A Talk With Stacie By Gerbil A Stepfather tries to change his stepdaughter, but gets more than he bargained for. David followed the trail of dirty clothes through the living room, down the hall, and into Stacie's bedroom. Since his wife had died in a car accident five years ago, Dave had accepted his added duties of cooking and cleaning, but he was reaching a breaking point, tired of acting as a maid to his 16-year-old stepdaughter. Stacie had taken the death of her mother hard, and had retreated into any kind of sport or physical activity to come her way. As he picked up the sweaty, smelly socks, sports bras, and panties and dumped them into the clothes basket, his anger grew and he knew the time had come to lay down some rules. Stacie was old enough to start carrying her weight a little better, and he headed down to the basement to spell it out to her in no uncertain terms. Aside from the washer and dryer in the utility room, Stacey had turned the basement into an elaborate gym with free weights, chinning bars, mats, and a wide array of other fitness equipment. The clanking of weights greeted him as he carried the dirty clothes down the steps. Stacie was on her back in a pair of purple silk shorts, barefoot and wearing a black sports bra. She was laying on her back with her legs wide as she steadily raised and lowered the bar loaded with 175 pounds. Dave had never witnessed her workouts in the past, and was shocked that a 145 pound 5'6" teenaged girl could have such power. "Stacie I want to talk to you." "Just a second Dad; five more reps." David watched her smooth fluid form as the massive weight rose. His young stepdaughter's bronzed arms with a thin gleam of sweat showed incredible hard muscle. Her bare toes pushed against the carpeted flooring and he could see the taut calves and thighs bulge from the effort. Stacie finished the set and replaced the bar on the rack. She then sat up on the bench, bent over and grabbed the towel offering Dave an open view of her scantily clad firm breasts. She wiped the moisture from her chest, then ran the towel over her forehead and through her shimmering auburn hair. "What's up Pop?" Dave watched the young teen as she moved the towel behind her to wipe her neck and a large biceps jumped, grabbing his attention. Her bare midriff was totally exposed and rippled with waves of hard muscle. He had never seen his stepdaughter wearing so little, and whereas he had known that she had always been athletic, seeing the dancing triceps and biceps made him feel uneasy. He was fascinated and a bit in awe of her physique, and Stacie seemed to sense it. He had that same look on his face that half the boys in school got when she beat them at arm wrestling, or flexed her arms or legs for them to run their hands over if she permitted it. She could always tell when a guy was turned on over her powerful young body, and she was getting a kick out of making her stepfather uncomfortable. She kept her bulging biceps flexed and tightened her legs a little more to make him fidget and squirm. Dave looked from her bulging arms and into her knowing smiling face. He quickly looked down to the clothesbasket he was holding, then in his sternest voice said, "I have spent the last 20 minutes scouring the upstairs gathering your dirty clothes scattered everywhere. You're sixteen now, and I want you to start cleaning up after yourself, and to start doing your own wash." Stacie rose from the bench, finished with her workout, and headed toward Dave with a casual smile and saunter. "I didn't know you felt that way." She tossed the sweaty towel into the basket and said, "Is that better?" "Much better." She drew her hands up over her head and grabbed the back of the bra and drew it over her head, leaving herself bare breasted. "How `bout this then?" Dave almost choked with disbelief. He had grown to think of Stacie over the years almost as his own daughter and he couldn't deal with her disrobing in front of him. "Stacie, what are you doing he screamed," but he was unable to take his eyes from her firm full breasts. They were truly incredible, without the least amount of sagging. Stacie merely smiled and watched his wide eyes as she grabbed the waistband of her shorts and panties and bent to move them slowly over her taut muscular legs. All at once, Dave wanted to run away; yell at her; cover her with something, but all he could do was gaze at her naked young muscular body. She moved slowly and seductively toward him causing him to back up against the wall until only the clothesbasket separated them. "Go put some clothes on right now Stacie. This has gone far...." Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a hand grab his crotch from underneath the basket. Against all efforts to control himself, he began to respond to the uninvited groping, as she firmly held him and massaged his balls and cock through his pants. He tried to will his legs to close, but they refused. He wanted to yell at her to remove her hand, but no words came out; only labored breathing. She slowly raised her other arm and flexed, once again producing a bulging mass of power as she held his crotch firmly. "You like my strong body don't you? Look at the way I can make my biceps jump. Maybe later I will have you feel my body and massage it, but first we need to get a few things straight." She reached into the basket and drew out three pairs of lightly stained panties and covered his nose and mouth with them as she held him firmly by the balls. "Now inhale and tell me that you'll gladly wash my dirty undies, and that it will give you great