Wonder Warrior
Amazon Defender of Justice and Virtue.
This story contains nudity, extreme graphic violence, rape and other
It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature
adults, over the age of twenty-one.
Note: Certain
attitudes and prejudices, presented herein, are not those of the
author, but were
widespread during, the era, and in the milieu, portrayed.
Dragon Ladies. Part 1.
( or
1943. The Campus of Holy
Days College.
After another of her
incredible, wartime adventures, Wonder Warrior
from her
young coed friends, who had been of some, slight assistance to her.
Using the remarkable
communication powers of her Amazon Tiara, Wonder
Warrior summoned her incredible, supersonic, vertical take off and
landing, Amazon
plane, far advanced over any other aircraft of the time. Moments later,
in a whoosh of nearly silent power, the amazing Amazon Princess
the campus, leaving behind the two star struck coeds.
From a place of secure
concealment, a sinister figure, using high powered naval binoculars,
watched Wonder Warrior's departure
with keen interest. Now, she continued observing the two coeds,
taking special interest in Yetta.
Her name was Maroo, or so she
said, but the world knew her best as the
Dragon Lady! Was she a Manchu Princess who collaborated with the
invading Japanese Forces? The illegitimate offspring of Balkan Royalty?
Rumor said both! Others asserted with unconfirmed assurance,
that she was the daughter of a
Japanese soldier and a Chinese prostitute. Still others claimed she was
the last surviving member of a mysterious order of fierce Asian warrior
Whatever her true origins, she had risen to the top
echelons of the wartime Japanese Intelligence service. Going from
success to success, she was at last rewarded with the most difficult
of all, elimination of Wartime Japan's single most dangerous foe,
As much as her audacious daring
and ruthless determination, the Dragon
Lady's long string of successes was due to her exhaustive, painstaking
preparation before carrying out her assignments. Voluminous
research and
meticulous, obsessive planning were her trademark. She was always fully
apprised of an enemy's every strength and every weakness. As yet, no
enemy had been able to surprise her! Maroo hated surprises!
Now facing her greatest
challenge ever, operating within a strict time
limit set by her superiors, Maroo worked day and night, to learn every
possible detail about her quarry. In her long checkered career, the
Dragon Lady had become mistress of many arcane and esoteric secrets and
mysteries, which guided her research. She was able to uncover the
source of those wonderful powers that amazed the world. Like all
Amazons, Wonder Warrior's powers were based on the ability to
concentrate tremendous mental energy to fully utilizes the full
physical abilities of her body. Such mental concentration was only
achieved by long arduous training, leading to a semi-mystical
purification ritual in the Sacred Amazon Temple of Athena.
Maroo discovered one
potential amazonian weakness; if an Amazon
voluntarily submitted to even a token form of bondage to an enemy, her
powers would be lost, and could only be recovered by again undergoing
the purification rite in the Temple of Athena on the mysterious Isle of
the Amazons.
"Interesting!" Maroo mused.
"But how do you persuade an invincible
superheroine to voluntarily submit to bondage? Hmm, she must also
remain a
virgin; the sexual act would not only rob her of her powers, but would
do so permanently, since only unsullied maidens may enter the Temple of
Athena! How Victorian! Perpetual virginity? Dear me, I wouldn't last a
week as an Amazon!"
Her research completed, Maroo
enumerated her prey's other strengths, and
possible weaknesses, carefully considering each, before formulating a
final plan.
"1. Her mental and physical
attributes make her nearly invincible by
normal means; but what if there was a physical way of temporarily
robbing her of mental concentration? Ultra high pitched sonic waves,
2. Some sort of advanced Amazon
force fields in her bracelets protect
her from bullets and missile weapons. (That eliminates a long range
3. Amazon honor compels her to
fulfill every vow, and never to break
her word, to always fight honorably, and never take unfair advantage of
a foe! (Thankfully, I have never been bound by such quaint, outmoded
notions, myself, though they should be useful to exploit in an enemy!)
4. She is a loyal, warmhearted
friend who would endure any hardship, or
brave any danger for a friend in need! (Touching, I'm sure, but a
definite weakness, NO doubt!)
5. She has always been
victorious, and never known defeat! She is a Royal Princess and heir to
the Throne of the Amazons! (Those two factors cannot
have failed to lead to enormous self-confidence, and even recklessness!
Also, since she has never dealt with it, a disastrous defeat and
failure, could inflict severe psychological trauma!)
6. She likes to work alone,
outside the constraints of official
organization! (I sympathize with her there, of course, but lack of
backup and support has its disadvantages!)
7. In order to live from day to
day in modern society, she must have
some alternate, secret identity, ideally one that provides her with a
great deal of confidential information! (It should not be impossible to
determine what
that alternate identify is!)"
The Dragon Lady studied
focused encapsulated results of her
research, and thought deeply, her crafty mind gradually formulating a
plan. "Yes, I think perhaps..."
One night, as Yetta Sweets
walked from the college gymnasium back to
sorority house, she was struck down by a cowardly blow from behind. Her
unconscious body was whisked away, leaving nothing behind, but her
dropped box of chocolates. She was not immediately missed by the
College Authorities, because the regular Fall Semester hadn't yet
started. Yetta and her friend, Judy, had arrived several weeks early
