This story contains extreme violence, and partial
nudity. It is intended for, and should only be
read, by mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.
Chandelier. (F/F, Text Only.)
(gwalb@nycap.rr.com, or, gwalb@yahoo.com, or,
People have long speculated whether a different outcome of
some chance event can change the course of History. Though that
possibility is plausible, there is no way of objectively
determining the question, because we only know one outcome
of any event. We can never know for sure what would have happened
if Napoleon won the Battle of Waterloo, if Lee Harvey Oswald???s
cheap, Italian Army surplus rifle jammed, if the Arch-Duke
Ferdinand???s chauffeur swerved and avoided an assassination attempt
in 1914, if Queen Victoria had only one child, her eldest
daughter, the Princess Victoria, and that daughter???s son Wilhelm
became king of England, as well as Emperor of Germany upon his
mother???s death in 1901.
We can only explore these questions fictionally, but what if
there are multiple time lines, each proceeding from each alternate
outcome of one event. What if we could compare those alternate
time lines?
Here we will examine the possible outcome???s of a rather
well-known catfight. Many consider that catfight to have been
fictional, but other???s with access to long Classified Government
documents believe otherwise. That catfight in early 1942 was
between America???s Idol and Champion called by the public a Wonder
Woman, and her foe, the Nazi Spy, Marcia. In our own timeline
Wonder Woman triumphed, and captured Marcia who was subsequently
imprisoned, and never heard from again. Let us call our Timeline
Earth One. In an alternate reality, Marcia may have defeated the
Amazon Champion; we will call that timeline Earth Two.
(Though the encounter is familiar to many,
those who wish to familiarize themselves with details, may find
it at:
Woman vs Marcia Judo Champ (Stella Stevens)
An excellent analysis and critique of the fight was made by
David Williamson, and made available at:
Woman vs Marcia - What actually happened and What If)
The Fight begins when Wonder Woman surprises Marcia, rifling
an official safe. Marcia pulls out a revolver, but is reminded
that a gun is useless against the Amazon???s bullet blocking
bracelets. Marcia drops the gun and sneakily throws a knife which
The Nazi Spy then jumps up on a desk, in a judo stance, and
proclaims herself 'the Judo Champ." Wonder Woman is amused by the
boast, and with her powerful leg kicks the desk several feet
backwards. Marcia falls on her face and then jumps behind the
desk. Wonder Woman immediately follows her. They lock hands, and
Wonder Woman pushes Marcia back over another desk, and bends her
over it. The two women strain against each other. Wonder Woman
obviously stronger, bends her foe further backward.
The wily Marcia gets her foot into Wonder Woman's abdomen, and
kicks her backward, freeing herself. They push each other
around a little, and Marcia hits Wonder Woman with an American
flag. The heavy pole strikes the Amazon in the head and apparently
disorients her, because she stands passively, while Marcia grabs a
heavy painting from the wall and smashes it over her foe's head,
tearing the painting and driving the frame down around Wonder
Woman???s body. Wonder Woman definitely looks apprehensive as
the painting approaches her head. She is evidently so unnerved,
that she fails to use her bracelets to block it. The impact knocks
her to her knees.
Marcia attacks, but Wonder Woman manages to fight her off,
long enough to regain her feet. They now lock their hands
together, again. Wonder Woman has evidently recovered
quickly, and forces Marcia backward across the room, and pushes
her down into a chair. Once again, they strain against each other,
Wonder Woman seeking to hold Marcia down. Wonder Woman is
undoubtedly stronger, but Marcia skillfully gets her hand under
Wonder Woman???s chin and surges to her feet. It is now the slim
blonde who pushes the bigger woman backward, and then roughly
pushes the heroine's back down on a desk. Marcia
actually pins Wonder Woman's wrists to the desk, and holds
her flat on her back, as the Amazon vainly strains to get
free. For a few more moments Marcia holds the taller,
heavier woman down flat. Since Wonder Woman has the strength of
Hercules, we must assume that Marcia is using her seemingly expert
judo skills to leverage the Amazon???s own strength against her.
