SMALL! By B. Kaiser What an incredible experience, I thought, I'm sitting in one of Britta's shoes. Update: 27/07/1998 to giantess I still couldn't believe it. But it was true; I was truly sitting in Britta's apartment, the sweetest woman there was. We were both members in the same tenn is club, and yesterday she had simply asked me if I would be interested in hav ing dinner with her the following evening. Me, of all people, me! Up until now she had rebuffed anyone that had ma de a move on her and that was not a small number of men! That night I could barely sleep due to the excitement, and now here I w as, sitting on Britta's bed waiting for her. After she had invited me in, she had asked me to wait a bit, she still had a little fixing up to do and she disa ppeared into the bathroom. Already, she looked like an absolue knock-out with her long chestnut-brown hair, that smoothly fell over her shoulders and the thi n and nearly see-through dress that she wore. I took a sip of the Coke she had given me and looked around the apartme nt trying to settle my nerves. In a corner was a small dollhouse which I leane d over and inspected closer. Strange! It seemed like something was moving insi de! I bent down to get a better look to see how that could be. A sudden pain surged through me, then I felt a strange distortion throu ghout my body, however there wasn't any pain anymore. I tripped on my pants tha t suddenly were too long. Even my sweater had become too large. I couldn't se e may hands anymore! Panicking, I ripped the clothes from my body but the nigh tmare continued. Everything around me was slowly becoming bigger. The sides o f the room widened. The lamp, that before had come up to my chest, was now hig her than me and was growing even higher! Fi rst the table became big enough to walk under, than the chairs, and finally, ev en the bed! Then it suddenly ended, the growing had halted. In complete bewilderme nt, I looked around. The small room was now gigantically big. I could scarece ly believe how high the roof had become. In the distance the furniture rose up like a mountain range. Behind me was the bed, it had changed into a giant she er wall. What in the world had happened? The room had been transformed into a setting for giants! No, that wasn't it, my surroundings hadn't changed, I h ad been shrunken to the size of a tiny bug. The realization struck me like a ton of bricks. Was I dreaming? No, everythi ng was too real. Panickstricken, I ran around, until I came upon a nearb y red wall. Standing back, I recognized the wall as a gigantic shoe. Behind me was the other. Of course! They were Britta's highheels that she had put unde r her bed, they were each bigger than a truck. I climbed up on one of the sho es. What an incredible experience, I thought, I'm sitting in one of Britta's s hoes. Then it hit me! What had become of Britta? With all the crazy things that had had happened to me, I had compeletely forgotten about her. Had the sa me thing that happened to me also happened to her? I jumped from the gigantic shoe and ran over the wide expanse of floor towards the enormous door which led to the bathroom, just as the door suddenly opened! I froze in my tracks. A gigantic monster appeared in the doorway. It was Britta! She hadn't shrunk, instead, from my point of view, she had grown g igantically large. The giantess came directly towards me, the ground shaking u nder her steps. I came to my senses and threw myself to the side, otherwise I would have been, without a doubt, squashed by the powerful feet. Breathing h eavily, I sat up and watched the giantess seat herself on one of the monstrous chairs. Suddenly there erupted a loud pene trating voice: "BORNI WHERE ARE YOU? COME ON OUT!" She hadn't noticed me. Small wonder! I couldn't have been bigger than 2 inches. I looked up at the gigantic body of the giantess. She was nearly n aked, wearing only tight workout shorts. High up, her beautiful, enormous brea sts, rose out like two giant hills. What should I do now? Should I get her attention, and if so, how? I h ad to be very careful. She could easily mistake me for an insect and simply s tep on me. Slowly I approached the chair, staying always in the shadows, until I finally reached Britta's gigantic foot. I stared up and saw the enormous wh ite expanse of Britta's legs, which seemed to rise up to the sky. How often ha d I marveled at these legs, I had never been this close to them. Despite her monstrous size, she appeared many times more stimulating than before and my gaze rose up upon her again and again. Suddenly, the ground shook below me. The giantess was standing