WARNING: This story contains graphic violence, nudity, f/f rape, and bondage.  It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.

Coup D'etat. Part 6. Conclusion.

Once she basely used the noble, former Queen, she had deposed and imprisoned, for her own sexual amusement, the usurper Asparia clapped her rightful Queen, now only her sexual toy, into chains.

Asparia relieved all her long pent-up hatred of Noble Apollonia, by viciously whipping the rightful Queen's anointed body.

Much later that night, her vengeance still unappeased, Asparia inflicted one more horror on the unfortunate Apollonia.

Leaving her despoiled victim to suffer the agonies of impalement, the satisfied Asparia went to her comfortable sleeping couch.

For many nights, Asparia relieved the burdens of rule by abusing the hapless Apollonia. Even vengeance may grow stale, though, and at last the new Queen grew tired of her toy. As a child tired of a plaything passes it on to another, Asparia gave the former Queen to her equally malicious daughter. Well entrenched in ill gotten power now, Asparia was no longer concerned that it might become known the beloved former Queen was still alive, the abused slave to her new mistresses.

"The fat slut will make a suitable maid servant for a princess!"  Asparia told Demetria, now the Princess Royal of Pomaranium. "Let her be useful! It's time she worked for her keep!"

Princess Demetria already a vicious young tyrant, apt pupil of her mother, lost no time in taking her new servant firmly in hand.

Already humiliated and frightfully abused by the mother, Apollonia had no heart left to oppose the daughter, she sank to her knees, and humbly accepted her fate.

One of Demetria's favorite sports was to force Apollonia to carry her on her back, and run at full speed through the corridors of the Royal Palace.

Whipping her relentlessly, Demetria would ride her despoiled royal mount at full speed, until the hapless former Queen inevitably collapsed in exhaustion.

Princess Demetria was confident no task was too demeaning for the former Queen.

In fact, Demetria especially enjoyed demeaning the regally beautiful, older woman, and punishing her like a child.

Sometimes, when in a particularly vile mood, the vicious teen aged Princess would order the quaking, mortified Apollonia to lie across her lap, like a naughty child.

It was always a pleasure to Princess Demetria when she reduced the enslaved Apollonia to weeping and begging like a child, a Queen who'd forgotten all her former royal dignity in a flood of painful tears.

For the slightest infraction of her arbitrary rules, Demetria punished her suffering slave with diabolically stringent bondage. Despite her youth, the girl was as adept as her cruel mother in making the deposed Queen's life a living hell.

A particularly favorite sport of the despicable Demetria, was to perch the bound Apollonia on a tiny post in the crocodile infested, palace moat.

Her own breast of childish dimension, Demetria took delight in torturing Apollonia's regally massive and shapely bosom.

For two years, Princess Demetria took delight in tormenting the unfortunate Apollonia. In time however the young Princess grew restive. She yearned for a wider stage to exercise her malicious fancies. As heir apparent to the Pomeranian throne, only one life stood in the way of Demetria reaching that wider stage. The unsentimental Demetria did not particularly reciprocate her doting mother's love. She came to see that love as a disgusting sign of weakness. In her vicious mind, Queen Asparia was nothing more than an obstacle to be removed from her rightful path.
Like her mother, Demetria was a born schemer. One night, in the guise of affectionate daughter, Demetria slipped a powerful poison into her mother's wine. No tears were shed at Asparia's demise. The cowed Pomaranium populace apathetically accepted a new tyrant in place of the old.

The change in rulers signaled no improvement in the lot of unfortunate Apollonia. Queen Demetria gratefully presented the former, all but, forgotten Queen, as a gift to her new Vizier, Grippina, who had connived at her ascension to power.

The End.