Alien Visitors

By Robin GoodFellow (aka an350017)

Copyright 1997. This story may only be placed on publicly available by or with permission of the author. The author may often be reached on Dalnet. It may not be given to minors. This story contains various sexual themes that may not be appropriate to those under 18. Do not read, even if you are older than that, if you are likely to be offended.

The author would welcome chapters written by others, provided they fit within the framework established here. If you have any questions about what might fit, please ask.


Alannah and Deidre were young, female, graduate students. They were only 200 earth years old, and were about to engage in what to us might be the equivalent of a Ph.D. thesis in understanding and manipulation of what to them were primitive and alien societies. But, their thesis also had some elements of conceptual art. Their civilization was much more advanced than ours, had contacted many more primitive cultures and did not believe in anything as foolish as what in Star Trek is referred to as the prime directive -- they felt no qualms about interfering with the development of more primitive peoples. To them humans were not much more intelligent than chimps are to us. It's not as if we would ever find out something that might be valuable to them. So why shouldn't they interfere? Of course, being almost immortal and having IQ's so high that all babies discovered all the physics we know or ever will be able to understand, without any equipment, before they were a few weeks old, they felt no more need to preserve our "culture" than we do to preserve the culture of wild dogs.

Looking for a semi-intelligent civilization was usually easy. All our heroines needed to do was move through interstellar space until they sensed radio waves. It took less than a day, moving at superluminal speeds to find one on the third planet of an otherwise nondescript yellow sun.

The first signals they detected were from 1950 and 1960's sitcoms. It took but a moment to decode the signals and to learn the meaning of English. A quick "discussion" followed using technology much more advance than analogies of sonic waves to communicate.

"The two sexes seem to squabble continually".

"Perhaps we should fix that?"

"Yes, but just to make the solution more interesting, let us get them to volunteer for the solution." 

Chapter 1 Mindy and Steve

Mindy was one of the most beautiful girls at Highland University. Steve was the best football player Highland had ever seen. Unfortunately, Mindy was also one of the most intelligent girls and Steve wasn't interested in anything that smelled of intellectual pursuits. Mindy loved to dance and when she was asked to be part of the cheer leading squad she was willing to sacrifice some of her study time.

Mindy was small. She was 5' 0" and weighed 90 pounds. The cheer leading squad found that they could toss her higher than any other member of the squad.

Mindy was also young. She's skipped several grades and was only 16.

Despite their intellectual differences it was inevitable that the two would date after some of the games.

At any of the school dances they went to, they were feted as the big man on campus and the most dynamic cheerleader. Steve liked to throw Mindy up in the air and catch her. Mindy liked being protected by a strong man -- she was so small that she often felt a bit vulnerable walking around the campus at night. After one of the dances, Steve walked Mindy home as he usually did. As they strolled, they started looking at the spectacular evening sky.

"I wonder if we'll ever get there?" Steve asked.

"It'd be wonderful to be up there. It's hard to imagine what weightlessness is like and the sky would be even more beautiful. But, compared to the possibility of meeting wiser races everything we've ever lived for would pale into insignificance." Mindy mused.

They stared into space quietly walking arm in arm towards Mindy's apartment.

Steve thought to himself -- "No one would ever let a little girl like Mindy pilot a spacecraft, but I'd like to go. Maybe the aliens would be all women -- hey imagine a lot of beautiful women crowded into a space ship; so many that all you could see would be female flesh. Yeah, I'd like to be somewhere where all I could see was female flesh".

As Steve was thinking this, Mindy was thinking: "Alien science could be really wonderful. The campus is really beautiful at night, but I can't walk it freely without getting someone like Steve to escort me. Maybe they'd have some way of making women strong enough that they wouldn't have to be afraid of men." 

At just that moment the world changed for Mindy and Steve. Their senses reeled and they found themselves in a large white circular room. The room looked to be at least 50 feet tall. The walls, ceiling and floors were featureless but there was a chair in the center of the room. The chair looked just like an old stuffed lounger.

They looked around for a while.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"I don't know. I was thinking it would be nice to come across alien science and all of a sudden the world turned white and here we are."

"Yeah, I was thinking about aliens too." said Steve a bit too embarrassed to say what attributes of aliens he'd really been thinking about. "Do you think we've been abducted by aliens?"

"It's hard to understand what else might have happened. One moment we're walking through campus and the next we're in a very strange room. Why don't we look around?"

"What's to see?"

"Well, I'd like to see if there are any ground level openings. Maybe there really is a door here somewhere."

Mindy walked to the wall took off her shoes and started walking around the perimeter of the wall.

"Your feet hurt?"

"No, silly I'm going to look this wall over carefully and I'd like to know when I get back to my starting point."

Steve followed her for a bit but got tired of her meticulous inspection of all the surfaces. He walked to the center.

"Hey Mindy, there's a button on the arm of this chair."

"Let me see. Don't touch it."

"Too late. I tried to press it, but it didn't move. There's a dial on the other arm."

Mindy came over and noticed the dial seemed to be set in the center. Steve tried to move the dial, but it wouldn't budge. Mindy told him not to try to force it, but Steve ignored her and put all of his considerable strength and 250 lbs. behind moving it -- to no avail.

Mindy decided to be systematic and to go back to examining the wall. She thought about warning Steve not to touch anything, but realized that anything she warned him not to do, he'd probably just do faster.

Steve sat in the chair.

"Hey Mindy, the chair's real comfortable. It seems to be molding itself to my body. Why don't you come sit in my lap?"

"Not now Steve, let's figure out how much trouble we're in before we start fooling around." Looking back she could see that the chair had extended just like a reclining lounger and Steve was lying on his back staring at the ceiling.

Steve started to relax. His hand naturally rested on the controls. He leaned his head back and found himself looking at the ceiling. As he became more and more relaxed, his hand brushed the dial. He almost didn't realize the significance when the dial easily moved.

"Hey Mind -- the dial moves now. I'll bet the button does too."

"STEVE DON'T" Mindy screamed.

"The button seems to be stuck. I'll try banging on it."

"It could be dangerous" her voice seemed to get louder as he pressed the button. At first he didn't realize what had happened. He was still looking at the ceiling. But, a moment later a giant Mindy's face seemed to block out the rest of his view.

"Steve, why are you so impulsive" she said deafeningly. He covered his ears.

"Mindy, you grew. I guess this dial somehow controlled your size."

"No, Steve, you shrank." She said quietly as he realized it was true.

The chair had continued to mold itself to his much smaller frame. He hadn't even been disrupted as he shrank.

"Steve, you turned the dial all the way to one side. Why don't we turn it the other way, and press the button again? Maybe we can reverse this?

Mindy tried to move the dial, but couldn't. "I guess it only can be moved by whoever's in the chair. Why don't you try Steve?"

Steve walked up to the chair arm. He reached over to the now oversized arm, and moved the dial the other way. Then he moved over to the button, but try as he might, he couldn't press the button. Mindy wasn't able to either.

"Why don't you get out of the chair?"

Steve started to get out, but with each step he took the chair molded itself to him in a sitting position. He was making slow progress, out of the chair, when Mindy said:

"Why don't I help you?"

"No, I'd rather do it myself."

"I'm tired of waiting" she said as two enormous hands gripped him and put him on the floor.

"Now I'm going to try the chair, but first I want to see how big I am. Steve, why don't we see how high up on my leg you are."

Steve didn't want to but Mindy finally convinced him, that either he volunteer or she'd just grab him. He made it just to the top of her knee cap.

Mindy sat in the chair. Instantly she found that she was in a very comfortable position, staring at the ceiling. She noticed that the dial was set back to the center. She thought that it might be set for each occupant of the chair. Rather than make the same mistake Steve had, she moved the dial just a bit (in the opposite direction from the direction Steve had moved it). She banged the button down. Her vision blurred, and then everything looked and felt the same. That's interesting, it didn't do much, but maybe that's because I didn't move the dial much.

"Steve come here" she said as she got out of the chair. Steve ignored her.

"I said come here". Again he ignored her.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I just don't like you ordering me around."

"I guess I have been doing that. You seem a bit like a child and I'm treating you a bit like one. But, I do need your help"

"You do?" He said brightening up considerably.

As he came over to her she looked down at him, and said "Thanks".

"I thought you needed my help".

"I did, but now I see that the machine did have some effect, you aren't even reaching my kneecap, so I've grown."

She got back in the chair, moved the dial a bit further, got out, and measured Steve as reaching mid-calf, just about halfway to her kneecap. The roof only looked about 25 feet away now.

This time Mindy picked up Steve, and put him in her lap as she sat down.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Well, you wanted me to sit in your lap before, but I don't think you'd want that now, so I thought I'd put you in mine." She took off a shoe, and put it on the floor.

With that she moved the dial up again, and pushed the button. This time Steve stayed the same size, but the shoe was much smaller.

"O.K., Steve, you're in luck -- if you're real nice, I can get you back to normal size. But, before we do that, we need to find a way out of here."

"Mindy, why don't you get me back to normal size now?"

"Well there may be some advantage to you're being small -- you might be able to get into places I can't. Besides, I kind of like you this size. I can keep an eye on you, and you won't be able to do anything stupid."

"Hey that's not nice."

"Steve, be quiet or you'll end up smaller than a mouse."

Steve was furious but kept his tongue.

"Now, let's reverse as much as I can."

Mindy turned the knob back, pressed the button and both Mindy and Steve shrank. Mindy put Steve down, and the dial back to it's original point, pressed the button and this time just Mindy shrank.

"Let's measure you again."

Steve now came up to just above Mindy's kneecap.

"Good, I think I understand how this works. If I grab you and turn the knob all the way to big, we'll both grow. You may be back to normal. But I'll be much bigger than normal, and our relative size will stay the same."

"Now, let's see whether I can bust us out of here."

Mindy sat back in the chair and grew to full height. The chair spread under her to accommodate her. It thinned out and started to hug her like a glove. As she grew the boxy legs of the chair coallesced until there was a single thin pedestal. When Mindy reached full height, the chair was a bit unsteady. When Mindy stood up her head almost reached the roof.

"Seems pretty similar up here. Let's see what the roof feels like." She reached up and felt the roof.

"It moves. Feels a bit like a manhole cover. Let's see if I can push it aside."

With that she moved the roof aside.

"Steve, you've got to tell me what's up there." She picked him up, put him in the palm of her hand, and extended her hand through the hole.  After he'd had a chance to look around, she brought him down.

"It looks a bit like a park. You might be able to grab the edge and pull yourself out."

"Well let's see if I can." She reached up, and grabbed the edge. She was able to chin up and look around. "Yup, looks like a lot of little trees."

"Now if I can figure out how to get everything out of here, we can quit this joint."

She bent down and picked up the chair and pushed it out the top. Then she picked up Steve.

"Now where can I put you?. Well you're always looking at my breasts, why don't I give you a BIG eyeful," she said as she put him in her cleavage.

Putting both hands above her she started to chin herself up. As she was doing that, she heard a quiet scream.


She removed Steve. As she'd been doing the chin-up, her breasts were being squashed, and were in turn squeezing him. "Well, back to the drawing boards. Let's try something else," she said as she popped him in her mouth.

