Cosmic Balance By Gribble, Two magic pearls are the keys to cosmic balance... and power! Smith: There it is! You've found it Dr. Summers! You've found the Pearl of Darkness. Karen: No, we've found it. I couldn't have done it without you, and I keep telling you to please call me Karen. We've worked together for years now. The tall nerdy man follows the short woman a little further into the dark cave. The two of them hold their lantern-like flashlights in front of them to better see the object they've spent years trying to find. Dr. Karen Summers walks over to a large pedestal and stares at the huge black pearl before her. Karen: Amazing, I was beginning to think it was just a legend. Smith: So was I, in fact I began thinking that about a year ago. I only kept helping you search because you seemed so obsessed with finding it. Karen: I admit I may have been a tad overzealous but this pearl is central to the beliefs of the local population. Imagine if this really exists, what else may be true about the legends. Karen begins to reach out to pick up the large black pearl and Dr. Smith grabs her arm. Smith: Wait... what about the curse? Karen: Really Dr. Smith, I may believe a lot of the legends, but I hardly believe I'll be consumed by evil just by touching a pearl. Dr. Smith holds his breath as Karen reaches out and picks up the pearl. A few moments later he lets out a sigh of relief. Karen: See. Nothing happened. I think maybe you should take a vacation before our next expedition. Smith: Next expedition? What are you going to search for now? Karen: Why the Pearl of Light of course. After we drop this one off at the museum... I... have a map... you should look... Suddenly Karen stands as if she is in a trance and Dr. Smith watches as she raises the pearl to her forehead. Smith: Dr. Summers... Karen... are you ok? Becoming worried, but not sure what to do Dr. Smith just watches and then screams in horror when the pearl seems to embed itself partially into his colleagues forehead. Smith: What's going on? What's happening!?! Answer me, please I... Before Dr. Smith can finish he hears the sound of tearing cloth. He gasps in amazement when he realizes that Dr. Summers is growing. He watches as her tiny breasts begin to grow larger, forcing her white shirt to rise and expose her belly. He hears her shoes split open as her feet grow out of them, but finds he can't look away as her stomach disappears beneath abdominal muscles which quickly become more and more defined. A button pops off Karen's shirt and snaps him out of his temporary trance just in time for him to see her breasts force another button off as they continue to swell bigger and bigger. Just as he realizes he is getting turned on, he watches as Karen flexes her arms and the sleeves of her shirt rip open revealing huge muscles beneath. Mesmerized by the sheer size of her arms, he doesn't notice that her pants are also ripping apart as her leg muscles quickly grow to unbelievable size. A moment later he realizes that the formally five foot six inch tall woman is looking down on his six foot two inch body. He continues to watch in stunned silence as Karen's already long blond hair lengthens and begins to shine with a healthy glow. A few moments after it began, the amazing growth stops and Dr. Smith is standing before a blond, seven foot tall, muscle goddess. Smith: This can't be real! I must be dreaming! Karen ignores the small man before her and quickly rips off the remains of her tattered clothing. She stretches her incredible body and then flexes the largest arms on earth. Karen: I AM FREE!!! Smith: Karen... is that really you? Karen seems to notice Dr. Smith as if for the first time then without a word she grabs him with one hand and lifts him off the ground by his neck. She smiles as he tries in vain to free himself and then with a sneer she crushes his throat and tosses his dead body with casual ease. His body hits the cave wall so hard it knocks a huge chunk of rock loose and the cave fills with the sound of breaking bones. Karen: He died too quickly, he should have suffered more. I'll not make that mistake again. This entire planet will know unspeakable suffering before I destroy it! HAHAHAHAHAHA! With an evil smile and the black pearl embedded in her forehead, the super woman flies up into the cave roof and plows through it as if it were empty air. A moment later she comes out near the top of a mountain and looks around. She floats in the air for a moment and then flies off to start her rampage of evil. Meanwhile, somewhere else... Shelly: (GASP)... She's still... (PANT)... right behind me! The attractive red haired woman looks back at her pursuer one more time and then leans up against the side of the mountain to catch her breath. As soon as she puts her weight against the rock wall it crumbles and she falls into a tunnel. She quickly scrambles to her feet and then fumbles for a flashlight in her backpack. A moment later she finds it and uses it to go further into the dark tunnel. Shelly: I've got to... (Gasp)... hide, she's crazy! Running as fast as she can, the woman quickly makes her way down the dark tunnel and a short time later she finds herself in a large cave. The first thing she notices is that it's a dead end. The second thing she notices is the big pedestal with a large white pearl sitting on it. Shelly: NO! I'm trapped! She's gonna kill me! The panic stricken woman runs past the large pearl and begins feeling the cave walls for