Divine Folly By GW The goddess Valiancia assumes mortal form, to battle the evil witch-queen, Syllyth. Disclaimer: This story contains violence, rape, (both f/f and m/f anal) death, cannibalism and sundry other perversions. It is definitely not for young people, the faint of heart, or those easily offended. It should definitely not be read by minors, but only by mature adults. It was a time ere history was yet written, and we know of it only in scraps of folklore and legend. In her empyrean abode, the counsels of Valiancia, mighty Goddess of the Sun and Patroness of the Land of Carvexus, were troubled. A cult of evil witches had spread through the land, perverting some of her followers, killing and enslaving others. This dark coven was led by Syllyth, an evil, mortal queen. In her youth Syllyth had vied for a place in the host of Valiancia's own vestal warriors, but the wise, old Chief Priestess had seen into Syllyth's heart and sent her away. In her place, she chose Regina, a simple, peasant maiden, whose pure heart was devoted to Valiancia. Syllyth married a petty king of the western country. After several tumultuous years of marriage, the devious Syllyth poisoned her husband and ruled the kingdom in his stead. Once turned toward evil, she followed that path ever downward. She sought the aid of the demon realm to extend her power and holdings, thus falling ever deeper under the sway of dark forces. The darker grew her heart and the greater her power, the more she came to be physically like her allies. She even spawned a brood of their seed, sired by the evil prince of the nether regions. Though Syllyth's power grew enormously, Valiancia's faithful followers, spearheaded by her vestal warriors, held the dark forces at bay, and oft forced them far back behind their own boarders. Much of this success was due to Regina, who now captained them in battle. The brave and virtuous Regina had risen swiftly in the vestal ranks by dint of her warrior skills and the purity of her heart, until at the death of the old Chief Priestess, she came to fill that office. Her fighting skills and dauntless courage had become proverbial in the land. Yet now disaster had struck, for Regina was captured by the enemy. She personally led a reconnaissance sortie, by night, into the heart of the dark territory. An informer, of evil heart, betrayed her. Her three companions were killed, and Regina taken, a bound prisoner to Syllyth's court. Jealous Syllyth still hated and resented the beautiful maiden, who had been selected priestess in her place. The dark queen announced she would sacrifice Regina to her demon patrons at the Circle of Slosen, on the next day, as night drew nigh. The ancient stone circle was on the edge of Syllyth's territory and open to attack. Yet Syllyth knew Valiancia's forces were demoralized by the loss of their intrepid leader, and were not likely to attack, even to save their beloved Regina. Little did she know, a far greater leader would come against her. "It is time to take up arms in my own cause and free my faithful Regina, who is so dear to my heart!" Valiancia announced to the assembled pantheon of under gods and godlings, assembled in her court. "I shall go among my people in mortal form and lead them to battle myself!" The other deities frowned and whispered among themselves, for one of the White Pantheon only took this momentous step, at the greatest need and provocation. In human form, even a deity could be wounded or maimed, or even fall under the dominion of the Dark Forces. All counseled against this dangerous course, though many volunteered to follow her to the mortal plane. "I have consulted the divine oracles, but there is no clearly foreseen outcome for this crisis. Divers paths lead from this cusp. I have no choice but to go!" Valiancia answered them. Yet the Queen of the Heavens refused leave to any of the minor deities, to expose themselves to such dangers, in her cause. For herself, she would not heed danger, when her people needed her. Too, she was serenely confident, as only a goddess can be, that even in mortal body, no might could prevail against her. Valiancia's transformation took place in her chief temple. It was morning, of the day Regina was to be sacrificed. Gathered round Valiancia's marble statue, the company of warrior maidens, was at worship, singing hymns of praise, and supplication, to their goddess. Suddenly there came a blinding flash of light. When their eyes cleared, instead of the cold marble, they saw on the pedestal, a beautiful, living woman, of regal form and figure. The mature, calm wisdom of her dark blue eyes belied her girlish visage. The pious priestesses fell to their knees in loving reverence, for this could be none but Valiancia herself. A head taller than most men, and broadly built in proportion at chest and hip, yet the startling slimness of a waist, cinched by taut sinuous muscle, conferred a delightful femininity to her supple figure. Long, reddish gold ringlets fell unbound to her broad, brawny shoulders, and curled around the youthfully upswept slopes of her snowy bosom, a bosom of a heroic dimension. Her simple, white hunting tunic left legs and arms free, revealing the mighty muscles, under petal smooth skin, that graced her long limbs. From her hip, hung a gold-hilted sword. "Arm yourselves!" The goddess cried. "I come, myself, to lead you to victory. We shall wipe out the abomination that stains my sacred land. I shall partake of the midday meal with you, and then we shall ride!" Valiancia roared in a voice like the peal of silvery bells. After the sacred feast, the goddess and her virgin warriors sped toward the west in chariots pulled by the sacred white steeds of Valiancia. As they approached the Glen of Goblins, the site of the Circle of Slosen, the lush green fields and pastures became sere and brown, although late summer was not yet gone. No birds sang, the only sounds heard, were the hoarse croaks of the carrion eating crows. The few animals were stunted and sickly, and the people furtive and frightened. Valiancia led the thundering procession of her chariot born warriors up to the circle of stone dolmans. The stone dolmans making up the circle were set too close together for the chariots to enter, and the warriors of light leaped to the ground and formed into battle groups. In the center of the circle, a ceremony was in progress. Regina lay bound on a bloodstained, black altar, while Syllyth's witch followers danced about her in mad abandon. It was a gage of their new arrogance, that they dared the gods by such a ceremony in the full light of day. The evil Syllyth, herself, stood over the beautiful, bound priestess. Her