up! He r body loomed above me like a mountain. She seemed to be strangely distorted, way up her features were very shortened . Her head was so high up I could scar cely recongnize it. Britta took a step! The powerful impact shook the floor a nd I stumbled and screamed. The giantess turned around. "WHAT WAS THAT?", shouted the loud voice. She had heard me! I ran und er the table behind me and hid behind the table leg. But it was too late, she had already seen me! "IIIEEEH; WHAT JUST RAN THERE?", came the voice again. The giantess ca me towards me, and I ran in panicked fear on the floor away from her. As I loo ked back, she stood directly behind me and looked at me with a puzzled express ion. She had put her shoes on and now had one foot raised up, undoubtedly prep aring to step on me. The giant shoe came down towards me with unbelievable sp eed, and soon filled the sky, then it suddenly paused giving me a chance to run from it. The shoe crashed down upon the fl oor only an inch behind me. Full of fear I ran towards the dresser. As the shoe came for me again, I saved myself at the last moment under the dresser. Spellbound, I stared out at the large shoe. What would the giantess do now? The giant legs bent down, one knee appeared, and then the other. Giant red fingernail polished hands swept underneath, laying themselves on the floor . Out of immense fear, I backed away until I came upon the wall. The giant h and was still coming for me. The fingers, as thick as treetrunks, grabbed for me, but they couldn't reach me. Suddenly the hand disappeared. Britta stood up and walked away. What was she going to do now? Would she sweep me out with a broom, or w ould she simply press me against the wall like a cockroach? After a few moments, I heard an ear-piercing noise, cracking and creaki ng, as if an entire block of houses was being destroyed. I covered my ears. Su ddenly it was bright all around me. Britta had pushed the dresser on its side. She stood before me, like a towering mountain peak. A powerful laugh g rowled from her throat. She bent down and reached for me. "NOW I'VE GOT YOU!" I sat, paralyzed with fear on the floor and could not move. Two giant fingers came nearer and nearer, closing around my chest with a murderous grip. With breathtaking speed, I was carried up. I was hanging in the air, upside down, with the white wall of Britta's body in front of me; below me, perhaps 150 feet down, was the floor. Again I h eard the loud laughter of the giantess. Suddenly I felt a wide floor under my feet. Britta had placed me into her other hand and was now carrying me through the room. Finally, she set me down. I crawled off her hand and found myself on a broad white surface, Britt a's bed. For me, it wasa broad expanse, as large as a soccer field, and in the distance was a pink hill, Britta's pillow. To the left and the right crashed enormous red shimmering boulders, and from the impact I was thrown several meters through the air , landing in some manner softly back on the bed. Britta had laid herself down; near me rose her enormous legs. "SO MY LITTLE BUG, NOW WE WILL CERTAINLY HAVE SOME FUN", came her voice . The giant hand picked me up and placed me next to one of the enormous feet. "GET, CLIMB UP!" I didn't move. "IT BETTER BE SOON!" Still I remained stationary. Then I felt such a powerful push against my back that I stumbled and was pushed against the giant toe. "DO IT NOW, OR I'LL SQUASH YOU", commanded the voice. I climbed up on one of the toes and stood upon Britta's foot, before me was the steep wall of Britta's leg; how was I supposed to climb up that? "WHAT? IT'S TOO STEEP FOR YOU, ISN'T IT, YOU LAUGHABLE BUG?" The wall bent and I was lifted together with her foot several feet back . Britta had stretched her leg a little so that I could better climb it. I b egan the ascent. I had only climbed ten feet when the giantess pulled her leg back and I fell to the ground. This repeated several times accompanied with Britta's ear shattering la ughter, which she suddenly silenced as I reached the summit of the steep wall o f her legs , and collapsed from exhaustion on the platform of her knees. My gaze wandered over the gigantic body of the giantess, that Britta ha d become to me. Downhill, under the steep slope of her thigh I could make ou t Britta's shorts, which covered her pubic area like an enormous sheet; further behind was the vast expanse of her stomach, and then her swelling breasts, whi ch rose like hills with with little peaks, und even futher back, hardly recogni zable, her head, surrounded by the forest of her hair. "GET DOWN!" commanded the giantess; but I was so