Wonder Woman at last desperately rolls over and regains her
feet, pushing Marcia upright as well. Their hands are still locked
together. The big Amazon Princess at last manages to use her
greater strength to counter Marcia???s skill. Wonder Woman
swings them around so that Marcia???s back crashes though a glass
door into the corridor. Marcia lands on her back, and rather
clumsily, Wonder Woman is unable to arrest her own momentum, and
falls on her own back beside the Nazi.
Despite presumably suffering the most damage, Marcia recovers
quicker, and rolls on top of Wonder Woman. Once again, Marcia
seems to be holding her stronger foe down, until Wonder Woman
manages to get her foot into Marcia???s belly and kick her off. The
kick must have been quite powerful because Marcia goes skidding
across the floor. Yet the Nazi jumps up a split second quicker
than Wonder Woman and picks up a chair to hit the Amazing Amazon.
Like an acrobat, Wonder Woman grabs hold of a chandelier, and
swings feet first at Marcia, kicking her backward, and smashing
the chair to kindling. Marcia fends her formidable foe off, by
throwing a couple of pieces of broken chair at her. Rather than
blocking them with her bracelets, Wonder Woman rather clumsily
dodges to the side and ducks, giving Marcia time to pick up
another chair and hit Wonder Woman squarely with it. This time
Wonder Woman barely blocks the chair with her bracelets, but the
impact knocks her backward against the wall. Once again, she looks
shaken. Now, Marcia without a pause, presses her seeming
advantage. With the agility of a monkey, she leaps into the
air, and seizes the overhead chandelier, herself. Her back against
wall, with Marcia swinging feet first at her, Wonder Woman seems
to be in trouble.
(As an aside one would say that so far in this fight, the evil
Nazi seems ahead on points, with a good chance of prevailing over
her noble Amazon foe.)
However, the chandelier breaks and Marcia falls to the floor. She
tries to push the chandelier to hit Wonder Woman, but reverse
momentum sends her crashing backward through a glass wall, again.
Wonder Woman rather easily overpowers and captures the Nazi with
her Magic Lasso. Perhaps, Marcia is stunned and
disheartened by bad luck, since the bigger, heavier
Wonder Woman had successfully swung from a similar
chandelier, luck was certainly with her, and against Marcia.
(It is at this point that Earth Two History diverges from our
own Earth One.The Earth Two chandelier didn???t break. Now luck was
with Marcia, and against Wonder Woman.)
Wonder Woman's back is to the wall and she is perhaps a
little befuddled by the crashing impact of being hit by the chair.
By the time she reacts to Marcia???s attack, it was too late to
dodge aside. Marcia crashed into the Amazon, feet first, catching
the bigger woman squarely in her broad chest. The Nazi???s momentum
drove her sharp, high heels, with unerring aim, into each
one of her foe's Amazonian breasts. Thin silk offered no hindrance
to the vicious effectiveness of the attack. The impact drove the
tall American Champion crashing backward against the the wall, one
more time. She shrieked at the pain. Dropping her guard, she, protectively,
clutched at her bruised battered bosom, desperate to ease the
pain a little.
Marcia landed lightly on her feet, directly in front of her
stricken foe. She grinned wolfishly, hearing the taller woman???s
keening wail of cruel pain.
???Hah! I hurt the big bitch that time.??? Marcia gloated. "Now to
do a lot more damage."
With her foot, Marcia pushed Wonder Woman's booted legs apart. The
sorely perplexed Amazon hardly noticed. Now, with typical Nazi
brutality, Marcia drove her knee up into the Amazon's crotch,
resulting in an even louder wail of pain "Not very sporting, but
I've wasted too much time already. It shouldn't be hard to finish
her now." Marcia almost chortled in delight.
Not pausing an instant, Marcia drove a series
of four judo jabs into the wailing Amazon???s lower abdomen. Her
fingers were stiff as daggers and drove deep. Paralyzed by the
excruciating torment in her chest, and genitalia, Wonder Woman was
powerless to deploy her bracelets or even tense her sculpted
abdominal muscles. Thus, the evil Nazi???s damaging assault, sank
into the usually steely abs nearly to the wrist.
Just to be sure, Marcia drove her right fist equally deep,
into the big woman's lower belly, knocking the wind out of her.
