Note: The characters in this trilogy will be familiar to readers of other related stories. A complete chronology of the adventures and travails of the heroines of this temporal continuum was prepared by an enthusiastic reader, Adam ben Yisroel, and will be appended to the the third story, "Early Retirement"
Like Mother,
Like Daughter. Part 2.
Caught from behind in a vicious bear hug while weakened by exposure to Kryptonite, and by now even more so, by her foe's dark occult powers, Superlady could barely breathe. No matter how frantically the tall blonde superheroine kicked and struggled, she couldn't break loose from the unbelievably powerful arms of the vicious Nazi war criminal, she had confidently come to apprehend.
Superlady knew that in a few more seconds she would black out. She MUST do something to get loose! Summoning her fast dwindling reserves of super strength, she desperately kicked backward, with the force of a mule. By luck, the blonde crimefighter's sharp heel struck Elfrieda's shin with deadening force.
With a scream of pain, Elfrieda dropped her foe from her gorilla strong arms. Though Superlady broke free, her legs felt like rubber and could barely support her, as she struggled to recover her balance. Yet, Superlady hardly noticed her weakness. The proud defender of justice was outraged by the evil Nazi's domination of the battle so far. Superlady vowed she'd put a stop to THAT! Justice, in the person of Superlady, MUST and WOULD triumph!
Yet, that night, fierce determination, even in the cause of RIGHT, wasn't enough! Before the weakened Superlady could turn to deal with her vicious foe, the resourceful Elfrieda struck her to the floor with an elbow behind the ear.
A moment later Elfrieda wrapped her stout leg around the superheroine's throat, and forced her all the way down to the floor.
Before Superlady knew what hit her, Elfrieda locked her elegant neck in a scissors, and twisted her shapely right arm at a viciously painful angle.
As Elfrieda tormented her, Superlady feverishly struggled to escape the painful double hold. For long moments she kicked and wriggled madly, to no avail. At last with a painful wrench of her strong neck and back she broke free.
Though Superlady had finally torn her head free, nearly breaking her neck in the process, she wasn't free long. With a panther's quickness, Elfrieda grabbed her around her sore neck, before she could stand.
Elfrieda's strong arm was like a vise, cutting off Superlady's breath. As the fight progressed, and Elfrieda sapped more and more of her strength, Superlady's need for air grew. Now, she gagged and gasped for the precious air, until she nearly passed out again.
Once again, Superlady's incredible though fast declining super strength was still sufficient to tear her free from Elfrieda's python strong grip.
This time, Superlady succeeded in making it to her feet, before Elfrieda could trap her again. By now, she'd figured out that it was more than just the exposure to Kryptonite weakening her. Somehow, Elfrieda was fast draining her remaining strength. Superlady knew she must end this battle quickly, or she would soon be helpless. She swung her mighty right arm, putting all she had behind the punch, but the crafty Nazi ducked just in time.
Crouching low, Elfrieda struck back, with a low blow that blasted into Superlady's crotch with malignant effect.
The terrible punch to her crotch paralyzed the weakened Superlady, and Elfrieda nailed her slightly higher, in the gut. Superlady's hard muscled belly absorbed the blow, but only with considerable anguish and pain.
Stunned by the ruinous blow to her solar plexus, Superlady was transfixed, hardly knowing where she was. Elfrieda grabbed her around the middle and lifted her off her feet before she could gather her wits to defend herself. Feeling herself caught again in Elfrieda's powerful arms, Superlady shrieked in sudden alarm.
Elfrieda lifted the shrieking superheroine's formidably large body into the air with bear-like strength.
Then with smug glee, the evil Nazi slammed Superlady's pussy down against her outstretched knee.
As Elfrieda released her, Superlady stumbled away, her body afire with terrible pain. Once again her atrocious suffering was a source of strength to her evil foe.
Confident her gallant foe was nearly finished, Elfrieda went on the attack, using her feet with the skill of an expert karate mistress.
The enfeebled blonde superheroine was defenseless against the Nazi's skilled attack. Elfrieda battered her around the room like a helpless child.
Superlady stumbled away, beginning to fear the outcome of the fight.
End of Part 2.