Crushed by GG A really short story by GG To celebrate my new bookshelf, here is a story for valkyries and their admirers in a hurry. GG Carla had been really mean bitch angry all day. I'd never seen her get mad and it was one of the few times in my life when I actually wet myself with fear. We had been going out for a few months and I had become used to the fact that she was much stronger than I was, both physically and mentally. She worked out hardcore in some sleazy gym, rather than the trendy health club I went to, and was always saying that my place was for soft yuppies. She was as hard as iron, and what you would call rough, from the wrong side of the tracks. She didn't help herself in the charm department by the way she dressed either - heavy biker jackboots, faded jeans, leather jacket. She was deadly, but a deadly attractive five-eleven 170lb brown eyed brunette and a prize-winning amateur bodybuilder. She also did some wrestling to make money and she thought I didn't know about that. She could be sweet with me but she had an atom bomb temper; better to be in the next county when it went off; and it went off that evening. We were just walking back from a bar when this patrol car pulled in and kept pace with us. The officer in the passenger seat made no secret of the fact that he didn't like the look of us, and they crawled along beside us for two blocks; some kind of intimidation thing. Something must have gone down near by and they suspected us; drugs probably, what else. Suddenly it got too much for Carla. She just lost it! 'Why don't you just fuck off!' she yelled at them. I nearly jumped out of my skin! She walked over to the car and kicked the door. The heavy boot, propelled by some of the hardest muscle in the business, crumpled the door like it was made of paper. There was a terrible scream from the car and I tried to take in what had happened. 'My legs broke. My leg's broke!' the guy was screaming. I wet myself when I saw that both of them were going for their guns. Carla was like a wild tigress. She ripped the crumpled door right off its hinges as I watched in disbelief. In a second she was in the car and now they were both cursing and screaming: but not for long. She backed out, leaving the two cops unconscious- at least I hoped it was nothing more than that. She had blood on her face and stared at me with a half crazed expression. 'What's the matter, wimp ?' she sneered. 'Never seen a girl in a fight before ?' The End