Superheroine Jeopardy. Part 12. Garden Party. By GW Her Feline Majesty, the new Queen of the Amazons, throws a political steak roast, featuring superheroine mud wrestling. THIS STORY CONTAINS VIOLENCE, TORTURE, AND N/C SEXUAL ACTS. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR CHILDREN, AND SHOULD ONLY BE READ BY MATURE ADULTS, OVER TWENTY-ONE. Synopsis: Catwoman captured, dominated and corrupted Batgirl, and turned her into Catgirl, an evil, younger clone of herself. The renegade crimefighter helped Catwoman capture, and break the spirits of Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Queen Hippolyta, and herself captured Batman's young, crime fighting partner Robin. In her arrogance, Catwoman conquered Paradise Island, and made herself Queen. Though, Catgirl succeeded in her first independent assignment, of capturing Mary Marvel, she allowed the anthropomorphic hero, Captain Marvel Bunny, to defeat her and rescue the adorable Mary. GARDEN PARTY. Catgirl stood trembling in terror, before her Mistress, Catwoman. The evil feline dominatrix was in a towering rage. Upon receiving Catgirl's frenzied message, she had turned back in mid-flight, from her course to her new domain of Paradise Island. When she discovered that her newest prize, Mary Marvel had escaped, her rage was uncontrollable. Catwoman slapped Catgirl across the face, knocking her halfway across the room, even though the smaller girl's slim waist was circled by an Amazon Girdle. "What do you mean, you lost Mary Marvel? How the hell, can you lose a Superheroine, you dumb, worthless slut?" "I-I'm sorry Mistress! I told y-you. This-this great, big rabbit in a red suit like her's, attacked me. He was just too strong! I thought he was going to kill me! He-he really hurt me!" Catgirl was stuttering in fear. "What do you mean, a giant rabbit? Who the hell sees giant rabbits, let alone gets beaten up, by one? What the hell are you, Elwood P. Dowd, for crissakes? How could a rabbit, even a giant one, beat you up, when you were wearing an Amazon Girdle, that was supercharged with Shazam's lighting?" "I-I don't know Mistress!" Catgirl went on in her stuttering explanation. "Th-the rabbit, he seemed to have super powers too. It was awful! He jumped up and down on me!" Catgirl broke into sobs at the memory. "Damn you! You know I'm planning the barbecue this weekend, and you go and lose one of the main attractions, two days before it? I ought to stick the barbecue spit through you, from your hind end to your mouth, and roast YOU on the spit. We'll see how our special guest enjoys roast heroine, not that you were ever much of a heroine, certainly, not in the same league as my other pets. All right, now listen to me, you simpering, little, redheaded floozy, and listen good! Either you find that bitch, Mary Marvel, and find her quick, or I will spit you and roast you, and I don't mean that as a joke!" Catgirl trembled in terror. She was all too aware, that Catwoman would do it. "Pl- please mistress! I will! I will! I'll find her!" "You'd damn well better! I hate to trust you with my other two pets, but those bitches both have sharp noses! Maybe they can follow Mary Marvel's trail? You just be damn careful nothing goes wrong, while they're in your custody!" "N-no Mistress, no! Nothing will go wrong! I swear!" Catgirl babbled, nearly incoherent with fear. "Put the bitches on leashes, to make sure!" Catwoman screamed, as Catgirl tried to back out of the room, as swiftly as she could. Once outside the door, Catgirl fell back against the wall, still trembling like a leaf, and sobbed in relief. She was still alive! Catwoman had executed subordinates for less, much less! When her knees stopped shaking, Catgirl went to the superheroine quarters, or pens as they might, more accurately be called. As she went, Catgirl mumbled to herself in self-pity. "I'd like to see HER fight that damned rabbit! See how SHE' d like him, jumping up and down, on HER boobs!" Catgirl ordered Supergirl and Wonder Woman out of their cramped little cubicles. That made her feel a little better. It always made her feel good, when things weren't going well, to have the two most powerful superheroines in the world, trembling before her, groveling and eager to please her. Bossing around the two beautiful, mature women gave her shaky ego a much-needed boost. It was like kittens, and raindrops on windows might be to nicer people. Catgirl remembered Catwoman's orders about leashes. She put Amazonium dog collars around the two women's beautiful necks, then attached leashes. After she leashed them together, Catgirl led her pair of human, hunting hounds outside. On the lawn, Catgirl's still shaky confidence received another jolt. In order to insure everything would go perfectly, Catwoman had ordered her Amazon servants to test her newly installed barbecue pit. Over a bed of hot coals, a full grown venison carcass was slowly roasting. It looked decidedly human. It looked very much like a red-haired girl might look in that position. Catgirl almost wet her pants, when she saw it. For a second, it seemed she was seeing herself on that spit, roasting over that fire. Even