Gasping, and choking for breath, Wonder Woman doubled over at
the waist, her face turning a sick green. The Gallant
Amazon???s eyes glazed, her arms flopped at her sides, and her
magnificent legs wobbled like a newborn colt.
For the moment, Wonder Woman appeared unable to defend herself.
In fact she didn't seem to know where she was, or what
was happening. Marcia caught a glimpse of intense agony, enormous
surprise, and an almost pleading look in her foe's huge, blue
eyes. Marcia's only reaction was a cruel smirk, before closing her
fists, and smashing a left cross, then a right cross, to either
side of Wonder Woman???s jaw, then a straight left to her right eye
closing it. Finally, Marcia drove a right uppercut directly
to the point of the Amazon's firmly rounded chin.
As Wonder Woman was still transfixed by pain and shock, Marcia
crouched slightly, and sprang upward. Her lithe body exploded like
a steel spring, driving her hard head into Wonder Woman's
chin. Confidently, Marcia stepped aside to let her foe topple face
down on the floor, as though she'd been poleaxed.
A second later Marcia plummeted down, astride Wonder Woman's
waist. The big powerful Amazon, was barely conscious now, and in
terrible agony; but, nevertheless, she struggled desperately to
get free. As she had all during the fight, Marcia used her judo
trained skills, to counter and neutralize her foe???s much greater
strength, riding down Diana's frantic struggles with ease.
"Oww! Oh get off me, you nasty witch." Wonder Woman yelped. Her
pain was reflected in her choked voice, and there was a new note
of shock and alarm at her predicament.
Without wasting a second, Marcia snatched the Golden Lasso from
Wonder Woman's Girdle. The Nazi rapidly and efficiently, began
to bind the struggling woman beneath her, unknowingly
duplicating a favorite Amazon binding game.
Wonder Woman gnashed her teeth in frustration, hardly able
to believe how badly the fight had gone against her. She
struggled desperately, but couldn't prevent Marcia from
trussing her up like a Thanksgiving Turkey. First, the Nazi
twisted Wonder Woman???s right wrist behind her back, ramming it
high up her back, until she until she fully immobilized the arm.
She bound Wonder Woman's wrist with the unbreakable Amazon cord,
then looped the lasso around the Amazon's throat, half
strangling her. Next she did the same to Diana's left arm.
Binding the wrists together, she looped the rope around the
throat a third time. She then tied Diana's elbows together
looping the rope around her neck a fourth time. Amazingly,
Marcia succeeded in doing what none of her Amazon sisters
ever managed to do, ignominiously trussing up the mighty
Princess Diana in coils beyond hope of escape.
Smirking triumphantly, Marcia used the lasso as a
noose to strangle the fallen Amazon. Helplessly
bound, unable to breathe, Wonder Woman whimpered plaintively
for breath. The fierce pain brought tears to her eyes, and
her gurgling cries were not far from sobs.
Marcia had no sympathy for her gallant foe, but
snarled, triumphantly:
"Ha! Cry you big cow. You are no warrior, but a whining
little bitch, overstuffed into that ridiculous costume."
Totally under Marcia???s control, Wonder Woman still
struggled valiantly, but there was no escaping her own lasso,
and it was choking off all air to her oxygen starved lungs.
The Amazon's frantic struggles grew weaker with every passing
second. Wonder Woman desperately told herself, ???This
can???t be...NO, I mustn???t let her...sh-she can't...she ca...???
Before the gallant Amazon could finish the thought, she
shuddered convulsively and lost consciousness.
Smirking in triumph, Marcia muttered "That wasn't so hard;
bigger they are, the harder they fall." Before she rose from
Wonder Woman's twitching body, she pulled the red boot from
the Amazon's right leg, leaving the left boot on her foot.
"That will hobble her nicely, so she can't escape!"
On her feet, Marcia retrieved her oversized purse, and folding
the supple boot, stuffed it inside. She kicked the
unconscious, moaning beauty, at her feet, a couple of times to
insure she was truly knocked out. Satisfied, she grasped
Wonder Woman's ankles, and dragged her
over to the office chair, that had already figured in the
fight. Grasping Wonder
Woman's bustier right between her large,
luscious breasts, she hauled the unconscious Amazon
Princess, off the floor, and shoved her into the chair.
