WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, rape and non-consensual
sexual scenes. It is not suitable for children. It is intended for, and should
only be read, by mature adults, over twenty-one years of age.
Demigoddess Daughter of Athena
come from her Mount Olympus home to
bring truth and justice to a savage world!
Fairmaiden's mission is to seek out and
destroy evil, wherever the forces of
light cannot otherwise reach!
Chapter 5. Jolly Milk Maid.
Part B.
Cowed into
submission, by terror of Lilith’s horrifying electrified dildo, Athena forgot
Divine pride and maternal duty. With a despondent sob, the panic-stricken,
divine captive obediently slumped down on the bench, her splendid, richly
formed breasts swaying gently, above the milk pail.
Devil Doll
knelt in front of the whimpering goddess.
Winking up at Lilith, she grasped Athena’s teats, one in
each hand. Athena squealed loudly
when those molten hot fingers squeezed her sensitive nipples. Worse than
the pain, was the mortifying sense of shame. Was anything more humiliating
than being forcibly milked, as if she were a dairy cow? Stripped of all divine
dignity, Athena whimpered one final useless plea.
Lilith noticed
that the young bitch really did know what she was doing. In seconds, Devil
Doll had two streams of milk squirting from Athena’s erect nipples, rattling
smartly against the sides of the milk pail.
In spite of
the burning pain of Devil Doll’s touch, Athena began to relax as the demoness
squeezed and tugged her breasts.
Her gray eyes grew heavy lidded, and she experienced a peaceful lassitude,
as more and more of her divine strength drained away.
The sensation was vaguely erotic, and not altogether unpleasant.
Between sobs, Athena moaned a little, as will a woman in the first throes
of passion.
Devil Doll
glanced up at Lilith, and grinned.
“I think Bossy here likes to be milked!
Listen to her!
She's purring like a fat kitty cat! All the best milk cows on the farm
were like that!”
Devil Doll
rapidly filled the pail with divine milk.
“Want another pail full, Lil?”
She asked.
“No our Master
said one pail a day was plenty. That’ll keep her weak as any mortal. Look
at her! She’s half dead already!”
Indeed, Athena
had slumped down, half hanging from the bench, in weariness.
The normally inexhaustible divinity was overcome by
a deadly fatigue, she never before experienced. The feeling was more than
physical exhaustion. Her weariness
humbled her divine pride, and dissipated her Olympian resolve.
Nothing remained, but hopeless despair, and a mortifying
desire to placate her oppressors.
At Lilith’s order, Athena started to get off the bench to return to her cell, but when she tried to stand, she slumped back helplessly.
”Maybe you overdid it!” Lilith laughed to Devil Doll. “Well, get her
slut daughter to carry her back! I’m not going to drag that fat carcass
around the room!”
A few moments later, Fairmaiden tenderly lifted her mother from the bench,
and supported her drooping form back to the cramped cell.
Alone in her
cell, again, Mighty Athena slumped against the wall, lost in horror and mortification.
back, to Doctor Natas, Lilith wisely decided it was best to give, at least,
some of the credit to Devil Doll, knowing the ‘Good Doctor’ observed much
in his dark crystal.
“Yeah, the
kid is a regular jolly, little milk maid!”
“Yep! I milked
Bossy the cow for ya' Doc!
No problem!” Devil Doll smirked.
The brash,
young demonette's reference to the regally austere Goddess of Wisdom, as
‘Bossy the Cow’, nearly brought a wintry smile to Doctor Natas's withered
lips, and suggested to his cruelly devious mind, another humiliation to
be inflicted on his long time foe.
The ‘Good Doctor’
rubbed his long bony jaw, as though in deep thought, and then murmured.
“It seems to me that a cow must be serviced from time to
time! Perhaps you might...”
The evil, old devil went on to outline a new course of action that brought
gales of laughter from his equally evil disciples.
As they left
the damp, dark study, Lilith said.
“You’ve been handling the big cow pretty well, ‘Dev’! Why don't you
get her ready, and I'll prepare Blondy!”
Devil Doll
had found bullying the mature, full-figured goddess an enjoyable pastime
and replied. “Sure thing, Lil!”
When Devil
Doll entered Athena's cell again, she met no divine defiance, this time.
At sight of her, the Goddess felt only a cold, clammy knot of terror in
her, tightly muscled belly. Mighty Athena had learned to fear the devilish
imp of Doctor Natas, all to well. She raised her mighty arm, not to strike
a blow for righteousness, but in a feeble gesture of fear, as she nervously
quavered a question.