her two leashed captives felt her fear, and it emboldened Supergirl to put her blonde head close to Wonder Woman' raven locks, and whisper something in her ear. Both unfortunate, captive heroines began giggling. What right did these pitiful wretches have to be giggling? "What did you say?" Catgirl snapped, furiously. Supergirl shivered a second in dread, but then took her battered courage in hand, and said boldly. "Gee, Barbara! I just said to Diana, that I hoped that giant, red rabbit hadn't hurt you too bad!" And both captives broke into giggles, again. Catgirl was livid. How dare these two pitiful wretches laugh at her? She was just about to beat the beautiful blonde to jelly, when Catwoman suddenly appeared behind her. Catwoman grabbed the furious Catgirl's arm, before she could inflict any damage. "That's enough! I don't want these two marked up! I can't afford any damage to either of them! Not after you lost the other one! See what you've done? Even these pathetic, sniveling, broken-spirted losers are laughing at you!" Catgirl knew that, well enough, without being told, but wisely said nothing. Eyes down cast, Catgirl led her rebellious charges away. Once they were out of Catwoman's sight and earshot, though, Catgirl wiped the perspiration from her brow, grabbed Supergirl by the hair and snarled in her ear. "Once that damned barbecue is over, you'll pay for that, Missy! No blond Kryptonian slut's going to get away with laughing at me!" Then, the vicious, apprentice dominatrix kicked Supergirl in the behind. "Now, get down on the ground, on all fours, where you belong, you stupid bitch! How do you thing you're going to pick up the scent up here. The beautiful, naked, blonde heroine obediently sank down on all fours. "You too, Wonder Slut! Do you need a special invitation?" "No Ma'am!" Wonder Woman murmured fearfully, and slunk down on her hands and knees, beside her blonde friend. That was a little better! Catgirl glanced down at her leashed slaves, proudly. After all, no queen or empress, ever had such a fine brace of hunting hounds as these, a matched pair of subjugated superheroines, one a gorgeous, innocent faced blonde with fabulously endowed form, the other a raven haired beauty, with even more spectacular physique. Two of the most beautiful women in the world; once, they were two of the most powerful women in the world, as well, now crawling abjectly on all fours, at her command. What a breathtakingly satisfying spectacle! Catgirl gingerly led her splendid brace of hunting bitches down to the carrot patch. She looked around nervously, but there were no rabbits about, giant or otherwise. She breathed a sigh of relief, then wondered, if she was losing her mind. Could there really be giant rabbits in red suits? >From her utility pocket, Catgirl took a tattered pair of red shorts, the same ones she had triumphantly forced a tearfully whimpering Mary Marvel to remove, a few days before. She had kept them as a memento, of her triumph. Now, they reminded her of her failure. She held the soiled garment under Wonder Woman's and Supergirl's noses. "All right, Bitches! Get a good nose full! I want you to follow that trail!" The once proud, beautiful superheroines obediently snuffled around the ground. Both had noses, as sensitive as any beagle, or even any truffle-sniffing pig, for that matter Wonder Woman picked up the scent, first. She nodded her head toward Supergirl, and the blonde heroine caught it, too. "Oh Diana, must we do this? Poor Mary escaped this horror. How can we help recapture her?" Wonder Woman's glance fell to the ground, unable to meet her friend's troubled blue eyes. "You know why, Kara!" She muttered; she didn't have to add: "It's Mary or us!" They both knew it, all too well! Supergirl hung her own head, knowing she no longer had the courage to resist Catgirl's vicious cruelty. Once, she would have eagerly sacrificed herself for a friend. "Stop your whispering!" Catgirl screamed. "Get on the trail! Damn it, and you should be barking or bugling or something, whatever it is hound bitches do, when they have a scent, so I know you still have it!" So, as the two subjugated heroines, one blonde, one raven-haired sped along the ground on all fours, in all their naked splendor, their shapely, muscled curves sleekly moving in the sun, their rounded bottoms rolling from side to side in unison, each did her best to imitate a hunting hound. Supergirl's cry had the sweet, melodious tone of a fine English hunting bitch, while Wonder Woman's bark was the deeper gruffer voice of some German attack dog. The brace of superheroine, hunting bitches followed the trail successfully for some time, baying obediently, as they went. Finally, however, they reached a small polluted creek, and lost the trail. Catgirl feverishly trotted them up and down, both sides of the stream, for two hours, splashing them numerous times, through the filthy water on all fours. It was no use! Catgirl's heart sank, as she realized she must report another failure to her imperious, cold-hearted, feline mistress. She dispiritedly led her whimpering, soiled hounds back to the estate. Catwoman eyed her