Supermom's Rose Garden


The soccermom-superheroine, soft drink commercial, they never made.

WARNING: This story is only intended for mature adults only, and should not be read by anyone under the age of twenty-one!

After finishing her part time job selling real estate, Laura White hurried to pick up her two kids Amy and Bobby from school.  With luck, and domestic skill, she'd be home in time to cook supper and finish the laundry, before her husband got home from work.  When Laura pulled the Land Rover into the driveway, though, she saw red.  Her entire, prize-winning rose garden was in ruins, flower petals strewn all over the yard, and the bushes uprooted. Just two days before the garden club judging, too!

"Oh, Darn it!" Laura thought. "It must have been those two brats, next door!"  Since Wendy and Billy Luther moved into the old house at the end of the block, they had terrorized the neighborhood. Laura had tried to complain to the children's parents, but they never seemed to be home.  She had tried to reason, calmly, with the children herself, but they'd just laughed at her.

"Well, maybe they won't laugh at Supermom!"  Laura thought in desperation. It was Laura's best kept secret. Laura White was, in reality, the world's mightiest superheroine, the Woman of Steel, SUPERMOM!

In a flash, Laura changed into the world-famous, red and blue costume, of Supermom.

"Now, we'll see if those little brats listen to reason!"  Supermom breathed, with the serene assurance of invincibility. She called out the backdoor, to Bobby and Amy,  "Be back in a  jiffy kids!"  then flew straight into the sky, with the unstoppable power of an ICBM.

Seconds later, Supermom landed on the Luther front lawn.

"Ommigosh, Wendy!  It's Supermom!  On our front lawn!  Mrs. White must have squealed on us, and Supermom is going to put us in jail!"  Billy wailed to his older sister.

Wendy gulped in dismay, but then she had an idea. "Billy! You know that green stuff we found in the basement, last week?  Go get it!"

"What good is that going to do?"  Billy asked, blankly.

"Just GET IT, Dopey!"  Wendy snapped, with the unquestioned authority of an older sister.

Billy ran off, still worried. When he hurried back, Supermom was just ringing their door bell. The  two kids knew no one was home.

Shaking her head in disgust, Supermom walked down the steps.  "Parents who leave their kids unsupervised, like this,  should be..."  She was thinking, when suddenly Wendy and Billy jumped from behind a tree, and thrust handfuls of a glowing green element at her.

Supermom felt that terrible, searing pain in her chest, worse than a heart attack. NO! No! It couldn't be!  The little brats had  somehow gotten their hands on Kryptonite!  In desperation, Supermom gasped out a vain plea for the children to take it away, but seeing the effect on her, they laughed  with nasty glee, and thrust it closer.

Supermom stumbled a few steps, trying to escape the deadly effects of the element from her home world, but it was no use; Wendy and Billy pressed closer. The tall stalwart form of the world's mightiest supehero crumpled, brought to her knees, by two small children. Supermom continued to plead with the terrible duo, but they laughed at her helpless pleas.

"See Billy?  I told you this stuff was real!"  Wendy exclaimed jubilantly.  "Grandpa Lex left it in the cellar, when he visited, last year. I read in a comic book, this is the only thing in the world, that can hurt Supermom!"

By now, the invincible Matron of Might was lying face down on the lawn, whimpering in misery.

"What if someone sees us?" Billy asked, nervously.

"Get your wagon!  We'll take her in the backyard!  No one can see us there!" Wendy answered, with calm assurance.

The devilish tots pushed and shoved, until they got the tall, full formed, grownup superheroine into Billy's wagon.  Moments later, the Woman of Steel was forced to endure the ignominy of being transported into captivity, by two small children, in a tiny, toy coaster wagon. Her head dragging on the ground, Supermom moaned in agony.

When the children pulled the wagon into the secluded backyard, Wendy suggested  "How about, we make Supermom give us horsey rides?"

Billy loved 'horsey rides' and thought that was a great idea.  Wendy fastened some of the Kryptonite to the end of a stick and experimentally poked the captive superheroine with it.

Supermom screamed in pain!

"I think she'll cooperate, all right!" Wendy laughed, maliciously. The fiendish children took turns riding on Supermom's back, as she painfully crawled around the yard.  One would ride, while the other tugged her along, with their dog's leash fastened around her neck. Whenever the suffering mother from next door would slow down, the rider would poke her well formed backside, with the Kryptonite-tipped stick, forcing the unhappy superheroine to continue the endless torment.