Again she tried to get out. This time she did. She lifted Steve out to check to make sure he was O.K.. He was and she put him back in her cleavage. She moved the "manhole cover" back, and was amazed as the demarcation line disappeared.

She walked for what seemed a mile, carrying the chair, until she saw the campus. There was a tiny road.

"I better shrink down to normal size." she said to herself and her captive.

"Let me out first" she heard from her cleavage.

"Later my pet."

Hitching a ride she got back to campus, returned with her car, and retrieved the chair.

She took Steve out and put him on her table.

"Now we need to discuss what to do with you. Would you like something to drink? I'm getting a beer."

"Sure, get one for me."

"Oh, I think you'll be less trouble than that. Here's a thimble from mine."

"Now for the discussion. I'm tempted to keep you."

"No, no, you're a freak. You want to make me into one to? Get me back to normal. Please." He started to cry.

"Oh all right, little man. I thought you could see the possibilities. But, you're obviously too stupid. Besides, I guess all you have to offer is your brawn. I thought we could have fun with this but I guess all you'll be is a stupid boring pet."

Steve seeing how angry she was started to tremble.  When she looked down in annoyance he started to cry.

"There, there, it'll be all right. I'll let you grow. On one condition."


"I don't want you to tell anyone about this."

"Sure" he said.

Mindy knew enough about Steve to know he was lying. She was sure he wouldn't honor what he said later, if it would do him any good..

"Steve, Steve, what am I going to do with you? I don't want to hurt you, but I need to make sure you don't talk about this. Let me think a bit."

"I know what to do. Steve, do you still have some of that grass you've been trying to get me high with?"

Steve didn't know what she was thinking about but said, "Sure. Get me back to normal size and I'll get it for you."

"Not so fast. Strip."


"I said strip, or I'll strip you myself."

Steve stripped.

Mindy took Steve's clothes and after a bit of fiddling with the controls and some growing and shrinking Steve's clothes were back to normal size.

"You did want a can of beer yourself didn't you. Well, I know you said you wanted to do this, but I'm actually sorry to do this to you" she said as she dumped him in a new glass of beer. She used his body as a stirrer.

When she pulled him out he stumbled about drunkenly a bit and asked "Why are you doing this".

"Oops not enough" she said as she picked him up and dumped him in again.

This time when he got out, he couldn't stand up. She licked him off and said "O.K. Steve, let's go for a trip."

Mindy put Steve back in her cleavage and went to Steve's apartment. She used the key she'd taken from his pants and opened his door.

Taking him out, she asked, "OK,.. Steve where's the grass."

"Why shud I tell shu" he drunkenly asked.

She turned him over in her hand and tapped him gently on the rear.


"Had enough?"

"O.K. it's in the bottom drawer."

She took out the grass, and returned Steve and the grass back into her cleavage. When she got back to her apartment she rolled a joint, light it, took a quick drag but she didn't inhale. Then she popped Steve into her mouth. She held him and the smoke in her mouth while she kept breathing through her nose. After about five minutes of this, Steve was not only very drunk, but also very high.

"I doubt he'll remember what happened in the morning" she said more to herself than to the now insensate Steve.

She grew herself to about eight feet tall, got Steve to normal size, dressed him, slung him over her shoulder and put him into her car. Then she was able to barely slip into the car herself. She drove Steve back to his apartment and dumped him on his front stoop. Later, several of the other occupants of the building noticed Steve on the entranceway.

In the morning. Steve was in trouble. Members of the football team weren't supposed to abuse their body, and worse they weren't supposed to make it obvious that they were. The coach heard about his besotted state and had a long discussion with him.

It was only a week later that he managed to bump into Mindy. He told her he'd had a really strange dream the night they'd gone out and that he'd gotten more wasted than he'd ever gotten. She told him that he should be careful not to mention the dream to anyone because they'd think he was crazy. Moreover, he seemed to be a bit bigger than he was, and not only might people think he was crazy if he convinced them, somehow they might think he was winning at sports by cheating.

About a month later, Steve saw a spectacular 6' 4" woman at a local bar. Mindy caught a glimpse of Steve and quickly turned away. He didn't recognize her. She continued working on picking up one of the smartest math professors in the school.

"Are you sure you don't mind my being so much smaller than you?"

"No, actually I like small, smart men. I like to be the biggest person around. What about you? Do you like having more of a woman near you?"

"Yup, the more the better." Mindy just smiled.

A few weeks later there was a story about the professor disappearing. Two years later Mindy wrote one of the definitive pieces of work in category theory. The strange thing was that that was the same year she wrote a seminal paper on Kant.

Interlude 1


"Yes, but Steve decided not to accept the inevitable."

"Mindy seems to have settled into a comfortable acceptance and use of her new tools. Steve hasn't, but as this experiment seems to have reached an equilibrium point, we should shift our focus to a new experiment".

Chapter 2

Jill was Don's dutiful assistant. After Jill fetched Don his morning coffee, today's conversation was typical.

"Jill, where's the file on blah blah and oh by the way set up a golf game for me with the marketing rep from xyz corp. on Friday."

Occasionally and today was one of those occasions there'd be a retort: "Boss, you know that you have a report to your boss on Friday." Jill called from her office as she went to get the files that Don would need.

They had a good relationship. . She was happy to help a man in as important a position as Don. She was comfortable in her role as an assistant. While she was actually very smart, she didn't realize it. She had been taught all her life that she was dumb, and had learned not to exert herself. Jill often wished she could get Don to do what she knew would keep him out of trouble. She didn't realize that she could actually do Don's job better than he did it.

Don had learned in the half year that Jill worked for him that she was a remarkable young woman. When he asked her to sketch reports for him, she inevitably came back with reports that were models of clarity. With only a few changes he would happily send them on. If he asked Jill to comment on things he was working on, she helped clarify his thinking and usually proposed better ways of elucidating the ideas. Jill didn't realize what she was doing. Don's higher ups were thrilled at the amount of work he was doing, not realizing that there were actually two people doing the work. Had Jill been ambitious, Don would have been concerned for the safety of his job, but Jill didn't even realize she was able to do his job, and wouldn't have believed it if someone told her.

Don often stole quick longing glances at Jill, who was a beautiful woman. She was a bit short for Don's tastes, Don was, as many executives are, tall at 6' 2" and Jill was only 5'4".

Jill also fancied Don. They both fantasized about being stranded on a dessert island with the other.

The next day, Don's boss asked where the report was that was due. Jill said, "I told you to do that." He retorted, "Well, I was a bad boy". She said, "I wish I could make you do what I say." He agreed saying "I wish you could make me do whatever you say, too."

Our visitors translated them to a desert island.

They arrived somewhat startled at the turn of events. They'd been inside an office when it was winter. All of a sudden they were outside on a warm, bright summer day. They were still the same physical distance apart from each other.

It actually took them a while to realize that Don was now about half Jill's size.

"What happened?" they both said almost simultaneously. They both moved toward the only familiar thing, each other. As they did, their disparity in size became obvious. Not only did it become obvious, but Don continued to shrink.

As Jill loomed towards Don, he backed away. As he backed away, he started to get larger. Once he realized what was happening he continued to back away from Jill. Jill also realized what was happening and stopped moving. Don continued to grow until he'd reached the height that he'd started at on the island, about half Jill's size.

"I don't know how we ended up here. But, my size seems to be dependent on where I am. This is very weird."

"Poor baby, hold still and let's see what happens if I come close to you." Jill said as she approached him. Don remained the same size.

"Let's see what happens if you move side ways." Don moved perpendicularly to the direction he was in before. At first his size remained stable. But it started to decline soon. When he went back he returned to the size where his eyes were level with the top of Jill's hips. As he moved around with Jill right next to him, they could quickly see when his eyes level sank below her hip bone. After a longer bit of experimentation they found that he could traverse a circle without changing height. He couldn't get either nearer the center of the circle or farther away without shrinking.

"All right Don, why don't you just stay still and I'll find out what's in the center." Jill said.

Don reached for her, "No, it could be dangerous. Let me go."

"Don't be silly." She said as she brushed him aside. He continued to follow her. At first he could keep up with Jill by walking fast. As he shrank, he had to start running.

Jill looked at the now knee height Don and said "This really is silly, you won't make it. Don, go back." Don persisted in following her.

As Jill continued, Don shrank more and more, and fell further and further behind. When Don got to be ankle high, Jill realized that this wasn't going to work. She was walking almost as slowly as she could. Finally she picked him up.

"You weigh about as much as a small ball. I could throw you back to where you were three feet high. It's only about ten feet back."

"No!! Don't!! You'll kill me. It looks to me like it's about a football field back." Don shouted in a whisper to Jill.

"Oh, I guess it is much further for you. Are you going to go back?"

"No, I'll catch up with you."

"Well, I don't want to misplace you. I'll carry you."

She continued further, holding him in her hand.

As she continued, Don continued to shrink. When Don was about as big as her thumbnail, Jill decided this couldn't continue.

"If I leave you will you be a good little boy and go back?"

Don looked like he was saying something but Jill couldn't hear him. She held him to her ear and thought she heard him say "no".

"I don't know what you said but I couldn't trust you to stay and if you keep going another few feet I won't be able to see you at all."

She scooped up a few handfuls of wet sand, making a small hole that had quite steep sides. To Jill it was about half a foot deep; to Don it was hundreds of feet high. She placed him in the center, figuring that it would take him a while to get out, not quite realizing that it was an impenetrable prison for Don.

Jill continued alone to the center of the circle. In the center she found a small oblong object, about half the width of a cigarette pack. The object felt hard, somewhat like a stone. It was a uniform black, except for a small dimple of pink near one end. She thought to herself "I wonder if this is what controls Don's size. If it is, then taking it away from him should cause him to grow." She grabbed it and carried it away from him.

Don didn't emerge from his hole. As she started back toward the center to see if there was anything else there that could be responsible, she bent down. As the oblong dropped from her hand, Don reappeared at his 'full' three foot height.

Don's feet were buried about a half foot in the sand and there was a pile of displaced sand around his feet. Don seemed to fall backward and sat down rather abruptly. He started rubbing his feet.

Jill ran back to Don, concerned for him. He said he was OK, but that his feet had gotten squeezed in his very rapid expansion. Jill explained what had happened.

When Don felt well enough, he started walking to the oblong to examine it. Again he shrank. They found that the new center for the circle of Don's 'full height' was the spot where Jill had dropped the oblong. Don was able to walk to where the oblong had been, but they found nothing there.

Understanding the operation of the oblong now seemed their most important immediate concern.

Jill walked to the oblong, and when Don followed he shrank again. This time he stopped when he was a half foot high. Jill moved the oblong, and again when she put it down, Don expanded back to three feet high.

Jill picked up the oblong, and Don remained the same size. As Don walked towards her, he still remained the same size. Finally he got close enough to get a good look at the mysterious object. Don reached out with a finger to touch the oblong, and immediately shrank a few inches. His finger was now pointing just below the oblong. When he tried touching it, again he shrank just to the point where his contact with the oblong was broken.

Don told Jill to lower the oblong to where he could see it. Without thinking she did as she was told. Holding her arm all the way down, the oblong was just about at Don's eye level. He'd shrunk a bit from touching the oblong. She turned it around for him, and he looked at the dimple.