another way out. A moment later she decides to try to go back the way she came. Just as she reaches the pedestal again her heart skips a beat and she freezes in her tracks. A woman with black hair enters the cave, she has a gun and is pointing it at her. Shelly: No... please... I was just camping... I didn't see anything! Linda: I didn't say you did. But now I'm sure you saw me kill that guy. Shelly: Please, I'll give you anything! Look... I found this... you can have it! Shelly quickly picks up the large white pearl and holds it out towards Linda. The woman with the gun laughs and then takes the pearl and examines it. Linda: Thanks. This thing might actually be worth something. I'm still going to kill you though. Shelly: No! I don't want to die!!!! Linda: You know what... everybody says that, like... it's news or something. I mean really... Shelly watches in terror as Linda stops talking and seems to go into a trance. She takes a step forward and stops when the woman with the gun slowly raises the white pearl to her forehead. She takes another step forward and then after seeing that Linda doesn't seem to see her anymore she runs past her and out of the cave. (Linda): She's getting away! Why am I just standing here with this pearl raised to my head?!? Wait... what's happening?! If Linda could open her mouth she would probably scream as she realizes that the pearl is sinking into her head. Then she feels her shirt get tighter and tighter and she realizes that she is growing. Her shoes tear open and she feels the cold air on her toes sticking out of her torn socks. Her breasts also grow and soon she feels her bra snap and her nipples become hard as they are pressed into her shirt. She hears her pants begin to rip and she tries to look down at the muscles she feels growing larger by the second. Still unable to move she feels her hand seemingly act on its own as it closes around the gun still in her grip and crushes it without effort. Unable to move her head the only thing she can see is the arm that was pointing the gun and she is shocked when her arm muscles grow so large that her sleeve rips apart. She feels herself continue to grow taller and more muscular with each passing moment and then when she is about seven feet tall and nearly naked the growth stops. Linda: It is time once more. (Linda): What the fuck? I didn't say that! Linda: My apologies. It was I who spoke. (Linda): Who the fuck are you? And how are you making me say things!?! Linda: I am light. I am life. I am good. I am all these things and... (Linda): You're a fucking nut job! Now stop doing whatever it is your doing and give me control of my body or I'll... Suddenly Linda can move again. She takes a moment to marvel at her new body and then quickly begins to look around for the person responsible for her transformation. Linda: Where are you!?! How did you do this to me? I want some answers now or... Linda: I am within you. You're transformation was a necessity so that... Linda quickly covers her mouth to try and stop it from speaking by itself. (Linda): Stop doing that! Use your own mouth to talk! (Linda): I have no mouth. I have no form except for the pearl and even that is only a gateway to... Linda reaches up and feels the pearl sticking partially out of her forehead and then she begins to pull on it. Suddenly her arms seemingly decide to quit obeying her brain and they lower themselves. Linda: How are you controlling me!?!? I've just about had enough of... Linda: I am sorry. I will explain everything if you give me a chance. Linda: Fine. But don't use my mouth! (Linda): Very well. Long ago a group of gods created a powerful evil force, they intended to use it to destroy all that was good in the universe. However they could not control it and it soon took control of one of them. It began killing everything, even the beings who had created it. With each act of evil it grew stronger and more unstoppable. A short time later I came into being and... Linda: Wait a minute. You just came into being? How the fuck does something just... (Linda): It was a side effect of the existence of the evil force. In order to maintain the cosmic balance I appeared to offset the evil which threatened to unravel reality itself. Linda: You know, I'm not buying any of this shit! But go ahead with your story, you came into being and then what? (Linda): I came into being and a champion of good was selected for me to possess. Together we battled the evil force for centuries, eventually the cosmic balance was restored. But by that time both the evil force and I had become so powerful that neither of us could be destroyed. Our long fight quickly came to a standstill. It was then that another group of gods created the Pearls of Confinement. Linda: Yeah, yeah... let me guess. You were both locked up in the pearls. (Linda): Well it was a bit more complicated than that, but yes. Linda: So why were you locked up... you're good, right? (Linda): I volunteered to be locked up in order to keep the cosmic balance. Thus saving the universe from destruction and... Linda: Bullshit! Everything you've said is ridiculous. I'm dreaming all of this and... (Linda): This is no dream. Linda looks at her body for a moment and then she flexes her bicep. She watches it expand to an unbelievable size and she moans slightly at the feeling of power it brings her. Linda: Ok... maybe it's not a dream. But why the fuck did you possess me? (Linda): Because I am needed once more. The evil force