The Four Elementals
By Gribble,
A woman gets her hearts desire, to be all-powerful.

Karen:  I'm going to die!

Karen stops to look around at the sand surrounding her and then she looks up at the sun
heating the vast desert. She turns her head back in the direction she just came from and
tries to see her crashed plane.

Karen:  I never should have left the plane! I can't even see it now. But it's been
  days since I crashed, and I haven't seen any sign of a rescue party. I have
  to try to make it to a town or village.

She begins walking again, her feet dragging in the sand. Suddenly she trips over something
half buried in the sand. She sits up and turns to see what it was she tripped on. Sticking
up out of the sand is what appears to be a small gold spout with an impressively jeweled
stopper in it. Curious, she begins to dig the object out of the sand. When she is done she
lifts the golden object up to her face to examine it better.

Karen:  Looks like some kind of container made out of gold and covered with jewels!
  I'll be rich if I can make it back to civilization with this! Wow this thing
  is heavier than it looks... maybe there's water inside!

Quickly Karen begins pulling on the jeweled stopper. After a few seconds the stopper comes
off the spout, suddenly the strange object begins to shake. Karen holds onto it as hard as
she can and still almost drops it. A strange white smoke begins to flow out of the gold
container. The smoke collects into a small cloud a few feet in front of Karen. After a few
moments the container stops shaking and no more smoke pours out. Karen slowly stands up
and walks closer to the strange white cloud in front of her.

Karen:  This is weird, even for a mirage!

????:  I am no mirage. I am Genieard, the physical embodiment of the fundamental
  element Wind. And I am FREE!!! Speak thy name mortal.

Karen:  My name is... Karen.

Genieard: I thank you for freeing me Karen. As a reward you may have your hearts
  desire. You have only to make it known to me.

Karen:  Really?!? Are you a genie?!?

Genieard: I know not of what you speak. I am one of THE FOUR.

Karen:  The four, what's that?

Genieard: Know you not of THE FOUR!?!

Karen:  No, I'm afraid not.

Genieard: Then I must educate you. There are four fundamental elements in the
  universe. Wind, Fire, Water and Earth. I am Wind, along with the other three,
  I guide and shape the universe.

Karen:  Wow sounds like you're pretty powerful. How did you get trapped in that

Genieard: I do not remember... I only remember something about a war... a Goddess
  War... I can not remember anything else. I must find out more, perhaps the
  other three Elementals can help me. I must go. Farewell...

Karen:  Wait! You said I could have my hearts desire!

Genieard: So I did, how careless of me. Speak it now and it shall be yours.

Karen looks at the white cloud in front of her and begins to think quickly.

(Karen): My hearts desire... Sounds like I only get one thing... better make it good.
  I suppose I could ask to be taken to the nearest village. But that seems like
  such a waste... I'd like to be rich, but if I die in this desert I won't be
  able to enjoy it. Come on think! How can I get everything I want with just
  one shot. There's got to be... I've got it!

Karen:   I can have anything I want, right?

Genieard: Anything.

Karen:  Ok... I want to be... all-powerful.

Genieard: WHAT!?! NO! You ask the impossible. I can not grant you that! Even if I
  could, the consequences would be...

Karen:  Hey look, you said I could have my hearts desire! Well that's what I want! I
  gave you your freedom, you owe me!

The white cloud begins to swirl faster and faster, Karen feels her hair begin to be pulled
toward it. Suddenly the swirling stops.

Genieard: I have no choice in the matter, my word is my existance! I will do all that
  I can to grant your desire. Prepare yourself, we must journey.

Before Karen can say anything the white cloud surrounds her and suddenly it's dark. As the
white cloud moves away from her, Karen notices she has new surroundings. It isn't long
before she realizes she is in a cave.

Karen:  Hey what's going on! When do I get my hearts desire?

Genieard: In due time mortal. As I have stated I can not directly give you the power
  you seek. Therefore I must do the unthinkable. Leprechaunus, it is I
  Genieard. Show yourself.

Karen almost jumps when she hears a response out of nowhere.

Leprechaunus: Genieard!?! It's been a long time!

Suddenly a very small man wearing strange green clothes walks out of a nearby wall of solid

Karen:  A leprechaun!

Leprechaunus: Bah, that's what the local mortals call me. But rest assured I am the only
  one of my kind. I am Leprechaunus, physical embodiment of the fundamental
  element Earth. But there is no time to waste explaining things to you mortal.
  Genieard, I must speak with you.

