Council of Righteousness Chronicles, Volume IV, Angel Tarnished. By GW The victorious villainess Lilith, wreaks her devilish will on Bright Angel. Contains scenes of violence, rape (M/f, F/F) N/C Definitely intended for mature adults only. Lilith dragged the helpless, defeated superheroine, Bright Angel inside the door of the desolate, isolated old house, and then down a long hall, to an elaborate six-inch thick steel door. She flung the unconscious angel through the door, and slammed it shut. She locked the steel door with a huge hand lever. Even the superhuman, heavenly visitant, Bright Angel could never break through that door, Lilith thought with satisfaction; especially not after she'd mutilated her unearthly wings, robbing her of much of her powers. The rest of the room in which she'd imprisoned Bright Angel, was composed of twelve foot stone walls, also impervious to Bright Angel's diminished powers. Lilith returned to a large, sparsely furnished room, barbarously decorated with crude, obscene murals. After pouring herself a drink to celebrate her success, she sat down in the only chair in the room, a huge throne like easy chair. As she sipped her drink, she purred like a satiated cat, that just caught and disabled a bright feathered bird. "Well now we shall see if its true that in one night, her angelic body can repair the damage I've done to it." Lilith mused. "If it is true, and if no matter what I do, I can't permanently kill her, this should be the most interesting training session I've ever undertaken." Meanwhile, as Lilith planned her strategy with feline patience, her near lifeless prey, Bright Angel, lay moaning on the floor of the sparse cell, that had been specially constructed for her reception. She shuddered and trembled in ongoing pain, but didn't awaken, even when Lilith peered into the cell to check on her. It was nearly twenty four hours later when she began to stir. Bright Angel sat up groggily and looked around the tiny chamber. The memory of her disastrous defeat, weighed down on her soul like an unbearable slab of stone, but she dutifully studied the room on the off chance finding some means to escape. In one corner, set into the concrete floor were two bowls. One contained an unappetizing mess that looked like dog food, the other was filled with water. In the next corner was a thin, straw-filled pallet with two burlap sacks for blankets. A third corner contained a large box filled with kitty litter. The fourth corner had a rudimentary steel-drum shower. There was no drain, but a container to be emptied. Only barely healed, Bright Angel stumbled dizzily to her feet. The ceiling was less than six feet and the tall blond had to stoop uncomfortably, to stand. She realized, she was half naked and covered with dried blood "All my own!" She sniffed ruefully. "I didn't lay a hand on that evil witch." Bright Angel stumbled to the shower and stripped off her costume. It was unwearable. She left on her panties, when she washed under the cold stream of water. Terribly thirsty, she opened her mouth to take a drink and discovered, to her chagrin, it was salt water. She glanced down at the water dish embedded in the floor. If she was thirsty, her only option was to lap up the water like an animal. Lilith had planned every possible means to degrade her. The water supply ran out all too soon, and Bright Angel stepped from the shower corner. She rang out her panties the best she could. Now, those sky-blue, silk panties were all that remained of her tattered costume, and dignity. The only towel available was a piece of the rough burlap on the bed. It chaffed her silky skin. The running water made Bright Angel realize how desperately she needed to relieve herself. Bright Angel looked in disgust at the kitty litter box. She hesitated nervously. "Oh it's no use I have to go!" She muttered as she removed her panties and squatted in the litter box. The roll of toilet paper beside the box actually surprised her. After she put her panties back on, she knelt down and drank from the water dish, too thirsty to resist. She still disdained the slop in the other dish. When she stood up, she swayed unsteadily; almost swooning. Her dizziness emphasized that she was still in shock from Lilith's savage beating and especially from the savage mutilation of her precious wings that followed. Just then a voice spoke from the tiny grill in the door. "Well, Sleeping Beauty rises!" Lilith snickered. Despite her unshakeable courage, a thrill of trepidation ran down Bright Angel's spine, at sound of that hateful, gloating voice. Lilith opened the door and entered the tiny cell. Still dazed, Bright Angel allowed Lilith to lead her out to the main room. Bright Angel shuddered in horror and disgust at the horrifying obscene murals that covered every spare bit of the walls. "How could any person paint such depravity?" She wondered innocently. Lilith led her captive to the large table that dominated the center of the room. Still trembling, Bright Angel leaned forward against the table and rested her hands on it. She shook her head to clear it. As Bright Angel turned her back, Lilith fingered her truncated wings. The feathery appendages had not noticeably grown any larger, but the jagged horrifying wounds, Lilith's wire clippers inflicted, had closed and completely healed. "It is true! They 're completely better." Lilith muttered as Bright Angel stiffened and tried to escape her prying fingers. "Don't touch me!" Th blond angel cried out. Lilith pressed her body against Bright Angel's back, to prevent her escape. She reached in front of her, and brazenly fondled Bright Angel's breast. "By Hades, she has big tits!" Lilith mused, as she fingered a taut nipple. Bright Angel reacted with shocked outrage. She struggled with all her might, but with her thighs pressed between Lilith and the table she couldn't free herself. With her other hand, Lilith caressed the juncture of Bright Angel's thighs through her thin, still damp, silk panties. They offered little protection from Lilith's fiendish, wriggling fingers. Lilith pressed harder against Bright Angel's back pushing her face down across the table. After Lilith had toyed with Bright Angel's breasts and genitalia long enough, Bright Angel found her knees were weak, and her body trembling, strangely agitated by Lilith's vulgar, manipulative fingers. In shocked alarm, she struggled to get way, kicking her long, powerfully rounded legs. Lilith adroitly avoided the kicking legs, but eased the pressure. Bright Angel straightened up. She turned and shoved Lilith away from her. Lilith laughed at the sudden show of spirit in the defeated heroine. She dealt with it ruthlessly. She grabbed Bright Angel by the arms and shook her until her teeth rattled. Clad only in her brief panties, Bright Angel's body trembled apprehensively. "If you stand still, I won't hit you, or hurt you, but one way or the other, I'm going to pull off your pretty little panties." Lilith sneered arrogantly. Bright Angel's eyes blazed at Lilith's effrontery. Some of her extraordinary strength was seeping back into her body. "I won't let you do that!" Bright Angel replied. When Lilith reached for her panties, Bright Angel grabbed her wrists and held her immobile. "Let go bitch" Lilith snarled, but Bright Angel held on tightly. Lilith struggled, but realized Bright Angel's massive strength still at least equaled her own, even after the frightful punishment she had dealt her. The crafty Lilith had other tactics at her disposal. Suddenly her knee drove explosively up into Bright Angel's crotch. Bright Angel cried out in pain, and Lilith jerked her hands free. Before Bright Angel could retaliate or stop her, Lilith spun the white-winged heroine around toward the table again. With the same smooth, continuous motion, she ripped Bright Angel's panties down her long, rock-solid legs, until they twisted about her ankles. Bright Angel stooped over and tried to retrieve her briefs, chaste modesty outweighing self-preservation. Lilith sneeringly kicked the stooping angel in her imposingly broad and shapely behind. Hampered by the panties twisted around her ankles, Bright Angel crashed face first to the floor. The impact painfully crushed her mighty breasts, but she rolled over on her back. Lilith followed, and without hesitation, knee dropped into Bright Angel's belly, knocking the breath out of her, and nailing her to the floor. "Now get up, and do what you're told, before I get nasty!" Lilith ordered. Naked and writhing in pain, Bright Angel rubbed her belly, while Lilith stripped her briefs off her ankles. Having failed to obey the command, Lilith leaned down again and grabbed Bright Angel's arm in a come-along hold. She forced the big, blond angel to her feet. Even in her low slippers Bright Angel towered over Lilith in high- heeled boots. Gasping breathlessly, Bright Angel's enormous, high-set bosom jiggled enticingly. Unbridled, the jouncing of her amazingly large, breasts, reminded Bright Angel she was now totally nude, every delectable curve of her splendid physique sculpted in warm living flesh, of the firm consistency of rubber. She wasn't falsely modest, but Lilith's smirking inspection of her magnificent, Junoesque body made her feel unclean. As Bright Angel's breath returned, her eyes flashed angrily and the nostrils of her classically elegant nose flared. "Get out of my way!" She snapped furiously. "Make me!" Lilith taunted, planting herself directly in front of the formidable blond superheroine. Bright Angel strode forward, as though Lilith weren't there. As Bright Angel strode by her, Lilith reached out and cupped the luxuriant, golden fleece that sheathed Bright Angel's crotch. She