Inanna In The Underworld By GW Summerian Goddess challenges sister goddess of the underworld for supremacy. Inanna, Queen of Heaven, paused in her majestic passage through her dominions. "Halt!" She called to the seven mighty lions pulling her chariot. The fierce carnivores snapped shut their huge deadly jaws in annoyance, reluctant to interrupt their journey toward midday feeding. Yet, subservient to the will of the indomitable Inanna, the fearsome brutes halted. Inanna gazed about her in rising fury. All that remained of a once prosperous and happy farming village were burnt ruins and the rotting corpses of men women and even children. A few miserable survivors huddled together in terror. Their hearts leaped to see their beloved protectress. Though stern in justice Inanna was a warm and loving mother, when her people were troubled. "Who wreaked such carnage? Who would dare break Inanna's peace and desecrate a village under Inanna's personal protection?" The furious queen of the skies asked. The frightened villagers told Inanna it had been marauders from the underworld. "They wore Queen Ereshkigel's brand!" One villager, braver than the rest whispered. Inanna was puzzled. Never since she had defeated her sister Ereshkigel, and banished her to rule the dreaded underworld, had Ereshkigel dared trouble the land of the living under Inanna's personal protection. "If this is Ereshkigel's work, she has truly grown bold in her long cold exile! Perhaps it is time that I taught her another lesson?" Inanna mused. "No matter! Whoever did this, will pay!" The fierce goddess of battle vowed vengeance, and no evildoer who incurred Inanna's wrath, had ever yet escaped the swift merciless retribution of her law. Yet before she left them, she comforted the frightened villagers as a beloved divine mother, her children. The Mistress of the Divine Hunt scouted the area. Her keen senses soon picked up a trail. She estimated the number of raiders, from their tracks. Though alone without attendants she eagerly gave chase. In Inanna's wake, the grass grew greener and more lush, flowers bloomed and fruit ripened ahead of its season. All nature responded rapturously Inanna's passage. She was patroness of fertility, ever chaste, yet ever seductive and abundantly free with her voluptuous favors. Meanwhile many miles ahead, a villainous mob of demons and imps hurried toward their refuge, already terrified of Inanna's vengeance if she caught them. Only their fear of their mistress Ereshkigel could have emboldened them to dare Inanna's wrath. Mutinous and treacherous, yet they always obeyed their queen, because she was even more murderous than they, and her reward to traitors was instant extinction. Despite their long head start, Inanna's fierce feline chargers soon caught up with the marauders just as they approached the first gate to the underworld. As Inanna's golden chariot neared, a bloated, dark-skinned female form naked from head to toe, with coarse iron gray hair emerged from the gate to greet the procession. Inanna stared at the female unbelievingly. "She seems familiar" the queen of storms mused. She sniffed the air inquisitively, and caught a once familiar scent. "It is Ereshkigel!" Inanna thought in surprise. "Oh, but she has grown fat. No wonder I didn't recognize her at first glance. Well I defeated her when she was young and supple and banished her from the heavens to rule the dark underworld. She poses no threat in her present bloated state." Long years ago the young Ereshkigel, Inanna's witch trained sister had vied with Inanna for supremacy in the heavens. Ereshkigel had caused much evil in her thirst for power, and at last Inanna had banished her from the heavens and from the world of mortals, forever. "So you dare return to my realm, Ereshkigel? You have grown fat in your long absence. You should have stayed where things went so well for you. You surely haven't forgotten that you only live because I spared you after our last encounter. Our fight was to the death, but I took pity on your whining pleas. I swore to kill you if you ever dared return from your exile." Inanna challenged. Ereshkigel laughed, but her small piggy eyes glared hatred for the slim, muscular Inanna of the sable hair. "You are right, you self-righteous braggart, I have flourished since our last meeting. I have grown strong and learned much, in my dark world. If you dare interfere with me again, I will punish your audacity. If you wish to challenge me, I shall be waiting in my realm." So saying, Ereshkigel turned and led her followers through the gates to the dark realm. "I shall be there, Ereshkigel!" Inanna answered quietly, and turning the mighty chariot drove off through the darkening eve. Ereshkigel looked back over her shoulder with glaring hatred. " Haughty Bitch!" She breathed audibly. "Well, so be it. I may have grown in girth, but I've learned a few things that ought to surprise my big, arrogant sister. She will not be so high and mighty by the time she passes the seven gates of the underworld to face me." The next morning, arrayed in all her divine glory Inanna sped, in her chariot, to the first gate of Ereshkigel's Abode of the Dead. The gate was too small for her chariot and Inanna descended, and approached the gate. The way was barred and a cold, remote voice from within told her she must surrender her heavenly crown if she were to pass. Inanna angrily demurred, but even Inanna could not blast open that mighty, eternal gate and at last, stamping her pretty foot in frustration, she complied, removing the crown of heavenly glory. The ebon sheen of her silky tresses shone in the pale light, as Inanna proceeded to the second gate. At the second gate, another deathly voice ordered her to remove her sparkling earrings if she were to pass. Still fuming, Inanna reluctantly gave up her earrings and proceeded. The ghostly keeper at the third gate demanded her six pointed neckless as the toll for passage. Inanna surrendered her neckless and proceeded. By now it was to be noticed that Inanna's divine radiance was grown dimmer though nothing could dim her divine beauty. At the fourth gate Inanna was required to give up her starry cloak and her exquisite nipples stiffened as she felt the underworld chill on her splendid half naked body. At the fifth gate Inanna was forced to stoop and remove her jeweled slippers. As she proceeded to the sixth gate, the cold chill numbed her bare feet. At the sixth gate the toll was Inanna's diamond studded girdle. She went on to the last gate and there a voice demanded that she remove even her silken skirt to enter. "If I remove my skirt I shall be naked. It is unfitting for the queen of heaven to appear so." Inanna protested, but the guardian was adamant. Shivering, Inanna unfastened her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She stepped gracefully from it, leaving behind the last vestiges of her divine glory and adornment. Yet such was her radiant beauty, that even the fell guardian of the gate gasped as she passed in naked glory through the final gate into Ereshkigel's great hall. Shorn of divine brilliance and raiment, Inanna approached Ereshkigel's throne, naked as her evil sister, her only adornment the glory of her flowing sable hair and the splendor of her lush bosomed athletic form. Ereshkigel was waiting for her. "You're late bitch sister! Are you afraid of me?" "Not likely evil witch!" Inanna replied. Ereshkigel's merciless eyes glittered as she studied her foe. For an eternity her one thought was revenge against the divine heroine who had deposed her. She