"Damn the big Bitch must weigh eighty kilos." As Marcia
manhandled her foe???s limp body into place, Wonder Woman
moaned but didn't recover consciousness. Before she let go
of the bustier, Marcia maliciously pulled it down to expose
two big, globular breasts. The delicate pink nipples bruised
and discolored by Marcia???s deadly, flying kick earlier,
crinkled in alarm.
A little winded herself, by her exertions,
Marcia stopped and took a few deep breaths.
When Marcia's heart stopped racing, she slapped the
trussed up Amazon's face from side to side, until her cheeks were
glowing brightly. The stinging slaps swiftly brought the defeated
Amazon to her senses. She looked up with pain-bleared eyes, the
right eye already half closed and discolored by Marcia's fist. The
rest of her face was lumpy and bruised by those fists as well.
"Where...Wha... Dear Hera! I-It???s impossible...she...she
kn-knocked me out, and bound me with my own lasso. Oh the horrible
witch even exposed my bosom." Wonder Woman murmured in a plaintive
whimper, much to Marcia's amusement. The bound champion's flaming
cheeks glowed even brighter, at the humiliating disgrace of
defeat by an opponent she had hardly considered a challenge.
"H-how d-did you..."
"How did I knock you senseless, and hog-tie you? Hah! Well,
for one thing, maybe you???re not as great a warrior as you think
you are; and I did tell you I was a judo champion. In your
arrogance you thought that was an idle boast. Now you know, it
wasn't! Prancing around with less clothes on than a
dockside whore, you thought frumpy, little
Marcia was a pushover. I let you think that, while I
played with you a few minutes, until I was sure your reputation
was vastly overrated. You're strong enough, certainly, and even
incredibly quick for a woman your size, but you fight as if
playing a children's game. Pah! You smug arrogant bitch, your
fighting technique is two thousand years out of date. I fought you
to a standstill, and then turned your own overconfidence against
you. After that, it was easy to beat you senseless. You still look
pretty green around the gills, Princess. So I guess I hurt you
pretty badly, huh?"
Compelled by her own lasso, to answer truthfully, to any
question, Wonder Woman whimpered,
miserably in reply. "Y-yes...you vicious woman, I'm still sick to
my stomach from the pain. I???ve never been so badly hurt before...I
suppose that pleases you?"
"Yes! Actually it does please me. Your arrogance was most
irritating. You needed a good lesson in humility. It will be the
first of many. Now, to business. I???ve gathered that your Lasso
compels you to answer me truthfully, whatever I ask. Is
that so?"
"Y-yes it does." Wonder Woman answered reluctantly, miserable
at disclosing the knowledge, that she knew would be used against
"Good! Now tell me about those other Amazon weapons of yours!
Everything! Hold nothing back!"
Wonder Woman looked up at her captor with sick
apprehension, knowing she must volunteer all information
truthfully. With a sob, she began speaking in a tearful
???B-besides my Lasso, my bracelets are made of a special
metal, we call Feminium. Nothing can penetrate that metal.
With special training, we Amazons use our feminium bracelets
to block any bullet or missile from hitting us. All Amazons wear
these bracelets, and are trained to use them. It requires
Amazonian strength to use them, though. Otherwise a striking
bullet would break the arm."
Marcia swiftly removed the gleaming bracelets from her
prisoner's wrists, and tossed them into her large purse.
"What else?"
"My Golden Girdle gives me the strength of Hercules, even
when I???m away from our Island, Themicyria. On our island, all
Amazons have such strength, unless we allow a man to set foot in
our land. If that happens, we are no stronger than any other
woman, of our size and muscular development. Though we are all
mighty warriors, I was accounted the strongest and most skilled."
"Well if you???re the mightiest Amazon Warrior, they
can???t be much of a threat!" Marcia sneered.
Marcia removed Hera's Girdle from Diana???s slim waist.
Princess Diana sobbed in despair at loss of the precious Amazon
Relic. As Marcia tossed the Girdle into her seemingly
bottomless handbag, she chortled:
"Yep, even with the strength of Hercules, I kicked your fat butt.