obscenely fondled the short, downy softness, as well as the beautiful genitalia it adorned. Bright Angel's face flamed. She angrily struck Lilith's hand away, then, overcome by her righteous anger, she smashed her fist into Lilith's smirking, overconfident face. Her fist sent Lilith tumbling, head over heels. Lilith sprawled in a daze, fingering her sore jaw. All her reserves exhausted by her mutilation and regeneration, the effort left Bright Angel almost as weak and dizzy as Lilith. Bright Angel feared she wasn't in any shape to finish this fight with Lilith just yet. She must rest and recuperate. She had to get out of here. Head held high on strong, slim neck, sumptuous body erect as a lance, she stalked toward the door. With every pantherish stride of her strong, golden legs, her solidly rounded bottom swayed boldly. Lilith clambered to her feet, as fast as her dizziness would allow. By now, the gloriously naked, blond heroine had nearly reached the door. Lilith watched, eyes glittering with malicious hatred, athirst to avenge the punch that sent her sprawling. She sped silently after her prey and fell in a step behind. With unerring aim, she spiked her middle finger deep between Bright Angel's magnificently swaying bottom cheeks, half penetrating her anus. Bright Angel cried out in shocked indignation as Lilith's finger drove her up on her toes. As her body arched backward, Lilith seized two handfuls of pale, spun gold hair and jerked her back into the room. "You don't think I'll just let you walk away from me, my Slave-Slut, do you?" Lilith seethed angrily close to Bright Angel's ear. Bright Angel struggled to free her hair, but the pressure on her scalp really hurt, and Lilith had both hands tangled in her golden halo. The big blond was forced to back pedal. Lilith increased their momentum, and Bright Angel lost her balance. Lilith kicked her legs out from under her. Bright Angel sat down hard on her solid behind. Lilith kept right on dragging her backward. Bright Angel's bottom bumped painfully, several times before Lilith pulled her over on her back. As she struggled, her enormous breasts, standing huge and erect even while on her back, jounced around her chest. Bright Angel twisted over on her naked belly. She cried out in pain and chagrin at being recaptured. There was no one to hear her cries, but the demonic Lilith, who gloried in them. Lilith dragged the kicking, screaming woman back to the table where they had started. Before Bright Angel could rise, Lilith's foot lanced into her ear. Pain lance sliced through her face like a knife. A second kick broke the skin on her cheek. Lilith let her head drop to the floor, and Bright Angel rolled on her side. "Ready to behave angel face?" Lilith taunted the beautiful, heavenly creature at her feet. "Go back to hades!" Bright Angel retorted her eyes furiously defiant even crouched ignominiously at Lilith's feet. Furiously she sat up. Lilith leaned over and clouted her across the face, grabbed two handfuls of her tangled gold tresses again, and heaved her to her feet. She jerked Bright Angel's face down toward her head, smashing Bright Angel's nose against the top of her rocklike head. Still holding Bright Angel captive by her hair, Lilith thrust her face up close to Bright Angel's, holding her bent forward, so their eyes were level. She spat into Bright Angel's face, just for the fun of defiling that unearthly beauty. "You cowardly slut! You deserve to be my slave! You might have finished me back there, but you ran away, instead, afraid to fight me, woman to woman." Bright Angel's eyes dropped; she had acted from her realistic awareness of her weakness, yet perhaps she should have fought "Maybe I am scared of her?" She agonized, realizing that only decisive victory over the fiendish woman could free her from that hateful presence. Before Bright Angel could act on that realization though, Lilith socked her in the belly. She grabbed Bright Angel's left arm, and twisted it high behind her in a hammerlock, spinning her face first against the table. Bright Angel struggled like a newly captured tigress, and Lilith could barely hold her. She adroitly avoided Bright Angel's rapidly beating wings. Once they beat with power enough to knock her off her feet, but since she had clipped them, they were just an annoyance. She banged Bright Angel's body against the table and pressed her own skinny body against the blond superheroine's huge, naked buttocks. They felt like two big, smooth boulders against her loins. Lilith reared back, and drove Bright Angel belly first against the edge of the table, adding to her foe's distress and hampering her struggles. While banging her against the table, Lilith shoved Bright Angel 's captive arm higher and higher, then holding it in place with one hand, she seized Bright Angel's pinky, and with a wrenching jerk broke the finger. Bright Angel wailed as that fierce pain sapped her fast dwindling strength. Once again, Lilith's utter ruthlessness dismayed her, as much as the pain. Having weakened her foe, Lilith now flung Bright Angel face down across the table. Bright Angel still kicked desperately; long ivory legs flashing furiously. Holding her down by the arm, Lilith rabbit punched her again and again, until she stilled Bright Angel's wild struggles. Finally, even the feathery wings went limp. The only result of Bright Angel's ineffectual frenzy was to expose the vulnerability of her massive bottom cheeks to Lilith's cruel sneering gaze. Lilith poked her finger into the center of one enormous globe, testing the incredible resiliency of the superbly toned flesh. An apprehensive tremor agitated the delectable flesh, and Bright Angel's wings fluttered nervously. Satisfied that she'd neutralized Bright Angel's great strength for the time being, Lilith lay down across her broad, sinuous back, pinning Bright Angel's maimed wings against her back. Bright Angel gritted her teeth in disgust at the unwelcome contact. Lilith whispered in her ear. "See, you stupid bitch, you're back where we started, right where I want you to be. But first you had to be taught the hard way. I'll enjoy teaching you all your lessons, the hard way!" Unable to free herself or retaliate, Bright Angel seethed in fury. Still lying atop the gorgeous trembling angel, Lilith reached down to a drawer in the table and removed a huge, obscenely ugly, club-like implement. It was two feet long, and three inches thick, with a thick ram's head knob on the end. Lilith waved the rod in front of Bright Angel's eyes. "Look at this Slave-Slut! This will be your next lesson. Do you know where I'm going to put this?" Bright Angel shuddered in revulsion. She had a terrible presentment "Oh Lord no! Protect me!" She murmured in anguish. She tried to renew her struggles, but her exhausted body flopped around uselessly, trembling violently. Lilith slid off the trembling, nude heroine, leaving her draped helplessly across the big table. She caressed Bright Angel's ivory-hued bottom. stretched taut by her awkwardly exposed position. Bright Angel jumped at Lilith's touch, as though from an electric shock. "Don't touch me fiend!" Bright Angel screamed furiously, futilely kicking her long, rounded legs. Lilith contemptuously ignored the feeble movements of the huge, muscle-packed limbs. Laughing at Bright Angel's protests, she pawed at the huge buttocks, until she pried the clenched globes apart, and exposed the tiny, bud- like, pink anus. Despite the robust, power of her magnificent body, Bright Angel's nether hole was almost childlike in its delicious delicacy. "St-stop it! Stop it! Leave... Ooohh, you! Leave me alone! Get away! Don't touch me, you foul fiend!" Bright Angel's cries lost their edge of fury, becoming desperately alarmed. Lilith laughed cruelly at Bright Angel's useless whining. She wedged the foul knob of the rod between Bright Angel's parted bottom cheeks. The huge ram's head knob pressed threateningly against the tiny, puckered opening. Bright Angel desperately clenched her bottom cheeks, until her huge white nether globes were taut as flexible steel. "Please! N- no don't!" the proud angel heroine whimpered abjectly. Lilith's cruel laughter grew louder as she thrust the rod against Bright Angel's tightly clenched anus. The taut sphincter resisted her efforts, until she was slamming the rod harder and harder. Bright Angel thrashed about the table, babbling threats and pleas, terrified by the impending violation. By now, Lilith was furious at her resistance. She finally used both hands and put her whole body behind her thrusts. Finally she drove the huge knob home, battering it into the impossibly tiny opening with a loud plop. Bright Angel shrieked piercingly as the hateful, obscene, torture implement penetrated her virginal body. Once past the tiny portal, the rod slid deeper and deeper into Bright Angel's body, until Lilith remorselessly drove the entire two feet into the hilt. Bright Angel's shrieks were even louder. Lilith lustily drove the long, bulbous rod with powerful thrusts, deep into the center of Bright Angel's body. Bright Angel's fierce, rigidly tense resistance made her ordeal even worse She never imagined such distress. The intense splitting pain, of the obscene rod, impaling her body, was horrible enough, but worse was the soul-searing humiliation and violation of her person. As Lilith established a rhythm to her thrusts, she reached down and diddled Bright Angel's gaping pussy and clitoris. At first, the virginally naive heroine, hysterically distracted by the obscene rod ramming up her behind, not to mention the throbbing agony of her broken finger, was hardly aware of her own response, even as her long nipple spikes and