Wonder Woman and the Nazi By GW Wonder Woman is captured on a mission to World War II Nazi Germany. Prologue One chapter of the 1970's Docu-drama recounting Wonder Woman's role in World War II, depicts her capture while on a mission inside Nazi Germany. In a surprise move, an SS Major snatches her Amazon Girdle from around her waist. Her divinely given powers temporarily lost, surrounded by enemies, deep within their territory, Wonder Woman doesn't resist when she is led away to confinement by an SS matron. She eventually escaped liberated her Amazon Girdle and successfully completed her mission. However, out of respect for the heroine's privacy, her harrowing ordeal before escaping was excluded from a series meant for family viewing............ The short squat matron in white escorted Wonder Woman back to the detention room, keeping hold of her arm in a come-along grip all the way. The usually fiery amazon princess was surprisingly docile and passive without her girdle or bracelets. When they reached the detention room the matron handed her into the room and followed her inside, and shut the door. "You are ze famous Amerikaner tough girl, Ja?" She asked. "I"m called Wonder Woman." The Amazon crimefighter answered. "I be Ilsa. I be pretty tough too." The woman in the white smock retorted in a guttural growl. "I'm sure you are." Wonder Woman answered, impassively eying the stupid fat face and small pig eyes. "Ve haff contest, Ja? See who is toughest?" "What sort of contest?" Wonder Woman asked. "Ve fight! See who vins! Zat kind of test." Ilsa answered "Violence never settles anything." Wonder Woman answered reasonably. Hardly listening, the fat Nazi woman unbuttoned her white smock and took it off. Underneath she wore a black full length corset. "Ja, Ja! It vill prove I be boss here." She insisted. "We are both women. We should be friends. I'm prepared to follow your orders while I'm a prisoner here. We Amazons are forbidden to engage in unnecessary violence." Wonder Woman replied in a calm reasonable voice. "Ja, you follow mein orders? I order you to fight me zen, Fraulein Wonder Woman. Zos are mein orders!" "No Ilsa! I won't do that. That is not a proper order." "Ja I zought you ver coward vithout zat magic girdle, ze Major took from you. If you scared to fight, kneel down on ze floor in front of me!" Ilsa commanded. "I'm not scared of you Ilsa and I won't kneel to you either." Wonder Woman answered still in a calm voice. "I make you kneel, zen!" Ilsa snapped harshly, and without further warning she smashed he fist into Wonder Woman's face. Surprised by the cowardly blow, Wonder Woman staggered backward a few steps, and Ilsa rushed forward and grabbed her around the chest. Wonder Woman grabbed Ilsa at the same time, trying to restrain the smaller woman without injuring her. The two women strained against each other. The taller, stronger Amazon Warrior gradually bent the short , fat woman over sideways and was ready to push her harmlessly to the floor, when Ilsa grabbed a handful of Wonder Woman's hair and jerked her off-balance. Wonder Woman squealed at the pain, as the crafty Ilsa wrapped her foot around the amazon's ankle and tripped her. Wonder Woman fell on her side with Ilsa on top of her, astraddle her waist, still tugging painfully on her hair. Wonder Woman started to roll the Nazi off, but Ilsa punched her on the jaw and then banged the amazon's head on the stone floor. Wonder Woman was momentarily dazed and Ilsa twisted her arm behind her back. She forced Wonder Woman over on her stomach, still straddling her. Wonder Woman bucked and bridged to get loose, but Ilsa quickly retaliated. Holding the amazon's arm in a hammerlock with one hand, she again grabbed Wonder Woman's raven locks with the other. Wonder Woman started squealing again as Ilsa almost pulled her hair out by the roots. Using her hair as a lever Ilsa banged her forehead against the stone. Wonder Woman's frantic struggles actually added to the force that her head struck the floor. After the fifth bang, Wonder Woman's long curvy legs, which at first were kicking wildly, went limp. She lay almost still, apparently stunned. Ilsa stopped banging her head, and used both hands to jam Wonder Woman's arm even further up her back. Wonder Woman gasped audibly at the pressure on her arm. "Ja, ja, you not so tough, just like I sink!" Ilsa gloated, but she could feel Wonder Woman's body was still tense and ready to explode when the opportunity