That must be especially galling and humiliating for the mightiest
Amazon Warrior, hey Princess?"
Compelled to answer, even Marcia's jeering, rhetorical
questions, Wonder Woman stammered, miserably: "It is a
disgrace that I can never live down. All my sisters will despise
me. My Mother, the Queen, will have no choice but to disown me,
and banish me, forever, from our land. It would have been more
merciful if you had slain me." She began to weep softly.
"No, My Dear! I???m afraid you
are too valuable to slay. I need you alive. Unfortunately
for you, I'm not merciful." Marcia declared proudly.
"What else?"
"My tiara is a telepathic communication devise, and also can
remotely control my invisible, robot plane."
Marcia immediately snatched the Tiara from Wonder Woman???s head.
???Have you used this thing to communicate with any one?" Marcia
snapped anxiously.
"N-no, I was sure I could capture you swiftly, myself."
Wonder Woman wept a little more noticeably, as Marcia sneered and
hooted in derision. "Arrogant pride goes before a fall!"
"All right, now! What about this plane? Tell me about the
plane, ALL about it?"
Between soft sobs, Wonder Woman blurted the details. "I-its made
of..(sniffle)...a completely transparent material. Th-the material
also blocks the view from outside, of any one
inside...(snuffle)...it also blocks detection by radar...the plane
can take off, or land, perfectly vertically. It???s powered by a
small atomic battery, that will provide power for decades; this it
is able to stay aloft for days. It is propelled by countering, and
then redirecting the force of gravity into propulsive thrust, that
can be used in any direction, and to travel several times the
speed of sound."
"And you can control this plane mentally with this tiara?"
"Would I be able to fly the plane with this device? I am a
qualified pilot, of course."
"Y-yes...(sob)...y-you would have no trouble..."
Marcia put her hand up to her hair, and realized she
had lost the turban she was wearing when Wonder Woman caught her
rifling the safe. "Oh well, I can get another one in
Berlin." She muttered, as she clapped the tiara firmly atop her
own golden ringlets.
"Where is this miraculous plane, now?"
"It???s on the roof. That???s how I arrived here, so quickly."
"How very convenient. Okay, lets go see this
miracle aircraft!"
As Wonder Woman stood up, she discovered that she was missing
one ultra high-heeled boot. When Marcia gave her a shove, she was
forced to limp clumsily, in an awkward up and down gate. Her
bustier was still pulled down to her waist, and her huge breasts
jiggled enticingly at every step.
Marcia snickered: "Surprised those over-sized melons don't make
you top heavy, and tip you over."
When they reached the stairwell to the roof, Marcia
abruptly pushed her prisoner against the wall, and drilled three
punches into her blue and white-starred abdomen.
Wonder Woman gagged and gurgled as she collapsed helplessly
to her knees, in shock.
"Just a little reminder not to try anything stupid. Do you
"Y-yes I understand..."
"Good! Now get up and get moving!"
Compelled by the Lasso, Wonder Woman somehow stumbled
awkwardly to her feet. She moaned at each step as she painfully
climbed the stairs. On the roof, Marcia carefully examined the
outside of the plane. As she did, Wonder Woman began to plead with
the Nazi, between broken sobs, sounding much like a child begging
not to be punished.
"Pl-please Marcia...(sob)...y-you've taken everything of value
from me...(sob)...y-you don't need me...(sob)...l-let me
go...pleeeaase...I b-beg you...(sob)...I swear I'll never bother
you again...(sob)...I give you my word...(sob)...I sw-swear I
The pathetic, frightened pleas did not move the cold-hearted Nazi.
She cut off, the pleading girl, with a hoot of derision. "Stop
your miserable blubbering, you cowardly slut. You were going to
send me to some miserable Federal Penitentiary for twenty years,
weren't you? I don't need to take your word that you won't bother
me, if I have you safely locked up in an SS cell in Berlin."
For emphasis, Marcia smacked the tall, beautiful captive across
the face. "Now! Silence! Get in the plane and don't annoy me
again.That's an order! Get a grip on yourself, you
spineless, gutless WIMP. Try to act like a warrior, even if you
can't fight like one. Bah! You disgust me. GET in the
Still bound by her Amazon Lasso, Wonder Woman was compelled to
fall silent, but for an occasional whimper. She climbed awkwardly
into the plane that was no longer hers.