has been released and it once again seeks to destroy everything. Linda: So... (Linda): Countless lives will be lost, the entire uni... Linda: You think I care if people die? I'm a killer for hire, for the right price I'd... Suddenly Linda hears a loud scream coming from far away. Linda: That sounded like a woman... maybe it's that bitch who saw me kill my last target. I almost forgot about her. I better go kill her before... At that moment Linda hears another scream. Less than a second later her legs are moving themselves at an incredible speed. The entire cave and tunnel becomes a blur and she is outside and running through the woods. Before she realizes it she comes upon the woman she trapped in the cave earlier. The woman is halfway up a tree and there is a very large bear standing on its hind legs trying to reach her. Linda: Looks like she won't be talking to the police anytime... Suddenly, much to her surprise, Linda finds herself gently pushing the bear away from the tree. The bear becomes angry and swipes a huge paw at her. The powerful blow tears the last bit of Linda's shirt off and breaks several of the bear's claws. Linda is relieved to find she is uninjured and then filled with confidence she quickly grabs the bear by the throat and lifts it off the ground. With savage glee she begins choking the bear to death. Linda: Listen Yogi, first I'm going to kill you and then... Just then Linda feels herself let go of the bear and after a moment the bear decides to walk away. Then she feels herself rise into the air and float beside the red haired woman who is still clutching a branch with a death grip. Unable to stop her own arms she reaches out and gently separates the woman from the tree and then she slowly floats her back to the ground. Linda: You're safe now. Go, quickly before it comes back. Linda: STOP IT! I told you not to use my... Linda: I mean... have a nice day. The red haired woman watches in confusement as the large, half naked, muscle woman begins walking away. A moment later the huge woman is out of sight and Shelly wanders back to her campsite in a confused daze. Meanwhile... Karen Summers hovers in the air above a huge dam for a moment and then with an evil smile she flies at the huge concrete structure. Her powerful body smashes its way through the dam without effort and creates a huge hole. She flies back to watch the water gush out and then she floats over to an undamaged part of the dam. She then punches it and the entire dam collapses. Millions of tons of water and debris falls onto her and doesn't even move her. In fact she remains floating in the same spot for a moment as if challenging it to try and do so. Then as the water quickly rushes away and into the valley below she rises high into the air and laughs as the nearby town is destroyed by the flood she has just caused. The town is gone in moments and very few of its residents survive. Karen takes a moment to flex her super muscles and laughs insanely as they grow slightly larger. Then she looks off into the distance and flies away to her next target. At that moment... Linda tries once more to stop herself from walking but finds that she still has no control over her own body. Linda: Will you stop walking!? (Linda): Not until we are far away from that woman. Linda: Why? (Linda): Because you intend to kill her. Linda: You're damn right I intend to kill her. She can identify me. But we... I must be a mile away from her by now. (Linda): Yes, still as long as you and I are joined, you have powers which... never mind. Linda: Which what? Can kill her from a mile away!?! (Linda): I am not going to let you kill her or anyone else. Linda: Look... uh... what's you're name again? (Linda): I have no name. I am light. I am life. I... Linda: I'll call you Pearl. Now look Pearl... I didn't ask to be possessed by a force of good. I think it's fucking wrong of you to use my body without permission. So why don't you get the fuck out of... (Pearl): You don't understand! The entire universe is in danger, that includes you! If the evil force isn't stopped soon, you won't even be around to complain. Linda: Right... so where the hell is this evil force? Why is the universe still here? If it's so fucking powerful why hasn't it destroyed everything yet? (Pearl): It feeds on death and suffering and chaos. Right now it's probably just getting use to its host and increasing its power. But soon it will start destroying on an unimaginable scale. Linda: OK. Listen you want to stop the evil force, I want my body back. So why don't we find someone who wants to be possessed by... (Pearl): There's no time! People could be dying at this very moment... At that very moment... Karen floats to the ground beside the railroad track and looks at the train in the distance. She watches it approach at one hundred and ten miles per hour and laughs. Moments later it is just a few hundred feet away and she calmly steps onto the tracks and holds one of her hands out towards the train. Before anyone on the train can hit the brakes the long passenger train slams into Karen's hand. The large woman stands uninjured and unmoved but the train acts as though it has slammed into a mountain. Karen hears hundreds of people scream as train cars fly up off the tracks and land everywhere. A few even land on Karen, but they just bounce off her invincible form. When all of the train has come to a rest Karen looks at the destruction around her and then she feels herself grow a little