came. Ilsa clambered clumsily to her feet, being careful never to loosen her hammerlock. She forced Wonder Woman up too. Then moving quickly for a fat woman, she released Wonder Woman's arm and spun her around. Wonder Woman was still dazed, and Ilsa caught her by surprise, with a ham-like right fist that she sank deep into the amazon's belly. Wonder Woman's mouth dropped open and she made choking sounds for breath. She doubled over holding her injured belly with both hands. She seemed incapable of resistance when Ilsa next grabbed her hips, spun her around again and pushed her face first into the wall. Ilsa plowed a barrage of powerful punches into Wonder Woman's kidneys. When she got her breath, the amazon screamed at the pain. Desperately she pulled loose, and stumbled away on shaky legs.. As she turned unsteadily to face the Nazi, Ilsa met her with a two handed roundhouse to the face that flung the groggy amazon across the cell. Wonder Woman landed on her hands and knees, crossways to Ilsa The brutal Nazi stopped deliberately steadied herself, and then like a Soccer player , with her whole weight behind it she kicked Wonder Woman in the belly. The kick lifted the fallen amazon half off the floor, before she dropped flat on her stomach. As she looked up, fear and pain were etched clearly in her beautiful face. Wonder Woman's beautiful ebony hair was disheveled and tangled around her pale face. Ilsa grabbed two hands full of it . She wrestled Wonder Woman's limp body up until she had her kneeling up nearly straight. It was clear the Amazon Princess would keel over if Ilsa let go of her. "Now leibchen, you kneel in front of me anyway, Ja?" She demanded harshly. When there was no answer, Ilsa slapped Wonder Woman across the face, almost taking her head off with the powerful blow. " Answer me ven I talk to you Yankee Svine!" She yelled. "Y-yes!" Wonder Woman gasped in a quavery voice. "You answer,'Ja mein Sergent'!" Ilsa commanded "Ja my Sergeant!" Wonder Woman repeated obediently. "Gudt, you are learning Yankee sow." Ilsa crowed triumphantly. Ilsa released her grip on Wonder Woman's hair. The beautiful amazon's eyes rolled and she toppled over on her side. Ilsa stared down at the beaten heroine with satisfaction, and then in ponderous triumph she put her smock back on and left the cell. For some time Wonder Woman lay, unmoving, where Ilsa left her. Gradually she stirred, moaning softly as she raised her head and warily looked round. Seeing she was alone she started to get up. She winced and gasped in pain, and it took a lot of effort, because Ilsa had hurt her badly. When she was finally up on her feet, Wonder Woman looked around the cramped cell, desperately like a trapped wild animal. "Must get out of here and get my Girdle back!" she murmured aloud, through gritted teeth. She swayed hardly able to stand, though. "Ooooh!" She moaned as she tried to walk. The pain in her middle bent her over at the waist and she clutched her stomach to ease the cramp. Her face was pale and sick looking, as she staggered over to the dirty cot in the corner, and gratefully collapsed on it. She sat there trying to think, brushing a lock of tangled black curls from her eyes. "The only way out is to overpower Ilsa when she comes back." The gallant amazon thought. "Hera give me the strength!" She prayed."Its going to be tough too, because I guess the nasty slut was right; I'm not as tough, as I thought I was, without my Amazon Girdle. Hera forgive my pride! My only chance is to surprise her!" Then she murmured softly through clenched teeth. "I must get out of here though!" When she'd finally gathered back some of her strength, the gallant amazon stumbled to her feet. Her legs were still shaking. She arranged two blankets on the cot to look as though someone was sleeping there. Then walking more steadily, but, still stiff and sore, she picked up the small stool from the corner of the cell. She carried it ro the door and set it down behind it. Then she sat down and waited. After a while she did some exercises and calisthenics to limber up her stiff body. Finally she heard footsteps. She climbed up on the stool and waited with baited breath. The door opened and Ilsa walked in carrying a tray in both hands. She kicked the door shut behind her. The arrogant Nazi didn't even bother to look at the decoyed cot. Wonder Woman leaped on the German woman's back. Ilsa dropped the tray and stumbled forward a few steps. She didn't fall though even