Harley by GJ Dear readers: This story is a figment of my imagination and any resemblance to people, names situations or locales is only coincidental. GJ Harley Have you ever felt like your guts were going to come up through your mouth? I was just punched that way . Bammmmmmmmmm! I was just gutted. All my internal organs were liquified and escaped through my mouth, nose, and even ears. As I lay convulsing on the ground, in a fetal position, I could hear Spike, the renegade biker, starting to work over my friend Louis. You see we had both been driving down this open stretch of Highway 1 , on our way to meet some really hot , muscular women. Suddenly we were accosted by this biker gang. Seeing our NJ plates, they took an instant dislike to us. Now we were being used as mere punching bags for this huge, tattooed guy. Poor Louis was having his teeth knocked out. After each punch, I could hear them break and hit the pavement. After three punches, he was toothless. Then, Spike went to work on his jaw, separating it from poor Louis's face. The last indignity was when this sadistic guy took Louis and placed his beaten head, on his huge 24" arm. He flexed up and down and soon, Louis had no face left at all. It was all liquid. Then Spike dropped him like trash into a garbage bag and flung him into the woods. I could hear him start coming towards me next. I was done for. Just then I heard, "Hey big boy, you know the rules. I get to have fun with wimps and losers." Spike turned around to see the head of the gang. She stood about 6'3". Her cannonball like shoulders tapered down to a 28" waist. Her biceps were at least 2" bigger than Spike's. Her quads were in the 34" range. Her diamond calves were stretching her motorcycle boots and protruded out of their leather casings. Her tattoo, on her bicep( of course) said Jawbreaker. It was in blood red ink. She looked mean, yet so sexy. Her face was flawless. Her hair, vibrant red. Her breasts had valkyrie-like proportions. Despite my internal distress, my dick was so hard. I saw Spike back up. He seemed nervous as this powerhouse of a woman approached. "Look, I am sorry, Harley( yes that was her name dear reader). I was just having some fun...you know, just breaking them up a little......snicker, snicker. No need to get your thong all tied up in a knot." She came closer. Her steps were confident and measured. Then she was within arms length of Mr. Spike. She gave him a warm smile and came right up and got into his face. I had stopped puking up my guts and watched through furrowed brows. So did everyone else,( biker chics, huge, hard , man killers and their male counterparts). Spike, now clearly caught off guard by Harely's intrusion on his personal space, tried to get away. He never made it. Harley took one hand and put it around his neck and squeezed. Her muscled arm expanded as she bore down. Poor Spike was turning blue as he heard her say, "Now Spike, I have been traveling for hours and I want you to clean me from head to toe with that talented tongue of yours, especially my asshole and pits." Always the macho poser, Spike said, "Fuck you, I clean no woman with my tongue." Harley squeezed harder. Spike was going out. A dark ligature bruise appeared on his almost crushed windpipe. "Last chance, my bitch... clean me." All this occurred as the women yelled for Harley to rip his neck off his body. The men shouted," Kill that cunt, you pussy." It was then that Spike move his head left and right. Oh it was imperceptible, but we all saw it. "Awwwwwwwwwwwww, too bad, Spike, we will miss you", Harley said matter- of- factly . Then she lifted him up at least a foot, with just that one hand. She slowly made her other hand into a fist, the biggest fist I have ever seen. Then she punched him with a powerful uppercut. We heard the impact, saw Spike's head fly out of Harley's grasp. He landed ten feet away, spitting out his teeth and buckets of blood. His female tormentor walked slowly over to him and kicked him hard in the balls. Poor Spike screamed and grabbed his broken nuts, rolling around on the ground. We could see a dark red stain seep through his dirty biker jeans. Soon his ruined face and his broken balls caused him to expel liters of blood . He was finished. Yet, Harley was not. She sat down on his chest facing him, pinning his arms to his side. Then she began to systematically use his face as a speed bag. First she broke his bones: nose, jaw, orbital sockets and cheekbones. Her fists soon bore the remnants of his once-face. Then she got off and slowly strolled behind him. Grabbing him by his matted, greasy, unwashed hair, she lifted him to her waiting bicep. Once he was in position, she rested what was meagerly left of his face, on her huge, veined muscle. She began to flex up and down, reciting this, "Poor Spike had a face, its now no more , I had such fun breaking his jaw. The time has come for him to break. I'll pop his face, so nevermore a trace." Then she squeezed until his eyeballs popped out of their sockets and hung down by thin strands of connective tissue. A little more pressure and his head split in two hanging only by his spinal column.The left portion faced to the rear. The right portion, straight ahead. Harley was bathed in Spikes fluids as she orgasmed again and again. Getting up, she yelled to her female cohorts ," take this bitch and tie him to my bike. When we ride soon, he can watch the road from the front and from the back, hahahahaha. She had him coming and going at the same time. He will serve as a reminder to everyone, "DO NOT FUCK WITH ME." Oh I guess you figured it out that when she popped his face like a huge unsightly zit, I shot a load in my pants. She was so hot, so mean, so cruel...just our kind of woman.....Right dear readers?" Wasting no time, Harley walked over to me saying, "and what do we have here...oh I see, a piece of shit that needs to be shoveled and discarded." That began my demise. Harley broke every bone in my body, snapping, punching, flexing, kicking. In no time Harley had reduced me to jelly( cherry of course). She punched me so hard my jaw split right down the middle. She extracted all my teeth. She pulverized my nose with powerful hooks and jabs. She speared my eyeballs with her long nails and saved them for her trophy case. She broke every rib, all appendages.....everything. All the while her gang was yelling encouraging things, like rip off his dick ( which she did), bust his balls to paste( which she easily accomplished by stepping down hard with her biker boots), and pop his head off( which she finally did by exerting enough bicep force to explode it like a rotted melon thrown off a roof ). My remains were run over by twenty-five motor cycles until only a paste remained. Then the female members of the gang used that spot to piss on. There was nothing left. But you know, dear readers, I came looking for strong, kick- ass muscle women. Can I complain? I think not.....for I found the ultimate one in Harley.