fascinated by the view that I didn't react. The situation I found myself in was highly absurd and da ngerous, all the while being extremely exciting! Being the plaything of a gia ntess, who also was a pretty woman, and wandering over her gigantic body gave m e incredible and very strong erotic feelings. Was this reality? Or was this an incredibly intensive dream? No, that couldn't be. Everything that was happening was far too real. Was I possibly drunk? Or was I really and truly small. If I was, how was this possible? Was Britta some kind of witch with the ability to shrink men? In the middle of my thoughts, the giantess prodded me again with her fi ngers. I slid down the overhang of her thigh while she spread her legs wider, such that I ended up sliding between her thighs, where I became stuck and bec ame fearful that I would be squeezed to death. Britta's face suddenly appeared above me. Her lips were pulled back wi th laughter. Suddenly, the legs were pulled apart and I landed roughly on the bed. A few dozen feet before me began the material of Britta's shorts. Someth ing intangible drove me on and I ran senselessly towards them. I tried to clim b up the wall made up of her shorts, but I couldn't make it. "WHAT, YOU WANT TO GO THERE? WAIT, I'LL HELP YOU MY LITTLE MAN!" Two fingers soon appeared, picked me up, lifted me high up, and eventua lly stuck me directly inside her shorts. I was sitting in a forest of hair, an d then it became dark. I was in Britta's shorts! A place, I had longed after, although natura lly I had never dreamed that I would have gotten there in this manner. A sweet intensive smell assaulted my senses. I crawled a while around her pussy hair u ntil I had had enough and then I looked for an exit; however Britta wouldn't le t me out! In time, the hairs became damp and sticky and I heard the giantess begi n to moan loudly. Sometime later, it became bright again, and I crawled out into the open . Before me was a depression in the floor, that I immediately didn't recognize as Britta's navel. I went past it, towards the two hills that rose smoothly a little distance away. Soon I was standing directly below one of the hills. Never before had I had an experience as fascinating as the view of this enormous breast. It was 10 feet high and had a circumference of at least 30 f eet. The nipples above were as big as my head. "GO, UP ON MY BREAST!", commanded the giantess. I amused myself climbing the white wall, which wasn't very easy, and fi nally sat on top of Britta's breast holding tightly to the nipple which was as hard as stone. The breast rose and fell and I could hear her heartbeat. Suddenly the ground shook and I was thrown down from the gigantic breas t. I was now laying between the two beautiful hills. I gathered myself up and wanted to head further in the direction of the giantesses head, but I couldn't!. The two white hills suddenly grew together and I was stuck fast between them. Britta was pressing her breasts against eac h other! I couldn't breath, so badly was I being crushed. "SO, SHOULD I PRESS THEM TOGETHER A LITTLE MORE? WOULDN'T THAT BE A WO NDERFUL DEATH FOR YOU?" And then came the horrible laughing again. I saw the giant hands appear above me and I could breath again; the hil ls relaxed back. Then in the next instant they came back and I was being press ed again. Then she began repeating the sequence faster and faster. Britta moa ned loudly in ecstasy. I was soon delerious, and then I lost consciousness.... .. When I came to, I found myself lying in a bed. But it was in my size! Had I only dreamt everything? But, where was I? The room was entirely unfami liar. The furnishings were extremely sparse. Except for the bed and a table w ith chairs, the room was completely empty. There wasn't even a window. I clim bed out of bed and opened the door. I stood in a hall, and across from me was a nother door. I opened it and looked in at a room, it was nearly identical to m ine. Except, there on the bed was a naked woman! For the first time, I noti ced that I was also completely undressed. Shamefully, I wanted to head immedia tely out before the woman heard me and turned around. "Borni!", she called. "Susi!", I cried out at the same time. What a surprise! It was Susi, a sweet girl who was also a member in th e same tennis club as me. "What are you doing here?", she asked me. "Where exactly is here?", I inquired. "Don't you know? Were in a doll house!" I was a little confused, then I understood! Of course!, Britta's little dollhouse. Yesterday I had seen some movem ent before the whole story had happened. We were in Britta's doll house! Tha t explained