delicate clitoris swelled and stiffened in arousal. Then in horror, she suddenly realized what Lilith was doing to her. Hit by a wave of revulsion at her body's betrayal, she bit her ripe, pink lips, banged her forehead on the table, and even deliberately twisted her broken finger. Anything to spike the waves of arousal carrying her away. It was no use, Bright Angel thrashed and moaned, her genitals on fire. Lilith stepped up her forced masturbation of the angelically innocent, golden blond; at the same time, she began to twist and drive the ram's head rod from side to side, as she worked it in and out. Subjugated by Lilith's brutal, double rape, Bright Angel came to a shuddering explosive orgasm. Her whole body thrashed, and she screamed in agonized excitement. Then she collapsed helplessly on the table, sobbing bitterly at her hateful surrender. "Oh you filthy, obscene devil slut!" She moaned in defeat. Bright Angel wasn't sure whether she meant Lilith or her own weak, mortal self. Having achieved her immediate goal, Lilith halted her manipulations, and with a vicious jerk, tore the terrible rod from Bright Angel's body, shuddering in pain and revulsion. Like a harpoon being withdrawn, the double thick, ram's head knob ripped Bright Angel's already lacerated anus. It came away covered in blood. As she laid aside the rod, Lilith contemplated Bright Angel's violated body with a look of cruel ecstacy. Lilith ready to explode in passion herself, stripped off her own clothes,. When she finished undressing, she grabbed Bright Angel's ankles and suddenly pulled the half-conscious heroine off the table. Bright Angel collapsed in heap on the floor. Lilith seized Bright Angel by her golden hair and jerked her face up into her crotch. "Eat me slave!" Lilith commanded imperiously. Shocked and outraged, Bright Angel angrily spat out: "I'll never do that, fiend!" Lilith was too overcome with passion to take the time to force Bright Angel to service her just now. Instead she rubbed Bright Angel's exquisite face against her gaping, brown-lipped pussy. Bright Angel retched and gagged in disgust, but she was helpless. There was nothing she could do to prevent her enforced use by the fiendish Lilith, until finally her tormentress exploded in a ferocious climax. When her passion subsided, Lilith let Bright Angel drop limply to the floor. Bright Angel was almost unconscious, already, but Lilith casually kicked her in the jaw, knocking her completely out. She looked down at Bright Angel's delicately beautiful face, covered by her own slimy excretions, and laughed in triumph. Then, she dragged Bright Angel's inert body back to her small filthy cell. Bright Angel, still moaning and twitching in subconscious horror, fell into a deep, fitful sleep. As before, her body began to repair the damage, Lilith had inflicted, even as her soul relived the horror of her ordeal in horrifying nightmares. Periodically Bright Angel's moans grew to shrieks. Another night of rest almost restored the supra-mortal Bright Angel to full physical recovery from her frightful ordeal. As she woke, she shuddered and whimpered at the memory of the horrible ram's head impaling her body, and her mortifying surrender to it. In her heart she knew Lilith had worse in store for her. The only hope of escape, was to overcome Lilith physically. She'd already failed twice, suffering two ignominious defeats. She dreaded another trial, but she had no choice. She must do it. Her strong, imperious will overcame her anxiety. She prayed for strength and forgiveness for her craven surrender. As she determined to resist to the utmost, she felt her physical strength return in its full vigor. She vowed silently, "I'll never give in again!" Meanwhile, having no choice, she once again overcame her fastidious aversion, and reluctantly relieved herself in the kitty-litter box in the corner. Once she surrendered to that physical necessity, she knew she would need sustenance for her coming trial. She ate from the dog dish and lapped water up like a dog. Then she stepped into the saltwater shower and washed away the reminders of her humiliation. She dried herself, and paced the cell, like a magnificent lioness suddenly caged. She did not dwell on past defeat, but eagerly awaited Lilith's return, so she could renew the conflict. She ached to get her hands on the vile tormentress. Finally, the cell door flew open. Bright Angel leaped through it, before Lilith could enter the cell. Lilith concealed her surprise, by taunting her captive. "Ahh my little worm would like to turn. I see you're recovered. It's so nice to have a punching bag that can't be permanently damaged, all ready for more fun and games." Despite her taunts, Lilith fell into a defensive crouch, for she did not underestimate the formidable strength of her captive. Bright Angel flushed at the effrontery of the small skinny woman, but didn't deign to answer her. She stood tall and relaxed, a cool look of challenge on her beautiful face. Lilith equally cool, inspected her rebellious captive from head to toe. She licked her lips appreciatively, still amazed at seeing the perfection of a classical work of art. The carnation-soft, ivory flesh softened the power of the brutally strong muscles, and endowed them with an enchanting femininity. Rounded, dimpled knees and strong, slender ankles balanced heavily rounded thighs and strong muscular calves. Solidly out-thrust hips, and fully rounded buttocks arched dramatically inward to a tight, sinuous waist and muscularly ridged torso. Her long, slender neck and soft, unlined throat accentuated her wide, deep chest, broad shoulders and heavy, round arms, with incredibly well defined biceps. Her huge breasts defied gravity, so arrogantly up- tilted, that the small, dark pink aureoles and long, thick nipples zoomed upward at a 45 degree angle. Large, warm, blue eyes and a tangled mass of golden hair softened the severe classic elegance of Bright Angel's beautiful face. Now she flushed bewitchingly at Lilith's leering inspection. Lilith had waited long enough; it was time to deal with incipient rebellion in a slave immediately. She sprang at Bright Angel. She darted forward and landed two devastating blows, one to each vulnerably exposed breast. Her small hard fists drove into the firm spongy flesh. Bright Angel gasped, as her huge up-tilted breasts jiggled slightly. Angered by the pain, Bright Angel sprang at her smaller opponent with catlike grace. The snakelike Lilith was just as quick. She dodged sideways, avoiding the big blond's rush, and landed a hard blow to the small of Bright Angel's back. Her foe momentarily off-balance, Lilith jumped behind her, seized her left wrist and jerked her around sideways, exposing her abdomen, to a powerful kick. Twisting suddenly, Lilith slipped her slender arms under Bright Angel's, and locked them around her neck in a full nelson. Nestling her head between Bright Angel's fluttering white wings, Lilith slammed her knee relentlessly upward between strongly rounded, white thighs, again and again. The attack on Bright Angel's delicate anal region, recalled the nightmare violation of the night before. Stung by that memory, she angrily lunged forward, and broke free. She stumbled, but threw herself sideways, before Lilith could catch her from behind, again. Rolling as she hit the floor, she instantly bounced to her feet. Quick as she was, Lilith was quicker. With the speed of a striking snake, she drove her booted foot into Bright Angel's abdomen. Bright Angel's momentum impaled her firm belly on Lilith's sharp, metal-shod toe. Her body crumpled, just as Lilith's follow-up kick exploded against her huge upright bosom. Another kick caught her in the side, as she rolled sideways. Lilith followed up relentlessly, kicking with lightning speed. Bright Angel tried to ward off the barrage of kicks with her arms and legs. In moments her voluptuous limbs were bruised and numb. "You don't fight very well, do you slave?" Lilith snickered "No matter! Your big white carcass can certainly absorb a lot of punishment, and I enjoy the exercise." Despite the pain in her limbs, Bright Angel had caught her breath again. She dodged the next kick, then gracefully rolled to her feet. Feeling her legs under her, Bright Angel made a grab for Lilith's wrist. Instead, Lilith seized Bright Angel's wrist with both hands. Lilith twisted skillfully, seeking to capture Bright Angel's mighty arm in a hammerlock. Bright Angel instinctively wheeled to avoid the maneuver, but Lilith jammed her arm up her back, careful to avoid those beating white wings. Bright Angel's arm went numb; she yelped in pain. Instinctively, though, she wheeled and struck Lilith with a mighty left fist. The blow catapulted Lilith half across the room. As soon as she skidded to a halt, Lilith sprang back at Bright Angel, still screaming in thwarted fury. Bright Angel gallantly rushed to meet Lilith's attack; she slashed with stiff fingered hands, catching the fiend off guard, in the belly and across the throat. Lilith moaned, and fell to her knees. Bright Angel drove her knee into Lilith's face. Lilith collapsed against Bright Angel's abdomen. Bright Angel grabbed her by the hair to finish her, but Lilith snapped her sharp white teeth shut on the firm flesh of Bright Angel's abdomen, clinging with the persistence of a bulldog. Lilith looped her arms around Bright Angel's waist, and clung tenaciously. Bright Angel thrashed wildly, and beat Lilith's head. She tried to kick her away, but the fiend clung too tightly to her leg. Lilith rose to one foot, and braced herself. Then with all the unexpected superpower of her skinny body, she lifted her much heavier foe off her feet. She dumped