unsuccessful subordinate furiously, but by now she was preoccupied with other problems. Besides, she had consulted her Amazon scientists. They had run some tests, and determined that the Estate carrot patch was an intersection point, between the human and the anthropomorphic animal worlds. They also informed their Mistress, that such a rabbit hero, as Catgirl described, did, indeed exist in that other time continuum, and could have briefly crossed over. "There may really have been a giant rabbit, in a red suit, but that doesn't excuse you, for letting him take one of my superheroines away from you!" Catwoman snarled coldly. " You should have died, defending MY property! You keep looking for her, you stupid slut! First, put the two super boobs away for the night. They look exhausted, I want them fresh and chipper for Saturday! You go out and keep looking! Meanwhile, I've got to think what's the best way of covering up your screw up!" Catwoman added, with the dramatic air, of one suffering martyrdom, at the hands of ungrateful subordinates, who don't understand her. Catwoman went on, thinking out loud, as Catgirl slunk away, backing unobtrusively from the room, like a lowly Costanza, leaving "Big Stein" lost in his own ruminations. "I had planned on pitting Supergirl against Mary Marvel. That would have been the perfect match. Then, Wondie would have been free to cater to our guest of honor's special needs. Now, I suppose, I'll have to use Wonder Woman against Supergirl, in the ring! Maybe, Hippy can fill the void, for our guest. She's a bit oversized, but scrunched down on her knees, maybe he won't notice. She's at least, a shapely, full- figured wench, and he seems to like that!" As Catwoman talked, the weary Catgirl stabled her charges, and went out to continue searching for the rest of the night. Two days later, at dusk, a helicopter, bearing the insignia of a military organization, landed on the secluded lawn of Catwoman's estate. A party of agents in dark suits, all wearing dark glasses, spread out through the grounds, taking up strategic positions, everywhere. They examined the other guests, sharply. Most were well known to them, officeholders, lobbyists and other political parasites, plus a sprinkling of entertainment celebrities, come to fawn over the guest of honor. When the dark-suited men and women were at last satisfied, a plump faced man exited the chopper. His gray hair was cut in that uniform, easily identified style, of the professional politician. The man's features exuded a certain, low, good nature, common to the saloon, the barnyard, and the political backroom. Catwoman, beaming proudly, advanced to meet her honored guest. The imperious dominatrix actually curtsied. "Mister Pr...." The gray-haired politician cut her off, with a wave of his plump hand. "Uh, why don't y'just call me Mr. Bubbuh, fer this evnin' Darlin'" He said, in the drawling, high-pitched whine of a failed rock and roll wannabe. "Of course, Mr Bubbuh!" Catwoman answered, immediately picking up on the need for anonymity, even if everyone knew who her visitor was. Catwoman would be the last to shout, that the emperor had no clothes. "We're honored to have you here, Sir! Everything is prepared!" Catwoman escorted Mr Bubbuh about the Estate, and then arranged for the serving of the steer, that had been roasting on the new barbecue spit. After dinner, Catwoman led the party to a blocked-off pit, of slimy, oozing, black mud. It was dark now, but floodlights made the area bright as day. It was at this point, that Catwoman introduced Mr. Bubbuh to his special hostess for the evening. "Mr. Bubbuh, this is Hippolyta, formerly Queen of the Amazons. We call her Hippy, now for short. Hippy once entertained Mighty Hercules at a similar occasion. Isn't that right, Hippy?" "Yes, Ma'am!" The deposed Queen murmured, her eyes cast down on the ground, as befit her new status, as loan-out concubine. Mr Bubbuh looked a little blank, at the classical allusion. He'd been at student demonstrations when they taught Greek Mythology. However, he was very well able, to appreciate the full, ripe curves of Hippolyta's magnificent form, even if he did have to look up to her lofty countenance. As he gazed at the submissive queen's rich endowments, through the diaphanous silk of her gown, though, a troubled look came over his face. Mr Bubbuh turned to Catwoman, and whispered, something. Catwoman smiled, understandingly. "Of course, Sir!" Then she turned and snapped. "Hippy, take that dress off! It's a warm night, and you don't need it!" The deposed queen meekly stripped naked, in front of the guests. Mr. Bubbuh, a little red-faced, muttered in some embarrassment, "Thank y' Ma'am, its just that, ah don't need any more problems with DNA stains!" As guests were presented to Mr. Bubbuh, one of them, boldly fondled Hippolyta's enormous, upthrust breast, as he passed. She gasped in shock, but dared not protest. From nearby, her daughter saw a tear of shame in her regal mother's humbled black eye. A special chair had been set up, especially for Mr. Bubbuh. It bore a well known seal for him to rest his ample behind, upon. "We can