the crude furniture and the missing windows. Then I hadn't been dreaming! I was truly small, and was still in Britt a's apartment, at least I had found company to share the misery. "Sit down first for a while!" offered Susi. I sat next to her on the bed. She looked so pretty, sitting so near to me, had the situation been different, I would have taken advantage of the situ ation. Now though, I naturally needed to know was all of this meant. We took turns telling each other our stories, and quickly realized they were nearly identical. Susi had only been here since yesterday. She had visi ted Britta and after she had drunken a Coke, the same thing that had happened t o me had happened to her. Since then, she explained, she had been imprisoned in this doll house. In the middle of our discussion there was suddenly an ear splitting noi se, a powerful rumbling, like a small earthquake, and than all of a sudden the wall disappeared. Light streamed in and a giant face appeared like a billboar d. It was Britta. She looked in at us. "SO, YOU HAVE FOUND EACH OTHER!", roared her voice. The wall was replaced and for a few seconds there was silence. Then it was happening again! A powerful earthquake. We fell off the b ed and stumbled through the room. Britta had picked up the entire house and wa s carrying it through the apartment! Finally there was an enormous thud and then there was silence. We look ed at each other; what did she have in mind for us? Suddenly the roof of the house disappeared. Britta looked down upon us . Her gigantic hands swept us up. With one she grabbed Susi, with the ot her me, lifted us high into the air and placed us back on the floor. Directly in front of me I saw Britta's enormous knee, and somewhat farther back and up, the small forrest of her pussy hair. If I craned by head back, I could make ou t her breasts high up above me. She was completely naked! I looked around. W e were on Britta's night stand. Somewhat below us lay the gigantic bed. A gia nt hand retuned , the powerful fingers holdi ng us fast. A thick ribbon. Before we knew it, she had bound Susi and me. Our bodies were pressing together front to front. Britta laid down upon the bed and then she grabbed for us. Her hand su rrounded the two of us and lifted us with ease through the air, setting us down between her legs. We now lay embedded in the pussy of the giantess. The str ong, sweet smell struck me again. "SO, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?" shouted the voice of the giantess. Because the situation pleased me greatly, soon I couldn't ignore it any longer. The fantastic experience, even Susi's beautiful body, pressing agains t mine, aroused me so much that I couldn't hold myself back any longer. In spi te of the cramped situation, I somehow managed to position myself for entering Susi. She seemed as interested as me, and she took me willingly into her. Ou r shouts of orgasm were drowned out by the enormous moaning of the giantess, ap parently the situation had excited her exact ly as it had the two of us. "GOD SHE'S SWEET!", and "HOW WONDERFUL!", she said over and over. When it was all over, she untied us, lifted Susi high up and placed her back into the doll house. Then she grabbed me and went with me into the bathr oom, where she set me onto the medicine cabinet. For the next moments I watche d as the giantess washed and dressed. Then she grabbed me again, lifted me up a nd stuck me in the pocket of her blouse, which she had just put on. She went o utside the apartment! I heard the door close with a loud bang. With each step of the giantess I was strongly thrown about, however, th e white floor - I was lying directly over Britta's breasts, moderated the distu rbance. The pocket was extremely deep. Even with outstretched hands I couldn't reach the highest seam. Nevertheless, I tried, placing my feet in the large s titches of the inner lining , and climbing like a mountain climber pulled my se lf up on the threads. Thus I worked my way up, inch by inch, until I held on t o the highest border and could thrust my arms through the flap. Above me I cou ld see Britta's enormous head. Then in the next minute I was pressed with unwi thstandable force against the pocket and thr own back down into the depths. After a little time, Britta's fingers appeared, pulling me out of the p ocket and setting me up upon a wide surface . Where was I now? Below me lay several giant yellow balls, which I at first did not recog nize as tennis balls. I sat upon a wide, patterned surface. It was a giant ha ndkerchief. Further away in the distance I saw other giant clothing such as st ockings and