the surprised Bright Angel, headfirst, over her shoulder. The floor smashed into Bright Angel's face, and she tumbled over on her back. Lilith flung herself atop the blond and straddled her middle. Bright Angel saw that triumphantly leering face above her again. Lilith stabbed her finger into Bright Angel's right breast. From the floor, Bright Angel swung a wild punch that Lilith easily dodged. Kicking and struggling, with all her strength, Bright Angel finally dislodged her smaller foe. Both women scrambled to their feet and attacked. Bright Angel threw her arms around Lilith's wiry waist seeking a bearhug. Lilith fought her off, pounding her fists into Bright Angel's sides, back and middle. Bright Angel couldn't secure the hold; it was like trying to catch hold of a whirlwind. She was taking considerably more damage than she was dishing out. Lilith's hard fists took her breath away. Bright Angel broke off, and took a step away from her foe. As she did, Lilith kicked her in the crotch, doubling her in half. Lilith leaped to her side, and rabbit punched Bright Angel to her knees. Next, she stepped back and kicked Bright Angel squarely on her firm, rounded chin. Somehow Bright Angel kept her balance, and tottered to her feet. "Ready to quit Slave-Slut?" Lilith laughed. Bright Angel's only answer was the smoldering anger in her glazed, blue eyes. She threw herself at Lilith. Her heavier weight carried the smaller woman over backward. Bright Angel sought to pin Lilith down, but her big, marvelous body couldn't entirely restrain the snakelike fluidity of Lilith's wriggling resistance. Bright Angel drew back her right fist and slammed it into Lilith's jaw, but Lilith looked her in the eye and sneered "Is that the best you can do slave girl?" Bright Angel hit Lilith again, but again Lilith laughed at her. Suddenly Lilith's lean body stiffened like a coiled spring. She whipped her legs up from behind, and locked her ankles around the blond's throat, pulling her backward. Simultaneously, Lilith sat up between Bright Angel's big, voluptuous, white thighs. Her left claw closed on Bright Angel's crotch and squeezed. She pinched and tore at Bright Angel's delicate pussy. Bright Angel screamed, but Lilith cut her screams short, with a series of brutal right fists to her tightly stretched belly. Lilith's ankles pulled loose from Bright Angel's head. She stood up with a quick fluid movement locking her arms around Bright Angel's heavy thighs as she stood. Bright Angel's thighs were higher than her head, now, locked under Lilith's arms, her shoulders and head on the floor. Lilith immediately began to turn in a circle. She built up momentum, until Bright Angel's head bounced along the floor. The blond involuntarily wailed in apprehension. Soon she was completely off the floor, whirling helplessly though the air. "Noooooaaa!" Lilith heard Bright Angel's wail, and she laughed, as she tossed the huge, ivory fleshed angel. Bright Angel hurtled across the room, and crashed into a small table, completely demolishing it. She was still lying amid the wreckage, moaning softly when Lilith dragged her to her feet. Lilith seized a big, succulent breast with her left hand, jagged finger nails digging into the delicate nipple. Lilith laughed scornfully, and used the ripe melon to position the struggling blond. Lilith's right fist smashed Bright Angel's wide, pink mouth, her knuckles mashing the sensuous lips. The next punch landed squarely on Bright Angel's classically aquiline nose. Pain lanced through her face, bringing tears to her eyes. Bright Angel raised her arms in a futile gesture of defiance, big, dark blue eyes glaring through a tangled mesh of golden hair. Lilith laughed. She let go of Bright Angel's breast and methodically beat Bright Angel's defiant gesture aside. Her swift barrage drove the reeling blond back against the wall. Then Lilith painstakingly beat Bright Angel senseless. Her hard fists flailed away at every sensitive spot on the voluptuous, ivory hued body. Bright Angel sagged helplessly forward. Lilith's strong, skinny, left arm shot out and caught her throat, pinning her to the wall. Then, like a jackhammer, she drove her right fist deep into Bright Angel's strongly molded belly muscles, until she turned them to jelly. Bright Angel's face turned a pale, sickly green, as she gagged at the nauseating pain. She sagged back against the wall, clawing at it for support. Bright Angel's tragic, blue eyes clearly reflected the horrified shock of another defeat. She just couldn't match Lilith's savagery, and the fiend had outfought her, and broken her resistance again. Lilith saw the sick admission of defeat in Bright Angel's eyes. She gave a joyous shout of triumph. "You gutless, simpering, overgrown cow! Did you really think you had a chance to beat me?" She crowed. Then she grabbed Bright Angel's big body in her arms. Bright Angel was too weak to resist her. Lilith twisted the angel around so her back was to her, and threw her left arm around Bright Angel's neck in a choke hold. Lilith felt Bright Angel's maimed white wings trembling helplessly against her belly. Her right hand slid down the front of Bright Angel's body. She cupped an enormous, trembling breast for a moment in a proprietary grip. She caressed the powerfully sculpted belly muscles. Her claw paused, when she reached Bright Angel's lower abdomen. The huge blond's flesh trembled in revulsion at Lilith's touch. Lilith bent Bright Angel's body over backward, vulnerably exposing her belly at an awkward angle. She seized a handful of muscled abdominal flesh in her right claw, working her fingers deeper and deeper, until she was digging into Bright Angel's very internal organs. With super strength, her fingers were strong as power pincers. The pain became more and more intense, but Bright Angel feared Lilith's choke hold, almost suffocating, even more. Bright Angel's weakened hands uselessly clutched at Lilith's left arm around her throat. It was no use she couldn't tear it loose. Gradually Bright Angel's vision blurred and her body went limp. Feeling the last resistance drain from Bright Angel's body, Lilith eased the pressure on her throat. Bright Angel gulped air, choking and gagging. As her reeling mind cleared, awareness of the clawing, tearing torment in her vitals intensified. Her body doubled forward. Without loosening her fearsome grip, Lilith eased Bright Angel down flat on the floor, and rolled her on her back. Then facing Bright Angel's legs, she straddled her head, pressing her naked, sexual organs down on Bright Angel's face. Bright Angel gagged in revulsion, moaning aloud from the fierce pain in her gut. Lilith, still gripping Bright Angel's abdomen, leaned forward, her head darting down to the angelic bosom. She mouthed Bright Angel's trembling right breast. Her mouth was large, but couldn't begin to contain more than a fraction of the bounteous globe. Her sharp, crooked teeth closed on the nipple and clenched. Bright Angel screamed at the dual assault. Unable to move her body, her head, helplessly locked between Lilith's thighs, thrashed about, until inevitably her soft ripe mouth nuzzled Lilith's pussy. As it did, Lilith eased the pressure, of both tooth and claw, lessening Bright Angel's pain somewhat. In fearful disgust, Bright Angel tore her mouth away from the hateful genital site, and continued to thrash her head wildly. Lilith immediately intensified the pain. Each time Bright Angel's mouth accidently came in contact with her pussy, she eased the pain. Gradually Bright Angel's will to resist evaporated. Wearily she allowed her mouth to be pressed against Lilith's gaping pussy. She clenched her lips tight. Breathing though her nose was difficult because her straight, aristocratic nose was wedged tightly in Lilith's anal crack. Lilith rocked slightly, rubbing against Bright Angel's tightly closed mouth. Gradually Lilith's thighs tightened around Bright Angel's head, until Bright Angel couldn't move her face, or free her mouth from its loathsome servitude. Then Lilith gradually began to build the pain again, until Bright Angel's mouth opened involuntarily in a muffled cry. As her lips moved, Lilith eased the pain again. By easing and intensifying the pain, Lilith forced Bright Angel's lips to work against her dripping pussy. As Lilith grew excited, her long, thick clitoris stiffened between Bright Angel's soft pink lips. More than anything, Bright Angel wished to bite it, but she couldn't bring herself to such savagery. By now, Lilith's anus was cutting off all air to Bright Angel's nose, forcing her to suck air in through her mouth. She only breathed when the alternative was suffocation, but every time she did, Lilith rewarded her by easing the pain. Half strangled, by now, Bright Angel's tongue protruded from her mouth, until it rested against Lilith's stiff clit. Against her will, Bright Angel found her tongue lapping at Lilith's clit. Each time she tried to stop, Lilith intensified the pain. Unable to resist anymore, Bright Angel licked and sucked continuously, anything to end this horrible ordeal. Gradually she brought Lilith to an intense orgasm. When Lilith's passion cooled, she rose from the prostrate body of the beaten blond and strutted around her triumphantly "You've enjoyed the privilege of my body, Slave-Slut, now crawl back to your cell, until I have further need of you!" Lilith snapped arrogantly. Poor Bright Angel, overwhelmed by shame and totally vanquished yet again, meekly obeyed. Weakly, the huge, powerfully-built, blond struggled to her hands and knees, and crawled toward her cell door. Her pathetic wings drooped across her back. Lilith almost came again, at sight of the haughty, blond