bigger. Laughing insanely she flies into the air and seeks her next amusement. Elsewhere... Linda: Ok... I help you stop the evil force, and you leave or whatever, right? (Pearl): When the evil force has been defeated I will let you remove the pearl which joins us. But you must hide both pearls where no one will find them. Linda: It's a deal! Now where do I find this evil force, I have a life to get back too. (Pearl): Time is very short. But before we face the evil you must be aware of just how powerful you are now. I have been masking the power but I'm going to let you experience it fully now. Linda: Whatever, I don't... Suddenly Linda feels invincible. She looks around and sees everything for miles in all directions. She finds that she can read a book twenty miles away and listen to a conversation over forty miles from where she is standing. She looks at her hand in amazement as she feels it fill with enough strength to crush entire planets. She brings up her arms and flexes them, the feeling of invincibility triples and her nipples harden. She laughs and walks over to a large tree, then she flicks it with her finger and it shatters. (Pearl): STOP! What are you doing! Linda: I HAD NO IDEA... SO MUCH POWER!!!! I can do anything... ANY... Suddenly Linda freezes in place, she struggles to move for a few moments and then realizes what has happened. (Linda): Why did you stop me!? I wasn't hurting anybody! (Pearl): You KILLED that tree! (Linda): BIG FUCKING DEAL! It's a tree! (Pearl): It was alive... don't you get it? ALL life is important. (Linda): BUT... (Sigh)... Look I'm sorry. I just got carried away... it won't happen again. I just felt so... GOOD. (Pearl): Alright... I'll release you, but you can't kill anything else... it just weakens us and makes the evil force stronger. Linda feels her body come back under her control and she takes a moment to flex her super body. She quickly realizes she is getting turned on and so she decides to stop and get back to more important things. Linda: Ok. I think I have a handle on the power now. Is there anything else you want to let me in on. (Pearl): Just a few more things... Somewhere else... Karen lands on a beach and spots a cruise ship off in the distance. She looks around for a moment and sees a hotel under construction nearby. She flies over to the construction area and picks up a huge dump truck full of dirt. Then she turns toward the cruise ship with the heavy vehicle over her head and effortlessly throws it at the ship. It doesn't take long for the truck to travel over the miles of water to the ship. It hits the luxury cruiser and passes all the way through it like it wasn't even there. A moment later the large ship sinks and Karen watches her entire body grow once more. She then turns and flies off into the distance. At that exact moment... Linda: Yes... I think. Yeah I can sense something. It's that way... no wait... it's moving. (Pearl): That is the evil force. We must hurry. Linda opens her eyes and looks into the sky for a moment. Linda: So you want me to fly after it. I'm not sure I'm ready to... Suddenly Linda is over five hundred feet in the air and flying very fast. She looks down at the trees below her and they seem to blur together. Then the blur of trees becomes a blur of streaking colors as Linda quickly approaches the speed of sound and beyond. Linda: So um... how will I recognize the evil force. (Pearl): It won't be hard. Just look for someone with a black pearl in their head. Linda: Riiiiiight. (Pearl): Remember, all you have to do is remove the pearl from the host's body. It will be difficult but it's the only way to... wait... look down there. Linda looks down and is surprised to see that she is floating over a baseball stadium full of people. Then she notices that someone else is also floating above the stadium just a little bit below her. She watches as the large woman flies down and lands in the middle of the baseball field. Soon the crowd begins to murmur and point at the large naked woman. One of the players starts to run up to her. He is immediately vaporized by two beams of energy from Karen's eyes. The crowd begins to panic and Linda feels herself descending toward the woman. Suddenly Karen stomps her foot and the resulting quake is too much for the stadium to handle. It quickly begins to fall apart and people begin dying by the hundreds. A moment later Linda lands before Karen. (Linda): Holy shit! She's bigger than I am! (Pearl): She gains power with each death she causes. Linda watches as the blond womans large muscles begin to grow even larger. In seconds Karen goes from seven foot eight inches tall to a little over eight feet tall. Linda begins to feel nervous as she looks up at the evil smile on Karen's face. Karen: Hahaha. You're too late. I've become too powerful for you to stop! Pearl: You're wrong. As long as there is life, I... Before the good force can finish speaking through Linda, Karen backhands her. The power of the blow knocks Linda on her muscular ass. Before she can get up, Karen reaches down and grabs Linda by her long black hair and lifts her to her knees. Then with a savage grunt Karen kicks Linda in the face, sending her flying. Linda lands twenty feet away and slowly gets to her feet. Linda: So is your plan to let her beat us until she tires out or what?!? (Pearl): Sorry, I... Linda feels something close around her neck like a vise, then she feels herself being lifted off the ground. She quickly realizes