could never forget that defeat unless she broke that proud bold spirit and crushed her divine form in the mire. Inanna shivered at the clammy gloomy cold and at Ereshkigel's dead eyed gaze seemingly robbing her of life. In spite of herself, Inanna shivered in dread of the fell being who was once her sister. "Stop staring at me you evil witch!" Inanna cried out in righteous anger. Inanna stood at bay now, magnificent body proudly erect, hands on solidly flaring hips, bosom thrust out defiantly, head cocked provocatively. Her long flat abdomen rippled with power down to her neatly curled fleece, gleaming like a dark purple lily against her ivory flesh. She tossed her long silky mane disdainfully and flexed her powerful chest muscles so that her enormous boobs danced with provocative, gravity defying insolence. "I see in your cruel eyes you wish to crush and break me. Well evil witch I will give you a second chance, for I have come here today to tear you from the throne I mercifully gave you." She challenged. A look of hatred crossed Ereshkigel's face, yet her eyes glinted too as she observed Inanna's swaying bosom. Fat as Ereshkigel was, her slimmer sister's stupendous boobies dwarfed her own, and even worse, were brazenly and buoyantly upswept, as if to mock her own fat dugs, drooping down on her bulging belly. Ereshkigel ached to answer her sister's exasperating physical provocation. Her mouth watered even as it twisted in an ugly stubborn line. She silently vowed that those magnificent titties would humbly serve her desire. She hid her mixed feelings behind boastful insult. "Perhaps you were given those great oversized gourds on your chest, like some farmer's cow, so you can be my slave and milk cow. When I defeat you I will squeeze those out sized teats until the milk truly flows from them and then you shall give suck to my dark whelps." Confidently the Queen of Heaven stalked forward, erect as a lance and gracefully dangerous as a panther,. She jeered in return. "Your sagging sow's udders must hold hot air, for your words are empty wind. If you fought as you speak you would truly frighten me. Be careful you do anger me so that I puncture those air bladders and the wind from them blow you from that false thrown you occupy at my charitable sufferance. "Try to blow me away, heavenly cow!" Ereshkigel snarled "Enough badinage evil mistress of darkness!" Inanna cried and leaping upon the dais, she clawed Ereshkigel from her throne and threw her from it. Taken by surprise and infuriated by the insult to her dominion, Ereshkigel sprang at her taller rival. Confident in her skill and strength, Inanna met Ereshkigel's charge and unflinchingly seized her waist preparing to throw the witch; but as they grappled she found Ereshkigel a more dangerous foe than when they last met in combat. Ereshkigel gave a violent twist of her fat, nude body and broke free from Inanna's hold. As they split she struck Inanna's chin with the heel of her hand. Inanna's head snapped backward as though she'd been kicked. "I've grown stronger since our last meeting, eh? And you are not so strong in my realm!" Ereshkigel growled in satisfaction. "Your bragging mouth is stronger perhaps?" Inanna replied confidently yet she knew that here she was not the invincible queen of battle but only Inanna the Valiant. As they closed again, Inanna detected a strong, unpleasant odor. The musty aroma of long dead flesh came from Ereshkigel's body and the pungent fumes made Inanna light headed. "What evil unguent are you wearing Witch?" She demanded. "A little something to confuse my enemies!" Ereshkigel sneered. Inanna shook her head to clear it, and in that instant Ereshkigel slipped behind her. The fat woman's quickness was surprising in one of her girth. Fat arms captured Inanna's slim sinuous waist with destructive power. Ereshkigel squeezed mightily and Inanna gasped. She flexed her taut, muscles. That maneuver had always freed her, before, but Ereshkigel's arms didn't budge. Inanna kicked backward but Ereshkigel avoided her feet. She dodged Inanna's elbow, as well, when it stabbed at her middle. Inanna found it harder and harder to breath. Ereshkigel's arms near cut her in two. She seized the fat woman's wrists and squeezed. Inanna's long, strong hands soon brought a squawk of dismay from Ereshkigel. Ereshkigel thumped her knee into Inanna's behind, bringing an answering squawk of indignation from Inanna, but Ereshkigel broke off, surrendering her grip on her foe's middle. When Inanna turned toward her, though, Ereshkigel flung herself at the heavenly queen. Inanna was ready, she eagerly seized Ereshkigel's arm and slid her other hand between Ereshkigel's fat thighs. Her muscles rippled gracefully, as she hoisted the screaming fat woman aloft. She effortlessly bounced her foe's bulky body and down. Then with a fluid motion, she hurled her across the circular throne chamber. Ereshkigel landed in a heap, screaming in shock and pain. Inanna sped after her and was already hauling her to her feet, before Ereshkigel fully realized what had happened. Inanna doubled the fat woman over with a fist in her fleshy belly. Inanna's fist penetrated the suety flesh as though it was warm butter. Before Ereshkigel straightened up, Inanna spun her around with a punch to the jaw. She drove Ereshkigel to her knees with a chop of the edge of her hand to the neck. On her knees, and in pain Ereshkigel instinctively twisted, and threw a powerful punch straight into Inanna's rippling abdomen. Inanna stumbled back a step, gulped hard and gritted her teeth. Ereshkigel missed the fleeting flicker of pain in her sister's huge dark eyes, though, because just then Inanna retaliated with a flashing kick to her jaw. Ereshkigel fell in a twisted heap face down on the dust. Inanna kicked her over on her side. A second kick exploded deep in Ereshkigel's belly. The divine mistress of the dead howled and cursed. Inanna pulled her to her feet. Ereshkigel's cold eyes were glazed and her arms dangled at her sides. Inanna smashed her fist into Ereshkigel's face and the fat woman tottered. Inanna danced after her, and Ereshkigel desperately blocked another punch to her face; one more would finish her. She wasn't shamming her distress, yet the fat autocrat of the underworld was dangerous as a cornered hyena. She countered with a deadly left to Inanna's lower belly and Inanna shuddered from the force of the blow. Her passionate lips compressed to a determined line and she hit back with an explosive blow to Ereshkigel's middle. Ereshkigel grunted loudly and stumbled backward. But as Inanna followed, Ereshkigel plowed a straight left into Inanna's huge right breast burying her fist to the wrist in the sumptuous ivory globe. She followed up with a right to Inanna's sleekly muscled belly. She felt her bigger sister tremble, but Inanna's imposing form easily absorbed the impact and she retaliated with lightening speed. She caught Ereshkigel's wrists as the iron haired she lynx grabbed for her dark cloud of hair. Ereshkigel stained to break free, but found Inanna's mighty grip unbreakable. She kicked Inanna's shins several times and stamped on her instep. Inanna caught her breath at the smarting pain "Dirty bitch!" she breathed into the hateful face of her vicious foe. She drove her knee with massive force into Ereshkigel's open crotch. It was Ereshkigel's turn to curse in pain, panting from the pain. Seldom at a loss, she snapped her sharp yellow teeth shut on Inanna's arrogantly up tilted right nipple. Inanna's eyes closed momentarily and she yelped