WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, nudity and n/c sexual scenes.  It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty one.

Career Rivalry. Part 4. Conclusion.


Having totally defeated and chained Thunder Bolt, Blue Flash forced the virtuous superheroine to agree to a sexual favor, pausing a moment to unmask her, and reveal her secret identity. Now, that she had unmasked the weeping superheroine, Blue Flash was eager to be serviced.

"Shit beating the crap out of you made me really horny! Let's get this on! I can't wait t'have a real Princess do my pussy!" Blue Flash cried eagerly.

Snuffling and sobbing in bitter resignation, Thunder Bolt bowed her back even further, until she could press her tear-stained face against her conqueror's genitalia.

Blue Flash found the unhappy Thunder Bolt's abject homage amazingly satisfying, and came several times before she finally pulled away.

Once Thunder Bolt's abject, slavish submission had satisfied her, the diabolical Blue Flash spun the weeping superheroine around, and reaching between her thighs inserted her fingers deep into Thundora's own vagina. The despairing superheroine squealed in shock.

"Ommigod she's raping me!"

Blue Flash had no wish to pleasure her defeated rival, but abusing her this way was sure to add to her shamed misery. What could be more fun than that?

Inevitably, despite her best efforts, Thunder Bolt fell victim to the insidious rape, and came with a sob of horrified shame. As she roughly played with her unfortunate captive's genitalia, Blue Flash became excited herself, all over again, although she had already come several times, as Thunder Bolt obediently ate her pussy. The depraved blonde began to masturbate, as she forcefully masturbated her defeated rival.

Once she had raped the virtuous Thundora, Blue Flash slipped back into her blue costume. She had one more ignominious indignity to inflict on the miserably sobbing Thunder Bolt. Along with the Arbitronian chains, and a few other items, the young devil had brought a thick rubber replica of a donkey's tail that she had acquired in an LA sex shop. To her depraved mind, there was only one appropriate orifice for such an obscenity. As Thunder Bolt begged and pleaded desperately, the heartless blonde, laughing in derision, brutally shoved the oversized rubber implement up her backside.

Thunder Bolt screamed and shrieked in terrible agony as the obscene horror tore into her rectum.

Deaf to her victim's heartrending pleas, Blue Flash laughed sardonically as she inspected her evil handiwork.

Blue Flash was so pleased at the sight of the donkey tail dangling from her rival's well-spanked behind, that she had a new idea. She whispered a command in the sobbing superheroine's ear. Through her sobs, Thunder Bolt indignantly refused. Blue Flash grabbed her victim's huge dangling breast and clawed and squeezed as she repeated her command.

It was no use, Thunder Bolt couldn't resist the vicious pain any longer; she sobbed her surrender to the new humiliation.

As Blue Flash had ordered her, Thunder Bolt miserably, sobbingly, began to do her best to bray like a donkey. How could anyone, no matter how depraved, so glory in humiliating and abusing the stately, dignified, noble hearted Princess Thundora?

"Well, we've had enough fun for today, I guess!" Blue Flash yawned. The lazy, young blonde was not used to being up this early in the morning; she preferred to sleep until late afternoon, and 'fight crime' in the more fashionable evening hours. "Time t'put you t'sleep!"

"T-to sleep?...(snuffle)" Thunder Bolt gasped in alarm.

"Nah, I'm not gonna' kill ya!" Blue Flash snickered. "Course don't never forget, I could kill ya, anytime I wanta! I got some Arbitronian chloroform here, that'll work fine on you! You won't wake up for a couple o'days or more!"

Before Thunder Bolt could even think of escape, Blue Flash clapped a pad, well soaked with the Arbitronian equivalent of chloroform, over her nose and mouth. Thunder Bold resisted the effects as long as she could, but inevitably crashed to the ground senseless, the obscene donkey tail still jammed up her behind.

When her moaning victim was fully unconscious, Blue Flash picked her up, carried her to a nearby trash receptacle. She deposited the unconscious superheroine in the filthy garbage can, carefully posing her in a photogenic posture.

Once she had arranged Thunder Bolt's inert body to her satisfaction, Blue Flash used her cell phone to notify all of the television and radio stations, newspapers and news agencies in the area. Then she flew back to her new, luxurious Beverly Hills home for what she considered a well earned nap.

In just minutes the area was swarming with media reporters and teevee cameras eager to report, with many sly snickers, the misfortunes of the superheroine who had until that moment been the darling of the media. The public soon knew all the details of Thunder Bolt's disgrace. The more discreet family newspapers and magazines did leave out details of the donkey tail found imbedded in the unfortunate heroine's anus, but spared her little else.

Naturally Blue Flash had not bothered to call 911, and it was sometime before any of the reporters got around to it. After all, why ruin such a great photo-op?

When a medical response team finally arrived, they rushed the insensible Thunder Bolt to a hospital where she remained in intensive care for several days before regaining consciousness.

When Thundora awoke, she found her career, and her life on Earth in ruins. After her disgrace Thunder Bolt was regarded as a laughing stock by the media. Her secret identity was known to the world! Blue Flash had turned Dora Mason in to the Immigration Authorities as an illegal alien. No record of her birth in the United States could be found and deportation proceedings were instituted. Since she had no 'green card' she was immediately fired from her job at WBN. All of her bank accounts and credit cards were frozen. The terrible beating Blue Flash had given her together with the subsequent humiliations and sexual abuse had a traumatic effect, from which the former superheroine would probably never recover.

Before she could be deported, the unhappy Arbitronian slipped away from the City, with no more than the clothes on her back. She was a penniless hunted fugitive, unable to hold any but the most menial jobs. In an ironic twist of fate, Thundora found work in the in the same midwestern diner, where Alisterra had worked as a waitress. Thundora was not so lucky as Alisterra to get the waitress job, but instead spent twelve hours a day washing greasy dishes in a dirty kitchen, and occasionally turning a trick or two to pay the rent on her tenement room.

The End.