enormous tennis shoes. I looked up and was surprised. I saw enormous, mostly naked, feminine bodies. Then I understood, I was in the women's dressing room at the tennis cl ub! It was time for women's lessons on the courts. Britta had put me into her tennis bag. I had always dreamed of being a mouse in this place, but that it shoul d happen this way....! The loud voices of the women hurt my ear drums. Shortly, when it becam e quiet, I summoned all my strength and yelled for help, but the giantesses cou ld not hear my tiny voice. Britta had noticed my "break out attempt" and pulle d the bag's zipper closed. The bag was lifted up and a little later was put down again. After a w hile, I could hear the familiar "Plop-Plop" of tennis being played. I crawled around for a while in the dark bag until I noticed a hole, th rough which I could see a bit of the outside world. Britta had not completely closed the zipper. I tried to squeeze myself through the narrow opening. Final ly with great effort, I made it , after which there was a small opening in the zipper. I climbed out of the bag and stood upon a bright white path, that led over an enormous ravine. The ground was at least 60 feet below me. Beyond tha t grew grass and flowers as big as trees. S everal yards farther was another stage, and then another, and so on. Behind th em rose a giant white wall. What have I got myself into?? I looked out. Hundreds of meters in the distance moved colossal figure. After viewing the scene longer I realized that I was looking at a giant tennis court upon which four women were playing doubles. Now I knew exactly where I was! I was standing on a bench by the court. Britta had put her bag here. For a while I watched the giantesses tennis game, then it suddenly came to me! It was almost time for them to change sides. I must make them see me! I yelled and waved my arms. One of the women came directly towards me. It w asn't Britta. My eyes widened with excitement "Here!", I cried, "Here!" Not only did the giantess not notice me, but she had decided to sit upo n the bench! I saw the gigantic body descending towards me and I was undoubtedl y going to be squashed by the enormous behind of the giantess, if I hadn't fea rfully sprung from the bench into the unknown below at the last moment. Incredibly, I was scarcely hurt in the fall. Except for a couple of sc ratches I was unhurt. Before me I saw four pairs of gigantic tennis shoes with white socks st icking out. I ran through the bamboo-like forest of the grass towards one of t he pairs of shoes. Deciding quickly, I climbed up on one of the titanic shoes and looked up at the white legs. They were not Britta's legs. These were muc h less tan, almost white. They could only be Astrid's , who had a very fair co mplexion. I yelled up to her, but my cries were completely unheard. Then I clim bed up on the thick shoelaces and pounded with all my strength on her sock cove red legs, in order to make my myself noticeable. A giant hand came down from a bove knocking me to the floor. As quickly as it had come, it left. Most likel y the giantess had mistaken me for a fly and had only scratched herself. I was laying next to the shoes on the floor, when the giantesses stood. Quickly I r an for safety in order to avoid being steppe d on. The women continued their doubles match. I looked around: In the dista nce was a bag laying on the ground, as big as a meat locker. I went over to it and deciding quickly I climbed inside. On the side I found a small bag that w as used for small personal belongings such as keys or money. I climbed into th e little bag and closed the zipper over me as well as I could. I wanted first of all to free myself from Britta's imprisonment, I woul d let one of the other women carry me to their house and then make her acquaint ance. What ever else would happen would happen. It didn't take long, the bag was carried for a little while and then it was set down. Then some time passed. I could hear the women laughing in the d istance, they were probably showering. Then the bag and I were tossed around, I was in misery. The woman was proably taking her things out. Finally, the ba g was picked up again and carried off. A half hour later the swinging and shaking stopped, the bag was no long er moving. I waited a few minutes and then I climbed out of my hiding place an d climbed out of the open bag. Carefully I looked around. I was again in a giant room. Near me was an enormously high tower, I l ater realized that it was a stereo speaker. On the other side lay a half-close d book, under which I would have had no problem running. My gaze swept around and