wild, hoar-white hair blew wildly in a cold wind that only blew within the stony circle. The warmth of the sun seemed unable to penetrate to this accursed spot. Syllyth's oddly slanted eyes were red, and they gleamed cruelly. Every few moments a reptilian, forked tongue shot from her twisted mouth. The blood-red tongue was huge. It was thick around as a cudgel and when a horse fly flew near, it shot out more than a foot and snapped it up. This terrible forked tongue was one of the symbols of her surrender to the dark forces. Her tall sinewy body was a grayish hue, hardly covered by a rough animal skin round her loins, and iron nipple guards on her high pointed dugs. Her large feet were shod in iron sandals. Syllyth clasped an iron knife in both hands, holding it high overhead, poised above Regina's bared bosom, primed to sacrifice the brave maiden to the dark powers. Sacrifice of so powerful and virtuous a foe would magnify her fell powers enormously. Valiancia's eyes blazed like the angry summer skies, before a storm. "Drive this carrion away!" She cried to her followers. "I will deal with this slut of hades, myself!" Although outnumbered, two to one, Valiancia's warrior maidens fiercely attacked the assembled coven of evil. The witches fell back in dismay before the fierce amazons of light. Though they now dared worship in the day, their powers were not so formidable as in darkness of night. The vestal warriors drove them from the fell circle and across the rock strewn ridges of the glen. When the fleeing demonesses reached the slope of the dread Mount of Doom, their captains found a natural defensive position. At the same time, the sun was hid by the shadow of the mountain. In the darkened gloom the witches' courage rekindled. They halted and drew up in line of battle. Led by the intrepid Valerie, Regina's deputy, Valiancia's fearless maidens sallied against them with joyous battle cries to their beloved goddess. Meanwhile Valiancia advanced on the evil Syllyth. "Release my priestess, you whore of darkness!" She commanded in a voice like a peal of silver bells. Syllyth's tongue flicked out and she croaked. "Come free her yourself, bitch goddess, if you can!" Before Valiancia could reach the hideous altar, Syllyth plunged her knife into Regina's bosom, ripping apart her rib cage as though it were fragile kindling. Syllyth bared her fangs in a hideous grin and swooping down, supped a long drink of the innocent maiden's life blood, as it spurted from her broken body. Even the divine serenity of the Valiancia's heart, was chilled by the horrifying spectacle. Thus fortified, Syllyth easily picked up in one hand, an immense iron club that two stout men could not have lifted. She brandished it, overhead, furiously screaming her defiance of the goddess. Valiancia drew her mighty sword. The two female warriors rushed at each other in hot-blooded, battle frenzy. Both struck at the same time. In normal circumstances, Valiancia's sword of light possessed infinitely the greater virtue, but in this accursed, bloodstained place of desecration, its powers were sorely diminished. When the two weapons clashed against each other in midair, they were both consumed in a blinding flash. Valiancia threw down the smoking hilt of her sword and grasped the long, sinewy neck of the witch chieftainess. Yet, this fell place diminished the superhuman strength of the goddess, while Syllyth, newly fortified by the blood of her innocent victim, possessed the force of a demon. She gripped Valiancia's wrists in her claw like hands and forced the strong hands from her throat. Valiancia pulled her wrists free with more difficulty then she anticipated. Bolder now, the witch woman attacked the beautiful goddess. Her gnarled, yellow talons raked Valiancia's arms in bloody furrows, and she drove her bony knee between her legs. Valiancia fell back before Syllyth's fury, stunned by the seldom felt pain. Syllyth threw herself on Valiancia. She clawed at her bosom, tearing her tunic, and half-baring one huge opulent breast. Yellow claws ripped a string of bloody furrows in the rich, ivory flesh. The startled goddess cried out at the searing pain. Furious at such impiety, she retaliated with a back handed slap across the witch's face. The force of the blow sent the evil witch woman staggering. Valiancia's next blow, a close-handed punch knocked Syllyth down hard on her bony behind. The witch sat there, stunned, shaking her head to clear it Valiancia strode past the fallen witch, in her concern for her beloved acolyte, Regina. She leaned down, and blessed her dying follower. Syllyth leaped to her feet behind her. From her animal skin girdle she drew a small, hand mace. She hurled it, with deadly accuracy a t the back of the near naked, blond goddess. The weapon struck Valiancia with deadly force in the small of her back, just above her hard, boldly curved buttocks. Valiancia gasped in pain, She turned to face Syllyth, hands pressed to her back to ease the unexpected pain. The witch was charging at her, head bent like a goat. The intense pain in her kidneys, made it impossible to stiffen the rugged muscles of her sculpted belly, and the witch's iron-crowned head drove deep into Valiancia's belly. She doubled over in distress. Syllyth's demon lovers had instructed her in the fighting arts of the East, and her fists flashed with deadly skill, snapping Valiancia's head back and forth. So fierce was Syllyth's attack, that she actually knocked the dumbfounded goddess to the ground. Valiancia rolled rapidly and came quickly to her feet, shaking her glorious mane of golden red hair to clear her head. Quick as a hyena, Syllyth seized Valiancia's outstretched right arm, stuck her foot between Valiancia's ankles and flipped the larger warrior onto her back. Valiancia landed with a bone jarring thud. In spite of her heroic size, the goddess was agile as a young lioness, and she gracefully sprang to her feet. She found Syllyth waiting for her, though. Syllyth seized Valiancia;s hair and jerked her face into range of a series of rapid face punches The attack snapped Valiancia's head backward. Yet the witch's less brawny arms, had not the power to seriously hurt a goddess. Valiancia grabbed the witch woman's wrists and sent her flying with a two-handed toss. Syllyth quickly bounced to her feet and danced around Valiancia slapping and kicking at her provocatively, then dancing away, ere the bigger woman could retaliate. When the impious witch managed to kick a big, hard buttock, it so angered Valiancia, that she rushed wildly at her foe. At the last moment, Syllyth leaned to one side and tripped the oncoming goddess. Valiancia staggered erratically to