Genieard: And I with you, tell me why are you in that strange form?

Leprechaunus: I do not know! That is what I wanted to speak with you about. I seem to be
  trapped in it! 

Genieard: Tell me what you remember.

Leprechaunus: My memory only goes back to when I was set free of my stone prison.

Genieard: So, you were imprisoned as well?

Leprechaunus: Yes, I was only released a few centuries ago by a mortal who found the stone
  I was trapped in.

Genieard:  Have you spoken to the others?

Leprechaunus: Others? I... don't know of any others. I only remembered you when you spoke
  my name just moments ago.

Genieard: Something is very wrong... I wish I could remember what happened. It might
  comfort me for what I must do next.

Leprechaunus: What are you talking about...

Before the small man can finish his thought, two small streams of smoke shoot out from the
white cloud. One strikes Leprechaunus and the other one strikes Karen. Immediately
Leprechaunus screams in agony and Karen moans in ecstacy. Slowly the small man begins to
fade away, while Karen seems to grow. With each moan of pleasure her clothes get tighter and
tighter. Her hair lengthens and her shoes creak as power fills her. Her breasts grow faster
than the rest of her body and soon a small tear forms in the front of her shirt. Then, just
as similar tears begin to develop in the rest of her clothing, the growth stops. Karen stands
in the cave with her eyes closed reveling in the feeling of power. She soon realizes that the
screams of agony are gone. She looks around and sees that Leprechaunus is gone also.

Karen:   Oh my... YES! I feel so strong!

Karen walks over to a cave wall and punches it. She smiles as the rock crumbles from the
blow. Then she flexes her right arm and huge muscles tear the sleeve of her now skin tight

Karen:  So much... power. But it's not enough! I'm not all-powerful. I want more!

Genieard: You shall have more, come we must journey again.

The white cloud drifts over to her once more and after surrounding her for a moment, drifts
away. When it has moved away from her Karen gasps in panic. She does so again when a shark
swims by just two feet from her. She soon overcomes her fear when she realizes she seems to
be breathing the water around her just fine. She even laughs when the shark tries to bite
her, then she use her newfound power and kills the dumb beast, with ease, using her bare

???????: Why did you do that!?! That shark was no threat to you!

Karen is shocked to see that the voice which just spoke came from a large red flounder
swimming toward her.

Genieard: Aquanda! It has been long since we last spoke.

Aquanda: Genieard... I remember you now! What has happened? How is it that I forgot
  about you?

Genieard: The same thing happened to Leprechaunus.

Aquanda: Leprechaunus... Yes! I remember him now. What is going on? Who is this
  powerful being with you. Is she responsible for imprisoning are minds and

Genieard: No, this is Karen, she released me from my prison. I owe her a debt, which I
  must fulfill. But first tell me what you do remember.

Aquanda: I can almost recall... a battle... it's not clear. The only clear memories I
  have start at the time I was released by a fisherman, just centuries ago.

Karen:  The Fisherman and His Wife! I knew a magical talking flounder, seemed

Aquanda: What are you talking about?

Genieard: Do not concern yourself. I'm sorry for what I must do Aquanda.

Aquanda: What do you mean...

Once more two streams of smoke shoot from the cloud. One touches Karen and the other touches
Aquanda. Karen laughs as power begins to flow into her once more, while Aquanda screams in
pain. Just like Leprechaunus, Aquanda begins to fade as Karen grows larger. Karen watches
with joy as the small tears in her clothing begin to worsen. Both of her pant legs rip apart
as her muscles grow too large to be contained by them. She feels her breasts snap her already
overfilled bra and she smiles as they begin to poke out of holes in her shirt. Her shoes fall
apart completely and her hair grows even longer. Karen laughs wildly as she tears off the
shredded shirt and her eyes begin to glow. Then the cries of agony are gone and the growth
stops. Karen looks around the vast ocean with glowing eyes and smiles evily.

Karen:  YES! Oh Yes! The power... I have so much power! I could rule the world!

Karen spots a whale in the far distance. She snaps her fingers and instantly she is next to
it. She glides down through the water until she is below the whale and then up toward it.
When she reaches its underside she puts her hands underneath it and continues to rise with
it. In moments she reaches the surface and then she is above the water still rising with the
huge whale raised over her head. A few hundred feet above the water surface she stops and

Karen:  This whale feels weightless in my hands. Still I want more power! Genieard,
  I command you to attend me!

