Rock Hard by GG (For Michiel, a Valkyrie fan) We had been married for about six months when we moved into our "proper" house. It was new and needed furnishing and gardening. Ben was about the least practical man you could imagine. He was a genius at accountancy, but hand him a paintbrush or screwdriver and he was lost. Progress on the home was understandably slow, and the back garden still looked like a building site three months later. We were both busy with our jobs, and in the evenings, he would carry on with the work he brought home, and I would be down at the local gym. I was kind of addicted to bodybuilding, although I told Ben it was aerobics. Someone had said I had the perfect athlete's body - nearly six feet tall, well proportioned, firm breasts, wide shoulders - and it was a crime not to take care of it. So I started exercising and couldn't stop. We would meet up for dinner about eight, and get an early night most times. One particular evening, he seemed to be staring at me across the table as we ate. 'This aerobics.' he said 'Is it like workout with weights?' I sensed something coming. I had been anticipating this since I started deliberately building muscle a few months back. Up till then, it had just been a cardiovascular fitness regime, but I wanted something more, and started hitting the heavy stuff. I would try to relax my shoulders and arms so that he couldn't see the muscle shape, but I guess I was getting some obvious definition. I tried to play it off. 'Oh we dance around with little dumbells sometimes. Great fun!' He looked serious. 'Its just sometimes you look as if you are growing muscles. That's just not right for a girl, is it.' My heart sank. I was planning to drop it into casual conversation how I was into real workouts now that the new fitness look was in, and how great those pro bodybuilders looked. I would test out his reaction and take it from there. But now I knew what I had suspected and feared. That night I lay awake beside his skinny puny body wondering what to do. His muscles were like tiny soft sponges and I was beginning to get hard all over. If I didn't give up my workouts right now things would be so obvious; but I was horrified at the thought. I lived for pumping iron and I would go mad if I had to stop. I resolved to carry on and see what happened. He would just have to get used to it. Two months later, I was getting fairly hard core. He would say something from time to time, and I could tell he was uncomfortable with my increasingly obvious musculature, but it was as if he didn't want to admit to himself what he was seeing. In bed, I willed myself to be soft. If I tensed up I would feel rock hard to him, and to add to my frustrations, his efforts at sex seemed more and more pathetic, but I put on a good act. The situation unexpectedly came to a head one evening. They had a charity raffle in the office and I won a magnum of champagne, which we opened at dinner. After a few large glasses we were getting tipsy and talking about how good it was. I picked up the bottle to read the label and I must have turned my wrist and held my forearm at just that angle that makes the bicep pop up. Ben gasped. 'Oh my God!' He was staring at the bulge that was almost ripping the sleeve of my teeshirt. I glanced down at the rock hard mound of muscle. There was no more covering this up, I thought - better get this over with. I stood up slowly and smiled at him as I slipped the teeshirt over my head. My breasts did not need a bra for support and I tensed my stomach muscles and struck a double bicep pose. I was wearing 3" heeled pumps with a shortish skirt and I must have looked like a towering goddess. His eyes nearly popped out of his head! 'Oh my God!' he repeated. 'Come here!' I said sternly. He shuffled over, four inches shorter than me, looking up sheepishly. 'Its time to get a few things straight.' I said, putting on a slightly menacing tone as I lowered my hands to my hips. 'You are a wimp. You are 120 pounds of powder puff and I am 170 pounds of steel. From now on, you are going to have to live with that.' He gave me a foul look. 'OK. This has gone far enough. Its all because of your gym stuff. Well, its got to stop. Its unnatural and I'm not letting you do it any more!' I just laughed. He seemed so impotent, trying to tell me what to do. 'I don't think you're in any shape to give me orders!' 