begin, anytime you're ready, Sir!" Catwoman chirped, ingratiatingly, to Mr. Bubbuh. "Whenever, it's convenient t'you, Ma'am!" The honored guest politely replied, with a bow of his handsome head. Just then, one of the dark-suited aides started to hand Mr. Bubbah a large, greasy bag. It contained a supply of big macs and quarter pounders, in case Mr Bubbuh became peckish during the festivities. "Not just yet, Jennings!" Mr. Bubbuh said, waving the bag aside. "I think ah'll have a cigar first!" He quickly added. "O'course, that is, if you don't mind, Ma'am?" "Oh no! Of course, not! Please, go right ahead, Sir!" Catwoman replied, kittenishly. "Course, ah never inhale these things, but even so, ma wife doesn't let me smoke them at our official residence!" Mr. Bubbuh went on, as the aide lit the cigar for him. "Excellent tactics! Symbolic castration!" Catwoman thought, approvingly. "Perhaps, I shall back her senatorial candidacy, after all. I think, we might work very well together!" When Mr. Bubbuh's cigar was lit, Catwoman signaled the two contestants to enter the blocked off pit. Up until now, Wonder Woman and Supergirl, in fighter-style robes, had been circulating among the guests. Catwoman like to display her possessions in ostentatious profusion, and who else had two such toys, as these incomparably beautiful, enslaved superheroines. In fact, many guests had been more eager to meet the world famous heroines, then to fawn over the guest of honor. Each superheroine, had been the center of an admiring knot of admirers, all evening. Even one of the dark-suited men in dark glasses, had asked Supergirl for her autograph, for his young daughter. The irony of such lionization, in their present shameful servitude, was just one more bitter humiliation for the super-bondagettes to bear. All of that attention to Wonder Woman and Supergirl, especially galled Catwoman's chief aide, Catgirl. Catwoman had dressed her up in her old Batgirl outfit, and so attired, she was obsequiously serving drinks, while doing her best to stay out of Catwoman's line of vision. Catwoman had ordered her to put on her old uniform that afternoon. "I promised three superheroines to entertain our guests. Certainly, you're far from super, but the media did give you a lot of attention, as a heroine crimefighter. Maybe the guests won't notice!" In fact, the guests didn't notice her, at all! Even in her Batgirl costume, the beautiful young redhead was virtually ignored, while all flocked to meet the two enslaved, demeaned superheroines. Catwoman's last words to her errant protegee still echoed in Catgirl's ears. "Make sure you don't spill any drinks on the guests! You can be a really clumsy gawk sometimes!" "N-no mistress!" Catgirl sniffled, already aghast at her demotion to her old crimefighting character. "She thinks, now, that I'm no better than those two sluts!" Catgirl thought venomously, eyeing Supergirl and Wonder Woman, and envying the attention they were getting. By now, Wonder Woman and Supergirl had entered their respective corners of the mud pit. First, Supergirl, then Wonder Woman removed their robes. Ready for the contest, they were both nearly nude, but for brief bikini bottoms. Their spectacular chests were bared to the public for the first time. There was an audible gasp of delight and awe, from the guests, at seeing these world famous, perfectly proportioned physiques in the living flesh, denuded for their edification. Wonder Woman was a bit larger, and a trifle more muscular than her blond opponent, but Supergirl's breasts were larger and more girlishly erect. The guest of honor sucked his cigar in delight. Catwoman nodded to Hippolyta. The deposed Amazon Queen obediently knelt down between Mr. Bubbuh's outstretched legs, and dutifully unzipped his fly. Hippolyta couldn't repress a grimace of disgust, as she removed Mr. Bubbuh's penis, from his trousers. It was already engorged at sight of her daughter, and Supergirl's near-naked charms. Hippolyta licked her lips nervously, in reluctance, but Catwoman had informed her, what was expected of her, and she dared not disobey that imperious feline eye. After one quick glance, she closed her eyes in distaste, thinking. "Well, he's certainly no Hercules, and that muscle bound oaf was widely overrated in that department, himself. Hmf! Why does it point sideways, I wonder? It's as if everything about the man is a little bit twisted!" Then, with a little groan, she prayed for strength to go on. "Hera help me, please! Oh Dear Mother of the Gods, I'd rather do this to that awful burro, Pedro!" As the reluctant Queen took his ready member into her mouth, Supergirl thought she caught a sly wink from Mr Bubbah. Her heart fluttered, perhaps as much in response to the majesty and power surrounding the man's office, as to his aging, though still handsome face. Supergirl glanced across the pit at Wonder Woman, standing disdainfully aloof, as she tried to ignore the fact that her beautiful, regal mother was crouched abjectly between a man's legs, reduced to a bondage concubine. "I'm not going to let that Amazon snob make a fool of me, this time!" Supergirl vowed. "This is