angel crawling away like a whipped dog. As she crawled, Bright Angel's powerful, ivory-hued buttocks swayed enticingly, too enticingly. Just as she reached the cell door, Lilith darted forward and delivered a running drop kick, right to the center of those enormous, naked globes. The kick sent poor Bright Angel hurtling forward into her cell. Her vulnerably naked bosom absorbed the impact. Her breasts, so femininely delicate, despite their enormous, fruited magnificence, suffered accordingly. When the cell door slammed shut, Bright Angel lay where Lilith's kick flung her, wondering how the tiny fiend had drubbed her again. Her wandering mind couldn't let go of the terrible, vile surrender to Lilith. She wiped her mouth roughly with her forearm trying to wipe away the horrible, degrading taste of Lilith's body. "If I don't get away from her soon, she will enslave me. I let her use me like a harlot to slake her lust". Bright Angel prayed for forgiveness. If she were to retain her own soul, she must somehow defeat the demoness. Yet, with sick dismay, she realized, she was trembling at thought of another contest with the devilish foe. "I'm bigger and stronger, but I'm like a puppet in her hands." Bright Angel continued to pray and prepare herself for the next trial. She feared her respite would be short. as she wasn't physically hurt. She was right; it was only a few hours later, when she heard the key in the lock. Bright Angel sprang to her feet and waited by the door. When it opened, she flung herself on top of the fiend, eager to beat her senseless. The evil witch, Lilith, was arrogantly certain she'd cowed her captive, and, for once, Bright Angel caught her off guard. Bright Angel's furious attack hurled Lilith to the floor. With Bright Angel's imposing form astride her chest, Lilith floundered helplessly. Bright Angel's power packed legs pinned her arms to the floor. Bright Angel's brutally powerful abdomen, looking like the individually articulated muscles were carved from ivory, cut off most of her view, and Bright Angel's huge, upthrust bosom ominously overhung her face, like jutting mountain peaks. Bright Angel battered Lilith's face until the fiend's eyes closed, and she lay still. Bright Angel sat back unwilling to strike an unconscious foe. Lilith, though hurt and dizzy, was only feigning unconsciousness. As Bright Angel relaxed, Lilith struck. She jerked her arms and hands free, from Bright Angel's mighty legs, and shot her fist into Bright Angel's belly. Her blows made little impact on the taut-steel girdle of muscles, that cinched Bright Angel's waist to such breathtaking slimness. She did, however, throw Bright Angel off balance, so that she almost toppled over backward. Simultaneously Lilith's educated thumbs found those sensitive pressure points in Bright Angel's groin. Fierce pain scalded Bright Angel's loins, handicapping her struggles. Bright Angel's meaty, white thighs were splayed apart by her awkward position. Lilith's head darted between them, and her teeth snapped shut on delicate, pink, pussy lips. Bright Angel shrieked, as her long, white neck stretched backward, in a painful arc. Her broad back arched like a bent bow, and her huge, hard muscled buttocks drew taut as marble, until the gleaming golden top of head was on the floor. Lilith suddenly released her vicious grip on Bright Angel's loins and pussy, and slithered out from between her powerful, rock solid thighs. Lilith's savagery had fanned Bright Angel's grim determination to white hot fury. Bright Angel's only thought was to get her hands on Lilith's skinny body, and rend it limb from limb. She was hardly aware of the numbness in her heroically proportioned legs, or the pain that still ravaged her sensitive pussy. When she sprang to her feet, her legs trembled slightly, but she moved with the relaxed speed of a tigress. Lilith scooted to her feet, but Bright Angel seized her, lifted her off the floor, and flung her across the room. Lilith rolled to her feet immediately, but the enraged blond was almost on top of her again, huge naked breasts swaying like immense, ripe melons on a vine. Lilith desperately ducked under Bright Angel's next punch, and backpedaled at top speed. Bright Angel leaped at her with a tigerish quickness, that belied the massiveness of her spectacular physique. Lilith half turned, and drove a karate kick into the raging blond's groin, just at the point where her right thigh joined her taut flat abdomen. Bright Angel's leg was still a little numb and it buckled. As she stumbled, Lilith landed another kick, right in the solar plexus. Despite the tense rigidity of her belly, Bright Angel's mouth dropped open, and her body doubled over. With the snarl of a wounded tigress, Bright Angel straightened up and seized Lilith in her long, powerfully rounded arms. She lifted Lilith off the floor, locking her arms at her sides. Bright Angel's graceful arms bulged as the steely muscles under the velvet flesh exploded. Her biceps muscles looked like a pair of grapefruits. She gave a wrenching squeeze that nearly snapped Lilith's spine. Lilith writhed helplessly as Bright Angel's crushingly powerful arms cut off her breath. She saw Bright Angel's luminous, blue eyes gleaming; her sweet, full, pink lips curved in a cruel smile. "The dirty bitch is enjoying hurting me!" Lilith thought with hypocritical amazement. In a fury, like striking snake, she snapped her sharp, white teeth shut on Bright Angel's right earlobe. Though invulnerable to most weapons including bullets, Bright Angel's flesh couldn't resist Lilith's super-powered jaws and formidably enhanced teeth. Bright Angel's face twisted in a grimace of horrified pain, as the vicious Lilith nearly bit her earlobe off. Bright Angel's arms loosened slightly. Then, gritting her teeth, she reasserted her grip and steadied her long, straight legs to rock like rigidity. Though suffering atrociously from Bright Angel's grip, Lilith smiled. Blood steamed down Bright Angel's face from the wound, and the heroine saw blood dribbling down Lilith's chin, as well, her blood. Bright Angel's stomach lurched in horrified disgust at sight of her own blood smeared all over Lilith's face. With a cry of rage, she hurled the nasty witch as far away from her, as mighty arms and broad, smoothly flexing back could reach. Lilith flew the entire length of the room. She smashed against the wall, with a resounding thud, but sprang to her feet. Apparently unhurt, Lilith laughed. "Next time, I may bite off a nipple from one of your oversized tits." Bright Angel unconsciously, covered her breasts protectively, at the threat. Then remembering her resolve, she advanced to meet the loathsome, disgusting fiend. Lilith sprang at Bright Angel's throat like a ravening carnivore. Her claw tore at the shredded remains of Bright Angels's ear, as her mouth snapped at Bright Angel's smooth, white throat. Bright Angel grabbed Lilith's arms, to fend her off, but her hands were slippery with her own blood, and she couldn't get a firm grip. Clinging to Bright Angel's body, Lilith's knees banged against her slim, muscle-corseted belly. While she tore at Bright Angel's mutilated ear, with one hand, the other hand gripped her tangled mane of golden hair. Like a ravening beast, Lilith attacked, tooth and nail; she literally climbed up Bright Angel's mighty body. Bending backward to avoid those snapping, fangs and tearing claws, Lilith's body weight overbalanced Bright Angel. Her feet slipped in a puddle of her blood, and her huge solid buttocks hit the floor with a loud thud. The back of her head struck the floor with another thud. Lilith, glued to her body, went down on top of her and perched on her chest, like a scavenging, carrion-eating bird, still snapping at her flesh. Perched on the heroine's heroically heaving bosom, Lilith pounded Bright Angel's blood smeared face with remorseless power. Her hard, stony fists smashed Bright Angels' high, elegantly arched nose to a shapeless blob. She pounded Bright Angel's eyes shut, and split her lips open, until Bright Angel's shrieks were pitiful gurgles. Bright Angel's mighty body thrashed helplessly, and her heroic legs kicked uselessly, unable to dislodge the gruesome fiend. Once again, Lilith had mastered her heavenly foe. When Lilith finished pounding Bright Angels breathtakingly beautiful face to bloody jelly, she slid down onto her abdomen. She slid her strong, stringy legs around Bright Angel's mighty thighs in a grapevine, cutting off their desperate struggles. She wrapped her arms around Bright Angel's slim middle, and raised her upper body clear of the floor. Bright Angel's huge, magnificently sculpted body was now weak as a newborn lamb. Her head drooped backward, blood smeared golden hair brushing the floor. Her strongly molded arms dangled uselessly. Now, Bright Angel's huge bosom, still up-tilted in saucy prominence despite its ripe-fruited heaviness, was helplessly vulnerable to Lilith's ferocity. With a wild unhuman cry of triumph, Lilith's jaws snapped. Bright Angel mewled in horrified helpless terror, as Lilith's teeth sought her bosom. Lilith found her target; she sucked the pointed tip of Bright Angel's right breast, until she had engulfed a huge mouthful of tender, living flesh. Then her sharp teeth snapped shut. Bright Angel's weak, captive body writhed in shocked torment, as Lilith's teeth sliced into her flesh. "Nooooeeeeeiii!" Bright Angel's weeping plea echoed unavailingly, in Lilith's ears. She didn't release her grip until she'd drawn blood from Bright Angel's exquisite breast. Then Lilith slowly rose from her devastated victim. Despite her huge size and enormous strength, the cruel, crafty Lilith had defeated