At last, the frightful ordeal overcame the dauntless superheroine's last reserves of super strength.  Supermom collapsed in horrible distress on the grass. No matter how hard, the cruel, taunting children poked her with the agonizing Kryptonite, she couldn't get back up on her hands and knees.

"Let's tie her up on on the swing set?"  Billy suggested, becoming bolder, as Supermom cringed fearfully, on the ground at their feet.

"Okay!"  Wendy agreed. The children suspended the world's mightiest crimefighter from the swing set cross bar, by her wrists.  Although they only used Wendy's jump rope to tie her, the usually invincible superheroine was so weak, now, that it was enough.  No matter how Supermom strained her muscular arms against the amateurishly tied bonds, she couldn't break free.

As Supermom dangled ignominiously, in her degrading bondage, whimpering in shamed misery, Wendy poked her in the back with her Kryptonite stick.  Supermom shrieked in pain, and tried to swing away.  Billy laughed in delight at his sister's success, and soon made himself a similar implement of torture.

The two tiny sadists tormented the beautiful Matron of Might, until she dangled brokenly from her bonds, unable to resist anymore.

"Okay, cut her down!"  Wendy said.  "She's no fun, anymore!"

As the evil imps lowered the whimpering superheroine to the ground, Billy accidentally touched the beautiful, blond matron's incredibly imposing bosom.  The boy felt an excited thrill of pleasure.

Billy whispered a request, to his older sister, who laughed maliciously.  "Sure!  Why not?" Working together, the devilish brother and sister pulled Supermom's tunic from her superbly formed torso.

Billy's eyes grew big as saucers, as he gazed in boyish wonder at Supermom's exquisite bosom. Robbed of the top half of her proud costume, Supermom sat helplessly on the grass, moaning miserably, as she vainly tried to shield her spectacular breasts from Billy's gloating eyes. Wendy experimentally set a lump of Kryptonite on her lap.  Supermom groaned in anguish, for a moment, then keeled over in shock.

As the lump of Kryptonite fell on the grass, Wendy replaced it, setting it squarely on Supermom's big, upthrust bottom.  The rays from the evil element were even more distressing there, and Supermom begged them to remove it. Instead, the devilish duo looked down at their helpless, grownup, superheroine captive, laughing maniacally at her suffering.  Wendy licked her lips eagerly; she had another idea.

Wendy whispered a suggestion to her little brother.  "Let's spank the nosy, interfering old witch, Billy!"

"Hey!  That sounds like fun!"  Billy whispered back.

"Rub some of the green stuff on your hands, first; otherwise it'll hurt us, worse than it does her!" Wendy advised.

Already humiliated beyond belief, by her shocking ordeal, the world's mightiest Mom was unceremoniously tipped over the little fiend's laps.  Supermom squealed as the nasty Wendy pulled her blue briefs up into the tight crevice, separating the magnificently full globes of her impudently out thrust derriere, fully baring the delightful target.

At first, Supermom was more humiliated than anything, by her her degrading predicament, but she soon discovered that Kryptonite smeared hands, small as they were, burned her carnation hued, nether flesh, like molten lava.  Already humbled and demoralized by her terrifying captivity, Supermom was soon squirming and wriggling, desperately, to get away from the searing pain, but the lump of Kryptonite on her shoulder kept her anchored solidly in place. As the dizzying pain inexorably increased, Supermom began to sniff and gasp at the horrifying torture, and in no time, the maturely gorgeous superheroine was sobbing and begging the devilish tots for mercy.

It was just then, that Amy and Bobby came looking for their mother.

"Holy cow!  Those brats have Kryptonite!  Look what their doing to Mom!  Get them!"  Bobby yelled.

Supermom's kids quickly chased the devilish Luther duo into their house.  Though they had inherited much of their  mother's super strength, luckily, Bobby and Amy had not inherited her susceptibility to the horrifying green element.  While Bobbie gathered up all the Kryptonite for disposal, Amy helped her stricken, limping, sobbing mother home.

Back at their own house,  Amy sat her sniffling mother down on a stone bench in the garden, and ran off to get her something to make her feel better.

Though supper was a little late, at the White household, that night, by the time Supermom finished her coke, she was able to get back to cooking, and even finished the laundry before she went off on her late night crime patrol.

And now back to our scheduled program...