Note: This story is the third and final segment of the saga of Green Goddess's encounter with the vicious escapee of the Netherworld. The first segment The Volcano begins at  The Volcano. Part 1.   and  the second Divine Wrath at  Divine Wrath. Part 1 .

WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, nudity and f/f and m/f rape. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by mature adults above the age of twenty-one.

The Dark Cavern. Part 1.
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Ultrairia, the Green Goddess.

Mistress of Nature and Immortal Guardian of Virtue and Right.
Defender of the Dark Gates against the foul creatures of the Netherworld.
Mentor and Patroness of Superheroines.

The tiny blonde girl looked down at Divine Ultrairia, with a triumphant, vengeful sneer. The Mighty Green Goddess, now incredibly the girl's defeated captive, was just awakening to the horror of mortifying, unnatural subjugation.

Green Goddess, a helpless defeated captive? How could it be true? What being could vanquish the immortal Goddess? Going to the aid of her two superheroine disciples, Marvel Girl and Amazon Glory, Green Goddess was attacked by the same evil being who defeated and bound them. Astoundingly, the creature, in the form of a beautiful, young woman, possessed superhuman martial skills as well as brutal strength, and disastrously defeated the ever victorious Goddess, herself.

As she woke, terrible images of defeat and humiliation flooded Ultrairia's mind. She felt the collar constricting her throat, proving the horrifying images were no idle nightmare from which she could awaken. Still woozy, she automatically tugged at the collar, but it didn't come loose, rather at each tug, it tightened a bit. Before she exerted all her divine strength to tear the collar asunder, a snickering voice broke in upon her disordered thoughts.

"Well, awake at last!"

At the sound of the voice, Ultrairia started, and came fully to her senses. Forgetting the collar for the moment, she glanced up to see the evil demoness, who had not just defeated her, but humbled and near broken her, standing triumphantly over her.

The fallen goddess gasped in apprehensive misery. "Wh-who...wh-what are you?"

"Don't you remember your devoted Nymph Chlorisinda?"

Chlorisinda! This incredibly powerful demoness gloatingly revealed herself to be the homicidal, half mad nymph, Chlorisinda. Banished by Ultrairia, to the Netherworld for murdering her sister nymph in a long past age, Chlorisinda thrived in that vile environment, and grew to be a demonic witch of incredible power. Finding her way back to the mortal world through an active volcano, she proved not only more powerful than two mighty superheroines, but more powerful than her former patroness, Ultrairia. As the goddess lay unconscious, Chlorisinda bound the defeated Divinity by sorcery, using Ultrairia's own charmed girdle as the instrument. Then to better fulfill her vow of vengeance, Chlorisinda carried the unconscious Goddess back to her lair, an evil dark cavern lit only by a few flickering torches.

"Ch-chlorisinda? B-but I banished Chlorisinda to the netherworld! can't be..." Ultrairia gasped, remembering the painful incident from so long ago, for the second time that day. Could THIS invincible being, who vanquished a goddess so resoundingly, be pathetic, crazed Chlorisinda? Yet as she looked up at the girls' face, Ultrairia now saw Chlorisinda's features, grown hard and cold with evil might, grinning wolfishly in eagerness for the vengeance she vowed so long ago. It was truly Chlorisinda!

Her captoress broke in upon Ultrairia's thoughts with a cruel laugh.

"Yes it is Little Chlorisinda, back from that hateful place you sent me, and as I showed you, my exile made me strong, even stronger than MY Goddess, long vaunted to be invincible! My ordeal was long and painful, and my vengeance will be longer and more painful! The Goddess cannot die, but I would not kill you if I could! That would be too merciful! Rather, I will tame you, and subject you to my bidding! I will BREAK your divine will and spirit! I will make you MY SLAVE, and I shall not be a kind mistress!"

"N-no-no...I am the goddess! I-I cannot be enslaved!" Ultrairia choked.

"Can't you though? We shall see, won't we? You already wear MY collar! It binds your Divine Powers to MY WILL! Take it off, IF you can!" Chlorisinda challenged, with a cruel sneer.

