Amazon Cousin By Chelgi Zach meets his amazonian cousin and likes what he sees Update: 27/09/1997 to giantess I stared at the most awesome woman I had ever seen, and she was standing in my doorway looking down at me with beautiful dark blue eyes..Staring down from above the top of the doorway........way above.......! I barely came up to her waist! She looked more than ten feet tall.............a giantess! But in spite of her tremendous size, the thing that really captured my eyes were the gigantic mountains protruding from her chest. She looked like she was smuggling basketballs in the sheer white blouse she was wearing. I developed an instant hard-on. "Zach....?" She had a hesitant smile on her plush red lips, but I had to tear my eyes away from those mountainous mammaries to look up and see it. "Yeah.......I'm Zach.....Helen.......? You're my cousin Helen? Oh, my God!" "It's all right isn't it? I mean.........Aunt Patty said, that you said I could stay here for a few days until I got my own place." "Oh, God......yes, yes....sure. I mean Mom didn't tell me.....I mean........I was expecting a teen-ager.................I mean.....Oh, God....come on in." I stared at her some more, then moved back from the door so she could come in. I wasn't sure she could even get through the doorway, the top of the door was barely above her magnificent chest, and her hips seemed nearly as wide as the door. Bending her knees slightly she bent from the waist, and slipped through the doorway with a grace and ease I would never have believed possible from such a huge person. The enormous massiveness of her gigantic body seemed to fill the room completely. I stood there awestruck as I gazed up at her. She was gorgeous, yet it was like standing right up against the side of an elephant, or swimming alongside a whale. There is a feeling of awe, a terrific combination of terror mixed with desire for such a beautiful woman. There is a feeling of love for this magnificently huge animal, and yet there is nervousness and fear of her sheer size. You want to be friends, and yet you feel so small, so tiny and vulnerable beside such a tremendous animal. Looking down on me she grinned, "Well, I am only eighteen, and we might as well get over the rest of the stupid questions, and make friends. I'm eight feet eleven inches tall, weigh six hundred thirty five pounds, and wear special ordered shoes too big to have a size..............and the air up here is fine." I responded, "I'm twenty five, five feet nine, a hundred sixty five pounds, and wear size eight shoes that come right off the shelf. The view from down here is terrific, and I make it a point not to ask stupid questions like those, particularly from a girl as beautiful as you." She was enormous......and I don't mean fat, robust at the most, a solid muscular outdoor type girl. She looked like a girl that would be in a beach scene in a James Bond movie......if she were half her height. The top of my head barely came up to her beautifully rounded bosom, and when she straightened up her's soared up level with the balcony in my A-frame cabin. If I wasn't living in an A-frame she couldn't have stood up at all. Her legs were beautifully shaped pillars of muscle that seemed nearly as tall as I was. Lovely tan legs with a tight skirt that didn't come half way down those sleek powerful looking thighs, and then those boobs. I simply couldn't get over the size of her gigantic tits. They were absolutely titanic! I had seen women with huge tits before, but when the tits look that big, and the woman carrying them is nine feet tall.... they are absolutely gargantuan. They stood out from her chest in youthful defiance of gravity, straining the seams of her blouse. It was all I could do to keep from simply reaching up and grabbing one of those gigantic melons to see if a tit that big was real. Any question of reaching up and grabbing those mammoth globes was held in check by one look at the size of her arms and hands. Her massive biceps were as big around as my thighs, and her arms looked as long as my legs. Every part of her was huge, and I was completely entranced by the sheer massiveness of her gigantic body. Even the titanic tits I was staring at were well above my head. I looked up at the beautiful face smiling down at me and thought, this was how a midget must feel with a big gorgeous woman. "Zach, you're all right! Mom said you were terrific, and a great guy, I guess she was right. Thanks for taking me in." "Mom," was my aunt Leta, and she was my favorite aunt. I'll say favorite, she had introduced me to sex when I was sixteen, and has been fucking me every since, with my full cooperation. I knew she had a daughter during the short time she was married to some big trucker, but I had never seen Helen, or even heard anything about her. Leta was six feet eight and the trucker was over six and a half feet tall, I expected a big girl, but nothing like this; this giantess was impossible. And, if Helen was anything