with the big bodied amazon maid clinging to her shoulders, trying to strangle her into unconsciousness. "Ach, du lieber Gott!' Ilsa gasped gutturally. She tried to get her bearings. Her fat arms waved over her head. By luck one hand found Wonder Woman's long raven hair. Ilsa jerked it hard and Wonder Woman cried out in pain. Ilsa got another handful of hair in her other hand. Then, again displaying surprising quickness for so fat a woman, she leaned down and whipped the big amazon over her head by the hair. Wonder Woman screamed as she flew head over heels. She landed on her back. Off balance, from the effort, Ilsa fell on top of her. Her fat abdomen covered Wonder Woman's face muffling her surprised cries. Kicking and struggling Wonder Woman managed to roll them over so she was on top of the Nazi. As she did, fat thighs closed around her head. At the same time, Ilsa wrapped her arms around Wonder Woman's slender muscular waist. Wonder Woman thrashed and rolled from side to side, kicking her long legs. Her fists thumped into Ilsa's fat sides, but somehow the Nazi woman locked her fat ankles together. Wonder Woman's face was trapped between Ilsa's jiggling, fat thighs. The amazon maid struggled frantically to free herself, but no matter what she did, she couldn't pry the clinging slug loose. She increased her efforts, struggling like a madwoman, until gradually her frantic efforts sapped her own athletic strength. Her long, excitingly powerful legs slowed their kicking, and flopped around helplessly. At the same time, Ilsa tightened her grip on Wonder Woman's waist crushing the supple gorgeous body against her own fat torso. Wonder Woman's muffled gasps of pain were clearly audible, now. Her proud bosom heaved against Ilsa' flabby belly as she writhed in anguish at the ever tightening double constriction of her fabulous body. Her face was buried in the fat flesh of Ilsa's sloppy thighs and she couldn't see, and worse she couldn't breathe. As Wonder Woman's struggles weakened Ilsa forced her over on her back again. Now the Nazi was in complete control of Wonder Woman's magnificent body. Arching her back. Ilsa pressed her head down into Wonder Woman's stomach. She released her short fat arms and pounded her fist into Wonder Woman's abdomen. The amazon's body stiffened and jerked in pain. Ilsa rolled off and clambered awkwardly to her feet. Suddenly free, Wonder Woman could only roll on her side away from Ilsa. Her legs were drawn up to her waist from the pain, and her hands were clasped to her middle. Ilsa drew back her jack booted foot and kicked the stricken heroine in the small of the back, again and again. Wonder Woman cried out at each kick. She started to roll away but as she rolled on to her stomach, Ilsa stamped her foot down on Wonder Woman's neck. Wonder Woman twisted and squirmed desperately but Ilsa just planted her foot more firmly on the side of her neck. Her heavy boot pinned the champion of democracy helplessly to the floor and came near strangling her. Wonder Woman, choking and gasping, struggled hysterically, beating on the floor with her hands and kicking her long legs, but her struggles were feeble and uncoordinated. "Ach, ach, mein liebchen you don't learn your lesson last time. Ilsa must teach you twice." The nazi bully lifted her boot from the amazon's neck "Get up liebchen!" Ilsa commanded Her confidence shaken, Wonder Woman scrambled to her feet and ran toward the door, only to find it had locked automatically when Ilsa kicked it shut. The frenzied heroine rattled it desperately to no avail. Ilsa marched over to her, grabbed her arm and spun the tall beautiful amazon princess around face to face. Arms akimbo, legs trembling violently, Wonder Woman was wide open when Ilsa drove her knee up into her crotch. Ilsa grabbed the amazon by the arms even before the pain doubled her over. She slung the taller woman across the cell. Wonder Woman's large powerful body hit the floor with an audible thud and she skidded across the floor like a broken rag doll. Ilsa stomped quickly over to her. Wonder Woman struggled to her hands and knees. As Ilsa reached her, Wonder Woman's broad, shapely bottom presented an irresistible target. With cruel Teutonic humor, Ilsa drove her boot into Wonder Woman's blue satin clad behind. With a loud cry of shocked indignation, Wonder Woman catapulted head first into the stone wall. A moment later, she collapsed in a huddled heap on the floor. Ilsa grabbed the amazon's