pleasure." The smell of her panties combined with the audacity of the young teen telling him what he would do was the final straw and Dave pushed against the clothes basket with all his might, causing her to lose her grip and fall back. "That's enough young lady. I won't have you talking to me like that, and you will never ever again either touch me as you did, or put your filthy clothing in my face. Understand?" "Ooooh, I see my Pop has a little spirit left in him even at the ripe old age of 36. Well I'm sorry to say that you don't really have any choice in the matter. I have too much going on with my school and sports to start cooking and cleaning, so I expect you to continue to fulfil your role." "I've heard enough young lady, and I don't wish to discuss it further. I'm going upstairs to get some work done, and I expect those clothes washed and folded before you go to bed tonight. And I never want to see you naked again." David put the basket down at Stacie's feet and started heading for the stairs. As he passed by the young teen she suddenly grabbed an arm, stuck a leg out and pushed him firmly so he went crashing face first to the lightly carpeted hard floor. Before he could react, Stacie roughly twisted his arm behind his back and put her hand on his face, holding him immobile as she sat on his back. She leaned over until she was five inches from his face and calmly said, "Maybe you didn't understand. I like things as they are, and not only that, I think you can service me in other ways too." David felt her hand go under his pants and undo his belt and unclasp his pants. He strained to buck her off and free himself, but that only helped her remove his pants and underwear as he struggled beneath her powerful, commanding body. Turning him over, she grabbed and ripped his shirt, sending buttons flying everywhere. He had never encountered such aggression in a female. His wife and every woman he had ever dated had been the passive docile picture of femininity and he had been the one in control. Now he was at the mercy of a powerful young woman who kept his arms captive above his head, with only one of her hands. With her other hand she reached between his legs and grabbed hold of his crotch, and gave his balls a hard tug and squeeze. She moved up and positioned her young body astride his face, until a muscular leg was straddling each side of his head holding it firmly in place. "If you know what's good for your balls, you better start licking." Dave whimpered between her legs as the pain shot through his body. "Please Stacie. Let me go. I'll do the cooking and cleaning, but please don't make me lick you down there." He had always considered oral sex to be disgusting, and now he was given no choice as he saw the moist pubic hairs and could actually smell the musky aroma of her young body. Stacie crushed his balls once again causing him to open his mouth in a scream. Before he could close his mouth, she had moved up to cover him with her sweaty moist opening. He had no choice so he closed his eyes and tentatively licked a small path at her opening. Not satisfied, Stacie drew his legs up towards his head, folded him in half and gave his buttocks a hard slap. "I said lick me." David new he had no choice as his young stepdaughter held him firmly in her grasp. Slowly he moved his tongue into her moist slit, as tears began to form in his eyes, humiliated at being used in such a manner; licking a woman where she pees. Stacie rocked her muscular hips up and back and covered his face with her juices and nearly crushed his skull as she came to orgasm. Not satisfied, she reversed her position and locked Dave's head once again between her thighs as she lay down on top of him, stomach to stomach with her head at his crotch. "Now lick my ass, while I see what your cock tastes like." Dave cried out and pleaded with Stacie to release him. The humiliation of licking a vagina was nothing compared to having to stick his tongue up someone's buttocks. The tears flowed freer as she once again gave his balls a squeeze. He closed his eyes tighter, and gingerly let the tip of his tongue touch her puckered anus. Stacie took a firm hold of his cock and slowly squeezed the shaft until he once again began to get aroused. Slowly she moved expertly up and down his member, until he found himself rock hard. Then he felt her moist warm lips take in the tip of his member and he gasped and forgot that he was being held captive between the ass of a young teen. His tongue involuntarily entered her puckered opening, and Stacie moaned and moved her ass so his tongue was halfway into her hole. She grabbed the tip of his shaft to prevent him from coming, and he thought he would explode. As she rocked and used his face as a human dildo, it was evident that his only job was to please her. He was merely a tool for his teenaged stepdaughter's lusting young powerful body. She came a second time, but refused to let release his load causing his balls to ache further. It was at that point that both of them knew that she owned him, and a mixture of fear and excitement coursed through David as he thought about living under the same roof with this sexually aggressive muscular teen. Stacie recovered and rolled off him. She rose and said "I'm going to grab a shower, and after that I'd like dinner and a massage before bed. David watched as she carried her flawless naked body toward the stairs, with a sense of awe, lust and fear. Slowly he raised his aching body, looked down, and shook his head as grabbed the basket of dirty clothes and headed toward the laundry room.