"Just like you said, absolutely uniform except for a dimple in the middle."

That seemed a bit wrong to Jill and she said, "I would have said that the dimple is almost at the end."

"No, definitely in the middle." Don asserted as he kept looking at it. "Turn it over again".

She did, even though she wanted to look at it again. All her life she had learned to be a good girl and do what she was told. This situation hadn't yet changed that. After a while Don had concluded his examination and she asked if she could see it. When she looked at it, she noticed that the dimple had moved. As she mentioned this, she started to feel the dimple. She could feel it move under her finger.

"Hey, your getting bigger... Sorry, I'm getting smaller."

Jill looked down at the now knee high Don.

"I moved the dimple towards the end of the oblong."

"Well, move it back."

"You know, you're getting pushy for such a little man."

"You're right, I'm sorry. It's just that it's scary being this size. Could you please move it back?"

"That's all right, I guess it must be scary. But, I won't hurt you. I'll protect you. I know you're used to being the protector, but you may have to get used to this role."

Jill picked Don up, and hugged the Barbie size man. She thought she could hear a sob coming from him. She held him a while longer and stroked his back, much the way she'd comfort a very small child. After a while she put him back down.

"You're sure you want me to move the dimple again? We don't know what it does."

"Yes, please."

She moved the dimple the other way, and Don grew as she did so. When she reached halfway, Don had become half Jill's height. But, as she tried to move the dimple past the halfway mark, the dimple just slid out from under her finger.

"That's much better. Can't you move it any further?"

"I can barely feel the dimple. It just seemed to move with my finger as I slid it along, but now the oblong just feels like a rock, and the dimple won't move past the midway point."

"See what happens if you move it back and forth."

Jill did for a minute or so. Don vibrated with her strokes, until he fell down. Jill dropped the oblong to grab Don. As she did, Don shrank to about 1/10th of an inch.

Jill, frightened, in one hand scooped the sand that held Don. She could barely see him.

She picked up the oblong with the other hand, and noticing that the dimple was almost at one end. She moved it back to the ¼ position. Don grew back to about 1/2 foot tall. Don stayed on the palm of her hand, and seemed quite light, only an 1/8th of a pound.

"Are you OK?"

"Hold on. Just don't move." He said. A few minutes later. "Yes, I think nothing is broken. I'm very dizzy, bruised and I think pretty scratched up."

"I fell down because I was dizzy. Then, the floor dropped out from my feet. When I landed, it was on a field of large stones. Then the sun was blotted out by something large, the ground moved, the stones slid around, scratching me pretty badly. Finally I grew to a semi-reasonable size."

"Oh Don, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Could you make me as big as you can? Please." He begged.

"She slowly moved the dimple back to the midpoint."

"Could you move the thing away from us and put it down?"

"Are you sure you want to risk it?"

"Yes, but before you put it down, I want to be lying down." She walked away, he lay down, and she put down the oblong. Don shuddered, but stayed much the same size.

The rules of the oblong became clear after a while. It was sort of like a leash. Without Jill holding the leash, Don could not wander far from it, nor could he get close enough to it to manipulate it himself. He couldn't manipulate it even with Jill holding it. When Jill held it, she could change Don's height between anywhere from three feet down to the point that he was too small for her to see. The slider was well designed. Moving the slider about half an inch would halve Don's height whether she had made him three feet or three inches. She could control his height well over a wide range of heights..

Now that they had explored one of the most unusual aspects of the island, it became time to explore the more usual ones. The first priority was going to be finding water, the next food. Walking along, Don had trouble keeping up with Jill, even at his full three feet. Jill was an athletic woman, and normally walked faster than most people. Don alternated running with walking. Jill noticed the trouble he was having and at first slowed down. Eventually she lost patience, shrank him to about a foot, and placed him on her shoulder. He protested that he could keep up. He kept on about how he could keep up until she shrank him further, and put him in a pocket, saying "Keep that up, and I'll zip the pocket closed." Don shut up.

After a while they crossed a stream of clear water. They followed it to it's source, a small lake in the center of the island. Jill decided that she wanted to go for a swim. She was still a bit nervous to be naked in front of Don, so she did zip the pocket, then took a skinny dip. She sat on the beach, soaked up some sun, dried off, then remembered Don and redressed and released him.

He demanded to know what had happened, and she decided to tell him this time. He said that swimming sounded like fun. She said, "well you can't get those clothes wet, take them off." He demurred, but she insisted. He continued to refuse. Finally she said don't you know that Mommy knows best on this island? She set his size at two feet -- about eight pounds, small enough that she could wrap her hands around his body, but big enough that she could undo his buttons without ripping them. Once she had his clothes off, she understood the reason for his embarrassment, he was actually turned on by his helplessness! She was sensitive enough to not comment on it, but mentally noted that at some level he clearly enjoyed being bossed around.

Jill shrank Don down to about 3 inches saying, "now I can be your lifeguard." Jill noticed that Don's clothes had shrunk even though they weren't on his body. She thought that was strange.

Don swam around for a while not going much over his head, about a foot and a half out. Jill thought about Don's reaction and found she was also secretly pleased at the power she had over him. At one point during the swim, she scooped him out of the water, and asked him if he really minded what she had done. He didn't say it was all right, but did admit that he wasn't mad at her. She kissed him, taking most of his body into her mouth. "Oh good, I really wouldn't want your feelings hurt. Looking at him, she noticed he was somewhat covered with her saliva, and so put him back in the lake to wash off. She sat back and thought about how nice it was to be able to kiss him that way, rolled her tongue around in her mouth and tasted a slight bit of saltiness. First she thought, that's funny, the lake is fresh water, but then she came up with another explanation.

After their respectively big and little swims, Jill and Don decided to see what kind of food might be available on the island. She picked Don up, and put him on her shoulder, and they wandered around. They found several fruit trees, but the fruit was always just out of her reach. Finally Don suggested that she should make him about 3 feet tall, pick him up, and he might be able to reach some of the fruit. She increased his size and grabbed him around the waist, he was then able to reach some of the lowest fruit. He grabbed it, she pulled down, and the fruit fell off the tree. They proceeded to gather a small feast, which was consumed later as dinner.

As the sun set, they each reflected on the days events. Don marveled at how good Jill looked, and realized that he was actually able to relax for the first time in years. Jill had enjoyed the physical exercise she had gotten and also was happy to find that she could finally feel in control of her life.

The sand of the beach made a nice firm but yielding mattress. The evening air was cool. Don started to shiver, and asked Jill if he could cuddle up with her. He'd fantasized about dating Jill, but in their former life it had been so inappropriate. On the island, what was appropriate and inappropriate didn't seem to matter.

Jill put Don's leash ten feet from her, and held Don at a size of a foot and a half. Her arm the width of his body, wrapped about him. He stretched from her hips to her breasts. His feet touched her thighs as she lay with her knees up. His head rested on the pillow of her palm.

Holding Don, Jill found herself getting flushed. She alternated between thinking of Don as a powerful, creative and handsome intellect, and as a doll for her to play with. The strange interaction of these opposing images she found pleasant. She had complete control of her former boss. She could feel him taking deep breaths, and as she draped her arm further over his body, she could tell that something was hard too.

Jill noticed she too was taking deep breaths. She had trouble sleeping, from the excitement of having Don's little body near hers. After a restless half hour, she decided to take some action. Saying she was hot, she got up and removed her shirt. In the moonlight, she could see the way Don stared at her partially covered breasts. She tried to sleep, but this time Don managed to nestle his head between her breasts, using one as a pillow. It looked too big to be comfortable to her, but she didn't know what to say without resolving her embarrassment over the sexual tension.

Neither Don nor Jill could sleep. Don wanted to feel Jill, but after the way she locked him in her pocket earlier he didn't dare bring up the issue. Jill couldn't help thinking about this once powerful man servicing her sexual desires.

Finally Jill couldn't stand it any longer. She took off her bra, and made it into a proper pillow for Don, the fabric folded a few times supported his head nicely. Don understood what was happening and got up the courage to make the first overtly sexual move, he suckled her nipple. The nipple filled most of his mouth, it was almost two inches in diameter, and three inches long.

Not that I want to be a tease, but since there may be underage children who ignore the warning at the top of the page, the rest of this chapter has been omitted (and also in the interest of time, has not been written -- in the language of many math proofs, it has been left as an exercise for the reader and I'd be more than happy to see the exercises).

Interlude 2:

"Much better, they've both started to enjoy their new relationship in a way they had never enjoyed the old one."

"Yes, but Mindy had also enjoyed her power over Steve, and eventually found some willing partners, but so far it hasn't gone anywhere."

"Then let's add some more interest to this experiment."

Chapter 3:

The next morning both Don and Jill woke to a lovely sunrise. They enjoyed the sight of each other, and enjoyed feeling each other -- but that's another story. Jill picked Don up and went off in search of breakfast.

She found some nice fruits on several trees, but they were just out of her reach. By jumping, she was able to pull some of them down, and she had a nice, but somewhat skimpy feast -- Don of course had more than his fill of what was less than a small bite for Jill.

After a swim, lunch time approached, and Jill was quite hungry. This time she found lots of trees laden with fruit, but none in her reach. A crisis was clearly approaching, when Don suggested that he could get the fruit.

"How can you reach when I can't, little man?"

"The two of us can reach"

Don at three feet easily reached some fruit, standing on Jill's shoulders with Jill holding him up.

A few days later, they had perfected a technique, Don at two feet wrapped his legs around one of Jill's arms, sat on her palm and he could reach lots of fruit. There were some incidences when he sat with her fingers on his rear, and her thumb supporting him in front. Jill had fun finding the reaction to "small" movements of her thumb.

One day they woke up and the fruit was further up, and Don could not reach the fruit. But, Don was able to reach the limb of a tree, and climb onto the limb. With Jill watching him below, he climbed on the limb until he reached the fruit. He detached the fruit, which Jill caught. He climbed down to where Jill could grab him.

They proceeded on this plan until Don fell one day, Jill easily caught him, and from then on Don no longer climbed down, but rather dropped into Jill's grasp. Jill had no trouble supporting Don's mass, but it was rough at first on Don, until Jill learned to catch him with her arms coming down and slowly stopping. She would time her arms to move down and surround his body as he fell, gently easing his descent.

Climbing became more difficult as the fruit was further and further out on the limbs.

Further progress occurred when Jill learned to throw Don up to a limb. She would grab his body, in both hands, swing her arms up, throwing Don high in the air, and he would catch on to a tree limb.

Jill was able to throw Don to some of the highest limbs. If he didn't manage to catch the limb, she had no trouble catching him. They came up with an even safer mechanism, Jill gave Don one of her stockings. If he missed a limb, she would watch and shrink him to the point where his weight was less than the stocking, and the stocking would float back to land containing Don. The stocking would act like a large parachute.

For fun they played with using the other stocking as a sling. Don would fit into Jill's stocking when he was one and a half feet tall. Jill could fling Don and the stocking more than a hundred feet in the air, and she would shrink him down when he was at the apex of his trajectory, and he'd float to the earth like a feather.