A few moments later, Marcia took off for Europe with her prisoner
on board. Marcia sat in the pilot's seat. The silently
weeping, trussed-up Amazon lay at the Nazi's feet, with Marcia's
foot on her once unbowed neck.
Events proceeded with great rapidity from that point:
May 25, 1942: Marcia flies directly to Prague to report to
her chief, Reinhard Heydrich. That night they resume a torrid love
affair, interrupted in 1937, when Heydrich dispatched Marcia to
the United States, to embed herself in American Intelligence
Next morning, Heydrich accompanies his protege, via Amazon plane,
to Berlin, to insure that she has access to the top corridors of
power, and to share the credit for Marcia's triumph. (A day later
the Gestapo uncovers a plot by British trained Czechoslovakian
operatives to assassinate Heydrich. The plotters are swiftly
May 26, 1942: Heydrich arranges an audience for Marcia
with the Fuhrer himself. Marcia enthralls Hitler with her account
of a modest Aryan woman defeating America???s great champion the
???Wonder Woman' so called Champion of All Women. Hitler gives
Heydrich carte blanche to fully exploit Marcia's trophies.
Marcia compels Wonder Woman to reveal the location and
coordinates of Paradise Island.
After this, while Heydrich and Marcia made further plans, Wonder
Woman was confined in a Gestapo holding cell in Berlin. Her skimpy
uniform was much disarranged by her encounter with the vicious
Marcia. The brutal male guards constantly harassed the
now-powerless prisoner, slapping and pinching her magnificent
jutting derriere. The bolder ones often slipped a hand inside her
red and gold bustier to fondle a firmly plump breast.
Finally the head jailer tossed the unhappy prisoner a dirty
"Wrap that around yourself, you shameless whore, and stop trying
to seduce my men!" He snapped.
June 9, 1942: An armada of U-boats lands a Nazi
commando force on Paradise Island. As the first male Nazi soldier
sets foot on the shore, all Amazons are struck by sudden weakness.
Now ordinary women, armed only with swords and spears, they are
swiftly rounded up, by the Nazis, with the aid of grenades
containing a knock out gas. Amazon Queen Hyppolita and
her royal guard attempt to escape to the hills. Wearing Hera???s
Girdle, Marcia personally leads a party to track them down. Marcia
savagely beats the Queen, binds her and drags her through the
streets of the Amazon capitol. The disheartening sight essentially
completes the conquest of the Amazons.
June 10, 1942 One day later: Albert Speer visits the
island to organize production of war materials. Within a week,
enslaved Amazons, working sixteen to eighteen hour days, are
turning out an average of three of the miraculous Amazon planes
per day. All other Amazons are forced to mine and smelt feminium
ore into ingots of the finished metal.
By July 1, 1942, a steady stream of Invisible planes, all loaded
to capacity with feminium ingots begin arriving in Germany. The
miracle metal, renamed Hitlerium is used to armor new Tiger Tanks,
making them all but impregnable. With a growing
fleet of the Invisible planes and impregnable tanks, Geman Forces
stabilize the Russian Front. Their offensive momentum stalled the
previous winter Now, Nazi forces pause defensively, minimizing
casualties. Freed up forces are transferred to the French Coast.
August 1, 1942: Bombing Missions over Great Britain by invisible
planes, occur in ever increasing numbers. Targets are chiefly R.A.
F. Bases and Radar Installations.
Meanwhile, equal numbers of Miracle Planes, as they were now
generally called, attack Allied Naval Forces in the English
Channel and those escorting Atlantic convoys. In
conjunction with killer packs of U-Boats, Nazi forces
essentially cut off vital supplies arriving in Great Britain,
threatening wide scale food shortages, as well as depriving the
British Armed Forces of new weapons.
August 15, 1942: A number of the Miracle Planes loaded with the
new impregnable Tiger tanks arrive in Northern Africa to reinforce
the Afrika Korps. In just days the Nazis seize air
supremacy extending to the sea, and cutting off supplies to
British Forces. The Afrika Korps seizes El Alamein railhead
and swiftly overruns Egypt.