loudly, the husky rasp in her voice attesting to the smarting pain. But she instantly sank her own strong white teeth into the side of Ereshkigel's neck, drawing blood. Wailing, Ereshkigel jerked her neck free of Inanna's teeth. Inanna instantly whipped her to one side and hip tossed her. Ereshkigel landed with a solid thump on her back. As Inanna dived for her, the ever resourceful Ereshkigel jack knifed her legs and locked her ankles around Inanna's neck. She somersaulted the big heroine over on her own back. Inanna sprang to her feet, but her troubles weren't over, because Ereshkigel rose almost as swiftly. Warier than before, Inanna closed with her rival, but when she reached for Ereshkigel's shoulder, Ereshkigel grabbed her wrist and elbow. With a whoop of triumph, Ereshkigel tossed the formidable queen of heaven, head over heels. "A little trick I learned since we met last Sister dear" Ereshkigel boasted, still clutching Inanna's arm. "Here's another!" she gloated and hopping in the air, she jumped smack onto Inanna's belly. Inanna desperately tensed her brawny abdominal muscles, but even so, Ereshkigel's hefty weight drove the breath from her body with a painful whoosh. Hopping down, Ereshkigel twisted Inanna's ebony mane into a leash and levered the big amazon up on her feet. Nauseating pain bent Inanna in half. When she tried to catch her breath, strangled gasps revealed her distress. Holding Inanna's head steady, Ereshkigel punched her in the face. The queen of the underworld had covered her fingers with thick heavy rings at least two on every finger. Her fist was as merciless as an iron headed mace, and almost as heavy. The impact knocked Inanna to her knees, her head spinning "Do you like my jewelry sister?" Ereshkigel jeered and as she spoke, slammed her knee into Inanna's jaw. As Inanna fought to keep her balance, Ereshkigel cocked her fist for another punch, but from the ground Inanna countered with a fist low and deep into her fat belly. Now, Ereshkigel doubled over and gurgled in distress. Inanna pulled herself erect and leaped for her devious sister. It took more than one punch to stop Ereshkigel, though. She jumped head first up into Inanna's chin straightening her up on her toes. Inanna shook her head to clear it, and Ereshkigel grabbed two handfuls of ebony tresses. She jerked Inanna's head downward into a wicked knee lift. The knee to the chin flung Inanna backward, arms akimbo. She was wide open when Ereshkigel's iron shod foot drove deep into the rippling perfection of her belly. The kick bent Inanna in half and Ereshkigel instantly followed with another kick to her unguarded jaw. The third blow to her jaw in just seconds, sent the divine heroine tottering dizzily backward, holding her equally injured belly. Delighted by her big foe's obvious distress, Ereshkigel leaped from a crouch and caught Inanna in a headlock. She skillfully threw the strong mistress of storms on her back and, a split second later, crashed down on top of her. Half fainting though she was, Inanna fought desperately. She rolled Ereshkigel off her. As she tried to climb atop the fat woman, though, Ereshkigel drove a knee into her belly. Groaning aloud, Inanna, nevertheless, forced herself atop the fat ogress. Ereshkigel's knee was still lodged in her gut and Ereshkigel bounced it in and out in a short chopping motion. Ereshkigel grabbed Inanna's hair rolled the dazed warrior queen over on her back. Pinning Inanna's head to the ground, Ereshkigel raised herself up and slammed her knee into Inanna's belly. The knee landed just as Inanna unfortunately arched her body to throw the fat woman off. Inanna's body stiffened convulsively and Ereshkigel straddled her middle. Kneeling erect, Ereshkigel drove a flurry of punches into Inanna's vulnerable heaving breasts. Inanna almost choked as Ereshkigel drove the air from her aching lungs. Ereshkigel chopped Inanna across the throat and jabbed a thumb into her eye, adding to her distress. Then she bounced her fat behind up and down on Inanna's aching stomach. The proud sovereign of heaven kicked and struggled to dislodge Ereshkigel, but a new flurry of punches bounced her head from side to side. Inanna's enormous bosom globes strained and heaved for air. Her long curvy legs kicked desperately. Ereshkigel slid backward, her legs encircling Inanna's broad powerful hips. She drove her elbow straight down into Inanna's naval. Inanna's big body stiffened in near convulsion. Her agonized reaction was so explosive that it threw Ereshkigel backward, freeing the divine girl of the sable hair. The fat woman was on her feet first, and as she rose Inanna grabbed at Ereshkigel's leg to upset her, but instead Ereshkigel twisted Inanna's neck and flipped her in a flying mare. Once again Inanna hit the ground with a thud. "Damn this bitch is tough!" The astonished goddess reflected. She had little time for reflection, though, because Ereshkigel hauled her up on her feet again. Ereshkigel grabbed Inanna's waist hoisted her up off the ground and flung he sideways. Inanna hit the ground and rolled over three times before she knew what happened. When she raised her head, Ereshkigel's foot was coming at her face. Ereshkigel's big toe stabbed the tender flesh under Inanna's chin. Her head hit the ground with a clunk. As Inanna tried to lift it, she fretted "What's the matter with me? The nasty bitch is outfighting me! Has Ereshkigel grown stronger than the power of light in this dark world?" When Inanna wearily rolled over and pushed herself up on all fours, Ereshkigel dropped down beside her, and drove her elbow into her sister's spine. The impact squashed Inanna on her belly, painfully mashing her big shapely boobies. Ereshkigel mounted Inanna's prone body. Inanna kicked and struggled madly. Her struggles partially dislodged Ereshkigel, but as she rolled off Ereshkigel wrapped her short fat legs about Inanna and squeezed. Inanna groaned in amazement. She once fought and overcame the giant python of the abyss but the serpent's coils had been far less distressing than Ereshkigel's fat thighs. Despite their ugly coat of blubber, Ereshkigel's fat upper legs were no bigger than Inanna's fantastically sculpted thighs, yet Inanna wondered if her own legs could exert such excruciating pressure; Ereshkigel was grinding her midriff and insides to mush. Inanna tensed her trim sinuous waist but she couldn't resist the potency of Ereshkigel's grip. As they struggled Ereshkigel grasped Inanna's by the wrist and under the elbow. When she exerted pressure on Inanna's captive arm the queen of battles stiffened at the excruciating pain. "Damn you Bitch!" She screamed and tore her arm loose. She slid her hands between Ereshkigel's legs and pried them apart with incredible strength. Ereshkigel realized her initial advantage was not enough to counter a strength that was still so much greater than her own. She must use her cunning and savage viciousness if she were to triumph over her heroically endowed sister. In her long years ruling the dark world she had used those qualities to best many enemies stronger than herself, yet none of them had ever come close to matching Inanna in toughness, prowess and audacious courage. The mighty lady of storms was in a category all by herself. On their feet they grappled anew. Inanna reached for Ereshkigel's neck, but wily Ereshkigel instantly reversed the hold, and seized Inanna, pinning her strongly molded arms to her sides in a bear hug. Inanna strained to break free but found the dark queen's arms, like her legs, relentless as pythons; pythons