Our visitors waited until Jill and Don perfected the art of flinging men into the air. Then, they started bring ships near the island, but none of them seemed to notice our protagonists.

Jill and Don were healthier than they'd ever been. But, they we tired of a diet of only fruit and the few nuts they'd found. Attempts to wave to the far off ships seemed to be ignored.

One day, Don suggested that if Jill could fling him high enough, he could be seen. They tried it. It didn't work.

The next time a cruise ship passed, Don was placed into the stocking, and Jill flung him high. This time at the apex she grew him to his full three feet.  At three feet he was a bit wider than her legs and was quite tightly compressed, but he didn't have to be that way long, she shrunk him before he fell too far. The boat sailed on, but after a while seemed to slow. Jill flung Don up a few more times, growing and shrinking him as before. Don was getting pretty exhausted from this experience, as the ship turned around.

As the ship approached they could see that it was a cruise ship. A small launch detached itself from the main ship. As it approached the island, our intrepid hero's could see it was filled with one sailor and a bunch of partying travelers. Jill quickly hid Don in her cleavage, so as not to distract the people in the boat. When they got within shouting distance the sailor yelled, "Some people said there saw some strange things happening and we thought it might be fun to investigate. Is it OK if we land?" Jill yelled back "More than OK. We'd like the company."

The launch touched the sand, and seemed to shimmer. Jill found the oblong seem to increase. The men in the ship disappeared, and Jill found the oblong expand out of her hand. When she looked down, she found five oblongs, four for the four men in who had been in the launch, and one more for Don.

Jill smiled, quickly thought about what might happen when they went to mother ship, and said,

"Ladies, I think I've something to explain to you."

Interlude 4

"Argh, I thought we had it."

"Well, second try is a bit early, but we will be able to take advantage of this next time."

What clues our super-intellectuals had seen to know that this attempt was doomed to failure is probably beyond our little minds, but to see why it didn't work, read the next chapter.

Chapter 4:

"Where did they go?" four women almost asked in unison.

Jill said "Sit down, quickly!!"

Fortunately, they did. Then Jill started playing with her the dimples in her new oblongs. As she did different men would grow and shrink back.

"Who likes this guy?" Jill asked as she grew each man in turn. As each woman raised their hand, she handed them an oblong. After they had each gotten an oblong, the women pulled the launch onto the beach.

The cruise ship continued on, which worried Jill at first, but the women explained that when the group that had landed said they thought they saw something, the captain had insisted on continuing on his appointed cruise, but had let them off and would return for them in the evening. They had packed enough for a romantic picnic on what was supposed to be an abandoned island.

Jill and Don both explained that they could have a romantic sojourn, but that it would be a little different.

There was more than enough food in the picnic to serve 8 adults -- it easily served the 5 women, and their diminutive companions.

As the afternoon wore on, the couples could each see the possibilities, and grew to like the situation. Each couple privately explored the romantic possibilities. In fact, two couples who had been very friendly, played together. The two women found that they could use their small friends at the "height" of the play when the men were 9" long. The men lived a fantasy with women who were both well proportioned and bigger breasted than any woman they had previously hoped to meet.

They quickly debated whether it was too dangerous to return to the bigger ship. Each couple had, amazingly rapidly, concluded that this was a much more fun way to live their life. The men were secretly a little worried that they didn't have long term companions, and realized that they'd need a keeper, but the sex they had been exposed to was so fantastic that they were willing to take that chance.

It may seem hard to believe, but the four women had been converted in no more than an afternoon to radicals ready to change the world. The men were somewhat less certain, but not opposed to the change. There resistance might seem irrelevant, but no human is irrelevant. However, these men were happy.

At the end of the day, all ten people, five oblongs, got in a launch designed for eight, but the men were conveniently in the picnic cooler, and each woman held her oblong against her skin. The women launched the boat. The launch got to the boat, the ropes were attached, the launch hoisted without any effect. The women were wondering whether the effect was tied to the island. The men were, of course, unaware of the situation, being stuck inside their prison/protection of the cooler. But, when the first woman put her step on the ship, the ship shimmered, and each oblong became several hundred. They spilled all over the floor. All the men on the ship instantly shrank.

Jill and her companions at first pretended to be confused. They discovered the "situation" and the mechanics of the oblongs very quickly. But, they wanted to avoid any recriminations before people learned how wonderful the leashes were. Sorting the men out took longer this time. There were just too many oblongs and the men were spread all over the ship. Fortunately, there were almost no accidents. The men were sufficiently small that they could dodge as the women dashed to and fro. One or two men were crushed before they learned that they should stay next to the wall of the corridors. Soon all the available men were sorted out.

The cruise line had carefully arranged that there were as many women passengers as men, so there was one keeper for each male. Unfortunately, the officers of the ship were almost all men, and there were no women on the bridge. To make matters worse, it was ship policy to lock the door to the bridge. The men on the bridge were locked away from the rest of the ship. At inches tall, they couldn't unlock the door.

As the women moved the remotes up and down, various of the officers grew and shrank. One quick whited officer grabbed the ship's radio's microphone and locked it to on.

Panicked the officers called for help. They described what was happening. Of course, they weren't believed. But, there was concern about the sanity of the officers and the safety of the passengers.

Eventually the women broke into the bridge. The men were captured. The ship was anchored near the island.

Most of the men soon found, just as Don had that being cared for by a giantess was an experience beyond compare. Each man was put in the care of one of the women. Some of the women were dissatisfied with their man, but found they could trade for someone more to their taste. Most women were still monogamous, and didn't want more than one man.

The passengers found an idyllic romantic vacation even better than had been advertised by the cruise liner.

The officers were put in charge of the one female officer, the ships nurse. She enjoyed toying with the men who had formerly controlled her fate. She grew them to three feet, and had them clean the deck. Even at half sized they could mostly run the ship. Some of the women passengers helped with food preparation.

The ship settled to a routine.

A decisions was made to head towards land, before the ship was noticed as missing. Landfall might mean the transformation of a whole continent.

Paradise was not to last. Jealous of the attention his other male officers obtained, one of them took advantage of his larger size and the nurse's inattention and snuck down to the bridge, and broadcast an SOS. He then threw the microphone overboard.

This SOS was not believed either. But the ship had not been visiting the islands it was supposed to, nor was it located where it was supposed to. A naval armada was near, and fearing for the safety of the passengers it made a diversion.

When no response was made to repeated inquiries, a helicopter was dispatched, and it landed on the cruise ship. This time the helicopter had a male and female pilot. When the copter landed, one of the women's oblongs split into a new control. As the man shrank the woman pilot lifted off. When she returned to her home ship, without the oblong that would have shrunk every other male on the naval vessel, everyone could see that part of what had been broadcast was true, men had been shrunk.

The armada forced the ship to turn around, and to anchor back on the original island. Fear of contagion caused the ship to be isolated on the island.

But, the possibility of small men invaded the national conscious.

Interlude 5

This is proving to be harder than we'd thought. Well, two more pieces of technology should do it.

Yes, remember the burning bush wasn't enough either and whoever first visited here seems to have needed several miracles.

Chapter 5

Despite her name, Susan Smith was anything but an ordinary female. She was the best student her high school, with an enrollment of 3000, had ever seen in every subject. By the age of 15, she published a book of poetry that briefly made it onto the NY Times best seller list. At the age of 17, she had also become extraordinarily beautiful. By 19 her music had made it to position number one on the billboard charts. Reaching the top of the pop charts was doubly unusual for one so young, and with such a clean cut image.

Ashley Grove became a troubled, but also beautiful woman. She was two years younger than Susan. Ashley's parents had her competing in beauty pageants when she was five. A beauty pageant participant has to nurse a squeaky clean image. She is trying to appeal to judges at least in their thirties and who are part of the establishment, rather than appealing to people her own age. In high school she almost dropped out. She became depressed, and contemplated suicide. Her self esteem was tied up in winning pageants. There are many pageants for teens, and she couldn't win them all. The pressure from her parents and from herself was intense. At the height of her depression, she turned for inspiration to the kind of rebellious music common on the radio. One day, she heard a new, beautiful voice expressing quietly some of the inner turmoil she faced coming of age in an environment where she felt constantly on display. Susan's music became a touchstone in Ashley's life and Susan became a role model, pulling Ashley out of her troubled high school years.

At the age of 19, Ashley competed in the pageant for Miss New York state. She won it. Leaving the hall where the pageant was run, she was hit by a drunk driver. Her dying wish was that Susan Smith be her replacement in the Miss America pageant. The story made the national news. The runner up announced that if Susan wanted to take her place, she was welcome to it. The runner up's position wasn't entirely altruistic. She thought it likely Susan wouldn't take her up on the offer. If Susan didn't her selfless position might garner support at the final competition, where no runner up had ever made it to the top 10. Besides which, she could compete again the following year, and with the sympathy of the pageant folks would likely win.

Susan despised the whole notion of beauty pageants, she felt she had to offer to replace the tragically killed woman.

She already had had more than enough money to send herself to college and in fact was already a senior, so the prize of a scholarship didn't make sense. Susan announced that any gifts she won would go to charity. Susan's presence, the first competitor in the pageant who was famous before winning and the national coverage of Ashley's story gave this years pageant a publicity boost ensuring that it would be the best watched pageant ever, not only in the US, but around the world.

The pageant pitted Susan against competitors who had trained their whole lives to compete in beauty contests. When they walked down the stairs, they knew exactly how to place their bodies. Susan didn't. But, when she walked down the stairs, half the audience, brought there by her presence broke into applause. Her startled and pleased reaction made her seem more real than the other contestants. She managed to be both sexier, being shaped more like a model you'd see in Playboy than one found in Vogue, and at the same time more wholesome and real than the other contestants.

Susan made it through to being selected as one of the top 10 contestants that were examined further. That was the hard part for her. Part of the rest of the contest was a talent competition. The other contestants did gymnastics, sang ancient favorites and other standard Miss America fare.

Susan sang an original song. She sang with the kind of polish of someone people pay to see. She sang about the life of Ashley, and how she was struggling to make meaning of her life. She sang herself into the hearts of the judges and the audience. She sang, and got the audience to sing with her. She sang and the refrain the audience sang with her was about how a woman should be able to have power in her life. She sang and the TV audience agreed with her.

The last contest in the Miss America pageant is "the question". The MC asked Susan what she would ask for if she could wish for anything. "I'd like to do something positive with the minute I have here. This show is reaching the largest world wide audience in recorded history. If we all decided to help the world and make peace this audience actually has the power. I'd like you all to realize for this minute that you have the power to change the world. You have the power to grant my wish, and it's one that at one time all of you have wanted. Some of you have become cynical. But for this minute try to grant my wish. If you all wish with me, our wish will come true. I wish that I could make the leaders of the world solve the problems of the world, not fight with each other."

Susan disappeared.

As an anti-climax, Susan was made Miss America, with her "duties" being carried out by the next runner up. The show was re-broadcast over and over. Susan's message reached the whole world. Her words were translated even in countries that had never shown anything from an American program. People who did not have television saw printed pictures and heard the story. Her words touched the whole world. 

Susan found herself in an enormous room with a box in it. There were five knobs on it. As she turned the first. the top of the box became more and more transparent. The second seemed to be a zoom control. The third moved her viewpoint up and down. The last two let her move forward, backward and to the side.

