The Competition of The Broken Jaw by GJ This story is purely fictional. Any characters, names, locations or situations in this story are coincidental in nature. In the not to distant future, one pay per view special might go something like this: " Welcome ladies and gentlemen to The Competition of The Broken Jaw. Tonight, our competitor will try and beat the record of those Fistic Females who have competed before her. Her name is Cynthia. She is 23 years of age and comes from Canada. She is 5'5" and weighs 162 lbs. She hopes to go into the medical profession one day. Her knowledge of the human anatomy certainly will be a help to her in her travail tonight. She sports 16" biceps and calves and her fists are lethal( having killed 3 men who tried to rape her on a deserted street, with her bone breaking punches. Needless to say, her would be assailants were all buried with pulpy masses that once were their faces.) Now to win tonight's task, Cynthia must break the jaws of twelve convicted rapists in rapid succession. Points are assessed for total number of faces broken( jaws, cheek bones), the power used to accomplish that task, and the speed in which it is accomplished. As you know each victim has a bio-med implant in his jaw that will register on our computers, the striking power of Cynthia's fists." Cynthia entered the cage and smiled to her fans. Many of them have driven from Canada to be cage-side tonight. Her fresh faced, wholesome good looks( girl next store appeal) went a long way in getting the assembled crowd on her side. Of course seeing her rock hard body and huge biceps didn't hurt as well. Her blond hair shined under the spotlights of the auditorium. Being handed the microphone ,Cindy turned to the cameras and said, "Hi there, I am going to make this as fast as possible as I have a date to meet my friend Bri. We are going to workout together later so I will put these low lives out of their misery. Then she gave her most illuminating smile and flexed her awesome biceps ....making them bounce up and down for the audience. The crowd went wild. Immediately, twelve of the scummiest pieces of crap were led into the cage. It was then locked from the outside and soon they faced their one female adversary....Cynthia. Cynthia walked over to the twelve men and said, " See these man killers( holding up her huge fists). They are going to take your face away and your life at the same time. Then she turned to the crowd and noted that the people in the first six rows had plastic tarp over them to protect them from all the blood, tissue, snot, teeth fragments, jaw bone shards, etc. Walking up to the first two men, she raised their jaws up to the angle of destruction and her fists hit them at the same time. One could hear an audible crack as her punches connected with bone breaking power. The big jumbotron screen registered a 150 lb/sq inch hit. The people in the first eight rows were covered in gore and pulp. The two men hung in the air of a second and then collapsed dead at Cynthia's feet. Next, she took the next two losers by their necks. She moved her biceps over there puny jaws. It look so funny, their tiny chins resting on the impossibly hard peaks of her arms. Quickly she flexed once and the big screen registered 200/sq inch. The men's entire facial bones were squashed to a paste. The people in the first 9 rows were covered in red ragu sauce. And so it went on and on. Cynthia pulverized each man. All but one man was beaten to death in seconds, with one move. Cynthia walked up to him. He was shaking and one could see he had urinated and defecated on himself. Cynthia liked that she had that effect on men. It made her so hot. Tears were streaming from his red eyes and he pleaded..."Please don't, I will do anything spare me." Cynthia laughed and gave him an elbow strike in the center of his face. It registered 300 lbs/square inch. Holding up the very dead rapist, Cynthia gave the audience a lecture on the damage she had inflected. Basically it amounted to the fact that this scumbag was fucked up. He had no face , just a gore- dripping hole. After assessing the facial damage, she dropped him next to the other 11 victims....all dead .....all causing a river of red to cascade down to all the seats of the amphitheater. She herself, was covered from head to toe in face gore. She waited patiently while were score was totaled. It turned out that she had killed each man with the greatest amount of power. She was the winner of the competition and the $1,000,000. Later. As she scrubbed the way the remains of the dried gore, Cin looked foward to seeing her dear friend. Scrubbing away a particularly caked mess of congealed bone and gooey paste that had dripped down her thighs and rock hard calves, she called for the handsome announcer to complete the job with his long tongue. Soon her multi- orgasms were being swallowed by the man who was being held by her huge quads. Laughing, she finished him off with one fast squeeze of her calves. He broke like a skein filled with tomato paste.