maintain her balance. Just as she steadied herself, Syllyth crashed feet first into her back, in a flying drop kick. The tall goddess was slammed down hard on her belly, painfully scraping her scantily clad belly and huge, round breasts. Syllyth landed lightly on her shoulders, with the skill of a trained tumbler, then, in one continuous motion, sprang to her feet like a bouncing ball. Before Valiancia could do more than climb to her hands and knees, Syllyth seized her long strawberry curls, exposing her neck, and methodically rained rabbit punches down on the goddess's neck. Valiancia shook off the stunning blows and powered herself erect. Syllyth tried to jerk her head down into an up thrusting knee, but Valiancia's amazingly powerful back and neck muscles easily resisted the pressure. Then she locked her arms around the smaller witch woman. A look of fear passed across Syllyth's feral features and she slipped to her knees, before Valiancia could secure her. As Syllyth rolled away, Valiancia followed quickly, but not before Syllyth scrambled to her feet. Warily, they faced each other. Valiancia's serenely beautiful face was beginning to show the strain of the battle and grief for the loss of Regina. As Valiancia stalked her, Syllyth backed away, until she passed the line of dolmans. She continued to retreat backward, up the steep slope beyond. The witch climbed backward with the agility of a mountain goat. Valiancia followed warily, until Syllyth suddenly leaped from her higher vantage. She crashed into Valiancia, bowling her over. They rolled down the hill locked together in mortal embrace. Syllyth's sharp claws dug at Valiancia's body, though they did not half so much damage, as the sharp rocks did to both of them. Valiancia and Syllyth came to a rest in a tangle at the bottom of the slope, almost where they had started. Valiancia raged at the indignities inflicted by the renegade mortal, thirsting to dispense divine vengeance against the vicious witch who had dared such affronts to her divinity. With an angry shriek, the goddess threw herself at the slighter form of the witch. Valiancia's momentum bowled Syllyth over, and pinned the fell witch beneath her heavier body. "Now you shall pay for your evil perversions!" Valiancia thundered in the doom filled voice of judgement. Valiancia smote the witch repeatedly in the face with righteous power, until Syllyth verged on unconsciousness. She tardily realized her strength was as yet no match for the goddess incarnate. With the last of her waning strength, Syllyth grabbed two handfuls of long, red-gold hair. Just then, a darkening cloud covered the sun. The shadow augmented Syllyth's power as it reduced that of Valiancia. As Valiancia struggled to break free of Syllyth's odious grip, the witch sank yellow fangs into an opulent breast. Her beast-like bite drew divine blood. Syllyth sucked the blood greedily; it was infinitely more fortifying than that of the unfortunate Regina. Valiancia found the witch's saliva dripping fangs exuded a poison, that fatal to mortals, even caused Valiancia a wave of giddiness. The poison burned like strong acid in the bite wound and Valiancia cried out at the burning pain. Valiancia threw the witch from her, and sat up, her hand clasped to her bleeding bosom. The perverted witch swallowed the last drop of divine blood, and felt the new strength course though her body. She struck the goddess in the face, knocking her on her back. The wound in Valiancia's breast throbbed as though a dagger still pierced her bosom, and blood still dripped from the wound. Sight of the seeping blood kindled a greed in Syllyth's intestines. She threw herself on Valiancia, and lapped up the blood with her long obscene tongue. The divine ichor strengthened Syllyth, as its loss correspondingly weakened Valiancia. As she licked up the last of Valiancia's blood, Syllyth was, momentarily at least, perched on the goddess's broad chest and magnificent round boobies. From her vantage, she punched Valiancia's face with hard brutal fists. The first blows stunned Valiancia, and it took several moments to gather her strength and hurl the witch woman from her body. As before, Syllyth was slightly quicker to her feet, than her larger foe. Valiancia was still off balance, and light-headed from the loss of blood, when Syllyth seized her neck in a tight grip. Her strong, bony fingers found and squeezed sensitive pressure points, causing a vicious spasm of pain. Then, with a quick supple toss, she hurled Valiancia off her feet. Valiancia struck the hard stony ground face first, bruising her mammoth, vulnerable bosom once again. She rolled on her back, nearly breathless, to see Syllyth standing above her holding a huge rock high overhead. It was a rock to strain a heavy siege engine, yet the witch hefted it with ease. Valiancia had time to do no more than tense her formidable belly muscles, before Syllyth flung the rock. The missile smashed into Valiancia's stomach. The breath whooshed from her lungs. A sickening, heart stopping numbness spread through her middle. Syllyth pushed the stone off Valiancia's body with her foot, and hauled the stunned goddess to her feet. Still in a daze, Valiancia couldn't protect herself, when Syllyth stooped, and jerked her ankles out from under her. Her huge body crashed onto the rock strewn ground with another brutal impact. Syllyth forced the goddess to her feet again. Valiancia desperately swung her arm, and caught Syllyth across the face, sending the smaller woman sprawling. Yet Syllyth was scarcely hurt. She leaped up and rushed to attack. Valiancia gave ground slowly, stalling until she could recover her bearings. Syllyth gave the stricken goddess no respite, though. Valiancia found it difficult to raise her strong white arms to fend off Syllyth's remorseless punches. Syllyth's hard fists smashed them aside with impunity. Fists crashed into Valiancia's enormous bosom, bouncing the enticing orbs around Valiancia's chest, sending excruciating pain through her shapely body. Valiancia gasped painfully at each blow. Her shapely, massively muscled legs trembled in her efforts to keep her feet. At last, in desperation, Valiancia threw herself at Syllyth. In her giddiness, the goddess misjudged the angle. Instead of hitting the smaller, witch-woman squarely, she only caught Syllyth with her outstretched arm. The blow did knock Syllyth over, but as she fell, she scrambled to one side. When Valiancia crashed down beside Syllyth, her momentum vastly augmented the force of impact. The jolting fall left Valiancia more lightheaded than before. She threw her mighty arm across Syllyth's chest as she fell, hoping to pin her to the