Note on the Angelic Form: In their astral, ethereal manifestation, angels are endowed with wings and halos. When they assume more corporeal form for combat, those appendages are absorbed into more human like anatomies. The Law of Conservation of Matter/Energy operates even at the astral plane, however, and that material is absorbed mainly in their generous bosoms.
Between Heaven And Hell. Part
Knowing the dire danger of crossing that dread border, nevertheless, all of the angels eagerly followed Herculea into battle, heedlessly plunging across the border to rescue their beloved sister, and Chief, Camilla, just as Asmodea knew they would. Once the Angels were well across the border, deep in the enemy's realm, the guileful she-fiend sprung her trap. Asmodea's company of demonesses fell upon the Angels like ravening beasts, attacking them from all sides. Without Camilla's leadership, cut off from the Rays of Heaven, on enemy ground, the angels fought valiantly, but were swiftly overpowered and defeated.
The terrible battle was short, even Mighty Herculea falling before the hellish strength of the smirking Brutalia.
End Of Part 6.