raven hair and dragged her to her feet. Wonder Woman tottered drunkenly, her eyes blurred and unfocused. Ilsa straightened the tall brunette up with a right uppercut to the chin. Then her fat arms moving like machine pistons, she drove rights and lefts into the defenseless heroine's middle, with remorseless Nazi efficiency. Her brutal attack backed Wonder Woman into the wall. The amazon's arms dangled uselessly at her sides; her powerful abdominal muscles were gone slack from shock. She was powerless to protect herself. Only the relentless force of Ilsa' pounding fists kept the gallant princess on her feet. Her groans of pain were loud and full of anguish. Wonder Woman's beautiful face twisted into a grimace of agony as Ilsa' washerwoman's fists thudded deeper and deeper into her tummy and gut. Ilsa almost buried her fat fists in the sumptuous flesh. Finally puffing for breath herself, Ilsa stopped the inhuman pounding. Wonder Woman stumbled forward past Ilsa a few uncertain steps. Then her tall body started to fold up and pitch forward. Ilsa quickly caught the stricken heroine under the arms from behind. She dragged Wonder Woman back across the cell, and threw her across the dirty cot. The big black-haired beauty fell face down, and lay where Ilsa flung her, loud, harsh sobs shaking her body. Ilsa stood over her the beaten amazon "Ja, mein leibchen I sink you do really like Ilsa to beat you, nein? You keep asking for it, ja? Now ve get back to business, ja? Major Hoffman ordered zat you be searched, ja searched all over! I sink you vill like zat too. But first ve must take off zos cute little tights zat you vare!" Saying this, Ilsa leaned over and rolled Wonder Woman on her back. Wonder Woman clutched at her stomach with both hands, in a vain effort to ease the spasmodic cramps and sickening knot of pain in her belly. Her large blue eyes, wet with tears, gazed up in disbelief at Ilsa, when the vicious Nazi seized her red bodice and peeled it down her body, all the way to the waist, exposing her magnificent amazonian bosom. Even lying on her back. Wonder Woman's giant boobs stood high above her broad chest. "St-stop it! What are you doing?" Wonder Woman cried out in confusion. Her voice choked with pain. The chill air crinkled her small aureoles and stiffened her long nipples. Like a greedy child Ilsa grabbed a big boob in each hand testing their weight and firmness Their rich fullness overflowed her stubby fingers. "Ja, with such titties, you vill suckle many good Aryan babies for some S.S. officer, ven zey send you to ze breeding camps!" Ilsa laughed giving each plump nipple a painful pinch. Wonder Woman's high red amazon's boots were next. With two quick pulls, Ilsa pulled the supple leather off Wonder Woman's strong, gorgeous calves. The amazon shuddered at Ilsa's roughness but she didn't dare try to stop her. Ilsa's next move sent a shudder of horror through the amazon maiden's splendid form, though. The Nazi stuffed her sausage like fingers into the waistband of Wonder Woman's uniform and began to peel the taut material down Wonder Woman's flat belly, over her broad hips and solid round buttocks. Powerless to resist, Wonder Woman painfully raised her beautiful pain blanched face "Hera protect me!"She prayed softly her voice plaintiff and husky with emotion. "No vun vill protect you here, liebchen!" Ilsa purred. She grinned evilly, as she dragged the satin uniform down Wonder Woman's big excitingly rounded thighs and slid it off her ankles. The beautiful, raven haired heroine lay completely denuded. In her awful anguish and mortification, she made an enchantingly beautiful picture of feminine distress "Spread your legs, mein leibchen!" Ilsa commanded, in her harsh guttural accent. Wonder Woman looked up and shook her head wordlessly, refusing the order. Her raven hair shimmered, as she bobbed her head. "Ve see if you refuse." Ilsa sneered She pulled a pair of rubber gloves from her pocket and slipped them on her fat hands. Wonder Woman gulped, as she watched her. Suddenly like a snake striking, Ilsa grabbed a handful of charming, curly, black pubic hair in her left fist. She twisted cruelly, vulnerably exposing Wonder Woman's crotch. Wonder Woman's cry of pain and shock was cut off, when Ilsa drove her right fist once, than again, into the beautifully molded flesh of her lower belly. Wonder Woman stiffened in agony then went limp, her powerful legs lolling helplessly apart. She was still conscious