After playing with the knobs she realized what she had -- she had a device that would enable her to specify any point on the earth using latitude, longitude and height to open a window at that point. The window could be any size bigger than the box in the outside world, but would always be a fixed size in hers. When she set it to be completely transparent, she could reach through the window. When she reached through the window, her arm was changed to scale. If the window was really big, anything she grabbed came back shrunk. If she changed the size of the window, and placed the object back, she would have permanently changed the size of the object.

First things first, she opened a window on a McDonald's and grabbed some pre-made hamburgers -- they never even noticed. Then she found a camping store and managed to get an air mattress through the window. Some thin blankets came next, several bottles of water and she was set for survival. She couldn't get out because the box was too small for her to fit through. A bit more thought and small plastic swimming pool came through. A trip to the bottom of a lake filled the pool.

Twisting one knob she found she could see out, but people couldn't seem to see her. It turned the window into a sort of one-way mirror. It was actually letting a very small amount of light through the window. Since Susan was in a dark room, her light didn't go the other way. But, because only a small amount of light would pass material objects also would not pass through the window.

The next problem became what to do with her new found power. 

A little thinking suggested she would need some help if she were to bring peace to the earth.

Moving the window in semi-transparent mode into space, she was able to recognize the east coast of the United States. Coming down, she zoomed in on the city of Washington D.C. The window followed a certain man until it was clear he was only alone once a day.

Susan sighed. She had voted for this fellow, and besides she was going to need to get him to help her if she was to accomplish her desire. But, she didn't trust him. Most politicians aren't entirely trustworthy. Most of them were originally motivated by trying to improve the world. Somehow in the process of politics though, many of them were corrupted. First they were seduced by the art of compromise. Then they would be seduced further. Some would retain a thread of their earlier intentions though. And a situation like she could engineer might rekindle that and other flames.

A window appeared above a shower stall. The President of the United States appeared naked, one and a half feet tall in front of Susan.

"Well, the most powerful man in the world should meet the most powerful woman, I'm Susan."

She held out her hand to shake the president's, and withdrew it when she realized that his hand could only reach part way around her little finger.

The president started shaking.

Hoping he was cold or nervous from being naked, she looked around for something to cover him up with, and finding nothing, and not knowing how to comfort him, she took off her shirt, and wrapped it around him.

"I mean you no harm, but I want your help in moving the world toward peace."

"Who, who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Susan Smith. Perhaps you saw me on the Miss America contest? You sent a congratulatory note when I got on the best seller list for my poetry book. I voted for you."

The president seemed to calm down a bit.

"What are you going to do with me."

"Well, I wanted your advice about how I can use my powers to aid the world move towards peace, and I also may need your help. But, we also need to get you back before you are missed. I don't think it is time to share this secret with the world. I'd like your word that you will be quiet about me and my powers."

The president seemed to calm. He said "OK".

Figuring she had to keep the conversation going, and unconsciously remembering he was the size of some of the babies she had taken care of she said "Well, you need to finish cleaning up and I need to return you"

The president seemed stuck using monosyllables. "OK."

"Should I return you, or would you like me to clean you, I can do it faster?"

"OK" was all the answer she got.

"all right" with that she took off her bra so she wouldn't get it wet, picked up the Prez, dumped him in her pool, took some soap, and lathered up her hands, and started rubbing him with the soap. She was chagrined to realize he had been even more afraid than she had thought. A bit of shampoo on his head and he was ready to be rinsed. She dunked him again.

When she was finished with his bath, she took a towel and wrapped him to dry him off. She cradled him as he dried.

"There, there, it'll be all right" she practically cooed to him forgetting for a moment that this was not only an adult but the "leader of the free world". He seemed to calm. He even seemed to be glancing at her breast.

"Well, should we meet same time in say a week?" she asked and got his by now signature answer, "OK".

She put him back in the shower stall.

Susan watched the President for a while. The shower was still running, so he had to dry himself off again. He seemed in a daze for much of the day. She peeked in on him at night, when he finally retired. His wife asked him how his day had been. At first he just shuddered. Then he listlessly described the meetings he'd been to. His wife knew something was wrong, but couldn't get it out of him. He even slept poorly, tossing and turning all night, getting up and pacing.

The next day, he was better, and by the end of the day almost manic. His wife asked what was going on, he didn't answer again, but that evening went for more rounds of lovemaking than she could remember.

By the end of the week, he was almost back to normal, except the lovemaking continued. 

Susan wasn't happy with her interview with the president. He was barely functional, and she had left him a wreck. She needed practice dealing with little men. She thought about kidnapping some guinea pigs, in fact she could easily acquire some guinea pig cages for her men. But, while it was kind of fun to dream of guys worshipping her toes, she found it hard to imagine scooping men, unwilling, out of their ordinary life for her to use for practice, even if it was for the greater good of society.

Susan was a product of modern society, and when she had a problem, she knew where to look. In an earlier age, she might have tried to look through fairy tales or science fiction books to see how to use her power. A modern woman looks on the web. It was easy for her to move her window next to a computer at school, and to pull it, still full size, through the window, with it's wires dangling through her window on the world. She found it was still connected! A few moments more work and she was facing a web browser. A search through the standard search engines found a few pictures of large women titled giantesses, and some links to some stories.

She was amazed that there seemed to be hundreds of web pages to go through. She saw many apparent pictures of female models towering over men. One of them looked exactly like her bashing in a building. It took her a while to realize that it was taken from a publicity shot portraying her as a girl next door, playing volleyball while the camera was really focussed on her cleavage. Susan wasn't really sure she liked people misappropriating her image this way, but she had to admit she looked sexy in a kinky kind of way.

The first story she found, "Loophole", seemed to describe what might happen if someone invented a shrinking device -- this was promising. The next story was disgusting, it showed what she could do if she were bent on destruction, implying that she might enjoy squashing little men and seeing the blood drain from their bodies. After reading some of the stories, she found she was interested in what were called gentle giantess stories. Some more reading pointed her at shrinking women stories, this was the flip side of her situation, but many of these were well written and dealt with how the characters might feel -- something she definitely needed to understand about the president and eventually all the other world leaders she might deal with.

The real gem though was that there were pages describing something called IRC and chat channels. It seemed that a lot of men fantasized about being in the clutches of giant women, and some women fantasized about holding a man in their hand. Here might be a great source of volunteer "subjects" (in both senses of the word).

It took a while to download the software to use IRC. Seems there was a university policy against using it. The university claimed it could be addictive and could cause students to leave school. Little did they know that it was about to be used to make people leave their ordinary lives behind.

Susan found there were a few channels 

<Susan_Smith> Hi, anyone mind if I join this Channel.
<Robin_Goodfellow>  Welcome, Susan... Are you any relation to the Susan Smith that recently
   departed -- He asks, stupidly, to get a conversation going.
<Susan_Smith>  Well, actually... You'd won't believe me if I told you.
<Robin_Goodfellow>  Probably not, we're a cynical lot.
<Robin_Goodfellow>  Haven't seen you before on #!!Giantess, is this your first time?
<Susan_Smith>  Yes it is.  I read about it on the web though.
<Robin_Goodfellow>  Do you need an explanation of what this is about?
<Susan_Smith> I think I know, but maybe you could tell me again?
<Robin_Goodfellow>  Well we play with the concept of people being different sizes.  The men in
   here are usually much smaller than the women.
<Susan_Smith> Ah, I see.  So you'd be smaller than me?
<Robin_Goodfellow> Yup:)
<Susan_Smith>  How much?
* Robin_Goodfellow Hands SS a shrink/growth ray.
<Robin_Goodfellow> You decide, there's a knob at the side there, that sets the target's size,
   you can aim at me or yourself...
<Susan_Smith> You'd really like to be smaller than me?
<Robin_Goodfellow>  Yup, kinda weird, huh?
<Susan_Smith> It is, but it's just what I was looking for!!
* Susan_Smith aims the ray at RGF and shoots
* Susan_Smith watches as RGF shrinks down to waist height.
<Susan_Smith> How's that feel?
* Robin_Goodfellow  Looks up at SS, and thinks about how magnificent she is.
<Robin_Goodfellow> I feel good :)
* Susan_Smith <blushes>
<Susan_Smith> You really like being this much smaller than me?
<Robin_Goodfellow> Oh, this isn't much, I was kind of expecting you to shrink me further, but
   if you like this height, I'm happy.
<Susan_Smith>  Really, what height did you expect me to shrink you to?
<Robin_Goodfellow> Well, usually I end up being under one foot high
* Susan_Smith Shrinks RGF down to 6"
<Robin_Goodfellow> Wow, now you are really big.
<Susan_Smith> You like?
<Robin_Goodfellow> Very much
* Susan_Smith Picks RGF up and gives him a little kiss -- that surrounds his body
<Robin_Goodfellow> Boy I'd really like to do this for real.
<Susan_Smith> Would you really?  Maybe I can arrange that.
* Robin_Goodfellow Smiles up at SS
<Susan_Smith> If I really could shrink you, would you want to be shrunk?
<Robin_Goodfellow> I think so.
<Susan_Smith> r u willing to give it a try?
<Robin_Goodfellow> what do you want me to do.
<Susan_Smith> Tell me where you are now.
<Robin_Goodfellow> Um, I don't give my address to people I don't know
<Susan_Smith> That might be wise, but I can't shrink you without knowing where you are.
<Robin_Goodfellow> Well, I hate to say so, but somehow I don't believe that you could shrink
<Susan_Smith> How about if I prove it to you?
<Robin_Goodfellow> OK
<Susan_Smith> Can you tell me a road you drive over?
<Robin_Goodfellow> OK, I drive on 684 between 35 and the Saw Mill in NY every day.
<Susan_Smith> well, look for a msg saying you should come to me :)
<Susan_Smith> bye
*** Susan_Smith( has left the channel

The next day, Robin was driving to work. Traffic was particularly heavy that day. Robin thought about changing to an alternate route, but had passed the last good alternative before traffic ground to a halt. As he was driving along suddenly ahead he saw red paint or something on the road. The first letter was an "R" the car ahead of him moved off, and he saw an "o". He drove over the "R" and suddenly the car seemed to slow, like the letter was holding it back.

He continued to drive, and saw eventually the rest of the letters, "bin Goodfellow, come to me." He started to shake. Was it really true? How was this proof? Susan could have just spray painted the msg. But that would mean she either lived nearby, or that she'd gone to a lot of trouble just for this prank.

As he drove along, he would hear a sound that seemed to recur as one part of his tires touched the pavement. When he got to work, he got out of the car and looked at the tire. He saw that some of the red paint had rubbed off on the tire.

He felt the tire, and the red came off in his hand. It felt waxy. In fact, it felt just like lipstick!! Well that would be pretty hard if she wasn't a giantess.

