Council of Righteousness Chronicles, Volume V, Insurrection. By GW The beleaguered leader of the Council is challenged by a corrupt and deceitful upstart. "Oh I hate this damn bitch!" Solargirl fumed silently, as she stood in front of Silver Victory's desk, reporting her latest failure to capture the drug lynchpin of Capital City's East Side. Silver Victory, quietly and with the utmost courtesy, was pointing out Solargirl's deficiencies, as a superheroine. "You're lazy, Solargirl! That's why you muff so many assignments! You never work out, so you've never realized you're full potential as a superheroine. Look at you! There's not a muscle in your body. You're soft and pudgy. Please, please you've got to shape up! With Ultrazon and Bright Angel missing, you're more important then ever!" Silver Victory said imploringly It was especially galling to Solargirl, to listen to Silver Victory detail her shortcomings, since Solargirl had actually captured the drug dealer, but accepted a large bribe to release her. "Who does she think she is, anyway? Who made her boss of this stupid council in the first place? I suppose it was those other two annoying, bossy bitches, Ultrazon and Bright Angel. Well, they're gone now! Good riddance, too! I wish something like that would happen to Silver Victory. With all three of them gone, I could be boss, and queen it over these other dumb super bimbos. Maybe I ought to listen to that proposition, that Asp bitch keeps hinting at. Silver Victory thinks there's something crooked about Asp and that she had something to do with Ultrazon's disappearance. Maybe she's right, and she could help me arrange the same thing for Silver Victory herself. That would be pretty funny!" The next day Solargirl accepted an invitation to visit Asp's lavish, country estate. When she alighted on the front lawn and rang the chimes, one of Asp's muscular male flunkies answered. He told Solargirl that Asp and her guest Lilith were down by the race track. Moments later Solargirl landed there. Asp and Lilith were standing beside two harness racing sulkies. Solargirl's gaped in amazement. Instead of horses, two impressively large, dazzlingly beautiful women were stringently bound, and hitched to the sulkies. Aside from their fetters, both were completely naked, and Solargirl had rarely seen such striking women. Their magnificently muscled bodies gleamed in the morning sun, and each possessed an enormous up-tilted bosom, the envy of any porn actress in the world. As the sulkies turned to the starting line, Solargirl noticed the white wings on the back of the blond woman. Her mouth really gaped open in shock. "Ommigod, I can't believe it! It's Bright Angel, and the other one is Ultrazon! So that's what happened to them. Holy cow! Those snooty, sanctimonious superbitches, ponygirls for a couple of mob hustlers. Look at them, buck naked and hitched up to those sulky things, like big titted mares. Wow, this is too good to be true! Oh, I could really learn to love horse racing like this! The only thing missing is Silver Victory hitched up alongside her two friends!" Seeing the way Bright Angel's white wings drooped in dejection, Solargirl licked her lips. She noted the vicious mutilation of Bright Angel's magnificent feathery wings. "Wow! Lilith clipped her wings! Just like a chicken in a coop!" Then Lilith patted Bright Angel's cheek and the unearthly, blond beauty nuzzled her hand like a broken-spirted dog, fawning to its cruel mistress. Solargirl imagined Silver Victory doing that to her hand, and felt a hot wetness in her shorts. Ultrazon's brown eyes glared sullenly at her friends subservience. "Oh that bitch has broken poor Bright Angel completely." Ultrazon thought. "She's even more vicious than Asp!" Asp, in high spirits, greeted Solargirl jovially. "Just in time for the big race! Lilith thinks her broken-down blond can beat my big, overgrown, milk mare, Boobazon. Care to make a wager yourself?" "Oh I don't care which one wins. Just whip them both of them good and hard!" Solargirl chortled, gleefully. "We always do!" Asp answered complacently. She jumped in the sulky behind Ultrazon, and yelled to her cohort. "Come on, Lilith, get a move on!" Lilith climbed into her sulky. Both Asp and Lilith reached for long, vicious looking whips, in sockets on the sulkies. "Would you like to give the word to start?" Asp asked Solargirl. Oh I'd love to!" Solargirl simpered. "On your mark!" "Ready!" "Set!" "Go!" Solargirl cried. The two villainesses snapped their whips at their unfortunate bond-servants, and the two sulkies careened down the track. In moments the enslaved superheroines were pulling their mistresses along at seventy to eighty miles an hour. The sulkies remained even until they were half way around the track, but then Ultrazon slowly began to pull ahead. Lilith furiously whipped Bright Angel, until the rippling, muscular flesh between her mutilated, white wings was ripped and bloody, but it did no good. Bright Angel just couldn't keep up with Ultrazon's steady tireless pace. Ultrazon crossed the finish line a full ten yards ahead of Bright Angel and Lilith. Lilith was furious. She jumped from her sulky and swiftly unharnessed the obviously terrified Bright Angel. "I'm sorry Mistress! I'm sorry!" The frightened superheroine whimpered. "I did my best! Please!" Lilith ignored the big, blond angel's frantic, whimpering pleas and felled her with a cruel right uppercut. The huge fantastically muscled blond didn't even try to fight back; she was obviously terrified of the small, vicious woman, who struck her with impunity. Bright Angel lay curled helplessly on the ground, screaming for mercy, while Lilith kicked her belly and bosom. As she unharnessed Ultrazon, in a more leisurely fashion, Asp watched Lilith's display of pique with amusement, She called out to her ally. "Maybe if you didn't rent the 'angelic wonder' out to those Mid-eastern businessmen for an orgy, last night, she might have had a little more pep left, this morning. You just don't know how to treat a valuable slave." Asp's taunts only drove Lilith to greater fury. Ultrazon's brown eyes flashed with hatred and rage. As soon as she was free of the harness, she broke away from Asp, and snarling furiously, leaped toward Lilith. Completely nude in the morning sun, Ultrazon appeared an avenging warrior goddess. She screamed at Lilith in fury. "You bitch! You despicable bitch! Leave her alone! Haven't you hurt her enough?" Heedless of consequences, the furious superheroine flung herself on Lilith. Super-strength or no, Lilith was no match for more than two hundred, muscular pounds of superheroine smashing into her. She went down with Ultrazon on top of her. Before Lilith could move, Ultrazon hit her in the face at least twice, stunning her. The huge brunette sat astride the smaller woman and battered her head from side to side. Lilith was rapidly losing consciousness. Ultrazon sobbed almost hysterically, "Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!" at every punch. "Who'd have thought my Boobazon still had it in her!" Asp murmured, as she watched in amazement. "I must be more careful." She reached for the bracelet on her wrist, then paused. She wasn't averse to seeing her arrogant "friend," Lilith, taken down a peg, or two. She waited until she heard Lilith begging and pleading for mercy, before she touched the stud on the bracelet. The collar on Ultrazon's throat began to contract. Ultrazon whimpered, as she felt that terrifying, all too familiar, constriction of her windpipe. In moments, she fell over on her side, choking helplessly, as she uselessly clutched her throat. She began to see spots, and her tongue protruded from her ripe-cherry mouth. Asp let Ultrazon's anguish continue a while longer, before she reversed the collar's pressure. Lilith sat up, gingerly rubbing her jaw. There was a trickle of blood running from the corner of her mouth, and Asp was sure her ally would have at least one black eye next day. Lilith was furious. "Goddam it, Asp! What's the