that Karen has come up behind her and picked her up. Karen: You're pathetic. As Karen begins to squeeze, Linda begins gasping for air. She quickly tries to remove Karen's single hand from her throat using both of hers. As she struggles Karen laughs and then she begins pulling on the white pearl in Linda's head. (Pearl): Don't let her remove the pearl! Fearing for her life, Linda ignores the voice in her head and continues to try and stop Karen's hand from choking her to death. She soon begins to feel dizzy and a moment later her arms stop obeying her and reach up for the pearl on their own. About half way up they fall limp as Karen succeeds in pulling the white pearl out. As Linda begins to lose consciousness she hears Karen laugh and then she blacks out. Karen: I AM INVINCIBLE! Karen looks at the white pearl in her hand for a moment and then she drops it to the ground and steps on it. She twists her bare foot back and forth a few times and then she sneers at the unconscious woman in her grip. She watches for a moment as Linda begins to shrink down to her original size and then she tosses her fifty feet and laughs one more time before flying away. A little later... Gary: Can you hear me? Linda slowly opens her eyes and sees a man looking down at her. Linda: Ugghhh... yeah I hear you... who are you... where am I? Gary: I'm an emergency medical technician and you're in... Linda slowly realizes she is on her back with a blanket covering her naked chest. She begins to get up off the ground and soon regrets it when she feels a sharp pain run through her entire body. Linda: AGGGGHHHHHH!!! Gary: Take it easy. You're hurt. Linda: Uggh... thanks for the fucking news flash Sherlock! What happened? Gary: I'm not sure. Looks like the stadium collapsed. Suddenly Linda remembers everything and she fights her way to her feet. She wraps the blanket around her upper body and begins looking at the destruction around her. Everywhere she looks she sees a gruesome combination of twisted metal and twisted bodies. Linda: How long have I been out? Gary: I don't know. I got the emergency call about ten minutes ago. Linda reaches up to her forehead and finds that the pearl is gone and she feels no evidence of it ever having been there. Linda: You haven't seen a big white pearl around here have you? Gary: A pearl? No... why? Linda: Never mind... it's not my problem anymore. Linda begins walking and the concerned man begins to follow her. Gary: You really shouldn't be walking around just yet. Linda: Yeah, yeah. Look I promise not to sue you, so drop the concerned act. The E.M.T. stops walking and looks at Linda with confusion. Gary: Sue? I'm not worried about being sued... you could be seriously hurt. Linda: Whatever. Gary shakes his head in disbelief and then jogs a bit to catch up with Linda. Suddenly Linda stops and watches as some other E.M.T.'s help a little girl out of some rubble. She stands motionless for a moment and stares at the crying child and then she begins looking around at the ground. Linda: I can't believe I'm doing this... Help me look for that pearl. Gary: Sorry I can't, if you're ok I need to go help... Linda: HELP ME LOOK FOR THE FUCKING PEARL! Just then Linda sees another E.M.T. walking towards her. He stops and looks at the ground and then bends down. Linda fights the pain in her body and begins running toward him. As the large man stands and examines his find he is suddenly tackled. He falls to the ground with Linda on top of him and drops the pearl. Linda: Sorry, that's mine! Linda rolls off the big man and grabs the pearl, then she stands and examines it. Gary walks over and helps the other man up off the ground. Gary: Are you crazy lady? You could have hurt yourself, not to mention my partner. Linda: Look I said I'm... sorry... What more do... you fucking want? Just then a blank expression comes over Linda's face and she raises the pearl to her head. Gary: Are you ok? The two men become a little worried when Linda doesn't answer and the pearl embeds itself into her head. But before they can do anything they realize she is growing. They watch in amazement as her muscles expand and her breasts begin to force the blanket away from her body. A moment later the blanket falls off and both men stare at the incredible perfection of her huge tits. The holes in her already torn pants begin to widen and new rips form as her leg muscles once again swell to an unbelievable size. Both men barely notice her dark hair lengthen because they are mesmerized by her massive arms which continue to get bigger and bigger. Soon they realize that she is now much taller and becoming more so by the second. They watch as she quickly passes six and a half feet in height and then just as she is about seven feet tall the growth stops. Both men stand with their mouths hanging open, unable to speak in the presence of the goddess before them. Linda: Pearl, are you there? (Pearl): Yes. And I'm relieved to see that you're still alive. Linda: Not as much as I am. The two E.M.T.'s continue to stare at the incredible woman as she carries on a conversation with herself. Gary: What are you!? Who are you talking too?! WHAT"S GOING ON!? Linda ignores the confused men and begins to walk away. (Pearl): Why did you pick up the pearl again? I thought you didn't want... Linda: Look the only reason I let you possess me again was because I... I missed having the power to flatten mountains. Linda flexes her right arm and the two men standing behind