so degrading! Oh, I just want to pin the blonde, and get this horror over with, quickly!" Wonder Woman thought. From the corner of her eye, she resentfully caught the interchange between Supergirl and Mr. Bubbuh. Her poor mother's ordeal filled the gallant Amazon Princess with a fury, that she now directed at Supergirl. "If that stupid slut hadn't let herself be captured, none of this would ever have happened! Now, look at the silly, blonde airhead, simpering at that man! Hera help us; I think she's actually flirting with him! Well, I was going to go easy on her, but she deserves everything she's going to get!" Supergirl saw the look of prudish disapproval on Princess Diana's patrician features, and vowed. "I'll wipe that look off the uppity witch's face!" Catwoman delicately let a handkerchief drop to the ground, as signal for the game to begin. Supergirl and Wonder Woman moved slowly toward the center of the mud pit, warily eying each other. Catwoman had taken great care to insure, that they were reasonably equally matched for the contest. Supergirl's wrist attachment prevented her from flying, and Catwoman had set the Kryptonite emanations from her Collar, to a level that would weaken her, to just about the same strength as her Amazon adversary. Of course, Wonder Woman was slightly larger, and more muscular, and was highly trained in the martial arts, with perhaps no equal in the World, on that score. On the other hand, Supergirl's invulnerability would offset that expertise to a considerable degree. Most guests placed large bets on the former Amazon Princess on the theory that a good big 'un will beat a good little 'un, any day of the week. At the center of the pit, the two superheroine gladiatrixes grabbed at each other, and linked hands, in a test of strength. As expected, Wonder Woman's height and weight advantage proved decisive. She was able to twist Supergirl's hands in her own, and bend the blonde's fingers for leverage. She slowly powered her gorgeous opponent down on her knees in the mud. Supergirl's spectacular breasts rose and fell quickly from the exertion, while Wonder Woman's shapely bosom rose with a royally decorous steadiness. Still retaining the gallantry and noblesse oblige, of a Princess, the Amazon released her hands, and waited for Supergirl to get up. The shapely blonde was not nearly so gallant, in return. As soon as her hands were free, Supergirl dived at Wonder Woman's ankles, and tackling her, brought her down, full-length in the mud. Before Wonder Woman could move, Supergirl scampered on top of her. She viciously rammed her invulnerable knee into Wonder Woman's crotch, with all her might, in the process. "Oooh! You nasty, blonde witch!" Wonder Woman moaned in distress. "You'll pay for that!" But Supergirl punched the hurt Amazon on the jaw, and then, so hard in the right breast, it took Wonder Woman's breath away. Those huge, arrogantly up-tilted breasts, though not quite so spectacular as Supergirl's, were always a temptation to any foe. As Wonder Woman protested her unfair tactics, Supergirl picked up a handful of mud, and squished it in Wonder Woman's beautiful face, silencing her. "Mmmmfff!" Wonder Woman gagged, spitting out mud, as the crowd roared in appreciation. Through the mud coating her exquisite features, Wonder Woman looked woefully up, at her erstwhile friend, hurt at her betrayal. Then with a resurgence of Amazon fighting spirit, Wonder Woman threw the smaller girl off her, and leapt at her. Supergirl was ready, though, and got her foot wedged in Wonder Woman's belly. She straightened her leg, with all her super strength, flinging the big, raven-haired woman back into the mud. Supergirl was on Wonder Woman again, in an instant, wrapping her long legs around Wonder Woman's elegant neck. She grabbed two handfuls of ebony hair, and mashed Princess Diana's flawless, though muddy, face against her crotch. Wonder Woman's long, raven hair was already slick with mud, but Supergirl wrapped the long strands around her fingers, and pulled viciously, to grind that beautiful aristocratic face into her muddy crotch, as she squeezed her strongly-muscled thighs together, with all her kryptonian strength. The pressure on Wonder Woman's head was so terrific, that the Amazon maiden feared it would explode. She clawed desperately at Supergirl's voluptuous thighs, but her finger nails could make no impression on that delectable, yet invulnerable, flesh. Catwoman taking a moment from her duties as hostess, to watch, licked her lips appreciatively. "Why my little, blonde slut is doing very well! I thought the big Amazon cow would mop up the ring with her. This is turning into a really delicious catfight, and I do so love CATfights!" Wonder Woman finally wriggled her head loose, but Supergirl still kept an unshakeable, two-handed grip on her hair. She rammed an iron hard knee into Wonder Woman's jaw, and the gallant Amazon saw stars. If that wasn't bad enough, Supergirl slammed her steely forehead against her straight, aristocratic nose, and a spurt of blood mingled with the oozing mud. Even Catwoman winced in alarm. "Goddamn it! I hope she didn't break