that grew tighter at every move and never ever loosened. Pinned chest to chest their bosoms strained against each other, Inanna's firmer, shapelier melons amazingly dwarfed even Ereshkigel's gargantuan breasts, while her sharp nipple spikes bored into Ereshkigel's larger softer brown aureoles. But despite the splendor of her magnificent physique, Inanna couldn't break the fat woman's hold. Those fat arms crushed the breath from her chest and her arms grew numb from the unrelenting pressure, challenging the mighty lady of the heavens as she'd never been challenged before. But Ereshkigel was panting herself now. It was no easy feat to hold the mighty Inanna in check. Inanna rocked back and forth, flexing her potent legs, as strongly curved as supple young trees. Ereshkigel's body was thrown from side to side as though by a hurricane. Her own strong fat legs trembled as she sought to retain her advantage. As her arms slipped, Ereshkigel flung her huge sable haired foe away from her. Inanna danced nimbly to avoid falling, turned smoothly, and stalked Ereshkigel warily. "I'm still stronger than she is, but the fat witch has gained great skill in the dark world. I mustn't underestimate her!" She thought. As if in answer to Inanna's estimation of her, Ereshkigel leaped at her throat and vainly tried to twist and snap her neck. Ready for her, Inanna caught Ereshkigel's waist in both hands, smoothly lifted her wildly struggling body in to the air, and hurled her as though she were no more than a rag doll. She sprinted after her. Despite Inanna's amazing speed, Ereshkigel was already rising when Inanna reached her. Ereshkigel darted backward, and with an unexpected quickness of her own, she drove her foot upward. Her steel shod sandal caught Inanna precisely in the crotch. Inanna gasped at the foul kick, but instantly dove at Ereshkigel's thighs. She came within a split second of upending Ereshkigel and tossing her over her shoulder, but the wily Ereshkigel bent over Inanna's back and caught her waist. At the same moment she scissored her fat thighs around Inanna's head. Inanna struggled for leverage but it was the fat woman who twisted hard and with a mighty heave lifted Inanna's lower body off the ground, and upended her. Without a moments hesitation Ereshkigel flung herself backward. As Ereshkigel's bottom landed, the top of Inanna's captive head smashed against the stone floor, with dizzying force. Sitting on the floor, Ereshkigel still held the huge warrior goddess upside down. Inanna's long, gleaming legs kicked uselessly in the air. Her muscular nether globes, gleaming like ivory, were within easy reach and Ereshkigel, the snake, sank her sharpened fangs into the opulent flesh. Inanna squealed. She struggled with maddened useless ferocity while Ereshkigel's teeth sliced her flesh until divine blood flowed. Ereshkigel's arms were locked around Inanna's hips making it easy for her to bury her claws in her sister's crotch. She clawed and tore viciously at Inanna's vulnerably naked privates. Inanna cried out and her head arched in spasmodic reaction to the beastly abuse. The small of her back fell across Ereshkigel's shoulder. Then with an astounding display of strength, fat legs wobbling at the effort, Ereshkigel rose to her feet lifting Inanna's spectacular body with seeming ease. Inanna was held fast, distressingly arched across Ereshkigel's shoulder, her legs dangling and kicking futilely, her head drooping upside down against Ereshkigel's fat dugs, her long ebony silk hair touching the ground. Ereshkigel's fatty back shook like jelly as she exerted her strength. Once again Ereshkigel smashed the heavenly queen's captive body headfirst into the stone floor. Inanna's head rang from the crashing impact. When Ereshkigel released her, her legs dropped, and she crouched on hands and knees in front of her foe. Ereshkigel arrogantly paused to glance disdainfully at the crouching heroine's distress, black eyes glistening cruelly. Her satisfaction was short-lived though, for Inanna tossed her tangled raven's wing mane to clear her head and dived at Ereshkigel's ankles. This time it was Ereshkigel who was upended to land head first. The magnificent queen of the skies sprang to her feet undaunted by the punishment she'd taken. Spinning on her toes with the grace of a ballerina, Inanna drove her toe into Ereshkigel's belly, even as the evil witch pitched on her back. But as the heavenly queen bent to seize Ereshkigel's wrists her wily opponent whipped her legs in the air and locked her ankles around Inanna's neck. Instantly she somersaulted Inanna over her own body. Inanna, landing with a jarring thud on her broad powerful back, cried out at the pain in her kidneys. Ereshkigel's legs were torn loose from her neck by the impact. Inanna sprang to her feet in a single fluid bound, but Ereshkigel jumped up just as fast. She leaped on Inanna from behind and caught her arms. Ereshkigel's weight and momentum overbalanced her, and Inanna pitched face first into the floor. Her arms trapped, she couldn't break her fall, and her bounteous bosom absorbed the impact, driving the breath from her lungs with a whoosh. Ereshkigel's weight on her back plastered her long form to the earth. In the split second of landing Inanna instinctively reared backward and sent Ereshkigel rolling over on her own back. While Inanna was climbing to her knees, Ereshkigel was already on her feet. With ponderous purposeful dexterity she drew back her leg and sent her steel shod toe deep into Inanna's belly. The kick raised the divine girl into the air and pitched her over on her back. Despite the resistance of her ridged sheath of abdominal muscles, her stomach was churning. Inanna gagged back the pain and climbed too her feet. Just as she came erect, Ereshkigel buried her left fist in Inanna's heaving right breast. As Inanna tottered off balance Ereshkigel hit her in the jaw with neck snapping force. Inanna went up on her toes and over on her back. Spreadeagled on her back, Inanna was wide open, when Ereshkigel sprang into the air again, and plummeted knees first into her belly. Inanna's's body jack knifed spasmodically and then dropped back limply. Ereshkigel's hand slashed her across the throat and windpipe with force enough to pulverize bricks. Inanna gagged and choked. But for the strong muscles of her long columnar neck, her windpipe would surely have been crushed. Ereshkigel seized Inanna's hair and ears with a twisting grip and rising to her feet, hauled the groggy heroine up too. She wrenched Inanna's head from side to side. Inanna's strong fleshed white hands fluttered at Ereshkigel's wrists, but she couldn't tear loose from the painful grip. Ereshkigel pulled Inanna's face close to her own, and deliberately spat in her face, the huge gob of spittle dripped down Inanna's full ink lips to her chin. She gagged in disgust. The evilly cunning Ereshkigel, taking advantage of Inanna's distraction, drove her knee into Inanna's crotch raising the divine girl almost off her feet and turning her mighty legs to rubber. Ereshkigel jerked the heavenly beauty forward and kicked her in the belly again. Inanna's marvelously delineated abdomen, though rippling with apparently irresistible strength, was losing its fantastic resiliency, and Ereshkigel's toe penetrated her lower belly like the tip of a spear. Inanna's beautiful face twisted in a grimace of agony. Ereshkigel gave a wrenching twist on captive ears and threw Inanna to the ground face down. Without pause she leaped into the air, for the third time, and came down