The game by GJ Dear readers, This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to characters living or dead, or situations mentioned herein are purely coincidental. Enjoy GJ The Game 1 The three friends looked at each other through" bored" eyes. They were sitting in the basement gym of the largest of the three friends, named Cindy. The other girls were chatting, bemoaning the fact that they were all alone, without men. The other girls were named Cindi and Brett. Their description is as follows: Cindy : Age 21, 5'6, 168lbs., 16.6"bis, 28"quads, 17"calves, 46"chest Cindi : Age 26, 5'51/2, 145lbs., 15"bis, 27"quads, 16.6" calves, 45" chest Brett: Age 21, 5'5, 158.5lbs., 15.5"bis, 26" quads, 18" calves, 39.5" chest The thing that was so appealing about these women, were that they really resembled three very famous female bodybuilders. By a coincidence, they had the same names, as their high profile counterparts. Can you figure out who they were, dear readers? They were each doing bicep curls with 100 lb. barbells. The girls were sweating profusely, and being into a natural scent, they chose not to shave their underarms, as a sign of superiority. God, if you had been there dear reader, and seen what I am envisioning in My mind, you would have certainly shot your cum straight up into the air by now. Imagine, three hardbodies, pumping huge iron as if it were child's play. They are flushed, hot, dripping and scented with sweat, sexual desire and youth. Cindi, the oldest, did her last set( 20 straight curls),utilizing strict form( of course) and reached down to get a sip of water from a bottle. Her quads were dripping, as well as her underarms, and huge bis. She loved to squeeze her victims with either muscle group. It turned her on. As she sipped the cool liquid, she came up with a plan to alleviate her friends' doldrums......"The Game". With a twinkle in her clear eyes, she discussed her plan with her two very sexy companions. "Say girls, let's do The Game. Its been so long and you know how we love it. We all cum with such intensity...what do you say?.....Cindy? Brett? Hearing Cindi's plea, both girls put down their weights. Their six biceps were so pumped, that one could see the angry red veins popping out like ropes engorged with blood. They were sweating up a storm and feeling very horny. Soon the three friends hugged each other and made plans for their "night out". Of course, they did not shower because that would spoil The Game, now wouldn't it? Four hours later, the three amigas casually walked into a night club on the outskirts of town. Cindy was wearing a red manbeater top and white, skin tight capris. Cindi, who favored black, wore a sequined tank top and impossibly daisy duke, red shorts. The last friend, Brett, wore a gold lame see through top with a navy blue mini skirt that just about covered her wafting pussy. They were ready, they had locked and loaded. Looking around, the three muscle lasses sat down at a table near the dance floor. Hearing a hot salsa number by The Black Eyed Peas, called Sexy, they got up and began to dance. Their impossibly sexy bods fueled the fire of desire with the male crowd there. These girls were trolling and they used their physical charms as bait. Especially since each girl chose a top that was without sleeves. Their well oiled and sweaty arms gave off just the right touch, and scent, as well. They were lost in the frenzy of the beat, yet they were especially aware of three huge guys( probably bodybuilders) gawking at them. Stopping after the songs end, they sat down and ordered their drinks, which was beer of course. As they waited for their libations, they reviewed the rules of The Game. Ok , if I did my job right, dear readers, your interest will have been peaked, and possibly something else as well( wink).The game is played like this: One of the women is chosen by lot, to go up to any three men she wants to play The Game. The other two hotties watch. The Game is in two phases. The first part is to give the men a task. The second part ( and it always comes down...ooppps.. no up)is a penalty phase if they fail the task. The penalty is harsh as you might expect, no as you cum to expect dear readers). They are chosen, via a pack of cards, with individual possibilities inscribed on them. Phase one began when the women picked from a closed container with 3 straws in it. Only one is the short straw, and the woman who picks that one, gets to play The Game. Cindi picked first and got one long straw. Miffed, she passed the container to Brett. Weighing her options, this beautiful conglomerate of muscle and power, picked from the container. Now I could draw it out, dear readers, but as you know in a high pressure, speed -expectant society, we want to know the outcome with great immediacy. Don't we dear readers? So alas, Brett also picked a long straw. Moaning with dissatisfaction, she passed it to Cindy, who of course with a look of glee, picked the one, lone short straw. Cindy picked three penalty cards from the deck. Not looking, since that would spoil her surprise, she spied three huge hunks looking over at her, as she rose from the table. She walked very slowly, with a seductive gait towards them. As she approached, the three muscleheads stood up( and that wasn't all that did the same). If the table could rise, as if in a seance, it surely would have. The men noted her powerful body, her beautiful face and blond hair, as well as her alluring scent. Getting very close, the men could see the pooling wetness drip down her huge arms, between her breasts, and under her arms. If she were facing away from them, they would see the damp ring perfectly circling her hard, muscular ass, as well. Ok she had them hooked. All three guys were security, hired out to protect notables and rich folk. They were deadly tough, and they loved to make women succumb to them. "Hi, beautiful, what brings you to our neck of the woods", they asked. Cindy laughed to herself thinking this piss poor pick up line would maybe work on a corpse or perhaps "Ugly Betty". Looking at them demurely, she explained with, " Well I saw you sexy men with, oh such big muscles, sitting all by your lonesome...and I was wondering if you wanted to play The Game with me". Looking to each other, wondering wtf The Game might be, they said in unison, "Sure we will play whatever