her gasp in unison at the results. (Pearl): I don't believe you. Linda: I don't fucking care what you believe, as long as you help me stomp that bitch into the ground. No one knocks me around and gets away with it! (Pearl): I'm very sorry about that. I underestimated the power of the evil force. It must have used that woman's body to kill thousands before we even found her. Linda: So she killed people and grew stronger... is there any way for us to grow stronger? (Pearl): Yes. We must ease suffering... help life flourish. Linda: I thought you'd say that. I better get to work then. Linda walks up to a group of rescue workers trying to lift a pile of metal and concrete off some injured people. As each of them notices Linda they stop and stare at her. Linda: I'm here to help, so stop gawking and stand back! The group of people slowly back away and Linda effortlessly lifts the rubble and tosses it aside. A moment later the injured people are free and Linda steps back to let the rescue workers do their job. Suddenly Linda feels a surge of energy and her muscles grow a little larger. She then looks around and spots a few more people trapped by debris. She hurries over and helps them, then a moment later the two men who watched her grow come over and begin treating the various injuries. Linda grows a little more and then she rushes off to help even more people. A few minutes later Linda rescues the last of the trapped survivors and after growing once more, she marvels at her new size. Linda: WOW! I'M HUGE! I must be close to nine feet tall now and these muscles... they were big before but now my biceps are bigger than my head! I don't get it, I only helped a few people, why did I grow so much? (Pearl): It only takes a little bit of good to counteract a lot of evil. Linda: If you say so. Anyway, I think the professionals can handle things here now. So how about we go counteract some evil ass! (Pearl): Ok, if you think you're ready. Linda flexes her half naked body and laughs. Linda: Oh yeah. I'm ready. Just let me do the fighting this time. A little bit later... Karen stops and hovers above the large city below her. She then looks around and spots the tallest building in the city. She smiles and flies down to the ground near a corner of the impressive structure. She ignores the stunned looks of people walking by and looks up at the top of the skyscraper. She then laughs and punches the corner and watches as her fist takes a huge chunk out of the building. To her dismay the building remains standing, she sneers and takes another swing with her super powered fist and knocks even more of the building away. The building continues to stay up and Karen snarls. Karen: Fuck it! Suddenly two beams of energy shoot from Karen's eyes and vaporize the entire first floor of the tall building in less than a second. A moment later the building begins to fall toward her and she turns to see people start to run away in blind panic. As the tall building collapses on top of her, Karen laughs. A few moments later the entire building has fallen and Karen walks through, and out of, the debris as though it wasn't even there. She then flies into the air to get a better view of the destruction she just caused. In a single second she is high enough to see the entire city. She looks around at all the people lying dead or injured in the streets below and as she does she feels herself become larger and stronger. In moments she is a foot taller and even more muscular than before. Karen: HAHAHAHAHAHA! YES! MORE! MORE POWER!!!! Suddenly Karen feels something slam into her from above. Before she even realizes it, she hits the ground and the resulting impact causes a ten foot deep crater. Uninjured and very angry, Karen climbs out of the huge hole and comes face to face with Linda. Karen: So you're back for more. I'll... This time Karen is the one who doesn't finish her sentence, as Linda punches her in the face so hard she is knocked through a nearby parking garage support beam. (Pearl): Careful! Linda: Relax. I can't kill her as long as she's possessed, right? (Pearl): Correct, but there are other people nearby. Linda: Alright, I'll... hey where did she go... Karen: I'm right here! Linda turns around just in time to see Karen punch her. A second later she feels the front end of a semi-truck wrap around her as she slams into it. Before she can move she feels herself being lifted into the air, semi and all, by Karen. She hears Karen laugh and then she feels her face plow into the street as Karen slams her and the truck down with incredible ease. Linda quickly frees herself from the mangled semi-truck and stands up just in time to get kicked in the stomach. After passing through a couple of cars, Linda's body comes to a stop and she gets up and takes a quick look around. Linda: Now where did she go!? Just then a large shadow appears around Linda and she looks up in time to see a bus falling out of the sky. Karen floats in the air and watches the large vehicle fall toward her target. A second later the bus lands and Karen floats down to continue the fight. She causally brushes the bus aside causing it to flip through the air and crash through a building. As soon as she realizes that Linda was not under the bus, she is slammed to the ground. After a brief struggle Linda manages to get on top of Karen and pin her face first to the ground. Linda: Not so tough now, are you?! Karen: Get off me now or I'll kill you!!!! Linda: I'll get off, but