matter with you? You haven't half domesticated that dangerous animal. She should be destroyed, like any rabid cur!" "I'm sorry, My Dear! I don't know what came over my little Boobazon. She's usually a perfect pet." Asp purred. "I never want to see that bitch again, unless you have her on a chain leash!" "Of course, My Dear!" Asp replied silkily. She turned to Ultrazon, who crouched on the ground; the dull whipped look had returned to sad, brown eyes. "Get your worthless friend into the house, Boobazon!" Asp snapped. "She doesn't look like she'll make it on her own." Ultrazon wearily crawled over to where Bright Angel lay sobbing, and knelt beside her friend. She tenderly wiped away the blood and tears, while Asp and Lilith talked to Solargirl. She helplessly stroked Bright Angel's golden hair. Bright Angel managed a ghastly little smile, as the unfortunate friends were able to whisper a few words to each other. "I felt your suffering in my heart." Bright Angel whispered. "Thank-you, for what you just did! You were magnificent. At least that vicious woman hasn't broken your spirit." "I'm afraid she has." Ultrazon said sadly. "If I didn't know Kelly was free, I'd kill myself." Bright Angel grasped Ultrazon's hand tightly. "Don't say that! I want you to promise me, you'll never even think that. Somewhere, Kelly needs you; and I need you too! Just knowing you're alive, makes the things that creature does to me a little easier to bear. They may be winning now, but some day the tide will turn. It always does!". Ultrazon returned Bright Angel's squeeze, and said earnestly. "I promise!" She wept as she gently cleaned the blood from Bright Angel's lacerated back. Bright Angel tried not to scream for the sake of her friend, but she couldn't control the little catches of breath at each touch. "Time to go!" Lilith suddenly snapped, petulantly furious at losing the race and then being humiliated by Ultrazon. "Your little tˆte-…-tˆte's over!" Ultrazon leaned over and kissed Bright Angel's cheek in a tender sisterly way. As Lilith dragged the unfortunate Bright Angel across the field toward her car, Asp led Solargirl back to the huge country house. Ultrazon disconsolately trailed along behind Asp and Solargirl. Solargirl said in genuine admiration. "Oh Asp, that was fantastic! How did you do that to those arrogant bitches?" "Aren't you upset, that Lilith and I have defeated and degraded your fellow superheroines?"Asp laughed sarcastically, having long ago, divined Solargirl's smouldering, though well concealed, hatred of the other members of the Council of Righteousness. "It's something, I'll just have to live with." Solargirl replied with a smug smirk. "Well, it's a little secret I discovered." Asp answered with a self-satisfied smile, a formula for making people superstrong. I believe, it would make someone with your abilities the strongest super being around, stronger even than, oh say Silver Victory." "That would sure be something!' Solargirl answered licking her lips, eagerly. "There are certain conditions, of course." Asp went on. "First, you will get me a supply of that rare mineral solarium that robs you of your super powers. Just so I have some insurance. Second, if ever there should be any disagreements between Lilith and me, naturally I don't expect any, because we're really good friends, but if there were, you know which side your bread is buttered on, if you get my drift?" "Of course!" Solargirl replied, her innocent, blue eyes reflecting a sincerity that was totally absent from her heart. She knew in any confrontation, she'd side wherever her own interests lay. "Once their bargain was struck, Asp began to talk of other things. "Those weights you wear on your wrists and legs must be useful in a fight." She commented. "Although with your super abilities, I wouldn't think you'd need them." "Actually the reason I wear them, is to maintain my balance when I'm flying." Solargirl replied. "They help me to maneuver quicker in midair. My flying ability is natural, not like that artificial thing Silver Victory wears on her back. Her Amazon scientists made that. Of course, it would be worth a fortune, if she'd sell it, but she's too sanctimonious for that" Then Solargirl snickered, with a vicious, little growl. "Not that I don't use these things on any bastard who tries to fight me! Silver Victory bawled me out once for leaving some lowlife in a coma, when I hit him with my wrist bracelet." Solargirl touched one of the weights above her knees. "You ought to see a guy after I knee him in the balls with this!" She chortled with the sadistic pleasure of a small child pulling wings off flies. Asp laughed appreciatively. The next day Solargirl delivered the supply of the mineral solarium, in a sealed lead casket. Unshielded, it would render her helpless. In conclusion of their bargain, Asp administered the formula to her fellow conspirator. With the effects of the formula combined with her own extraterrestrial powers, Solargirl was certain she was now the strongest woman on earth. The thought of facing Silver Victory in a fight still made her nervous, though, and she procrastinated over forcing a confrontation. Though her hatred was rapidly overcoming her innate cowardice, it was several days before she felt the time was right to test her new power. Silver Victory had gone off on a mission, and reluctantly left Solargirl in charge at Council Headquarters, there being no other superheroines available at the time. Solargirl had grown bolder, since she'd received Asp's formula. As soon as Silver Victory left, Solargirl took over her office and sat at her desk. While she was sitting there feeling important, Police Commissioner Richard Danvers called and asked to speak to Silver Victory. Solargirl answered Silver Victory's phone, and told the Commissioner that the older superheroine was away at the time. Solargirl knew that Silver Victory and the Police Commissioner were very close friends. Although both of them were too morally upright to have any sort of illicit affair, they did often see each other for dinner or to attend concerts or uplifting dramas. Solargirl had a schoolgirl crush on the Commissioner herself, but he shared Silver Victory's suspicions of the young crimefighter's integrity and was always cold and distant with her. Solargirl took that as one more reason to resent the leader of the Council. When Solargirl told him that Silver Victory was unavailable, Commissioner Danvers reluctantly asked Solargirl to tell Silver Victory that he had been unexpectedly called out of town on Police business, and wouldn't be able to meet her for dinner that evening. He'd be gone for several days, and he gave Solargirl an out-of-town number, where Silver Victory could reach him. "Why of course, Commissioner! I'll be sure to give Silver Victory the message." Solargirl said sweetly. "Oh yes I've got the number. I'll give it to her. I won't forget." She added, but made no move to write the number down, even after she hung up the phone. "So the two of them do have a thing going." Solargirl chortled to herself. "I always thought so. Both of them so straitlaced too, and that hypocritical bitch is always lecturing me about being too loose in my morals. Hah!" Silver Victory arrived back at Council Headquarters about six that evening. She planned a vigorous workout in the Council gym, before showering and changing to an inconspicuous incognito dress for her dinner engagement. She was just getting started with her workout when Solargirl came in. Silver Victory wasn't particularly pleased to see her, hoping to have the gym to herself."What's that smart-assed, little snot doing here, this late?" Silver Victory wondered silently. "She's usually the first one to leave." While Silver Victory tried to ignore her, Solargirl looked on at the amazingly proportioned Amazon Queen. Silver Victory's brief costume consisted of no more than several silvery chains holding in place her amazingly small, Amazon anti- gravity flying device at the center of her back, plus a set