Wondie's nose. That gorgeous face is worth millions to me. The blonde slut has potential, I never suspected, though!" She thought, almost forgetting herself, in appreciation of the Maid of Might's dirty fighting skills. Somehow, Wonder Woman got her hair loose, from those tightly grasping fingers, but then Supergirl grabbed her boobs, and clawed and squeezed those sweetly rounded treasures, unmercifully. The slippery mud didn't seem to hinder her cruel grip, at all. "Oh, you nasty witch!" Wonder Woman wailed, trying to pry the cruel hands loose. Annoyed by Wonder Woman's efforts to free herself, Supergirl darted her head down and sank her sharp, white teeth into the creamy flesh of Wonder Woman's muscular upper arm. Wonder Woman squealed in shock. "You bit me!" She gasped in disbelief. Infuriated, the mighty Amazon warrior tore herself loose, from the blonde's sharp claws, ignoring the pain it cost. With a heave of her broad, sinuous back, Wonder Woman flung the Maid of Might down into the mud. She uttered a piercing Amazon war cry, and standing on one foot, delivered a crushing Karate kick to Supergirl's jaw. Unfortunately, for our beloved Amazon, the slippery mud provided no purchase, to her unshod foot. She almost fell full-length, but with amazing agility, saved herself at the last moment, though she did go down on one knee. Her gyrations brought a chuckle from the crowd, that fueled her growing temper. The kick did little damage to Supergirl's steely jaw. "Ha! Ha! That's what that dumb, Amazon bunny gets, for trying one of her fancy kicks, in this glop!" Supergirl thought smugly, as, unhurt she leapt to her feet. The mood of the fickle crowd had swung to her side now. She heard them cheering her on. Their cheers emboldened her. More surefooted than her larger foe, Supergirl launched a deadly kick of her own, at the kneeling Amazon Princess. Her sharp toe was harder and stronger than the strongest steel, and it drove deep into Wonder Woman's smoothly muscled belly. "Gottcha, you big Amazon lummox!" Supergirl chortled nastily, as Wonder Woman doubled over in agony. Supergirl grabbed Wonder Woman's mud-slick hair, and flung her face down in the mud, again A moment later, Supergirl jumped into the mud beside her. She'd thoroughly enjoyed the feel of Wonder Woman's beautiful face nuzzling her crotch, and she wrapped the big Amazon up in the same grip, once more. When Wonder Woman tried to pry those steely thighs apart, Supergirl grabbed her index finger, and bent it backwards, until it nearly broke. Wonder Woman would have screamed in mindless agony, but her mouth was full of mud, and jammed too tightly against Supergirl's crotch, to emit any sound. Her other arm was helplessly trapped under Supergirl's body; unfortunately, leaving the blonde with one hand free to wreak more mischief. She alternately tweaked Wonder Woman's gorgeous nipples, or pinched her, right between the legs. Wonder Woman curled up in a ball, trying to protect herself. Realizing she could reach Wonder Woman's brief, bikini thong without hindrance, Supergirl had a nasty idea. She tugged at Wonder Woman's panties, until she slid them off the broad Amazonian hips. As Supergirl slid the muddy silk down her ripely flared thighs, Wonder Woman panicked at the threat of losing her last shred of dignity. She fought wildy, kicking and squirming with all her amazing Amazon might. It was useless; Supergirl had her wrapped up too tightly to escape. The only thing she accomplished, was to coat herself more thickly, with the nasty mud. In a short time, the grinning blonde slipped Wonder Woman's panties down her long exciting legs, and right off her ankles. Supergirl waved her trophy in the air, for a moment, to the hoots and cheers of the audience. Then, like a toreadora dedicating her kill, she tossed the muddy panties with unerring aim at Mr Bubbuh's feet. Though very much preoccupied, just then, with Hippolyta's delightful, royal mouth and agile amazon tongue, Mr Bubbuh grinned back at the muddy, blonde gladiatrix, and though remaining seated, bowed graciously in appreciation. Mr. Bubbuh's smile so transfixed the smitten, blonde superheroine, that she forgot to keep her legs locked, and Wonder Woman, gasping for breath, got loose again, at last. Supergirl's eyes narrowed angrily at the interruption to her flirtation. Wonder Woman raised her head groggily, spitting the evil tasting slop from her sweetly shaped mouth. As she gagged and sputtered, Supergirl jumped on her back, shoving her face deep into the filthy ooze again. Though excelling in every honorable form of combat, it must be said, that the gallant Amazon found herself at a disadvantage in this demeaning contest. She was too honorable to resort to the same dirty tactics as her fellow captive, and when Supergirl triumphantly stripped her completely naked, it took the heart out of her. Now, Supergirl had Wonder Woman pinned securely, so she couldn't get any leverage, at all, to free herself. Supergirl rammed the raven-haired Amazon's arm up between her shoulder blades, in an unbreakable hammerlock, that added, immeasurably, to her victim's distress. Wonder Woman