Little Ms. Perky The fifteen-year-old baby sitter takes control By Gerbil Humbled. That's the only word that I can think of; but maybe humiliated would be more accurate. My wife had abandoned my six-year-old son and me two years ago to "find herself". Last I heard, she was living in the mountains of Tibet with some oversexed Monk. I had finally decided to stop wallowing in my misery and go on a blind date, so I needed a sitter for my son, Jeremy. I checked the phone book for a local temp agency, got a number and made the call, prepared for the date, then "she" arrived. I answered the door and was greeted by a young teen with an armload of books and with her other hand reaching out to shake mine. From the tip of her little blonde pony tail to her Adidas tennis shoes, I could see "perky" written all over her face. I never had a thing for "perky. Always thought it was a bit superficial, and sickeningly sweet. "Hi there, Mr. Brimmer. I'm Jenny, from Starline Temps." Maybe I was a little nervous or was feeling negative about the date, but a bouncy little bubbly teenager was the last thing I wanted to deal with and I was ready to pay her and tell her that the date was cancelled and I wouldn't need her. Before I could respond, she had rushed passed me, set her books down on the coffee table and scooped up Jeremy. I was a bit surprised because Jeremy has always been a little heavy and even at six years old weighed about 75 pounds. She hoisted him in her arms, then supported him with one arm while she played with his mouth with the other hand. "Can I get a smile? What's your name?" She must have held his squirming body for 2-3 minutes until finally I guess he felt there was no escape, seemed to relax, start to smile and shyly answer her questions. I could actually see the muscles in her arm flex and bulge on her five foot, 110-pound frame. Wearing a leotard top and blue running shorts it was apparent that she was some kind of athlete. Her calves and thighs were bronzed and extremely muscular for such a small young teen. She put Jeremy down beside her, and suddenly he grabbed onto one of those muscular legs. She ruffled his hair, then turned her attention back to me. "I just came straight from gymnastics practice at school and didn't have time to grab a shower, so would you mind if I grabbed one? It will only take about 5 minutes." I wasn't used to such a fit young woman, or one who seemed to exude such confidence and just take over. I still had an hour before I had to meet my blind date, so I showed her the bathroom and gave her some towels. Even though I was 6'1" and 185 lbs., still pretty well packaged at 28 years old, I was the one feeling a little awkward and unsure in her presence. She finished her shower and met Jeremy and me in the living room. I was shocked to see my shy son run to her with open arms and once again be hoisted up into her arms. This young woman seemed to have some special power over my normally tentative son. "Why don't we get you a bath and in your jammies and then we can play some games before bedtime. Would you like that?" Jeremy shook his head yes, with a huge smile and she set him down once again. "Okay, show me where your jammies are." Jeremy took her down the hall to his room, and I went to my room to finish last minute preparations. I looked in the mirror, tying my tie, and wondered why I was dreading this evening so much. I grabbed my jacket, then went to the bathroom. Jenny was bent over the tub and with soapy hands was washing Jeremy's chest and moving below the water to wash his tiny penis. As I watched her soapy hands move over his young body and could see the satisfied smile on Jeremy's face, I couldn't remove my eyes for some reason, and just watched, speechless. She directed him to stand so she could wash his bottom, then with soapy hands cleaned his buttocks inside and out. She finally rinsed him off, then lifted him out of the tub and began to dry him off. "Oh hi Mr. Brimmer. I didn't know you were there." Shaken from my daze, I felt my face flush as if caught some illicit act. Jenny fortunately didn't seem to notice as she went back to drying Jeremy. I watched again as she dried his hair, then slowly moved down his body to dry his bottom and crotch. I was mesmerized, as she seemed to show his little penis a little extra time and care, moving the towel slowly and gently over it. I think I saw Jeremy's penis start to respond, but perhaps it was just my imagination. Jenny suddenly looked up and caught me staring and with a sly grin, asked "Anything you needed to tell me before you go?" I cleared my throat, put on my jacket and briefly gave her the lowdown on available food, emergency numbers, and the time I would be home. She scooped a naked Jeremy up once again in her arms and surprisingly he hugged her neck, wrapped his legs around her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Well thank-you Jeremy. That was nice. Now let's get you dressed for bed, okay?" He shook his head wildly and squealed, "But we get to play first?" It was incredible. He was putty in the hands of this young vibrant teenager. I left them alone and headed out, meeting my date at the Benadine Restaurant. I was right. I should have been negative about it. This woman was 80 lbs. overweight with bucked teeth and a voice that sounded like fingernails on a blackboard. I tried to keep my attention on my date, but my mind kept returning to my young fit babysitter and the bath I had witnessed. Dejectedly I dropped off "Sally" at 9:15 PM, ending the disastrous date, and headed home. I pulled into the driveway and entered the house, but there was no sign of Jenny or Jeremy. I headed to Jeremy's room and saw that he was in his bed fast asleep, but still no Jenny. I looked in the kitchen, then the study, and then heard a "thump" coming from the basement. I rushed down the steps and got the shock of my life. There sprawled out naked on one of my old mats was the muscular teenager..naked "Jenny, what are you doing?!" Surprised, Jenny looked up and jumped to her feet, grabbing a nearby towel to cover herself. "Mr. Brimmer! I didn't expect you home for another three hours. Jeremy has been asleep for an hour and I wanted a