of tiny silver breast cups and a silken loin cloth. It concealed little, or none, of her amazing form, a form worthy indeed of an Amazon Queen. In her silvery, high heeled boots, Silver Victory stood well over six feet, but so broad in shoulder and chest, as to seem shorter. She was formidably muscled, and her bosom was of incredible proportion, yet audaciously upswept as befitted a proud, powerful queen. Her long, dark-red hair fell below her broad shoulders, in unruly waves, restrained only by a silver tiara, the symbol of her Amazon sovereignty After watching Silver Victory's strenuous exertions for some moments, Solargirl, batted her innocent blue eyes and said. "Oh Silver Victory, working out again? I guess you must have to exercise all the time to keep up your super powers at your age, huh?" Silver Victory retorted. "More likely that I take crimefighting seriously. Maybe you should think about doing the same!" "I don't have to take it as seriously as you, because I'm so good!" Solargirl shot back, with an annoyingly cute little laugh. "Seriously though, I worry about you fighting crime, Dearie! You have all that weight especially, those big, droopy boobs. Aren't they a terrible nuisance in a fight?" Silver Victory wondered where Solargirl's new found confidence came from. She seemed to be looking for a fight. Usually, she was such a gutless little wimp when it came to competing with other superheroines. Silver Victory was in no mood to listen to insults, though, and she snapped. "Why don't we go over to the mats there, and see how much nuisance my bust is in a fight? I just hope you don't wind up in the hospital." "Oh dear, I know you don't mean that. Anyway, there's no way an overweight, middle-aged lady like you could put me in the hospital, unless I come to visit you. Of course if you want some pointers, I'll be happy to give them to you." Solargirl smirked. Amazed that the girl hadn't backed down, Silver Victory let Solargirl eagerly lead the way to the mats. Their proximity emphasized the physical contrast between the two crimefighters. Silver Victory, of course, was much bigger and more powerfully built than the younger girl. Solargirl was cute and vapidly pretty while Silver Victory was startlingly beautiful in the classic mode, with a stately, queenly grace to all her movements. Suddenly just as they reached the mats, Solargirl drove her elbow backward. Silver Victory would have been wary of any criminal in this situation, but she expected a certain degree of sportsmanship from another member of the Council, even Solargirl. The attack caught Silver Victory off guard. Impervious to mortal blows, Silver Victory never experienced such power in a blow before. Solargirl's surprising strength took her breath away. "I didn't think she was that strong!" The Leader of the Council thought in amazement, adding aloud. "Oh, ho! You're a sneaky little bitch! I'll give you that." Then, when the cute blond turned to gloat, she drove her own fist into Solargirl's belly. Solargirl paled briefly, and her voice was choked, when she replied. "Not bad for a fat has-been!" As she spoke, her leg flashed, and she drove her toe deep between Silver Victory's legs. "How's that for a pointer?" Solargirl asked the painfully startled Silver Victory, as she seized her waist in a backbreaking bearhug, that took the rest of Silver Victory's breath away. The big, redheaded superheroine struggled mightily to break free, but the small blond's arms were stronger than steel. It took all Silver Victory's skill and concentration to finally free herself, and by then she was gasping for air. Just as she did pull free, Solargirl hit her with a hard little fist right on the jaw. The mighty Silver Victory saw stars. Not wasting an instant of her advantage, Solargirl stooped, grabbed Silver Victory around the knees and pulled the bigger woman's legs out from under her. Silver Victory went down hard on her big, rounded butt. As she struck the mat, the heavy, flying weight at Solargirl's knee exploded against her aching jaw. Silver Victory flopped backward, and Solargirl dropped with all her weight. Her knees landed on Silver Victory's magnificently curved thighs, numbing them, and exerting excruciating pressure on her groin. Clasping her fists together, overhead, Solargirl struck Silver Victory's straining abdomen with a two-handed blow. As Silver Victory writhed in pain, Solargirl tore the silk, loin cloth free from her silver girdle chains. She threw it in Silver Victory's face, and sneered at the Amazon's gorgeous, flame colored, pubic thatch. "Well, well! You really are a redhead, or at least thorough!" She chortled, as she almost buried her fist between Silver Victory's thighs. The spasm of pain jerked Silver Victory off the floor. She gamely aimed a punch at Solargirl's face, only to be flattened by Solargirl's even quicker, harder fist. Planting both fists in Silver Victory's belly, Solargirl levered herself astride Silver Victory's waist and loosed a flurry of punches at the undersides of Silver Victory's enormous breasts. Even flat on her back, those enormous globes were still fiercely upthrust. The delicate chains holding the minuscule breast cups, did nothing to protect the gorgeous orbs from Solargirl's furious assault. Silver Victory gasped as Solargirl battered her bounteous bosom, but she bridged her powerful body almost dislodging Solargirl. Solargirl threw herself down flat on Silver Victory to maintain her position. Her hard invulnerable forehead smashed into Silver Victory's mouth. For the first time in her career, Silver Victory tasted blood from a split lip. It drove her nearly mad. Her long, slim, incredibly strong hands seized Solargirl's waist. She lifted her right into the air and threw her several feet. Silver Victory jumped to her feet before Solargirl, and kicked her in the belly, and then in the jaw. She grabbed Solargirl's tight, blue, uniform tunic at the bosom, hauled her to her feet and rammed her fist deep into the girl's belly. Solargirl sagged, and her face went white. Silver Victory contemptuously backhanded her across the face. Solargirl's would have fallen, if Silver Victory wasn't holding her. Seeing the anguish in the childish face, Silver Victory regretted her ferocity. "Oh Dear Goddess! She's only a kid!" She thought and eased Solargirl's body to the floor. Silver Victory picked up her loin cloth and turned back toward the showers. However, the cunning, little blond was not so badly hurt as she let on. As soon as Silver Victory turned her back, Solargirl sprang to her feet and launched her body in a flying kick. Both feet slammed into Silver Victory's kidneys. Silver Victory tumbled to the floor. Solargirl landed on top of her flattening her. The agile young blond jumped high in the air, and came down feet first on Silver Victory's back, then she thumped down on her knees. The plucky Amazon Queen was woozy from three sets of devastating blows to the small of her back. Before she could buck Solargirl off, the blond battered the back of her neck with a series of two- handed rabbit punches. Willing herself to ignore the damaging blows, Silver Victory bridged up and lifted herself to her knees, lifting Solargirl with her. Finding her perch a little too precarious, Solargirl jumped free. She leaned over the crouching Amazon Queen, and reaching between her thighs, grasped a handful of the gleaming, bronze-hued pubic thatch. With her other hand, Solargirl grabbed Silver Victory's silver chain breast harness. She lifted Silver Victory clear of the floor, twisting the huge amazon upside down, as she did. When Silver Victory's head head was three feet off the floor, Solargirl drove her head first into the concrete floor. The concrete was shattered, but even Silver Victory's super resistance couldn't withstand that kind of damage, and her wildly struggling body went limp. Solargirl still didn't release her hold; she lifted Silver Victory up again, much higher this time. "No, no! Not again!" The groggy Silver Victory cried, but