kicked and squirmed desperately, with all the strength of her magnificent body. Her long, shapely legs, packed with all the power of some warrior goddess, kicked mightily, but to no avail. Nothing she did could get the blonde cat off her back. The only result of her struggle was to dig her face deeper and deeper into the slime. With her face buried in the mud she couldn't breath. The mud oozed up her nose, and down her throat, choking off her enfeebled cries. The red rage of battle gradually gave way to terror, as her aching lungs were denied any air at all. "Oh Hera help me! She's going to smother me!" Wonder Woman wailed in silent, mindless panic. "Athena protect me!" Wonder Woman prayed hopelessly, as grinning gleefully, Supergirl shoved her beautiful face deeper and deeper into the disgusting mire, masterfully riding down the Amazon's ever weakening struggles. As Supergirl mashed the Amazon Princess's face into the mud, Diana's Royal Mother, mouth aching from long sucking, caught a glimpse of her daughter's distress, from the corner of her eye. "Oh, Hera help her! Poor Diana! I never knew her little, blonde friend could be so nasty and vicious. She always seemed so sweet!" There would have been a lump of sadness, in Hippolyta's throat, if Mr. Bubbuh's moderate sized member wasn't already lodged there. In fact, her commiserations for her daughter were abruptly cut short, by an ejaculatory spurt, that gagged and choked her. Wonder Woman's long, powerful legs stopped their pitiful kicking. She lay deathly still, no longer fighting back at all. Now, even Catwoman was worried. "I don't want the blonde slut to smother her to death! I can't afford to loose another pet, this week!" She thought, as she hurried to the center of the pit, walking delicately on her high heels, to avoid splattering herself with filth. Catwoman grabbed Supergirl's mud slick, blonde curls and pulled her off the beaten Amazon. "That's enough, Soupie! You won!" Catwoman raised Supergirl to her feet, and lifted the grinning blonde's arm overhead, in victory. "You've done well!" The feline dominatrix whispered. Supergirl's heart raced at the praise from her mistress. Later, after the two participants were hosed off, Wonder Woman slunk away in shame, to console, and seek consolation from, her mother. The two hapless, royal Amazons hugged in mutual sympathy, united by their shame. The events of the evening had left an evil taste in both their mouths. Meanwhile, Catwoman presented Supergirl to the Guest of Honor, to receive his felicitations. She was very pleased with Supergirl at the moment, greedily anticipating the blonde's savagery would make the video of this event, a best seller. "Congratulations, Young Lady! You're some fighter, and thank y'kindly for the tribute of your trophy! I had Jennings, here, pack that garment up, t'take with me as a little souvenir, to remember y'by!" Jennings face twisted in distaste, at the things he did, in the line of duty. Satiated by Queen Hippolyta's skilled ministrations, for the moment, at least, Mr Bubbuh chastely kissed the beautiful blond on the cheek, and patted her nicely rounded behind, with avuncular affection. Supergirl batted her long eyelashes and simpered. "Oh thank you, sir! I just did my best not to disappoint you! You inspired me to win! You're an inspiration to us all!" As Mr Bubbuh turned to go, Supergirl whispered. "Maybe next time, I can serve you more personally, instead of that ungainly, overgrown Amazon cow?" "Ah'd like that!" Mr Bubbuh whispered back. As Mr. Bubbuh walked off, Supergirl preened herself in the glow of his approval. >From a sheltered vantage, well out of Catwoman's way, Catgirl looked on venomously. Her blue eyes glowed green with envy. "Look at that damned, blonde bitch showing off! She's wriggling around, in front of him, like a little, puppy dog in heat. Ooh, I'd really like to wipe that sappy look off her goofy face. She ought to act her age! I know for a fact, she's at least ten years older than me!" Catgirl hissed with appropriate cattiness. "Oh, I wish that stupid, bumbling Amazon slut wrung her super neck, tonight! Well she'll pay for it, and that Marvel bitch, too! Wait'll I get my hands on HER!" Catgirl resolved that nothing on earth, would prevent her finding Mary Marvel, and paying her back for the misery her escape caused. The rest of the evening went splendidly, fulfilling all of Catwoman's hopes. As he was about to get into the helicopter, Mr Bubbuh kissed Catwoman on the cheek, below her cat mask, and whispered. "Thank y'Ma'am, for a wonderful and unforgettable evenin'! Ah'll have my people arrange recognition of your government of that Island, whatever it's called, as legitimate! Don't y'worry y'r pretty head, about a thing! And ah don't think there'll be any more problem about that seat in the UN!" Mr Bubbuh handed the dread villainess a copy of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" before he climbed aboard the helicopter. "Just a little token o'my appreciation, Ma'am!" "I'm honored, Sir!" Catwoman simpered and curtsied for the second time that evening, much lower this time. She hugged the book