Duel In
The Forest. Part 2.
Badly weakened by Night Hunter's deadly fists and kicks, Comet Lady could not escape the evil madwoman's crushing bear hug no matter how frantically she struggled, and unable to breathe, she was beginning to black out. She MUST get loose!
Comet Lady's desperate struggles had no effect on Night Hunter's steely grip. That grip tightened every second, draining the heroine's strength until her svelte shapely body slumped helplessly, dangling limply in her tormentor's arms. Night Hunter sneered, and with a triumphant cry, contemptuously flung her foe to the ground.
Unexpectedly freed of that terrible, fearsome grip, the stricken superheroine gasped gratefully for air. Her relief was short lived!
Before Comet Lady could take a second breath, Night Hunter launched another attack with her deadly feet.
Night Hunter kicked the near defenseless Comet Lady over on her belly, then seized her left leg in an excruciating grip.
Never ceasing
to torment the wailing superheroine, Night Hunter used her torturous grip
to roll
Lady over on her back.
Once she rolled Comet Lady on her back, vulnerably exposing her to even more appalling abuse, Night Hunter kicked the gorgeous superheroine between her ripe, white thighs, her sharp toe knifing into the tender, intimate orifice with horrendous force, a favorite tactic of the dastardly, mad villainess.
Night Hunter stood poised above Comet Lady, smilingly enjoying the spectacle of the world's mightiest crimefighter unable to do more than roll from side to side to ease the ravaging pain in her genitalia. Unable to protect herself, Comet Lady looked up fearfully as her foe prepared to spring upon her.
Pinned to the ground by Night Hunter's hefty bulk, Comet Lady could only squirm powerlessly as the ravening villainess pounded her senseless, her pitiful wails mingling with the evil Night Hunter's brazen taunts.
Night Hunter's relentless fists soon battered the helpless Comet Lady into foggy oblivion.
Night Hunter paused a moment in self congratulation, then wrapped her thick thighs around the moaning superheroine's head and neck.
Comet Lady came to her senses with a scream of alarm, as the crushing power of Night Hunter's formidable thighs mashed her head and beautiful face to jelly.
Never easing the pressure of her crushing thighs, Night Hunter wriggled around until she was sitting directly atop Comet Lady's face.
Comet Lady gagged in disgust as she was subjected to the humiliation of her foe's sweaty crotch riding her face. Night Hunter shuddered in ecstatic pleasure, as she felt the heroine's gorgeous nose and lips involuntarily nuzzling against her excited privates.
Comet Lady was horrified by the appalling realization of the intent of Night Hunter's gyrations.
Exhilarated by her mastery over the mortified crimefighter, Night Hunter continued to torment the near helpless beauty, dragging her to her feet.
End of Part 2.