Amazon Challenge. Part 3. Conclusion.
The crowded Arena fell deathly silent. Shocked Amazons had just witnessed the unthinkable. The combat had been appallingly brief. It was a scant five minutes since Diana, beloved of all, proudly entered the Arena, the undisputed Champion and Proud Princess of Paradise Island; now she lay whimpering in the dust, a defeated, dishonored slave.
Winning wasn't enough for the grinning Sinestria; she vowed to show the assembled Amazons, now her subjects, her power over the defeated Princess.
The whimpering, heart-broken former Princess, in despair at the terrible consequences her first defeat in battle would bring her beloved mother, abjectly complied with Sinestria's command.
As she surrendered the last shreds of her pride and dignity, Diana could no longer hold back her bitter tears and sobs.
Sinestria's merciless vengeance knew no bounds.
A broken hearted mother, sobbing in despair, couldn't bear to watch her proud daughter's vile humiliation.
When Diana finally completed her demeaning, humiliating homage to the victor, Sinestria dropped her near crippled foe back in the dirt, and with an arrogant gesture of command, beckoned the broken hearted Hippolyta to her.
Head bowed in horrified disbelief, the unhappy Queen stumbled to the center of the arena, tears falling from her eyes at sight of her beloved daughter, hurt and broken at Sinestria's feet.
"Kneel to your new Queen!" Sinestria commanded. Seeing Diana try to rise to comfort her mother, Sinestria heartlessly pressed her face into the dust again.
Her heart bleeding to see her daughter brought so low, Hippolyta sadly sank to her knees at the victor's feet.
"I'll have that girdle thingy now!" Sinestria gloated.
In obedience to Amazon Law, the deposed Queen removed the priceless Girdle of Athena, the greatest of Amazon treasures, and handed it to a gloating Sinestria, who swiftly buckled it about her own waist. Sorrow for her daughter so overwhelmed Hippolyta, she hardly knew or cared, that she obeyed the command.
"Now, that Crown!" Sinestria sneered.
Hippolyta obediently removed the crown she had worn so long, from her golden curls, and humbly extended it to her new Queen.
It was not unknown in Amazon custom for a victor in the arena to inflict some barbarous outrage on her defeated opponent, to so demean her, that the hapless loser could never hold her head up among her sister Amazon Warriors. Sinestria had already so demeaned poor Diana. Yet crafty Sinestria knew some would say she only ruled because Hippolyta was too ill to face the challenge, herself. Though Hippolyta had lost the contest only by proxy, she was equally bound by its ancient rules. Sinestria resolved to so degrade the unfortunate Hippolyta, that she would never dare face the Amazons she had ruled so benevolently, for so long.
Once she donned the crown and girdle, as though by prearranged signal, Sinestria beckoned to Zoe and Phoebe, two of her toadies. Zoe holding a sack hurried to Sinestria, while Phoebe pausing only long enough to pick up Diana's irresistible Lariat of Truth, hurried to stand guard over Diana.
Sinestria opened the sack, and with Zoe's laughing assistance buckled on a huge dildo. For a moment Hippolyta, sunk in despair and sorrow for her daughter, looked on without comprehension, then the horror of Sinestria's intent dawned on her troubled mind.
A Queen no longer, but still an Amazon, Hippolyta valiantly resisted the outrage to her person. Yet, weakened by illness, she could not long stand before the victorious new queen's fists, and Sinestria brutally hammered the older woman to her knees.
On her knees, unable to defend herself, Hippolyta was reduced to ask for quarter.
There was no mercy in Sinestria, who replied with her fists, battering the venerable Hippolyta to the ground.
Diana looked up in horror to see Sinestria brutally beating her sick mother.
Despite her own grievous injuries, Diana valiantly tried to rush to her mother's aid. She did not see Phoebe standing behind her, holding her own Lasso of Truth, and waiting for just such a move.
Phoebe held an old grudge against Diana, and eagerly contributed to the suffering of her unhappy Amazon sister. She grabbed Diana by the hair before she could stand, and viciously slashed her breast with the Lasso.
Though not fashioned as a weapon, the Lasso possessed an electrical charge that when all its strands were lumped together, burned like fire.
Turning her head to watch, Queen Sinestria snapped. "Phoebe bind that heifer with her own cord, so she doesn't interfere while I deal with the OLD cow!"
Transfixed by the searing new pain in her ripe and comely bosom, the vanquished Princess made scant resistance as Zoe efficiently looped the lariat about her neck, and tied her hands behind her back, binding Diana in sobbing obedience to the Lasso's power.
With Diana safely under restraint, Sinestria ordered Zoe to position the moaning, battered Hippolyta for her heartless vengeance.
As Zoe grabbed her, Hippolyta's eyes darted wildly in every direction. Was there no escape? How could any woman, let alone one so long a Warrior Queen endure this shameful infamy? How could Mighty Hippolyta ever lift up her head, once her Amazon sisters watched another woman brutally sodomize her in the most outrageous, humiliating way possible? More than the shame, she thought of that horrible thing violating her in the most offensively intimate way; that thick dreadful battering ram ripping into her body, with raw, brutal, unendurable, pain. In all the years since Hippolyta faced the Demi-god Hercules, she had feared nothing, but now courage failed her. Uncontrollable terror, of the outrage about to be inflicted, overwhelmed Hippolyta, and she wailed piteously, begging Sinestria to spare her, imploring her for mercy, pleading like a frightened child.
Hippolyta's pleas were hopeless. She who so long ruled with compassion and mercy, could expect none herself. Rather, Sinestria smiled in delight. She had hardly dared hope Hippolyta of all Amazons would break down like this, disgracing herself before her sisters, displaying a craven streak none could ever have suspected.
Hippolyta's plaintive cries moved many of her former subjects to tears. More than one brave Amazon covered her ears to blot out those hideous, heart rending screams, or shielded her eyes unable to gaze upon the barbaric spectacle. Yet none interfered, for all knew that ancient Amazon custom granted Queen Sinestria the right to impose whatever penalty she chose upon the woman she had dethroned.
The former Princess Diana wept uncontrollably, her own heart broken at seeing Sinestria inflict this cruel, barbarous retribution on her beloved mother, and all because of her own failure. Diana scarce noticed that to add to her misery, Phoebe fondled her bound defenseless body and whispered obscene sneers in her ear.
That evening, Queen Sinestria ordered a banquet for her followers, to celebrate her triumph, a banquet that swiftly degenerated into a Bacchanalian revel. Breasts and feet bare, to betoken their lowly status as mere body slaves of the new Queen, mother and daughter, dethroned queen and defeated princess, humbly served their victorious Mistress, each in her own way.
The End.