The dangerous world of porno films A cautionary tale The spotlights glare as the female star strolls in front of the camera. Tara, tall blonde and stunning struts arrogantly up and down, then finally rests her hands on her hips and pouts. "Is the little co-star ready yet, I haven't got all day." The box is open and out peers a timid little man, not more than an inch or two high. He looks terrified, all naked except for little blue boxer shorts. She stares down at him with a certain amount of distain. "I am supposed to make love to this insect? I've put bigger batteries in my vibrator." "Don't frighten him any more than he is already" said the director, a smart dressed woman, in a grey business suit. "It's not easy to find men stupid. I mean, brave enough to shrink for a moment of fame. Okay, ready everyone, 'Giantess Love' takeone." Tara stalks forward, her long blonde hair flowing, and her huge breasts pushed forward. The camera focuses on her dazzling deep blue eyes, and the seductive smile on her face. "Hello, there little man, are you ready for Giantess love? Do you think you can handle a woman this big?" The little man's legs visibly shaking, he never the less pulled his shoulders back, looked up defiantly and squeaked, "over here baby, I've got something for you that'll make your eyes light up and your fanny pay out in dollars" Tara just manages to keep a look of utter contempt from washing over her face. She stands a foot in front of him, towering above - a mountain of pure sexual woman. She looks down as she pushed her breasts seductively together. "I think I've got what you want in abundance." She starts to strip, flinging her top and skirt away as if in a desperate passion. "I can't wait to feel your tiny body squirm against my massive one." She ripps off her bra and carelessly lets it fall. She then goes to pull off her pants and pauses. "Now where the @!#$ has you gone?" She bends down to pick up her bra to see if he is trapped underneath. "God, I hate working with amateurs!" Not noticing his arm is caught in its lace she lifts it, and him impatiently off the ground. Unfortunately for him, his arm works free in time for his momentum to carry him hurtling against her breast. Stunned he falls with a tiny thud. "Ezek!" cries Tara in surprise and in the confusion spins round and stepps on her co-star. He just has enough consciousness left to see the shadow appear and let out a faint "Oh @!#$!" "CUT!" TAKE 2 "Please be more careful this time. Little actors aren't cheap." The director admonishes. "I can't work under these conditions. How am I supposed to pretend to enjoy sex with something so puny I can crush it without realising it?" Tara snaps, and then turns on the replacement and growls in a low voice. "You piss me off and I'll turn you into another speck of grease." "That's enough, we're wasting time. Positions everyone. Take 2!" Tara, now naked except for her underwear, sits carefully down, one huge shapely leg either side of her small lover. She leans over and says in a low, husky voice "Okay, little lover, I'm going to give you the @!#$ of your insignificant life." She slides her hand into her pants and begins to play with herself. Moaning softly she knocks the little man over with one finger of her other hand and mutters, "Didn't you read the script? Take you shorts off now or I'll squish you where you lie". Frantically he does so and the long slender finger, which was poised threateningly above him, instead strokes his tiny manhood. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" he complains, but Tara's moaning drowns him out so that only she hears. She smiles down at him mischievously, then picks him up and announces loudly "I just can't wait anymore, you turn me on so!" Placing him into her underwear she immediately pulls at their front so that the material cuts into her pussy. Tug, release, tug, release, her playmate is rammed screaming again and again into warm wet lips. With her face screwed up in ecstasy she shouts "oh yes!" The director notices his flailing limbs become more and more still. "Hey!" she yells, "don't kill the little bastard! We've got at least 8 more scenes to film!" "So sorry" says Tara "I just got carried away. Are you alright tiny stud?" The man groans. "Perhaps I should take them off, yes?" "Keep filming" the director orders, "we can do voice overs." Tara removes her knickers carefully, lays back and puts the man in her pubes. Opening her luscious lips with her hands she says, "In you go little one." The man is terrified and tries to take a step back, falling over in the tangle of her pubes. Under her breath Tara gives him some good advice. "Alright pussy fodder. You'd