earth. Instead, the wily witch gripped her arm in two vulnerable spots, and viciously twisted. As Syllyth shoved the goddess's captive arm between her shoulder blades, in a painful hammerlock, she spun about and leaped astride Valiancia's back. Valiancia groaned at the fierce pain in her shoulder, but it cleared her senses, a little. She struggled wildly to free herself. Her divine strength was too much for Syllyth, who soon lost control. Feeling her grip slipping, Syllyth leaped to her feet. She waited for Valiancia to rise to her knees, and then struck her on the jaw with a two-handed blow, sending Valiancia rolling across the rocky ground. Coming to rest on her back, Valiancia sat up, briefly, before Syllyth's iron shod sandal crashed into her jaw, flattening her once again. Syllyth was tiring too, though and stood over the fallen goddess panting. The respite was enough for Valiancia to struggle to her feet. Syllyth immediately kneed her in the crotch. Valiancia doubled over, clasping her injury, exposing her face to a flurry of punches, that dropped her to her knees. She raised her arms protectively over her face, but Syllyth's iron toe slammed into her crotch again, instead. A flash of intense pain momentarily blotted out everything else from Valiancia's mind, but then she valiantly struggled to her feet, still clutching her pubic mound to ease the throbbing pain. Tottering on unsteady legs, it took all her fierce, divine will to steady her trembling limbs. Syllyth moved in, hoping for the kill, but Valiancia threw a lucky punch that blasted her jaw, and spun her in a half circle. Valiancia seized the witch from behind, locking her mighty arms together in a bearhug. Before Valiancia could gain the full advantage of her hold, Syllyth's sharp elbow lanced backward, into her aching belly. Then the limber- limbed witch lifted her arms, bent backward a trifle and grabbed Valiancia around the neck. Their bodies wove back and forth, until with an unexpected gyration, Syllyth escaped Valiancia's arms. By now, the epic battle had surged back to its starting place, in the center of the cursed amphitheater. As Syllyth, broke loose, her momentum flung her against the bloody altar where the dying Regina lay. Her hand sought and found the diabolic, barbed whip she'd hidden there in crafty reserve. Syllyth slashed the whip at the regal form of the goddess. The whip cracked across Valiancia's shoulder, and the razor-sharp barb left a stinging cut. The blow spun Valiancia sideways. Syllyth cracked the whip once more, with expert skill, laying the lash across Valiancia's back, ripping her tunic to shreds, and leaving a long painful whip burn. The impact sent Valiancia stumbling to her knees, and brought an involuntary scream of pain to her ripe lips. Syllyth took a half step closer and with a powerful flick of her arm wrapped the whip around Valiancia's body, binding one arm to her side. The barb sank into divine, ivory flesh again, and Valiancia cried aloud once more. With her free hand, though, she clutched the whip, and standing, threw her body away from the demoness. Her momentum tore the whip from Syllyth's hand, but by unlucky chance, her foot caught upon a gnarled root and she pitched to the ground Although she had captured the whip, Valiancia lay on the ground still tangled in it, her back and torso defiled by stinging welts. Syllyth quickly recovered from her surprise, and viciously kicked her downed foe. Syllyth's iron shod sandals drove into Valiancia's side and belly, and then sent a powerful kick into one of Valiancia's near naked breasts. The goddess cried out as the sharp point tore at her nipple. She rolled away, finally freeing her arm from the entangling whip. Syllyth followed remorselessly kicking Valiancia, at will. At last, Valiancia desperately managed to regain her feet. As she did, Syllyth's fist crashed into her chin, and knocked her sprawling, again. Looking down at Valiancia's still recumbent form, Syllyth saw a shadow of doubt dim the dark blue eyes. "Now bitch goddess, we are on more equal terms!" Syllyth crowed triumphantly, as she leaned over and tore at Valiancia's tunic. It was already in shreds, and her strong claws ripped the garment entirely off. Once she had impiously stripped the goddess naked, she savagely tore at Valiancia's plump, golden fleeced pubic mound. Gripping the divine genitalia in her sharp talons, she jerked upward, lifting Valiancia 's buttocks right off the ground. As she let her drop again, the goddess's scream of pain echoed through the fell amphitheater. Syllyth, next, knee-dropped with all her weight, into Valiancia's defenseless belly. Despite the continuing resistance of her powerful belly muscles, the goddess gasped and choked in pained distress, as Syllyth's knees drove the breath from her body. The bony knees crushing her abdomen made breathing doubly difficult, and she couldn't get her breath again. Valiancia's marvelous, golden legs kicked desperately, and her solidly rounded hips thrashed violently, as she vainly sought to dislodge the witch. Syllyth skillfully rode down her struggles, though, and drove her fists into Valiancia's face. Her stony fists almost closed one eye and mashed the ripe, pink lips, like berries in a mortar. Valiancia grabbed Syllyth's wrists, but she could only grasp them briefly, for the witch tore them free with ease. In retaliation, Syllyth grabbed Valiancia's enormous, upswept breasts, one in each claw. She squeezed and twisted, rolling the divine melons all round Valiancia's broad, muscular chest. She pinched the long thick spikes between the nails of thumb and forefinger, until the goddess cursed her hoarsely in choked sobs. In her arrogance, Syllyth grew careless, and, spurred on by pain, Valiancia managed to bridge up and spill the carelessly perched witch from her body. Giddy with pain, Valiancia, yet scrambled to her feet with great haste. Syllyth came to her feet with equal speed and agility. Facing the goddess, Syllyth discerned the look of confusion in the wide blue eyes and launched a fierce onslaught with her fists. A hard left hit Valiancia's cheek and twisted her head half around. A right cross landed on the side of her jaw, spinning her body half around the other way. Syllyth seized the goddess's limp arm and spun her the rest of the way. She pounded her fist into Valiancia's back, still tender from the cowardly blow of the mace, earlier. Sharp pain lanced through Valiancia's kidneys, leaving her gasping. She involuntarily jack-knifed backward, vainly seeking to ease the pain. Syllyth stooped and eased her own shoulders under Valiancia's back, then wrapped one arm around Valiancia's strong neck