This story contains graphic violence, bestiality, n/c, f/f rape,
and other elements that make it unsuitable for younger readers.  It is intended for, and should only be read by mature adults, over twenty-one years od age.

Super Mother's Day
Part 4.

Leticia finally freed the enormous Morgul dildo from Supergran's suffering backside, and, now, she had a new idea to torment the venerable heroine.

"Last Halloween, I had your dopey daughter, Supermom, give me a piggy back ride, but the clumsy cow tripped and almost killed me!  The kids made her give them horsy back rides, last summer, and that was a lot safer! Get down on your hands and knees, and see if you can do that right!"  Leticia ordered.

Actually, poor Supergran was already crouching on hands and knees, after her frightful traumatic ordeal.  Her insides twisted in agonizing cramps, she could hardly move.

Leticia's short legs were unable to reach over Supergran's large, formidable body. She had to hop up on the hassock, to better mount her subjugated Superheroine steed.

As Leticia rode the sobbing Supergran around the bedroom, she glanced at the bedroom clock radio.

"Oh Damn!  I guess it's time to fix supper!  I suppose the kids will be starved, after playing with their new pet, all afternoon!  Now, what'll I do with the old bag here, while I'm in the kitchen?"  Leticia puzzled for a moment.

Leticia's demonically ingenious mind soon came up with a solution to her dilemma. "Oh!  I know!"  Binding Supergran's hands behind her head, and guying her stately form with ropes around the waist, Leticia perched the unfortunate Superheroine in a diabolically excruciating position athwart the sharp edged, triangular roof of a toy play house the children had carelessly left in the hall outside the bedroom.

"I've been telling the little brats to take that to the playroom for two days!  Now I'm glad they didn't!"  Leticia chortled, as she went off to cook supper, leaving the atrociously tormented Superheroine to perch in agony for the next several hours.

While their mother enjoyed the afternoon with the unfortunate grande dame of superheroines, Wendy and Billy were equally resourceful in tormenting Supergran's lush, young, captive granddaughter.  They first ordered Superlass to drink from their dog, Spot's dish. The proud, young heroine indignantly refused, but the terrible tots from hell, induced her to change her mind.



Her pertly rounded backside on fire with pain, Superlass finally agreed to drink from Spot's water dish.  The diabolical duo forced the teen wonder to swallow every last drop of water in the large bowl.  Then, they even made her lick the bottom clean, and it was covered by a thick, greenish scum, since they rarely cleaned the dish when they refilled it.  Spot was not a fastidious animal.  Poor Superlass gagged at the awful, disgusting taste, but like her unfortunate mother and grandmother, she was learning the hard way, never to cross the Luther family.

After Superlass finished her refreshing libation, Billy suggested a Piñata Party. In this case, it was the Piñata that was blind-folded while the children were free to aim their sticks carefully.

Before they hoisted Superlass upside down to the ceiling, Wendy gigglingly advised her brother.  "Better pull up her pants, before Mom sees her!  You know how she is about you seeing lady's naked bottoms?"

"Aw, I didn't pull them down!"  Billy whined, but, nevertheless pulled Superlass's briefs back up, patting the adorable teen superheroine's pert bottom as he did.

After they finally knocked the Piñata from the ceiling, the evil brats made the youthful girl of steel, squat down and walk around the basement, quacking like duck.

It was while Superlass was quacking in misery, for their gleeful amusement, that Leticia called the children to dinner.

"Awww, Ma do we have to?  We're havin' fun! Can't we eat down here on the teevee trays?"

"Absolutely not!  You'll come to dinner, and eat like civilized people.  Oh, and make sure your little blonde pet is tied securely, so she doesn't run off!"

The children reluctantly obeyed, tying Superlass's arms securely behind her back, and leaving her crouching miserably on the floor.

"Let Spot in to watch her!"  Wendy whispered.  "She won't get far with Spot guarding her!"

"Good idea, Sis!"  Billy answered, and opened the back door.  A huge, gray animal crashed through the half open door, almost knocking his small master down the stairs.

Now, despite his innocuous name, Spot was not your average run of the mill family pet.  He owed most of his ancestry to Alaskan timber wolves, and he was the terror of the neighborhood, feared almost as widely as Wendy and Billy, themselves.

On a visit soon after they acquired the animal, Aunt Morganna had looked deeply into Spot's eyes, and intoned with her habitual air of infallibility, that Spot was descended from the legendary Fell Wolf of the Purple Forest, demonic familiar of their family ancestress, the Troll Princess Erishka.

"Oh tell us about it, Aunt Morg!" the children begged.

The children's eyes grew big as saucers, as Morganna told them tales of the long ago, of the epic battle in which Mighty Erishka defeated the virtuous Goddess Beletiva, and made her no more than a lowly servant in the Troll King's Palace.

"Tell us again about how Erishka made the sappy goddess clean the chamber pots!"  Billy had pleaded.

