Note: This story is the second segment in the saga of Green Goddess's battle with the escaped demoness of the Netherworld. The first segment The Volcano begins at  The Volcano. Part 1.

WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, nudity and sorcery. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by mature adults above the age of twenty-one.

Divine Wrath. Part 2.
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Ultrairia, the Green Goddess.

Mistress of Nature and Immortal Guardian of Virtue and Right.
Defender of the Dark Gates against the foul creatures of the Netherworld.
Mentor and Patroness of Superheroines.


Divine Ultrairia, the superhumanly powerful Green Goddess, astonishingly found the tiny girl, who defeated and bound her two superheroine protégées, to be the deadliest foe of her own immortal career. The diminutive blonde, possessed the evil power to confound a goddess. Having knocked Green Goddess to the ground, half senseless, she dragged the badly rattled divinity to her feet by the hair.

When Ultrairia was on her feet, before she had any chance to strike back, or escape, the blonde girl grabbed her waist in a bear hug. Those slim, little arms snapped shut with crushing, agonizing pressure. Green Goddess gasped in apprehension, as she felt the irresistible power of that grip.

The girl lifted her huge foe so high that her feet left the ground, and her mighty legs kicked frantically. Legs kicking wildly, Green Goddess beat just as ineffectually at the demon girl, but there was no escaping that hellish grip; she was helplessly trapped. The divine superheroine unconsciously wailed in alarm.

Green Goddess kicked and struggled madly, but that only encouraged the girl to squeeze tighter. Was there no escape? In anxious distress, Green Goddess hardly noticed the tremulous, involuntary wails of alarm, such as never before passed her divine lips.

The girl's grip tightened, and then tightened again. No way to escape! Green Goddess felt her limbs trembling, her heart racing, queasiness in her stomach, a lump in her throat and cold sweat on her brow. Divine Ultrairia never knew fear before, and it was a moment before she recognized the symptoms of panic.

Green Goddess tried to swallow the vile symptoms of panic, as she strained every fiber of her immortal body to free herself, but her mighty struggles were all in vain. The innocent appearing girl, was stronger than the most powerful demon, and yes, stronger than a goddess.

As the deadening pressure inexorably increased, and the pain inevitably worsened. Ultrairia gradually ceased to struggle and dangled limply from the devil girl's arms. She was still conscious, all too aware of the terrible, painful pressure on her middle, but she was too spent to resist.

Green Goddess didn't know how much more she could take, when suddenly with a contemptuous sneer, the girl flung her away. It was a relief to feel her feet planted on the solid earth, and a greater relief to escape that agonizing, fearsome grip. Though still on her feet, her trembling legs could scarcely support her large, full figured body, and the savage blonde pitilessly chortled at her distress.

Her stomach still churning from the brutal pressure of the girl's slim arms, Green Goddess nearly retched. Hardly knowing what she was doing, she who never turned from a foe, stumbled away.

Before the stricken, divine superheroine took more than a step, the laughing girl grabbed her arm from behind and stretched it over her own shoulder.

Once again, the girl inflicted horrendous pain with a hold that was inescapable. Once again, Green Goddess failed to repress her anguished cries of pain and alarm; her wails hardly distinguishable from pleas for quarter.

Once again, just when the tormented Goddess thought she could endure no more, the girl released her with a contemptuous sneer. Still in frightful pain, Green Goddess scarcely noticed her vicious foe's disdainful contempt, an irreverent insult that would normally evoke swift, punitive retribution.

As Green Goddess trembling in pain, tried to restore some feeling to her injured arm, the girl struck again, flying feet first into the small of her foe's back, hurling Ultrairia face first to the ground.

As Green Goddess smashed into the ground with a resounding thud, the girl leaped into the air again.

From high in the air, the girl came down with both feet and her full weight on the same injured spot in the middle of Green Goddess's back. As her body jerked convulsively, Ultrairia shrieked in torment.

A moment later, the girl seated herself unshakably on Green Goddess's badly injured back, and secured her weakly kicking legs under her arms.

Chortling gleefully, the girl bent Ultrairia's injured back almost double, inflicting excruciating pain, worse than anything that had gone before.

Then, without any warning, the girl dropped Green Goddess's agonizingly bent legs, and scooted around to face the opposite direction. She trapped the heroine's weakly flailing arms under her legs, and grabbed her under the chin with both hands, in what some call the camel clutch. The trapped Goddess found this hold even more agonizingly painful than the other.

Suffering hellishly, Ultrairia was certain, and with good reason, that her spine would snap. A moment before it did, the vicious girl released her. It was clear that this devilish girl was maliciously toying with Divine Ultrairia, arrogantly demonstrating her unassailable supremacy over the eternally invincible guardian of justice. Unable to rise or even move, Green Goddess writhed where she lay, still in terrible agony.

Though it might seem she had already won the battle, the girl was far from finished with tormenting her fallen foe. Had she some personal grudge against the goddess? She seized Ultrairia's left arm and twisted it backward with irresistible pressure, at the same time she drove her knee into Ultrairia's injured back. Green Goddess wailed fearfully at the renewed attack.

There was no escape, and once again the pain was atrocious; Green Goddess shrieked continuously in horrifying torment.

The girl finally dropped Ultrairia's paralyzed arm, and looked down at her writhing foe in contempt.

"Stupid cow!" She snorted. "I'm too much for you! I can do anything I want to you, and you can't stop me!"

Green Goddess gulped in apprehension, knowing the girl spoke the truth; she had proved no match for the blonde's demonic powers. As she tried to get her breath, she looked up and saw the girl's fist poised to strike her aching belly.  She tried to escape, but a tiny hand pinned her securely to the ground. She winced in anticipation, her lower lip trembling, knowing she couldn't escape the agonizing blow, and dreading it. This devil girl had taught Ultrairia fear, mind numbing fear, a horrifying lesson for a goddess.


The evil girl struck with all her superhuman strength, driving her fist deep into Green Goddess's lower belly.

As Green Goddess contorted in agony, the girl struck again, even harder.  Green Goddess writhed in awful anguish. Unable to escape, and undone by her growing fear of more pain, she cried out in gasping pleas. The girl relished her divine foe's fear and suffering.

With unhurried deliberation, the diabolical girl wrapped her legs around the Goddess's neck.
Paralyzed by her terrible agony, there was nothing Green Goddess could do to stop her.

In despairing misery, Green Goddess squirmed weakly, to escape. The girl's deadly legs crushed her throat, nearly strangling her. Even now, Ultrairia was loathe to believe that any being could inflict such torment upon a goddess with impunity. Was there nothing she could do?

Once more, perhaps no longer unexpectedly, Green Goddess's feeble efforts to escape were useless. This terrible girl seemed invincible. Exhausted, and gurgling for breath, Green Goddess began to lose consciousness, her magnificent, sumptuous body no longer offering the least resistance.


End of Part 2.

 Go on to Part 3. Conclusion,