WARNING: This story contains nudity, graphic violence, f/f rape and other perversities. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.
Author's Note: Certain attitudes and prejudices, presented herein, are not those of the author, but were widespread during, the wartime era, and in the milieu, portrayed.The first ship landed in the
midwestern United States in 1912.
It settled down gracefully in an isolated cornfield, where it was
discovered by
farm couple, Ezra and Margaret Flint. When Ezra opened the portal to
craft, to their astonishment, the couple
discovered an adorable baby girl, inside. As the portal opened, the
baby revived from her long suspended animation, as though waking from
an afternoon nap. Convinced the child was the
heaven sent answer to their
prayers, Margaret and Ezra gratefully adopted and raised the child as
their own,
naming her Abigail.
As the years passed, the
Flint's were amazed to discover that their new daughter
was no ordinary child, but possessed incredible strength,
as well as an invulnerability
to blows as well as to fire and bullets. Moreover Abigail could
fly when she so chose. Living in rural isolation, the Flint's wisely
concealed their daughter's seemingly miraculous powers from
outsiders. As she grew older they counseled Abigail never to show off
what she could do, even to her closest friends.
Aside from this one stricture, young Abigail, or Abby, as she was usually called was lovingly raised in accordance with her devout hard working parent's traditional American values.
It wasn't until 1925, thirteen
years after the first landing, that
second ark came down in Post World War I Prussia. By odd coincidence
ship, too, was found by a childless couple. Like the Flints, the
von Hertzvald's
eagerly adopted the angelic, blond infant they found. Childlessness was
perhaps the German couple's only
resemblance to the simple, hardworking, god fearing
Flints. The von Hertzvald's were already staunch adherents of the then
Nazi cause. In fact, Colonel Kurt von Hertzvald, an embittered veteran
to end wars, had only recently been released from prison, for his part
in Adolf
Hitler's abortive Munich Putsch of 1922.
The von Hertzvald's foundling
daughter, named
Inga, was raised as a child of aristocratic privilege, but in
with stern Prussian discipline. The impressionable child was thoroughly
imbued with the perverted twisted doctrines of Nazism, including a
contempt for the "decadent democracies."
Inga's adoptive parents were
gratified when they discovered their
new daughter's own amazing abilities, and resolved to develop them to
fullest. They would make their Inga the very epitome of the ideal,
dominant Nordic woman, a credit to the so-called 'master race'; a
paragon who would bring honor and glory to the fatherland and to the
Race. The
irony of the paragon of Nordic femininity not being Nordic by birth,
even born on this planet, was perhaps lost on the humorless Colonel von
In addition to an excellent
education at prestigious private
schools, Inga was taught several foreign languages, all of which,
English, she spoke with little or no accent. Despite her enormous
physical strength, her father insisted she learn many forms of physical
combat. The world heavyweight boxing champion, Max Schmelling,
himself, taught the girl to box. A
representative of the Japanese Embassy in Germany taught her
Eastern martial Arts techniques, at which she excelled.
Meanwhile, Abby Flint worked her
way through, and graduated
from, a mid-western land grant college. Leaving the farm behind, she
moved to the 'big city', securing a position as copy girl on a large
metropolitan newspaper. Endowed with super intelligence, in only a few
years of diligent application,
she became the paper's star reporter. In that
she became all too aware of the evils caused by criminal activity to so
many hardworking fellow citizens.
Taught by her adoptive parents to
use all her talents for the
benefit of others, Abby began using her super powers to fight evil and
crime, and combat natural disasters. In order to make the fullest use
of her powers, she adapted a secret identity, wearing a proud costume
of red and blue. The sensational exploits of the mysterious, beautiful
superwoman quickly caught the imagination of the public. As she became
a national sensation, she was dubbed 'Lady Marvel' by the media, and
the name stuck.
At about that time, young Inga von
Hertzvald, an ardent member of
the Hitler Youth, was inducted into full membership in the dreaded
SS. Her final
training was entrusted to the infamous Commandant Gerda von Hipper.