on the other side of the room , maybe a hundred meters away, stood a giant human form! I didn't recognize her, because she was standing at the window with her back towards me, she was undoubtedly young, what with her stockings and the mi ni-skirt she wore. I must make the giantess notice me! My voice was too weak for the gian tesses ears to hear. I must find another way. Then I suddenly remembered the stereo speaker. I examined it. Over th e amplifier which stood on the floor, was a CD player that was about 20 feet ab ove the floor. The rectangular tray was standing out , there was even a CD lyi ng in it! This was my chance! The many wires and handholds made the climb rel atively easy. Eventually I was standing directly in front of the CD player. I found the play button, which for me protruded enormously. With all of my stre ngth, I pressed against it. Nothing happene d. I tried again. Still nothing. Finally I threw my entire body against the button. All of a sudden there was such a horrible noise, that I instinctively c overed my ears. The floor vibrated stongly underneath me. I looked over in the direction of the giantess. Eureka! She turned ar ound and came towards me. Then I recognized her! It was Nicole, the youth's c hampion at the tennis club. She was maybe 14 or 15 years old, but she was very mature for her age and very sexy. Truthfully, I couldn't stand her and she pr obably liked me even less. She had never missed an opportunity to cut me down and make fun of me, for any reason, in front of other women. And of all people, here I was before her completely defenseles s. She came closer and closer, her enormous body filled my entire field of view. I was staring directly at her pink socks, under them were the e normous red high-heeled shoes, over me was the enormous expanse of her skirt. A giant hand landed suddenly near me and left just as quickly. The noise had s topped. The giantess stood back up. She hadn't noticed me! And then a voice! "WAIT A MOMENT, WHAT'S THIS?" The moutainous body collapsed down. An enormous face appeared. I looked direct ly into a colorful, jelly-like mass, a giant eye! "IT COULDN'T BE! IT'S BORNI! WHAT'S HAPPENED TO YOU?", said the giant ess, followed by a roaring gruesome giggle. She picked me up around the waist and lifted me up high. My lungs were being completely squeezed, I couldn't breath. It became clear to me that I co uld not expect help from Nicole. For her I was probably an interesting play to y. Things were getting worse! "THIS IS FANTASTIC. A TINY BUG IS SITTING IN MY HAND! WHAT A TASTY MEAL! NO W I'M GOING TO EAT YOU, BORNI!" She couldn't have been serious! But then I soon saw the giant red lips appear before me. "MMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHH", hummed the giantess. The mouth opened! The most gruesome sight greeted me. A giant, damp hole, wit h an enormous, slimy whale-like creature that danced around inside and crept ov er horrible white gravestones. High over the hole was a protruberance, in th e dark depths two other frightful holes could be seen. The mouth came nearer and nearer and in a flash, I was inside! I found myself completely inside the giant mouth, laying along the tongue on my belly with my feet somewhere in the region of the throat, and I knew instinc tively that I would be swallowed if if I wasn't able to escape. I felt my legs being somehow sucked down her throat, I quickly raised my arms, grabbed onto her front teeth, and held on for life. My head was near the opening of her mou th, I could even see a bit of the outside world through the lips, the wooden fl oor boards of the room, and upon them a gigantic foot wearing a red woman's shoe. Then suddenly the giant teeth closed with such force on my fingers, tha t I had to let go and I fell back. Again, I was back in the dark hole. I don't know how long I was in Nicole's mouth, perhaps it was only a mi nute. For me, it seemed like an eternity. Finally she opened her mouth again and two giant fingers pulled me into the open. Nicole set me on her lap I was now sitting between her legs and lo oked around. She looked down on me and laughed. "I REALLY SCARED YOU DIDN'T I? I WOULD NEVER EAT SUCH A REPULSIVE LIT TLE INSECT, YUCCH!" The giantess continued her fun with me, until she suddenly said: "NOW, HOWEVER I MUST GO TO THE MEETING, COME!" She grabbed me, lifted me up high, and set me in a giant red jar , over which an enormous top was screwed on. Together with the jar I was lifted and carried off. The air in the container became thinner and thinner. I screamed and po unded on the flexible walls, but nothing happened. Eventually I passed