WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, nudity, rape and other non-consensual sexual acts. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty one.

Jungle Harem Part 1.
(gwalb@nycap.rr.com or gwalb@yahoo.com)

Cursing the hot sun and the annoying mosquitoes, a lone figure trudged, resolutely, through the wild, untamed jungle, with obvious distaste for her surroundings. She was Suleema, harem mistress to Sheik Yusef bin Aladdin, and she was on a most unwelcome, dangerous errand. Yusef's most valued, harem concubine had escaped captivity. The escapee was no ordinary slave, but Blaze, renowned Guardian of the Jungle, called the Flame by the inhabitants of her jungle home. None had ever mastered the fierce, fire haired jungle champion, save Suleema herself. (See Mistress Of The Harem By GW, Mistress Of The Harem )

The Sheik had sent Suleema to a far off city to inspect slave girls for possible purchase. In the absence of the harsh harem mistress, Blaze had boldly defied the elderly, ineffectual Yusef, and stormed from his palace. In her leaving, she nearly crippled three sturdy eunuch guards, and almost made a eunuch of Yusef, himself. Rumor said she had set off to return to her jungle home.

When Suleema returned from her mission, Yusef angrily dispatched her to follow the escaped concubine and bring her back. It had been a long arduous journey of several months, but the relentless Suleema finally reached the nearly impenetrable jungle spot near where slavers had originally captured her quarry.

Blaze herself had reached her home only weeks before Suleema. Upon reaching the jungle, Blaze had angrily torn off the hateful clothing of her captivity, reminders of her shame and suffering. Freed of the last vestiges of slavery, the pure air of the jungle renewed her fierce spirit, and she had swiftly resumed her role as guardian and protector of the jungle. That very morning, at behest of her friend, and adopted sister, Queen Afrique, Mighty Ruler of the Nabobi People, Blaze tracked down and dispatched a dangerous, old crocodile, that had snatched a child of Afrique's people, from the river bank.

Suleema also encountered a crocodile that morning, though a somewhat smaller one, in fact one only out of the shell a few weeks. The harem mistress had fled in terror.

It was while walking back from the river, that Blaze encountered her evil nemesis.

"So, Disobedient Slut, I've found you at last! Did you really think you could escape my authority, even here in this hellish home of yours?"

"You have tracked me here, only to DIE here, Vile Devil!" The enraged Flame of the Jungle snarled at sight of Suleema.

Minutes before, Blaze had dispatched a savage killer crocodile with her bare hands. It was time the evil harem mistress learned the same lesson in jungle justice.

Though she had fled in terror from a tiny, harmless hatchling, herself, earlier in the day, Suleema arrogantly stood her ground, as the enraged Flame of the Jungle attacked. Blaze was resolved not to be taken by surprise at the outset, as she had in their first encounter. Yet the sight of the vile harem mistress befouling her beloved jungle, by her presence, filled Blaze with uncontrollable rage. She furiously flung herself at the hated woman who once enslaved her.


Suleema herself was filled with rage at this red haired fury, who caused her so much trouble and grief. Yet, the cold-hearted bully was adept at channeling her fury into cool headed savagery. Before Blaze could seize her in her mighty arms, the harem mistress struck the first blow. With unerring aim, she drove her stony fist deep into Blaze's solar plexus, momentarily paralyzing the larger, more powerful woman.

In only a few short weeks of freedom, Blaze had forgotten that, though bred in the effete city, Suleema was deadlier than any crocodile, or other beast of the jungle, in hand to hand combat. Suleema swiftly retaught the Flame of the Jungle that harsh lesson.

As in their first encounter, Suleema's attack was so swift and merciless, and so ruthlessly effective, that Blaze was overwhelmed before she could land a retaliatory blow. 

No! No! She wouldn't let this vile bully defeat her again! Intense pain fueling her fury, Blaze attacked again! Suleema rarely made the mistake of overconfidence, but this once, her foe's swift recovery took her by surprise.

Blaze's furious onslaught toppled Suleema to the ground, and the furious Flame of the Jungle sprang on her, like a hunting cat about to dispatch her prey. Always cool headed in combat, Suleema saw one last chance. Desperately she rammed her foot into the hurtling, wild woman's belly.

With long practiced skill, Suleema used the power of her strong leg as a lever to turn Blaze's furious momentum against her. Blaze was catapulted head over heels.

By evil chance, Blaze landed head first on a large rock. The impact was devastating, and knocked the huge redhead out cold.

Blazes' near successful attack had been a shock to the shrewd Suleema, and it was with some relieved satisfaction, that she observed her foe was unconscious, when she rose from the jungle floor.

"Hah! The stupid bitch knocked HERSELF out! That makes my job a little easier!"

Suleema wasted no time in taking advantage of her luck.


End of Part 1.

Go on to Part 2.