WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, non-consensual sexual acts, and nudity. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty one.

Mistress Of The Harem. Part 2.

In her jungle home, Blaze's massive strength, and lightening reflexes, had been enough to conquer all challengers, but in the jungle she never encountered such sophisticated fighting techniques, nor such cruel skill in inflicting pain, as was possessed by Suleema the Mistress of the Harem. The smaller less powerful woman's deadly craft and driving feet had swiftly sapped the Jungle Queen's phenomenal strength.  Intense pain in her belly and erogenous zones rendered Blaze near powerless.  In the jungle, there was no shame in running from a superior foe; it was the key to survival. Best live to fight another day. When Suleema reached for her again, Blaze turned and fled from the fierce woman, as she would from a hungry lioness.

Yet, Suleema did not intend Blaze escape to fight another day. She would settle things, for good, right now.  Blaze discovered even flight was of no avail against this enemy. Normally swift as the cheetah, pain slowed the Jungle Queen's feet, and the pursuing Suleema caught her around the waist after only a few steps. Once she trapped Blaze in her relentless grasp, Suleema, with devastating skill, and vicious barbarity, finished her conquest of the proud Flame of the Jungle.


End of Part 2.

 Go on to Part 3. Conclusion.