and the other around a marvelously rounded, white thigh. Before Valiancia knew it, Syllyth lifted her off the ground. Valiancia's brain reeled, as Syllyth spun her huge body in a circle. She wailed, when Syllyth slammed her face first to the rocky ground. The crash flattened her huge breasts, the glory of the heavens, and her flat, sculpted belly, against the rock with a meaty thud. Syllyth, dazed and winded herself, from the exertion of lifting, spinning and hurling the weighty form of the goddess, paused a moment to rest. Realization of her dire danger, at Syllyth's hand, infused Valiancia with the will to clamber awkwardly to her feet. With a sob of rage, she lunged at the witch who was rapidly tiring herself. Their bodies locked together, breast to breast, and belly to belly. Syllyth's sharp pointed iron nipple plates bored into the larger firmer bosom of the goddess. This new pain was slight compared to the other indignities Syllyth had inflicted, and Valiancia disregarded it. Their hands locked together in a fierce contest for dominance, a supreme test of strength and will. The divine warrior was larger and more powerfully built, by far, but weakened by injury. The witch, though she had inflicted greater damage, was smaller and a mortal, fast tiring herself. Yet, she had augmented her normally great strength and endurance, by sipping the blood of the goddess. No soothsayer would dare call the outcome of this encounter yet. The goddess and the half-demoness strained, one against the other, glued together as they lurched about the amphitheater. The muscles of both contestants were taut and clearly delineated by their exertion. Valiancia, was, by far, the more massively built, though her impressive brawn was so smoothly and artfully curved, as to accord a delightfully feminine mien to her mighty figure. Syllyth's muscles were stringy and rope-like, imparting an ungainly, apelike aspect, but perhaps no less strong, for that. The two incredibly powerful bodies swayed, from side to side, and back and forth. Their heads were wet with perspiration, even in the cool damp air. Finally, by the bloodstained altar, the mighty struggle came to a halt. The final test had come. Locked together for long moments, they hardly moved, as though statues, so evenly matched were they. Then it was, that Valiancia's mighty form, almost imperceptively, bowed at the waist. At the same time, her fingers bent in Syllyth's grip. Once she yielded that hairbreadth of advantage, Valiancia found it impossible to regain it, or reverse the course of the struggle. The goddess groaned in frustration, as Syllyth irresistibly overwhelmed her. Her hands were now powerlessly trapped in Syllyth's grip. Her rippling back arched, and Syllyth relentlessly forced her to one knee. Valiancia still resisted mightily, but Syllyth forced her down on her back, and straddled her supine body. Once more, the goddess of victory writhed powerlessly beneath the evil witch. Syllyth wrapped her sinewy legs around the rounder, fuller, more shapely thighs of the goddess immobilizing them, then slid forward and tightened them about Valiancia's waist, like a pair of deadly pythons. She pressed Valiancia's hands to the ground, trapping them helplessly. She constricted the slim, vibrant middle of the goddess, until Valiancia grew faint. Still Valiancia valiantly strained against the witch, even as the clutching, dusky thighs crushed the last gasp of breath from her tortured lungs. Finally, her marvelous form spasmed convulsively, and went limp, as Syllyth drained the last of her divine vigor. Still conscious, but near helpless, Valiancia trembled and quivered in the after shock of defeat. The mighty queen of the heavens lay vanquished in the dirt. Syllyth rose languidly from Valiancia's still body. She searched about, finally finding and retrieving the whip, that Valiancia had earlier torn from her grasp. Finding herself unrestrained for the moment, Valiancia desperately clambered to her hands and knees. The effort caused untold agony, and she could rise no further. Dismayed by the terrible threat of defeat, she vainly tried to scuttle to safety. Syllyth took a deep breath, and ran after. Gaining a running start, she kicked with all her might. Her iron shod sandal slammed into the center of Valiancia's massive bottom cheeks, sending the goddess flying forward on her face. Her aching breasts and belly again absorbed cruel punishment. Before Valiancia could rise again, Syllyth knee-dropped unto the small of her back. In spite of her distress, the goddess still struggled to throw her off, kicking wildly and tying to get her hands and knees under her. Syllyth brutally slammed the butt of the whip across Valiancia's neck, again and again, until she stilled the goddess's desperate struggles. Though her long, muscular legs kicked feebly, there was little strength left in her great golden body, and Valiancia lay helplessly groveling in the dirt, beneath her hideous foe. Syllyth doubled the whip twice. Kneeling sideways on Valiancia's back, she slashed at the hard round, golden-hued buttocks of the goddess. Valiancia cried out in anguish, as each cut of the whip striped her vulnerable behind, with angry red welts. Spurred on by the helpless cries, Syllyth increased the tempo and power of her blows. By the time Syllyth had beaten each hard, boldly curved cheek, raw, Valiancia was howling without restraint. Her long, shapely legs struggled no longer, but lay twitching at the pain of each new blow. At last, her arm grown weary, Syllyth ceased the cruel beating, and with a sigh of satisfaction, let her whip fall to the ground. It had served her evil purpose well. She rose from the prostrate body of the divine protectress of the hapless land, and prodded her weeping figure with her toe. Instinctively, Valiancia recoiled form Syllyth's touch, as though from a kick. In terror now, of her dire danger at Syllyth's hand, Valiancia rolled away. Her effort cost her agonies, as every movement burned her blistered bottom with searing pain. Syllyth looked down at the whimpering goddess smugly, pleased by her triumph. Yet was she done? Not yet! She used Valiancia's huge boobs as handles, to haul the enfeebled goddess to her feet. Valiancia's bruised face was wet with tears, but she resolutely wiped her eyes, and faced Syllyth. The shame of being helplessly whipped on the behind, like a slave or unruly child, was mirrored in her tear-stained eyes, but, though she swayed drunkenly, she raised her weary arms, as though to continue the struggle. Syllyth laughed derisively, and easily brushed Valiancia's trembling arms aside. She ruthlessly drove her fist into Valiancia's belly. Her