'You're my wife and you'll do as you're told!' I laughed again. When the slap came, I was amazed with the speed of it. It was a little girly slap but it really stung! I had been doing some punchbag stuff at the gym to break up the routine, and I guess my body reacted before my mind could think better of it. I would never have hit him with my full strength if I hadn't been taken by surprise, but I did, and the force of it lifted him off his feet. It was lucky the mule kick of a punch caught him in the chest. If it had been any higher I would have killed him. As it was, he flew backwards and landed on the carpet, where he lay motionless. I came to my senses and crouched down beside him in a panic. He was still breathing, but unconscious. Oh God what a stupid bitch I am, I thought. I slipped my arms under his back and legs and lifted him up effortlessly. He was so light and delicate, like a little girl. I carried him up the stairs and put him down gently on the bed. He came round with a groan and started rubbing his chest. With a shock I realised that I might have broken some ribs and should not have moved him. The doctor left two hours later, with no broken bones to report and a cover story about tripping and hitting the bannister post. He had a bruise the size of a dinner plate for weeks, but now he knew who was boss and became very submissive. I just got bigger, stronger and more dominant with him. It became natural to laze around giving him orders which I made sure were instantly obeyed. Occasional lapses were punished by demonstrations of strength, rather than violence; for instance, picking him up and shaking him, or gripping his narrow shoulders and throwing him to the floor. In short, I was a cruel bitch. When Anna joined the gym, we took to each other from the start. She was as big as I was and a few inches taller, but also much harder, and she taught me a lot as we worked out together. We would play wrestle in the changing rooms and get fairly intimate in the showers. Neither of us knew whether it was a lesbian relationship in the strictest sense, but we couldn't give a damn either way. We just enjoyed each other's bodies like two young horses frolicking in a field. When I told her about Ben she told me about Craig, and it was uncanny how similar the stories were. He sounded like the twin brother of my husband, and Anna had him as well trained. One night, in a bar, she told me of her secret fantasy - to dress Craig up as a girl and have him go round the house as a maid. It turned me on so much I just said 'Let's do it then, to both of them!' We hatched a wicked plan. After a day patrolling the malls, we had found two French maids' outfits in what we thought were the right size. They were finished off with high heeled strappy sandals - this was going to be a scream! An evening was set for dinner at my place and I didn't tell Ben too much about the couple I had invited. He sort of got the impression that it was Craig I had met at the gym, and I left it that way. It amused me when he started asking what he should wear. 'Don't worry.' I said, smiling to myself. 'Anything will do.' Anna and I had put some thought into what would be appropriate for us, and while Ben got into some new jeans and a smartish shirt, I locked myself in the other room and pulled my costume out from its hiding place. The black leather of the catsuit smelt so great, and the huge pull-on thigh length boots were going to look awesome! I slipped into my gear, then laid Anna's identical costume out on the spare bed. The timing was perfect. The doorbell rang and I heard Anna's mellow commanding voice doing the introductions and chat. Ben called up, then as planned, Anna came up in search of the bathroom, leaving the men to get to know each other. I helped her get changed and we could hardly contain our excitement. The maid's costumes were laid out ready and I took them in a bundle as we came down the stairs. 'Surprise!' I shouted as they registered the grand entrance. They stood there as if somebody had hit the freeze frame. Anna didn't waste any time. She marched over to the two little wimps and clapped her gloved hands together loudly. 'Undress! Now! Both of you.' Craig hesitated and she started ripping his clothes and slapping him around the face. Ben stared at me looking terrified. 'Get those clothes off!' I said coldly. 'Time to get changed.' Anna had thrown Craig to the floor, pinned his little chest down under the 3" heel of her boot and was tearing his shoes and socks off. It was making me wet to see how aggressive she was, and her helpless husband was soon naked. She stood up with her legs astride him and then noticed that Ben was still fully dressed. Her vivid blue eyes looked over to me as if to ask permission and I just nodded. She was on Ben like a tigress, picking him up like a rag doll and ripping his clothes to shreds with frantic movements. He was thrown down roughly on top of Craig, and she stood there panting and sighing. I thought she was out of breath, but then I realised that she was too superfit for that. It was an orgasm! When she had calmed down we started dressing the wimps. For fun, I took Craig and Anna took the petrified Ben. They both looked as if they had done ten rounds in a boxing ring. Frilly knickers, white stockings and suspender belts, lacy blouses, black mini skirts, heeled strappy sandals - they looked so cute - we had chosen well. Anna growled at Craig in a deep powerful voice. 'Do exactly as you're told this evening or I'll snap your spine!' 'Likewise!' I snarled at Ben. They got the message. 