That evening, as he was logged on to the IRC, he got a private msg:

<Susan_Smith> Hi
<Robin_Goodfellow> That was a pretty impressive way to slow down my morning commute :)
<Susan_Smith> So do you believe me now?
<Robin_Goodfellow> more so.  It would have been pretty difficult to do that for a "normal" person, but it could be done.
<Robin_Goodfellow> On the other hand a giantess is also pretty hard to believe.
<Susan_Smith> You didn't believe the story about the magical island?
<Robin_Goodfellow> Did you do that?
<Susan_Smith> No, but it might have been done in a similar way.
<Robin_Goodfellow> How about I meet you somewhere, so you can shrink me?
<Susan_Smith> OK, how about going to the Sears parking lot at midnight?
<Susan_Smith> Go there tonight -- you'll see a silver bracelet on a sheet of cardboard.  The
   bracelet should be about three feet wide.  Park on the cardboard, flash your lights twice
   and I'll pick you up.
<Robin_Goodfellow> Can you tell me something about yourself?
<Susan_Smith> There are any number of web pages on me.
<Robin_Goodfellow> r u saying you are THE Susan Smith?
<Robin_Goodfellow> she disappeared.
<Susan_Smith> I'm one and the same -- I did disappear, is it any harder to believe that I'm me,
   than that I can shrink you?
<Robin_Goodfellow> Well, I guess I'll see tonight :)

Robin drove to Sears that night. The store was closed and the lot deserted. In the middle of one of the aisles was a short silver column. As he drove towards it, he found it was on a gray sheet. He slowed down and drove over the 4" curb surrounding it onto the sheet. He wondered what was going to happen, as he parked on the "cardboard". He noticed a funny rectangular light in the sky. He got out of his car, and looked around. Other than the small light in the sky, he saw no one around. He got back in his car, and flashed his lights.

Suddenly, the light in the sky seemed to expand and rush towards him. A six foot woman's hand came out of the rectangle. Her fingernail found purchase under the sheet, and lifted the sheet, the car, and of course Robin. When the sheet was up enough a finger slid under the sheet. The car, with Robin inside started rising toward the rectangle. As the car was lifted, it tilted this way and that. Robin was thrown around, and quickly put his seat belt on. As he did, his car made it through the rectangle. When he lifted his head again, his headlights were focussing on a giant Susan Smith. She set the car down on a bureau and removed the piece of cardboard that she had used to pick it up.

"Want to get out Robin?"

He did, holding on to the car to steady himself.

"So, you didn't believe me, did you?"


Susan put a big ruler right next to him. She told him to stand up straight. He did. She said "Six and one-quarter inch. Pretty close. Happy?"

"Umm, what are you going to do with me?"

"Oh, enjoy you." He started to shake. She bent down and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just want to learn how to deal with little men. I'm going to be shall we say influencing a lot of them, and I need to know how to control them and you are going to be my first guinea pig. I'm going to train you to do what exactly what I want you to do and I'm hoping I'll apply the carrot more than the stick."

Robin looked very unhappy.

Susan took off her shirt and bra, remembering that the sight of her nipple had seemed to calm the president. "I've been offered a million dollars to pose the way I'm posing for you for free, I hope you realize that you are a lucky man. But, on with the training, I need to know when you are happy, so take off your clothes." "Huh?" "Little man, this is part of your training, if I say take off your clothes, I expect you to do it and not ask questions unless my orders aren't clear." She hit the bureau. Robin took off his clothes.

Susan looked at him. "Hmm, you don't seem happy, maybe I need to explain why I'm doing this. I want you to be a willing, not struggling participant in the training. Did you watch me vanish?"

"I saw it being re-broadcast."

"I memorized what I was going to say before the broadcast. You may remember I vanished just after I said: I wish that I could make the leaders of the world solve the problems of the world, not fight with each other."

"Well, I think someone granted me my wish, and you are going to be the first person I've recruited to help me. You are going to help me learn how to control all the world's leaders. I want to make sure that when they leave here they will do what they agreed. So, I don't want to hurt you, just make sure that if I let you go, you want to come back and do my bidding."

Robin still looked scared.

"I can see it's going to be a bit hard to deal with little men. Every other man in the world would be visibly happy to see me like this."

Susan struck a few poses. "Do you think I'm attractive?"

Robin seemed to look happier, and said "You know you are one of the most beautiful women in the world, certainly more beautiful than anyone I've ever met."

Susan leaned over, and put her breast on the bureau. "Would you like to touch me?"

Robin moved forward, and gently touched Susan's breast. Susan could see that Robin was perking up a bit.

"You can be a bit rougher. I can barely feel you."

Robin stepped closer, putting one foot on each side of Susan's nipple and started rubbing both sides of her breast.

"Little man, would you like a ride? I won't drop you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Susan wasn't sure whether he really wanted a ride, from his answer, there were drawbacks to having a man so totally in your power that he might just say yes ma'am no matter what he really thought. She put one finger against his back, and pressed just enough to lean him forward, and slowly stood up. As she did, her nipple rose between Robin's legs, until he was sitting on her nipple. She pressed him on just a bit more firmly, stood the rest of the way up, and walked over to a bed, With her other hand, she adjusted her pillows, sat on the bed, and then lay back on the pillows. She let him go, looked down at him, and said "Want to explore?"

Again he said "Yes ma'am. Where would you like me to go?

She was getting concerned that he didn't really want to, so she said "Oh, wherever you want to go".

Robin didn't quite know how to get off his perch. The top half of Susan's breast was at about a 30 degrees angle, and his legs were dangling in thin air. He eventually put one hand on a bump on her aureole, and the other hand between his legs and managed to press upward enough that he could get his foot on her nipple. Reaching out with the other hand, to steady himself on another bump, he managed to push upward. Once he got a bit higher, the going got easier, as the top of her breast was at a less steep angle.

As he stood up, Susan could see that he was enjoying his excursion, but it was not to last. He decided to visit the other breast, and started to walk towards it, and lost his footing. He slipped towards her cleavage, and managed to stop himself from going further by putting both hands out to his sides, pressing against both breasts. Susan was now concerned that he might fall and hurt himself. She put a hand under him, and pressed up until she made contact with his feet.

"Well, lesson one is, don't frighten little men unless you want to terrorize them, and rule two lie down before you have them explore you", she said as she removed one of the pillows she was leaning against and lay further back. "Are you ok, Robin? Want to continue?"

He was now lying on his stomach between her breasts, with her hand against his feet. He got up to a crawl and nodded yes. This time he started crawling forward. When he reached her shoulder he grabbed onto a lock of hair, and pulled himself along her neck to her chin.

"That tickles" she said. As she spoke, her chin pushed against him moving him a bit off balance, and her adam's apple, although not normally apparent, moved up an down, causing him to lose what little balance he had. He was still holding on to her hair, and so he ended up swinging onto the pillow. Susan liked soft pillows and was resting on one when he landed, so he was nicely cushioned as he came down.

Susan turned over to look at the little man, and asked him if he'd like a little kiss. When he agreed, she kissed him, first over his whole face, being very gentle, then moved to his body, where she licked him gently from foot to toe. She kissed him from his belly to his thighs and gently flicked her tongue from bottom to top. He looked like he was in ecstasy. He started to breath heavily as she continued her ministration, and finally he collapsed in a heap.

After he had time to rest, he diffidently asked for a favor. She asked what kind, and he said he'd like to continue exploring. She agreed and put him on her belly. Robin looked up, and looked down trying to decide which way to go. He said he wasn't sure he could make it up, but would like to try again.

Susan was leaning back at about a 45 degree angle. He climbed her sculpted abdomen, using first her belly button, and then the ridges of muscles to give his feet purchase. Soon he reached the overhang of her breasts. He moved between them steadied himself by using his hands on the walls that became the sides of her cleavage as he ascended. Finally he moved over them, and could stand on the plateau they formed.

"Hey Susan, did anyone ever tell you not only do you have a great staircase, but you are also an amusement ride?"


"Let me show you." He sat down, and started edging his way off the breast, until his feet were spanning her cleavage and holding him up. Suddenly he pulled his legs together, and started to slide. He continued to slid down, on her smooth skin until he reached the first of her stomach ridges. He rose up a bit up into the air as her muscles prevented the rest of the ride being smooth. He rode out the first curve, and the second, but he landed with his feet in her belly button. The momentum continued to carry him forward, and he tumbled head over heels, stopping just before he fell over the cliff between her legs. "I'm ok, he shouted up, in fact that was fun -- although next time I'll look for obstacles on the way down."

Robin climbed back up and started to slide down again. This time Susan started laughing. Her laughter made her stomach ripple and just as Robin hit the bump of her belly button he went flying. He almost hit his head first on Susan's belt buckle, but sailed just past it into the cleft between her legs and ended up suspended between her thighs.

"Little man, it's going to be a bit before you can get where you seem to want to go" Susan said still giggling.

"Hey, that wasn't funny, I could have hurt myself"

"You're right, it's impolite of me to laugh, but you are so funny" she said as she scooped him up on one finger. She saw he was red-faced and tried to control her laughter. She turned him over and looked at him more carefully.

"Hmm, a bit of middle age spread, I think" she said, "well, we should get rid of that don't you think?"

"I'd like to, I've put on twenty pounds I should lose. You have some more magic?"

"Well your whole body weighs less than 20 pounds, now, so you must have lost it," she said. She moved her hand up and down a bit to feel his weight. At the top of her upstroke, he left her palm just a bit and on the bottom of the down stroke found himself pressed hard against her hand. "I'd say you weigh about what a quarter cup of water weighs".

"I didn't mean your weight I guess I meant we are going to get you into shape."

"I've wanted to get into shape, but I don't have the will power to do it".

"Oh, you won't need any will power."

"How am I going to get into shape unless I get myself to do exercise?"

"Because I've decided you will exercise, and if anything I decide you will want to do, right?"

Robin looked up at Susan and nodded.

"All right mister, I want 20 pushups now."

An hour later he'd done more pushups, did stretches, ran around her, did sit ups, ab crunches, and various other exercises. After some of the set, he asked if he could rest. Susan would pick him up, turn him over and tap his behind, ask if he wanted to disappoint her, he's say "no", she'd give his back an affectionate little rub as encouragement and then make the next set just a bit harder to compensate for his rest.

When she was done with him she picked him up gave his chest through his legs a little kiss. He barely responded to it.

"Tired you out didn't I?"

He mumbled I've had personal trainers, but never a workout like that.

"You forget that to get in the shape I'm in I have to workout very hard, I've had the best trainers in the world advising me, but I've learned enough that I don't really need them. All a good trainer needs to do is judge how far the trainee can go, and to motivate them to get to that point. I'm going to be a very good trainer."

She picked him up licked him from toe to neck, said, "Hmm, nice and salty -- are you glad to see me or just sweaty? Well it doesn't matter, lets clean you up."

With that she dunked him in a bowl of warm water, put some soap on her hands, rubbed him all over, dunked him again, took out her hair drier and dried him off. She put him to bed and despite the strange surroundings, he fell asleep immediately.

Two weeks later he was exercising 3 hours a day.

Robin's favorite exercise was climbing Mt. Susan.  Susan would wear a tight knit sweater she'd tie a thread around him, and as he climbed she'd pull the thread  up, so he couldn't fall far if he slipped.  Climbing her stomach was a good warm-up, but climbing the overhang was a definite challenge.  He would grab onto the threads of her sweater and he could hang on them.  At first she made it easier on him and leaned back.