Devil Doll
grabbed the trembling goddess by the ear, and painfully dragged her from
her cell, once more. Cowed by newly instilled terror, Athena didn’t resist,
but only whimpered in painful protest.
Lilith had entered Fairmaiden’s cell, and paused to paw the heroine’s lushly
slender curves a moment, before getting down to business.
In the main
dungeon, Devil Doll attached a sturdy chain, hanging from the ceiling, to
the trembling, fearful Athena’s slimly muscled waist. With a quick movement
of her incredibly powerful, little body, the scarlet imp hoisted the distraught
goddess, sobbing in despair, into the air. Athena scrabbled at the floor
with toes and fingers vainly trying to relieve the distressing pressure on
her middle.
Devil Doll
had just gotten Athena into position, when Lilith led the goddess’s sniffling
daughter, Fairmaiden, into the room. The blond superheroine’s head hung low
in shame, for Lilith had attached a huge strap-on dildo to her slender loins.
broke into loud sobs, when she saw the humiliating, agonizing torment,
Devil Doll had inflicted on her divine mother. She had a ghastly premonition
of what was to come.
dreadful premonition was all too correct. Lilith dragged the blond heroine
around, until the bulbous dildo head was aimed squarely at her beloved
mother’s large, fully formed buttocks, still excruciatingly aglow from
Devil Doll’s cruel spanking. Fairmaiden kicked and struggled madly, but
Lilith handled the weakened superheroine with ease.
The diabolical Devil Doll hopped astride Athena’s back, facing
rearward. From her perch,
it was easy to guide the great phallus into position.
The hapless
goddess was already in agony, mortifyingly hung in chains, like a side of
beef, with the fiery heat of Devil Doll’s thighs locked around her middle. Yet,
frightful pain was nothing to her terror of what was to come. When the dildo
first touched her bud-like anus, Mighty Athena squealed in shock, and sobbingly
begged the two villainesses for mercy, even while her terrified daughter
desperately pleaded with them.
In the name of all that's decent, please nooo!
Don't make me do it! Not to my mother!”
ost in their own rude badinage, the devilish duo hardly heard the mother
and daughter’s heartbroken pleas.
Once Devil
Doll aligned the phallus, she jumped clear, and Lilith planted her knee in
Fairmaiden’s back. Pausing a
moment to take a deep breath, she rammed the blonde heroine's pliant form
forward, with all the formidable strength of her stocky body.
felt the terrible shock, all through her own loins, as the full fifteen
inches of the thick dildo plunged irresistibly into her helpless, goddess
mother's vulnerably exposed backside. The tormented heroine shrieked in
horror! Nothing could ever
be worse, than being used by the devilish pair, to inflict such misery and
shame on her mother.
At the same
second, Athena felt the horrible tool brutally penetrate, and nearly rupture
her tiny sphincter, then ram full length, deep, deep into her bowels, driving
all the way to the hilt. The defiled goddess shrieked in horrific agony.
Once she had
driven the dildo all the way into Athena’s suffering body, Lilith callously
used Fairmaiden's svelte body as a fulcrum to ram the huge phallus in and
out of her shrieking mother's broad backside.
Mighty Athena,
shorn of all dignity and pride, wailed piteously for the merciless devils
to stop, breaking her daughter's heart with her vain pleas.
All the while, Devil Doll and Lilith laughed raucously at
the atrocious suffering, they were inflicting on the wise and virtuous divinity.
The hideous
torture went on for some minutes, before Lilith finally jerked Fairmaiden
backward, tearing the horrible dildo loose from Athena’s' ravaged anus, with
agonizing abruptness. Unable to balance herself on her toes and fingertips
any longer, the goddess’s magnificent body collapsed, dangling helplessly
from the chain that cut into her middle with suffocating pressure.
Forced to be the instrument of her mother's disgrace and torture, Fairmaiden
gagged violently, nearly vomiting in the aftermath, of the frightful nightmare.
The unfortunate
Goddess Athena was left dangling helplessly from the cruel chain for the
rest of the afternoon. Before Lilith left her, she shortened the chain so
the miserable divine victim could no longer quite reach the floor with her
hands or toes. Athena’s body
twisted slowly in half circles, as she wept for her shame.
End of Chapter 5.