Solargirl rammed her down again, even harder the second time. This time Silver Victory passed out. Solargirl let her drop. She kicked the unconscious Leader of the Council over on her back and looked down in triumph. The mighty Amazon Queen was unconscious, though moaning softly. Solargirl found Silver Victory's loin cloth, and stuffed it into the unconscious superheroine's mouth, to stifle her moans. She effortlessly picked up the helpless crimefighter's two hundred and twenty pound body, and carried her to a row of lockers. Finding an empty one, she stuffed the unconscious Silver Victory inside. She had to twist and turn the heroically proportioned body, this way and that, and mash the enormous bosom flat against the broad chest, but finally she was able to slam the door shut. Silver Victory remained unconscious for some minutes; time enough for Solargirl to shower, and fly off. When Silver Victory did come to, she was half suffocated by the cloth in her mouth. She had no idea where she was, but she could hardly move, and was slowly choking. She was still weak from Solargirl's cowardly attack, and the tightly constricted confines of the locker prevented her from exerting enough leverage to escape. Helplessly trapped, and giddy from lack of air, Silver Victory grew panicky, an emotion new to the dauntless Amazon heroine. She thrashed madly, until finally, her frenzied struggles battered the locker door off its hinges. As Silver Victory tumbled out on the floor, she tore the cloth from her mouth, and gratefully sucked air into her tortured lungs. She lay gasping on the floor, trembling uncontrollably for some time, before she got herself under control. What happened to her? The last thing she remembered was turning toward the showers, leaving a defeated Solargirl. As she lay there, more of the fight came back to her, the sneak attack from behind, the vicious attack on her genitalia, the devastating blows to her head. "By Ishtar, that worthless little bimbo beat me, and stuffed me in that locker, like a sack of laundry!" It was a mortifying realization for the proud Amazon Queen. She almost wept in shame, but her amazonian will overcame any surrender to weakness. Silver Victory climbed wearily to her feet. Her head still throbbed; she had never been so humiliated in her life. She forced herself to shower and find a new loin cloth. Although it was now late at night, she flew to Commissioner Danver's suburban home hoping to find him. Silver Victory landed on the partially completed new patio, from which French Doors led to the Commissioner's library. In fact, Commissioner Danvers was having the new patio built as a convenient landing space for Silver Victory's visits. There were still construction materials stacked where the workmen left them at quitting time. The French Doors were not locked and Silver Victory let herself in. She called out. "Richard, are you here?" Silver Victory heard a soft feminine chuckle from the large sofa in front of the ornate fireplace. Recognizing that voice, she sped across the room, seething. Solargirl lay in the couch, but Richard wasn't there. Solargirl's tunic was in disarray, exposing her small rather droopy breasts. "What are you doing here, you nasty little witch?" Silver Victory demanded. Impudently, Solargirl laughed. "What does a girl usually do on a man's sofa, Heifer Hips? Oh by the way, Rich had to leave town on business. He asked me to tell you, if you showed up. That was right after he told me, that after he'd had me, he didn't know what he ever saw in a cow like you!" Silver Victory's face was already pale from her previous ordeal at the smaller girl's hands, but now it went dead white with fury. "Get out of this house, now!" She screamed shrilly, barely able to control herself. "Why don't you try to throw me out, Fat Cheeks?" Solargirl challenged the older woman. Her earlier victory, though gained by sneak attack, gave her an irritating arrogance. She lazily rose from the couch, and adjusted her tunic top, to cover her nude breasts. Unable to contain her fury any longer, Silver Victory made a grab for the small blond, but with a mocking laugh, Solargirl danced out of reach. As she did, she smacked Silver Victory's broad curvaceous bottom. At this indignity, Silver Victory saw red. She hurled herself at the hateful witch, but in her wrath, left herself wide open. After a lifetime of near invulnerability, the Amazon Warrior was careless in defense. Solargirl drilled a series of short, pile-driver punches deep into Silver Victory's lower belly. The low blows stopped Silver Victory dead. She doubled over, clutching her churning belly. Solargirl went for her heroically proportioned bosom, bouncing huge, up-tilted beasts all over her chest. Still feeling the earlier mauling, the stunned redhead gave ground, desperately trying to protect her sore bosom. Once again, Solargirl used the heavy, metal circlet around her thigh as a weapon. She drove her knee up and the thick metal connected with Silver Victory's chin. At the same time, Solargirl smashed her metal-shod wrists down in a two-handed, rabbit punch to the top of Silver Victory's head. She struck the same spot she'd twice driven into the concrete floor, earlier in the evening. Silver Victory fell heavily to the floor. Silver Victory was still conscious, but nearly helpless. She couldn't seem to move. Her ears rang, and she was seeing double. Two Solargirl's leaned over and grabbed her big firm breasts and levered her over on her back. Silver Victory made a weak grab at Solargirl's leg, only to be kicked in the side of the head. Her huge emerald eyes filmed over with tears of pain. Her head swam. Solargirl began doing knee drops into her belly. Silver Victory's moans filled the apartment. Solargirl was merciless. She knew she was lucky to have beaten the strong, experienced Amazon Queen once that night, and knew she'd only done it by fighting dirty. Even with the tremendous augmentation of strength Asp's formula had given her, in a fair fight, Silver Victory was sure to beat her. Without rules, though, her long repressed viciousness was invaluable. For only the second time in her life, the mighty Amazon mewled helplessly on the floor, her body jerking spasmodically in agony. Her gorgeously muscled legs doubling up, then jerking out straight to their full, amazing length. Though gritted teeth, Silver Victory mumbled threats at the vicious little blond. Solargirl met her furious wrath with contemptuous laughter. "What's the matter, Fat Tits? Can't the old lady take it?" Solargirl stopped her devastating knee drops and stood over Silver Victory's quivering body "Get up and get me, if you want me, Lard Gut!" It was only pride and hatred, that gave Silver Victory enough strength to roll clumsily over on her stomach. Solargirl grabbed Silver Victory under her arms and pulled the redhead to the French Doors, and back out onto the patio. Silver Victory clawed at the flagstone floor, trying to get up. Her muscular arms and magnificent legs trembled violently, as she laboriously climbed to her hands and knees. A massive, cast-iron lawn chair had been dragged, from the lawn, onto the patio, by the workmen at lunch time. Silver Victory had to grab hold of it to pull herself erect. She seemed to move in slow motion. If it wasn't for Solargirl's sneering cackles, making her blood boil, she would have collapsed again. Tottering uncertainly, she at last faced her rival, again. She courageously launched an attack. Solargirl laughingly ignored Silver Victory's thrashing arms and lewdly fingered her massive breasts. Squeezing and twisting them, she easily pushed the struggling redhead down into the chair she'd just used to pull herself to her feet. As Solargirl walked behind the chair, Silver Victory struggled weakly to get up, but she just couldn't muster the strength, and sank back down. She almost cried in helpless frustration. From behind, the girlish blond put her hands on those broad amazonian shoulders and easily held the mighty superheroine down