Closing Time By Gerbil Young male finds his muscular dream girl It was just about closing time, and it felt pretty good when Mr. Akerman gave me the keys to the store, told me he was leaving, and not to forget to lock up. That was the only high point of being sixteen, dateless, and working in a sporting goods store on a Friday night. I only had a half-hour to play "Manager" before I closed, and there probably wouldn't be any more customers, but it felt good to be in charge. I was busy straightening up the stockroom in the back when I was surprised to hear the little bell on the door. I yelled, "Be right out," and finished sticking three pairs of Adidas size 9s back on the top shelf. I entered the store's showroom, and was surprised to see my classmate Jenny, looking over the shoe assortment. I had known Jenny ever since we were in first grade, but we had never established a friendship. Both of us were pretty much loners; me with my books, and her getting involved with every sport offered. Most of my buddies thought she had too much muscle for a girl, but I think that is why I had always been attracted to her. I used to love to sneak around during gym class and find out her times and scores in the various standardized fitness tests. I would be amazed with her athletic feats, surpassing most of the males, and of course beating my meager scores in every category. She was an unapproachable superior being in my mind. Every year in school, I tried to get a seat two or three rows behind her so I could sneak looks at her body as it developed over the years. I first started noticing muscles in her young arms and legs when she was only ten. I looked forward to the start of school just for that reason, and now I was going to wait on her and have to say more than just hi to her. She was a customer. I slowly moved toward her and worried that she could possibly read my mind over the years, and knew that I am totally obsessed with her body. The self-imposed guilt made my heart pound faster as I approached her and I would have headed the other way as I always had done, but I had a job to do. She was dressed in cutoffs and a T-shirt, thrown on for comfort, but to me she was a vision. Her dark brown hair hung loosely just below her ears, and I could plainly see the muscles in her legs and arms as she examined the shoes. I was actually shaking as I moved closer and looked at her stocky young body back to me. "May I help you ma'am?" She turned to face me and we were eye to eye, both 5'7" tall. I had never stood so close to her, and as I looked into her large brown eyes I suddenly felt paralyzed and dwarfed by her. She calmly smiled and said "Oh hi Stan. I didn't know you worked here." I moved my gaze past her, unable to hold the stare and meekly smiled back. "Yeah, I've been here about 6 months. I'm closing tonight," I bragged. Jenny didn't seem overly impressed and told me that she was interested in a pair of Nike cross trainers, so she took a seat and I went to the back to retrieve them. I was almost hyperventilating as I dug around the various boxes searching for her size. I finally found a couple pairs with various styles and returned to her. She had taken off her old pair of shoes, plus her socks, and was casually waiting for me. "I'd like to get some footies too," she said as I approached. I grabbed a pair from the rack and took a seat in front of her on the little stool we use. She placed both feet between my spread thighs on the flat surface and I tried to keep my composure as I looked down at her bare feet and muscular calves. I tore the footies from the plastic bag, and didn't really know how far to go, but when she held her right foot up, she indicated that I should put them on her. It was the first time I had ever touched her, as I took her warm calf in my hand and slipped the footie over her toes and around her heel. I was visibly shaking, and I think that was the first time that Jenny sensed that something more was happening than a shoe sale. "Are you okay?" I jumped, and felt myself blush as if she had read my thoughts. "Sure, I'm fine." I took her other foot which she offered to me, put the footie on, then put it in one of the shoes and laced it up, sneaking peeks at her firm round calve muscle. I tried to resist, but as I was bending over, I suck a peek over her tanned large thighs, and at the narrow slit of her cutoffs got a quick glimpse of her panties. I was tying the remaining shoe when she said, "Do you miss dating when you have to work?" I nearly broke a lace, but shyly said, "No, I need to save money for college, and I don't really have anyone to go out with anyway." Jenny rose to test the shoes and said, "I know what you mean. I don't really date either. I think I'm probably too "big" to attract guys." "Oh, you're wrong... I mean, I think lots of guys would like to date you." Jenny smiled, then moved towards a rack with tank tops and running shorts. "I'd like to try these on if that's okay. Are you going to be open a while longer?" I looked at my watch with only five minutes 'til closing, but assured her that she had all the time in the world. Ten minutes later, Jenny came out of the dressing room dressed in the blue tank top and matching silk shorts. I had never seen her look so beautiful. Her biceps were full but not ripped like a bodybuilding, and the cut of the shirt allowed me a view of her strong chest and cleavage. The shorts clung to her round full buttocks and I watched her move to the three-way mirror in awe. She asked me to come closer and wanted to know my opinion. "I think it's very attractive on you." "You don't think it makes me look too big? It does show that I'm pretty muscular." I didn't know how far I should go. I wanted to tell her she was a goddess, but I tried to remain professional. "It's a very flattering outfit on you. Some people like muscles on girls, so you shouldn't worry about being strong." She turned and smiled and said, "Believe me, I don't worry about being strong. I like my muscles. I've always had them and guess I always will. It's just a problem sometimes finding guys who aren't intimidated by my body. I don't think I should pretend to be weak and frail just to get a date; do you?" I was hoping against hope that our conversation was leading somewhere, and that she was not just teasing me. I had to take a chance. "I think you should be yourself, and I think you're very attractive, and any guy would be lucky to date you." Jenny smiled and moved closer and stopped about a foot from me. I held my breath and stared at a safe spot on her shoulder, not knowing what to do, and fearing what might come next. I saw her raise her right arm out of the corner of my eye and she flexed her arm slowly making her biceps contract into a large round smooth ball of hard muscle. "Feel it." "What?" "I said feel it. I think you want to don't you?" I felt myself blushing again, but slowly my hand rose to her arm and for the first time I was actually feeling the beautiful arm which I had watched grow over the years. I actually started to get an erection. When Jenny noticed it I apologized, but she eased my mind by telling me not to worry and that she was flattered by my reaction. Jenny then moved to the section with weights and picked up a curling bar with 85 pounds on it. She slowly started to move it up and down in steady reps and her biceps became larger and larger as veins began to appear. She invited me over and told me to stand behind her and put my hands on her arms as she steadily lifted. It was amazing to me to be so close to her strength and actually experience it in action. My erection grew harder and I know she must have felt it as she backed up into me. After 30 reps, she was totally pumped, and she flexed once again allowing me to feel her hard blood-engorged muscles. She slowly released her flex, then turned and said, "If you want to ring up my things after I change, I'd like to grab a movie or something with you." I couldn't believe what I was hearing and stammered, "Uh... sure." I watched her big strong young body move to the dressing room and clenched my fist and silently screamed "Yes!" Maybe it would never go anywhere, but tonight I was a Manager, going out with a dream. I was in heaven.