like her mother I was in for one hell of a time. She bent down, and reached out to me, as if to kiss me hello. I reached up over my head to put my hands on her shoulders, and her big hands grasp my sides snatching me off the ground like I was a little child. Wrapping her huge arms around me she hugged me to her massive body as though I was her favorite stuffed toy. Her tremendous arms were as powerful as steel cables. My back popped and cracked as she squeezed me in her Amazonian arms with such force that couldn't inhale. Yet it felt terrific, I don't know when had enjoyed a hug as much. I thought my ribs would break as she crushed me against the youthful firmness of her gigantic tits. They were real all right, and so huge and cushiony wanted her to hold me against them forever. Her mouth found mine, and the soft plushness of her giant lips engulfed mine completely in a kiss far too passionate for cousins. Her huge tongue forced its way into my mouth filling it with the erotic writhing of that great sinuous muscle. My cock swelled in my pants, stiffening until it was rigid as a steel bar as it rubbed against the broad expanse of her stomach. She couldn't help feel the probing of that huge rod. Her immense hands slid down to grasp my rear, and squeeze my butt, clamping me against her massive body. She could feel the swollen stiffness of my prick all right.... she began very deliberately rubbing my throbbing cock against her stomach. "Mmm.....Mom's told me all about you, and I think we had better get something straight between us." It was my turn to grin, "I think it is! She kicked the door shut, and laying me on the floor straddled me with her great long legs. She was unbelievably gigantic; a towering mass of erotic woman. I was mesmerized, completely overcome with awe as I stared up at her, she exuded power like an aura. God, what a fantastic woman. Lifting one gigantic foot she brought it into my crotch, and gently began rubbing my throbbing cock through my pants, squashing it under the toe of her huge shoe. I grasped her ankle and caressed her calf, shuddering in ecstasy as I felt the enormous strength and massive power of that huge luscious leg. The pressure of her gigantic foot squeezing down felt fantastically erotic as she rubbed. "Don't be frightened, little lover," she cooed, "We're going to play games.... nice, sexy games.... you gorgeous little hunk." Oh, God! She was just like her mother! She wasn't going to bother with seducing me, simply rape me. My poor helpless little body was about to be ravaged by a giant Amazon. I could hardly wait! I lay flat on my back grinning from ear to ear, too eager to get at that huge sexy body, and those mountainous tits of her's to care about a little thing like being raped again. Her mother had raped me so many times was beginning to think it was the only way these huge Amazons knew how to have sex. Towering over me she began to undress, watching my reactions as she stripped. Slowly gyrating her hips, she unbuttoned that over stressed blouse and released the bra to let those enormous mountains swing free. Her mammoth tits sprang out like balloons released from a net. They really were the size of basket balls, great rounded mounds of soft white flesh that jiggled and bounced as she moved. Cupping her hands under those enormous globes she lifted them invitingly, jiggling them as her hands slid over the smooth creamy flesh caressing and squeezing them erotically. Raising them to her broad plush lips she extended her long sinuous tongue and licked the nipples as she smiled down at me. Still grinding her voluptuous hips she reached one hand down and slowly unzipped her skirt. Slipping both hands inside the front, and slowly wriggling her hips she began sliding it down over her broad hips. Looking to make sure that I was watching; as if I could have taken my eyes off her magnificent body for an instant. She stroked and probed erotically in her crotch with her great long fingers, while I almost came in my pants wishing it was my fingers exploring that huge luscious pussy. Wriggling sensuously she slowly slid the skirt down along her long lusciously curvaceous legs. My eyes followed it down, and I stared in awe at the magnificently powerful muscles of her thighs. I shivered in absolute ecstasy at the thought of being squeezed between those great crushing muscles. Finally she stepped out of the skirt, and slipped those towering heels off her giant feet. What in Hell a girl nearly nine feet tall needed with high heels was beyond me, but damn.... they sure looked sexy on her. She stood totally naked, towering over me like a gigantic goddess of femininity, as I stared up along those magnificent columns of muscle to where they met high above my head in a broad vee of dark, curly hair. Grinning down at me her knees slowly began to bend. In complete awe I watched that magnificently gigantic body sink down toward me. I stared in lusty fascination at the tremendous muscular thighs, and at her