for practice with the Girl's Football Team.
The next day, as Lt. Deena
Royal, sat at her desk in Naval
Intelligence, a phone call was put through from the Department
switchboard. A woman's voice, speaking excellent English, but
displaying a slight,
hard to identify, foreign accent briskly informed her:
"Lt. Royal, listen carefully! I
won't repeat it! It's said you never
have any trouble contacting the woman known as Wonder Warrior! I won't
dwell on your suspiciously close rapport with that mysterious figure,
but I have a pretty good idea, of the connection! Tell no one else, but
inform Wonder Warrior, that her fat, little friend, Yetta Sweets, is
my prisoner, and she will never see the girl alive, again,
unless you...SHE, that is, follows my instructions exactly! Wonder
Warrior is to
come to a certain meeting place, ALONE, IMMEDIATELY! If you, or
'she' tries any tricks, Sweets will die...PAINFULLY! Here's the
address, and remember: NO TRICKS!"
As soon as she had given the
address, the woman hung up.
As she hurriedly made excuses
to leave her post early, the beautiful
Naval Officer thought, ruefully. "I'm afraid Deena Royal has been
careless! That woman knows much too much about my relationship to
After a hurried trip back to
her apartment, Deena Royal rapidly changed
her attire. Moments later, on the roof of her apartment building,
Wonder Warrior summoned her Amazon Plane.
"Suffering Sappho! How does
Yetta get herself into so many scrapes? I
seem to spend half my time rescuing her from one fix or another!"
Wonder Warrior's speedy
arrival, surprised even the normally
unflappable Dragon Lady. "That Amazon plane must be several times
faster then our best Zero Fighters! It's only been twenty minutes,
since I called Deena Royal! No matter; everything is in readiness!"
As the Dragon Lady admitted
her, Wonder Warrior demanded. "Where is
Yetta Sweets?"
"Patience, My Dear!" Maroo
purred with a catlike smile. "She is in a
safe place, where you will never find her...ALIVE, unless you agree to
proposition, I will make to you! First, though, I have something
I'd like you to see! Then we will discuss the terms of her possible
From an envelope, the Dragon
Lady produced several photographs, and
handed them to Wonder Warrior.
The photographs showed the
Dragon Lady personally whipping the
unfortunate Yetta with a vicious looking bull whip, while Yetta writhed
in obvious agony, her body clearly striped with the marks.
Wonder Warrior was appalled!
Even dealing with the most vicious criminals,
she had rarely encountered such wanton cruelty.
"It was unfortunate I had to
resort to such crude means, I suppose!
Although I must confess, I did
rather think she deserved it! The little slut was quite
insolent to me! Assured me you
would save her, and than I'd be the prisoner! I must admit, even though
she squealed
like a pig, (appropriately enough), she bore the
whipping well; she never stopped cursing me in most
unladylike language! Of
course, I'm sure a few more whippings will break her! We'll have to
see won't we?"
Wonder Warrior clenched her
fists, eyes flashing fiercely, and took a
menacing, half step toward the Dragon Lady!
Maroo tensed, but didn't
retreat or loose her irritating, self satisfied
smile. She purred, "If anything happens to me, nothing can save your
little friend from a most painful, lingering death!"
Wonder Warrior stopped and
growled. "What do you want then?"
"Ah, now that you fully
appreciate your fat, little friend's
predicament, we shall discuss terms! Perhaps
you'll find my little proposition, challenging? It's to be a physical
If you fight and win, of course, you will make me your prisoner, and I
will tell you where to find your friend! If you lose, you agree
submit to me, and become my prisoner, and Sweets, too, remains my
prisoner! I will require your
Amazon oath that you accept my proposal in good faith!
Unfortunately, I have a bad back, and can't fight you myself! My
associate, Miss Namasui will represent me! I must warn you, she
will be a most formidable opponent; she was woman's Sumo Champion of
Japan, before the War!"
Maroo pointed to a
chiming timer on a small table. "I will serve as time keeper! In the event of a knockdown, I
start the chimer! If the fallen fighter cannot return to the fray,
within twenty five chimes, she will be declared the loser! Do you
those terms fair?"
"I don't find anything about
this charade, 'fair', but for Yetta's
sake, I accept your terms, and I give you my Amazon Oath of Honor
abide by
them!" Wonder Warrior replied grimly.
As she spoke, the
Amazon's sharp glance
fell upon another device, on the table next to the chimer.
"Wonder what that is! I suppose
I'll find out soon enough!" She thought, ruefully.
"Splendid! Shall we begin then?
NAMASUI, we are ready!" The Dragon Lady
From an adjoining room, stepped
a very short, very thick, very muscular
almost a dwarf. She was completely naked, even her bullet head shaved.
"Please forgive my associate's
costume, or lack of one, I should say!
She prefers to
fight naked, an odd little idiosyncrasy of hers! She understands a good
deal of English, but is not terribly talkative!"
With some distaste, Wonder
Warrior faced the short, naked,
fireplug of a woman. Naturally, the astute Amazon champion assumed the
Dragon Lady
had some
scheme up her sleeve, but she had overcome many villain's
tricks and schemes in her career, and succeeded in turning them to her
advantage. It was understandable that she had developed a
devil-may-care complacency, even cockiness, regarding her resourceful
ability to overcome all
obstacles and triumph in the end.
"I don't know what she's
planning, but I must go though with this
farce, for
Yetta's sake! I'll just see what develops, and take
it from there! I wish I was fighting Maroo herself, though, rather than
innocent dupe! It would be a real pleasure to teach that nasty dragon
a thing or two!"