Gerda was delighted by her new charge. She was under a
cloud, because of a failed mission to Africa, and it seemed a good
from the SS high Command, that her period of penance might be
coming to an end.
"Ja, ve vill call you Ubermadchen.
Liebchen! You vill be like that
Yankee bitch zey call Lady Marvel! Ja, maybe you vill gedt ze chanze
to zhow zat bitch a few sings vun of zeze days!"
In addition to the more elegant
martial arts skill, she already
possessed, Gerda taught young Inga many of her own gutter, street
tricks. "Ja, alvayz gedt ze boot in firzt Liebchen! Zat vill cum in
handy iff you have ze chanz to fighdt zat
Lady Marvel bitch! Und neffer forgedt, iv you knock her down, kick
The ardent young
Nazi had no sentimental
illusions of fair play. She had been taught that winning, at whatever
cost necessary, was the only course for a true daughter of
the 'Vaterland.' While Lady Marvel hesitated, out of merciful
sensibilities, Ubermadchen ruthlessly struck first, in the brutal
manner proscribed by her revered mentor, Commandant von Hipper.
As Lady Marvel gasped in terrible
pain, such as she never
before, the arrogant, young Nazi sneered at her distress.
"I can already tell it will be easy to hurt you! You are soft and
like all Yankees! You are not a real fighter! You don't have the
for it! We Nazis are strong willed, with blood and iron in our souls!
fists will break you to my stronger will!" The innocent appearing
blonde teenager boasted arrogantly
"Oh you poor misguided girl!" Lady
Marvel gasped, even now, loathe
to unloose her full strength against such a fragile appearing enemy.
Her delectable derriere smarting
painfully, Lady Marvel wheeled
around angrily, resolved to waste no more ideas of mercy, on this
snotty, arrogant teenager. Ubermadchen taunted her, daring, nay
inviting, the older
woman to strike.
Lady Marvel swung her mighty right
arm at the teenager, but the
wily Nazi, expert in the pugilistic art, ducked the unscientific blow
with ease.
The American Champion had landed many punches in her distinguished, crimefighting career, and each one had been the decisive end to some criminal enterprise. She was dismayed, when the Nazi girl sneerlingly laughed off the punch. Moreover, Lady Marvel never hit another being with a body as hard and dense as her own, before, and her own hand stung painfully from the impact.
Before the chagrined Lady Marvel
could throw another punch,
contemptuously smacked her face with her open hand. Though it might
appear a frivolous attack, Inga was a karate mistress; her body tightly
coiled, she concentrated all the power of her phenomenal super strength
behind the blow. The slap stung like
the blazes, and staggered the powerfully built
American heroine.
Before Lady Marvel could recover
from the first slap, Ubermadchen
smacked her across the other cheek, just as hard.
Once again,
Ubermadchen fell back upon
Commandant von Hipper's lessons. A foul, but well aimed kick struck
deadly accuracy, stopping Lady Marvel dead in her tracks. The Nazi
girl felt no qualms about fighting dirty, she only felt contempt that
her gallant foe fell for the same trick, twice.
Before Lady
Marvel could straighten up,
Ubermadchen, combining her deadly karate skills with her ability to
struck from the air.
"Heard of the
Blitzkrieg, booby?"
The young Nazi cried triumphantly, as her foot flew directly at her
foe's beautiful
face. Though constrained by the confines of the cave, the blond female
missile achieved rocket like momentum.
Ubermadchen's boot heel struck
Lady Marvel's jaw with a
crunch, and would have torn the head from the shoulders of an earthling.
For Ubermadchen
there was no need to land
between kicks, and remaining airborne, she circled in midair and struck
the other side of her foe's face.
slim legs cut off the air to
her bigger foe's lungs, nearly strangling her. Lady Marvel staggered
about the cave, vainly trying to dislodge the little succubus.