As the children went in to supper, Spot plummeted down the short flight of stairs to the playroom, and spied the vulnerably tied girl from next door.  Spot had no love for the young Superheroine, who had often spoiled his fun in the neighborhood.  She was the one person in the world he feared.  He'd once tried to bite her, as she chased him from her yard, and he'd broken a tooth on her invulnerable ankle.  Spot approached, cautiously sniffing.

Hmm!  Superlass seemed harmless enough today!  Spot experimentally nipped at the blonde girl's ankle, and she squealed in pain with no damage to his teeth. Good!  Spot inched closer still sniffing.

Spot playfully, nipped at the waist band of Superlass's bedraggled briefs, that Billy had so lovingly readjusted. Superlass screamed, furiously, as she felt her briefs sliding down around her sweetly rounded thighs, for the second time that day.

As the dog with evil mischievousness, pulled the lower portion of her brief costume down almost off her legs, Superlass rolled over and tried to kick the slavering beast, but Spot agilely dodged her foot, and nosed his way between her lush, young thighs, sniffing hungrily at her denuded, delightfully virginal genitalia. Then, the evil animal stuck out his tongue, and experimentally flicked it against the inviting pinkness.

Superlass stiffened as though jolted by electrical shock.  "Ommigod he's licking my puss!"  Superlass gasped.

Snuffling and panting eagerly, Spot continued to lick the delicious spot between the girl's legs. Caught off guard, the virginal superheroine quivered in forbidden rapture.  Unschooled in such intimacy, the ferocious beast had overwhelmed her maidenly defenses, by his sneak attack.  As the juices flowed from her stimulated g-spot,  the dog slavered with greater enthusiasm, growing excited himself.

Maybe this human bitch wasn't so bad after all?  Was Spot's dim canine thought.

For a moment, the virtuous, but sexually inexperienced, youthful superheroine was nearly overcome by the fierce erotic longings, Spot's talented canine tongue awoke in her healthy, young body.

Then realizing her awful predicament, Superlass heaved over on her stomach and tried to escape the slavering beast on her knees.  The fierce, rutting canine was too quick for her.  Seeing her turn over, the aroused, not terribly bright, dog mistook Superlass's desperation for canine eagerness, a coy invitation to doggy style sex.

With a wolfish howl, Spot leaped on Superlass's back, and plunged his engorged penis between the helpless girl's legs.  With wolfish luck, Spot found Superlass's tiny bud like pussy, with his eager canine cock, and plunged into her.

Before she even knew what hit her, Superlass found herself being raped by the wolfish beast.  She struggled to escape, but Spot's paws were locked tightly around her waist, with a beastly strength, the weakened young Superheroine couldn't resist.  As Spot's body jolted her from side to side, Superlass lost control of her already excited passions, and ceased to struggle against the dog's unnatural ardor.  She was caught in a spiraling rush toward orgasm.  Just as Superlass's inexperienced body nearly reached its peak, though, Spot ejaculated into her tiny, tight pussy.  Satisfied, the sated male animal released the grip of his paws from the waist of the unfortunate young crimefighter, and pulled out of her.

Superlass rolled helplessly over on her back, sick with the terrible realization she'd just lost her precious virginity to a dog.  Almost as bad, was the fiery raging need in her loins that Spot aroused, and then with male selfishness failed to satisfy. How could any superheroine ever sink so low?

As Superlass whimpered in self-pity, Spot climbed back on her ample young chest, and squatted there, his penis still unsheathed, waving insistently in her face.

"Ommigod!  He doesn't expect me to do that...I didn't think dogs even knew about it!"  Superlass worried apprehensively.  "Maybe he's just being friendly?" The teen wonder thought hopefully, but Spot growled and bared his teeth. His tail thumped angrily against Superlass's trim, tightly muscled tummy.

The evil dog began nipping insistently at Superlass's budding young bosom. "Yoww!  Stop biting my boobs, Darn you!"  She yelped.

"I guess he's not being friendly!"  Superlass admitted, sadly.  Terrorized by the evil, beast, Superlass, with the greatest disgust, let Spot's canine dick slide past her delectable, pink lips.

As Superlass gave the vile creature, her first blow job, Spot agreeably flicked his tail, teasingly, across her wet pussy, causing the deflowered, young maiden heroine to quiver in continued arousal.

Hearing the ruckus in the basement, Leticia yelled.  "Did you let that damn dog in?  You know he's only supposed to come inside at night!"

"We wanted to make sure Superlass didn't escape!"   Billy explained, innocently.

Leticia rushed down the cellar stairs, visions of a litter of puppies with super powers, combined with Spot's evil inclinations, rampaging through her house.

Leticia was too late to save Superlass's virginity, not that that was an item high on her agenda, but luckily for all concerned, it later turned out the experiment in inter specific procreation was without issue.

Shortly after supper, Leticia decided the children had had enough excitement for the day, and ordered them to bed.  "And lock up the cheap slut for the night! I'll check on her before I go to bed!  And make sure Spot is in the backyard!"  Leticia ordered.

Billy and Wendy being the obedient children they were, it was only two hours later, that Leticia finally got them into their rooms.