In fact, Yetta was not far away!
It was the Dragon Lady's custom to weave truth, partial truth and
outright falsehood in a so skillful a web, that it was impossible for
even the most discerning and astute to untangle. Maroo had
ordered Namasui to tie the girl up, securely, and conceal her in a
sound proof chamber behind a one-way class, so she
would observe the contest.
"It will be most instructive for
the annoying, little fool to observe
her heroine in action!" Maroo had purred to Namasui.
When Yetta saw Wonder Warrior
enter the Dragon lair, her heart leaped
with joy. Although she could hear nothing of the conversation, the
Dragon Lady had gleefully informed her beforehand, that she would
entice Wonder Warrior to fight Namasui.
"The Sumo Champion of Japan will
make short work of that puffed up, bosomy fraud!" Maroo boasted.
yer dreams, Witch!" Yetta snapped back, angrily. "Wonder Warrior'll mop
up the
floor with that little
chump, an' then she's gonna' throw a pail o'water on you, so ya melt!"
Now Yetta looked
on eagerly, looking forward to seeing her idol demolish the
smaller Japanese woman.
"Oh I hope she breaks the little
moron's neck, and then does the
same thing t'the other witch!" Yetta thought with homicidal

Not sharing Yetta's thirst for for
blood, and mayhem, but, rather, displaying
great repugnance for the task, Wonder Warrior, nevertheless, struck the
blow, and didn't pause until she knocked Namasui to her knees.

Yetta's eyes gleamed with
bloodthirsty pleasure, as she watched Wonder Warrior
skillfully batter Namasui across the room.

unexpectedly, Namasui went down under the relentless barrage, eyes
closed, body

Namasui had been knocked down.
According to the bizarre contest rules, it was up
to the Dragon Lady to start the chiming timer. Wonder Warrior
glanced at her, curious to see whether Maroo would honorably comply
her own terms. In fact, the Dragon Lady's hand reached toward the
table, but instead of pressing the button on the timer, she pressed the
button on the device next to it.

When the Dragon Lady pressed the
button, the room was instantly flooded by high pitched sound waves, of
incredible, pounding intensity. Maroo and Namasui were equipped with
sound deadening, concealed, ear plugs, and Yetta was protected by the
thick, sound
proof glass. Only Wonder Warrior was hit by the full crushing,
broadside. She
staggered as though struck by a thunder bolt. She couldn't hear
the high
pitched frequencies, but only feel the terrible thudding impact. She
grasped her head in terrible agony. Her head felt as thought it was
being repeatedly struck by a sledge hammer.

As Wonder Warrior staggered in
terrible distress, Namasui climbed to
her feet, still a little shaken, but relieved to see the Dragon Lady's
plan was
apparently working.

Until now
enjoying the destruction of the Japanese woman, Yetta was horror-struck
by the sudden reversal. It was all too clear, that something terrible
had overwhelmed her champion. Wonder Warrior staggered blindly, holding
her head in what was undoubtedly incredible, immobilizing pain.

Wonder Warrior tried desperately
get herself under control, as Namasui
surveyed her for a fleeting moment in satisfaction, before she struck.

When Namasui did strike, it was
with terrible, brutal effectiveness. Her hard fists plowed deep into
the Amazon's gut, doubling her over, in new agony.

The terrible pounding pain in her
head making it impossible to focus, Wonder Warrior doubled over,
helplessly, holding her battered belly, that now throbbed with equal
Unable to comprehend the
terrible handicap Wonder Warrior was fighting
under, the the horrified Yetta could only see the terrible
thrashing, the small Japanese woman was handing to her would be
rescuer. Was her idol not the paragon of victorious strength she always