'Now get in the kitchen and check on the dinner, Ben.' I snapped. 'And get us some martinis.' Anna added. We laughed as they tottered off on their heels. Suddenly Anna turned and scooped me up in her steel-like arms. 'You look good enough to eat!' she whispered, and clamped her mouth over mine in a passionate kiss. I couldn't move! Wow, she was hot tonight! She let me come up for air and I gasped. 'Hey calm down, Supergirl! You've got some adrenalin pumping there!' She grinned and kissed me hard again, tightening her grip and pulling me into her body. I suddenly felt very soft and helpless. I struggled but she just pulled in harder and crushed my body against hers. She was hurting me now - I had never felt such strength and I was getting worried! 'Please!' I begged. 'Let me go! You're hurting!' She loosened her grip but did not put me down. 'Where are those drinks, Craig?' she boomed. There was a scuffle in the kitchen and her little husband came out with two glasses which he put down nervously on the coffee table. Anna let go from under my legs and my feet swung down towards the floor, but she kept her right arm round my waist, and I just dangled there, pressed into her side, with my heels a few inches above the carpet. She reached down and picked up a glass, handing it to me, then got hers. 'Cheers!' she said, eventually putting me down and letting me go. I felt as if I had been through a meat grinder, but I was wet and totally in awe of her. I took a sip of the martini and ran the fingers of my left hand over the huge bulge of her shoulder and bicep. 'The script's changed, Honey.' she said coldly. 'Now get that catsuit off before I tear it off!' I was shocked. She gave me a stare that I had never seen before and the evening was going in a direction I didn't like. She looked a bit crazed! I tried to calm things down. 'Hey, this was just supposed to be a bit of fun. OK, rough and tumble, sure, but just fun right?' She looked evil. 'Strip, bitch!' My mind raced, and my adrenalin started to pump too. I was afraid - not just for myself, but for Ben. She could kill him in a second! Obviously, living out this fantasy had blown her mind! I had to stop this, but how ? 'STRIP!' She screamed at me madly, waving a clenched fist. That seemed to jog my mind. The punchbag! After our main workout sessions we would don some boxing gloves and take turns at the punchbag. I was surprised how much harder I seemed to hit it than she would, even though she was stronger on the weights. Some guy explained that I had good fast muscle, explosive, like a sprinter - or boxer! - whereas she had good slow muscle, like a wrestler. She looked positively awkward when she tried to punch. Then I remembered what I had done to Ben! I made up my mind. 'OK lady.' I said calmly. 'You want me? Come and get me!' She drained her glass and tossed it aside. I put mine down on the table. The men had come into the room to see what the shouting was about, and I told them to stay out of the way. Anna walked slowly towards me, smiling evilly. I guessed she wouldn't pounce but just come up to me like this. I stayed relaxed, trying not to give her any warning by my body language. She made a big enough target, and I put everything into it! It was a carbon copy of the pile driver I had caught Ben with, and she went the same way, landing with a heavy thump. She lay there clutching herself and fighting for breath, then she passed out. I walked up and rolled her over onto her back with the toe of my boot, then stood astride her. I was not going to take any chances. If she came round and wanted some more, she was going to get it! But she was out cold! I looked across to the terrified men and the ripped bits of clothes strewn about. 'OK, looks like dinner is off.' I announced calmly. 'You two get changed and then clear up this mess. Ben, you will have to lend Craig some jeans and a teeshirt.' They both took their high heels off and disappeared upstairs. I picked up my half finished drink and threw it in Anna's face, then put my booted right foot on her chest as she came round. She gave me a crosseyed look and pawed at my boot weakly. I must have knocked the stuffing out of her! 'Want any more?' I hissed. She shook her head, tamely. 'No. Please! No.' I was mad as hell with her, and reached down, grabbing the leather of her catsuit beneath her breasts. I pulled her to her feet with one arm and she gasped, tottering slightly as if she was going to faint; then I scooped her up like she had done to me, and crushed her into me, hoping it would hurt. She groaned, looking very groggy. Craig's convertible was in the drive with the top down and I carried Anna's limp body out to it. Before I dumped her down in the passenger seat. I kissed her hard, the same way she had kissed me, trying to suck the air out of her, then I threw her down roughly and grabbed her neck in my powerful fingers. 'If you want to come to dinner again,' I purred, 'you are going to have to learn some manners!' The End.