All of this time Supergran had been perched in horrifying torment in Leticia's bedroom.  "Comfy? Heh, heh!  I almost forgot all about you!" Leticia snickered, when she returned after finally getting the kids settled.

By now Supergran was barely conscious, atrocious suffering sending her into a state of shock.  Leticia untied the ropes holding her in place, and Supergran, tumbled to the floor.  Leticia glanced down at her victim without sympathy.

"Well, what shall we do with you, for the rest of the night?  Hmm!  Maybe you could make me a few bucks!"

Leticia had recently bought an assortment of garments at the Home For Fallen Women's annual rummage sale.  She dug them out of the closet, and kicked Supergran a few times to get her on her feet.  Leticia redressed the still whimpering superheroine in an assortment of the bizarre garments. None of them were really anywhere near large enough for Supergran's heroically proportioned physique, but Leticia squeezed the sniffling crimefighter into them anyway.

Before she knew it, Supergran found herself, in the costume of a cheap hooker, standing on a street corner in the red-light district of Empire City.   Leticia sat in the car parked by the curb.  Supergran began weeping again, in shame.  What had become of her?  Only this morning, she was the world's most respected and revered Superheroine, an invincible crimefighter, whose devotion to truth and morality  inspired people all over the world.  Tonight, she was selling her body on a street corner, committing not only a crime, but violating every moral principle she stood for.

"Here comes, someone!  Look sexy!  Adjust your garter!"  Leticia hissed at the ill at ease, sniffling superheroine, from the half open car window.

Supergran apathetically carried out the order, leaning over and smoothing her stocking and garter.  The iron willed heroine had lost all heart and spirit to disobey her vile, redheaded persecutor.

A man smelling of booze, and none to clean, stumbled to the corner from a nearby bar. Supergran's nose wrinkled in disgust, and her heart hammered in fear.

"Shit from the looks o'you, ya been out here a long time, Old Lady!  Y'got a real set a knockers on ya though!  How much for a blow job?"

Supergran looked at the man, blankly.  "Wh-what?"  She sniffled.

Leticia called from the car.  "Over here!  I handle the finances!"

The man stumbled to the car, and conferred with Leticia in muffled tones, while Supergran sniffled in trepidation.

Soon enough, the man came back, smirking at the bargain price, he'd negotiated.  "Okay, old girl!  Go on down!"

Supergran looked blank.  Se glanced helplessly over to Leticia.  Leticia motioned to her, to kneel down.  The stately, ultra-dignified superheroine sank to her knees, with a whine of fear.  The man unzipped his fly, and whipped out a huge male organ.  He waved the huge obscenity under Supergran's nose.

Now, Supergran understood!  "Oh Dear God!  No!"  She screamed silently, but the cowed, dominated Superheroine was all too aware of Leticia watching her like a hawk from the car.  In sick resignation, Supergran let the man push the huge penis into her trembling mouth.

After she finished, and the leering man was rezipping his fly, it took Supergran some few minutes to fully adjust to the traumatic shock of turning her first trick.

As Supergran's first "John" walked into the night, Suzy Wang the regular occupant of the corner returned from her coffee break.  Furious to see a rival hooker usurping her spot, Suzy threw down her cigarette and shouted angry abuse at the unfortunate, new, street walking superheroine.

Supergran humbly tried to apologize to the angry whore, but Suzy was in no mood for apology.  This was the third new hooker who'd tried to take her corner this week.  The more Suzy shouted, the angrier she got.  Finally, unable to contain her resengul anger, the fierce, little tart physically attacked the tall, majestic interloper.

The venerable superheroine had no stomach left for another fight, after her disastrous defeat by Leticia.  Supergran turned tail, and ignominiously fled from the angry whore, screaming in panic.

Suzy chased after the fleeing superheroine, and kicked her in the behind.  As Leticia later recounted it to Morganna.  "You just had to see it!  The great Supergran, the world's mightiest Superheroine, running away from this skinny little hooker, screaming for her life!  Oh, it was priceless!"

The terrified Supergran continued running hysterically, in blind panic, long after Suzy gave up the chase, and returned to her post.  Leticia followed in the car, and picked up her 'bitch ho' in the next block.  Supergran huddled in the seat next to Leticia, sobbing hysterically all the way back to Leticia's house.

"Well, it's been a long busy day!"  Leticia chortled, in smug satisfaction, when they arrived home.  "I'm pretty tired myself!  I guess it's time to settle you for the night.  Oh yeah, and I better see to your slut granddaughter, too!"

Before she turned in for the night, Leticia suspended the two hapless crimefighters from ropes to the ceiling, by their nipples.

"Nighty night, Girls!"  Leticia smirked, as Supergran and Superlass sobbed in frightful agony.  "I'm sure you'll be comfortable there for the night, and my sister Morganna promised to send a van to pick you up in the morning, to take you to your new home. You'll be staying at her place with her pets, Silver Valkyrie and Justice Lady, so you won't get lonely!  Maybe, when Supermom gets back from her trip, she'll be joining you, too.  After all, Mother's Day is coming up, in a few days!"


The End