groan, Jack knelt beside the fallen Matron of Might, knowing she was the more dangerous of his two opponents.  Dangerous or not, Supermom looked up at him, pleadingly, though too proud to voice her fear. Jack callously ignored the unvoiced plea in the big blue eyes, and finished the dauntless superheroine with a powerful right uppercut to the jaw.

Seeing her beautiful cousin fall helpless to the ground, SuperGwen  made one more desperately valiant attempt to come to her rescue. Once again, the tousled blond crimefighter stumbled painfully to her feet, but before she could help Supermom, Jack hit her squarely on the cheek. The lights went out for SuperGwendoline, and hardly knowing where she was, her body corkscrewed, and she fell across Supermom's prone body.

"Wow! I just knocked out the two most powerful superheroines in the  world, at one time!" Jack congratulated himself. "I better make sure, though!"

In the sidelines, Leticia and her equally devilish children were cheering aloud, for the masked villain, who had vilely triumphed over the forces of good.  Their cheers were rewarded, when Jack hauled the two bedraggled superheroines to their feet, by the scruffs of their necks, and smashed their bodies together, impressive breast to impressive breast, squishing together, the two most fabled, and fabulous, bosoms in all of superheroinedom.

This final despicable indignity finished the two superheroines for that round. They collapsed in each other's arms, and huddled together in misery, vainly trying to console each other.

Jack looked at the tears in SuperGwen's eyes, and saw the fear on her beautiful face, and felt a pang of remorse. "Gee!  I hope I didn't hurt her too bad!  She really seems to be such a sweet girl!"


End of  Part 2.

 Go on to Part 3