fist sank deep into the ridged muscles, now limp as jelly. Valiancia grasped her belly, her wide red mouth agape, stricken dumb by agony. Syllyth pounded Valiancia's huge breasts, crushing them against her wide rib cage. She bounced Valiancia's enormous breasts about her broad chest, as though they were divine fruit, shaken by the harsh winds of hades. Unable to resist the fierce witch woman, she tried to back away, but her mighty legs quivered and trembled so, she almost collapsed, instead. She could do ought, but stand dumbly absorbing the fearful cruelty. She tried to shield her breasts and belly with her arms, but Syllyth drove her right fist directly into her divine pussy. Valiancia's great golden form folded over, until her face brushed her thighs. Her knees knocked together, then gave out. She continued to fold over, until she was crouched almost in a ball, at Syllyth's feet. Now Syllyth pondered her next move. She was confident she had beaten the proud goddess into total physical helplessness. It was time to complete her conquest. But how? Though physically beaten for the moment, Valiancia would soon regain her vitality even in mortal form, enough at least to retreat to the divine plane. Then fully recovered, Syllyth knew the goddess would come against her again, leading a heavenly host of warriors that would sweep her petty kingdom away, like chaff before the wind. >From a niche in the bloody altar, Syllyth took an iron slave collar, and speculatively considered it. She originally meant it for Regina's neck, before she decided to sacrifice the unfortunate warrior maiden to her dark patrons. Never before, would Syllyth have dared imagine locking such a tool upon the imperious, white neck of the queen of the heavens. No mortal had ever bound one of the divinities. No mortal had ever dared to think such sacrilege. Yet now in the delirium of her unforseen victory, the span of Syllyth's grandiose ambition had grown immeasurably. Syllyth arrogantly dared dream such power was within her grasp. Alone, of course, the collar had no power over the goddess, but Syllyth's demon patrons had taught her a mighty spell. It was a spell of such impious power that if used to lock this brutal collar around Valiancia's proud neck, it could bind even the goddess to this mortal plane, in servitude to Syllyth's will. Yet, no mortal force on earth, even the mightiest force of dark magic, could lock that collar, while Valiancia resisted the dark spell's power. Even after physical defeat and brutal beating, Valiancia's mighty intellect and indomitable will were still well-nigh indomitable. Only some mighty diversion might distract Valiancia long enough for the spell to do its evil work. What enormity within her power could provoke such a diversion? As she pondered her dilemma, Syllyth absently licked her thin, cruel lips with a flick of her monstrous, forked tongue. Her thoughtless action kindled an obscene notion in Syllyth's dark crafty intellect. She pronounced the mighty spell over the collar priming it, such that it would lock shut when the moment was come. At hearing the filthy, obscene sacrilege spoken aloud, Valiancia shuddered. As she gradually got her breath back, she moaned hopelessly and agonizingly at her desperate plight. Holding the collar, now charged with terrible power, in her left hand, Syllyth, once again picked up her cruel whip. Holding it in her right hand, she flicked it to full length. She glanced down at the crouching figure of the goddess, so formidable even in defeat, and smiled craftily. When Syllyth's last foul blow had felled her, Valiancia had tumbled face down. Her knees were still drawn up beneath her, though, so her heroically muscled buttocks were drawn up in full prominence. They burned fiery red, from the blasphemous, unmerciful beating Syllyth had administered. Once again, merciless Syllyth lashed the whip across Valiancia's bare back. At the third vicious stroke, Valiancia rolled on her side, mindlessly seeking to avoid the pain. Syllyth kicked the goddess in the bosom, knocking her on her back. Though shrieking from the pain of the lash, Valiancia weakly struggled to rise. Syllyth stamped on her heavy, rounded thigh, twisting it to one side. Now the golden sheathed, pubic mound and divine, tight-lipped pussy were fully bared to Syllyth's sneer. On her back, with Syllyth standing triumphantly between her trembling, splayed legs, Valiancia tried to push herself away. Before she scrabbled back more than a few inches, Syllyth dove between her wide spread legs. She pressed her knees down on Valiancia's thighs, just above the dimpled knees, pinning her legs in place. Like a vulture feeding, Syllyth's head swooped down. Arrogantly displaying her mastery over the goddess, she kissed, as though by right, Valiancia's pouting, pink, pussy lips, enshrouded in downy, golden fuzz. At this frightful violation of her divine person, Valiancia tried to sit up, in one last desperate attempt to free herself from such impious intimacy. As she did, Syllyth smashed the top of her iron-crowned head against Valiancia's chin, knocking her back down. Half stunned, Valiancia lay helplessly spread-eagled, at Syllyth's mercy. Syllyth extended her tongue, to its full monstrous extent. It was thick and long as the forearm of a village smith. Two sharp forks eagerly sought Valiancia's virginal pussy, prying the tight lips apart, and wriggling past them. Valiancia shrieked hysterically at this blasphemous invasion. At first, Syllyth's obscenely thick tongue was much too large to enter the tight, virginal channel beyond the parted labia. Then the powerful muscles at her tongue's root cudgeled it inside, inch by agonizing inch. Syllyth's acid coated tongue burned Valiancia's tender innards like the fires of hades. Valiancia writhed helplessly, unable to extricate herself, no matter how desperately she thrashed about. Inexorably, the gigantic, demon tongue seemed to fill half her body with its pain. Half maddened by the terrible fiery pain, an anguished wail escaped Valiancia's lips."Take it out! Take it out! Oh, you horrible bitch, take it out! Ooohhhh it hurts so! Take it ouuut!" Though Syllyth rejoiced in inflicting such pain on the imperious goddess, pain was, not for the moment at least, her primary end. When she had driven the full span of her abhorrent tongue into Valiancia's body, Syllyth reached up and seized an arrogant, divine boobie, with her free hand. She took great care to hold safe in her other hand, the iron collar so critical to her plans. Valiancia's white flesh trembled at Syllyth's touch, and when the witch palmed her pink nipple, the bold spike stiffened in alarm. As Syllyth roughly