in the chair. Like a cruel cat with helpless prey, she played with Silver Victory's beautiful face, and painfully twisted her ears. She slapped her head back and forth. Then she pinched her nose shut, and pressed the palm of her hand over Silver Victory's mouth, sealing it shut. Silver Victory couldn't breathe. Her helplessness terrified her; it was like a nightmare. Her powerfully muscled arms and elegant hands fluttered helplessly to break free. She lacked the strength even to grasp Solargirl's tiny hands firmly, let alone tear them away. Finally, as the desperate Silver Victory came near blacking out, Solargirl released her nose and mouth, and let her breath again. Silver Victory almost felt gratitude, as she greedily sucked in the precious air. Then Solargirl pinched her eyelash and snapped her eyelid. The threat to her eyes was even more terrifying than the near suffocation. Gathering the last shred of her once mighty strength, Silver Victory grasped the sides of the chair, and pushed forward. She landed on her hands and knees. Her desperate effort drained her strength once more, and she crouched on the cold stones, unable to get up. Her struggles thrust her powerfully rounded buttocks into prominence. Solargirl walked behind Silver Victory. "Ooh my! What a big, fat ass sticking up in the air! Do you think Dickie likes big, fat butts like that? If he does, I could gain seventy-five pounds, so my bottom would jiggle like jelly too." As she chortled insults, Solargirl drove her foot deep into Silver Victory's delectable bottom cheeks. The redheaded crimefighter catapulted forward onto her belly. "Crimson Marvelwling on your belly suits you!" Solargirl sneered caustically, as she took hold of the Silver Victoryer chains securing Silver Victory's breast plates, and jerked on them. Silver Victory mewled in pain as the metal dug into her huge boobs. Solargirl hauled on the links, until she pulled Silver Victory's upper body half off the floor, holding her bent at an almost ninety degree angle. Another few inches might well snap Silver Victory's spine. Solargirl stood on one foot, and crammed the other between Silver Victory's tightly rounded thighs. She kicked with all her super strength, one kick rapidly following another. Her pointed boot drove deep into Silver Victory's defenseless crotch, again and again. The proud, red-haired superheroine shrieked in agony. Her powerful arms beat the air uselessly. Finally even the heroic Amazon Queen could take no more of Solargirl's savage viciousness. "No more, please! Please, no more! I give! I give up!" She wailed desperately. At first Solargirl ignored Silver Victory's cries of surrender, but then, reluctantly, it seemed, she let Silver Victory drop to the floor. Solargirl was not merciful, though. She wanted to destroy her rival, and make sure Silver Victory would be helpless for a long while. She looked around, and her eye fell on an eight foot long, steel I-beam, in the pile of building materials at the side of the patio. She effortlessly picked it up, as though it were a toy. Holding it in both hands, she drove the end down into Silver Victory's back and kidneys over and over. Silver Victory's mighty body writhed in agony from the vicious, cowardly attack. Solargirl smashed the sturdy anti-gravity device in the small of Silver Victory's back to junk. "See if you can fly now, Bitch!" She cried vindictively. When Silver Victory's back was bruised and battered, enough to even satisfy the vicious Solarian, Solargirl kicked the redhead over on her back. Silver Victory just lay there, too hurt to move. Her fierce green eyes had lost their fire, and pleaded wordlessly for clemency. There would be no quarter yet, though, for Solargirl still wasn't finished. Solargirl rammed the heavy steel girder into Silver Victory's defenseless belly. For a moment, Silver Victory tried to stiffen the magnificent sheath of muscles girdling her trim middle, but Solargirl had already beaten all her formidable strength out of her, and she went helplessly limp. Solargirl hammered away, pounding the brutal weapon up and down as though she were tenderizing steak. Silver Victory felt her intestines and internal organs being mashed to jelly. All the while, she was gurgling and moaning, unable to articulate her desperate pleas for mercy. She feared this was the end. Solargirl didn't stop, until she saw blood dribbling from Silver Victory's lips. She threw the I-beam aside with a grunt of satisfaction. Solargirl kicked Silver Victory some more, until she was face down again, then lay across the fallen superheroine's back. She grapevined her legs around Silver Victory's mighty thighs, and pulled her unresisting arms into a full nelson. Holding the Amazon Queen totally helpless, she began to murmur into her ear. "Never forget this, you gutless bag of garbage. You begged me for mercy! You're my meat anytime I want you! Oh! One other thing; I know you've been trying to prove I've taken bribes. Well, it's annoying me! If you don't lay off, I'll break your back and send you back to your Amazon Land a cripple. Promise Me!" "I promise! I promise!" The terrorized Silver Victory quavered. Solargirl rose from her beaten foe. She strode triumphantly around the patio flexing her muscles. "I don't want to leave the Bitch here! That would interfere with my plans." Solargirl thought. "She can't fly, though, after what I just did to her anti-gravitator. I guess I'll have to take her home!" Solargirl smirked, with a malicious grin. Solargirl reached down and wrapped Silver Victory's thick mane of red hair around her fist, until she had an unbreakable grip. Then, with a powerful leap, she launched herself into the night sky. Silver Victory shrieked in agony, as Solargirl lifted her off the ground by the hair. She dangled helplessly, swaying back and forth in the powerful air currents. Solargirl flew faster than a speeding torpedo, straight to the Apartment Building where Silver Victory lived under an assumed identity. She unerringly dropped Silver Victory's broken body onto the tiny balcony leading to her twelfth floor apartment. Then snickering to herself, she was gone, leaving Silver Victory helplessly stricken on the narrow, open balcony floor. Silver Victory lay in the cold night air for hours, moaning in terrible agony. At last, summoning all her will power, she tried to get inside. Though she made a valiant effort, she couldn't manage to stumble to her feet. The whipped, beaten Amazon's only recourse, was to drag herself to the glass door and paw it open. Once inside, she crawled to the bathroom and applied secret Amazon remedies, both internal and external, to her grievous injuries. They would provide no miraculous cure, but she knew, at least, she would live. The shame of living with her disastrous defeat, the first of her life, made that a bleak consolation. Silver Victory crawled to her bed and whimpered herself to sleep; finding that even sobbing was too painful a luxury. For almost a week, Silver Victory nursed her frightful injuries, until at last they began to heal. "I must get back to the Council! There's no telling what treachery that little bitch is up to, while I'm gone!". She thought. Then with a pang of shame, Silver Victory wondered. "What can I do to stop her, though?" Short of another battle, there was nothing she could do, she ruefully admitted to herself. Worse, she realized with a gulp, Solargirl's threats scared her. The little bitch might cripple her in another confrontation. She broke out in a cold sweat, just thinking of the last disastrous clash. Finally, after a week of convalescence, Silver Victory's Spartan sense of duty prevailed. She overcame her fears and once more donned her proud uniform. Luckily she always had at least one spare Anti-gravitator on hand. To her dismay, she discovered it was necessary to wear a leotard under her chain harness to conceal the all too visible damage, Solargirl had inflicted on her. Her torso was a mass of fading, yet still ugly, bruises. The day after the