gargantuan crotch. As she crouched over me the huge lips of her giant cunt parted, and the dark pink flesh between them was exposed, glistened with moisture. Eagerly I reached up and grasped her gigantic thighs pulling myself up, and pressing my face into her huge pussy. She squeezed my head between her great powerful thighs, and lowered her gigantic ass onto my chest. I tried to scream but couldn't, my chest was crushed under the enormous weight of her giant body. She moved her cunt to engulf my mouth, and rammed her hips forward burying my face in her pussy. Rubbing that luscious snatch all over my face she simply swallowed my face in the softness of her muff. Lifting her prodigious ass she declared, "Little man, you're mine!" and that big cunt came down on me again. Wriggling back and forth to spread the giant labia, she engulfed my face in her cunt, and the huge luscious mass of hot soft pussy-flesh nearly swallowed my entire head. Grasping tremendous muscular thighs as big around as my body, I buried my face in her cavernous pussy. Nuzzling my face deep into her cunt I was rewarded with a hot wet thrust and a squeeze of her powerful thighs on my head. I licked and sucked for all I was worth; my tongue probed and licked and sucked deep into the hot wetness of her gigantic cunt. My mouth found her giant clit and my lips closed eagerly around it. The huge fleshy nubbin nestled there in the luxurious depths of her hot wet cunt was swollen nearly as big as my thumb. From her reaction she liked my sucking and mouthing it as much as I did. Every time I tried to explore and lick other parts of her pussy she grabbed my head in her big strong hands and rammed my face back dead center on that huge clitoris, slamming down on me harder than ever, and moaning "Suck.... suck.... lick.... MMmmmmm...!" With my face buried deep in her cavernous cunt I licked, sucked, and nuzzled, until she was a gigantic mass of writhing heaving female flesh ramming wildly on me. Helen was squirming and pounding her massive pussy against my face drenching me with the hot sweet nectar of her passion. Again and again she shuddered and crushed my head tightly between her huge powerful thighs. Squeezing my head with her thighs as she shivered and heaved against me, she suddenly spread those tremendous thighs, grabbed the back of my head with her hands, and rammed my face into her cunt so hard I thought my whole head would be swallowed. My face was buried so deeply in her cavernous cunt I could feel the hot wet flesh of her cunt squeezing the sides of my head. Finally she relaxed, slowly letting my head slip from her colossal snatch, and sat back onto my chest. Her enormous weight was crushing my chest, and I couldn't breathe, but at the same time it felt unbelievably sexy. "MMMmmmm...................little lover you're terrific! OOOoo God! I feel fantastic..........." She rubbed my face with her pussy for a minute or so, then rose to her feet wriggling and stretching her magnificent body. Bending down she picked me up as though I was no more than a child, and swung me about like nothing. I was helpless against the tremendous power of her giant muscles, and even if I could have resisted this beautiful giantess, I had no desire to. Tossing me over her shoulder like a big stuffed toy she carried me into the bedroom, and tossed me onto the bed. She knelt beside me and leaning over her broad plush lips parted and engulfed mine in a passionate kiss; her tongue filled my mouth, writhing, squirming, and probing. Sitting beside me on the bed she removed my shirt rubbing her big soft hands all over my body. Caressing me her giant hand spanned my chest from side to side. I was awed by the size of her hands, the long blood red nails making her huge hands look even bigger. It was fantastically exciting to have those enormous hands fondling and caressing me. Tenderly caressing she caught one of my nipples between her fingers and squeezed gently and sensuously. As her fingers explored she gently stroked my chest the long nails skimming sensuously across my skin leaving erotic trails of fervent fire. Her hand slid slowly down across my stomach, and those long luscious fingers loosened my belt. Looking at me with a grin she slid her hand down into the front of my pants her fingers closing around my hugely swollen prick. Instantly she ripped my pants open. It was her turn to stare in awe as she gasp, "My God, Zach.....! I mean......" Her hungry blue eyes never moved from the huge prick clamped tightly in her giant hand. "I thought you said Leta told you all about me." "Oh, my God...........! She didn't tell me about this!" "You like King Richard?" "King Richard?" "Well he's too damn big to just call him a dick, so call him King Richard." Helen looked excitedly at King Richard, and stripped me. Her powerful hands lifted me easily as she simply ripped my pants off. The long fingers of her big strong hand closed around the throbbing shaft of my oversized prick. I would