Body Bag by GJ Dear reader: As always this is a work of pure fiction and any resemblance to people living or dead, or events that have actually occurred are purely coincidental. Oh, I would appreciate your feedback on this or my other stories. You can send them to the writers section of the website. Thanks GJ Body Bag I had taken a big chance. You see I fell in love with two female bodybuilders. The first one was named Trish. She was twenty five. Her stats are as follow: 5'11", 172lbs, 19" bis, 46" lat spread, 27.5" quads, and 18"calves. She was a beauty. She had red hair, an olive complexion, full, sensuous lips, and an ass well, you would beg her to smother you with it, if you could. She worked out heavy doing curls with 110lb barbells, 80lb dbs, benching 425lbs, squatting 915lbs, well you get the idea, dear reader. Did I mention she like rough sex? Has that "peaked" your interest, dear reader? She would abuse me in any way she wanted, as the mood suited her. I was always on the bottom. She began foreplay often by slapping me silly... with broad front and back-handed strokes. I regularly ended up in the ER, with broken bones. I had 6 teeth removed once, when in the heat of passion, Trish punched me in the mouth, just to watch me bleed( yeah u could sing that like, "I Shot a Man in Reno, Just to Watch Him Die, dear Johnny Cash fans). Often after a vigorous workout, Trish required me to clean her up, forgoing a shower for my tongue. She especially loved it when I cleaned her ass completely. She would laugh and say, "Clean that chute, my little toilet paper." My favorite was cleaning her huge bis. You see ,she never shaved and her arms peaked with those cord-like veins running thru them. Her underarm hair was red and coarse, just like her pussy hair. She exuded a strong animal scent everywhere. A real turn on to say the least. Okay, now to girl friend #2. Her name is Justine. Now Justine was even bigger than Trish. To give you some idea of Justine's size, she is 6'2", 215", 21" arms, 48" lat spread, 31" quads and 20" calves. She could curl120 lbs easily. Her bench exceeded 500lbs and her leg press was in the neighborhood of 12000 lbs .However, unlike Trish, Justine had dark black hair, all over actually. The difference was not only in size. Where Trish was violent in her sex play, Justine was gentle. She often treated me like a little boy,(which comparatively I appeared to be). She would pick me up and throw me in the air and laugh and laugh.... not an easy task because I weigh 200lbs and am 6'4". I loved it when Justine would allow me to suckle her huge breasts. They were so firm, so raised that they resembled Mt Olympus. They were surely created by the Gods, for this amazing woman. In addition, she loved me to be on top so that I might ride her, like some erotic muscle ride...get the picture! When I came, and she did likewise, Justine would pull me to her. I could smell here heavenly sweet, sweat. Often she would ask, why I was bruised and battered but I refused to talk about it with her. So here we are, one guy who can cum at the thought of his 2 girlfriends flexing their mammoth, hard, steel-like mountains of power. Then we have two women, both beautiful beyond description. Both ladies were also accomplished martial artists as well. Where Trish had killed with her fists, Justine preferred to knockout her opponents usually with one punch. She did break a few jaws and extract teeth, but that couldn't be helped sometimes. Oh, one more thing. They had no idea that I have been intimate with both of them at the same time. Can you see where this is going? The fly in the ointment was that both these super specimens of power, trained at the same gym. Fortunately, they did so at different times. However, once as I was picking up Justine from her brutal workout, Trish was arriving. She saw Justine pick me up in her huge arms and carry me to my car. I snuggled close to her breasts and closed my eyes, in tit heaven. Trish vowed to get even and she set a plan in motion. She preferred that to direct confrontation. Man oh man, was I in for it now. The next week, Trish called me and asked me to meet her at the gym. She wanted me to help her with her workout. Arriving right on time, I saw Trish at the heavy bag, punching the stuffing out of it. Each time she connected, the sinews in her arms, shoulders and legs expanded beyond belief."Ah, there u are my sweet heart. Come closer I won't haha hurt you. " Unsuspecting, I did as I was told.( One always did with Trish.) As Trish unloaded her haymakers on that poor bag, she talked to me. "So my weak pet, am I your one true love for now and forever?" Of course I nodded in the affirmative. Trish stopped for a minute and turned to me. Her nostrils flared in anger. Raising a loud voice in the deserted gym, she yelled, "Then who the fuck was that dyke, bimbo, bitch I saw you suckling, the other day at the gym? You are going to pay for this dearly, my darling. Do you see this body bag?. I enjoy beating the crap out of it .....and I suspect your big titted cunt likes that too, I have watched her from the other room. She hits hard, very, very hard. " Talking to me, Trish moved closer. Suddenly her huge bicep was around my head. The peak of this cannon was situated just below my jaw. She began to flex, not that hard but hard enough. She stopped when thick red blood began to drip from my jaw, down her arm and onto the plastic mat she had put there. I was out cold. Lifting my head, Trish inspected for damage. She could see a dislocated jaw but everything else seemed ok. Next she placed a neoprene black hood over my face. It was constructed to keep my jaw intact and hold in the gory juices of a broken face. Then she lifted me up and unzipped the body bag and placed me in it. When all was set, she said one last thing, "I won't be seeing you, that is..... intact, hahaha. Enjoy your fat, bitch pig. She will be here soon." The last thing she did was to roll up the bloody plastic and make sure all was in order. Then she left from the side door. I woke up in a dark world. I could hardly breathe and I was in severe pain. I did hear the door to the room open and footfalls told me the person was approaching. Straining to hear, I heard the room's inhabitant speaking on a cell phone. I made out these words, "You loser, sob...sob...sob... I received a picture of you with another woman. She was abusing you and you appeared to enjoy it. I am so distraught, I never want to see you again.....sob....sob. I am at the gym now and I am going to beat this body bag to smithereens. This is the end, you hear me!" I tried to yell," No, No, No please No, I am inside this bag!" Then I felt powerful punch connect with my chest. One rib broke. Then punches started coming at a furious pace. As the Justine connected with her man killing strikes, never knowing I was the man she was killing, she grunted and yelled, "Take that, you piece of shit!" Soon my jaw was broken in ten different places, but it was held in a solution of blood, ground up teeth, nose bone splinters, eye juice and other bodily fluids. The black hood kept this mess in place for further crunching. After twenty more minutes, I had no face, no eyes, no nose, no anything. I ooozed. The only structure was no structure at all. So u see, Justine got out all that venom. Trish got her revenge, especially when she called Justine on the cell to tell her to unzip the body bag. As for me, well I just couldn't " face" it, hahahahahaha.