Robin could extend his legs in front of him and make contact with the fabric, get his foot on a strong thread and push.  That would move him outward and upward enough that he could grab a higher thread with his hand.  He slipped often, and went sailing out into space.  The first time, Susan moved the string.  Robin got to the end of his swing, and swung back.  With Susan's extra motion, the swing back was a bit more powerful than the first, and he collided with her breast.  Fortunately it made a nice soft cushion, somewhat like landing on a mattress.

As they worked together climbing became more and more fun.  It was very challenging for Robin, and his subconscious felt like he was in real danger, so he was able to exert himself in a way he never was in normal exercise.  But at the same time, he knew he was under Susan's care.  In this regard the climbing probably had many of the features of rock climbing, but it had the extra feature that the rock was live and quite sexy.  Robin got to understand Susan and to anticipate her every breath.  As he swung, timing to her gentle breath could make the difference between an easy move and an impossible one.  Her breasts would move upward ever so slightly to a giant as she breathed in.  To him he would be lifted as she breathed in, and lowered as she exhaled.  By swinging out on the exhale he would move much further.

"This is great.  Susan, we have invented a whole new sport that I'm sure lots of other guys would just love to try.  It might even be fun to have teams race up you."

"You think that might promote teamwork and camaraderie?"

"I'm sure of it.  If one person were to belay (hold the rope) for another and protect their lives it would have to forge a bond."

"Who would be a good climbing instructor?"

Kathy stepped out of the box she had been in, and saw a very small man in front of her.  He looked up at her waist and said "Hi, Kathy, now we're going to use what you learned in the Gunks.  She shook her head, a bit disoriented.  "I'm Robin Goodfellow, you've met me in #!!Giantess.   We've discussed climbing as well as played with you being much bigger than me.  I'm your first guide here, but soon you'll meet Susan.  We thought you'd find it more comfortable being introduced to this new world by someone smaller than you."  Robin explained that Susan wanted her help to train the world's leaders to get along.  Kathy looked down at Robin, smiled, picked him up and kissed him.  "If this is for real, this might be a lot of fun, although I always thought to be a giantess, I'd have to be a bit bigger than twice a man's height."  Robin reached up and took Kathy's hand, pulled her through a curtain, and said, "You mean you'd like to be that size?"  At first Kathy thought she was looking at another curtain.  Then she looked up and realized that she was actually looking at a skirt, and above the skirt there was a sweater, and above that, a face.  Susan smiled down and said "Hi, Kathy.  I've got a policy that no one here gets to be my height, but if you want, we'll shrink Robin down a bit more?  Why don't you discuss it with him?"

Robin took Kathy back behind the curtain.  After a bit, Kathy seemed to recover.  Robin told Kathy that it seemed to take a while to recover from the sight of a giantess.  "There may be something instinctive when we are confronted with something that much bigger than we.  I've found that dealing with this size difference isn't too hard.  Maybe it reminds us of being a child    But to Susan now, we seem like bugs, with you just being a bigger bug.

Later that day, Robin tried an ascent up Mt. Smith.  He didn't make it, but had fun trying.  Kathy belayed him (climbers jargon for held the rope), and he was shortly dangling from a rope that she held.  "Belaying is real easy if you weigh so much more than the person you are belaying".  Kathy wanted to try to make the ascent, but Robin was too small to belay her..

A few days later, the first two world leaders were summoned through the hole.  They were at first frightened by Kathy, who appeared to be about 12 feet high to them, before noticing that the other person was someone they'd been fighting their whole lives.  They started yelling at each other about kidnapping them, until Kathy put a stop to it by using each of her  hands to grab one of  them and held both of their arms,  picking them up, placing them together side by side on her knee.  She let go of their arms, pressed their little bodies against her thigh with one hand, so they couldn't move and spanked them.  She explained that if they wanted to get out alive they were going to have to climb Mt. Smith.  "What's that?" they asked. She didn't explain that Mt. Smith was a who, not a what.  They started with belaying lessons.  Then they were put to work climbing a curtain.  Periodically they'd protest.  "Mountains aren't covered with cloth."  "Little man, are you arguing with me."   "No, Ma'am."  Eventually they did as they were told.

Soon other couples joined them.  An Israeli hard-liner and a Palestinian radical; an Irish Catholic and an Irish Protestant soon joined the not very merry band.  There were even a few threesomes.  A Bosnian Muslim, Croat and Serb group were fetched.

After a workout, they went to the "cafeteria."   They were placed at a big counter with Robin.  The cook, a lady named Medusa, and Kathy pulled up seats on the other side of what to them was a small table.  Medusa picked up each of the men, turned them over, pronounced them fit or not, and fed the fit.  She fed the plumb too, but they only got vegetables.  Medusa also picked up one of the plates and piled it high with all the goodies.  Robin took the plate which measured two feet around to him, balanced it on his head and took it through the curtain.

Susan took the diminutive plate from Robin,  put it into her box, re-adjusted the knobs and took out a plate that was just right for her.  "Yum, Medusa sure can cook, can't she."

They were taught more about climbing in the afternoon.  Kathy spent a lot of time showing them the arts of safety.   But, instead of teaching them how to use friends, chocks and pitons, she showed them how to clip carabiners around other ropes.

A short climbing tutorial for readers who haven't climbed:   A caribiner is like a big industrial strength safety pin.  Usually the 'biner is clipped on to something attached to a rock.  Different attachments are given different names.  The most common types are friends, chocks and pitons.  When climbing one of these  connected to a 'biner is put into a crack in the rock.  The person climbing has a rope connected to his waist (sometimes tied around it, more usually through a specially deigned harness).  The rope is clipped into the 'biner, and the person continues to climb.  At the other end of the rope is the person's climbing partner belaying them.  The belayer lets out rope as they climb.  But a good belayer only lets out as much rope as the person needs.  If the climber falls, they can fall to the 'biner and beyond, but the distance they fall beyond the 'biner depends on the amount of rope between them and the 'biner in the first place.  So, the climber shouldn't fall more than twice the distance they had gone from the 'biner.  Carabiners usually are placed every 8 feet or less.  Climbing rope  is designed to stretch, so that a fall of 16 feet is cushioned.  A climber depends on their partner to protect their lives.

Once the men had eaten, they went back for a workout, and then were returned home.  Most of them moved their sleeping quarters often, but now they moved them every night and seemed to prefer sleeping deep underground.  It didn't matter.  A week later they were fetched again.  They trained, and ate.  After lunch they were introduced to Mt. Smith.

"Well gentleman, I'm going to be your challenge for the next week.  You should go home and get some rest.  But it has come to my attention that several of you attempted to avoid coming back here.  You must learn to obey me without question, and so you will be punished.  I'd rather not have to punish you.  And if I have to keep punishing you, you will be useless to me, because your careers will be over.  If you become useless to me, you're lives won't be worth much, so please try to behave."

She ordered several of the men to strip.  Some did, some refused.  Those who refused she dumped in a big bowl of ice water.  After retrieving them, she told them to take off their wet clothes.  Most did.  Three still refused.  "You guys don't learn well do you?"  She started to blow on them.  Her sweet gentle breath hit them like a gale force wind.  Soon they were almost flying.  They all fell to the ground, shivering uncontrollably.  "Now are you going to take off your clothes?"  All but one did.  The last one she picked up, and dumped in a glass that she'd been sipping.  "Medusa, would you mind doing the honors?"  Medusa picked up the last guy, stripped him, and returned him to Susan.

"Those of you who tried to hide from me, you've been stripped and will be delivered to your doorstep.  I hope this is a lesson you won't soon forget.  Those who defied me a second time will be delivered a mile away but near supporters who are likely to cover up what happened.  Those who defied a third time will be dropped no more than 10 miles away, near a phone booth.  And the last of you will be abandoned as a lesson to the rest."

Newspaper reports the next day reported that a radical muslim cleric had been arrested trying to cross the border back to his home country, naked, drunk and reeking like he'd been drenched in a martini.  He was raving about aliens and giant heathen women.  His career was over.

The next day another cleric didn't perform his duties, but resumed them the next day.

"Some of these men are really incredibly stupid", Susan raved to no one in particular.  "Maybe that's why the world is in such a mess."

"True, Susan, but the homing devices did work very well."  Robin consoled her.

"I guess, but wasn't it obvious that we had tremendous technology and they weren't going to escape if we let them go?"

"They should have known that, true.  But, it was a stroke of genius your shrinking down high powered homing devices to a size small enough to put in their food and add a glue that would attach to the sides of their small intestines".

"Thanks, Robin.  It was your idea to add the microphone so we could tell what they were planning."

The next week most of them men returned.  One was fetched by a rubber glove and immediately placed in a baggy.  A note about biological warfare being illegal was attached to the baggy and the formerly little guy was found the next morning in front ot the Hague's council on war crimes.  Another was placed next to him with a note about  chemical weapons.

Each pair of men were given separate audiences with Susan.  The instructions were simple they were to ascend Susan's front.  She wore a simple sweater that had strands of cotton just the right size for clipping a caribiner onto.

One man lead the climb while his partner belayed.  The first man was able to get his shoe in between the fibers of Susan's sweater.  Grabbing the fibers, he ascended.  He periodically placed a biner and clipped in.  He ascended her stomach easily until he got to the large overhang.  A biner was placed and tested at the juncture between Susan's chest and the underside of her breast.  The man placed his feet one final time in her sweater, and started moving hand over hand out.  His hand were able to grab the fabric of the sweater as if it were rungs on a rope ladder.  When his hands were two feet from her chest, his legs lost their purchase, he swung out into space, and lost his grip with his hands as well.

He tumbled.  His partner and life long enemy smiled and let go of the rope.  The first man tumbled until he landed on Susan's skirt.  The skirt cushioned his fall, and he bounced slightly as if in a trampoline.  He'd strained several muscles but survived.  The climber was taken away and left to Medusa's gentle ministrations.  Seems she'd also found some giantess nurse, who helped the man out.  The belayer didn't fare nearly as well.

The belayer was discovered by the newspapers in a brothel reeking of alcohol.  He was photographed once he'd gotten his clothes back on, but he made a curiously disheveled appearance.  He had always appeared quite dapper and prided himself on the way he looked.  The next day he was hauled into court again.  Even after getting a fresh change of clothes, he looked off.  His custom made clothes hung strangely.  He kept tripping on his shoes.  It was as if he'd suddenly shrunk.  He started raving about giant women who had shrunk him.  There was a scene as he showed his driver's license and demanded to be measured in public.  He ended up measuring the exact size he should have been.

Susan's minions had of course increased the size of all of his clothes, but he never discovered that.  He spent several years only wearing loose fitting  garments from the state insane asylum.

Most of the couples failed in their ascent up Mt. Smith, but only a few were stupid enough to defy Susan.  Susan kept the penalty for failing to belay from the men until they had saved each other's life once.  Another failure showed up in the Pentagon as a defector with plans for his nations defense right next to him.  He tried to hang himself the next morning realizing he'd be treated as a traitor in his home country.  But a phone call got help to him in time, and after that he was carefully monitored.