knee's first on Inanna's back. Fearful pain lanced through Inanna's body, and she groaned loudly. Ereshkigel slumped down across Inanna's kicking legs and allowed herself a momentary rest. The indomitable lady of battles kicked herself free and wearily scrambled to her feet. Already on her feet, a smug sneer twisted Ereshkigel's lips at seeing her sister's fatigue. Without underestimating her hated foe's courage or resources for a second, she vowed to reduce that magnificent ivory body to helplessness, then break that fierce spirit. Inanna shuddered at her sister's sneer. The courageous heavenly heroine knew a growing dread of defeat; the evil Ereshkigel's vengeance would be merciless and terrible if she was victorious. Throwing aside her fleeting self doubt with a proud toss of raven locks, the heavenly queen squared her shoulders resolving Ereshkigel should never triumph. The foes circled each other warily. Wordlessly they came closer and locked hands in a test of strength. A short time ago there would have been no contest, but now Inanna was hurt, and it was ever more difficult to focus her ebbing strength in this cold realm of death. Grimly, though, she strained every fiber to subdue the dark eyed she-wolf opposing her. Inch by inch she forced Ereshkigel's arms backward, and bent her fat body, but every inch added to her own distress. Her arms ached and her heroic bosom heaved mightily but still Ereshkigel resisted her relentless pressure. Inanna's wide brow grew slick with cold sweat. Her nostrils flared and her pupils dilated, as she concentrated her entire being in the struggle. Ereshkigel gritted her teeth,. Sweat also dripped from her brow in a torrent. Another inch and Inanna would prevail, but no matter how she strained, couldn't gain that last inch. Never had she put forth such effort and never had she met such resistance. Then somewhere from her dark soul Ereshkigel called forth a final ounce of effort. Her back straightened a trifle and Inanna felt her own arms give imperceptibly. Her hands were growing numb, and she felt the slightest tremor of her sleek powerfully rounded ivory arms. Ereshkigel's black eyes glittered as she felt Inanna's heroic effort flag if ever so slightly. Seconds grew to minutes. The observers saw no movement. The divine champions posed like splendidly sculpted statues. It seemed an eternity to both foes that they had strained against each other. Yet now, Inanna was on the defensive and her utmost exertion barely checked Ereshkigel's counter pressure. And now Ereshkigel imperceptibly began to recover the ground she'd initially lost. Inanna was desperately disheartened; she'd done her utmost and it wasn't good enough. More minutes passed and now it was Inanna bending backward. Ereshkigel was forcing her back ever so surely. Inanna's eyes glazed, as she concentrated every ounce of strength, but now she could do nothing more than slow Ereshkigel's relentless progress. The tremor in her mighty arms was clearly visible. Worse it spread down her splendid trunk and sculpted abdomen to her long, gloriously rounded legs, straight and strong as young trees. Her slim taut middle arched noticeably backward, her body strung tightly as a drawn bow. Inanna groaned and braced her trembling back and legs, but the tremors in her gorgeous body intensified as she fought to reverse Ereshkigel's inexorable advance. The pressure doubled her hands back against her shoulders, so all the pressure was on her splendid trunk. As the terrible pressure on her over taxed back grew, it seemed she was hopelessly trying to hold back the weight of a mountain pressing down on her. Her determination never flagged, though the struggle was growing hopeless.. She fought Ereshkigel for every inch, but the strain on her back became intolerable and slowly her knees buckled and she sank down until her hard rounded buttocks pressed against her heels. Bent nearly double at the waist, the back of her head almost touched the ground, and her shiny black hair lay in a silken pool. Ereshkigel held Inanna fast unable to move, like a helpless fly trapped in a spider's web. Ereshkigel's fat boobs pressed down on Inanna's own heavenly bosom overwhelming her. Ereshkigel's face, directly over her, leered in triumph. Ereshkigel pressed her lips against Inanna's ripe, pink mouth. Forcing it open, she sucked hard and thrust her tongue inside, a possessive kiss of triumph. Inanna shook her head wildly from side to side, but she couldn't shake Ereshkigel off. Finally Ereshkigel raised her head and released Inanna's bent, twisted hands. Inanna's trembling arms, grown numb from fruitless exertion, dropped uselessly to her sides. The unthinkable had happened! In this test of strength the despised Ereshkigel had prevailed over her mighty sister of the heavens. Inanna was devastated, but then her chastened eyes glowed fiercely. Shrugging off her mortification, the glorious heavenly queen squared her shoulders and rose proudly. Her lush provocative curves rippled with the smooth grace of a jaguar. Sweet feminine grace belied epic muscles. Prudently, Ereshkigel backed away; but as Inanna closed the distance between them, Ereshkigel reared back on her right leg, and delivered a brutally powerful triple kick with her left. Her steel shod foot, first cracked against Inanna's jaw; then it landed right between her mightily swelling bosom globes, and finally, hardest of all, struck her groin. Disoriented by the stunning force of Ereshkigel's kicks, Inanna swiped at Ereshkigel's flashing fat leg, but missed. Off balance she went down on one knee. Ereshkigel darted forward, catching Inanna still on one knee, and drove her own knee into her sister's jaw, with head snapping force. She grabbed Inanna's arm, and levered the heavenly girl to her feet, just long enough to flip her head over heels. Inanna's huge vulnerable boobs splatted painfully against the hard ground. Still gripping Inanna's arm, Ereshkigel levered it up and kicked her with heart stopping force in the armpit. Twisting around she stamped her foot down on Inanna's shoulder as she twisted her captive arm straight up at a right ankle to her back. With cunning viciousness, she twisted her sister's imprisoned arm backward until Inanna felt the pain from the tips of her fingers to her shoulder. At the same time, Ereshkigel repeatedly kicked Inanna in the side of the face, cutting her cheek open. She used Inanna's captive arm to lever the dark haired lady of heaven onto her left side trapping her left arm under her, leaving her flat belly and swelling breasts vulnerably unguarded. With careful, deliberate kicks, her full weight behind them, Ereshkigel went to work on Inanna's body. Her foot thumped into Inanna's body, relentlessly hammering the huge bosom globes, the sculpted belly, the trembling abdomen and then back again. Inanna's queenly form thrashed helplessly, as each thudding kick sank deeper into her suffering body. Her body bounded at each kick, her long, strongly curved legs kicking frantically. By the time Ereshkigel's leg grew tired, Inanna was gagging and choking soundlessly, her lungs paralyzed. Ereshkigel dropped Inanna's immobilized right arm and as the shuddering heroine rolled face down again, a gurgling moan escaped her lips. Ereshkigel stood over her fallen foe menacingly. Inanna tried to straighten her back and rise, but instead, with a cry of despair, she fell over on her side in a crumpled heap. Ereshkigel danced around her fallen body, whooping in triumph. The haughty divine heroine's proud spirit flared, her only thought was to