better get in there and writhe hard so I can feel you." He looks up at her, clutching his ribs and crying out. "I don't care how many ribs I broke, if you don't work hard enough to turn me on I'm going to crush you like a grape." He hesitates for a moment and then, seeing the look on her face, jumps in with a squeak of terror. His tiny feet and torso disappear, but his shoulders and arms stick out because she doesn't choose to swallow him. "Beat me, beat me" moans Tara. He does his best, in spite of the pain. He even bucks his little dick around inside as he hits her and bites her as hard as he can. He feels her lips squeeze him tight, but he also senses that there is a huge cavern beneath him in which he could get lost forever. "Yes, Yes!" screams Tara and takes hold of him by his shoulders, pushing him in and out repeatedly. Again, just to him she whispers "not good enough little bug." She plucks him out and dropps him on the outside of her lips. In absolute terror he flails with his arms and feet, one of her fingers keeping him in place. Then the finger slowly and rhythmically begins to rub up and down, dragging him up to her clitoris and back. The speed increases and increases, as does the pressure until he squished into a colourful lubricating gel. She keeps rubbing and bucking, laughing to herself. "CUT!" One telling off later and Tara isn't feeling any more kindly inclined towards her co-stars. The next one is already in the palm of her hand. He has completely lost the plot, begging for his life. He has already seen in her face enough to tell him that his time is nearly up. "Calm down little one." soothes the director, "nobody's going to hurt you. This is a film about making love, not about killing defenceless men." This last part she said emphasises while glaring at Tara. "Tara, why don't you do the tit @!#$ scene? Nobody will see him shaking them." "Okay boss" replies Tara cheerfully and places him on her nipple. Lying back, head up and inches away from him, she says loudly for the camera, "How sweet. Look at his miniscule erection and how much he loves humping and kissing my nipples." The little man, in mortal terror, quickly begins to do just that. His whole body isn't any bigger than her swelling teat. "You're going to squish! You're going to squish!" she whispers to him. He cries out and falls backwards, but she is ready, catching him between her breasts in a huge busty vice. And like a busty vice should it begins to close and crush. She squeezes and releases as he struggles delightfully and futilely between. "Cum for mummy!" she cries out loudly, "lets feel some juice. Isn't that just everyman's dream? To have breasts like hills to roll around in." "Good, good" enthuses the director, "now show him to the audience so they can see how much pleasure he's having." Tara opens her breasts slightly, and the stunned, battered little man, his penis in mock salute, drops between them. He lies almost motionless there, penis in the air. Then they close over him. He can feel the warm soft flesh press closer and closer. It is like he is being consumed, like he is held so tightly he didn't know where he stops and the enormous flesh around him begins. The pain is incredible, and yet he is aware being so, so aroused. He even feels his cum try to shoot out against the firm wall that is crushing him. Then he breaks completely and blood, cum and shattered bone ooze over her. "By God, that really was fun!" "CUT!" "Look" says the director "We probably have enough with the shots we have, and some careful editing to piece the film together, providing we can get the blow job scene done without killing the last male co-star. Do you think you can do that?" "Of course darling" Tara answers with a wicked smile. "Okay, okay," the director, offers resignedly. "Do the scene properly without hurting him, co-operate with me that way, and you can eat him, or do whatever you want afterwards. Deal?" "Yes, darling" comes the more convincingly enthusiastic response. And she does. He gets the most amazing lingering blowjob of his shortened life. Her huge tongue a wild horse between his legs, her warm wet lips gently squeezing and sucking. He cries again and again as he shot his little load into her giant, hungry mouth. She lets him lie happily on the palm of her hand, kissing it gratefully and swearing he was deeply in love. Then when the camera's finally stops filming, with a smile she drops him back in, and pushes him around roughly with her tongue, long enough to feel him struggle and hear the faint screams. She then she swallows him whole and wanders contentedly back to her dressing room. "I wonder if we will get to make a sequel?" She muses.