Instantly the white cloud is hovering in the air beside Karen.

Genieard: Have a care mortal, none may address one of THE FOUR in such...

Karen:  Silence! I'm no longer a mortal and my power is twice that of yours! Now, do
  as I command, carry out the rest of your task!

Genieard seems to study the super woman before him. Her eyes glowing, her large muscles
bulging and her evil smile. Karen tosses the helpless whale miles away without effort and
then folds her powerful arms across her large breasts.

Karen:   Do it NOW!

The white cloud once more drifts over and surrounds Karen. The briefest of moments later it
drifts away and the two of them are in a new place. Karen looks around for a moment at the
lush jungle around her, then closes her eyes and seems to concentrate.

Karen:  I sense that we are in Brazil.

Karen opens her eyes and smiles at Genieard.

Genieard: You are mastering your power quickly. We are indeed in the land known as
  Brazil. I thought I felt the presence of Pyroto here, but I can not pinpoint
  where exactly.

Karens eyes glow brighter and she looks around once more. Then she stops and points in an
eastern direction.

Karen:  He is over there, I can feel his power. I must have it.

Before Genieard can say anything, Karen snaps her fingers and they are both suddenly
standing in front of a huge stone pyramid.

Genieard: Pyroto! It is I Genieard! Where are you?

Karen:  Don't bother, he can't answer you.

Karen walks over to a bush and reaches into it. She pulls out what appears to be the severed
arm of a monkey.

Karen:  This contains the power of Pyroto. 

Genieard: No, it can't be... But I sense it now as well. It would seem that the form he
  was trapped in could not survive whatever befell him. How could this have
  happened!?! Who could have done all of this to THE FOUR!?!

Karen:  Who fucking cares. Just give me his power!

Karen stands waiting for a moment, but Genieard just hovers beside her.

Karen:  Well! What are you waiting for? DO IT!! Do it NOW!!!!

Genieard: As you wish, at least he will feel no pain.

Just like before, two streams of white smoke shoot from the cloud. One of them strikes Karen
and the other strikes the monkey paw in her hand. Karen throws her head back and moans
loudly. Her shredded pants begin to rip in new places and soon fall off as her muscles fill
with power. She begins rubbing her growing breasts with her free hand. Soon bolts of
electricity begin to crackle around her bulging muscles as they grow even bigger. Her body
continues to grow larger and larger as the remains of Pyroto fade from sight. Soon the monkey
paw in her hand is completely gone and the growth stops. Karen raises her right hand to her
face and watches as energy dances around it.

Karen:  Power! I am power! I feel invincible, like a GODDESS!

Karen walks over to the huge stone pyramid and places a hand on it. A glow surrounds it for
a second and seems to fuse the stone temple into one solid piece. Then with an evil smile
Karen grips the pyramid with one hand and lifts the multi-ton weight over her head. She then
tosses it aside like a useless pebble. When it lands the resulting quake knocks down trees
for miles around.

Karen:  My power is now nearly limitless. But I want more! I must have it all!

The goddess Karen starts walking toward Genieard and the wind elemental begins to float in
the opposite direction.

Karen:  Now, it's your turn. Give me your power. Once I have it, I will be

Genieard: I had hoped you would be satisfied with the power of the others. Please
  release me from our agreement, you are already too powerful for the good of
  the universe.

Karen:  I will decide what is good for the universe! As soon as your power is mine,
  I will become supreme and the entire universe will be nothing but a plaything
  for my amusement!

Genieard: No, this has gone too far, I can't let you...

Karen points a finger at Genieard and the white cloud begins to fade. The energy jumping
around Karens massive form begins to increase in frequency. Her body begins to grow again
and she laughs insanely. Her legs become thicker than the biggest tree in the surrounding
forest. Her hair lengthens until it reaches her muscular ass. Her arm muscles grow larger
and larger, gaining inches by the second. Soon the electricity around her becomes a solid
glow of power. In moments Genieard is gone and the amazing growth stops.

  Now, I am all-powerful, omnipotent. Everything in the universe obeys my every
  whim. My power is incalculable. Nothing can stop me! I will remake the
  universe so that it is, as I am. FLAWLESS!!!!!! 

KAREN:   Now, because I desire it, this is...


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