manipulated the sacred bosom, she worked her tongue in Valiancia's tight vagina, with a practiced Sapphic art. Through the horrific pain, the unfortunate goddess felt the skillful manipulation, and despite her imperious will was strangely distressed by it. To her mortification and alarm, the divine maiden's mortal passions succumbed. Though she fought it with her entire being, she inevitably fell victim to violent, enforced orgasm. The terrible demon violation of her most intimate of sanctuaries, absorbed all the energies and power of Valiancia's mind and heart. It was at this moment she was most vulnerable, the moment Syllyth had sought. Just as her mortal body betrayed her, Syllyth clapped the iron ring round Valiancia's white throat. At first touch of the cold iron, Valiancia divined Syllyth's terrible intent. She strained to resist. Too late! The collar snapped shut, and Valiancia felt her will dissolve before the power of the demon curse. The goddess of light and victory shuddered convulsively, and shrieked in an agony of terror and revulsion. "NOOOOOOaaaaaaaa!" Her purpose accomplished, Syllyth withdrew her terrible tongue from Valiancia's violated form. It came free with a loud, obscene sucking sound. The shrieks of the tormented, warrior goddess grew hysterically shrill, as she comprehended her frightful servitude to the vile, mortal witch-woman. It was some minutes before Valiancia's horrified shrieks died to sobbing whimpers of defeat. "Get up you stupid, filthy slut!" Syllyth ordered contemptuously. Valiancia found herself compelled, by the collar, to obey the command of her new demon mistress. The enslaved goddess dragged herself to her feet, every movement causing untold agony to the weeping beauty. Now that she had triumphed, Syllyth gave thought to her followers besieged by Valiancia's intrepid warrior maids. Fastening a rope round Valiancia's collared neck, Syllyth tied the other end to Valiancia's own battle chariot. Then mounting up into the chariot herself, she lashed the horses to a gallop. Used to the gentle restraint of their heavenly mistress, the stalwart steeds whinnied in fright, at the savage whip at their backs, and fled in terror before Syllyth's cruelty. Their mistress, herself, fully shared their terror. The rope near strangled Valiancia, as its pressure forced her to run at more than human speed, on legs already lamed by agonizing cramps. Her lungs were soon on fire for lack of air. Her delicate sandals, meant for soft meadows of the divine plane, offered little protection from this harsh, rocky ground, and her feet were soon bruised and bloody. What normally would have been a delightful, pre-meal run for the athletic goddess, now became a marathon of seemingly endless pain, for the enslaved Valiancia. Finally they arrived at the battle site. The valiant followers of Valiancia were near victory, though outnumbered by more than two to one. Now, the sight of their revered goddess, a naked prisoner, abjectly bound to her own chariot, tore the spirit from their breasts. A loud moan of despair arose from their line. At the same time, the demon coven raised a great cheer, and surged forward, engulfing the slim line of warrior maidens. Their battle line broken, and disheartened by the defeat of their goddess, most threw down their weapons in sad surrender. Those who fought on were soon slaughtered. Before darkness fell on the field, the last survivor of Valiancia's bold band, was a bound prisoner. Syllyth ordered her own followers to gather up the bodies of the slain warrior maidens, while first forcing Valiancia's followers to bury the fallen witches, where they lay. The bodies of Valiancia's slain priestesses were disemboweled, and carried on poles slung between the shoulders of pairs, of their enslaved sisters. It was night when the procession reached Syllyth's gloomy hall. A great victory fire was lit in the center of the hall. The captive maidens were tied around the room, their garb stripped from their lithe bodies. Most were suspended by their hair from hooks in the walls, to hang in cramped agony, while they watched in despairing horror, as the witches roasted the bodies of their slain comrades over the great fire, in a victory feast for the witches. The grieving captives were molested, tortured and subjected to many forms of indignity, only making worse, their sick revulsion, at seeing the fate of their fallen sisters. Valiancia's grief and suffering were the worst of all, knowing it was her awful failure that brought her loyal followers to this horrifying end. As the feast began, Syllyth was joined by her two devil children, an undersized male called Smael, and his slightly younger sister, Impina. Though past their adolescence, they were still scrawny and half grown, for they were suckled on the watery, acid milk of their witch mother and raised by that indifferent parent, who, though sometimes amused by their sadistic antics, thought little of their welfare. Though of no greater stature than his sister, the male Smael possessed a massive penis between his hairy legs, easily double in girth and length, even to his mother's obscene tongue. To underscore her newly won mastery over the goddess, and degrade her even further, Syllyth ordered Valiancia, herself, to carve the bodies of the loyal maidens who had sacrificed their lives in her cause, and serve the choicest cuts to her, and her devilish offspring. Sobbing in bitter grief, Valiancia had no choice but obedience. While they ate, Syllyth called out, in command to her new slave. "Amuse us! Dance for us!" Reluctant, but robbed of choice, Valiancia obediently rose and began to dance. Even though a slave in mortal form, divine vitality had healed her wounds and bruises already. In her nudity, her beauty glowed sublimely. In cruel servitude, Valiancia yet danced with divine grace. Syllyth had no regard or liking for this artistry, and shouted. "Shake your tits for us, goddess-slut!" Forced by the demon collar to comply, Valiancia postured and gyrated her noble breasts in obscene fashion, beginning, indeed, to value herself no better than some diseased whore of the street. Valiancia danced until Syllyth, and her get, sated their gross appetites. Then, Syllyth threw Valiancia a scrap of human flesh, and commanded her to eat it. Valiancia strove mightily to resist this cruelest of all commands, but her will was no longer her own Inescapably, in thrall to Syllyth's will, Valiancia raised the foul meat to her lips, and popped it in her mouth. She gagged and choked, but dutifully chewed and swallowed it. Horribly, she felt the eyes of her beloved maidens turn away in disgust and contempt. Even faithful Valerie