though. She felt Ilsa push her limp legs apart until they dropped on either side of the cot, fully exposing her gorgeous pink-lipped pussy. Without further ado, Ilsa slid her rubber clad left hand between the amazon's powerfully molded, yet powerless white thighs and fumbled at Wonder Woman's most intimate treasure. She roughly slid three fat fingers into the tight sheath. "Ist zere anysing in zere?" She snickered. "Ja I sink zer is." She chortled, as she diddled Wonder Woman's clit. Unable to offer any resistance, Wonder Woman lay trembling like a frightened doe. As Ilsa delved boldly deep into her body, she bit her ripe lips and twisted her long elegant hands together in anguished resignation to the prolonged probing of her still dry pussy. Ilsa brutally manipulated and stimulated Princess Diana's virginal sexual organs, until Wonder Woman's violated body, involuntarily but inevitably, responded. The joyless, pain driven orgasm reduced the proud Amazon Princess to horrified, hysterical tears. As the flood of hopeless bitter tears ran down Wonder Woman's pale tormented face, Ilsa cackled gleefully at her horrified reaction. "You should sank me liebchen, for ze pleasure I giff you!" She crowed. When Wonder Woman's shuddering orgasmic writhing had stilled, Ilsa withdrew her hand. "Nein I guess ther is nozin' hidden zer after all." She cackled. "Now Liebchen roll over, zo ve try the other hole." Wonder Woman's pain dimmed eyes flashed momentarily, but then dulled again in frightened resignation. Too heartsick to resist the evil Nazi any further, she tried to obey, but in her great agony, she was too weak to turn over. It was pitiful to see the movement of that proud, strong body so enfeebled by abuse. At last Ilsa seized her legs and flopped the amazon victim over on her belly. Ilsa shoved Wonder Woman around until she'd gotten the beautiful amazon's spectacular bottom positioned most prominently. Big globes of solid flesh spread up and out from her trim little waist, in profuse abundance. "Ach, you amazons haff big butts. Like two big hams. Ve had such hams on Sunday ven I vas maidchen on the farm. Ja, big und round, und solid, like zeze. Und you have two of zem."She slapped Wonder Woman across the behind. Wonder Woman jumped in shock and yelped at the smarting pain. Amazon princesses don't get slapped on the behind very often. Ilsa pried Wonder Woman's solid tightly packed butt cheeks apart. "Ja, ve see if zer is anysing zer. " Wonder Woman turned her head, and looked tearfully over her shoulder, big blue eyes drowned in tears. "Oh no! Please, not there! Please don't Ilsa?" Her ripe lower lip trembled like a scared little girl. "Ze Major said Ilsa must search you liebchen und ve Nazi's always obey orders, so spread zem!" Ilsa snickered, immensely enjoying the proud, beautiful enemy heroine's pain and humiliation. By now Ilsa had exposed Wonder Woman's tiny, brown, nether hole. She pushed the thick fat middle finger of her left hand against the tightly puckered sphincter muscle. The outrageous shock caused Wonder Woman to rear up, but Ilsa knocked her flat again with a rabbit punch to the back of her neck. She jammed her finger inside the delicate portal and Wonder Woman shrieked. She squirmed and writhed on the cot with desperate energy, but Ilsa held her down by the neck as she wriggled her finger in and out, and around the tiny passageway. Wonder Woman's shamed agonized cries died to heartbroken humiliated sobs, that didn't stop, even when Ilsa pulled her finger out with an obscene plop. "Ja I guess you are not hiding nozin' down zer, after all! Vell better safe zen sorry!" Ilsa laughed."Zat is all for now! You rest now liebchen! My shift is ober, but I vill be back tomorrow. Ve can play some more Ja?" She threw a dirty blanket over Wonder Woman's trembling form and left the cell, laughing brutally. Wonder Woman lay on the cot, huddled up in agony sobbing bitterly for some time. "Hera help me!" She prayed, until her shattered courage began to mend. Finally, she gulped down her tears, gritted her teeth and clenched her hands in determination. It took almost a half hour to gather her uniform and pull it back on her battered body. Only an amazon warrior of Princess Diana's strength and stamina, and gallant determination could have so soon pulled herself together, so that when the opportunity arose a short time later, she was ready to recapture her Amazon Girdle, escape her captors and complete her mission.