you want, then you can play with the three of us, whatever We want." Cindy pushed her hair beautiful golden tresses back from her forehead, giving the men a chance to see her peaked, hard, round, sweaty bicep. She could see a bit of a stir in each man's far so good. Say dear readers, any stirring in Your pants yet? Looking each gent straight in the eye, the now very horny muscle lass explained. "Well The Game is simple, I give you a task, you perform it, you get to be with me...all three of you, tonight. I will suck, fuck, and blow your mind with my hardbody, tongue, and dripping pussy. If however, you fail in this task, you must pay a penalty, which my lovely friends at the other table have written on these cards. You will pick one and then we will proceed to the mmmmmmm punishment phase. Is that acceptable to you all, guys?" All three were now so far gone that Cindy could have said anything and they would have complied. The task: All three men line up. Cindy is going to flex her huge bicep in each man's face. He has to look at it, smell her funky arm , and remain intact( not having cumm in his pants) as she flexes that jawbreaker under his nose. How would you fare, dear readers.....would you succumb to her beauty, strength and muscularity? Well the men lined up and waited. Cindy looked down at her biceps and chose the right one to bring these men down to their knees( the right one had a tat of barbed wire, around its circumference). As she flexed up and down, down and up, she smirked and her hot tongue came out and licked its wicked, high peak. In no time at all, each man shot his load , spreading gooey stains down the front of his pants. How about you, dear reader? Need to change anything or wipe off your computer keyboard? Okay, Cindy had them now, and she anticipated the next phase. Taking the pack of cards, she held them out, as each embarrassed muscle freak, took one. Then she stepped up to Creep1 and asked him to read his card. He did, in a hushed voice, when he realized its content. Cindy was to break his nose with one punch. The 6'5" guy turned to his buddies and yelled, "This chick is nuts, I ain't gonna let no fuckin bimbo break my".......Powwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Cindy hit him in the center of his face, square in the nose with a right cross. She put all her power into that punch. She stood and watch its effect. The jerk stood stock still. Blood shot out of his nose and sprayed it on the walls of the cabaret. His eyes were already closed and swelling, as his brain realized that it was invaded by a foreign organ.... shards of nose. He rocked back and forth and then fell over ...quite dead. Pools of gore and nose bits dripped down. Cindy had one intense orgasm, as did her two friends watching the "fun". After a time, she regained her composure and stepped up to the second man. Well, he turned to run, but Cindy grabbed him by his shirt and hauled his 245lbs up into the air, so that his feet were dangling off the floor. " Not nice, to welch on a bet, Mr.... Just relax and enjoy. Read the card and do it now, jerk!" Shaking with fear, his hands moved as if he was having a seizure......It said that Cindy was going to kick his teeth down his throat. Pleading now, with all he had in him, this asshole begged on his knees, to be left alone. Cindy patted his head......" will be okay.....just look at my beautiful quads, and calves. Notice how my feet looks, in sandals." As he looked up, Cindy powered her massive quad, in a devastating strike, with her foot. It rocketed into the sucker's mouth with such force, that he somersaulted three times before coming to rest upside down by the now masturbating friends of Cindy. Stopping to check him , they gave a thumbs up, indicating that all of his teeth were now dust and he had choked on that dust and blood. Cindy had even broke every bone in his once handsome face. Now all three friends came with a hot torrent of cum, drenching the floor since they wore no panties at all. Two down, one to go. Cindy found it hard to compose herself as she walked back to her last victim. He had already pissed his pants and was probably going to do more than that in about a minute. Cindy briefly pondered the term," having the shit beat out of you", wondering if it were possible. Now this once powerful man, making people cower before him as a general rule, began to whimper like a crybaby. Cindy really loved this part, taking his self- respect, and then his life. She plucked the last card, knowing that this was not going to read it at all. "Let's see, Oh it says I am to flex you to death with my biceps. Cool!" Walking over she punched his abs with a tremendous uppercut. That one punch broke through his abs of steel , like a hot knife thru butter. As he doubled over, his beautiful assassin, wrapped her left bicep around his head and began to flex. She could tell he had a hard jaw, cast iron, yet she was sure her huge arms could shatter that ,as well as the rest of his head. After working on it for about a minute, she stopped when she had a CRACKKK. She felt his jaw shatter on the right side. "Won't be long now, sucker.....feel the shot from my other "gun". Then she began to press his face on that other impossible muscle peak. Soon his face was obliterated. It looked like he was in a juicer and her bicep was the machine. One final flex and his jaw bone shattered into twelve parts. Cindy stepped back and watched the show. His head began to grow as these shards blasted upward, blocking nasal passages, his throat...everywhere. Soon it filled with blood to five times it size. Counting 1, 2, 3.....Cindy reached the last number, when his head popped ....exploded. The disco ball was full of red, yellow and brown....brain mush all over. It cast a surreal shadow on the walls. By now, each girl had exploded with the biggest O of all. It took them all ten minutes to drag themselves out, into the parking lot, laughing all the way. They drove quickly to a nearby beach. Throwing their clothes into the air, they dove into the warm summer surf. It washed away all the sweat and cum from each muscle maid. In addition, Cindy could feel the muck and body fragments of her victims wash away ,possibly fish food for the denizens below the surface . After all, she had played THE GAME and WON, just like a Superior Female is supposed to do