tightly, to her shapely, leather covered bosom, as the helicopter flew off into the night. Catwoman smiled in satisfaction. Yet there were still two problems on her mind. "That Wonder Girl Bitch, Drucilla is still causing trouble! I don't want any problems with rebels right now! If the media hears about that, it could still screw up diplomatic recognition, even after all my work tonight. And where is that Mary Marvel Slut? It's dangerous having her running around loose. Why she might be right here, in Gothopolis, stirring up trouble!" Princess Drucilla would have liked nothing better than to cause Catwoman trouble. There was precious little she could do, though. At that moment, she and her followers had just ambushed one of Catwoman's patrols. A tigress in the heat of battle, now the young Amazon Princess was sickened by the blood! Five of Catwoman's mercenaries had fought to the death. The free Amazons had triumphed, but lost two of their number. The sometime Wonder Girl saw that three of the enemy dead were renegade Amazons who had gone over to Catwoman. One was a woman who had tutored her in music, as a child. Drucilla looked around at her own tatted band of Freedom fighters. They could ill afford the loss of even two of their number. There had been no new recruits for weeks, and every loss was irreplaceable. At this rate of attrition, the rebellion couldn't survive another three months. Only some bold stroke would redeem Paradise Island. "If I could somehow capture or eliminate Catwoman?" Drucilla pondered. "That's our only chance!" The decisive, young leader struck her fist against a tree, resolving to carry out a plan, that had been forming in her mind for the last few days. "I'll do it! I must! I'll get her!" Just then, in a sleazy strip joint in an outlying district of Gothopolis, stirring up trouble for Catwoman, was the last thing on Mary Marvel's mind. Just staying out of that feline reach was the limit of her hopes. Mary lifted the tray of drinks off the bar and began her new job. "Holy Moly, I can't believe I'm working in an exploitive, demeaning place like this!" Mary thought wistfully, as she distributed the drinks to the rough clientele. Alone, naked, hunted and on the run, without money or friends, she dared turn to, she had needed a job to live. Without government issued identity papers, this was the one job, she could find. It's pretty darn hard to conceal your identity when you're six feet of gorgeously muscled female. Here, though, there were quite a few other very spectacular women on stage. If only she could fly into the sky as she once did, but that diabolical device was still locked to her wrist, and there was no way to get it off. Mary knew she'd be more unobtrusive as Mary Batson, but Catwoman's Amazon scientists had a tracking device, that could pinpoint the location of any divine lightening bolts. She didn't dare switch identities! Anyway, a sleazy strip joint seemed the last place anyone would look for the most wholesome and beloved of America's superheroines. Mary originally applied for a job as stripper. After all, she was gorgeous, wasn't she? Among the gifts of Shazam's Lightening were the beauty of Aurora, Goddess of the Dawn, and the grace of the lunar goddess Selena. It was a sobering, disheartening shock, when the after demeaning herself by stripping for his inspection, the manger looked her, quickly, up and down, and told her. "Nah! Sorry Sister! Ya' got a pretty face, but you're too musclebound. The customers here like 'em, a little rounder. Too bad though, y'got a nice rack there!" With familiar arrogance, he patted Mary Marvel's nude, high-set boobs. (What sums would the world's wealthiest men, pay for that privilege?) "I tell you what, though, I could use another cocktail waitress!" Just then, Mary almost dropped her heavy tray, as a half drunken man thrust his hand under her abbreviated skirt, and pinched her naked behind The manager forbade the waitresses to wear panties. Of course, the pinch couldn't hurt her, but the World's Mightiest Girl whimpered in shock. For a moment, she was overcome by rage. Unthinkingly, she almost knocked the drunken lout through the wall. "No, I can't! They'd guess who I am!" Mary realized, swallowing her pride. Mary controlled her temper, and in fact, even managed a sweet, if sickly smile, obsequiously hoping for a big tip. She needed the money desperately to live on. Oh, but this was so horribly degrading. Though her boldly-shaped bottom was invulnerable, it was still incredibly sensitive, not having fully recovered yet, from that horrifying, over-sized dildo Catgirl had used on it. Reminded of the shame and terror of that night, Mary's brown eyes misted at the memory. "Why are these terrible things be happening to me? I've always done my best to use Shazam's gifts to serve humanity!" The beautiful superheroine agonized miserably, as she returned to the bar for another order. Will Mary Marvel garner enough tips to survive? What demeaning compromises must she make for them? Can Wonder Girl seriously threaten Catwoman's regime? To be continued in Superheroine Jeopardy. Part 13. Same Cat Channel! Same Cat Time!