fight on. "I'll show that bitch!" she vowed silently. She gingerly straightened her legs and eased over on her belly. Gallantly, she got her knees under her, but it was no use; she couldn't rise any further. She crouched at Ereshkigel's feet, huge, ripe breasts dangling almost to the ground. Ereshkigel wrapped strands of Inanna's sweat slick raven plaits around her fingers and pulled the trembling heroine up straight on her knees. Inanna hung helplessly suspended, arms dangling, huge breasts gasping desperately for air. The girdle of muscles at her waist clenched from pain. The mighty lady of heaven clutched her belly to ease her fierce cramps. Ereshkigel leaned down and gripped Inanna's nipples between her thumbs and fore fingers. She pulled Inanna's huge elastic globes out straight and taut, then twisted the fragile delicate tips until Inanna mewled. The divine heroine could endure pain, but this pain was so personally demeaning. Ereshkigel pulled Inanna to her feet, then let the immense globes snap like overstretched rubber. Inanna's legs trembled almost uncontrollably. She swayed nearly falling again Her head was swimming. Somehow she gritted her teeth and held on to consciousness. By a supreme act of will she got her rubbery legs under control. Hands on hips in mocking challenge, Ereshkigel pushed up close to Inanna and bumped her fat teats into Inanna's magnificent boobs. Inanna stumbled backward. She tried to push Ereshkigel away, but, unmoving, Ereshkigel laughed at her. Angrily Inanna struck out at Ereshkigel's smirking face, but Ereshkigel didn't even blink at the blow. Inanna's heart sank; her divine fist now no more than a gnat sting to Ereshkigel. Feeble though the punch, Inanna, herself, swayed from the effort. Ereshkigel slapped her across the face contemptuously dropping the irresistible warrior goddess to her knees. Inanna's head was swimming, and her face stung so from the slap that tears welled up in her glistening eyes. As she swayed helplessly, cursing her weakness, Ereshkigel grasped the exquisite tips of her beautiful breasts again, and painfully prevented her fallen foe to from keeling over. Inanna struck at Ereshkigel's cruel hands but she couldn't free her captive boobs. Ereshkigel kept pinching her sore nipples, until Inanna cried out at the pain. Somehow she stood up to ease the pressure. "Damn the bitch!" Inanna agonized. She did the only thing she could. She angrily seized Ereshkigel's sagging dugs and pinched her fat nipples in retaliation. Ereshkigel winced but ginned like a she wolf. Inanna's fingers hurt, but she'd not give her the satisfaction of knowing it. She let go of Inanna's nipples, leaving them an angry red, and reached around behind her foe. She grabbed Inanna's behind and dug her cruel claws into the jutting, rock hard, nether globes, as if they were sponge. She roughly pulled Inanna tight against her naked body and rubbed her self insinuatingly up and down, knowing intuitively Inanna's reaction to such detestable familiarity. "Ohh, you vile bitch!" Inanna panted. No matter how she struggled she couldn't free herself from Ereshkigel's hateful, insulting embrace. Unable to stand it another second, she clawed at Ereshkigel's face like a cat drawing blood from four deep furrows. Ereshkigel snarled furiously. She let go of Inanna's behind and gave her a shove. She punched Inanna's rippling belly. The taut, sinuous muscles were weak and doughy now, and her fist ripped into Inanna's aching tummy to the wrist. Inanna's wide red mouth flew open in a soundless shriek. Her ballooning tits sagged forward, as she doubled over at the waist. Then Ereshkigel buried a fist in each of those tempting pneumatic targets, so deep that, Inanna's breast bone nearly cracked. The stricken sky goddess stumbled backward clutching her belly with one hand and her wounded boobs with the other. Her athletic thighs, drained of strength, sagged apart, and Ereshkigel barreled her steel shod toe into her vulnerably exposed pussy. Poor Inanna thought her body would split in half. Her statuesque body collapsed corkscrewing as she fell helplessly face down. Ereshkigel pounced on her fallen sister. Like thick vines choking young cedars, Ereshkigel's fat legs wrapped around Inanna's strong, plump thighs. She slid her arms around Inanna's neck in a full nelson. Inanna struggled desperately but Ereshkigel skillfully rode down her efforts, and prevented her from breaking loose or rolling over. She battered Inanna's head up and down, smashing her munificent bosom against cold stone. Ereshkigel was grinding her naked torso and privates against the fluid struggles of Inanna's out thrust bottom cheeks and uttering throaty coos of pleasure."Ohh you brazen bitch!" Inanna gasped outraged by the indignity. Ereshkigel chuckled viciously at Inanna's indignation and continued to pleasure herself at her goddess sister's expense. She rubbed her fat dugs against Inanna's naked back, enjoying the feel of the flexing rippling muscles working futilely against her. She was soon caught up in full sexual arousal. As Ereshkigel approached her sexual climax though, her deadly grip slackened a fraction. Inanna readied herself. When Ereshkigel lustily climaxed, Inanna reared back and threw her off. "You'll pay for that inconsideration you thoughtless bitch." Ereshkigel snarled furious at having her pleasure interrupted. She hauled her sister up on her feet and smacked her across the face. Inanna's ears rang from the slap. "Let me teach you some manners you spoiled bitch!" Ereshkigel snarled and grabbed her swaying sister around the waist, in a punishing bear hug. Inanna gagged at the intensity of the pressure. Ereshkigel lifted her taller sister off her feet as she squeezed the breath out of her lungs. Inanna's more powerfully rounded arms were free, but though she desperately tried to raise them, they dangled numbly at her sides. The hampered queen of heaven gamely wrapped her mightily curved legs around Ereshkigel's waist and tried to squeeze her trembling limbs shut around Ereshkigel's middle, but the tautly swelling muscles were limp as a unbaked dough. Ereshkigel's python arms wrapped tighter and tighter until Inanna's slim muscle girded waist collapsed in agonized cramps. Inanna moaned breathlessly. She was helpless against the overwhelming force of Ereshkigel's arms. Inanna's delicately powerful buttocks clenched and unclenched uselessly as she struggled. Her glorious breasts bulged against Ereshkigel's fat dugs. Ereshkigel's smaller, flabby teats somehow overpowered Inanna's queenly boobs. Inanna threw her head back, arching her long swan like neck to ease the remorseless pressure but it was no use. Even worse than the viselike arms cutting her in two, was the hot pressure of Ereshkigel's pussy glued tightly to her own. Fiery pain made her terribly sensitive, and she squirmed desperately. Despite her boundless courage, hot tears poured down her beautiful face. Just as Inanna's reeling mind was about to blank out, Ereshkigel eased the pressure and set the helpless queen of heaven down. The heavenly warrior's knees buckled. Her mighty legs wobbled uncontrollably a moment, and then her big beautiful body collapsed. On her knees the pain in her burning lungs eased, as she sucked a long shuddering breath into her shattered body. Her ragged sigh of relief was heartrending. The unbearable strain had taken its toll. As the raven haired goddess gurgled brokenly for breath, she shamefully realized Ereshkigel's fierce assault on her unguarded pussy had aroused a hot flame of passion in her