workout, so I have been practicing my floor routine on your mat. I always practice naked at home `cuz it feels good. Hope you don't mind." The towel covered her breasts and ended just below her blond pubic hair but the muscles I had perceived earlier were even more pumped from the workout and were accentuated by a thin sheen of sweat. Her embarrassment did not last long, and she was immediately back in her composed, assured and buoyant personality, almost to the point of being cocky. "Well I guess there's no need for this," she said, as she casually tossed the towel to a chair. "You've seen everything there is to see." Just what I needed to end a perfectly miserable evening. A 15 year old tease, flaunting her naked body provocatively in front of me. It had been two years since I had been with a woman, and I had never been with a female athlete. She was a perfect package of young female power and muscle and seemed to be enjoying the effect she was having on me. I just stared, unable to speak or move. Finally I moved toward her pile of clothes on the floor and picked them up. I handed them to her, but she merely pushed them aside and put her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly to her hard young body. I pushed down as hard as I could on her forearms, but was unable to break her strong hold. I tried to get my hands in between us to push off from her chest, but she molded her body to mine. I towered over her by a foot and outweighed her by 75 pounds, but she was able to maneuver me around the room at will. "Okay Jenny. It's time that I take you home. Now let go and get dressed." "My parents weren't expecting me home before midnight, so we have some time to play. You seem a little shy. You're pretty cute, for an older guy." I felt her right leg snake around my left and before I knew what she was planning, we both headed toward the mat. She wound up landing on top and knocked the breath out of me. A wild wrestling match ensued in which I found my self totally overmatched in speed and strength. Flat on my back I was placed in a head scissors by her strong legs, which allowed her to remove my shoes, pants and underwear. I twisted and yelled as best I could, but this 110 pound teen was overpowering me and was in total control. She released her hold on my head and twisted around, putting my legs into a grapevine, then she easily removed my shirt by popping all the buttons and tearing it from my back. I could feel her vagina at my crotch, and although I was held totally helpless by her young strong body, my penis was responding, growing hard. She released the grapevine and moved up to put me in a schoolboy pin. I could smell the sweat scent of her vagina just inches from my face as she held me captive. I kicked up with my legs to try and catch her head and throw her off, but she grabbed my legs and removed my socks, so that I was now totally naked. Finally she released me and rose. She reached down and dragged me up to a standing position by the arms. Reaching behind me, she placed her hands below my buttocks and lifted me off the ground, directing me to put my legs around her waist and arms around her neck. I couldn't believe how I was being manhandled and told what to do, but this young woman had already proven her superior strength and there was nothing I could do but cooperate. She carried me easily up the stairs and headed toward the bathroom, making me feel like the six-year-old child instead of the strapping grown adult. "Jenny this has got to stop. I want you to get dressed to leave now. I promise to pay you for the extra two hours." Jenny just laughed. "You're cute. Do you really think you have a say in the matter anymore? I saw the way you were wishing you could change places with Jeremy when he was having his bath, so now you will get your chance." I tried to push past her once again, but found my arm firmly twisted behind my back, bent over the vanity with my legs spread wide. I felt her other hand shoot between my legs and firmly grab my balls, sending a shooting pain through I body. I screamed in agony, "Okay okay. Please. You're hurting me. Let go!" " I'll release you, but I want you to be a good boy, just like Jeremy and let me bathe you, then we'll go to your bedroom for some more fun." "Jenny, this isn't right. I can't do.." "Okay okay. Please don't squeeze anymore." I felt like a six year old as I waited for the bath to be drawn, then felt further demeaned as she made me allow her to pick me up and place me gently in the water. She proceeded to wash my hair and my whole body as I was forced to sit there and take her cooing and telling me that I was such a good little boy. I never felt so helpless in my life. "Okay now, spread your legs so I can wash your penis." "Please Jenny. Haven't you done enough?" I saw the stern look on her face, so slowly I opened my legs for her exploring soapy hands. Although I was totally humiliated, being her plaything, she had obviously had experience with the male anatomy and had me hard in a matter of seconds. She then instructed me to kneel as she had done earlier to Jeremy. I had never had a woman explore my buttocks before and I tensed up, but she ordered me to relax and as her slippery fingers slowly went up and down the crack of my bottom, then entered my hole, that combined with her stoking my balls and penis was the most exhilarating feeling I had ever experienced. I felt like I was totally her's at that point, and she knew she was in complete control. I was in bliss as she continued to stroke and explore me. I felt my heart beating faster and my ragged breaths almost heaving as my body longed for release. Just as I felt I would explode, she grabbed my penis and balls firmly, preventing my orgasm. I begged for release, but all she would say was, "In time." She picked me up so I stood motionless before her, still with my raging hardon, then she proceeded to dry me thoroughly. I had learned that this young muscular beauty was far superior to me, so my begging and pleading would fall on deaf ears. She hoisted me once again easily up in the air to straddle her beautiful young body and proceeded to my bedroom. "Now I'll show you how we tuck bigger boys into bed."