first... Linda reaches for Karen's forehead and is almost thrown off when Karen begins bucking like a crazed bull. She somehow manages to stay on and begins to pull on the black pearl. Karen: NO!!! LEAVE THAT ALONE!!! Linda: Shit... this thing is... UGGGHHH... really in there... Suddenly the black pearl comes free and Linda sighs with relief. A moment later Karen begins to shrink back to her normal size, she also begins to cry. Linda quickly stands up and examines the large black pearl in her hand. Linda: This thing isn't dangerous is it? (Pearl): No, as long as I am in contact with you it can't influence your actions. Linda: So it's ok to take the pearl out of my head? (Pearl): Yes. But remember your promise. You must hide both pearls where they will never be found. Linda: No problem. I'll dump them in the middle of an ocean. I use to dump bodies... Linda stops talking in mid sentence and looks down at the street for a moment. Then she looks over at Karen, who is still crying. Linda: Is she going to be ok? (Pearl): I hope so. Although it may take her some time to come to terms with what she was forced to do. Linda: Yeah... um, maybe I can help her with that. (Pearl): Perhaps... But right now you need to remove the pearl from your head. Being joined with you is upsetting the cosmic balance. There isn't a force of evil great enough to justify my continued presence in this universe. If I remain much longer one will be created. Linda: Oh yeah, the cosmic balance... Well I can't say I'm going to miss having a voice in my head so I'll just say good bye. (Pearl): Good bye. Linda reaches up and easily pulls the white pearl from her head and sighs heavily as she begins to shrink. When she is back to her normal size she becomes aware that she is completely naked. She takes a moment and tries to cover herself before finally giving up. Linda: Weird... when I was super human I didn't mind being naked. Linda looks down at the two pearls in her hand and then at Karen, who is still crying. Linda: It's ok. Everything is fine now. I took out the pearl, you're free now. Karen stops sobbing for a moment and looks up at Linda with anger. Karen: FREE!?!??! I'm not free! I'm trapped! Linda: No look here's the pearl... Karen: Trapped by rules! Trapped by laws! Trapped by my own fucking morality! Linda backs away as Karen stands up and faces her. Karen: Don't you understand!? The pearl wasn't controlling me! Linda: But... Karen: Oh it was at first. But after I killed Dr. Smith, I felt... so free! The pearl freed me! It gave me the power to do anything I wanted! ANYTHING! As Karen begins walking toward her, Linda slowly backs away. Karen: And all it asked in return was that I increase my power... increase my freedom! And now I'm trapped again... but I will be free... FREE!!!!! Suddenly Karen leaps at Linda and they both fall to the ground. With surprising strength Karen begins slamming Linda's hand to the ground over and over trying to force it open. She soon succeeds and the two pearls fly out of Linda's now bloodied hand and begin to roll away. But before Karen can chase after them Linda punches her and pushes her off. Linda quickly gets to her feet and spots the two pearls rolling toward a pile of rubble. But before she can take a step toward them, Karen tackles her and they both fall to the ground once more. Karen: They're mine! MINE!!!! Despite having been professionally trained to fight, Linda finds that she is no match for the crazed woman, who seems to be oblivious to everything including pain. Soon Karen has gained the upper hand and is sitting on top of Linda, beating her with savage glee. Even though Linda manages to block a lot of the blows eventually enough get through and she passes out from the pain of the onslaught. It takes a few moments for the crazed Karen to realize that her opponent is unconscious and she continues to beat on Linda for a few seconds longer than necessary. Then, after finally noticing that Linda has stopped fighting back, Karen looks around quickly for the pearls. She spots them almost immediately and giggles insanely, before climbing off Linda and rushing over to them. Karen: FREE... HAHAHAHA... FREE... HEHEHEHE... FREEEEEEEEEE!!!! Karen quickly picks up both pearls and presses them to her forehead. Karen: A Goddess... HEHAHAHE... I'll be a goddess again... HEHEHAHA... After a few seconds Karen realizes that nothing is happening and so she presses the two pearls even harder to her head. She presses so hard that blood begins to trickle down her face, but she doesn't seem to notice it. The only thing she notices is that nothing is happening. Karen: It's not working... WHY ISN'T IT WORKING!? I WANT TO BE FREE! FREEEEEEE!!!! Karen lowers the two pearls from her head and looks at them in her hand, then she picks the white pearl up in her other hand and throws it far away from herself. She stares at the large black pearl still in her hand and begins to rock back and forth. Karen: Stupid white one... black is better... HEHE... soon it will... free me... and... HEHEHAHA... IT'S WORKING! I FEEL... The face of the insane naked woman quickly goes blank as she once again enters a trance like state. As she watches the hand holding the black pearl slowly rise to her head she feels her nipples harden and she begins to drool. Then just half a second before the pearl touches her forehead she suddenly falls over face first and the pearl falls out of her hand and rolls away. Linda: Sorry... I couldn't let you