fight between the two superheroines, when Silver Victory did not appear for the regular Council staff meeting, Solargirl took charge. There was some murmuring among the other superheroines, but none was willing to challenge the formidable young Solarian, who seemed so self-confident. Indeed, she acted as though leadership of the Council was her right. Anyway, the other heroines thought, it's only until Silver Victory comes back. Yet in the back of their minds was the question: "Would she come back?" Ultrazon and Bright Angel had each disappeared, just as suddenly and mysteriously, and never returned. Most quickly put the thought from their minds; even superheroines can dread the unknown. Instead of her own place at the foot of the table, Solargirl now lounged insolently in Silver Victory's chair at the head. After a week of Solargirl queening it over the Council, Silver Victory returned. Still weak from her injuries, her first flight in a week left her dizzy and disoriented and she had to rest in the lounge before she could continue. She was a half hour late, when, pale and drawn, she finally came into the Council room. She walked stiffly as in pain. Seeing their acknowledged leader, several of the heroic crimefighters started to rise to greet her, but Solargirl snapped out "Ladies! We're here on important business. We don't have time for maudlin sentimentality!" Silver Victory made a gesture for her friends to sit down. She hardly wished to discuss the reason for her absence and admit her ignominious defeat. At first, she automatically started toward the head of the table, but then, with a start, she saw Solargirl sitting there. Head bowed, she silently crept down to the end of the table, and slipped into Solargirl's old seat. As Silver Victory sat down, Solargirl glanced at her with a sneer, and said in a silky purr. "Silver Victory we're just discussing the Henderson case. Would you mind getting us that file?" Despite the silky purr, the question was definitely an order. An angry retort leapt to Silver Victory's lips, but she meekly bit it back. With awkward stiffness, Silver Victory stood up, and started toward the door. Just as she reached it, Solargirl's voice purred. "Oh and Silver Victory, while you're up, why don't you bring in the coffee and serve it, like a good girl? I don't mind saying, I could use a cup right about now." Silver Victory continued toward the door without answering, but Solargirl persisted. "Do you mind Silver Victory?" Silver Victory answered in a tightly controlled voice. "No of course not, I'll be glad to!" The room grew deathly silent, everyone transfixed by this amazing display of Solargirl's new power. Solargirl had just given the mighty Silver Victory a demeaning order and the proud Amazon Queen was servilely obeying her. The other heroines noted Silver Victory's subservient beaten air. Her head hung low, ashamed to meet anyone's eye. Some of the Council members were shocked and looked away in embarrassment. The spectacle sickened and disheartened those who had always loved and admired Silver Victory. A few thrived in Solargirl's new lax attitude toward Council affairs and had become her toadies. They smirked and winked at each other. Silver Victory returned with the file under her arm, pushing the coffee cart ahead of her. She gave Solargirl the file, and then obsequiously poured a cup of coffee for the odious little upstart. Then, she humbly served coffee to the other Council members. She walked stiffly as though each step hurt her. When she was finished, she slunk back to the foot of the table and sat in silence for the rest of the meeting. By the time the meeting was over, she was trembling like a leaf. The Queen of the Amazons ordered around like a servant by a nasty bitch, scarcely out of her teens, and she'd obeyed the demeaning commands. Suddenly Silver Victory realized the meeting was over, and everyone had left the room. Most were too embarrassed to meet her eye, and had tiptoed silently from the room. Solargirl still sat insolently at the head of the table, though. Silver Victory stood up and moved nervously toward the door, reluctant to be alone with the vicious, young blond. Solargirl's voice rang out. "Get back here! I didn't dismiss you, yet!" Silver Victory's back stiffened indignantly, at the girl's peremptory tone, but then she reluctantly stopped and turned back. She walked slowly to Solargirl's chair and waited for further orders. "My cup's empty! Fill it!" Solargirl ordered. Silver Victory clenched her hands, until her long nails pressed painfully into her palms. Then with a sigh of resignation, she picked up the coffee pot and filled Solargirl's cup. When she'd finished, Solargirl sneered. "Now, kneel down in front of me!" The proud, red-haired, Amazon Warrior bridled "How dare you treat me like this? I'll never kneel to you!" She snapped defiantly, but she felt her heart beating like a hammer, and her brow was wet with perspiration. Her trembling increased so much, that her knees knocked together. "You sound tough, but you look scared shirtless to me." Solargirl cackled. She stood up. "Yes! I can see it in your eyes, like a scared, little rabbit! You're terrified of me, aren't you? Admit it!" "N-no!" Silver Victory whispered and shook her head in denial, but she was twisting her hands together in front of her like a nervous schoolgirl, about to be caned. "Well you should be scared of me!" Solargirl went on. "I am your worst nightmare!" Silver Victory knew she was still weak as a kitten from the frightful beating Solargirl gave her just a week earlier. There was no telling what the nasty, little blond would do. Still she answered defiantly "I'm not afraid of you!" But her lower lip trembled when she said it. Solargirl snapped a punch at Silver Victory's face, purposely missing, just to see Silver Victory flinch. Silver Victory twisted her hands nervously, again. "Stop this nonsense!" She tried to speak authoritatively, but she stammered and her teeth chattered. Her eyelid jerked in a nervous tic. Solargirl grabbed Silver Victory's metal harness, and pulled the tall, heroically built, redhead up close. "Ready for another round. Grandma?" She sneered. Silver Victory tried to pull away from the girl, but Solargirl held her where she was, with ease. Solargirl cocked her fist again. "Ready?" She chortled. Silver Victory was so scared, her insides turned to water. "No, no! Don't, pleeeease!" She begged, closing her huge green eyes. She'd never known such fear in her life. She didn't know how to deal with this overwhelming fright. It was an emotion foreign to her heroic nature. Suddenly she felt something warm trickling down her leg. In disgust and humiliation, she realized Solargirl's threats had robbed her of control of her own bladder. She was wetting her pants like a child, terrorized by a vicious grownup. Solargirl looked down, in time to see the stream running down Silver Victory's leg and forming a large puddle at her feet. She burst into gales of cruel laughter. Silver Victory began to weep uncontrollably. Her trembling legs seemed made of rubber. They went limp, and she sank helplessly to her knees. "Good! That's where you belong! Kneeling in your own piss!" Solargirl snickered triumphantly. Then, without warning, she kicked the helpless heroine in her still injured belly. The valiant Amazon Queen almost passed out from the terrible pain. She fell flat on her face. Her cheek lay in the puddle she had made on the floor. Silver Victory was already gagging from the kick in the belly, and when she suddenly realized her beautiful face was lying in a puddle of urine, she got violently sick to her stomach. Overcome by pain and repugnance, she began to vomit uncontrollably. She was so weak, she couldn't move and continued to lie in her own filth. Solargirl laughed almost hysterically. "Next time, I give you an order, you worthless slut, you better obey it! See what arguing with me gets you? You're groveling in your own piss and puke like the disgusting pig you are! I'm leaving