Many attempts were made on Mt. Susan.  One idea involved a traversal along her chest to her cleavage.  The climbers hoped that they'd be able to ascend between her breasts which might be less severally overhung.  But the cloth not being supported by Susan's firm flesh swung about and eventually knocked the men off.

One attempt almost succeeded it.  One man climbed to Susan's breast and headed up and towards her arm apparently thinking to go around the breast.  The men had been warned about having to go up Susan's front.  Susan reminded the little guy.  As she did so, the vibrations of her speech almost knocked him off.  He said he was following the rules, and soon started to climb straight up.  The round part was just a bit less steep, and he could just get his feet under him.  As he climbed he would push off with his feet, use the leverage to reach out with his hands and pull up.  He stood so that his body was leaning way out, and his hands were holding him on Susan's breast.  He'd obviously climbed before and was using a technique known as a lay back.  His feet pressed so that his center of gravity was further from Susan than his hands were.  This technique allowed his feet to press against her side and to get purchase in the fabric of her sweater.  It almost worked except for two things.  Susan needed to test each belayer; and she was ticklish.  As the man rounded her breast she broke out into laughter.  As her chest heaved, he was tossed to and fro, until his hands lost their grip.  Fortunately, his belayer held, because had he fallen he wouldn't have fallen on the skirt, he would have bounced off her thigh to the wooden seat she was on and almost certainly he would have died.

The men were returned to their homes, each owing their lives to their sworn enemies.  Over the next few weeks each pair was fetched again.  This time they were placed on a reclining Susan Smith.

"Gentleman," she would say in their language -- she'd been known to be a whiz at languages, "this time you are here to be rewarded for your hard work."

"Your task, if you choose, is to invade my nether regions."  She was wearing a shirt, those who chose to would slip inside the shirt, and venture down.  It took the strength of both men to lift her panties enough for the other to slip under.  Robin had done this many times, and of course they knew exactly the "right" size to make a man so that two together could stretch the elastic but one alone could not.  The first, once under would support the elastic band and let his associate (formerly his enemy) slip under.  It would take two men to service Susan properly.  One would rub nearer her front, the other would slip partially inside once she'd gotten wet enough.  The one partially inside would rub his whole body (naked of course) in and out of her.  At some point each man who was inside would give a big cry and suddenly become limp.  His colleague would replace him until he too would become limp.  Sometimes the guys would be gripped firmly and gently and deep rumbles/moans would come from the body they were on.

Over the course of the next year, the world became a safer place.  There were many learned papers written trying to explain why suddenly almost all conflagrations ceased.  Sworn enemies would meet, and keep all their former advisors and body guards away for days on end.  Somehow a camaraderie among enemies seemed to be formed in this way, but the world never caught on.

There was one other odd factor, that was never explained.  Each great man seemed to rely more and more on a single very large woman as an advisor.  These large usually beautiful women were seen often on TV as they had become prime advisors.  Young men were exposed to a national relationship where these dominant and beautiful women became their fantasy.  Within a few years not only was their peace replacing war, but women -- particularly women over 7 feet tall -- were replacing men as the rulers of the day.

One newpaper reporter claimed to have taken a picture of a giant Susan Smith at one of the closed sessions of the UN, playing with the assembled dignitaries, but everyone seemed to dismiss the picture as an elaborate if artistic collage.  The picture got wide play, and ended up being made into a pin-up picture, but no one seemed to believe it was real.


A Short Repriese

Mindy had made friends with one of her fellow cheerleaders,  Courtney.  One day when Coutney was over, she  saw that Mindy had the pinup on the wall, and wondered if she could get some toys like that.  Courtney was an art student and had liked the schools famous artist in residence until he disappeared.  Mindy had grown tired of her little art professor, she liked her math and philosophy prof's so much better.  The next day, Mindy made Courtney swear to secrecy and gave her a very talented toy. Courtney's artist endeavors seemed to improve markedly.

Courtney was friends with Steve.  One day while visiting Steve's apartment she saw he had the now famous Susan Smith collage/pinup on his wall.  She asked him about it.  He said that ever since the incident where he was found drunk and disorderly, he'd fantasized about being with a giant woman, he didn't admit that he'd started fantasizing about Mindy, but now he fantasized about many other women.  Courtney reported back to Mindy, and within days the first non intellectual dissappeared from school.

Courtney enjoyed her new toys, but wondered if some of the other cheerleaders wouldn't like to play with them too.  She wondered if Mindy would really mind having to make some more toys for her friends.  Of course the team might suffer...

Interlude 6

"That was a very successful intervention."

"Yes it was, but  perhaps we need one more miracle to make sure that our male friends don't return and try to set up the same kind of silly little myths that they worked on for thousands of years."

"One more miracle coming up."


Chapter 6

The heroine of his chapter, Augustine Schler, was in many ways the opposite of Susan Smith.  She was, well there's no other way to describe her than homely.  Not only was she homely but she'd also stayed at home most of her life.  She'd been a very good student, but when she should have gone to college, her parents had both gotten sick.  She'd cared for them, and worked for the next 30 years as they just barely recovered from one illness or another.  At the age of 50 both parents died, leaving her without even the companionship they'd been.

It was time to start a new life.  Her friends from work tried to cheer her up about the prospect of meeting men, but they knew it was almost hopeless.  Augustine was not rich, she was not even mildly attractive and had no dating skills.  She went to a few bars but was ignored.  She answered some ads in the personal's section.  But, the men wanted pictures.  They never wrote back.  One day, she saw an ad that seemed just meant for her --"I don't care what you look like, I just want a good heart".  She wrote to the guy, he wrote back, she replied and -- he sent a picture of himself.  He wasn't a great looker, but now what was she to do?  As she pondered this question a free sample software package came in the mail.  The package was for retouching photo's.  Augustine played with the package, fixing up a picture of the guy first and then she fixed up the picture of herself.

Augustine was usually scrupulously honest, but this time she broke down.  She sent a just slightly retouched picture of herself.  She didn't change the picture much, she didn't want the guy to accuse her of being fraudulent, but by the time she finished, she was just a bit prettier.  She sent the picture and the next day -- the post office must have been having an unusual day, her friend called.   They made plans for that Saturday.   Her co-workers noticed a change in her, and they all commented that she seemed much happier and looked better.  The date came and went.  The guy seemed much better looking than Augustine had expected.  In fact, he looked just about as good as the picture of him had when she finished her retouching, not at all as bad as the original.  They got together, but there was no magic.  The guy seemed distracted.  He mentioned that he'd gone out the night before with a woman that wouldn't give him the time of day a month ago.

Augustine was dejected.  Her friends tried to cheer her up, at least she'd gotten to have a date.  She answered another ad.  His ad said he was 6'4".  Augustine was a bit nervous about that.  He wrote back, and she nervously showed one of her friends the reply she was going to send.  She had decided to include the retouched photo this time too.  Surprisingly her friend told her she looked better than the photo and they went out and took another one.  Augustine liked the new photo, but not to take any chances re-touched it as well.  Not only did she make herself prettier but she also made herself a bit taller.

This gentleman too called her and they arranged a date.  It turned out that he lived only a block away, she must have seen him frequently, so she walked to his apartment  and they set out to a romantic restaurant.  Despite the fact that Augustine was wearing tight clothes -- almost all her clothes seemed tighter these days, and her thrill at going out with him, she worked hard at dolling her self up and one of her friends said she looked sexier than she'd ever been (imagine the word sexy applied to her) she didn't win his heart.   At the restaurant a photographer took their picture, but he didn't hug her tightly even with the photographer's urging.  He didn't seem to want to kiss her goodnight.

Augustine found that she enjoyed playing with the program.   She took the  picture from the restaurant, and made herself even prettier, and the man shorter and just a bit uglier.  A few weeks later, he called.  Seemed he'd had some terrible troubles, he had shrunk, the doctors couldn't explain it.  Augustine started to fantasize that maybe, just maybe what she did to pictures would happen in reality.  So every evening she'd take a new picture of herself.  She'd make herself better looking.

Soon she was getting cat-calls from construction workers.  After that they became more aggressive.  The men she knew gave her the kind of attention she'd always hoped for.  But, they also gave her another kind of attention.  She started making herself bigger and stronger as well.  Soon her height was 6'5" and she towered over most of the men she dated, and she was now dating a lot of men.  A woman of 6'5" is still lighter than a much smaller man, and one of the men who had started begging for attention attacked her.  He was only 5'10" but she barely was able to overwhelm him and escape.  Her height became a problem.  She was having trouble getting in cars. She couldn't easily make her self that much bigger conveniently.

Augustine became more and more attractive.  One day she was asked to model.  As she continued to retouch her photo's she became more and more sought after.  Magazines wanted to know her beauty secrets, a woman in her fifties -- this process took a few years -- became the worlds most famous model.  She did become rich, but even with her new wealth becoming bigger was just impractical.  She worked out, as all models do, until she found she could simply take some pictures of herself lifting weights, add more weight to them and find she could lift the new weight the next day.  Soon she was afraid of no man.

Men still attacked her.  It seemed to be in their nature -- or maybe it was just the nature of the men in the fashion industry. She had amassed enough money to last her life, so she quit the fashion industry.  Retouching had become a habit, and she continued to become more and more attractive in fact completely irresistible to men.

Without the distraction of the fashion industry, she thought she'd rekindle some of her old friendships, so she went back to her old job.  She re-befriended her old co-workers.  The men weren't very interesting, they just looked at her and drooled.  She went out with her old women friends and found a certain solace.  Soon though they didn't want to go out with her.  She asked why -- it seems the men they knew had become fascinated with her, and had started paying attention to the women just to get to her.  The women were on to this, and didn't like it.

Augustine didn't dislike men.  She just found that their intellect was degraded in her presence.  She would meet men on IRC chat, and once she knew them well enough she'd invite them over.  Unfortunately, once she met them, they weren't good for anything besides sex.  Certainly they were not able to hold a conversation on any other topic with her.   She tried to introduce them to anything vaguely intellectual.  She even showed them her magical program.  The men immediately improved their appearance -- or at least their muscle mass -- strange what men thought attractive.  But after retouching their photo's nothing happened.  Seemed it would only work for her and none of her male friends.

Augustine finally came to terms with what she had.  She helped one of her best friends become a bit prettier.  She also shrunk slowly one of the most obnoxious men at her former job.  She made a copy of the program, and gave it to her friend.  She told her friend to make a picture of the way she'd like to look, and then Augustine would work on getting her to look like that.  Much to Augustine's surprise, her friends appearance changed by itself.  A bit of experimentation with willing males, all males were willing for Augustine, showed the program worked on pictures for both sexes but only had magical effect on reality in the hands of a woman.  Augustine and her friend agreed to keep the program to themselves, but in due course, Augustine had two nieces, the friend had a sister, both made copies, and the program proliferated.  Within twenty years, most women were ravishing, and somehow perhaps out of self defense most men in the world had shrunk to under 5 feet tall.  At least all the men were getting cuter.

In another 10 years the average male had shrunk to under 4 feet tall.  The male worlds scientists were unable to explain what had happened.  The women scientists knew but didn't understand  the science behind it.

In fifty years men had become adoring pets.

Finale 6

Allanah and Deidre returned to their school and were celebrated for surpassing the achievements of their male predecessors.