Prison Blues. Part 3.
After the dreadful pounding Vera gave her kidneys, the Warden, wailing in agony, held her back trying to ease the horrible throbbing pain.
Vera grabbed Edith by the shoulders, twisted her around, and pulled her close.
Edith instinctively knew what Vera intended, but it was too late to protect herself. Vera rammed her knee up into Edith's crotch with incredible force.
As Edith hunched forward in shock at the damage to her genitalia, Vera struck again. This time the force of her knee was so great, it lifted the big bodied Warden right off her feet. The pain was too much to bear. Edith couldn't even scream, but only gibbered in agony.
As Vera lowered her leg, Edith fell to her knees, her body convulsed by the awful torment. By now, she had lost all illusions that she could win this fight. She was too badly battered to even defend herself, anymore. She had to admit the grim reality that the despised Vera had beaten her. Moaning at the terrible agony that paralyzed her, Edith looked up fearfully, to see the sneering convict, grinning wolfishly down at her anguish.
Edith could hardly think through the intense haze of pain, but she vowed no matter how badly she was hurt, she'd never admit to this bitch that she was beaten!
Vera had other plans. Of course, in order to maintain her dominant position in the inmate hierarchy she fought often, and it was always best to injure and intimidate her opponents even cripple them sometimes, so they'd never dare face her again. That was just good business. For Vera though business was pleasure. She really enjoyed hurting people; Vera especially like to hurt big, self-confident women who never believed this could happen to them, until it was too late. Warden Peterson was just the kind of woman Vera most enjoyed breaking. Moreover, she had every reason to passionately hate the Warden. As Edith stoically resolved never to give in, Vera was promising herself that Warden Edith Peterson would beg her for mercy, before they were done, beg long and loud. She couldn't wait!
Seeing the undeniable fright in Edith's eyes whetted Vera's appetite. Without warning she smacked the Warden across the face.
Vera was a lot stronger than she looked, incredibly so, and the tremendous force of her slap knocked the massively built blonde woman to the floor.
Vera pounced on Edith before she could get up.
Seizing the Warden around the waist, Vera lifted Edith's huge one hundred and seventy pound body off her feet, and into the air, as easily as if she was lifting a child.
As Vera lifted her feet right off the floor, Edith screamed for the convict to put her down. Before Edtih could finish the sentence, Vera clenched her arms with a convulsive jerk, and Edith gurgled in agony. She tried to stiffen her abdomen to resist the crushing pressure, but Vera's punches and kicks had pulverized both her belly and back muscles, and they were limp as wet laundry.
The crushing, inescapable pressure was excruciating, but even worse was the inability to escape, the unfamiliar feeling of being helpless; that was terrifying. In a frenzy, Edith wildly kicked her long legs and flailed her arms, but she couldn't escape Vera's grip.
Unable to escape no matter how frantically she tried, exhaustion finally stilled Edith's frenzied gyrations. Now, she cold do no more than vainly pry at Vera's locked hands, but they were locked tighter than a cell door.
The Warden stopped all struggling and dangled limply in Vera's arms before the convict finally released her hold. Edith pitched heavily to the floor, hardly conscious.
It didn't look like the Warden would be getting up, but Vera wasn't one to leave things like that to chance. She jumped in the air and came down feet first on Edith's back.
In terrible agony, Edith, for the first time, recognized the possibility that Vera might actually finish her off for good.
End of Part 3.