now. Clean up this mess before you go home!" It was more than an hour before the desperately sick Silver Victory could stumble to her feet. More from a sense of duty than anything, she somehow cleaned up the floor. She was gagging all the time she did it, but by now her stomach was empty. She staggered to the restroom and cleaned herself up. She found an old raincoat, and put it on over her uniform. The thought of trying to fly turned her stomach, just then, and she took a taxi home. She spent a long sleepless night, often breaking into mortified sobs, remembering her contemptible submission to Solargirl's bullying. The next day, she couldn't bring herself to leave her apartment, petrified of facing Solargirl. She sat in the dark, endlessly reliving her defeats. It was another week and a half, before Silver Victory finally roused herself from her morose lethargy. Physically, her wounds seemed healed. She couldn't shirk her duty, any longer. She was able to don her chain harness without any undergarment; the bruises having faded at last. On the radio, she heard a news report that Solargirl was out of town, making an appearance in South America. The proud Amazon Queen flew to Council headquarters. It was a beautiful sunlit morning and Silver Victory felt better as soon as she was airborne. As she flew across Capital City, she spotted a holdup on a deserted side street. She dropped from the sky like a comet, her superb muscles glistening in the morning sunshine. Hands on hips, she advanced upon the surprised gunman, as the frightened holdup victim fled in relief. "Aww shit!" The holdup man muttered. "Its Silver Victory!" With a hopeless gesture he swung the gun around and shot at the dauntless superheroine. The bullets bounced off Silver Victory's broad chest and jutting bosom without effect. "That tickles!" Silver Victory laughed confidently. However, the next shot struck her powerfully muscled abdomen. It too bounced off her invulnerable flesh, but Silver Victory grimaced in pain "Damn that hurt!" She thought in consternation. "I guess I'm still a little tender there. I'll have to be a little careful of that." In the excitement of the moment, a momentary twinge of pain was not important, though. Silver Victory strode up to the robber and struck the gun from his hand. The terrified criminal turned to flee, but Silver Victory caught him by the collar from behind, and lifted him off his feet, with just one hand. Her incredible biceps bulged with awesome power. The man kicked and struggled harmlessly, like a fly caught on a spider web. Without further ado, Silver Victory flew off carrying the shrieking wrongdoer high above Capital City. She swooped down long enough to drop him off at the nearest Police Station, then sped off, to the Council of Righteousness downtown building. As she soared into the morning sky, Silver Victory felt better than she had in days. Capturing wrongdoers and protecting the innocent was what she was born to do. When she arrived at the Council Building, though, her optimistic mood evaporated. Just being in the place where Solargirl had so humiliated and degraded her, made her nervous and uneasy. She spent the day answering emergency calls herself, just to get out of the building, into the bright sunshine. When afternoon came, however, she had to attend the daily staff meeting. She sat through the meeting in meek silence, ashamed to look the other heroines in the eye, after they had seen her groveling to Solargirl. By the time the meeting ended, she was perspiring heavily from nervousness, despite the brevity of her chain harness garb. The dauntless Amazon Queen refused to surrender to her feelings. She stayed late after the meeting broke up, and caught up on the mountain of overdue paperwork, built up in her absence. It was very late before Silver Victory put a significant dent in the pile of paper. Hard as she worked, she couldn't shake the oppressive nervousness, being here instilled in her. She decided to go to the gym and work out. When she'd exercised a considerable time, she took a shower, before leaving. She felt better under the hot spray, and she stood under it for long minutes oblivious to all else. She thought longingly back to the days when she had the delightful Bright Angel and the stalwart Ultrazon to back her up. When she did turn of the water and get out, she noticed the other shower was turned on too. Silver Victory dreaded the thought of talking to any other Council member right now. She quickly toweled herself dry, but before she could don her uniform, the water turned off. To her sick dismay, Silver Victory saw Solargirl step out of the stall, wet and arrogantly naked. The young blond's small breasts sagged slightly, and her belly bulged as the result of poor posture. Her sloppy stance, contrasted as dramatically with Silver Victory's magnificently erect carriage, as her small droopy boobs did with Silver Victory's high bosomed opulence. With her hair wet and bedraggled, she looked like a drowned rat. It mortified Silver Victory to realize she was terrified of this contemptible looking, little slut. She had no way of knowing about Asp's formula, that now combined with Solargirl's extraterrestrial powers, made her so formidable. Solargirl smirked "Well, well! If it isn't balloon tits? You look surprised to see me. I got back from South America a day early. I didn't think you had the gall to ever show your ugly face here again. Seeing you are here, though, get a towel and dry me off. Even if you're washed up as a crimefighter maybe we can make a useful maid of you!" Still invigorated by the shower, sudden righteous fury at Solargirl's insults wiped away Silver Victory's nervous apprehension. "Get your own towel and dry yourself off, you nasty, little snot!" Silver Victory snorted. "My, my! Aren't we testy today? Is it that time of month for you? Gee, at your age, I thought you already went through menopause, or is this mid-life crisis?" Solargirl chirped. "Well it doesn't matter. Just get me that towel, before I kick your big, fat ass over there, to get it!" Silver Victory took the damp, used towel in her hand and threw it in Solargirl's face. "Here, use this!" She defiantly challenged Solargirl. The arrogant blond needed no further provocation. She threw herself at the big redheaded crimefighter. This time the Amazon Queen was ready, for her. She drove a straight left, then a right into Solargirl's mouth. The one-two combination stopped the blond cold. A right uppercut to the jaw lifted Solargirl up on her toes, arms akimbo. She stumbled backward eyes blurring with tears. Silver Victory battered her head back and forth with another left and right. Solargirl momentarily stumbled to one knee, but then shakily regained her feet. There was a look of stunned amazement on her immature face. She vainly tried to protect herself, as Silver Victory plowed a third set of left-right combos to her body. This time the naked blond went down on both knees. Silver Victory stepped back, and snarled. "Get up, you little witch! I'm not finished with you by a long sight!" When Solargirl didn't respond, Silver Victory grasped her arms, lifted her into the air, and set her down on her feet. Solargirl wobbled drunkenly. Silver Victory chivalrously waited a moment, for her badly hurt foe to recover. Solargirl shot Silver Victory a look of venomous hatred. Venom quickly gave way to terror, when the mighty Amazon Queen raised her fists. Instead of taking up the challenge, Solargirl broke for the door. Seeing her quarry flee, Silver Victory set off like a lightening bolt . Shouldering Solargirl aside, she reached the door first, and blocked it. Solargirl picked up a waste basket, and broke it over Silver Victory's head. The triumphant redhead laughed derisively, and knocked Solargirl half way across the room, with a terrific right uppercut. She methodically stalked the disoriented blond, until she trapped her in a corner. Solargirl threw a flurry of weak ineffectual punches that bounced harmlessly off Silver