never have believed it, but as big as that cock was, it looked small as her giant hand engulfed it completely. She was squeezing and pulling, causing it to swell even more. "Have you ever......I mean....How big......?" "Well several girls have measured it; fully erect it's thirteen and three quarter inches long, and two and five eighths inches in diameter." My dick was uncircumcised, and the pounding erection was suffering left the great head exposed. She stared at that huge knob for several moments, then slowly pushed the foreskin down. She appeared completely entranced as she kept sliding it back and forth, back and forth. She just kept staring, and clinging to that monstrous cock like it was going to disappear if she let it slip out of her hand for a second. Her huge hand clamped tightly around my cock felt so good I didn't say anything, I just lay back and enjoyed her attention as she examined it, pulling, squeezing, stroking and fondling it erotically. She peeled the skin down exposing the huge pulsing shaft, leaned forward and kissed it. I watched in rising ecstasy as she extended her tongue and licked the huge head, wriggling it around on the tip while the warm tender pressure of her hand lovingly squeezed me tightly. Her big soft lips parted, and slowly slid over the engorged head, then she moved her head downward. I felt the soft warm moistness of her lush lips slipping down over my massive boner, and then impossibly.... her mouth opened wider and moved down, down, down, swallowing more and more of my hugely swollen prick, until she had taken the entire length of that huge throbbing monster into the hot shelter of her mouth. I could feel her writhing tongue, and the hungry vacuum of her mouth drawing on it, her teeth raking it sensuously, then she slowly raised her head, sucking up off of it until she was smiling at me with her plush red lips glistening from her saliva. "MMMmmmm.... I'll bet that's the first time you've ever had that done to that monster. I'll bet you thought no one could ever swallow that thing whole." I was in total ecstasy, in complete awe of her! She was fantastic! The terrific feeling of her huge sinuous tongue caressing me, the tremendous ecstacy of that cavernous mouth engulfing my huge prick was fabulously erotic. She was right! I hadn't had that monstrous cock swallowed by a lovely suctioning mouth for years. I was really enjoying the benefits of my cousin's gigantic size. She held King Richard gently in one enormous hand while she stroked and caressed him with the great long flngers of her other hand. Staring in apparent awe she squeezed and wiggled it between her big strong fingers while she talked. "Do you like that, little man?" Her tongue darted out between her plush red lips as she pulled it to her mouth and licked the tip of my prick. She purred. "How does that feel?". I rolled back and forth in ecstasy and said, "Ohoo... God.... you great wonderful goddess, you're fantastic, I love you," She answered with that rich deep voice of hers, "MMmmmm.... you're neat. I never had a prick that was big enough for me before. Now I've got one that's not only big enough but I can play with it all I want. Can't I Zach? ...Ohooo.... poor helpless little man, I can do anything want with you, can't I?" Completely under the erotic spell of this great beautiful giantess I simply nodded my head, grinning like an idiot, "Oh, God....!" was all I could say.. Smiling at me she licked my prick lightly her huge sinuous tongue squirming and wriggling along the shaft as she licked. "Do you like to have me suck your cock, little man?" she murmured. "Like this....!" I had always been proud of that gigantic prick, but she opened her cavernous mouth and simply inhaled it like it was nothing, swallowing the entire length in one gulp. Poor King Richard had finally met his match. Her tongue wriggled all over my prick and the tremendous suction in her giant mouth pulled so hard I thought she'd rip it out by the roots. God....! Clamping down just hard enough to lock the fleshy sheath of skin she began moving her head up and down along my poor raging cock teasing me to a painfully huge throbbing erection in seconds. I had never felt anything so wonderful, I was wriggling and moaning as she sucked and played with me. I was arching up and grabbing at the bedding as she slowly let King Richard slide from the tremendous vacuum of her mouth. "No....! Please, don't stop......Please.....please!" I was begging as her lips released their tender grip on my prick. I reached a hand out to grasp the back of her head, and she engulfed my hand in the fingers of her huge hand, and squeezing it in a crushing grip smiled down at me. "Oh.... you sweet little thing, I don't want to finish you off just yet. I want to try that great big wonderful dick out while it's still nice and big and hard. As horny as I've got you now I can make you last all afternoon, if I'm careful." "OH.......Please.....please.....!" I continued to beg. "Uh-huh not