out.... . When I came to, I found myself in a room, that was now all too familiar . It was the room from Britta's doll house. I felt weak and all of my joints hurt. Inspite of that I rose up and we nt down the stairs to the door. I opened it and ran outside. I had barely made it outside when I was seized by a giant hand and set down on a table in the middle of the room. I looked up at the giantess that ha d lifted me. It was Susi. How was this possible! Susi, who before had been j ust as small as me, was now as big as the others. Had I been shrunken even fur ther? But wait! Susi was not alone! On the gigantic chairs sat other giantes ses looking smilingly at me. I recognized Britta, Nicole, Astrid, and three ot her women from the tennis club. "SO, NOW YOUR BACK, YOU LITTLE EXPLORER !"; that was Britta's voice. The giantesses laughed. That was the last straw. "What do you want from me?", I cried. "Why h ave you shrunken me?" What in the world are you doing???" "VERY SIMPLE! WERE GOING TO SHRINK ALL MEN AND TAKE OVER!" That was As trid's voice. "But you can't do that!!" I cried. "OH YES WE CAN! WE'VE ALREADY SHRUNKEN SEVERAL HUNDRED, AND SOON THERE WILL BE MORE!" "But how are you able to do this ????" , I yelled. "VERY SIMPLY! WE HAVE COME UPON A MAGIC POTION", wherein she placed a gigantic bottle with a pink powder before me on the table. "A SPRINKLE OF THIS; AND A MAN IMMEDIATELY SHRINKS TO EXACTLY ONE TWENT Y-FIFTH OF HIS HEIGHT! WERE GOING TO MIX THIS POWDER WITH THE DRINKING WATER A ND FREE THE WORLD OF YOU MEN!" "But Susi was as small as I was", I yelled and turned to look in the di rection of Susi the giantess. "CORRECT! WE ALSO HAVE A POTION, THAT ONLY WORKS ON WOMEN! I MERELY W ANTED TO SEE WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO BE SO SMALL. AND I MUST SAY, THAT TOGETHER WE REALLY HAD A LOT OF FUN!" "That came from Susi's direction and her mouth drew itself into a grin. "ENOUGH DISCUSSION! BACK IN YOUR HOUSE, YOU BUG!" Astrid, lifted me up and replaced me in front of the door of the doll house. Then I saw that next to this house stood several other houses in which most likely other men were imprisoned. I went back to my room and threw myself on the bed. Dark thoughts ran through my head. The women were planning a con spiracy. The elimination of all men! And that couldn't be allowed to happen! Someone had to do something! Eventually I was taken over by my tiredness and exhausted I fell asleep ...... I have now been imprisoned six weeks. Nor am I alone. Each day more m en arrive. I estimate that there are roughly over a thousand men in Britta's a partment alone. There is widespread panic. Each day Britta the giantess forces her gruesome fun upon us. As an example, one time she put fifty of us in her bra and put it on. That time two men were squashed, and others were badly injured. Another time the put us one after another into her enormous behind and after a while took us out. Also in this instance were several killings. Unfortunately I also witnessed men being flattened under Britta's gigan tic feet, most of the time she did so without seeing them, but sometimes she di d so with full knowledge. She makes our life hell, torturing us , where she c an. For dinner we get catfood and water, served in a giant bowl which together we must all drink from. I can't even think about sleeping any more, since we are now housed in one room, herded like cattle. This morning I found a large piece of paper. It has given me an idea. The plot against men must be opposed. I took a splinter from a bed, scratched my arm, and wrote the entire story with my blood in big letters on the paper. I hope that somehow it may be possible for me to get the piece of paper out of the apartment, either through the door or the window, and that a man will find it and can make sense of it . Perhaps this will end the nightmare! First though I must stay alive! Britta took some of us, including me, placed us on the table and blew us around like cotton balls. I was almost blow n off the table but I was able to hold on. Others were not so lucky... Just now she has fed us again. This time the water had an unusual afte rtaste. Now comes the sound of her voice again, it's like a loud siren. Oh no! !! She said that she has given us some more of the devilish powder. She needs more room for new men! The splinter in my hand is becoming bigger. I can bar ely write anymore! The same force is going through my body again! It can't be ! I'm shrinking even more. Oh God, this is the end! Heeeeeelllllllpppppp..... . (the letters should become smaller at the end, but i dont know how to manage th is via email)