Victory's determined jaw. Silver Victory uncorked a haymaker to the blond's jaw, and Solargirl dropped to her knees again, like a poleaxed heifer. There was no more fight left in the little blond. Silver Victory resisted the temptation to give the vicious young upstart a real thrashing. It wasn't in her nature to take advantage of a helpless foe. She stood erect, hands on hips, magnificently naked, the very incarnation of a warrior goddess. "I'll wait!" Silver Victory said evenly. Solargirl panted for breath. She looked up in fear and hatred. From her knees, she made one last weak attempt. She swiped her fist, hopelessly at the corrugated muscle of Silver Victory's bared belly. Suddenly Silver Victory's look of triumph melted away. Solargirl's blow, weak as it was, was just enough to send her unhealed abdomen into a spasm of cramps. Her face went deadly pale, as her gut twisted into a knot. Unexpectedly scenting weakness, Solargirl put everything she had left, into a harder punch. Just as Silver Victory took a half-step forward to ease the pain of the first blow, Solargirl's fist drove deep into that magnificent muscle culture. Silver Victory doubled over, with a sick moan. Solargirl dove headlong, and drilled her head into the same spot. Coming to her feet, she drove forward, gathering momentum, until she slammed Silver Victory's back into the wall. Solargirl's head smashed Silver Victory's unresisting belly with crushing force, pinning the redhead against the wall. Solargirl straightened up, and drove lefts and rights deeper and deeper into that same vulnerable spot. Soon, she could bury her hard little fists in the totally limp flesh. The gallant, red-haired Amazon refused to give in. She struggled valiantly, all the while Solargirl relentlessly pounded her magnificent abdomen to jelly. Solargirl laughed to see Silver Victory's huge, flawless breasts bob up and down at each blow to her belly. Silver Victory's arms fluttered uselessly. They were already too weak to interpose any defense, and every cruel blow drained more strength from her magnificent body. Agonized moans faded to pitiful mewls of weakness. The sick, hopelessness in her huge, emerald eyes betrayed despair. Solargirl was defeating her again. Solargirl laughingly grabbed Silver Victory around the waist in a crushing bearhug. At first, Silver Victory resisted with the determination of a tigress. The big, bold globes of her splendid behind clenched in desperate resistance, and she beat her sinewy arms against Solargirl's back. Alas, she couldn't even dent it. It was no use! Fighting spirit alone couldn't match Solargirl's newly acquired brute power. In a few seconds, Silver Victory's strong, straight back arched like a bow, then caved in. As Solargirl overwhelmed her mighty body, Silver Victory drooped helplessly in the girl's arms. Solargirl thrilled to feel the tremors of agony in the splendidly voluptuous form plastered helplessly against her own. Silver Victory was powerless to resist, and Solargirl's deceptively soft, plumb arms were pythons remorselessly crushing the last bit of breath from her heroically formed torso. The merciless pressure on Silver Victory's muscular waist swelled her huge bosom to fantastic proportion.The great, up-tilted breasts heaved frantically for breath, though never losing their exquisite silhouette. The dainty spikes adorning the ballooning melons trembled tensely. Their delicate, aureoles, normally a rosy pink, now glowed an angry red, from abuse and exertion. As the uneven struggle continued, Silver Victory's arms dropped lifelessly to her sides. Her great, muscular legs slowly flexed and twisted, in time with the clenching of her big, taut bottom cheeks. She'd given up hope of breaking free, and her exertion was no more than a reflex to ease the crushing pressure engulfing her. The feeble trembling of her long, massively muscled legs accentuated their shapely perfection. Her head lolled backward, long lashes fluttering, helplessly. Tears drenched her big, green eyes, already darkened by pain and fear. Soft whimpers escaped her sensuous mouth, and the pain twisted it into a grimace. Solargirl could tell her magnificent victim was only barely conscious, now. Silver Victory's helplessness inflamed Solargirl. She knew she had conquered the proud, Amazon superheroine completely, this time. She spitefully rubbed herself against Silver Victory's glorious nakedness. Solargirl didn't particularly enjoy intimacy with other women, but the hated resentment it provoked in her magnificent victim, was like heady wine. Solargirl straightened up, lifting Silver Victory's feet clear of the floor. Now, Silver Victory's big fantastically curved legs barely twitched. They hung limply, toes almost, but not quite, touching the floor. Solargirl gave one last convulsive squeeze, that elicited a final hoarse whimper, and then released her arms. Silver Victory's mighty body arched backward like an over-drawn bow, then dropped like a stone to the floor. She fell helplessly spreadeagled on her back. The only movement of Silver Victory's magnificent physique was the spasmodic twitching of her wash board belly, and the quick heaves of her amazingly large breasts. The proud Amazon's large, pain filmed, green eyes followed Solargirl's every move with wary apprehension. The splendid maturity of the older woman's ripe body, now reduced to abject helplessness filled the post-adolescent sadist with an ecstatic sense of power. Seeing her conquered rival lying defenseless at her feet, Solargirl almost orgasmed. "Ready to give up again, Silver Douchebag?" Solargirl sneered. She lifted her foot threateningly over Silver Victory's quivering middle. "Or should I stomp that fat bowl of jelly some more?" Her voice choked by pain, the mighty Amazon Queen stammered. "I'm not giving up to you, you nasty little witch. You'll pay for this!" Solargirl laughed in cruel derision. "You'll never make me pay! Not today, or any other day! You're too gutless, even with that big overgrown body and all those muscles! You're a spineless, crawling rabbit! Now, you tell me you quit, or so help me, I'll mash your belly into the floor!" Silver Victory 's lower lip quivered as she hoarsely whispered. "I give up! You win!" "That didn't convince me. I guess I'm going to have to beat you some more, so bad that you'll wet your pants every time I look at you, just the way you did the other day." As she spoke Solargirl drove her foot into Silver Victory's defenseless belly. Silver Victory's body jacknifed in another agonizing cramp. As Silver Victory struggled convulsively on the floor to regain control of her body, Solargirl licked her lips in delight at the stricken Amazon's gyrations. No more, please!" Silver Victory croaked. "Good! Now that that's settled, get over here and kiss my feet!" With a look of sick resignation on her severely beautiful face, Silver Victory obeyed the young brute's order. Like a whipped cur, she rolled painfully over, and crawled on her belly to Solargirl's feet. She abjectly kissed the toe of Solargirl's boot. The last great champion of the Council of Righteousness had been defeated and reduced to a cringing slave. Later sitting negligently at ease, in the Silver Victory's throne-like executive chair, feet propped insolently on the large ornate desk, Solargirl phoned Asp and gleefully recounted every detail of her conquest to her patroness. "Yes Now you can count on the Council of Righteousness to back you in everything. Those other dumb super bimbos run around following my orders like obedient puppies, now that I've made Silver Victory my flunky. You should have no trouble taking over Capital City completely, my Dear Asp, and don't forget I expect a big slice of the action!" Solargirl hung up the phone and sat hands on her plump, little belly, complacently surveying her new empire. Is this the end of the Council of Righteousness? Have Asp, Lilith and Solargirl won? Can no one stop their evil plans? Are the three villainesses invincible? To be concluded in Volume VI