now, maybe later I'll suck that nice big thing till you can't lift a finger, but now it's my turn!" She was right; she could do anything she wanted to me and I was powerless to stop her. I felt so small and helpless as I lay naked staring up at the massive proportions of her gargantuan body. She was immensely desirable, yet I had never experienced such a feeling of fearful awe; terror and lust both shivered through me. I lay there awestruck, overwhelmed with love for this magnificent giantess, and yet filled fear and dread of her sheer size. She was so Goddamn big! I loved her with an all consuming passion, and yet I felt so small, so tiny and vulnerable beside such a gigantic woman. Looking down on me she smiled, her gigantic body seemed to fill the room as she rose on her knees towering over me. Straddling my body with those titanic legs her enormous powerful thighs spanned my body, and her gigantic ass hovered over me. Her kneeling thighs rose on either side of me like erotic pillars of a pagan temple. I felt as though I were being sacrificed to some pagan goddess of fertility as I stared up into her mammoth crotch. As she lowered that titanic rear toward me her giant thighs blotted out the room, all I could see was Helen, but then that's all I was interested in seeing; her gigantic body was fantastically erotic as she descended on me. Spreading those tremendous thighs she adjusted my huge throbbing prick to her cunt. "Little man, you're mine!" Her voice was a sibilant moan as the swollen head of King Richard slipped between her huge labia. I watched in fascination as her tremendous ass came down, and the prick I had always considered so enormous, simply disappeared into her. I felt the hot wet softness of her velvety sheath sensuously engulf the great head, and slide easily down over the long thick shaft. Helen's cunt was cavernous, the hot wetness of her luscious cunt devoured my prick effortlessly. I had not had a cunt swallow me so easily in years, not since Aunt Leta's early fucks when I was young and King Richard had not grown to full size. With that huge cock full grown it was a tight fit even for the six foot eight inch Leta. Many a woman who first thrilled at its size, and eagerly spread their legs for me, had screamed for me to stop before it was all the way into them. Some of the smaller girls who claimed they could take as big a prick as anyone else, couldn't even get King Richard's massive head into themselves. She brought her tremendous rear down on my thighs squirming as she forced my cock deeper into her cavernous cunt. "Oh.....God...........! MMmmmm...Ahhhh....." She moaned and settled her entire weight on me. The ponderous weight of her giant body crushed my thighs as she squashed down on me. I screamed, "Agh.... Ohh..! Helen.... Helen... please you're crushing me! Please, please get off.............Please Helen.... you're breaking my legs!" "Oops, sorry, Zach, I forgot! That fantastic prick of yours feels soooo......Goooood......Oh.....God.......! I love it." But she eased her crushing weight off me. The prodigious mass of her giant bottom still mashed me deep into the bed but the painfully crushing pressure was gone. The remaining pressure of her enormous ass and thighs felt wonderful as she wriggled heavily on me. Her giant cunt swallowed me with room to spare, she rubbed it all over me then lifted up again. That big cunt came down again, the huge mass of woman flesh trying to swallow me completely. I had squeezed my oversized cock into so many tight little cunts, the ease with which the huge cave of her gigantic cunt swallowed me was a thrill beyond belief. I luxuriated in the effortless penetration into her massive body, for once I could feel the deep softness lining her plush cunt, and the rippllng caress of her inner muscles. I grasped her awesome thighs as she rested astride my hips, with my huge sausage engulfed within herself like nothing. She smiled down at me. She didn't seem to move a muscle, but I could suddenly feel that enormous cunt close on my prick. She raised her hips very slightly, and then squeezed again. The muscles in her cunt were as strong as the rest of her. The powerful squeeze on my prick was erotically painful as she slowly raised off it, like the soft hand of a woman squeezing hard and pulling it up as she rose above me. She threw her head back and moaned in ecstasy, "Oh, God! I love it. I've never had a prick that could fill me up before. You're the most wonderful man in the world." She would lift up and then slam down hard several times then wriggle about with my entire prick swallowed inside herself. She had fantastic control of that enormous cunt; she would open it up and swallow me effortlessly, then clamp it tight and yank on my prick as she raised up. She was heaving and pounding against me, driving me deep into the bed with each prodigious thrust of her mighty hips. I was responding to her, and ramming up to meet the powerful thrusts of her pounding body, but