Certainly a Goddess could not be made to wear a collar against her will, even if bound by some noxious Netherworld spell! Yet, Chlorisinda's evil, confident laugh sent shivers down Ultrairia's back. Desperately, the Goddess clawed at the hateful collar, but though she was divinely, irresistibly powerful, the demonic sorcery binding the collar was more powerful, still. Ultrairia struggled with hysterical desperation, but her struggle was hopeless. The harder she strove to tear it loose, the tighter the collar squeezed, strangling her and burning her flesh with hellish fire. This couldn't...this mustn't BE!

Chlorisinda cackled with mad glee, as she watched the divinity's desperate, losing struggle, against the power of her foul witchcraft.

Half strangled, and burned by the collar, it wasn't long before Ultrairia's frantic struggles exhausted her weakened powers. Her hands fell away, and her shoulders slumped in defeat. She sank down, sniffling hopelessly, bound inescapably by evil sorcery.

"Y-you fiend! Curse you!" The Goddess wailed in dismay.

"You have already cursed me, and see what it has gotten you!" Chlorisinda laughed, in derision.

Chlorisinda paused a moment, letting the lesson sink in, then went on. "You MUST learn better manners! I am YOUR Mistress, NOW! I am your all-powerful, absolute owner! I will not tolerate your curses; I demand your slavish, instant obedience, AND I shall have it! I will teach you respect, more than respect, I will teach you to fawningly adore ME! The haughty Goddess shall be my cringing bitch-toy!"

"N-never!" Ultrairia stammered, angrily. "H-how dare you?"

Chlorisinda paused again, not replying to her captive's outburst, but her icy glare held Ultrairia's eyes in thrall.

Ultrairia defiantly returned that tyrannical stare. Until today, the all-powerful goddess never feared any creature, but... "She can't intimidate me! I'm NOT afraid of her! I'm NOT! I'm Ultrairia!" She told herself, but she gulped nervously. Ultrairia remembered those same icy eyes staring down into her own, while those tiny fists relentlessly pounded her senseless, and she shivered a little. For a Goddess, invincible through the long ages, that horrifying, mortifying beating was traumatic; its memory would haunt Ultrairia everlastingly. That memory, impossible to put from her mind, had robbed Ultrairia of the serene self-assurance of an all-powerful divinity.

Now, Ultrairia found confrontation with those dreaded eyes a near intolerable strain. Her tense limbs trembled visibly, her brow grew wet with perspiration and she swallowed a lump in her throat. Those terrible hypnotic eyes COMMANDED her homage and obedience. The silent struggle went on for what seemed an eternity, but was only a few moments.

"I'll never give in to HER!" Ultrairia resolved silently, clenching her fists, stiffening her spine, but those overpowering, hate filled eyes boring into her heart and mind, portended differently.

A moment later, with a tiny whimper of despair, Green Goddess's gaze dropped submissively to the floor, conceding another victory to her demonic foe.

NO! Green Goddess gulped back a sob, her shoulders slumping again in defeat. How COULD Chlorisinda's will be stronger than Ultrairia's own?  Was a goddess indeed falling under the evil nymph's cruel sway?

Victorious in the contest of wills, Chlorisinda's cruel glance went on to survey every inch of the  goddess's gloriously voluptuous, near naked form, more enticing than ever in melancholy defeat,
Chlorisinda's gaze finally lingered on Ultrairia's booted feet.

"Perhaps, it's those boots that make you bold! A slave should be barefoot! Those pretty green boots should be mine! Take them off, and give them to your Mistress!" Chlorisinda snapped with autocratic arrogance.

Voluntarily surrender her handsome green boots, the last vestiges of her proud raiment? That would be total capitulation, the final admission of subservient status to the vile murderess. Ultrairia indignantly refused the command, though her voice trembled in uncertain misery, and she sniffed back a tear. Uneasily, she avoided Chlorisinda's intimidating eye, and without noticing, she nervously fingered the hateful collar.

"You choose to be stubborn, eh? Well I shall teach you a lesson in humility! HERE, in my domain, you are no all-powerful goddess! You are only Chlorisinda's slave slut! You must jump to obey my wishes!"  Chlorisinda's voice crackled with anger, at Ultrairia's timid, halting refusal, but the slight smile on her lip suggested, she deliberately provoked the response, and was pleased by the opportunity it provided. Then, with a snort, she picked up an ugly black whip, conveniently laid in easy reach, beforehand.