Bright Angel once more. Aghast at yet another trouncing, Bright Angel's knees drew up involuntarily into her belly, in fetal like helplessness.. Her hysterical, terrified wails went on, as her body rocked back and forth. She glanced up, through slitted, swollen eyes to see that Lilith finish disrobing. Lilith's lewd, ugly nakedness filled the chaste Bright Angel with the terror of some horrifying, new, sexual assault. She sprang to her feet, but a wave of dizziness washed over her. She stumbled backward and leaned her back against the wall in confusion. Tears filled the huge pools of her dark blue eyes. Lilith followed after her, that nasty triumphant laugh echoing in Bright Angel's ears. Lilith touched the bruised bloody bite mark she'd left on Bright Angel's bosom. She hefted and squeezed the trembling boob. It was firm and heavy as a newly ripened melon "You have such delicious, big tits Slave-Slut!" Lilith snickered. Bright Angel fought desperately against her dizziness. She felt Lilith fumbling at her body, but she'd lost the determination to interfere. Lilith's eyes gleamed as she inspected Bright Angel's prominently rounded, pubic mound, covered by the soft luxuriant thatch of gold curls. She ran her hand down Bright Angel's strong belly, and cupped the fleecy mound. Her middle finger wriggled into the tight, pink vagina and manipulated Bright Angel's clitoris. Bright Angel's ripe, white body shuddered Bright Angel sobbed "Y-you vile fiend don't! Don't touch me there! St-stop! Stop it!" The thick spikes of Bright Angel's nipples stiffened in shock. She grabbed Lilith's wrist with both hands, trying to block its way. Lilith retaliated instantly; her hand closed in a cruel claw. Bright Angel doubled over with a cry of anguish. Lilith released her, and Bright Angel sank to her knees, clutching her violated genitalia. Lilith smiled down at the weeping, humbled superheroine. Callously, she extended her booted foot, and planted it between Bright Angel's heavy, ivory buttocks, and forced the helpless, blond woman down flat on her belly. Bright Angel shuddered convulsively, unable to move. The bitter realization of her helplessness opened the way for all consuming terror of the fiendish sadist. Lilith straddled her waist and grabbed Bright Angel's white wings. They trembled in her hands, like captive birds. When Lilith mutilated them, they'd lost all that formidable power that wafted Bright Angel through the air with such ease. "Maybe I should rip these right out by the roots!" Lilith threatened. Bright Angel shivered in fright at Lilith's threat. Lilith lay down, full length atop her, and Bright Angel cringed in even greater terror. Lilith worked her left arm under Bright Angel's body, and grasped her big-fruited, left breast, fondling it roughly. Bright Angel wriggled around, futilely trying to dislodge the smaller woman. Lilith snickered in Bright Angel's ear. "Lie still and enjoy it slave, or I will hurt you badly" She pried Bright Angel's outsized buttocks apart, with her right hand, exposing the small bud-like, pink anus. She thrust her thumb into Bright Angel's anal cavity, awakening memories of the horror of the ram's head rod. Bright Angel yelped at the new violation, and bucked and kicked, but Lilith rode down her struggles, with ease. She worked her long thumb around the tight sheath. Bright Angel's wildly gyrating bottom worked against Lilith's own sexual organs, and the fiend's face flushed with pleasure. Bright Angel's hard nipple stiffened and pressed into the palm of Lilith's hand, as Lilith massaged it rhythmically. Bright Angel fought uselessly to suppress her own unwelcome, physical response. Lilith forced her middle finger into Bright Angel's pussy and worked on it, until Bright Angel's captive body heaved with hateful passion. The captive angel sobbed in shame, at her inability to control her animal response to Lilith's vile manipulations. Suddenly, Lilith released Bright Angel, and rose to her knees. She heaved Bright Angel over on her back, and lay down on top of her again. She half lay between Bright Angel's generous, ivory thighs, and glued her damp, pubic thatch against Bright Angel's golden mound. She wrapped her thin arms around Bright Angel, holding the angel's muscularly round, white arms pressed to her sides. Bright Angel was powerless to struggle. Her enormous breasts half-crushed against her chest by Lilith's body, heaved spasmodically. Her own face was flushed now, by shame and reluctant sexual arousal. Her wide, pink mouth, mashed to jelly by Lilith's fists, drooped open, gasping for air. Lilith moved rubbed herself against Bright Angel's pussy, her cruel face just above Bright Angel's. Bright Angel twisted her head aside, but Lilith pressed her thin, cruel mouth against those full, pink lips. Lilith's sharp tongue stabbed into Bright Angel's mouth, forcing her own tongue aside and thrusting deep into her throat, gagging her. Lilith sucked the breath out of Bright Angel's broad chest. Despairingly,Bright Angel felt herself surrendering. Her will paralyzed, she abjectly returned the cruel kiss of domination, accepting her subjugation. The blood pounded in her temples. Her broad powerful hips rocked and bucked, forcing her captive pussy against Lilith's. Then, without warning, Lilith pulled away, slithered around, and sat on Bright Angel's belly. She laughed down into Bright Angel's face. "Don't stop! Pl-please, don't stop now!" Bright Angel heard herself plead brokenly. "Use your hand bitch!" Lilith crowed in derision, at hearing the chaste, aloof angel plead for sex. She shifted her weight forward, until she was sitting atop Bright Angel's massive, wildly heaving bosom. Then, twisting half around, she seized Bright Angel's right wrist, and pushed her captive hand down on her throbbing pussy. Bright Angel stupefied by defeat and violation, could no longer control the explosive excitement in her loins. Her fluttering, white hand clutched at her pussy, seeking her clitoris. When she found it, she fondled it in desperate need. Lilith slid forward, again, pushing her own gaping pussy at Bright Angel's tragic face. She grabbed Bright Angel's ears and shoved her panting, pink mouth against her pussy. "Use your tongue this time Slave-Slut, or I'll rip your ears off, for lunch!" She taunted, cruelly twisting the delicate, pink shells. The pain in her mutilated right ear was particularly atrocious. Bright Angel gagged in disgust and horror, but her will had deserted her. She submissively thrust her pink tongue into Lilith's hot, sticky, brown pussy. The broken-spirited angel sucked and licked Lilith's long, thick clit. Overwhelmed by her own unleashed, carnal passion, Bright Angel sucked wildly, as she energetically massaged her own sweet, delicate, pink pussy, until she exploded into a violent orgasm. Lilith came a the same time. Once her passionate tremors subsided, Lilith pulled herself away from Bright Angel's ravaged face. Bright Angel's head lolled on the floor, covered with hot, sticky, wet excretions. Sick, despairing shame overcame Bright Angel, as she realized how deeply she had surrendered to the harpy perched triumphantly astride her ardently lush breasts. "You did that well, Slave-Slut. You're becoming a talented little pussy licker!" Lilith sneered. She stood up and put her clothes back on. Being dressed, while keeping her victim naked was an added psychological advantage. As she dressed, Lilith went on talking to the defeated angel. "But I can't forget that you attacked your Mistress when I entered your cell. You need further discipline, for that rebellion, my pet!" Filled with despair and self-loathing, Bright Angel moaned hopelessly at the threat of new torment. She was too dispirited to resist, though, when Lilith twisted her arm behind her back, and forced her to stand up. Lilith rammed her wrist up between her hurt wings. Then, she propelled the statuesque, blond beauty ahead of her, through several corridors, into a room Bright Angel had never seen before. The high-ceilinged, medium-sized room contained only one thing, a fully functional gallows, crudely built of rough lumber. Bright Angel resisted feebly, as Lilith pushed her up the stairs, to the horrible emblem of death. "You can't kill me; you know that!" Bright Angel protested fearfully, eying the silken noose hanging overhead, even as her cruel captor forced her to stand on the trap door. Lilith laughingly ignored the beautiful blond's tremulous protests. Easily holding the more powerfully built woman under control, Lilith moved her tangled, golden mane away from her long, elegantly swanlike neck. She slipped the noose around Bright Angel's neck, and tightened it. She released the trembling blond's arm, and grabbed the rope around her neck instead, pulling it taut. Bright Angel danced madly to free herself, before it was too late. Her mighty hips and buttocks gyrated in desperate abandon, and her large, haughty breasts jiggled madly. Her numbed hands just couldn't loosen the hellish cord. Lilith watched her a few moments, enjoying the vanquished heroines terrified contortions. As Bright Angel clawed at the thin, strong cord, constricting her throat, Lilith pulled a battery driven, vibrating dildo from her pocket. She snapped the 'on' button, and slyly slipped the dildo into Bright Angel's defenseless pussy. While Bright Angel croaked in astonishment, at the unexpected violation of her genitalia, Lilith stepped off the trap door. With unhurried enjoyment, she pulled the lever controlling the trap. The door dropped! Bright Angel's mad dance continued in midair, even more violently than before. Her long legs kicked and jerked, hysterically, seeking footing that wasn't there. She still clawed at the silken noose that tightened inexorably, cutting off all air to her tortured lungs. The knowledge that she couldn't be permanently killed this way, in no way eased Bright Angel's primal terror. In desperation, she tried to grasp the cord, and suspend herself from it, above the noose, but the cord was already deeply embedded in her white throat, and her arms had lost all of their superhuman strength. They could no longer even support the weight of her large, magnificent body. All the while she struggled, the devilish dildo vibrated inside Bright Angel's body. She felt her internal muscles gripping it with a debauched excitement. Her mindless terror incredibly intensified her sexual response. Even as her ethereally beautiful face turned an ugly purple, eyes bugging out, and tongue protruding from her gaping mouth, she felt that throbbing excitement in her pussy mounting to incredible heights. Her strongly molded abdominal muscles quivered and jerked in spasms of terror and sexual release. Yet she fought the cruel noose to her last gasp. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was an explosive orgasm combined with the horror of agonizing physical death, and Lilith's horrible laugh ringing in her ears. Even after Bright Angel sank into oblivion, her mighty body continued twitching, her bulging eyes reflecting horrible terror. It was some minutes before her arms drooped lifelessly to her sides, and her helplessly swinging legs grew limply still. Her head twisted to one side, her face frozen in a horrible, ugly, purple mask of anguished suffering. Laughing demonically, Lilith avidly watched every second of Bright Angel's horrible pseudo-death throes. Her hand stole down to her pussy as she watched, unable to restrain her sexual excitement. She let Bright Angel's body hang, lifelessly twisting in half circles, for long hours before she cut her down, and carried her huge, naked, apparently lifeless body back to the cell Bright Angel awoke with horrible shrieks of terror, still reliving the horrible nightmare of her long frightful strangulation. Her body had recovered but her mind seethed with terror .She clutched her throat at the unbearable memory, gradually she realized it was no longer real. She was in her cell, It seemed safe and comforting, rather than the horrible prison she first thought it. Left alone, she cringed in terror of Lilith's return. She tried to summon back her resolve to resist, but it was fled for good. Her heavenly spirit was broken, and she paced her cell like a tormented, wild creature, sometimes breaking into fits of near hysterical sobbing. Finally the door flew open. Bright Angel turned with a look of wild alarm in her huge, haunted, blue eyes. Her legs turned to jelly at the very sight of Lilith. In mute horror she saw Lilith was naked again. Then she saw the heavy bat in Lilith's hands. She backed away into the furthest corner of the cell, trembling so badly, she almost fell. "Wh-what are you g-g-going to do with that?" The terrified superheroine stammered. "Please don't hurt me! I'll do what you say!" Bright Angel was right to fear the weapon in Lilith's hands, for it was no ordinary bat. It was an appliance specially devised by Lilith for disciplining superheroines. Though generally shaped like a conventional, baseball bat, it was perhaps a third longer and fifty percent thicker, and made from heavy gage steel, filled with lead. Swung with enough momentum, it was a weapon that could injure even the near invulnerable Bright Angel. The super powerful Lilith handled it as though it were made of balsa wood. There was no question, but that she could generate such momentum. "Well, you seem to have recovered nicely Slave-Slut!" Lilith crowed to the frightened, beautiful, superheroine she had reduced to a terrified, broken wreck. Yet the trembling of her limbs, and the cowed terror in her eyes, were the only physical signs of Bright Angel's torment. Her opulently full fleshed body, imposingly tall and powerful looking, was still glowingly beautiful in her nudity. Her proud, erect carriage belied the terror in her eyes. "I've come to complete you're training, Slave-Slut!" Lilith sneered, as she strode toward the corner where Bright Angel cowered. Bright Angel twisted her hands nervously, as Lilith neared her; her enormous breasts heaving rapidly in agitation. Trying to master her conditioned fear, Bright Angel blurted out. "I'll do what you want. Only don't hit me anymore! Please Lilith!" Her voice quavered, full, pink, lower lip atremble, and her eyes glistened with tears. Her back stiffened apprehensively. Lilith's eyes gleamed too, but with anger. She came into the cell anticipating the pleasure of breaking Bright Angel's resistance once again, Instead the captive superheroine offered none. She was completely cowed by fear, clasping her hands in front of her ridged, muscular belly in supplication. Of course, Lilith was not one to forgo her pleasures just because they weren't necessary. Bright Angel saw the sadistic eyes gleam in anticipation. She knew that she was in for another horrible thrashing. She tried vainly to protect herself, as Lilith speared the fat end of the bat into Bright Angel's abdomen. Expecting Lilith to swing the side of the bat at her, Bright Angel had raised her arms defensively, leaving her ridged belly unprotected. She doubled over as the cruel blow stabbed her vitals. This time, Lilith raised the bat and smashed it down on the back of Bright Angel's head driving her to her hands and knees. Then grasping it with both hands she smashed it across Bright Angel's broad back. When Bright Angel's fluttering white wings got in the way, Lilith smashed them, fracturing their supporting bones, until they were bent grotesquely. The maimed wings lay against Bright Angel's back, too weak to even flutter. Lilith struck again, and again, until she smashed the adorable blond angel down flat on her belly. A mortal woman would have been unconscious by now, from such an assault, but Bright Angel struggled to rise. Her hands were flat on the floor, as she sought to push herself erect. Lilith stamped her boot heel down on the back of Bright Angel's left hand. Bright Angel shrieked as at least one small bone splintered. She rolled on her back, holding her injured hand in the other. Lilith smashed the bat across her forehead, and then stepped over Bright Angel's head, a booted foot on either side of the stricken superheroines face. Bright Angel's long, heavily muscled legs kicked wildly, exposing her fleecy, golden crotch and Lilith smashed the bat down against her vulnerably exposed pussy. With a fierce shriek, Bright Angel's body jacknifed spasmodically, and she rolled on her side, her mighty form curling helplessly . The bat smashed down on her exposed right hipbone, with an audible crack. Then, changing stance, Lilith smashed the bat against the small of her back. Bright Angel extended her bent right arm defensively and the bat caught her directly across the elbow, breaking another bone. Bright Angel was shrieking uncontrollably, her thrashing body rolling, this way and that, in her agony. As Bright Angel rolled on her back, Lilith smashed the bat down across her knees, and without a pause, the bat crashed against her left shinbone. Still on her back, the excruciating agony caused Bright Angel to bend at the waist, forcing her into a sitting position. Lilith smashed her across the throat, then across her huge breasts, and then swung up landing with a cracking sound against Bright Angel's chin. Then she smashed her cheek bone, knocking Bright Angel over backward again. Still conscious, Bright Angel shrieked "Aaiiieeee I'll dooo whatttt y-you wannt anything!" Lilith smiled triumphantly. She stepped between Bright Angel's legs, both bent at bizarre angles. She pressed the fat end of the bat against Bright Angel's gold-sheathed pussy. She rotated the bat against the pink labia, gradually working it between them. Somehow, she got the thick tool inside. She rammed it in and out. Poor Bright Angel already in intolerable agony, hardly noticed the additional abuse, but her body responded, coming to a violent orgasm . Lilith roughly pulled the bat from Bright Angel's genitalia and dropped it. She straddled Bright Angel's broken, twisted body, jerking spasmodically in unendurable agony. She leaned over, grasped the disabled heroine under the arm pits and raised her to her feet, as though Bright Angel's solid two hundred plus pound body was feather-light. "I know you still want to play my pitiful, little Slave-Slut!" Lilith sneered as she let go of her helpless victim, allowing her to sway unsteadily. "And I've got another game for you!" Then, before Bright Angel fell over, Lilith grabbed her right wrist and gave her dangling arm a hard jerk. Poor Bright Angel shrieked in horrified agony. Her once unearthly beautiful face, now smashed and swollen, turned green white, under the blood smeared over it. Totally without mercy, Lilith judo tossed Bright Angel's by her broken arm. Bright Angel hit the floor, with an unearthly shriek. Her shrieks continued as Lilith dragged her across the floor on her injured back. Lilith dragged Bright Angel out of the cell, down a hallway, to a long flight of steps leading to the upper levels of the old stone pile. Bright Angel felt nearly consumed by the horrifying soul searing agony. She babbled and screamed pleas for mercy from the merciless Lilith. "N-nooo, n-nooaaaiaa! Aaghhh! Nnnoeeeee please! Aeiiiieee! Please stop! Oh lord! Pl-easeeee, pleaseee, stop!" Lilith laughed scornfully, at Bright Angel's anguish. As she dragged Bright Angel's huge, blood smeared body up the stairs, Bright Angel's