Waitress FaceBuster Part III By G J After my headless body was disposed of, and my body parts were butchered and bought by several famous restaurants. They had chefs who prepared body parts Stew, These specially prepared meals were very expensive. Waitress FaceBuster (WFB)went back to work. A very rich, handsome guy sat at his own table. He smelled of money and class. WFB loved to take apart The Elite!. Walking up to him, wearing a red waitress outfit with cutout sleeves. Her giant biceps were exposed. Several patrons checked her out, men and women."What may I get you, Sir"? she queried,He answered, but his voice was trembling as he looked at her huge biceps. He was so excited, he wanted to rub his dick on her obviously huge guns. Smiling at him, she began to "rope him in"! "I see you desire my sweaty armpits to drink from. You definitely want to have me cause lots of facialdamage, using my huge guns." He shot his load then, into his custom made slacks. Mistress moved her fist up to his jaw and whispered one word, "Kiss!". Then she flexed her huge arm as he kissed and licked that fist that could kill easily. After several minutes of licking and sweat drinking, she slips him her card and indicates he was to come to her place tonight at 7;43 PM. As he was about to leave she headlocked him into the locker room and told him to get on his knees. " I have a very flatulent stomach and I want you to lick my huge, hard ass. Then, when it explodes like a bomb, you are to inhale it and lick it clean. Doing as he was told, his tongue slowly extended out, at the tip, and then the rest of her hairy, dirty anus. Suddenly, he felt a gust of pungent air enter his mouth and nose. BLAPPPP BLAPPPPP BLAPPPP, enveloped his face as if it were some ironized cloud of excrement. He began to clean around the rim and then more deeply inside her anus. After several minutes she told him to shove his finger up her ass and present it to her for inspection. It had a slight shit odor. and as a punishment she punched him once in the face, breaking his sigmoid, nose and cheekbones. The blow was so powerful that it split his face open. He bled out in three minutes and nine seconds. He was dragged to the singular saw that cut him up into bite-sized pieces.His heart, lungs, eyes and other essential body parts were sold for large sums. She utilized the money to build an infinity pool adjacent to her house. Now she needed a very expensive vacation on la sur d'France. Little did her next victim know what was in store for him!