"One of the souvenirs I brought from the Netherworld!" Chlorisinda snarled. "We use it on the miserable creatures held captive there! In this world, it will bite and tear even the divine flesh of a goddess!"

Never, in her immortal life, had any being dared raise a whip to Divine Ultrairia; but now, she was naked and helpless, a defeated, dishonored captive of a being, who had proved more powerful than a Goddess! A demoness who had brutally won the prerogative to chastise a Goddess, for disobedience! Ultrairia cringed and whimpered in dread. Chlorisinda's hellish whip would surely inflict fierce, fiery pain on her sumptuous white body, such pain as a goddess never knew. She looked up fearfully at the vengeful nymph, and protested in frightened whimpers, even while Chlorisinda promised she would soon BEG for her MERCY.

A Goddess beg mercy from this evil creature? Frightened as she was, Divine Ultrairia bridled at the unnatural thought! With a snuffle, she started to deny it, but Chlorisinda struck the first blow, cutting short her denial.

At the first lash, Ultrairia shrieked in agony, inflaming the vengeful nymph to strike even harder.

Robbed by defeat, and by the hellish collar, of Divine restraint and determination, Ultrairia was undone by the fierce pain; she screamed and sobbed hysterically. The frightened, agonized cries of the Mighty Goddess strengthened vengeful Chlorisinda's arm, and she slashed Ultrairia's divinely beautiful, white body, with all her demonic hatred.

Tears rolled down Ultrairia's beautiful face, as the vicious whip flayed her creamy flesh, inflicting fierce, searing pain. She twisted and contorted in agony, trying to avoid the demonic whip, but Chlorisinda wielded the fiendish weapon with expert accuracy. There was no escaping it.

Chlorisinda swiftly covered every portion of Ultrairia's exquisite, celestially beautiful form, with cruel, ugly welts, that still burned fiercely, long after the whip inflicted them. Marring such beauty was sacrilege, but the evil, perverted nymph clearly gloried in desecrating the incomparable beauty of her once beloved divine patroness; that beauty that had intoxicated her with its perfection; that beauty that led her to the dark path she now followed.

Divine Ultrairia came close to breaking, as the raging, burning pain flooded every portion of her abused body.

As the brutal whipping went on, her pain grew greater than even the indomitable Green Goddess could bear.

As Chlorisinda predicted, it wasn't long until Ultrairia, broken by the frightful, fiery lashes of the terrible whip, humbly pleaded for mercy.

That wasn't enough! Chlorisinda laughed at Ultrairia's pathetic, broken pleas, and continued to whip her divine captive.

Cowering in agony and terror, curled up fetally, vainly trying to shield her large, magnificent body from the vicious lash, Ultrairia shrieked piteously for mercy.

Ignoring the goddess's howled pleas for mercy, the vengeful Chlorisinda continued to lash her former patroness, until Ultrairia pawed desperately at the evil nymph's foot in supplication, whining and sobbing for mercy. Chlorisinda paused a moment.

Ultrairia understood! Nothing short of total submission to the evil nymph would halt the agonizing lashing. All her divine pride and dignity forsaken in her frightful distress, Divine Ultrairia sobbed the hateful words of submission Chlorisinda waited for.

Chlorisinda looked down at her hapless captive, once her adored goddess, now her cringing degraded slave. She threw back her head and roared with laughter.

"Tell me, bitch! That day you banished me to that place of suffering, did you ever imagine one day you'd be MY slave, sniveling at MY feet for mercy?"

Perhaps just to add to Ultrairia's mortification and misery, Chlorisinda ordered the kneeling, sobbing Goddess to vow her servitude, by her sacred word. Chlorisinda's fearsome whip still dangling before her frightened, cowed eyes, Green Goddess sobbingly swore away her freedom and divine honor.


The merciless nymph demanded more than just words; Ultrairia's submission must be degradingly physical. "Now! Kiss your Mistress's ass, to seal your vow!" Chlorisinda snickered, triumphantly.

Atrocious pain robbing her of the divine pride and dignity of a Goddess, the subjugated Ultrairia slavishly obeyed the vile command, physically demonstrating her submission to the heartless devil, who now truly owned her, divine body and soul.


End of Part 1.

 Go on to Part 2.