burning loins. Furtively she glanced up at her foe, appalled that the hateful witch would detect her disturbing secret. Unwittingly, her eyes were caught in Ereshkigel's glittering gaze. Ereshkigel read the secret in the pensive dark eyes. "I'm just too much woman for a feeble milksop like you. What a joke that a whey faced sniveler like you should be goddess of pleasure!" With an arrogant laugh, Ereshkigel grasped Inanna's badly mauled boobs in her possessive grip, and palmed the erect nipples. Inanna's soft breathless sobs betrayed the immediate catch in her throat. Ereshkigel rubbed her sandal toe against Inanna's inflamed crotch. Involuntarily Inanna hunched her captive body forward against Ereshkigel's foot. The passionate goddess of life and fruitfulness could no longer resist the double assault and Inanna's magnificent body exploded in multiple orgasms. With malicious satisfaction Ereshkigel sneered."That insolent body belongs to me now. Your feeble will can't even control your own gaping cunt!" "Oooh you vile malicious beast!" The stricken girl of heaven wept as the tremors of passion stilled. Bitter tears of shame scalded her glowing dark eyes. Her glorious body groveled helplessly at Ereshkigel's feet. Her ivory flesh blushed hotly in shame. It was true! The detestable bully had forced her to come like a cheap village bawd, leaving her divine pride in soiled tatters."You will never own me Ereshkigel, unless you defeat me and you can't ever defeat me unless I admit defeat, and I'll never do that." She spat out. Inanna's bedraggled appearance belied her defiance. Her ripe mouth bruised and smeared by countless punches gaped open, a trickle of saliva drooling down the corner. A trickle of blood ran down her cheek on the other side from the cut Ereshkigel had opened over her high right cheek bone. A lock of tangled raven hair glistening with sweat fell over one eye. Ereshkigel twisted her hair and bent her head backward and forced her up on her feet. Inanna's legs wobbled and would have buckled but Ereshkigel held her easily erect with one hand. With her other hand Ereshkigel rubbed Inanna's jutting bottom cheeks prying the swelling, hard muscled globes apart. She smacked them a few times and Inanna squealed in shock. As Inanna wriggled and squirmed Ereshkigel lost hold of her divine behind. Instead, she grabbed Inanna's sweet pussy, still fragrantly drenched from her enforced orgasm. Inanna gasped feebly and her magnificent body trembled and shuddered in revulsion. Clutching Inanna by this foully offensive grip her pitiless sister raised the captive queen of heaven high into the air above her head. Inanna dangled there naked terror echoing plainly in her cries. Flexing her own less than spectacular muscles, that had so unexpectedly proved triumphant, Ereshkigel hurled her helpless sister across the hellish throne room. Inanna shrieked breathlessly as her body sailed through the air. She landed in a broken, trembling heap. Ereshkigel swaggered to her and standing over Inanna's quivering body, kicked her in the bosom. Inanna cried out at the pain. She defensively rolled over on her stomach, unconsciously hiding her mortification. Face down in the dust, Inanna still wriggled feebly and scratched at the floor, straining to rise, valiantly contesting defeat as long as she had breath. It was plain to the jeering throng of fiendish onlookers, though, that the gallant warrior goddess was truly laid low by their mistress Ereshkigel. Ereshkigel ended any doubt. She wrapped a mass of raven's wing hair around her fist and lifted Inanna a few inches off the ground. Still gloating at her victory, she wished to prolong her beaten sister's disgrace. Using Inanna's hair as a leash, she dragged the vanquished heroine around the perimeter of the dark throne room, on her belly. Inanna's big boobs scraped and bumped excruciatingly along the stone floor. Ereshkigel's followers cheered their dark mistress and jeered the helpless, defeated queen of heaven. When she'd come full circle, Ereshkigel dragged her beaten sister back to the center of the room and roughly kicked her over on her back. With a derisive snort, Ereshkigel sat Inanna up by tugging on her hair. With her foot, she spread Inanna's legs wide. On mortifying display to the leering eyes of the demonic court, the divine girl's pussy shimmered like a purple lily. Ereshkigel grinned scornfully as she underscored Inanna's shame. Inanna's epic breasts jiggled about her broad chest in humbled abandon as she futilely tried to free herself from Ereshkigel's grip on her ebony hair. The proud lady of heaven was so furious she couldn't speak. She spat at her triumphant sister. "Well, I'm glad to see my queenly sister of the heavens is still able to move. I have some plans for you. Rolling around on the floor, rubbing against your big tits has gotten me all excited. You do have a very enticing body, and I'll use it to slake my lust. Inanna choked indignantly. "I'll never serve you!" "You pitiful milk face weakling! Your body already belongs to me, and so will your soul. You shall worship me and pay homage to me. " "N-no, no, never!" Inanna cried, but there was a nervous edge of uncertainty in her voice. Ereshkigel threw her down flat again and straddled her, sinking down on Inanna's heaving belly. She grabbed an enormous boob in each hand squeezing and pulling on them as though she were roughly milking a farm animal. Inanna was too weak to fight back, and Ereshkigel tormented her sister until she screamed in anguish. "A-all right you've won bitch!" she screamed angrily. Ereshkigel held her sister in place with a tight grip on her big up tilted boob, and waved her other hand in front of Inanna's face. "Kiss it slave!" She demanded "Be damned to you!" Inanna croaked. Ereshkigel slapped her face, knocking her head from side to side until Inanna was dizzy. Ereshkigel's snakelike black eyes bored into Inanna's own, paralyzing her will. Ereshkigel thrust her pudgy hand against Inanna's bruised lips. The overthrown queen of heaven, aghast at the abyss of shame her defeat had brought her, puckered her lips and pressed them against Ereshkigel's cruel fist in token of surrender, though her eyes glared angrily at her tormentor. "That's a good girl!" Ereshkigel sneered and removed her fist. Inanna turned her head away with a sob, fearfully ashamed of her surrender. Next her repulsive fat sister thrust one of her fat sagging breasts into Inanna's face and demanded "Suck my tit" Inanna shuddered in disgust and hesitantly shook her head "No!" Two more slaps across the face changed her mind. She kissed Ereshkigel's repugnant teat. Ereshkigel held Inanna to her task by pressures on her head. Ereshkigel's hands roamed over Inanna's enticing body fingering her eager sharp nippled breasts. Finally, excited to the point of near explosion, Ereshkigel pulled her throbbing teat from Inanna's mouth. At the same time she clasped Inanna's pussy in an authoritative and painful grip. Inanna mewled in protest, but Ereshkigel laughed at her, and slid forward astride the divine girl's neck. Inanna looked up in horror at Ereshkigel's gross sexual organs, agape with lust. Ereshkigel wriggled her fat bottom around on Inanna's face, rubbing her pussy against Inanna's nostrils and her anus against her chaste mouth. The foul gag cut off Inanna's breath and she choked and gagged. She was terrified that Ereshkigel would smother her. "Well queen of heaven, how do you like that?! I always wanted to wipe my ass on your pretty girl face! You always liked to stick your long nose