September 19, 1942: Allied Forces in North Africa surrender.
November 1, 1942: A large Nazi invasion force lands on the English
coast. The British are soon driven from the beaches, unable to
stop the Impenetrable Tiger tanks, as they are continuously
harassed by Miracle Planes. The Nazi forces find winter fighting
in Southern England much easier than on the frigid Eastern Front.
The British Home Army already short of material, are further
crippled by the strangulation of the Atlantic supply line. They
are continuously driven back by the relentless Germans.
November 27, 1942: To increase moral, Prime Minister Churchill
joins his beleaguered Army, only in time to be killed in the
disastrous final Battle of Hartlepool. With the backing of German
Forces, Sir Oswald Mosley declares himself Prime Minister. All
members of Parliament who refuse too swear an Oath of Allegiance
to the new regime are expelled from office, and confined in newly
established Concentration Camps. The new parliament declares King
George VI a traitor and a pretender to the throne, and he is
imprisoned in the Tower of London. His elder brother resumes the
throne. Several yeas later than originally planned, he is
crowned, Edward the VIII with his consort Queen Wallis. Since the
new Queen is unlikely to produce an heir, at her age, the Princess
Elizabeth remains her Uncle's heir. She and her sister, Princess
Margaret are dispatched to Germany to a Nazi Youth Camp for
February 1, 1943: A sizable contingent of the Miracle Planes fly
to the Pacific and clear that ocean of all Allied naval forces by
April 1943, leaving their Japanese Allies a free hand to proceed
with the conquest of Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii, which is
completed by late 1944.
May 12, 1943: The Nazi Pacific Air Armada returns to the
Eastern Front. Ground Forces are greatly augmented by the
addition tof the troops freed up by the conquest of the United
Kingdom. Though the Eastern Front has been inactive since the
previous fall, Miracle Planes have systematically bombed and
destroyed Soviet Factories, crippling the Soviet efforts to
produce war material.
By November 1943 the conquest of the Soviet Union is completed.
Dictator Stalin is executed shortly after.
Meanwhile in England Nazi Intelligence experts, under the
direction of Marcia with the aid of the Golden Lasso of Truth,
discover the existence of a top secret American/British effort to
develop a super weapon based on Atomic fission.
March 3, 1943: A huge armada of Miracle Planes, containing a horde
of German Commandos, under the command of Otto Skorzeny, land
around Oak Ridge,Tennessee. They round up all Allied Scientific
personnel and after destroying the facility, completely, transport
the captured scientists back to Germany.
March 1943. Hitler gives his blessing to Heydrich to divorce his
first wife and marry Marcia. The new power couple come to dominate
Nazi society. Heinrich Himmler Heydrich's chief, until then,
resumes chicken farming. Seeing the writing on the
wall, Hermann Goring retaining titular command of the Luftwaffe,
retires to his sizeable hunting estates, to contemplate his vast
collection of stolen art objects. Joseph Goebels manages to
retain his position, by producing an adulatory propaganda film,
glorifying Marcia's adventures in the United States, culminating
in her triumph over over the fabulous Wonder Woman.
In the course of their marriage, Marcia had one child by her new
husband. Ardent Nazi though she was, she discovered she did not
enjoy pregnancy. (Nor the Kitchen for that matter.) She
encouraged her husband to amuse himself with a series of
beautiful, Amazon concubines. She was quite amused to discover he
had simultaneously impregnated not only her personal maid, Diana,
but also the new scullery maid, Hyppolita.
"Like Mother, like daughter, I suppose. Both sluts!" She
June 21, 1943: Now being bombed unceasingly by Miracle Planes,
disheartened by the destruction of the last hope of developing a
miracle weapon, by Skorzeney's Commando raid, President Roosevelt
sues for Peace. The United States is forced to accept the
humiliating Treaty of Newark, reducing American Forces to token
size, and requiring vast payments of war indemnities to Germany
for years to come. To insure compliance with the Treaty, German
Forces occupy major American Cities.
The fate of the Earth Two World has been sealed by a catfight won,
thanks to a sturdy Chandelier.
The End.