do that. Linda drops the bloodied piece of concrete back onto the pile of rubble from which it came and looks at the blood coming out of Karen's crushed skull. After a few minutes of reflection she begins walking around, looking for the two pearls. A few days later... Linda takes a deep breath and looks around at the vast ocean surrounding her. For a few moments she watches the sun as it begins to set, but then she remembers why she is out in the middle of nowhere all by herself. She turns off the engine of her fairly large boat and then goes into the main living cabin and picks up a small metal box. She sighs for a moment and then she walks out and stands next to a safety rail on the side of the boat. She then opens the metal box and takes out the two large pearls inside and places one in each hand. She stares at them for a moment and thinks back on recent events. Linda: Power... Cosmic fucking power... With one of these pearls I could become ruler of the whole fucking planet... the whole fucking universe even. And with the other... Linda closes her hands around both pearls and stretches both of her arms over the side of the boat. Then she turn her hands so that her closed palms are facing down and she stands motionless for a moment. Linda: FUCK IT! Linda opens just one hand and watches as one of the large pearls falls into the ocean and quickly sinks out of sight. She then brings the other pearl close to her face and waits for the inevitable. A second later she feels her arm rising to her forehead and then she feels the large pearl embed itself into her head. Almost immediately, her shoes begin to creak and her shirt becomes tighter as her body fills once again with unstoppable power. Her bra snaps apart as her average size breasts quickly swell to a size that can hardly be imagined. Her tight fitting pants begin to rip and tear as her leg muscles become larger and larger. Soon her shirt sleeves practically explode apart as her small arm muscles grow bigger and bigger. She feels her ass tighten and reform into the greatest ass on earth and then it too becomes more muscular. As she continues to grow bigger and taller her clothes tear even more and soon they begin to fall off in pieces. The growth continues for what seems like forever, as more and more power flows into her. She quickly reaches seven feet in height and then eight and even nine as her body is transformed into an unstoppable vessel of cosmic might. Finally after achieving a level of power and physical perfection that no one has ever imagined, the growth stops and Linda smiles at the knowledge that she has become the greatest force in the universe. Linda: I HAVE THE POWER!!!! (Pearl): What!?! Linda: I've always thought that cartoon character sounded stupid saying that, but it does sum things up rather nicely. Linda smiles and flexes her incredibly huge muscles playfully for a moment. (Pearl): Please explain yourself... why have you joined with me again? I don't sense the evil force in this universe... Linda: And hopefully you won't ever again. With a little luck its prison will be lost forever at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. (Pearl): Then why have you... Linda: Look... the way I see it there is still a lot of evil in the universe. Something should be done about it and I intend to be the one to do it... with your help of course. (Pearl): But the cosmic balance... the longer I stay here, the greater the chance that a new evil force will be created to offset... Linda: SO WHAT! I've kicked Evil's sorry ass before, I say bring it on and I'll do it again. (Pearl): BUT... Linda: Besides... How long does it take for something like a cosmic force of evil to come into being... a day... a week? (Pearl): I'm... not sure... I took years to fully... Linda: Well there you go... years. I... we... can do a lot of good in a single year alone. (Pearl): But the danger... Linda: Oh come on... I'm just trying to make up for my past. Give me a chance... (Pearl): Well... if we don't stay joined all of the time... maybe... Linda: Then it's settled. I'll only join us for a little while at a time... ok? (Pearl): Ok, I'll agree to it for now, but if reality comes undone I'm blaming you. Linda: Hey, was that a joke? I didn't think you had it in you. (Pearl): Well it's something I picked up from my first host. Linda: Sounds interesting why don't you tell me all about your past while we fly back to land. Linda slowly rises into the air and hovers above her boat. (Pearl): What about your boat? Linda: Well um... I sort of don't have enough fuel to get it back. I was trying to get as far away from land as I could and I... (Pearl): I see I'm going to be the brains of the team. Linda: Fine by me. Just let me do the fighting... (Pearl): You're not going to let me live that down are you. Linda: Nope! Linda smiles and she hears the voice in her head laugh gently, then she looks around to get her bearings and begins to fly off toward the setting sun. (Pearl): You know, you could carry the boat back to port. Linda: No, that's ok, it brings back too many memories of my past. Speaking of which... you're supposed to be telling me about yours. (Pearl): Ok. Let me see... I guess it all started... As the conversation continues, complete with laughs of amusement and curious questions, the naked super woman flies off into the sunset and unknowingly begins a golden age of peace for the entire universe... with the occasional kicking of Evil's sorry ass! THE END