turned from her. When she finally swallowed the loathsome morsel, Valiancia slumped down in the center of the hall, and hid her face in shame. Her ordeal was just beginning though. Syllyth spoke to her demon whelps. "There is the Patron Goddess of our Land, the mighty queen of the heavens. She has come here to suckle you, as her own offspring." Syllyth laughed. "Go to her and help her, for she has grown faint, here in the splendor of our hall." The young demons, as vicious as their mother, eagerly rushed to the helpless Valiancia, and lifted her to her feet. Each supported her under one of her arms. Then, at a glance from their cruel mother, they darted their heads to Valiancia's proud bosom, the glory of the heavens and succor of the unfortunate. Each took a thick nipple in mouth and began to suck the virgin's milk. The taste of Valiancia's rich, sweet, life-giving milk was foreign to their taste, but Impina and her brother sucked it greedily, growing strong on it. When Valiancia, sometimes, of need, suckled some orphan, or widow's babe, there was warm, maternal pleasure, in the giving. Now, a slave here in this hellish place, forced to give suck by demon compulsion, there was no pleasure, but only pain and shame, in the horrible ordeal. It felt, as though, the young demons had opened wounds in her chest, and were sucking away her life force. The devilish pair increased Valiancia's distress, by fingering and probing her divine pussy, still tender from their mother's rude attack. Silent tears flowed from Valiancia's sky-blue eyes. In their greed, Smael and Impina would have gone on draining the divine mother forever, but, at last, Syllyth called out "Enough! Too much, and you will waste her away. I still have other plans for her, but you may play with her a little longer, for I am an indulgent mother." Reluctantly, the demon children took leave of Valiancia's pleasureful teats, and let the tall warrior maiden fall to her hands and knees. The ordeal had made her weak and lightheaded. Drinking the divine milk had caused each of Syllyth's whelps to grow noticeably. In the young Smael, it also caused a mighty erection of his young cock, which seemingly had doubled in size, even over its originally monstrous degree. Smael looked down at the enslaved goddess, helpless in her divine beauty, and grinned like a satyr. "May I, Mama?" He eagerly asked Syllyth. "You can, my dear, but not in her pussy. You may cool your hot staff in that other portal she has so nicely bared for your use." Unbelievingly, Valiancia heard this horrible sentence of unnatural abomination passed upon her. She looked over her shoulder in terror and saw that Smael's cock was grown to a great war spear, tipped by a ponderous head of iron. Smael knelt behind the defenseless, divine bond- servant. Valiancia flinched in panic, when Smael fondled her out thrust behind and probed the deep, tight crevice, between her solid, rubbery buttocks. Valiancia pawed the stone floor in terror, but she was helpless to defend herself. Smael, parted her rich-fruited, bottom cheeks, until he exposed her tiny bumhole. Then, without hesitating a second, he drove his whole body forward and rammed his enormous cock to the hilt, into the tiny passage. Valiancia screamed at the unwholesome desecration of her divine body. Meanwhile, Impina darted off, and returned with a stone milking bowl. As her brother ravaged Valiancia's virgin bottom, Impina sat cross legged at her head. Placing the bowl under Valiancia's dangling, mauled boobs, she squeezed and tormented them as she squirted divine milk into the bowl, as though milking a heavenly cow. When the bowl was full, the demon girl took it to her mother. "Here Mama! You must be thirsty after your great victory." Impina said ingratiatingly. "You are a delightful child Impina! How clever you are to think of me. I see great things for you!" Her mother prophesied, and she drank from the bowl. As s Syllyth finished supping from the bowl, Smael shot his huge load of demon seed into Valiancia's anus. Like the saliva of his mother, the demon fluid burned with the hottest fire of hades. Valiancia shrieked in hellish torment. Smael withdrew his mighty rod and capered about the crouching, shamed goddess in delight. Like any fond mother, Syllyth chuckled at the young demon's antics. "Bring me our divine milk cow, my children!" She commanded. Smael tugged at the sobbing Valiancia, and kicked her, when she didn't respond. His sister skipped over to join the fun. Between them, the young demons dragged the goddess Valiancia to their mother's throne. "Kneel slut!" Syllyth ordered. The beautiful, enslaved goddess slumped wearily to her knees, in front of the obscene witch woman. Her huge upright breasts quivered as she sobbed. Her long, red-gold hair fell enchantingly unbound over her broad shoulders, drooping now in defeat. Syllyth whipped off her loin cloth, exposing a huge hairy bush and big, thick labia. "Eat me! Filth sowy of a goddess!" Syllyth ordered. Weeping in broken-hearted shame, Valiancia tried to resist the degrading command, but again the terrible compulsion of the slave collar broke her resistance. Valiancia lowered her head and pressed her ripe mouth to Syllyth's pubic mound. She almost vomited in sick revulsion and shame. "Lick it! Suck it! That's what you're good for!" Syllyth chanted triumphantly. Unable to disobey the foul command, the cringing divine slave extended her pretty, pink tongue and explored the sopping wet cavity. Syllyth's genital excretions burned even more terribly then her saliva. Poor Valiancia kissed and sucked on the witch's privates, unable to pull away, no matter how the pain scalded her tongue and lips. Finally, Syllyth exploded in a passionate, sadistic ecstacy. Valiancia crumpled to the floor. It had grown late and the great fire died to embers. "It is time to go to our rest!" Syllyth commanded the witch coven. "For at dawn, we march against the lush lands to the east. We have nought to fear from the day, now that the goddess of light is our slut and plaything. We have destroyed the order of divine, warrior maidens who so vexed us in past days. None will dare oppose us, now that their scalps fly from our banners and their skulls adorn our lances." In her sad heart, Valiancia knew the doom Syllyth pronounced, to be true. Nothing now stood between Valiancia's beloved people and the wrath of Syllyth. Her own terrible failure, not only meant vile demeaning slavery for herself, but worse slavery and destruction for the peoples who had accepted her divine patronage and protection. So ended the first terrible day of mortality, for the goddess Valiancia, once queen of the heavens! The End.