injured back bumped on each step. The pain in her broken arm and in her smashed maimed wings was unbearable. She prayed for unconsciousness, but it wouldn't come. At the top of the seemingly endless stairway, Lilith dragged Bright Angel across a wide hall to a set off french doors. She dropped Bright Angel's arm and threw open the door. Then grabbing Bright Angel's hair, she kicked her toward the open door; and then through it. Beyond the door frame was nothing. Horrified Bright Angel found herself dangling over a thousand foot cliff, with nothing to save her from the horrifying drop, but Lilith's grip on her hair. Until Lilith so savagely mutilated her beautiful wings, they had given the heroine angel, the glorious freedom of unlimited flight. She had soared across the heavens, light as a feather and fleet as a comet, on countless errands of justice and mercy. Lilith's crippling of those wings instilled an unreasoning overwhelming terror of heights, in the angelic superheroine. Now the fearsome drop absolutely paralyzed Bright Angel with fright, knowing her body would fall like a rock and smash against the jagged stones far below. Though in her mind, she knew she would recover even from that disastrous calamity, the threat terrified her mortal instincts. Her smashed, maimed wings vibrated in agonizing futility. Total terror engulfed Bright Angel. Even the unbearable physical agony became secondary. Her left hand scrabbled at the door edge, holding on for dear life. As soon as she grabbed that hold, Lilith released her hair. Now the only thing between the terrified Bright Angel and seeming oblivion, was her own rapidly weakening fingers. She looked up at Lilith imploringly. "Will you obey me always Slave-Slut? In every command I give you? Will you rush to satisfy my every whim? Will you exist only to serve me?" Lilith chortled. "Y-yesss, yeess! Ohhh yes, pleassssse! Only help me! Help me pleease!" Bright Angel sobbed. Lilith let the hysterical superheroine dangle until her fingers started to slip, before she reached down and grabbed a handful of sweaty, golden hair. With one hand, she lifted Bright Angel's solid, two hundred plus pound body. She dangled her up and down like a yo-yo. Finally she hauled her broken, sobbing victim back to relative safety. Bright Angel crouched abjectly at Lilith's feet. clung to her ankles, almost grateful to the demonic woman for not dropping her. "Show me your gratitude Slave-Slut! You know what's expected!" Lilith commanded, her voice haughty and merciless. Her huge, broken body, on fire with pain, and trembling uncontrollably, Bright Angel had lost all will to resist. Her only desire was to please Lilith, so the vicious sadist wouldn't hurt her any more. Bright Angel nodded her head, obediently. She dragged herself to her knees, so that her suffering, mutilated face was at the level of Lilith's crotch. Bright Angel took a deep, sobbing breath and plunged her bloodied face between Lilith's skinny thighs. She pressed her lips against Lilith's pussy and drove her pink tongue in and out, as she sucked with all her might. She sucked and licked at Lilith's unattractive genitalia, until Lilith screamed in triumphant orgasm. Lilith forced poor Bright Angel to service her several more times. Each time Bright Angel tearfully, but obediently complied; it was better than being beaten. Once the defenseless, blond angel had fully satiated her triumphant mistresses's gluttonous, sexual needs, Lilith lifted Bright Angel to her feet. Bright Angel's rippling, muscular form towered over the skinny bitch who had so brutally and so decisively defeated her. Lilith reached up and slapped her helpless victim across the face. Bright Angel gulped back a sob, making no attempt to defend herself, or even avoid Lilith's hand. Lilith easily twisted her left arm behind her back. She reached around and fondled Bright Angel's pink pussy, until she brought the subjugated superheroine to a fierce orgasmic release, of her own. Pain and orgasms were the key to her training methods. Bright Angel, totally drained, physically and emotionally, collapsed finally into the unconsciousness, she had vainly prayed for earlier. Lilith dragged her unconscious body back to her cell. It took several days of sleep before Bright Angel's miraculous physique recovered most of its former strength, and repaired her broken bones. From time to time, during those days, Lilith's harsh demanding voice would half awaken her. Lilith would settle down on her chest, and thrust her obscene crotch into Bright Angel's face. Sleepily, but obediently Bright Angel would service her barbarous mistress. Sometimes, Lilith wore a huge obscene dildo strapped to her loins. Then she would compel Bright Angel to suck and relish the hard rubber, as though it were living flesh. Lilith taught her slave many little tricks about providing the ultimate pleasure in dispensing oral sex. Bright Angel abjectly learned these lessons as she was bidden by her Mistress. Epilog Once again, the dark, intense woman entered that strange, underground temple where the name Lilith was first bestowed on her. There was no trepidation this time; she swaggered and strutted like a victorious barbarian queen. A few steps behind her, shrouded from head to toe, in a long dark cloak, glided a much taller figure, who moved with obvious hesitation and reluctance. As they were ushered into the dark throne room, Lilith turned her head and hissed from the corner of her mouth. "Move along Slave-Slut! We mustn't keep our Master waiting." >From beneath the hood, a sweet, vigorous voice murmured in a near sob: "Yes Mistress!" When she stood before the dark altar this time, the dark figure on the throne behind, asked her "What have you brought me, Lilith? "This, Master!" Lilith cried and whipped the cloak from the cowering figure, behind her. There stood the angelic superheroine, Bright Angel, shivering in terror. Her exquisite white wings, now clipped and mutilated, trembled in her terrible distress. Her magnificent, nude body dwarfed in strength and incredible unearthly beauty every being in the foul place. In presence and physique, an invincible victorious queen, seemingly able to sweep clear the room in moments, yet the indefinable air of submission and despair in her once proud bearing, made clear that it was she, who was the helpless, beaten spoils of battle. "On your knees Slave-Slut!" Lilith's voice rang out in imperious command. Bright Angel dutifully fell to her knees before the earthly manifestation of her great eternal enemy, Lilith's Dark Master, now, by right of conquest, her master, too. She gulped back a sob, knowing all too well, that subservience to this foul being was betrayal of the precious essence of her existence. As the celestially beautiful captive fell to her knees , in subservience before him, the Dark Master pushed aside the folds of his elaborate robe. Bright angel saw ugly nakedness beneath the robe. The ancient body was decayed and emaciated, all but the startlingly huge, sexual member that jutted out in full erection, almost brushing her face. Its size was incredibly large in proportion to his shrunken figure. It had been long, indeed, since this jaded,obscenely evil entity had experienced such a state of excitement in his withered loins. Nothing less than sight of one of the chief captains of the host that had thwarted his every design and desire for eons, now brought so delightfully low, could have achieved it. Lilith's commanding voice rang out, again. "Show our Gracious Master the tricks I've taught you, Slave-Slut! He is extending you the honor of his favor. Wrap your pliant lips around it! Stick out that long, agile tongue!" Trembling in shameful despair, and revulsion, Bright Angel allowed the snake-like penis to slide into her soft, pink mouth and half down her throat. It almost choked her, but she sucked and slobbered with the pretended eagerness, Lilith had taught her to use on her dildo. Her tragic eyes overflowed, and the tears fell on the creatures withered limbs. Lilith stood above her newest protege, sneering triumphantly down at the former superheroine, who she had so forcefully debauched. Bright Angel, terrified to displease her cruel mistress in any way, sucked forcefully and skillfully, and rapidly brought the Dark Master to a joyful, triumphant climax. Semen gushed into Bright Angel's throat and mouth, and dribbled down her exquisite, tragic face. Never had the evil old monster known such ecstacy. He rewarded the adorable, defiled angel, by spinning her about, and forcing her down into a crouch. Her magnificent, round buttocks gleamed luminously in the gloom of his false temple. The cackling Dark Master parted the hard muscled globes, to expose Bright Angel's tiny, pink anus. Her miraculous recuperative powers had restored its virginal delicacy, following Lilith's devastating assault with the great, Ram's-head phallus. The Dark Master's own rod still throbbed and trembled in massive arousal, even after the first fearsomely huge ejaculation into Bright Angel's mouth. Slobbering in eagerness, the toothless, old satyr, rammed his horrifying member, with unerring aim, directly between Bright Angel's quivering bottom cheeks, deep into her body. The pain was intense and unbearable, yet the pain was only the surface manifestation of the terrible penetration. Feeling that living symbol of evil actually enter her once chaste body, and take possession of it, was an infinitely worse abomination than the Ram's-head. Bright Angel shrieked and babbled in terror at the horrifying physical and spiritual violation, until the Dark Master's evil seed finally spurted explosively deep inside her. To be continued in Volume V.