in everybody's business Now you can stick it up my pussy. Ohh that feels so good! Go on rub it around in there!" Ereshkigel chortled as she mashed her privates against the divine face of her heavenly sister. Poor Inanna wriggled and kicked her long legs. She arched her back and strained every muscle to break free from the prison of Ereshkigel's odious flesh. It was no use; she couldn't escape the degrading desecration. Ereshkigel continued to massage and tease Inanna's own trembling boobies."You appointed yourself patroness of voluptuous dalliance; you should know what to do next, my divine slut!" "What you want is an act of love, not hate. It would be wrong and perverse to do it in fear!" Inanna gagged, still forlornly hoping to defy her vindictive sister. "I'll never do that!" "Oh yes I think you will! You have no choice, do you? Now do as I command!" Ereshkigel snarled and she pinched Inanna's pussy until the helpless girl of heaven screamed in shock."Now, use your tongue you stupid bitch! "Ereshkigel commanded. Then, the irresistible tamer of fierce beasts, her own fierce spirit now broken to servitude, meekly yielded to the dark queen's bidding. Inanna stuck out her tongue and gingerly licked and sucked Ereshkigel's hot, wet pussy." Physical defeat had jolted her pride, but surrender to Ereshkigel's sexual domination was the worst mortification of all. Sated for now, Ereshkigel rose from the still form of her fallen sister. She looked down at her and smiled then she pulled Inanna to her feet. Inanna swayed helplessly. "Now my dear sister it is time to mount you as my trophy of victory!" As Ereshkigel said this, her cold eyes glanced up to a three foot meat hook on the stone wall. It was empty but beside it were others on which hung other of Ereshkigel's victims impaled from crotch to throat. Inanna's mouth dropped open in horror and her eyes glazed in terror. She backed away from her terrible sister. "No, no! Oh no! Don't please oh please I'm you're sister you wouldn't do that not to me please I beg you." The queen of heaven, babbling in terror, looked around wildly but there was no place to run before Ereshkigel was on her. Ereshkigel grabbed her sister around the waist. The enfeebled Inanna struggled weakly, but it was no use; Ereshkigel lifted her off her feet. Ereshkigel's demons, used to the ways of their cruel mistress, rushed to place a stone stair beside the terrifying empty hook. Ereshkigel carried her sister still babbling pleas for mercy to the stair and ascended the steps. Inanna hysterically kicked and hit at Ereshkigel's shoulders but it was no use. Ereshkigel ignored her feeble resistance She lifted Inanna's body just high enough, and settled Inanna's rump directly on the sharp tip of the terrible hook. The sharp point tickled Inanna's anus with horrifying insistence. Ereshkigel's silenced her sister's sobbing pleas' with a cold kiss As her lips pressed Inanna's mouth closed she parted Inanna's ripe beautiful buttocks and let her sister's body settle. The barbed hook penetrated Inanna's tightly clutched sphincter. She tore her head free from Ereshkigel and shrieked in torment and terror. Ereshkigel let down the full weight of Inanna's body and she slid down the hook driving deeply upward. Inanna's shrieks were terrible and pitiable yet in Ereshkigel's dark realm they were met only with mocking laughter. As Ereshkigel sacrificed their queen in hideous torment, in the upper world the very heavens grew cold and dark, hiding the warm sun from Inanna's followers. Inanna's screams were finally drowned by gurgling blood in her throat as the iron hook pierced her lungs. Though she hung as though a dead side of meat, immortal Inanna was still conscious in a terrible living death, Though blood dribbled from her lips her plump shapely legs twitched in hideous agony and her bountiful life giving breasts trembled in despair. Inanna hung suspended in Ereshkigel's hall a terrible blasphemous trophy of Ereshkigel's victory. Her unspeakable atrocious suffering was continuous and seeming forever. But finally after three days, her servants coming as emissaries of her divine sisters and brothers persuaded the dark Ereshkigel to release the sweet girl of heaven. Ereshkigel ordered Inanna taken down from the horrible meat hook and restored by the water of life. At a safe distance from the outermost gateway to the underworld, groups of Inanna's followers and worshipers gathered in silent vigil praying to their beloved goddess. Hours passed and still the people stood in silence still incredulous at what they's seen that day. At last, on the third day, the terrible gates opened. Ereshkigel emerged triumphantly. The spectators gaped in dismay, for behind her, Ereshkigel dragged by a leash around the throat a faltering, hesitant captive. It was their cherished Inanna, stripped naked and in chains. Their beloved, heavenly mother staggered and stumbled every few steps as though in pain and overwhelmed by hideous grief and anguish. Her keen eyes were clouded and cast down in shame. Even her magnificent bosom drooped low in defeat. Merciless Ereshkigel paraded her victim in a circle exhibiting her like a sacrificial animal or humiliated village adulteress to her followers. A low wailing came from the assembled throng, heartbroken to see their divine mother Inanna suffering and humiliated, laid so low by her frightful sister. When she'd completed her circuit, Ereshkigel paused and turned to the softly weeping girl of heaven . She pressed Inanna's shoulder. A slight pressure easily forced once invincible Inanna to her knees. "Show your foolish followers how you like to kiss my divine pussy!" Ereshkigel commanded. Still terrified of her demonic sister, Inanna leaned forward and buried her exquisite face in Ereshkigel's crotch, abjectly nuzzling and kissing her. When Ereshkigel had underscored Inanna's shame even to her own cruel satisfaction, she unleashed her sister and removed the shackles from her wrists. "You may go now my little weakling sister, but never forget that I am your mistress!" Ereshkigel thundered so all could hear. Once free, Inanna, oblivious to anything but her panic, fled from her sister as one possessed. Naked and still appallingly weak she nevertheless ran as fast as her quivering legs would carry her. As she pelted through the land, Ereshkigel's terrible jeering laughter mocked her tumultuous flight. Inanna was still babbling in terror when her servants found her and returned her to her heavenly palace. It was long before they calmed her terror and healed her troubled mind. They arrayed her once more in divine finery, though not so fine as that which Ereshkigel took from her at the gates to the underworld, and kept in token of conquest. Inanna sat once more in glory on her throne, yet her eyes would oft well with tears and she would weep, remembering her shameful violation. Then, her enticing boobs would lose their haughty tilt as though bowed in defeat, for in Inanna's heart a cold dead spot never forgot how her cruel sister had bested and shamed her, and inflicted unendurable torments. It was as though Ereshkigel still ruled a portion of her divine soul. And sometimes sitting in divine judgement, a haunted look of terror dimmed her glistening dark eyes, and she would tremble in incoherent panic, for a nightmarish terror was always with her like a shadow on the sun, that Ereshkigel would one day stalk into her own heavenly court, pluck her trembling body from her divine throne, and drag her shrieking away, to serve as hand maiden and worse in the dark realm.