it was hopeless. Any macho ego I had was crushed as quickly as my delusions of male superiority as she pounded my helpless body with her giant pussy. I was powerless as she fucked me with mounting ferocity, bouncing and slamming me deep into the mattress with each mighty thrust. She was ramming wildly against my poor helpless body, crushing and grinding me beneath her massive pussy, drenching me with rivers of hot syrupy cum. Suddenly she shuddered and clamped me tightly between those powerful thighs. Then as her broad hips came down engulfing me completely, she fell forward over my body. Her great powerful arm went around my head squeezing my face to one massive tit, and she ordered, "Suck it, suck it, little man.... suck it!" Buried completely under her gigantic body with my face squashed in the softness of her massive tit, and my mouth filled with her huge nipple I did as she ordered while she rammed her ponderous body down on top of me again and again. Squeezing my head in her arms, and ramming my face into her tits, she squeezed so hard I thought my skull would be crushed. I lost count of the heaving squirming spasms of orgasm she went through. When she finally rolled off my crushed body, she smiled broadly at me moaning, "MMMmmmm.........little lover you're fantastic! OOOooo......God! I feel terrific......" She rested for only a few minutes before she made me get on top of her. Kneeling between thighs as big around as my body I spread her heavy labia, and buried King Richard in the depths of her cavernous cunt. Wrapping my arms around her tremendous muscular hips I shoved hard into her cunt and was rewarded with a hot wet thrust that lifted me off the bed, and a squeeze of her powerful thighs. Her long powerful legs wrapped around my body squeezing and crushing me like giant pythons. We were both in Heaven; we were made for each other. With other women I always had to be careful not to hurt them with my oversized prick, but with her I could draw back and ram it full length up that cavernous cunt with one quick thrust. And she loved it, her great cave of a cunt had never had a prick that could fill it up before. Finally I lay there in total exhaustion, simply looking at that massive mountain of woman, and enjoying the sight of so much beautiful, naked, woman. We lay against one another for some little time before her hand slid into my crotch and once again engulfed my cock. My poor prick lay limp and as pussy whipped as any cock had ever been. She squeezed and pulled on it for several minutes before she whispered quietly, "I promised earlier that I'd suck that nice big thing till you couldn't lift a finger, are you ready for it?" Clamping my thighs in her gargantuan hands she lifted me to her mouth as I squirmed helplessly in her grip. Licking and nibbling for long minutes she brought King Richard back to throbbing raging life again, then her lips parted, and engulfing the great head slowly slid down until once again the entire length of that foot long monster had completely disappeared into her mouth. Her lips and tongue caressed and fondled, squeezed and pulled, as I thrust up into that big hot wet mouth. Her hot breath caressed my balls as her teeth nipped lightly on the iron hard shaft. I shivered and heaved, arching my hips up trying to ram my prick deeper into that heavenly mouth. Her tremendous arms held me and her mouth never left my prick. I came, and came again, spurting floods of cum into her eager mouth. She sucked, and her tongue writhed on my shaft deep within her mouth. Again and again I exploded into her mouth. She welcomed all I could give her and tried for more. She sucked on poor King Richard like he was a soda straw; it felt like she was trying to suck my balls up through my prick. There was no chance of the smallest drop of cum escaping the vacuuming tunnel of her cavernous mouth as she sucked me dry before releasing her grip on me. She had fulfilled her promise, I lay there in total exhaustion looking up at the most awesome woman I had ever seen. Once again I stared at the gigantic mountains protruding from her chest, and realized that I had not yet gotten a hand on those massive mountains that I yearned for so much. True I had sucked one of them while she fucked me under her giant body, but as fantastic as that had been I still hadn't gotten a hand on those enormous globes. I reached out to caress one, and my hand fell limply on her side, I could hardly believe it, but I was too exhausted to crawl close enough to reach them. "Such a helpless little man......Ohooo......that was fun.'re great, I'm going to do that to you a lot." I realized that having a giant cousin live with me might not be such a bad thing after all. She may enjoy her size, and exult in looking down on all of us mere mortals, but she sure treated King Richard royally.... and after all, not every woman can handle him, but I'm still going to get my hands on those gigantic tits next time. FROM THE AMAZONS ARENA BBS 714-840-1145